Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, May 10, 1819, Image 2

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gentleman, who has devoted much os
is time to agricultural pursuits, assured
us that he has med: frequent experiments
evn his appie-orchard ; and he has never
known the exp riment which we shall now
state, to fail in a single instance. His
orchard contains a great varicty ol apple-
. trees, some very acid, frait and others par-
taking of both these prougrties.
ile declares that ip the vernal season
when bis trees are in fall blossom, he bas
frequently taken the farina from one tree
for example where the fiuit is very swect,
und deposited it ‘on tiie Bowers of a parac-
utar branch of another tree, whore fruit is]
ex remely acid, The apples of that pars]
ticular branch witly he assures us, combine]
these two properties for that Season ; and,
by this situpie process, he asserts, that he,
can easily provide himself, for that season,
with apples perfectly to his taste ; which;
he considers a much more expeditious and!
equally as certan a prceess, as that of
gf ing. :
" We mention this fact for the miorma-
tion of our country friends who may be dis-
josed to try this simple experiment.
Jour, Limes.
——— - p—t
The fol'lowing singular advertisement is
copied from the « Reporter,” a paper pub-
lished at Washington, Pa. lu 2a nete ap-
{various commodities, and of stock, in Eng-|
{and, show, that the mercantile and pect
otary affairs of that country are in a condi
tion far Irom settled regulary and stabil:
ity. The prospects held out to us respect
wg some at least of our principal produc-
tions, are certainly not very flattering. 1
we lose the profitable expoitation of cotton]
flour, &c. our county must sensibly feel
the loss. The difficulty of bripging the]
wading world, and indeed, the laboring
would, back to a state guiet contentment
with steady pursnits of industry, and satis: |
faction with maderate gains and reasonable
expenses, is even greater than was appre
hended. Tu is no easy thing for men whos
habits have been of a different character for
so long a course of time, as has been so
extensively the fact for twenty years past:
to abandon the irregular speculating course
of business, to relinquish the idea of mak
ing large fortunes in a short time and to
bring their minds to the pursuit of a more
moderate though a fir less hazardous
ctrse.—~Such however, must be the fact
Large estates must, 10 a time of general
peace and good order, be acquired by a
life of industry and labor. Such is the
course of things under the order of Provi-
dence 3 and estates thus acquired, will
commonly show the fitness ard wicdom of
the system. [MN Y- Daily Jdvertiser.
Latest from Bermuda.
Norfolk ( Vir.) April 6 —We learn from
pended to the advertisement, it is stated,
that« Mr, ‘Crayton, the defendant, is an
Captain Briggs, of the Schr. Betsy, arriv-
¢d hieve last night, in 9 days from Birmuda |
industrious mechane, and had collected Wmithat the numercus depredations committed
Washington paper the amount of what hejrccently, by Garthagenian privateers crus
owed the plaintiff; under the ex peciationting off that Island, on British and Amer.
‘or assurance that it wonld be received. nijenn vessels, had duced the Goverpor to
it ing refused; he applied to the bank fofgend out two eighteen gun brigSpsaioumse
get in exchange for the Washington paper for the protection of Shippings bound mn
such notes as would satisfy the plaiatifiiiand out with instructions to capture every
I he offices s of the bak said they hadmoth-| vessel of this description that they fell in
ing to give in exchange, cxcept a solitary with. The Brigs canie out in com ) ny
taree dollar Ohio note: He renewed his:
application and entreaties, and offered to
give part in silver for such bank paper as !
vould suit his purpose, and save himself,
from execution, but still recived nothing!
But empty words.” NE
By viitue of sundry executions to me
direcied, there will be cold in the borough
of Washington, on the 24h day of this ips'.!
“une hundred dollars bank faficty on the
bank ‘ol Washingron, given up to be sold’
on ‘exccition by Alex Crayton at the suit
of Robert Hamilton; and to be sold by me,
Mach 19 1819.”
There is now in this city a captainof an
Am rican vessel who efi the river f Plate
in Doc last. Hé says he read there the
official account of the captuie, in the South
Seas, ofa hrigate and two transports form-
ine part of the ‘expedition which sailed
fom Cadiz in May last for Lima. Ac-
counts had also reached Buenos ‘Ayres of
the March of San Martin's army across the
Cordilieras, towards Lima. Cuili was en-
tirely evacuated by the rogalisis. This
captain sailed from the port of Maldonado,
on the eastern bank of the La Plota<he
theve Jearned that Artigas was carrying on
the war with great vizor and success agains:
the Portuguese. He also touched at Kio
Janeiro, and ‘was there an eye witness of
the following tyranuical and pusiianimous
action. His majesty the reigning king of
Portugal and Brezil itappears was induc
ed to vi:it the Poriuguese Admiral’s ship,
2 74 then anchored in the harbor, which is
a kind of paturai basing never ruffled by the
winds, His Portuguese majesty, who has
a remarkable dread of drowning; got alarm-
ed on his return in the Admirals large pin-
bace to the shore. As soon as the royal
carviege landed on the guay, his Majesty
grew outrageous, and seizing a cane, be-
laboured the Admiral over the head and
shoulders until the blood ran. This out-
rage occurred in the presence of several
thousand spectators, and ended in the Ad
iniral’'s bemg conducted to prison.
It is a little surprising that we in New
O:leans should have as late accounts from
Buenos Ayres as fiom Mexico ; but the
fact 15 so. Our latest accounts from the
latter are to the 18t of Dacember. They
the country as reviving from the
calamities of €ivil war; which is no doubt
cwing to the milder rale of ber present in
tellicent viceroy Her vich niines are now
working with more vigor than ever, and
promi e ra aly, Lois year to inerease the
A few armed
£4 y
specie capital of the world.
bande still infest the mountains but trad:
experiences little obstruction, as the roads
were general y sate,
There is no doubt that if all piratica!
eruizers were entirely driven from the
Gulph, the merchants of New-Oileans
might carry ont a very advantag ous trade
with their neighbors in Mexico. Specie
would thea fiow into the vaults of our bask
the channels of commerce, instead
of Lene yearly carried in the armed ves
scis of Lugland and Spain, to surply Fu
rope. Aouisiane Gazette,
AWith respect the great article of the fiske-
{locking to the new aequisition 3 becausg it
with the Betsy.
sels were boarded and rolbcd. by thes
picarcons, a short time before the "Betsy
Several American yes:
sailed, and one of the crew had actually.
been flogged to death, for remonstrating
witli some severity against their enormi-
ties. rn inh
On America’s rising greatness.
By looking over the Newspapers of the
three great sea-ports of America, any man,
without being a statesman, may discover
the gigaptic growth of this infant State in
the new world ; but ifthe politician exam-
ines 1s tieaties with the different powers
it is connecred with, he cannot but disgors
er its wise and fim policy. Even with
Great Brittain it has so far gained its point
vies, that a middiesaged man may’ live to
see the time when the Americans will en
quire of us what business we bave to fish
on their shores and beds. Infact our
state is attenbiatng by luxury and cxirava-
gancey theirs gs. acquipng | alditional
strength by temperance, and economy.
Fo on. Statesman.
Extract of a letterto the Editors of the Na 3
tional Intelligencer, dated in the Alabama
Territory March 26. a
«You will conclude, no doubt, that we
are highly gratified by the news of the Ces
sion of Fiorida. We think nothing of the
lahd, howevcry forit is literally good for
nothing. But the water 15° important.--
Pensicola Bay is a fine hadi bour fir vessels,
Pensacola will be @ great depot for the
merchandize destined tosapply the North
Western country. People are alveady
shew. I know no othér indocement—{or
the land (excepting small spots) is worth.
less, abd docs not belong to the Spaniards,
but to the Indians; whose title has not
been extinguished further than 8 or 9 miles
from Pensacola.” a
ANECDOTE~—r¥acT. /
A very genteel, impudant-looking young
man was seen to emer a church in time of
service~he paused at the entrdnce—the
congregation stared—he advanced a few
steps, and deliberately surveying the whole
assembly, commenced a slow march up
the bioad aisle--not a pew openec— he
aadience were too busy for civility-=he
wheeled and in the same manner perform
ed a slow march, stepping, as if to Rolin
Castle, or the dead march in £aul and dis-
ppeared: A few moments alter, he re
entered with a huge block upon his shoul
ders, 23 heavy as he could well stagger
under, his countenance was immoveabla—
again the good people stared, and half rose
from their seats, with their books in thei
hands, At length he placed the block
he very centre of the principal passage.
and seated himself upon it. Then for the
first time the reproach was felt | Every pew
door In the house was instantly flung open!
But no<-the stranger wes a gentleman—=he
came not there for disturbance-~he moved
not ; smiled not; but preserved the ut.
most cecomin anti! the service was con
cluded, when he deliberately shouldere
1s block, and to the same slow step bere
iv off; and replaced it where he Lad foun
it. The congregation is now the most
a reward of $500 ‘was offered by th
shall of the district of Colunibia, hag {j.0y
taken up in this borough and commie 44
jail. They hed been but a short tim joo
when they were accidentally recogni, otk
Friday mght last, at one of the dency, oo
semblics in the rear of ‘the Exchang. |
Thomas Long, of Linceln couniy, N
who had secn the ge tleman before, hay.
ing been present at a trial in. Washing,
for breaking open and robbing the store
Mr, Samuel Fitzhugh, of Georgetowy,.
and belig apprised of their escape, },
(much to his credit) immediately went apg
communicated the discovery to the Mayo,
who ordered Cherry, the coasiable to ac.
compavy Mr, Long to the place where pe
had seen the. Some delay having oceyr.
red jv finding the coastable, wio was oy;
with the waich, when they ariived at the
house, the company had alk dispersed nq
the doors were closed, it beiig then pas: 1)
o'clock. The next mgit the constable wey:
to the same house and affecting to be inwoxis
cated thuew him elf caralesly down ih a airs
ner where he remairkd lor some timé
@he Datriot,
“To speak his thoughts, is every freeman’s right
MONDAY, Mar 10.
——rlp } CO
The present number (562) completes the
first volame of the Patriot. To those who
have made payment agreeably to our con-
ditions, we tender our sincere acknowl
edgements ; and those in arcears, we flat
ter ourscives, will speedily make payment,
——D $ G—
Duelling —The rage for daelling (says
an Eoglish paper) has become very fatal in
‘he German universities. In that of Halle,
eighty meetings took place, which cost
qumerous young men their lives, and in-
vilved their fariles in the deepest afftic-
Jon. ~
nD pene
The captain of the Virgin, atrived here
esterday, from London, states, that in Jat. :
43, 11, long. from 47 io 48, he distincyy Ronoticed, when he sawla person come inj
saw an Isiand from the deck of his vessel, Who from his appearance, he took to }
which is not Jaid down in any chart. Fle|Y4Y 3 soom sfier, as it had been preg
believes that he is the first person who hag, *eted Me. Long en red, and secing W
noticed this island. Fravk. Gaz. |’¢ Presently anuoduced him 16 Ch
TR who with somewhat jess Fioliten ss
Two men have been tried before the Cir-Hu0td Chesteriie ; prescribes on Suc
cuit Court in Richmond, V4. for keeping |¢351008, 160k Ki3 \gew acquaiitant
and playing at whatis called a Faro- Table, S00erly by the arm 2
and sentenced to the Penitentiary tor twelve | Mayor's office, w
faiths] ie gk 8, i his dispatches, he was
Scott, it appears had ]
SE a po : ; ithe countr i { i er
‘In Upper Canaddy 1t is said, 2 70102 | his companion was con ate, et
travelling merchant was lately murdered ing no inclination to prolot his Stay ia Nope
by the landlord of a public house at which folk he nade a precipitate and at
fie lodged. The landlord dnd hig wife have clandestine roca in boat, to Laken
been committed to pr Point; but our: police «Ticets were $0
pressing that they could not permit him to
Pré-‘depait so unceremoniously
vord of him to his hiding place and}
iin {him out from among the by
Jets and brought Lim
\ km-ihe was.accommodate
ti jthis :
Ta A
“ ae L
The widow of Marshal Moreat has pre.
sented to the King of Sweden the'sy
her late husband.
erally hunte
shes and thick
back to town Whe!
48. d with lodgings af
‘public expense, as Lis companion had beg
belore him, ol od
On Tuesday they were both brought out
i examlnaiion by the mayor and one of the
has alderman. Way made an attempt to depy
pp Ut i U-iihe charges alledged against him, but
uited States. Qa Te : "Scott, (whois an Irishman and one of your
Theship Dido, arrived below from Hav- off harded dashing fellows) exclaimed"
re, has also $50,000 in specie for the Bank « Pooh | what’s the use of botheris be
ofthe United Sates: ~~ wdmer. Cen fistrate 7 S WV Retail)
©: the : i id nat i jRasisuae ¢ Sure doesn’t Mr. Long there
FS, rE TT Nig {know all about us, and move too ”7—="Fh
From France —By the Woodbine, which turning to the Mayor he shade a ,
left Bordedux on the 5th or 6th of March, confession of the villanious acts in which
we learn, that the last courier from Paris he and his colicague had been wed
brought advices to the Prefect, of the dis- and convince: d the court that a more ache
solution of the chamber of deputies, and ed pair of scoundrils could not be found
that the session of the chamber of peers any part of the world They were bot,
was suspended. The accounts from Paris ordered to jail, and scent off yesterday in
via London, by the Rosalie, were to the 2d irons, by the steam boat Roaroe, for Bale
of Match, and alluded ( teh an event. timore, fi cgthey will be condust-,
oo NM YM Adv. ed back § to receive (he re-
gL eee ‘ward of their numerous viilanies ; aud it is
By the brig Economy, from Bermuda, to be hoped that dude precaution will be tas
we have received the Bermuda Gaz-tte of ken to prevent the i escape. The vig |
the 3d inst. which states, that his excel- ance of our’ police apprehending these
fency the governor, Sir James Cockburn, miscreants, and puttipg a period to their
is about to leave that place lor Englani. career ofide re dation, cannot be too much.
; — raised 3 and we 's with other
Our corvespondant at Norfolk informs us concendt Sar Hope that 1/18 wit: pau
that H, B. M frigate Forth, of 38 guns, the town, will remove the unfavorable;
12 days irem Halifax, came in from sca, pr€-sion respecting them; which was
and proceeded up the bay for Annapolis, feito prevailed abled, Oi ; thing iC
: Bal. ¥F. Rep, tain, that the tribe of plunderers a Swi
bo pra Ag . diers whoinfcst other towns and leave them
The subscriptions for rebuilding the Ma- ywigh'§ us ty, can ¢ SET #
sonic Temple, in Philadelphia, are said to of the ices joi
fave been very liberal; and the new edi-' foug
fice will exceed in convenience and spleat|
dor the old. Mr. Stephen Girard is re-
ported to have subscribed 6008 dollars.
SnD, A ——
Meetings of the citizens of New-Bruns-
wick have been beld to devise the best plan
for establ sting and supporting Domestic
Manufactures in that city.
—— A Wr—
Dangerous Counterfeits.~The notes of
a new ciussion of the state Bank of Geor.
gia, have been so ingeniouly altered, the
fives to fifues; and tens to hundreds, that
.t 1s not practicable for any person but an
cficer of the bark, to discover whether
they are genuine or counterfeit.
The only safe advice we can give is not
o receive any notes of that bank of those
denominations — Balt. Fed. Gaz,
— W—
A Parish Clerk in a Chapel of Ease at
Meltham, in Yorkshire, being ordered to
adveitise a horse, described it as follows.
Stolen, or otherwise conveyed from Hal
iam, near Bedlam, a horse 15 hands high,
four white feet, and a black one. God
ave the King, with a pack-saddle en his
’ : ere § Be : {ede
Rear-Admiral Tate of the Rassian |
perial Navy, is now on
(Massts.) his native State,
Spiecie~The ship Balize, rnrrived at this f
port yesterday from New-Orleans,
$50000 in specie for the Bank of the
re 4 F—
the r@bbery of the Pittsburg bank
me ago, were afterwards appre
and committed to jail at that place, from
whence after sey : F su
cd in breaking
cape. iy,
By the statement J
banks incorporated ander the
the auditor general@nd by him submitted
the legislature, it appears that the emo
of specie and notes in Rrntaton, onthe fi
day ‘of November in each vear, from, i8
to 1818, inclusive as followsy viz:
Notes in circulation. Sfiecic in vaultas
1815 7,464 479 1,532621 64
1816 6,155,436 1,085524 60°
1817 4,942,205 4,012,997 70
1818 3.739.018 [748,350 99°
It would thus appear that the barking
business of this stag has been reduced
about one half in a period of three years,
that the specie in the bunks, and potes in
circulation, bear the proportion to each
other, now that they bore to each other
three years ago. Aurora.
ar ——
Providence, (R. I.) April, 17.
The ship Lion, Townsend, arrived hers
from Canton, has brought to this country,
three patives of Madison’s Island, in the
Son'h Sea, which, it will be recotlected,
was taken possession of by Capt. Po
the frigate Essex, in November,
A late London paper, states that not less
than 500 persons, in the parish of Portseca
«re about to emigrate to the United States.
Rosnes Taken. The two noorious
robbers, viz. James C. Scott, Alias Ein
mons, and Nathaniel Way, who broke jail
er —
Fhe Buctuations inthe mirket prices of
polite and attewtive to strangers of any in
America. bait, Fed, Pep.
the United States. Two of the
in Washington city and fled on the night
of the 17th Feb, and for whose apprchca- mien, upwards of 20 years ol
, they traced =