——— — per annum ; but if not paid within the year, two dollars and fiftycents will be charged. # Advertisements, making no more 1n " fength then breadth, will be inserted three times for one dollar; and for every subse. quent continuance twenty-five cents. — Those of greater length 1 proportion.— Rule or figave work double those rates. No subscription will be received for less than one year; nor any paper discontinu- ed until all arrearages are paid. If the subscriber does not request continuance of his paper, at the end of the year, it will be considered as a DEW engage- ment; and the paper forwarded according - ly. " Subscribers who have their papers car- ried by the mail, must be liable for the pos tage. Letters addressed to the editor must be pos¢ paid. a dis Wool Carding. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have commenced the above business in Halfmoon, Centre count y and that their + ivght Carding Machine Is in complete order. Clean wool wi hr must be one pound of clean 8 | to every ten pounds of wool. They flatt themselves that by strict attention to’ ou ness, and by endeavoring to perform th to obtain the approbation of their custom- ers, | All orders and business attended to at "the shortest notice. ; A Joseph Haggerty, : Thomas Moore. Halfmoon, May 25, 1818. N orthumberland & Belle- fonte Mail Stage. i HIS Stage will in future leave the house of John Shriner, in the town of Northumberland, every Friday morning at 5 o'clock, breakfast at L. B. Stoughton’s, Dervstown—arrive at Jacob Maize’! in MifHlinsburg or Youngmanstown, in time o’clock; P. M. and arrive at W. 1. Brown’s Aaronsburg, at six, P. M.—Leave Aarons- burg at 7 o'clock, un Saiurday morning— get to Larlysburg in time for dinner, and arrive at John Rankin’s, Bellefonte, at 4o’clock, P. M. ——Returning—-it will leave John Rankin’s, Bellefonte, every Monday morning at 5 o’clock--break- fast at Earlysburg—arrive at Aaronsburg In time for dinner, and be at Roush’s by six o'clock, P M.—~Leave Roush’s or Tuesday {hg morning at 4 o’clock—breakfast at Maize’s, in Youngmanstown~~be at Stoughton’s in fime to dine, and arrive at Northumberland at four o'clock, P. M. - Rates of Fare Ris OF THE ! NORTHUMBERLAND &' BELLEFONTE MAIL STAGE. FROM Northumberland to Lewis- | burg - - R0 621 « \” Lewisburg to Mifllinburg 0 62} \”* Mifilinburg to H. Roush’s 62% % HH Roush’sto Aaronsburg 1 00 ii] » Aaronsburg to Earlystown 1 00 fo - rE » \ Earlystown to Bellefonte ~~ 0 623 Bo * Bellefonte to Northumber- gt land . - 4 50 N. B. 14lbs. baggage allowed to each passenger, free. All above that weight to}: carded for eight cents per pound. The 1] ( work in the best manner, they will be able} _|my intentions, permit me to mention, that / 0 may hereafter. set up, shall pursue this j{covrse; in which case, I will consiaer my- wg [self at liberty to be governed by circum for dinner ; be at Henry Roush’s aliout four): i Fellow-Citizens, ed motives, I will discharge the duties of the office with precision and impartiality MONDAY MORNING, July 1, 1818. Clearfield counties. BEING encouraged by a number of my friends, I am induced to offer myseli, at the ensuing election, a candidate for {the office of Sheriff. Should you think me worthy of your votes, it shall be gratefully acknowledged, by Your Humble Servant, Stephen Davis. Ferguson townships, : April 18,1818. ¢ To the Electors of Centre § Clearfield Counties. Lellow-Citizens, 3 es og HincouracED by 2 humber of my friends, IT offer myself a candidate for {the Sheriff’s office, st the next General Election. Should I be so fortunate as to obtain your confidence, you may rest as- & {A Farm and Tavern Stand, {Situated on Lycoming creck, 27 miles =i To the Electors of Centre CONDITIONS. | The price of this paper is two dollars Fellow-citizens, FOR SALE, from Williamsport, 44 from Tioga Point, and 43 from Newtown; containing 200 acres; between 30 and 40 of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation ; a young bearing orchard; 15 acresin clo- ver, timothy and herd grass. . The build- ings are a two story house 22 by 36 feet, hewed pine, well finished off; a log kitch- 3 iP _ + As the constitutional term rm of the pre- sent Sheriff will expire next fall, I beg leave to offer myself candidate for your suffrages for that office, at the ensuing General Election. I shall not trouble you vor, in discharging the duties of that of- fice ; as you all know, that the same laws which govern you; will command me, if elected. iy. a Having given this early intimation of I do not mean to travel over the counties to solicit the votes of the citizens, individ- ually, except some other candidate, who stances. fiir : 90k, JOHN MITCHELL. To the Free and Indepen- dent Electors of Centre ‘and Clearfield counties. The subscriber respectfully offers him- self a candidate for the Sheriff’s office, at the ensuing general election in October next. : Respecting the good sense, and confid- ing in the integrity of his feliow citizens, he deems a personal solicitation of their votes unnecessary, and will, therefore, he believes, dispense with the customary prac: tice of riding through the counties, for that purpose, as a useless undertaking, Should he, however, be honored with a majority of their suffrages, he will feel graceful for the preference, and will endea- vor to justify it by a faithful and upright discharge of his duty. Very respectfully : the public's humble servant, John Hall, jr. To the qualified Electors of Centre and Clearfield _eounties, I take the liberty of offering myself to your consideration as a candidate for the office of Sheriff at the next General Elec- tion. Should youthink me worthy of your support, unbiased by prejudice or interest- Your humble servant, with the vain promises of affection or fa-| {Situated on the leading road from Willi- borough of Bellefonte, on Allegheny street. corner of the Diamond, suitable for a me- chanic. For terms apply to FOR SALE, |A valuable log dwelling house, with a frame Jercked: and an half acre of ground, e in arti : , Lycoming OE $s Martin, William Quigley and others. ouse and kitehen are new, with a d cellar under the house, all sybstan- ly built, and is a convenient residence a mechanic or private family. The under good cultivation, and contain- j a number of young apple trees. _ Also, fifty acres of excellent wood land, si Jated about three-fourth’s of a mile from the said house and lot. An indis. {putable title will be given. . For terms apply to : 4 ’ Jersey-Shore. “. ‘: . W.BRINDLE. B May 14, 1818. yEed ons FOR SALE, THAT well known Tave Li rn House and Bos i Newbury, Lycoming county, sign Spread Eagl, amsport to Bellefonte, and (0 the Pai inted Post, The house 18 two stories high, 46 by 26, with a Convenient kitchen and sellar, and is well calculated for both ka Store and Tavern. There are for horses, Also, 67 Town Lots, Adjoining the above, with a convenient dwelling house and barn thereon—a good well of water at the door, and a hand- some orchard of apple trees, pear trees, &c. &ec. also suitable stabling and sheds 3 ALSO, Vr About eight acres of first rate meadow ground, adjoining said town. Also, A Wood Lot, With a few acres cleared thereon, near said town. The whole will be sold on reasenable terms. For terms apply to the subscriber, residing on the premises. John Murphy: Newbury, May 18, 1818. tL} TO LET, | A two story log house, situate in the} Also, ‘3 A small frame building on the southeast # be atcounted for. ; J y PR Allvaggage at the risk of the owner: William Keatley, are at present subcribed for, so, sons hereafter subscribing, may ttt [AND IN pursuance of the last will and testas ment of Josiah Lamborn, late of Patton FOR SALE, lic sale at the house of Evan Miles, in the borough of Bellefonte, on Tuesday the 25th day of August next, a valuable tract of LAND, containing about 450 acres, sit se in Pate ton towhship, Centre count# joining lands of Charles Huston, esa. and others, There are on said farm a dwelling house and a: good barn; a bearing apple and {peach orchard, and a spring of never-failing water. Also, a very extefisive OBE BANK. Any person wishing to purchase said farm may view the property by applying to the subscribers. | | . Terms will be made known on the day of sale by John Lamborn, §& 7 Ephraim Lamborn, June 9,1818. iui —— x’re, td. Carding Machines. RANKIN § STEEL, INFORM their friends and the public, that their. i MACHINES are pow in complete operation, for carding iwoul into rolls, at the old stand in Belle- fonte. The price for carding will be eight cents per pound. Those who live at a dis- tance may, by waiting a short time, take their wool home in rolls. The wool ought tobe well washed, and picked clean of sticks and all hard substances. One pound of grease to ten pounds wool. Rankin & Steel Tender their sincere thanks to all those who have heretofore favored them with thelr custom, and hope by strict attention to business to merit 2 share of public pate ronage. May 30, 1818. N. B. The carding must be paid for bey fore the rolls are taken away, either in cask or country firoduce. TAKE NOTICE. THE Store Books, : late firm of Jobn Keen and Joseph B. Shu- gert, are left in the hands of John Patton, Esq. of Ferguson township, for collection. All those indebted tu the said firm will save costs by calling and settling up their ace counts. The partnership having been, dis- solved, no longer indulgence will be given, John Keith. ¥ 1 5 June 20, 1818, FRANKLIN GAZETTE, IN addition to the daily paper, and that issued three times a week, it 1s the ine tention of the editor also to publish a papen once a week. It will contain all the news matter of the daily paper, and such ad- vertisements 2s may be ordered. to be puba lished in it. The type will be the same as that of the daily gazette, and the paper the same. sizé and quality. The first number, will be issued next week. Price twe dollars a year; payable in advance, A greater number will be prin from the first number, it they desd® { _ Printers friendly to the Fragkih Gas HW. Brindle, June 15,1818. zette, will confer a favor, by gifin§ this’ a few insertions. Piiladelfihiay April 4y 1818, Yo. 11. township, deceased, will be exposed to pubs - bE