Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, September 25, 1819, Image 4

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    TL I Car Wo, 0.
Of the early loves of Shakespeare, it is re-
corded, that ANN Harmaway,a War-
wickshire beauty, captivated the affec.
wards deliueaed in
pane of the interesting Aan, is from’ the
pen uf Dibbin, who has described the
petieitions of a pretty woman * in num-
Bers such. as Shakespeare’s sell ight
WouLp ye be tanght, ye feathered throng,
In love's sweet notes to grace your song,
To charm theheare in thrilling lay,
Listen to nn Hathaway ;
Ste hath a sway to sing so clear—
Phoebus migne wondering stoop and hear,
Lo weit the sad. make blithe the gay,
And nature charmeedAnn hath a way,
She hath a way,
Ann hath a way.
To breathe delight, Ann hath a way,
Waco cnyy’s breeth and rancof’s tooth,
Do soil and bite fair worth and truth,
And merit to distress betray ;
To soothe the Soul, Ann hath a way,
She hath a way to chase despair—
fo heal all grick, 0 cure all care,
Turn foalest uitht {o fairest day,
Taou kuow’st fond hear t, Jinn hath a way,
She hath a way, Te.
Talk nol of roms, the orient list,
The dismond, LOPRZ, amethyst,
“The en’rald mid, the riiby gay-—-
Talk of my gem—dnn Hathaway.
She hath a way with het bright cye,
Their various lustres to dely,
"The jewel she, and the soil they,
$0 sweet 10 leuk, Ann hath a vay,
She hath a way, Ue.
But to my fancy were it given,
To rate her charme, I'd call them heaven;
For th mph a mortal —made of clay—
Angels might love nn Hathaway.
She hath a way so to controul,
"To rapture the imprisoned soul:
Aud love and truth so to display,
That to be heaver==1nn hath a way,
She hatha way,
Ann hatha way.
een © SUG
It is hard for a printer to please every body. |
The above is a trite but true remark,
when we coustd e d vray of taste in
read ng. And, 1 no observation
could he morc correct when applied to
c unity printers. In almost every {own
10 the u terior, there are a number of
gentlemen who take city and other foreign
paners $ if such gentlemen encourage
fivinter in the flace in which they reside,
many censure hun for copying arcicies of
news from the chy Papers, “ Pshaw,”’
ghey © I have read this long ago—dwaey
with your John Thompson's news and give
yt cUy
us some original matier.
[ will,” says the good natured printer ;
nd in a few weeks, in pops another who
no city or other papers, and says
% i ion you wiuld give us some news. and
leave new fiteces The
printe: ! ohtigh ig and obsequious as a cab.
didate fir Shenflfality, says “quell split the
difference and give a little of every thing’
Up he bounces and runs to the post office
to bring an arm full of paperssent him in
¢ in exchange, by his brotiiers of the type—
Now for Dews—he turns—and turns again.
3 Nothing worth waile. ~=Here a man run
away with another’s wife, hands fiut tha!
“gajbere a villkin killed bis neighbor—
dash it down. Here two fools [ought a duel
miark thar. Bless me a pumpkin as large
"898 a houshead—rthat's for farmers—A man
‘advertising fora wile—tha?’s for old maids.
In short the whole supply of news with
very trivial exceptions, is hardly sufficient
to employ the prattling tengues of gossips
over a dish of tea; Sut something mus:
be put in the paper—so go on.”
¢ State news Ly George VV cries ore,
« insipid miserable stofl')” reiterates anoth-
er. What now Mr. Printer i—To make
“Avar between nations. wid clemuenise-nn:
> 3
your long away,’
fiounces eurthquakes, torbadoes, visions,
and the discovery of inhabnable lands in
the centre of the earth,
say the sca serpent travelled by land fiom
Boston harber to Pitsburg ; 4a assert that
Bonaparte had e caped from St.
Jena, and beheuded
gont do. % Zounds ! what lars ge pring
e's arg,’ every boay exclaims, and the
poor printer would stand at
bis master’s beer mugs Nothing is now
Jc ft but to throw ouvs lves on the gene
tosity of our readers, to profhise endeav-
ors, and beg them to reflect that © where
Cre ji
of the sanguine Bard, who feit
perhaps, as he strolled with his rustic
mistress, on the banks of the Avon, that
excess of tender pasion, which he after.
his own Romnco—
‘L be foljowing beautiful play upen the
by Symmes ; to
Louis XVI. al
his press,
s ratching his head like a boy who broke
many mun, there arealse many
INFORMS the public and these dis.)
posed to favor him with their custom, that
Pittsburgh, he intends keeping constantly
on hand a ‘quantity of abe
He apologizes to those Merchants whe
tablished, and who have been disappointed
in their expectations—Not bring being
acquainted with the market from whence
he was supplied with tobacco, he neglect:
cd to send for a supply in season, and by
(his means has not been enabled to supply
them as usual. He assures them howev-
er that in future, no such neglect sbali
ake place. All orders fiom county
Merchauts and others shall be punctually
tended to, and gratefully acknowledged.
Bellefonte July 26, 1819.
Information Wanted.
LAr the time of Gen. $5. Qirir’s defeat.
about 28 years ago, the subscriber was ta-
ken prisoner by-the Indians, and thereby
seperated from ber kindred, of whom shu
has not heard since. She was the daugh-
rer 0d JAMES STONE by his second wile
—was born in Bucks'sounty Peansylvania.
Her tather removed from thence to Lattle
Whitely Crdek, about 3 miles from ite
confluence with the Monongahela river,
At this plsce her balf.
brother Elias ‘Stone, (who married Miss
Betsy Baldwin) then lived j who had 2
sister living shout forty miles above at a
place called the Forks of Cheat. At little
where he died.
Wo creek her motlier was married to
PETER WALDEN, who removed
Vincent, on
ee his family to Post St.
the Wabash river, where he was killed by
ihe natives. Here she was married to Mr,
JAS. FULLEN, (who she beheves was
killed,) and her mother to. Mr. LEWIS
SURVEYOR. Oneofher sisters (Mar.
garct Stone) marvied a Mr. Valbuff—the
her’ (Betsey) a Nir. Smith, She had
three brothers, James, Samuel and Jobn
Stone. After eleven months cruel treats
ment by the savages, she way ransomed
by a benevolent Frenchman of Detroiis
who was then trading among the Indians: |
If any person can give information of
her cchnections, they Will confer a favor,
by addressing a letter to her by mail.
Elmira, Tioga Ce. N. XY. June 1819.
* * Editors will please notice the above.
100,000 Acres of Land.
THE subscriber offers for sale; on the
most mederate terms, about ONE HUN.
I. AN D,
of an excellent quality, in the Counties of
Being part of the
> 1 a
and sitaated on ad; 3cin:
there is large settleme nt of German
Dunkers and others.
not excelled by any" other in the State,
the Land and ros ds are ‘good, and there
wre erected on the preriiges s several mills.
Payments to be made in eight equal an-
Apply to
wen C. Gaskill.
, Mahl, Didiana, June 19, 1819.
nual insta ilments.
i il
‘ward and discharge the same immediately,
(sitory measures=—this may Le relied an,
waving received a supply of Tobacco from |
so generously aided kim'when he first es-|
'dained by the authority aforesaid,
THOSE persons who know themselves
indebted to the subscriber, for upwards
{ol one year, are requested to come fov
for payment will be enlorced by compul-
James M’Gee.
For raising Capiprofiriating a sum of mon-
ey; jor the purpose of bringing the water
Bellefonte, Sefitember 8th 1819. i
THE Subscriber
rent, a
Lot of Ground,
containing about 16 acrcs—3 or 6 of
which 1s ‘good meadow 3 sittated about
cight miles from Milesburg, in
and on the road Jeadiag to the Big isty d.
house, and a «mall barn. Jtis an
into the Diamond of the Barough of bLelie-
Jaonte, and for other purfioses,
Sect LL
the ‘Lown Council of the Borough of Belie-
Be it ordained and enacted by
tonte, in Council assembled, and it is here-
by enacved by the authoiiy of the same’
‘That a sum of money, not exceeding sev-
en hundred and fiity
sane is hereby appropriated,
dollars, be, and the
for the pur-
pose of delraying the expences which ten
have, or hereafier may accrue, in bring
ing the WATER from the Water house
to the public square, in the said borough
and in delraying the necessary expence ol
other reperauons and improvements, re-
quisite for supplying the Inhabitants wit
« consiant supply of water; in pursuance
of an ordinance passed the 2ad day of
November A. D. 1818.
dained by the authority aforesaid, ‘| hat
SECT. Be it further enacted and or-
pursuance of the said ordinance, and 10
carry the same
sum of money be raised forthwith, or as
soon as the same can be legally collected
to be laid and apportioned upon all the real
property situated in the said: Borough,
from the said water, and which shall be ad.
which by its situation will derive
justed and apportioned according to the
value, and relative sitnation, of the said
property : provided that such sum shall
not for the present year, eXcee five hun
dred #d thirty dollars and provide od that
the person or poisons in possession of said
property, for the time being, shall be char.
ged for the sum at which ‘the property he,
or she possesses, is rated ; : which af ten:
ants, they ‘may recover from the landlord,
or owner of the said property ‘or real es
tate, except where a contract exists be-
tween the parties that the tenant shall pay
this particular charge, without recourse to
the landlord, or owner of the said real ¢s
Sect. 3 Be itfurther enacted and or-
the Chief Burgess be and is hereby em
powered and enjoined, to contract for as
many cast Iron pipes as shall be {ound ne.
cessary to convey the said water from the
water house to tie resevoir on the
mit of the Academy hill ; to be laid down
and the joints well secured, so that the
into operation in pa‘ty aj
lent situation fora
For terms apply to the Substriber, on the
"August 25, 1819,
Summer Arrangement.
Northumberland § Belle.
fonte Mail Siage.
THIS Stage will in future leave ‘ths
house of John Shriner, in tte town of Nor-
thumberland, every Friday morning at 5 o;
clock, breakfastat L. B. Stougliton’s. 1 vs-
tow n—arrive at Jacob Maize’s in 2d. 5-
barg or Youngmanstown, in time for dine
ner-—~be at Henry Roush’s about four o
clock, P. M. and
Aaronsburg, atsix,P. M -<-Lecave Aarons-
burg at 7 o’clock, on Saturday morning——
arrive at W. F, Brown's
get to Earlysburg, in time for dinner, an
John Rankin’s, Bellefonte, every Monday
morning at §
burg—~artive at Aaronshurg in time:
dinner, and be at Roush’s by six o'cle
four o clock P. M. Bd
passenger, all above that weight to be ac-
counted for, i
All baggage at the risk of the owner.
June 7,1819
rad 0 )
WILL be psid by the General Post of.}
fice department, together with the necesa)
[io its passage through
Indiana, Jefferson, and ~Armstrong.—!
EInil- / in FRY »
aolland Land tract, grst day of October next, nd the residue
The settlement is* rapidly increasing.
said pipes shall not leak any of the water |
said ~ pipes ; al
which to be done and
person or persons contracting
id pipes: provided the sum to be paid |(
warranted by the
to. fraisl
for said pipes, their laying and securing as
aforesaid, shall not exceed the sum cof three
hundred and sixteen dollars, and provided
not more than one hundred dollars
thereof, shall be paid oni or before the
from all incumberance whatever, on wh eh four months from the said first day of! (ion
October next, withont interest,
ExacTep and passed into an ordi.
nance atthe court house in the
said borouyl 4 the 23d day ol Au-
gust A.D 1819,
of the Council,
Wm. Petrikin,
By order
Petrikin, Clerk.
imay bé communicated to
to any person who may be'.
successiul in detecting the
Sary costs,
person wh of
purioined from the mail, a letter put
Office at Bellefonte, Centr
Countyy; on the 2nd dy of May lasty
directed to Murs. Abigail Pous, Pc ottesy
the Post
grove, County, cong
of $100 each, of
the Bunk of the United States, payable wi
taining three notes
the Branch in Pittsburg, all dated 2d af
. »
| October 1817, two of them Leiter C, N a
Det l arte 1% :
Eh Canin two equal ye: arly payments; the last of 241 265 and one Letter D No. 26¢ a
«nd other navi gable streams 3 and free! ‘which is not to be paid in less than tgventy- bwhich letter has never reached its lestingd
Any information on the subjee?
the subscriber
’ 3
in Be1Monte; Centre County.
Joseph Miles.
August 5, 1319.
Editors of Newspapers, fr iendly, to the
detection of villany, are
requesice p to in
the aloe,
o'clock —breakfast at Taidys .
Giiher setl, or"
There are on the premises, a good dwel
arrive at John Rankin’s, Bellefonte, at four
o’clack, P. M.——TReturting—it will leave
P.M —Leave Roush’s on Thursday mar: s
ing at 4 0 ’clock— breakfast at Maize’ Sy in l
Youngmanstown—Dbe at Stoughton’s in time i
to dine, and arrive at Nortbumberiand at
NB. 141bs of baggage allow od to o gach]
Towpship, adjoining the Buldeagle reg :
0) “of
Howa rd oh,
WELT eid
he | :
pa a