Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, August 21, 1819, Image 1
RIT eres rep L092 TEC RRR TR TAT g ’ g——— en 5 Vol If, reba i rr ne RS son ER Cena 2 TIT fd ; COND IT © N NS. % vice of thi pire is twa doll s per num-sb nt { aid } A008; tWO dollars only willbe *» il is EEO PLES E ments making po more in breadih, willbe inserts eq three B o doi ; and for every subse- CORARnG Any Aive © conts ~— Lh greater ‘ength in propartion.— 'e OF fig ape wok denble those rates. 3567 1 pion witkbe receiyed for jess ie ‘Year 3 not aby papaL discontinu {all 1s anteerApem EIS py bygriver does wat Fequ : ery at the © th taen ak 13 £) Pr 3 est adis ad of the “oat } mic afjiand the paper farwarded by. ow RCCO!L ding: car; Sah LO pos FShhentit eds who he vivd By the i abl tage. a Re Tw £0 145 {tors Are ; tw 1 e Edit WIT I Tose ! pl TTT Daas From Niss Register. « Bell, ali no ‘eekly Book and candle shal ¢ drive me hroks me 10 come on ) a? > NR hakespeare’s K. John. e, and" religve \ currency of pncertain to furnish them with a paper medi. ¢ well known to ally and nesotia- no Av b protest them against Zegal and Hllegal coun tarfeit vs of money thatthe hank of the U It never. could By cffocted, gs s Far th + subscribing for the stock such monoply of the shares, by means fong | | nee oxposediy in the Regis iter, that they 1, put up or put down whomsioever they | would. Paper did the business for them and soaring in the aipthey looked upon the litile world heneath more wiss, in their own conceit than Av- chimeades, they thought thay had secure it. Wit} ® to move a place to stand upon many of them it was aut Cesar, nth : : . y } —a' barron ona beggar, on the » # #* cast of »* » * die. When the bank of the U. States start ed, discounts were ‘granted to hat {tha almost al asked for them-—1,000,000 500,000 of thansands until the amount came to the one and twa thousands which productive people were enticed to how Glin x xP TR x TW. \V hy " thirty’s and hifiy thousands } Bank 9 vox IW +1] AR fay SY couid pot be Sign and con ed fast enough ; ca yuna horad 14 i 38 was bored to permit the bank to em fwanty men for ¥ the without some such mand for their currency ! sthey wanted nothing he ut the mea siening of nites, to. pive ol the people TALS § , * XY } wiesomea mediam ! But the: hey- in bi of ty > a +3 1 . tieatimes the bank scemsito have f gntten ®iat It was possihlasthat t ba demandad for thes : >. theo Is “a o3fito. con vob diminish] ants TH tLe. Le = sins Co. om dtm i any wi hi ich ou banc he i he + denexdared as a new engage: li without loss ;—in short to El with contempt—fo: ant null * to one| to #dnother, aiid so on, by hundreds down 3 {soher yivery boys had their twenty’s: bills ITNORE mee relief L107 - paymen’ AY rE NIA = ugust 2 1; 1 819. No. 15: 1 had, were fi Yq re- morseless jv thrown out to the ruin of ma 2 : a pai by Netw o fF + VR ay good men and great distress of others. SL they accommodated themselves, that e stock ‘at high their ™7 isp 0S not, compe | its exposure ingthe i. fi the f mous stock notes, &c- at this {ime they: might d of prices, market, A real anecdote that oscamged 4 may elucidate the then prevailing policy of the bank-managers : a notoriolis specu {ator having slipped hmselt out of his stock iis highest price, was when. it was at asked, why he did not retain some of his the belief that they would be higher—«s Higher I” said he with a look of shares in amazement and an oath, « if you knew what work we had to ‘get it as high as it is, dod you wo ull 7 never think of its, getting higher r | (ndeed it was Well, congress atiast, took up the bu- a condernable Work: : siness, and the? committed maue a report of factslong before supposed to exist. As], many of the niembers yoted in their own cause, and as the committee really could not see what was best to be done in the} case; the hank seemed to triumph in the house, and the indefatigable chairman of the committes, abused for: his Hh saspicionsy fe. Set i { the extra reat -five di which was granted to the favored few, and other losses for the present year, are estimated at three We think that we very moderately. A reasonable dividend, of course, cannot be expected for ’ millions of dollars. speak ! 1 vears; 8 of 1.5 {000 dollars more, are expending on heaps for besides these losses, the bonus 00,000 is to be paid, and about 1,500, of brick andsstone, for banking: houses! How itl they who have caused these 1 i things account to the widow and the orphan, /l be a fearful reckoning. state banks—=carrying a degree of distress inta all c lasses of the community never be- The bank o felt in the United States. ‘or +311 S will ind its office own notes—-not even give small notes for one ofa erecater denomination! It pays anlviin.the hills of the local ste: well knowing that it can immediately 3 caain the latter by drawing on the stat: Q = 4 thanks. The general de »ir notes out, and give th il to clrciiate at Hs own notes -% to the people the very thing, al thine, caused The thatthe cn ged pov rated! Es Pe — bo TE TTT {the writer of this article was compelled on liudee the judy f Mr. Spencery) was much y Spb nap a ys Tih carly 5 TTT ERR ATT aa - TREE TI et her Se a SS F wn wo « 0 Nw Fingal x 3 was established GH hey agree among then maetves, that the bank+sfa/ lend to each of them the moderate sum of $200,000, a3 a pers manent accommodation for twelve months, in notes of different sizes, and of many old dnd respectable Banks inhis pocket-books Satugday last to borrow marke Well, the amount being passed to their credit, a, peremptory he officers of the bank and its offices, ey should not issue any more of theiy awn: notes. Within two becomes scarce with those accustomed to L-MONKY + Dealing as we do, with persons in every they issue or- «ate of the Union, no ont is better able to x condition of the currency than we are, and we feel that it is worse now months, money with us than it ever was. ‘The votes of nearly. all the state banks are at a discount, except at the places from which they are issued, unless through the agency of those very useful fungi of the % paper system,” called brokers! Baltiggere notes possibly. are at a_discount, for instance, in North Carolina, South Carolina or" Georgia—bnt we cannot sell the paper of the banks of} tCiosg tates Regge, ewcept at a discount DL from » to fifteen per-cent oer Vr have a sufficiency ofit—=forall the pradent state banks are justly alarmed and know not what to do, except to ot in their debts as rapidly as they can; ‘and i in two months more, every species of property hasta di- minished nom inal va ue, compared with what it was, of 33 1-31 cent. and J ATV ~ en bir rr ats Bin 0 speculate 1 in; and ot- are received on deposit in the branches ofl ti the bank of the United States located thére- ny and pre about the streets. The state banks anxious at home ! —These banks, too, are pulling, rorriave lost time and make a good diye in their accommodations as fast as they idend, do the same thing, and mone sal th snugy they discount freely and gem almost to throw their bank notes ¢ very scarce and very valuable hos can, to mcct the demands of the offices, |comes instantly plenty. Property speedily {which take nothing but specie ; for their assumes a price beyond what it ad before es may be said to have ceased to be| its fall 5 the house or piece of land which ap ttle month” ago for £1000, {the roo of every bank is a peigh- ued at 1500—and the gerilemen-speculas of b: ankrup s, positive or anticipated. (tors then sell IE for all this is, that the Unit-| . 3 { 2 5 is about to use 600,000 of our| wna Ve "Misery abounds, a0 goa “al 13 2 15 offering to purchasers,’ istance fr om the bank, if dtl i to mak At the end 200,000 dollars may be re- 52 lag godt bargain for themss money deposited 1 in the bank of the United! ‘of theiyear, the Bb Ives ! States, to'pay a certain part of the nz Hoge turned to the bak, and the mahagers in, debt. yhat ought suca a sum ast us 10 {the scheme realize from 50 to 100,000 dol : ?: the bank of the United States that verfiple. oh Few, if any, ‘appreciated to : bita able evidenie, that25 men at Philadel- {proceedings of the bank of the : | their own will and discretion. jof the government deposits, they command A to a RT Tor fe failtions canital;, and 2 ilfions perhaps, ot steady Ene, if it) 20 1drs each ; which they may | pletely to rob the people’ of, as if, will gasonably well—il alni istol in hand, they took the money from : ? isted in it ? travellers on the highway. the & now sec what a power belongs tof Hast should be considered the honotas Indeed 3 ast 18 most tl L he extent to!» # * eo % P » 8 ‘which it is now carried. We have indus| What is the secret motive ofthe present Xr wii ited phia can make woney | scaice or plenty, at States, is not yet clear to us. It is poss By the ad ple, it may grow out of its necessities, from the losses and difficulties which it we en- the whole specie in the country if they | ountered; but this is certain that, Ins TEAS please to retire thei bid the local ban s power that should "be trusted only to angels | STATE OF THINGS —it is a secret and almost irresponsible toicaxNoT BE PERMITTED TO ENDURE, IF WB any one, except by a withdrawing of 0 HELP IT. » own bills, and 50 for-log EQUALIZING THE EXCHANGE, IT HAS p discount. Here is ajpysorpERED IT, MOST SEV ERELY ; AND THAT THE PRESENT | Ye feopile cannot bear public deposits ; and such an act, as things sucha rapid retirement of the representa; difficulties. {rion of money, as the proceeding of the bank now are, is encompassed with it 1s thus that the people furnish ¢ a ead {of ihe United States COMM | A ND Ni) S. ——— TR gel to break their own heads with,” and R Eurofican Libraries.~~'There are thirty elevate a body of inquisitors to the rank of] i millions of vols: of prin ted works, in: the whose living have been made to depend on who may by things & without a name, {". the ? exported dividends of the bank? It) creal ures of The effect of} the latter will be the ruin of many of the|co: UMAND OVER THE NATION, value of every acre of land, and of - - : notnow issue any of its banks or in spe-| fel bo re of banks 18 th" ema wide] Jation t+ the bank of the United State< | 2# Granting to thirteen petsons §| princes. . ,»{ public libraries of Germany, besides the trich and splendid libraries of private indi- yesterday, unknown. to the ares oO... privalec ind { viduals. clude This mass of literature does 3 people of despised by them, an IMMENSE : 7 cade the academical dissertations, de MSS. ce, the total number of vols amour 287 ; bef Paris alone. by fixing the I : Bg ih 72 ached memoiis, pamphlets, or In OLE i ran ari ; . A ; it to sfecies of profreriy, from the lowest ficint 3 hier ’ ) 45 ; 7 5, of whic ir shall become ours, t which t Vie Us These po Voods. ‘This assertion may] ies; and of course, exclusive of ilnincnse f valuable works, wi avagant—but ch are to el igs collections o i ! if it AN {y 5 o - ¢ found in the cabinets of privat 4 States very busimes. 1 { inary 2 fu T1 t Unite 4 Georgetown (5. July, i C) ea ful hunting. ~"F'wenty men o Sco 2s fe bap- b{ indio I ronry a ar PIA LT born vic mdy Green 5 company of militia, wha eich foie Vag. 4 Alot el ¥s 3 rer c J2orLood i5 sod anc b 8 Eighteen Thousand or Lotte met }ast week cotni stant 3 rn dre A at eight hundred and Ca wl alrapwlint 1G RiLCT wila any A at AA Ra dirs d at Fhuadciph 14 7 {onety- eigl ternlne Iinrliidir 1 + at scaips, inciuaing those « uppose — wolves, wild cats, Ia &ec, CCaons, 1 co me jority ef the boar on g foxes, all ligator Sy lich aunog t time, 19 Sry or ’ & - 4 13 meny resoive lo get, or u £