Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, October 16, 1819, Image 1

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Hge Ghee
SE NID ¥G, October 16. 18109,
7 hed CAL 03
ar 23
Of what a source of amusement were the
prived ! Whiten Ca
(raul twenty or thivly da
| T1160 NS: sar was b hte
Lhe price of this paper is’ two dodlans
!Jifiy cond per anpum—bat if paid hall
yearly in advance, two dollars only will be
“ho weed.
Advertisements, making no more in
wrth then breadth, will be inserted three
times for ong dollar 3. and for every subse
guent continuance twenty five cents —
Those of greater length in proportion.—
Rule or figure work double those rates.
No subscription will be received for less
than one year; nor any paper discontinu
ed until all arre: rages are paid.
If the subscriber does not request a dis
continuance of his paper, at the end of the
year, it will be considered as a new ci SARC
ment; and the paper forwarded according
ancients de
ng in ¥S ‘were ne
: cessary to-convey the news ob victory, and
more of a defeat, to the seat of empire.
And even then much time clasped before
the peuple were accura And
of what source of amusement are not we 10
edge should we nai have had of the history
: %
every if newspapers had not been introduc
dd ?
This jostitution, I fear not to assert, is is
tely informed.
what ao
Ww hat }
be deprived ! it an accurate knowl”
of past ages, now buried in oblivion
ts most perfect state in this country, 1
have often wondered at the conduct of ths
subjec i
Subscribers whe have their papers car
British Government on this
opher ; we a would pmphatically call man an
stectiongeiing S04 mal 3” this app lation
conveys &p Idea of qualities waich we con-
ceive no brute animal can possibly lay
claim to; the fondling of a dog has some.
'mzs shaken but
our position a little :
when we consider that his caresses are al-
ways sincere, our doubts are removed ;
late circumstances have convinced us th
¢ talents of electioneering are pe culiar to
nan, and'that in fatlure he ought to be dis-
tinguished as an « clectioneering aningal”’
3 Pittsburgh papier.
wdl.yy Esq of Westmoreland county re
Jor the Dysentary.—William
ommends from experience, any commoy,
ried by the mail, must be liable for the : )S-
Letters addressed to the editor must be
post paid. oi
SE , a2
This folio of four pages, happy work!
diffusion of knowledge is certainly one «
the frst obj: :cts which an enlightened ¢
‘| Great Britain by laying a heavy stamp duty]
in view. And vot
ernment onght to have
on papers, so that few can purchase them
is not the case heve, and I hope never wily!
evidently counteracts this diffusion.
‘Which not even critics criticise ; that holds
Inquisitive attention -
What is it but a map of busy life ;
1ts fluctuations, and its vast concerns!
Cowper's Task, b 4.
The origin of newspapers is of very an-
We can trate something like
be. It is an indelible stain on any govern.
ment. Bat this is a still less grievous evil
than the tyranny of the préss, which in a
greater or less degred exists in the conti-
nental nations. Where there is
liberty of the press, the people must always
not the
cient date.
their institution in the mangled remains of
he held i in intcllectual thraldom.—A news
early Roman antiquities. This institution
. , Le
however was very imperfect in comparison | Papel will then inform the truth which they,
to that of modern times ; the Roman Gaz-|must believe, are only truths, because the
dhe _ ~ ’ 4
5 3 an
etts contained nothing more than the te- government wishes them to be so, and are
i strictly forbidden to believe any other thing
&vents, and were of course extremely rare.
ot public transactions and public
than that, which has received the stamp of
There is hardly any other institution in governmental approbation. Liberty of the!
* eivilized nations which can claim pre-emin-
ence over newspapers, when they are prop-
erly conducted. They diffuse over the na-
tion a general knowledge of its political
state ; and this knowledge will in general
press is the first and the most holy of our
civil rights. Without it what are we ?
Te dupes of tyranny and bigotry : with-|
out it, all the noble qualities of nature are
Plighted j without it even freedom herself
becomes adangerous light like the fice that
is kindled on the ocean rock, to warn the |
seafaring man, that its approach ig peril
and its contact destruction.
for if one give an incor.
‘.e very accurate j
rect statement; another newspaper
shame it ioto a sense of its most important
duty, which is impartial veracity. A man
who is most o_cupied in business, as well[ Irom the number of newspapers in our
3 : country, we may form an accurate ide
as the most indolent reader, who never took Ys 2 OF
the literary —
up a book since he escaped from the eye of y information of the people.
A There are far more newsp
his preceptor, 15 never deterred from read : a R spapers in the U.
he subjects of ordinary States than in any country under heaven
ing the paper. .
ing pat of equal population,
I was astonished the
reading an account of their
(number in the National Tnielligencer—aond «
(they increase by several hundred
on the wing. Discussions are discussed
3 y fo 3
re frequently drawn from it,
conversation are {frequent
{other da ya
and every one feel§ ashamed to be ignorant
What a fund of ent
tainment do not the newspapers afford to
the inhabitants of the country, When
papers arrive, expectation and interest are
on common topics. r=
A correct definition of man has been al
lesideratum for some thousands of years ;
over again, opinions canvassed and rejected
IL a
ppears to have been involved in as much |
or approved : and a thousand collateral re-
fie The affairs of the
most distant parts of the nation and events
loubt as that of the soul. He js distin- |
ctions introduced,
guished by sonie philosophers ag « being a
reasoning animal, and capable of formin
i not appear t
be a sufficiently distinctive mark, as it is |
th that freedom of which a rational being
> shrewdly suspected that dogs and elephants
The paper takes
The aged will read and discuss
‘hich happéenec v a few ddys ago, are :
which happened only a few days ago, syllogisms,” this however did 0
universally koown, and commented on
01 aver ha diy tee
should never be divested. have sometimes been dete
plans, and of being able
cted in forming
its rounds. consequently of
comprehending the principles
every thing that relates to solid ancient
subjects ; the young will relish anecdotes:
aad real or attempted wit,—The farmer
of major,
and consequence, he has again
been called an «imitative being
i as
renratel ramming the aotat “QL 4 3
will accurately examine the state of domes the monkey tribe have some pretensions to
Yic and foreign markets, and with an orac-|ihis characteristic, it scems generally to be |
Aa tra AYE Rb FA SPrRRA aA 3
ular visage emit shrewd prophesies con given up. = Plato called him a « two legged
cerning the ensuing year. The soldier will {animal without feathers +’ Diogenes de.
» y i A Ng”
devour every thing that regards foreign|stroyed this definition by de
war, and embracing one side of contending
his he battles
e lost and won, discant on the misar
of its feathers and thro wing it into the myidst |
parties relate to arers how of the disciples, whilst the learned philos
opher was in the middie of a We
¢ probably
defin nition than
head of a pai los-
yas lecture.
rangement of the troops that were vanquish-{are led to believe that ‘we hav
ed, and demonstrate how the y mig
‘it haveldiscovered a more correct
turned the scale of victory. lias ever yet entered the
Ui hited States nf 23,750,000 dollars per ann. |
*priving a cock |!
|mone, a short distance from Algesiras, be-
such as salts, jalep, or rheubarb,
1s an effectual eure for the Dyscntary. |
When prepared medicine cannot be procur-|’
ody tHe white-g@a. fut bark bolted dow mito al
consistency to make pills, will answer as |
well as any other purgative. From the. fit. |
merous instances Mr. Findley
recites, n
which this remedy has been successful
we cannot doubt that it is the most effica-
cious and easy cure for this af cting dis-
ease that has hitherto been discovered.
: A ——————
From the Demrcratio Press,
Mr. Binys—Though it is very well
known i; this city and vicinity that RYE i
lan ex cat sul bstitu.e > for Coffee it may not
tbe rts known and I wish it made
public as possible. since both Zealth and
* economy are alike interested in the
(tate being adopted. © The Rye shou!d be
{prepared by one yp» avteriafan hours boiling
i —then dried and roasted—nat burnt. Cof.|
lee is very apt to injure the head, causing
1a vertigo, in consequence of which, two ot
my family’were obliged to 1
use of ity near two years since. Rye has
no injurious quality. A family y of 8 persons |
will use 24 lbs. coffee a week, at breakf: as
alone ; a 30 cents per Ib. gives 73
cents per week, or 39 dollar
Rye is 80 cents per bushel,
half cents per quart ;
S$ per ann,
or two and a;
3 pints will serve the |
same family for a week, leaving a balance
of 71 cents per week, or 36 dollars 92 cents
per year, in favor of the Rye ! Let us carry
the calculation farther, and suppuse there |
are 1,250,000 families in the United States, |
cach of whom would save halt the above |
sum, or 19 dollars yearly, by the use of
Rye instead of Coffee, (which calculation
would be considerab! ly within bounds,) we|
shall have a clear o gain to
the people of the
T he best judges wili be deceived by tak-|
jing the Rye for Coffee;
if properly made. |
er this who will have the ‘eff ontery toj
mplain of hard ‘times and continue the |
‘use of Coffee 1n his fa amily ? Were Congress!
to lay a heavy duty on the article of Coffee, |
las well as many articles of manufactured |
XY OL ds,
g it would tend greatly to benefit the
coyntry. L.
ell 31 De
Gibraltar July 2.
The disputes between the British officers
land those of the American, squadron have
been amicably
adjusted, Notwithstanding r
th 'owever, all the precautions and rigid or-
ders, as well on the part of gen. Don as
he American commodore, a second meet-
| 6
ing was arranged and took place at the Pul-
tween capt. Johntson, of the 64th regiment, |
d lieut. Stockton, of the Erie, Capt
Girdlestone was the friend of capt. John-
stone, and My. Bo utne, purser of the Erie
the friend of Mr,
es had
clingaish the |
twenty are on the Oldhaty;
received. —Seven persons in all a
Stockton, Sots dish
greement took phar as te the nade of firs
ng, wh ich produc ced an animated dis CUBS
ion among the. parties, but fortunately capt.
Girdlestone succeeded in makiug the coma
batants sensible that they had on a previa
ous occasion sufficiently demonstrated their
courage, and done all that was necessary
on the point of honor, consequently there
‘existed no neces sity at thatmoment for a
sanguinary contest, and he therefore pro=«
posed thavin place of continuing the diss
cussion asto the made of firing, they should
discuss the causes of the dispute, and ' en
deavor to settle 1t in an amicable as well as
honorable manner. Bourne assented
to the proposal; and finally capt Girdiestone
convinced his friend capt. Johnstone of the
propriety of his making an apology, which
being made, the parties shook hands, and
ire y Fa my affude wehich has Xe
| citeduhere” 1 no. common anxiety, because
from the well known characters”of all the
‘individuals concerned, a fatal resuit was
| eheially anticipated : and perhaps it vas
entirely owing to the intervention of capt.
Girdlestone that the affair was thus arrangs
ed. This proves how much depends on
the conduct of seconds on those occasions
capt. G. been governed by the
tordinary rules among duelists, he would
y g
have considered it tos late to attempt ace
fcommodation after the parties: had oot
ithe ground of combat.
A curious ¢
circumstance arose out otf
affair- The American Officers, . fearing
‘some interruption on the part of the Span-
's crew, well
3 med to attend them to the pl ¢- of meet»
ish Authorities, caused a hoa'’s er
ing. A Spanish guard ede aps
peared, threatening to seize all the
(The sailors rushed on the guard, took
away their arms, and kept them under an
larrest until the whole bt usiness was closed.
» fe
The Governor of Algesiras, it apy ,
is in a great rage at thecoaduct of his guard
{and much exasperated a Ameri
{cans for having committed, what he calls,
against the -
an unpardonable insult to the Government
The I
‘ever, is that we a
of Spain. Iain matter of fact, how"
I laugh at the affair, and
‘consider it merely a very natural frolic for
sailors to perform,
Latest from England d.-~By the Hiberria
tand John Dickinson, Irish Papers, con-
taining London dates of the 19th of Atigust
(are received, by which it appears that the
| Reformers were fly] ng from Manchester to
their homes with all possible speed. One
jaccount says all the roads leading from this
(town ! o Ashton.
Stockton, Cheadle, Strate
ford, Liverpool, Rochdale, Oldham, Bury,
Bolton, &c. are covered with wounded
(stragglers, who have pot yet been able to
(reach their homes after
sons along the Stockport road, thirteen or
the events of Mon-
There are seventeen wotinded per
ourteen on Ashford road; at least
seven or eight
on the Rothdale ; besides several others
on the roads to Liverpool &e. One woman
died last night at Eccles, of the wounds she
re said to
be dead: Mr. Hulme is not dead, as at
| first reported.
The events of the mecting had caused 3
very great sensation in London.
d —E———
Lieutenant Varohagen, a G erman,
discovered that rly
awd 1st, particula of
soft wood mixed with gunpowder, in equal
parts has thrice the
strength of powder
along, when used in blowing rocks,