Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, April 19, 1819, Image 4

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    7 Ad # Ae gull 7 eit ved Pid
30 HH
A804 ww
iil CLD Aen,
Pray thee tell me, Mr. phipter,
What's an honest man do?
All my neighbors, gil the winter,
Wish to hear the wes flow you.
But among us, (nearly twenty) &
I alone your paper take,
So anty
Sure to fullow iv my wake.
« Tell me neighbor what the news 18,”
that news day Tse p
Every one desires to Know i
Thinks I if a man refuses
He perhaps might make ‘a foe.
So 1am compelld to Joan'it,
Till it goes the usu: 1 round,
Then when I, who really owh it,
Wish to read it can’t be found,
Tell me Mr. Printer, tell me;
I'm compeli’d to ask of you,
If you've any pity tell me, %
What's an honest mun to do?
has always succeeded. Some Farmers here
have made it a practice to begin guuing
their potatoes, in this manner ear) y in Jan
uary 3 and they put their sced-ends i
sels or boxes, mingling a little loa 0
them to keep them from getting dy. In
1tids manner mare then two- thirds of the
seed potatoes thus planted may be saved for
family use, or for feeding out to the cattle,
{&ec. and they wall continue more palatable
aud profitable to the consumer.
“The ciop to the farmer is more abun
dan’, because ia cutting off the seclicuds;
mn this manner, scarcely any of the fibres, or
roots of the sced arc destroyed. It has
been the common practice to cut the large
5 pieces, pay-
ing no regard to which is the root, or secd-
end, of Lhe potatoe ; and in this way many
of the seeds, sprouts, or chits have been
The wiiter of this tried the ex
periment last year ; and he knew nothing of
it himself before the end of April last, and
has related its effects to. many farmers,
ho laf. never heard it. before. :
If any Lumers should be fearful of losing
potatoes for planting in 4 or
err em ———— © CRO nee
The child trained up to the gallows, i
Is any father so unanatural as to Aish
have his son hanged, let him bring. him. Pp]
jn idleness, without putting him ‘to any | am
Let him particulayly insure him to
snend the Lo d’s day i play and diversion
instexd ol attending | to public worship ; and
instead of instructing himon that day in the
principles of the christian religion, let him
rob a neighboring hen-roost , while the pro.
prictor is gone to divine sorvice, Astonish-
Ire it is to see so many of our young people
growing up wi ithout baie apprenticed to
any business tor pro curing their futare live-
tihood ! The Jews had a proverb. ¢ That
whoever was not bred to a trade was bred
Every Mussulman 1s
for the gallows.”
commanded by the the koran to learn some
baudieralt or other; and to this precept
even the the family of the grand Scigniox
corfrm, so as to learn as much about th®
mechanism of a watch, as to be able to take
it in pieces,and to put it together again.a=
Are christians the only people in the world
who ave to live in idleness, when one of the
decalogue is, to labor six days in’ the
week ! and an spied apostle has com-
manded us to work under ihe express pen-
eating in defaults ¢ This we
said he, « that if any one
a 3
should not work neither should he ecat.”’—
alty of not
command you,”
Train up a child,” says kine Solomon, « in
should go, and when he is old
Bat if you
the way he
he will not
intend him for the gallaws train him up in
depart from it.”
the way Lie shold po, and before he is old
y ) 3
he will probablybe hanged. ln the age of
vanity, restrain him not from the follies and
all aremen's of if,
In the age properifor
raing and instruction give him neither.
nt Dram id
fact not sufficiently known, that a
It is
great proportion of the Potatoesseed is de-
posited at one end, or side, and hardly any
at that part which ‘while growing attaches
it Ly the root to tie vines
It is very easy to distinguish the root end,
for we generally find a withered piece of
sced wil be found at the opposite end, of
rapt at that end. The sprout for the
e long potatoes, or side of these more
degree, if we cut from the
tire potatoe is of an oblong form intany
seed =nd about
1-4<h part of the
ly all the valuable
length of it, we get near-
secds therein. Take that
plant it. The other part lay by in the
left «
ue noviactly
mqiihs longer than those
ry tor spring and summer use at the ta-
It sill be found that as the seeds are
ff, little o
i be Tostyand the potatoe will contin
taken « r none of the substance
fit fop, eatingat the table two
which have not
beén thus cnt.
This'experiment has been tried in some
towns in this country for4 years past and
his crop and so unwilling to, risk it it is
oped that he will try it at least in 500r 100
lis; aud thereby he will find, that it will
be the best method of planting in future.
By order of the Grphan
Court of Lentre Coun Vs
AF public vendue, io the Borough (oF
Beletonte, on the fourth Monday of Apel
58 a certain tract of
situate lying and being in the ovat
Lawrence, in the county of Clearfield,
600 Acres,
more or less, adjoining lands of Mant
Hoover, David Ligget, and the S
County town of Clearfield county, later
estate of Frederick Henny, dec
There are on the pres
dwelling house well
saw mil, in good on
haona river, and about two miles wm
: ises a quate
consisting of about 150 il s, and Fork
80 to Terms of
sale, filicen hundred dollars cash, when
100 acres clear lund.
the sale is confirmed, and deed executed,
and the residue in three equal yeurly pay-
ments to be secured by bonds and mort
gouge. Due atte ndunce will be given by
Esther Henney Ys,
Jacob ‘Henney,
By the Court
Certificd by b
Wm. Petrikin,
Clerk, O, c
Bellefonte, March 17th 1819.
WHEREAS we the subscribe Sy gave
a note of hand to Alexander Robertson,
of Nittany valley,
twenty five dollars,
Centre County, far
dated about the 11th
day of October 1818, which note we are
determined not to pay unless compelled
by law.
T ~~
Two or three Apprentices to the
Millwright Business.
Boys from 17 to 18 years of age, who can
March 10,
come well recommended, will meet with
good encouragement, by applying to the
subscriber, living in Asronsbute,
David Walter.
darch 24th 1819.
2 1edy will be exposed 10 public sale, on Mon-
x uated in Hylimens to
Notice i ¢s her ereby uC iv ver,
ATHAT a Court of Common Pic: as, Ge nad \hiniali Lamar township,
ral Quarier Sessions of the Peace and Or-
phans’ Court, in and for the counties of
Centre aud Clearfield, will be held at the
Court Icuse, in the borough of Belle
foute, on Moiiday, the: 26th day of A-
pril, at ten o’clock A. M. of said day, ol
which the Coronor, Justices of the Peace
and Censtables, within said Counties, will
take notice, that they be then and there,
in their proper persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, examinations, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their offices appertain to be done ;
and all suitors, jurors and withesses are
also requested to be and attend at said
Caurt, aid not depart without leave.
Given under my hand, at Bellefonte ||
this ‘sixteenth day of March ts
A. D. one thousand eight hun-
dred and nineteen.
John Michell, Serif
fs Sales.
By. virtue ofa writ of alias Venditioni
Exponas issued out of the Court of Com-
mon pleas of Centre County, to me direc.
day tie 26th day of Apiil ‘wext, at the
Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte,
the following described property, viz. 4
Acertain tract of tand, with © ied hd
provements and eppurtencoces, contain:
ng one hundred acres, more or Tess, sit
Wil En, adjoining
A small Farm
Centre Cou,
about 16 miles from Bellclonte, and op he
great road leading to Big Island, containirg
one hundred and five ac Y s of
about ‘one half of which is supposed to le
cleared. Tlere are on the premises
dwelling house and barn, and two eck
of water running through the place, with}
meadow ground sufficient for the farm.
Any person disposed to purchase can be \
shown the premises by Joseph Johnsoy )
Wm. Mo residing. near. the sam
son, deceased. For terms ods to
Thomas Me Calu
On the Tuesday of the nest Apr Court;
in Bellefonte, the subscriber ll jes ag
Public sale,
situated on Bishop street, adjoining
the in.
lots, and on the road leading to Eenndally i J
Each of them well fenced and now in clos
ver. The conditions will be made Kno
on the day of sale.
¥ bo Tssae Moore, Seized and taken in exe.
and others.
juion and to be sold as the property of John!
of land, with. fhe’ Tren was and ap.
purtenances, containing. one hundred acres
more or less, situated in Hi moo town-
stip, adjoining ands of Henry Yoder and
{cution, and to be sold as the property ol
Hy Work. By:
i By virtue of a writ of alias Venditioni
Exponas, issued out of the same court, to
me directed, wiil be exposed to sale, at
the sume time and place, a certuin tract
or parcel of land, containing two hundred
acres, more or less, with the appurtenan-
ces and improvements, situate in Potter
township, Centre county adjoining lands
of Luwrence Grossman, Robert Mitchell]
Seized end taken ip ex. cu-
By virtue of an alias Venditioni Espo.
has issucd out of the same court, to me di-
vectedy wil be exposed to public sale, at
the same time and place, a certain tract
of land containing one hundred and fifty
acres, be the sume more or less, situate in
Potter yownship, Centre county, adjoin-
tng lands of David Love, the heirs o
tishe¥and others,
with the improvements
and gppurtenances. Scized and taken in
‘gution, and to be sold as the property
of Robert Mitchel.
By virtue of a writ of alias Venditicn
Exponas issued out of the same court, to
me directed, will be exposed to public
sale at the same time and pl
tract of land, situated in I
ace, a certain
amar township,
containing seventy-five acres more or Jess
adjoining lands of John M<«Ghee, Widow
Wilson and others, with theimprovements
and appurtenances. Scized and taken in
execution and to be sold as tie property
of Joel Herr, by
John Mitchell, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Be lets nic,
March 19,1819, $
y : Bellefonte, April 1st
and small tools, all in good order.
{ April next.
to be secured by mortgage.
particulars apply to
Bellefonte Patriot, or the su
the town of Franklin.
THE subscriber respect{ully informs
his friends arid the bublic in genetal that
he has taken thy, commodious house in
the Borough of Bellefonte, lately soi
ed by Jarues Hemphill as a house of enet-
tainment. By strict attention to business)
and keeping a constant supply of the best
liquors and other accommodations, he
Hatters. himsclf 10 continue to merit 3
share of the public pationage
Joseph B
Paton March 23, 1819.
nd those I: avin
make a
ats to present
against 521d % es
scriber to make: eh ent dof Lb
Istration account on Dt fore h
day of April next.
March 24th
I WILL sell a valuable fd
situated mn the town of Fi
of justice of Venango couply, Penusylimisy
with a
Patent Bark Mill
session will be given on the first day of
The terms will be made easy
$400 in hand,
‘or the premises, and the small sum of
5150 a year (little move then it rents for}
For furt
the editor of
or when the deed is made
Wm. Co