ib Ws understand on credib that ofders have been issued by the Nav) department, to double the number of work. in various poris In building the purpose of has- mer 1 €1 gaged ships 3 of the line, for tening the comple >t10D Wh Jatever may be the cause of these of- ders, the policy of prompt pepe ations to meet the ei nari: icy of war must be cen ’ az. sidered as wise. Frank. G TF on Providence R. IL Aug. 25. LORENZO DOW —This eccentrick personage has returner 1 from Great Britain, and resumed his itinevant labo! sin this country. He has notified pis intention of preaching in this town this evening. y 3 GENERAL ELECTION: PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS in and by an act of the je authority, these vessels —| AN ORDINANCE, The electors of Centre county will far] For raising Sapprofiriaiing ¢ sum of mon- La Ler take notice, that by an act of the Gen- Fie Al Assembly of 1817, « all that part of ey Jor the purpose of bringing the water Centre county lying north of the highest into the Diamond of the Borough of Bellie- ridge of Brush mountain, and east of the fonte, and for other piurfroses. line of Walker township, be a scperate Sect. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by election district, and the electors of saidithe Town Council of the Borough of Belle- district shall hold their general elections fonte, in Council assembled, and it is here- at the house of Anthony Kicckper in Su- 0y enacted by the authority of the same gar valley. That a sum of money, not exceeding sev- The district combosed of Lamar town-}en hundred and filty dollars, be, and the ship, at the house of James Brown. same is hereby appropriated, for the pur- The Electors of Clearfield county are jose of defraying the expences which now requested to take notice, that by an act of jaye or hereafier may accrue, in bring: the General Assembly of 1816, the election | ing the WATER from the Water house will be held at the following places. Lio the public square, in the said borough; Becaria township, and that part of Brad- “(and in deliaying the necessary expence of ford township lying south of an east line); 0p peperations and improvemens, re beginning at the mouth of Wheatland Run| {quisite for supplying the Inhabitants with and running to the Mushannon creek; be ai | ngiant supply of water; in pursuance seperate election district, and that the elec-| tots thereot shall hold their general elec ° tion at the house now occupied by John} of an ordinance passed tue 2ad day of {November A. D. 1818 2. Beit further enacted and or- datned by the authority aforesaid, That Sect. Cree, in Becaria township. That part of Rush township, in the 1 ipursuance of the said ordinance, and to county of Centre; lying west of the Alle-! (carry the same into operation in pait, a lying north of a Ime beginning at the! iq be laid and apportioned upon all the veal] gheny mount ain, and all that part of Brad-|{sym of money be raised forthwith, or as| ¢% ford township in the county of Clearfield soon as the same can be legally collected | j¥ FORSALE OR RENT, THE Subscriber will either sell, ob rently a Lot of Ground, containing about 16 acres—5 or & of which is good meadow ; situated about eight miles from Milesburg, in Howard Township, adjoining the Baldeagle creck ind on the road leading to the Big island. There are on the premises, a good dwell= house, and a small barn. Itis an excels lent sitpation fora TAVERN, or STORE. 7| For terms apply to the Subscriber; on the premises. A JACOB BAKE! August 25, 1819. Summer Arrangement. General Assembly of Pennsylvania,eentitied ‘mouth of Wheatland Run and running to) “« An act 10 regulate the General election, o ayghannon creek, in the county of within this Commonwealth,” it is enjoined yoo field be a seperate election districts Con the Sheriff’s of the different conaties t0 nd that the electors thereof shall hold! | - . : give public notice of such elections to be their general election at the house of held, and to enumerate the officers to be George Smell in Bradford township. elected : Therefore I, JOHN MITCH-{ And the district composed of that part ELL Sheriff of Centre county, do hereby. of Lawrence township, in the county of (Clearficld lying on the waters of Swnama- &, | TENG NOTICE | (honing, begioning at the north east cor- : ner of Clearfield county; thence west to the To the Electors of the counties of Centre tees wn. distric and Clearfield, that a General Election make known and give public line between John Cannon and abter’s district, thence south by: said 1 will be eld in said counties, on the second ooo 4 boach, corner of two surveys! Tuesday of October next, being the 12th in the name of George Meade, No. 5294, “day of the month, at the several election ,.4 5995. thence notch along said ling wo! Jistricts of said counties, at which time eeinnin a t house ° J ig . : the piace kb Brags, : lie. of this particular charge, without recourse to John Rankin’s, Bellefonte, every Monday rH the landloid, or owner of the said real es-imorning at he qualified Electors of said counties = will Hugh Coleman, at the fo elect in conjunction with each other, 'honning, i in said. ONE PERSON for SENATOR, to represent the district composed of the "counties of Centre, Lycoming, Biadiord, g old stall hol Tiopny Clearfield, M: Kean, and Potter, in ‘he hous © the Senate of Pennsylvania. : “The qualified clectors of Centre and = Clearfield counties will e} rect in 3 eonjenction * with each other, r rol. lection at The electors of Clea farther take notice, t 3 ONE PERSON for a member of {he General Assembly of 18 house of REPRESENTATIVES, of the of Covington i in ; erate election district, and Toe electors commonweslith of Pennsylvania. TWO persons for CORONER, for saiq hereof shall hold their general wa ia its passage wthrough at the house of Hugh Riddle Esq township. counties. And the qualified electors of Centie and Clear ficld counties will elect seperately | And fo ard by an act of the Gener ONE Commissioner and ONE Auditor for each of said eounties. The electors in the colinty of Centre Inspectors of the said General Elections shall be chosen by ballot, on Friday, hext preceding the first Tuesday in October, (being the 1st day of October next) at the Assembly of day of March 1806, it is directed that the will take notice that the election will be held at the following places, viz: Fo ship of Haines, in the tcwn ot Aaronshurg, r the district composed of the town- [several election districts ; and the election ‘of such inspector shall be held by the res- tian Meese. ; |pective constables, {who are required to The district composed of the township give at least one week’s notice of such Walborne| ¢lection) assisted by two qualified citizens {chosen by such citizens qualified to vote at the house formerly occupied by Chris- of Miles at the house of ih the town of Rebersburg. The district composed of Potter {own-|®S shall be then present. And the Inspec. ship, at the house of John Benner; Old, ‘tors chosen are required to be at the pla Fort. ‘ces of their distiicts, on the day of the The composed of Ferguson, General clection aforesaid, at 9 o'cleck in township, at the house of John Waggon- ' » - the morning to do and perform the duties er The district composed of Halfmoon and district required of them. ’, house of Abra-| : And the return Judges of the Patton townships, at the espec- ham Elder. tive districts aforesaid, are required to mee! The district composed of Spring town-|2t the Court house in the borough of Belle. ship and the Borough of Bellefonte, at ne fone on Friday next after the 2d Tuesday 1 October; then and there to petform th ose things required of them by law. Court house in said borough. The district composed of Boges town ship, at the school house in the Milesburg. 1 i BC Given under my hand at Dellefonté, this 8th day of September, in the year of town of! district emposed of Wolk er town- our Lord one thousand eight hun- ship. at the house The 1, at the house of I'reder dred and nineteen, and the 44th district compose sod of Hoon town- year of the Independence of the ick Shank. United States of America. The composed of Baldeagl John Mitchell, Sharif | towaship at the house of Hugh White. ACE jai the Chief Burgess » oom, 3 ; 4 an powered and enjoined, to contract for as, Youngmanstown—be at Stoughton’s in tne this state, passed the 17th |Notthumberiond & Belle. |property situated in the said Borough, which by its situation will derive benefit fonte Mail Stage. THIS Stage will in future leave the house of John Shriner, in the town of Nor- from the said water, and which shall be ad- ‘justed and apportioned according to the value, and relative sitoaticn, of the said property : provided that such sum shall thumberland, every Friday morning at 50» not for the present year, exceed five hun-|clock; breakfastat L. B. Stoughton’s, Derrs- ‘dred and thirty dollars ; and provided that{towrenzrvive at Jacob Maize’s in Mifilins- the person or persons in possession of said | burg or Youngmanstowh, i in time for din- | property; for the time being, shall be char- iner—he at Henry Roush’ S about four o T. Brown’s or she possesses, is rated j which 1f ten-| Aaronsburg, atsix, P. M.—Leave Aarons- ants, they may recover from the landlord, {burg at 7 o'clock, on Saturday morning— or owner ofthe said property or real es. 8 ret to Larlysburg, in tithe for dinner, and tate, except where a contract exists be-| arrive at John Rankin’s, Bellefonte, at four ged for the sum at which the property he, clock, P. M. and arrive at W. tween the parties that the tenant shall pay lo ‘clock, P. M.—~=Returning—it will leave r J o'clock —breaklastat Earlyse burg—atrive at Aaronsburg in time fop Cf isrer. 3 Be it further enacted and or~{ dinner, and be at Roush’s by six o’clock Hanined by the quthority aforesaid, That! p, M — leave Roush’s on Thursday morn= 4 x be and is hereby em- ing at 4 o’clock—-breakfast at Maize’s, in | many cast 1 ‘on pipes as shall be found ne-ito « line, and arrive at Northumberland at e|four o'clock P. M. N. B. passenger, all above that weight to be ac fcessury to convey the said water from th water house to the resevoir on the sum- 141bs of baggage allowed to each {mit of the Academy hill ; to be laid down and the joints well secured, so that the counted for. said pipes shall not leak any of the water} Ajj hapoape at the risk of the owner, said pipes; 2ll which to be done ard warranted by the person or persons contracting to frnish said pipes : provided the sum to be paid for said pipes, theit laying and securing as aforesaid, shall not exceed the sum of three hundred and sixteen dollars, and provided that not more than one hundred dollars thereof, shall be paid on or before the first day of October next, and the residue last of June 7,1819 WILL be paid by the General ] fice department, together with the i. 8: Ld in two cqual yearly payments; the qual yearly p to any person which is not to be paid in less than twenly- a : p { successiul in the said first day of sary costs, who muy Le detecting the person who four months from October next, without interest. EnactED and passed into an ordi nance atthe court house in the 3d day of Au- purioined from the mail, a letter put into the Post Office B:licfonte, County, on the 2nd day of May last, to Mrs. Abigail Potts, Montgomery at Centre Yet directed {3 o 4 said borough, the gust A.D. 1819. By order of the Council, ] 7 D . » . W in. i etrikin, (the Branch in Pitsburg, all President. | FATTEST, James Petrikin, Clerk a i ——————————————————————mr eee EE LOOK HERE !! THOSE persons who know themselves | upwards grove, County, con- of the Bank of the United States, payable at 2d of October 1817, two of them Leiter C, No, 241 Letter D No. 266; {which letter has never reached its destina= Any may be communicated to the sibeestoed in Bel taining three notes of $100 cach, dated 265 and on: information tion. on the subj: Ct lefonte, Centre County. Joseph Miles. August 3, 1519. ‘ndebted to the subscriber, for ol one year, are requested to come for. 1 : Cd 5 TN a 3 Alo ward and discharge the same immediately, Editors of Newspapers, friendiy to the or payment will be enforced by compul-|detection of villany, are requested to ins sitory measures—this may be relied on. ert the the above. James M’Gee 1819, te ————————————————— ~ BLANKS “FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Bellifonte, Sepitember 8th