Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, November 06, 1819, Image 1

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Noveraber 6, 1819.
it combined a clearing of the neighboring’
scasof pirates, ie respect 10 yes.
Sols Weking Bonafide andor tic patriot fags,
The last employment of this gallant officer)
from bis pe Ket, and held it out to the em-
pero: $4 4,0 twas from that book he bad)
derived a suppoit wiiich had enabled Fk
to maintain composure amidst the general
alarm. The emperor holding out his hand
either to take the bible or to put it to him,
it fell on the ground and in falling it opened
on the 91st Psalm. The prince taking it
up, said-—¢ see, sire it has opened on the
94 Im ; and to the refuge here point-
: «emt strangers to come in. My business has de-
CONDITIONS. ; tained me 80 long, that I feel as safe now
se price of iis paper ds am delavelere ast T hut removed—ior te country
% pal fy ‘cents per annum—Dbut if paid half} es is sickly—and the neighboring
yearly in advance, two dollars only will be
Ad rertisements, making no more in
lentth then breadth, will be inserted three
tira s for one dollar ; and for every subse-
quent continuance twenty- -five cents.—
TS, se of greater length in proportion.——
Role ov figure work double those rates.
Nb subscription will Be received for less
thanjone year; nor any paper discontinu-
.&d until all arrearages are paid.
If the subscriber does not request a dis.
continuance of his paper, at the end of the
“year, it will be considered as a new engage:
ment ; and the paper forwarded according-
Subscribers who have their papers car-
ried by the mail, must be liable for the pos:
Letters addressed to the editor must be
post paid.
“FHtractiothe Editor of the Balt. Patrin
New Orteans, Sept. 18, 1819.
1 wish it was in my power to give you a
resorts over the lakes are all crowded, and therefore wag a high compliment to the dis-
if Igo now, I shall not think it safe to re- crimiinating powers of his mind; as well as
turn until December. I have strong con- his professional skill and courage,
- ER —
From the Sketch Book No. ITI,
« Man
fidence in the Father of Mercies, that I
shall be spared, and that in case of an at-
tack I shall survive it. is :
ed out it is my earnest prayer that you ma
be di d ¥ hth r ee " y ; him forth into
; « he welleth in the se-
e girected 3 ha e “the struggle a and bustle of the world.
b : | igh, she ide]. .: ; :
sret place of the Most High, ishall abide 1s but the embellishment of his early life,
This is a sorry ac-
is the creature of interest and
count, but it is a true one, and I write to His nature leads
you because mary worse may appear.
We have lodged in jail 18 pirates, taken
isitana and Alabama—and such is the de-
off the Tortugas, by the two cutters, under the shadow of the Almighty.”
or a song piped in the intervals of the acts.
{He seeks for fame, for fortune, f a
John Cleves Symmes. That persevering or fortune, for space in
philgsopher Jonn Cleves Syr mmes s
yet ‘set out on his travels (0 the i
pravity of our citizens, that they arg alrea
dy advocating them, aud preparing. to give
a favorable prejudice to the pu blic mind
previous to their trial. I doubt if they do
not all get clear, unless the judge has pow-
er to order a special ry, in Which case
hey may vad] ance of a swing. “Othe
crwise a promiscuous jury of French, Span-
iards; &c. could not be packed here to find
a verdict of guilty ; for it would bean even
the world’s thought, and dominion over his
fellow n men. But a woman’ ’S wh ole life i is a
history of the affec tion 's. The hear t is
her world : it is there her ambition strives
for empire; 1t 1s there her avarice seeks
i She gends Healt her
sympathies on adventure— she embarks
her whole soul on the traffic of affection 3
and if shipwrecked, her case is hopeless—
for itis a bankruptcy of the heart, |
« Toa man, the disappoiritiz ent of Jove
may dccasion, some bitter pan gs—it wounds
the earth; for uo other reason probal ply than
becavse the incredulous world will not fur
hish a suffic ient pumber of enterpri
Be vba HO a Ete A
choice spi J to accompany him. He con-!
ge however to inform and amuse the
public bf his speculations respecting con-
centric spheres and hollow planets,
den trégaung
él He
chance, that one at feast of the jury might{, vecently published a long essay to show
good account from this devoted city but far
be one of their own kidney. You will have
‘from it is the case. Since the 1st of Aug. ) : will
: ¢he particulars in the papers to ‘which 1
that the rays of the sun may warm and en-
it has been very sickly, and constantly in. lighten the thner world through the open-lssme feeling re of tenderness—it blasts some
ngs at hic gses to be}
ings at the poles which he suppo [pros
from one to two thousand miles in diameter. (be
He says « there must of necessity be re
creasing ; the ecntagilon which it has pleas-
pects of felicity ; but he is an aciive
eing ; he can dissipate his tb oughte in
“|the whirl of varied occupation, or plunge
into the tide of plea
The question has often been asked, how
ed Divine Providence to send among us,
: -
has within a tortnicht assumed an alarming
appearance, and some say resembles more latively threc summers and three winters,
in is it that the Russian coury, formerly the
sure ; ory .if the scene
lot disappointment be too full of painful ase
saciations, he can shift his abode at will; and
a plague than any thing else. In some each year, close under the polar verges in;
icentious upon the continent, should
fpost, Nechtiads wpe 2 He concludes his article
I # stances, a person has fallen a victim in the the concave.”
iy: sterday of a Mr. Dundas; who kept a
the’ tase lend all its influence and support to the
cause of the bible societies? When Alex-
ander came to the throne, the court still re-
tained the same character. The outward
form of religion was Observed; but its in-
fluence was despised. The bible was only
3 and the term
i Rt
“course of
: wi ing amusing paragraph. : : boos as :
12 hours, was with the following amusing paragraf taking as it were the wings of the morn-
Western Monitor. |.
ling, he can fly to the uttermost part of
Soda shop, and waited on his customers ¢ A stranger lately accosted me In the (yo earth, and be at rest.
inperfect healph till 3 5 RX clock P.M. ~~COm-
| plained a little of drow $i ess and a pain “in
street, and declared that he believed my| © But a women’s is comparatively a fix
theory true, because; said he, heat always, led, a s ecluded; and a meditative life, She
rises, therefore the earth could not contin- is more the companion of her own thoughts
and if they are turned to
ministers of sorrow, where shall she
Fh head— went home and laid down—was
¢ bible
| seized with the black vomit,
known by name
and was in his and feelings ;
lly vield it, as is certainly the case—un-
reader,” ually y ’ y ;
“was used as an epithet of ridienle
and reproach. The Emperor himself was
devoted to pleasure, and lived in violation
of the law of God—l¢ had been married to
an amiable and pious princess; but they
Others get along TWO, three and four days ;
“but m the case ol black vomit, ery few
Nrcire. The next bad symptom is & sup-
pression of urine ; the physicians are be-
we . & Yan)
grave 14 hours wlicr he went less the sun shone in at the poles, so as to Joo,
produce heat within ; and he added that a for consolation ! Her lot isto be wooed
pot of water would hot get hot, nor ice
readily melt, by building a fire over,oron
and won ; and if unhappy in her love, ber
heart is like some forucss that has been
Although I do not fully concur in
captured and, sacked, and abandoned aud
were shortly after separated, and during Lk. desolate?
coming more familiarized to it, though it ) . al
four years they never met. Prince Galitzin
appeared at first to baffle all their skill.
The fever assumes so many different shapes
the application he makes of his position, yet
find reason to believe that all the heat
which comes out of the earth, has not pre-
previously entered the surface here.”
Brooklyn, L. I. Sept. ;
Assault, Battery and Kobbery.--Yester.
day as a gentleman was passing through
one of the most public streeis of this vile
was the constant companion of the empe-
were born on the same day, educated to.
gether, and united by the closest ties of
friendship. The highest place in the chureh
and state becoming vacant by the death of
the incumbent, the emperor presented it
{to his friend, who at first refused 1t, ailedg-
‘has taken off some of the natives, and.
ing his entire ignorance of religion, but he
was prevailed on to accept it. Upon the
first interview which he had “afterwards
with the venerable archbishop of Platoff,
viet -|he requested of him some book that would
Some say 60 per day have gone to their give him a concise view of the christian re-
ligion ; the Bishop surprised at the ignor-
ance he confessed referred him to the bi-
ble. The prince replied that he could not
think of reading the bible. % Then,” said
the archbishop, ¢¢ there is no other book
that they really do not know what to call ror in ail ‘bis persuits_ of pleasure.
it—though 1t is generally termed the yel- ————
Passage across the Isthmus of Darien.
Baron Humbolt offers nine points which
have each been suggested as suitable points
from which a canal across from the atlantic,
Abercombie made some minute surveys on
pt away whole families of sever or
| low fever—and in several instances lage, he was attacked, knocked down, and
SWE robbed at noon day. He recovered so far
as to get upon his feet, and so well plied
his umberella, that he recovered the greats
est part of his property that had been for
ced from him ; but we are SOrTY to add,
eight, Strangers have been the principal
victims to this dreadful calamity, though it!
to the pacific oceari could be made.
‘those of long residence.
died I © Say ; DO accounts are allowed
to be published, and reports are so various
How many have
1 - sor i 1 .
cannot the same subject some years ago, and laid{ 1. 1}e rohber made off with a small ar
his calculation and estimate of the labor
: {tion of plunder, a bloody nose and several
before the British ministry ; but nothing
contusions of the ribs. ;
Lest, however, this act of barefaced out-
\rage should occasion more alarm than is.
intended, to - the peaceable inhabitants of
lour village it may not be amiss to add’
{that the gentleman wae carrying home a
that no confidence can be placed in them
has been dene.
Itis supposed that in case
long home; while the greatest number I
can ascertain was on the 9th instant, which
31. This you will say is bad enough.
. 1 believe the average per day from the 1st
of August would nof exceed 20. The
an independent government should be cs-
tahlished in Mexico, the project will be re.
vived. The waters of the gulf are said to]
be considerably higher than those in the
Pacific ocean, owing to the trade winds,
bunch of turnips in his hand, that a hungry:
weather has been cold for the last few days|
and it is said by the physicians that the
cases are diminishing, and becoming more
mild and yielding to medicine,
The American doctors nearly all pursue
the same practice—first bloed-letting, and
.. then bringing on a salivation immediately,
both by ward and outward applications of
mercury, It will be very unsafe, and at
the great risk of life for any strangers to
come here before December, and indeed
ior those who have gone to spend the sum.
mer to the north. In short, the doctors all
agree, that a smart frost alone will put an
end to this deadly poisoned atmosphere,
and say Christmas will be early enough for
nor will there ever be oney irom which you
can get a correct view of the christian re-
vately to purchase a bible and read it.
When the projected invasion of the
Frenchy 1n 1812, threw the whole court in,
a state of alarm and agitation, prince Galit-|
The emperor observed that he had noticed
the calmness the prince had displayed, and
not doubting his loyalty, it had excited his
The prigee drew a little bible
Here they parted, but the words
of the archbishop remained on the mind of
the prince and at length he resolved pri-
did so, and the eects were visible in his!
alone appeared to remain unmoved:
which blowing from the east, heap them
up and force them to escape through the
straights of Florida, thereby occasioning
what we call the gulf stream.
TE —
The Washington City Gazette, in its}
obituary of gommodore Perry, says, dur
ing the summer of the present year; com-
modore Perry was selected by government
for an active command in in the American
There is no reason to believe that at
the time of his death, the object of his
cruise had not been completed- That ob-
ject as we have heard it suggested, which
required great delicacy as well as vigor in
the execution—dor, as has been suppos 2d,
: 5
cow scented and eyed the tempting morsel 5
that she silently followed and suddenly
snatched it from his grasp : that a severe
conflict ensued ; that the cow (which had a
bar across her hoves) knocked the propri.
etor of the turnips flat upon his back ; tha
he recovered himself; and $0 belaboured the
assailant with nis wmberella, that she rap
off, leaving the best part of the turnips wii
the rightiul owner,
A Counsellor of Necessity. ~The late
Dr. De Ja Cour, of Cork, baving once to
reprove a, counsellor rather unlearned in
the law, told him he was a counsellor of
Necessity. “ Necessity,” exclaimed thay
briefless barrister, « how so? * « Becans ses
replied the docior, niccessity knowy a