NOTIC E. OSE Stockholders Waterford bE 3 stm] mpany, who have not paid the instal- of the Susque- Hess nah Turnpike road Co meat ot five dollars required at the Issu- and ing ofthe certificates, as per notice of advised that if Y Par Jods the uary last, are hereby said instalment shall remain due and unpaid, after the first day of November will be required to the next, the ‘Treasurer the recovery of inatiiate suits for same, together with five per cent per voy a } month Interest, to be compuied from and al after the expiration of 60 days from the 1st Monday of May last, conformably to Sect 8t in- ct. 8th of the law authorizing the Also the third instalment of three dollars on each will corporation of seid Company. share of the Stock of said Company be required to be paid to the Treasurer on or before the first day of November acxt. y By order of the board, JOHN REYNOLDS Secretary. Meadville, Sept. 1819. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of late of Miles © > <5, j John Trautman decrased; township, Centre Coruty; ave requested to make payment ; and those Raving de- * mands against said « state Will present them or before the first 20 the subscriber on day of Junuary next, properly authentica- ted. John Shafer, Administrator. Mites Township Sept. 17,1819 Wm, I' BROWN, Will remove, on the first day of Octo” ber next, from the house which he now ‘gecoepies in Sunbury, to the large stone $i6use on Market square, formerly kept Res an Inn by Chatles Hegins, Esq. The : bail dings and nut houses are well koown ta be the most capacious and convenient inthis borough ; ; and every exertion will be made to afford comfort and gratifica- tion to travellers and customers, and lie hopes from the great share of favor he has already enjoyed, that he has hitherto given satisfaction to the publican be- licves that after his removal he shall be enabled to accommodate them much well as his will call more to their satisf.ction as own. He'thercfore desiies they ‘en him as usual, Suttbury, Sepp, 13,1818, FOR SALE AI ARAB a0 THE subscriber wishes to inform the inhabitants of Bellefonte, and the people of Centre county gewerally, that he has on hand T'wo thousand bushels of well burnt Roach Lime, of a very SU perior quality, It will be $nld on reason: able terms, and may be had on applica- tion to Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson, or Jolin MW Kinley. Scie. 21, 1819. ns” sn. oe TIL er J Sr H Culbertson, SADDLER, INFORMS his fs ‘lends, and the public enteral, that he 4 ng bas commenced the Seddling business, inthe Borongh of Bellefonte. He in. tends keeping constant ly on hand « quen- tity of ready made Sad flery, which b: wiil dispose of for Cush only, August 12, 1819, 'To Printers The Establishment of the « HARRISBURG REPUBLICAN,” Is offered for SALLE. For particulars ap- ply to THE EDITOR. Philipsburg & Susquehan- na Turnpike Company. NOTICE is hereby given to holders of the Philipsburg turnpike com- the Stock- pany, that an election will be held at the house of Jacob Test in Philipsburg, on Wednesday the 20th day October next, to elect by ballot to be delivered in person or by proxy duly authorized, ouc President, twelve Managers, one Treas. be urer, and one Secretary, who shall subscribers to stock in the sald turnpike, and who are to conduct the business of the said Company for one year, and un ul such other officers shall be chosen. HARDMAN PHILIPS, WILLIAM BAGSHAW, WILLIAM BLOOM Jr. JOB ENGLAND, VILLIAM RAWLE, JACOB TEST, JOHN LORAIN. Commissioners Phlips burg, Sept. 16,1819, NOTICE. WHEREAS the Subscriber purchased a tract of land situated in Ferguson town ship, Centre county, from Andrew Stroup, for which he has given a num- ber of bonds pavable at different times, in part of the purchase money, the greater of which are discharged. And whereas it appears there are licns and Incumbran- ces on the said tract of land, which were on it when in the tenure of the, said An. drew Stroup; which he is ‘bound to're- rove; and which appear not yet to be re- moved, and until removed the subscriber is determined to pay no more of the said purchase money, of which al 7 concerned will please to take notice, George Shenebergér: erguson townshift, Sept. 11, 1819. Armor & Callahenn, CONTINUE to carry on the Tailoring Business, in the shop formerly pccupied by Stew- art & Armor. As they have received the latest Fhiladelphia fashions, those gentlemen who wish to have their clothes 5 neatly and Fashionably made, will dojj well to call at their shop. They will work as CHEAP as any of the protessicn in Town, Bellcfopte Sche. 15, 1819. DA} eC 1: Six Cents Reward, WILL be given for the apprehension of my runaway apprentice to the Tanning business—named James Larkens, somewhat above the of eighteen He he 6th inst. age years. absconded on the night of All persons are forbid har- boring him at their peril. The above reward will be given it brought back but no charges paid. Joseph, Sherick: t. 144 1819, Se Milesburg Village, Bellefonte and Philipsburg 4 » I'urnpike. THE Stockholders are requested to pay into the Treasury on or before the 15th lay of October rext, two dollars on each share of stock subscribed. By order of the Board. W. BRINDLE, Treasurer. Gates Sefit, 13, 18194 . $ | and Clearfield, that The diktrict composed of Lamas oe ship, at the house of James Brown. The Electors of Clearfield county: ate requested to take notice, that by an act of the General Assembly of 1816, the election will be held at the following places. Becaria township, and that part of Brad- ford township lying south of an east lines beginning at the mouth of Wheatland Run and running to the Mushannon creck, be a seperate election district, and that the elec tors thereot shall hold their general clés tion at the house now _occupie d by John A So PROCLAMATION: WHEREAS in and by an act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, entitled |. “ An act to regulate the Gameral election |® ree, in Recaria township. That part of Rush township, in the county of Centre, lying west of the Alle« gheny mountain, and all that part of Brads ford township in the county of Clearficld 3 within this Commonwealth,’ itis enjoined | on the Sherift’s of the different counties to| 1 ing north’ of atline beginning at the {mouth of Wheatland Run and runpibg | to the Mushannon craek, in the county of {Clearfield be a seperate election districts land that the electors thereof shall hold their general election at the house of George Smell in Bradford township. give public notice of such elections to be to be clected t+ Therefore 1, JOHN MITCH-| iLL Sheriff of Centre county, do hereby] make known and give public And the district composed of that part NOTICE of Lawrence township, in the county of To the Electors af the counties of Centre Clearfield lying en the waters of Sinnamias G L encral Election ‘honing, beginning at toc north east cars 7 1 Y will be held in’ said counties, on the second ner of Clearfield county, thence west to the Tuesday of Oct tabey next, being the 12th! ‘district line between John Canhnon and day of the month, at the several election! Hunter’s district; thence south by said districts of said counties, at which time line unto a beach, corner of two sutveys the qualified Electors of said counties will in the name of George Meade, No. 5294; elect in conjunction with each other, |and 5295; thence north along said line to ONE PERSON for SENATOR, wo the place of beginning, at the house of represent the district composed of the Hug sh Coleman, at the forks of Sinnama counties of Centre, Lycoming, Bradford, Honing, in said township. p50 \ Tioga, Clearfield, M:Kean, and Potter, And that the electors of old Chinclala- the Senaie of Pennsylvania, moose township in the county of Clears Centre ant q Held shall hold their Clearfield counties will elect in conjunction; with each other, ONE PERSON for a member of the house of REPR ESEN TA ATIVES, of the held, and to enumerate the officers . a in General election at anid sal The qualified clectors of the house of William Bloom, jr, | county, The electors of Clearfisld cotinty wild further take notice, that by 1817. an act of the General Assembly of the townshin shall be a pe district, and the electors of Covington in said county, ¢ ep = TR IN T WW 0 persons for CORON counties, And the qualified for said ‘erate election thereof shall hold their general elections ‘at the house of Hugh Riddle Es sq. in said township. or| electors of Centre and Clearficld counties will elect seperately ONE Commissioner and ONE Aud for each of said counties, art Git . 3 tear , : And in aud by an act of thes General | Assembly of this state, passed the 1704s The electors i t Th n the county of Centre| day of March 1806, it is directed that the will take notice that the election will be Tispectors of the s General held at the following places, viz : ra Fri aid Elections shall be chosen by ballot, on lay, nexe For the district composed of the town- preceding the first Tuesday in Octaber, ship of Haines, in the town of Aaronsburg, (being the 1st day of October next) at the at the house formerly occupied by Chris- severdl election distiicts ; and the election tian Meese. of such inspector shall be held by the ress The district composed of the township pective constables, (who are required to of Miles at the house of Walborne give one week’s notice of such election) assisted by two qualified ci itizend The dist ict composed of Potter tovwn.| hos en by such citizens qualified to vote ship, at the house of John Benner, Old shall be then present. And the Inspec- Fort. {tors chosen are required to be at the pla- The district composed of Ferguson| of their districts, on the day of the township, at the house of John Waggon. General election aforesaid, at 9 o'cleck in " the morning to do and perform the dutics The district composed of Halfmoon and required of them. Patton townships, at the house of Abra. ham Elder. The district composed of Spring town- ship and the Borough of Bellefonte, at the at feast Dy in the town of Rebersburg. And the return Judges of the respeé- tive distrizts aforesaid, are required to mcet at the Court house in the borough of Belle fonte, on Friday next after ile 2d T Gesciay Court house in sad borough. ‘ x 5 in October, then and there to performs The district composed of Boggs town-!those things required of them by law. ship, at the school house Milesburg. The district cnmposed of Walker town-! ship, at the house of Willian Smyth. in the town of, Te judges of the Senatorial district, composed of the counties of Lycoming, Centre, Bradford, Clearfiicld, Tioga, Pot- ter and M<Keati, shall meet at the tourt The district q@nposed of Howard town- | ship, at the house of Frederick Shank. house in the morough of Williamsport, Lycoming county, on the third Tucsday of The district composed October of Baldeagle next (being the 19th day) for tha township at the house of Hugh White. purpose of making out ono general and true Tetuin of the whole district, as the directs. The electors of Centre county wil fur- ther take notice, that by an act of the Gen- eral Assembly of 1817, « all that part of law ; Given under my hand at Bellefonte, this Centre county lying north of the highest 8th day of September, in the year of ridge of Brush mountain, and cast of the line of Walker township, be a seperate clection district, and the electors of said hun- i of the our Lord one thousand eight dred and nineteen, and the 44t year of the Independence United States of America. ‘Joha Mitchell, Sherif; district shall hold their general elections at the house of Anthony Kleckner in Su- gar valley. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers