Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, April 19, 1819, Image 3

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    ®n bot, threagh mud and mir
e+: home to Bellefonte, and te
vies to hang the conwict. It
thi: the Sheriff refused his sep
corupt motives, The man certainly bad
} s claims, and it is possible they may be
frund to be as solid as the Philadelpbi:
out] s, who stood candidaie for a vendue
criepand was defeated by « corrupion.”
The proposed candidate for hangman has
¢eriainly his mefits as a writer; of which
the doggrel pom, published in the Car
lisle Herald, is goof 10 point. Itis a per:
- {gpmaince peife 4 y suitable co the channel
shrough which Jit’ passed, and every way
worthy of its aujhor and publisher.
; Ali these imporiant circumstances call
foudiy fir an enquiry, and as we have as
good a right to it as those ‘who obtamed 11,
we insist on having it. We will also, no
doubt be gainers by it; for probably a
goodly number of us may be called upon
to g¢ to Harrisburg as witnessesy and
pa! 4by the state, as undoubtedly the Phil
phia ge ndeman have been. We can
{oduce 3000 god witnesses —- This migiit
ga cousderable sum of par nioney
he S je yee hui | to cirgalace in this
much “yanted at this
> his ser-
Tati the post
that the postage on
be paid in advance—that
nm of war Hornet, captain
¥ Boston for Cadiz having
hythy minister to the court
#3 Re dy & i
i 0 iS :
pF Sp
wttte received by the Ata:
18 an ifnortant Spanish royal
at the recommendation of the
ouictl ot war, relative to the
ot §reignon s engaged | in pesisting
bg apprehended with arms in
s iS majest y's Ultra- Matin domi-
hing: them with munitions of wa rf
Sv fer cap:tal pur ishmeent; and that
Sons sha'l not be comprehended on
dons whch his nm josty has eonced-
sal he eafeys ~oucede in favor of
Pan er 1008 10 the sailing of the
rie Sou capt, macho arrived
‘days fiom i ar (hat'sccounts
ceed theve fremulVisra Cruz, stati
Parr iots had Luna completely |
ian jumped out of
b thing house, in his
iy a Jeg 3
abil} i
: itchell, a cha-
may remember to have
Ga i pliaie, “is off the coast and
pa with the little frade
oh Re or Pe as
vl and Pamlico Sound to Wil-
resto iy @nd Savannah, hav.
ele ence public defence,
; inlets from
© their way
| Nat, barring acci
Certa\yly here to-mor-
day afiyr ; and during!.
: our new Cus
Ach is to be an Yegant bad
asonically) laid, The U.
“AAgressy com. Henley, will
: 0) iis week, probably Wed.
: nosddy, prepacathry to her Sailing for S.
America. ister plenipotentiary
fur Rin Farieire, Mb. Graham, &c. areex.
pected in the steam boat Roanoke, on her
return from Washington, to go out in the
NR Norfoik Lager,
apt. Rosey .in 35 days
158! om that port, informs that many
Crews of Portuguese vesse's, caprured by
Ek bear mg Act gas’ flags bad lately
ived, there. They nif 'rmly reported,
that the privateers were who!ly manned by.
citizens © ot the United State s, and the
crews chro ged that they were ewned
in ted out'of ports of the U. States.
This ha d amostiuniavorabie imp ession on
ous Bat fein or in Portugal.
A TRe—
\ tits Burough, Edward
pad d patriot of the Revolation.
from ‘his £
VN Over the We: Lranch of he Susquchans
THE Subscrivers are authorized to ref
thei {PEt
RN Nv Nass NG wits
‘na at Lewisburg.
NOTICE is hereby given, that con
formably to the act of incorporation, a
public meeting of the stockholders will
se held on Monday the third day of May
next, at the house of John Lawshe, jr.
in the town of Lewishurgy at 10 o’clock in
the forenoon, for the purpose of electing
Officers for the ensuing year, and the de-
wermination of any question affecting the;
interegt of the Company.
William Hayes,
Lewisburg, March 81st 1819,
Battalion Training.
THE first Battalion of the 12th Regi:
ment P. MM. will
meet at the house of An-
drew Weaver, in Walker township, on
Saturday the 15th day of May next, at the
aour of 10 o’clack in the morn ry com-
The Cip-
ains will advertise the Company train {inn
ngs to eon the first Monday of Mes]
next. The time snd place of holding ap-
peals will be made known on thie duy of}
Battalion training.
Win ‘Smyth,
Colo nel,
pletely equipt for c¢xercise.
April 12, 1819
To :
Masons & Gorpentons
proposals for the ‘Mason 20d Car.
¢ tepwork of 3
. Meet ing Bouse,
Bellefonte. T he
{Part of the communi‘y, that they have
WY furhyace, Dear Jersey Shore, Lycoming |
intended tbe erected ithe Borough of
drmor & Callaghen,
5 ectfu'ly inform their friends and
tine public in general that they have com.
menced business in the ‘shop formerly
occupied by Stewart and Armor, next
door to = Milliken’s Store, Bellefonte,
where all work, in the line of their busi-
ness, will be executed with nestness and
They inform the fashionable
rzceived the latest Philadelphia fashions
Bellefonte Afiril 24 1819,
Last Notice.
Those persons who are indebted to
John Patterson & Co. are informed that
unless payment is made wo Mr. Robert
stephenson in Bellefonte, before the first
day of May next, suits will be brought a
gainst them without respect to persons,
as longer indulgence will not be given.
John Paterson Be
April 7, 1819. A
“ Change of Position.”
The subscriber having sold his lease of
the tavern stand to Mr. Joseph Butler, and 4
wishing. to settle up. this business, in that
line, respectfully requests all who are in-
debted to call and make payment, on or bea
fore the first day of, Ma next, as no fur-
ther indulgence wil be given.
He respectfully informs his friends, and
the public in geo that he has opened a
Boot & Shoe "Manufactory,
im the South east corner of the public
square, where be will constantly keep on
hand an assortment of Gentleman’s Boots
{and Shoes, Ladies Shoes and Pumps, &c.
of the first’ qua ty, and newest fashions 3
which he will dispose of cheap, for cash or
approved orders, and on no other terms.
James Hemphill.
Bellefonte, April 1st 1819.
Listof i.euers
Remaining in the Post Officc at Bellefonte,
~ Three or four Moulders at the Miffin,
County. Constant employ and generous
wages will be given. Apply to the sub.
scriber at the works,
Coote Heisler.
3 8, 1819.
Bellefonte Hotel,
1 oe Sybseriber has taken the house he.
Bouse will be sbout 60
by 44 feet. The IGtars 3
all thematerials.
plan of the Yaitting will be on vr
plication ta. Josepi: Miles.
oT Atdiew
The enrolled. nrifii of the first. ‘Battal:
lion, twelith regimedt, (not being ex-
empts) are herebymotificd to meet on Fii-
day the 23d day of April; instant, at the
house of John Snyder, innkeeper, Nittany
valley, and then and there, between the
{hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and
six afterroon, elect by ballot, one Major
to command said b ttalion; in the room of
Major Hetry M’Culment.
J. Young,
Inspector 1st B, 10th. D. P. M
April 2d 1819.
Dissolution.of Partner hip.
The heretofore
under the firm of Stewart ts
Partnership existing
Armor, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
As it is necessary that the business trans-
acted by them, during the ex: stefige of the
firm, should be set: led as soon as possible,
it is presumed all persons indebted will
call and make payment immediately.
Andrew Stevan)
William Armor)
Bellefonte, April 1, 1819.
The subscriber having opened a house
of public entertainment, in the house late.
ly occupied by Mr. Joseph Butler; ia the
Borough of Bellefunte, respectfully in-
forms bis friends and the publi, that he
lias provided himself with every article
requisite for the sccommodation ‘of the
lodger and traveller in a comfortable man-
ager. by
care and attention to receive a share-of the
He therclore fiatters himself
public patronage.
Thomas Hastings.
BE tinge Hotel,
fpeonice hims iF with every jc sageary
~ That the following. admihisration ac
counts, have been examined and passed Ly
me; and remain filed in my office for the
inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and
all other persons; in any wise concerned,
and will be pre-ented to the next Orphan,
Courty 10 be held at Bellcfonte, on the
26th fay ef April next, for confirmation
and fllowance,
“I The’ administration account of Roland
Curtin, anmibistrator de bonis non cum
{iesigmento anuexo, of Richard Malone, late
of Boggs township deceased.
"2. The administration account of James
Neal and William Johnston, administrators
of the goods and chattles, &c. of John Neal
late of Walker tow nship, deceased.
3. The admibistration account of John
Speer, adntinistiator of the goods and chat-
tles &c. of Robert Speer, late of Potter
township, deceased.
4. The administration account of Henry
M:Calmont and David Watson, adminis-
trators of the goods and chattles &c. of
William Watson, lite of Baldeagle town-
ships deceased.
Wm. Petrikin,
onte ¢
T rg" “3
THE subsciiber bas opened a shop in
the borough of Bellefonte, on the south east
corner of the Diamond, for the purpose of}
repairing #Clocks and Watches, and for
doing all kinds of work belonging to the
Silver Smithing which he hopes
0 execute to the satisfaction of every one.
E. Reeves.
Regtgter's Office, Belle
March 27th 1819
Toe: osnd Samuel Alexander, Henry Al-
jlam Swanzy 2;
Pa. April 1st. 1819
Matthew Allison 2. ~ William Allin,
hilip Antis, Joseph Adams, Danie] Am-
; George Bealer, Mores Bows, Ross
i Moses Boggs, John Barger, Grace
Bradley, Francis Bristow, Janies Craw
ford, Esq. 2 Samuel Cowperthwait, Charle
B. Calaghan, James Dixon, Patrick oh
agho, John Douglass, John Eyersob; John
Eway, John Ellison, James Edminston jr.
Abraham Eldet, John Fishery Isaac Fisher
James Foster; Mary Fulton, Thomas Fer-
|ster, Joel Ferree, Susan Fagundis, Rob-
ert Gordon, John R. Grimes, John Giret)
Mr. Han- |
James Glenn, Israel Gartner,
nah, Hannah Hanson, Richard C. Hamil-
ton 2 ; George Hoey; Jacob Holder, Jacob
Hartman, Johu Holman, John B. Hender-
John Hunter, James Hall,
; John Holt, John Hall Esq.
Highlands, James Hutchison, Mary Jor=
© dan, 2
onc, Henry Kleopfer, James Kiscad-
thy Peter A. Karthaus, 6 ;
Sidle Lobaugh;
son, 2 ;
{Harter 2
3 Samuel Jones, Isaac Jones, Ruth
Michael Ley-
nian, sen. David Long,
{Gilbert Leitch, Mary Lamb; Yames H. Lee,
Abraham Lee, Susan Lafferty, David Lamb
George Lonberger, Jacob Lee, Mrs: Jane
Linn, Sarah Linn, 2
John Lebo 2; Samuel M Kinney, Hugh
M«Clure, Joseph M Kibben, Geo. Miles
James M:«Curlah, Andrew Moore, John
M:Laughlin, Mary M: Williams, John M¢
{Ihatton 2 ; James MsGhee : Archibald
Moore, John M Gaee, David Moore, Mi.
chael Meese, Nelly MiEwin, Hannch
Mooney, John Masden 2 ; Thomas BM’
Clure, Johh Moore jr. Elizabeth M Gh e,
Catharine M<Bride 3; William M K bien,
Wm. M¢Almond, Thomas M:Pheison,
Samuel M¢Glathery, Jacob Maurcr, Robt.
Moore, John Maitland, Michael Miils,
William Nichol, 2 ; Christian Nesdicrough
Hugh Neil; John Neil, Isaac Nicl, Na-
thaniel Orr; Mary Osterwalder, Jacob
Potter, George Proudiost, Jokin Patterson
& co. Jacob Pletcher, William Pattersun,
Michael Dixon, Eli Packer; Amos Packer,
William Pettit, Michael Potter jr. ~ Daniel
Richards, Wm. Russell, David Richards,
Henry Riddle, John Raokin, William Rob-
ison, John Reed jr. James Stigers, 3 ; Wil=
3 John Leinbach 2
Barney & Mary Shopey
Andrew Sharer,’ Peter Swope, Joseph
Ralph Stokes, Richard Sadler,
William Stott,
George Tester, Joseph Thorndike, 3 ; Jon-
g j y
James Ship, John Stine,
ithan Teyre 2 Rev. John Thomas, James
Thompson, Moss Thompson, 2 ; John
Taxis, David Tate , Owen Thomas 2 + Jobn
Tannehill 2; Valantines & Thomas, Chris-
tian Vanpool, John Weaver, Angel Wen
ger, David Weaver, William Williams,
Jacob Wilson, Paul Wolf, John Wiley 35
Thomas Warringion, Jacob Wolf, Grorga
Wolf, Walborn, George Yost, Bobers
Young, James York.
April 8, 1819.
Zor, 20, 1815.
H. Humes, 2, A