Foreign Intelligence. + TL I — i ceived at New-York by bip Hercules. From the London Gazette, of March sty it appears that his royal highness the prmce regent has been pleased, in the name and on behalf ot his majesty, Yo ap prove of Joel Hart, +23 as consul at Leith, for the United States. \ According to advice from Madrid, the sailing of the expedition from Cadiz has been postponed for three months. The cause of it is stated to augment the force, which is to consist from 12 to 14,000 men. It is conjectured the expedition. is to pro- ceed In the first instance to the river Plate, and commence its operations by expelling the Portuguese from Montevideo. A considerable division will then be sent round cape Horn, to support the royalists in Peru. London, Afi 2. —Mails from Ham- burg and Flanders arrived to-day. Anar- ticle from Algiers, dated the 27th of Fe- bruary; represents that seat of baibarity and oppression as suffering most severely From the ravages of the plague. We se- lect the following articles trom the Ham burg papers : : Hamburs, March 26 —We have recelv- - ed the following letters from Algiers, by way of Marsailles : : « Algiers, February 25.-~The state of things bere bgcomés worse and more dreadiul every day. The plague contin- unes to rage in a terrible manner. This distemper, of which dbove 50 persons dic daily io the city, lasts in general only 24 hours, without avy previous indisposition, ~without having felt any symptoms of the disease ; other persons frequently fall vic- tims of death from the infected air, and the use of unwholesome food. The plague algo rages in the neigborhood of Algiers, and farthherin the interior of the country. To this we may add a mortality among the cattle Besides these dreadtul scour es we have other sufferings. « His highness the Dey causes daily, and withcul respect to persons, people to be arrested, execu'ed or banished, and gra- ciously seizes on their property. « Every person is so terrified here, the people prety openly express the wish that some foreign squadron would make its ap- pearance, aud some Christian power or oth- er make itself master of this state of pi- rates : “OF thé militia tlie third part is killed, ‘banished or has deserted ; great discontent prevails among the remainder. The Dey, however, increases the number of his bo- dy guard by blacks, and has planted before] his castie a strong line of 24 pounders, which command the city. : «Several raagnificent bwmldings are e- yecting for the Dey and hus family. In the mids: of the general misery, his highness frequently amuses himself with balls, and causes the neighborhood of his pajace to resound with music. The unbappy inhab- itants, particulaily the rich Jews, bave been obliged to pay a contribnuon of 100,000 piastres, and twelve of the most beautlul] girls; of the latter, some have, however, | ‘ransomed themselves for different sums, from 4900 to 8000 piastres. « The squadion of corsairs which was] out lately ona cruise, lies still dismantled in the horbor. $4 «Some of the principal Arabian tribes in the interior of the country are in a state of insurrections and it is likely that others will follow their ‘example, as the Algervine government is in want of means to reduce them to obedience. May the insurrection extend hither Letters from Copenhagen notice a ru- mour that the English government propo- ses to purchase from Spain the island of Puerto Rico, for the purpose of ceding 1t to Denmark, for the cession of Tranquebar,! and the other Danish possessions in the East Indies. According to another ¥eport, England has offered tour millions of dollars fos the Danish teritories in the East In- dies. Zrom London papers rec » 4 ho Luc 8 RV 5» Lally AL Ore oO a1 an F £ Paris, March 29. aroad cloths milled, to 2,4 ishment was excited on its being found to! 14 5 whom Madame de Stag), whose amanu-/16 ensis. he was, used to dictate; the cones] 17 tion were iu Madame de Stacl’s own hand (18 writing. to St. Helena, do his work. THE PATRIOT. “To speak his thoughts, is every freeman’s right.’ theimgrics, on entering the chateh found 25 of theig fellow citizens mortally wound- ed ; 3 of them died in a few minutes after. About fifty persons remained in’ the belfry, some of them suspended from ropes, and all in a mest periloas situation, but by the activity of the citizens, they were all saved. The damage is estimated at 60,000 francs. London, April T. « Downing street, April 6—His Royal Highness, the prince regent, has been iw ased, in the pame and on behalf of his majesty, to appoint general his grace the Duke of Richmond, &c. XK. G. be cap: tain general and governor in chief of the provinces of Lower and Upper Canada. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the : x Ag Islands of Prince Edward and Cape Biz- | Made inthe neighborhood of Bellefonte, for May ton.” 1818. The temperature noted in the morning We are happy to find, from anauthentic{ about sunrise. and in the afternoon generally document, that there has been a great in- crease this year in the woolen maaufac- tures ; in the narrow cloths milled, this in- crease amounts to 1,582,947 yards; and in 22,135 yards. The woolen manufactory has been singular. ly benefitted the last year, by the #ashion ot the jadies wearing lambs wool shawls, pelisse cloths, and! Bath coating cloths. Preparations are making at Dusseldorf for the reception of the Allied Sayercigans. From the Lower Rhine, March 22. Some public jouruals assert, that the French minister of police, M. de Caze, has contrived to purchase the manuscript from; 10 which the work that appeared in London, I! under the title of Muauyerifit veny de St. 12 Helene, was printed. I'he greatest aston-|! MONDAY, gunk 8. Afipointment by the Goverfior. Jorn Hays, to be a justice of the Peace for district No. 4, composed of the town- ships of Howard, Walker, Spring and Boggs, Centre county—Vice Matthew Lictch, Esq. deceased. & G a eS METEOROLOGICAL @BSERVATIONS, about three o'clock. 3 o'cLoCR. 2 © “. SUNRISE, oO uz . - “ S34 rain 438 fair 52 rain 37 fair 38 cloudy 32 light rain 77 windy & clear 70 rain $4 cloudy 44 cloudy 52 clear 48 light rain 51 showers 56 light showers 60 clear 63 clear 70 cloudy & rain 72 fair 75 light showers 63 clear 66 cloudy 56 rain 57 fair 54 rain 57 cloudy 72 clear 78 light showers 78 clear. <¥2 clear ny 79 clear We 80 clear © 84 clear 50 clear 89 a shower 61 éloudy & rain 78 clear 48 clear 72 clears hy 52 cloudy 68 cloudy & drizzly 55 rain 67 rain EAE ox YE tt Ge he, SE woh Brindle, bys 1 Vo Te The Merino breed of Sheep hay- ing encreased very much of late years in this and the adjoining counties, the follow- ‘ing directions for preparing the wool for the cards and for carding it; may be useful to many ot your readers. ‘The pgincipal{ objection to this species of wool 13 that it naps so in carding that it cannot be spun to answer the purpose. If the owners of the ‘wool, and the cardérs, will pay attention to QO. ~y OW» A CIN gAR(Y 39 clear 43 fair 60 clear 60. some rain 53 fair 52 fair 52 cloudy 59 cloudy 48 rain 48 rain 49 rain 50 clear 50 clear 56 cledr 56 cloudy 48 clear Q J ¢ the hand writihg of a certain person to I5 Bonaparte, to whom it was sent: 19 ot acknowledge it for; 20 Le] 22 23 or vo i wena sic THE THEIVES COUNTERSIGN. [24 The officers of Marlborough strect es- 25 tablishment, a few nights back, were dep-|26 uted to search the house of a known reeei-!27 ver in the parish of St. James, where some 28 stolen property was suspected to be con- 29 cealedy and accidentally came into pesses-, 59 sion of the following curious secret : al There is in London a. quantity of little iron and rag shops, where it is no uncom-! 5. mon thing to see a sign-board with the, ? words % Bones bought here” painted on it; Lut antil this occasion it was never known that those few words carried an entire dif- ferent meaning with them. It scems, that in the stang Dictionary « fo done?” means to steal any thing, and thus the plunder be- comes $ bonings.” Wherever the thieves see the above sign-board they immediately make inquiries into its ¢ general charac- ter,” and when the proprietor is proved to be no « trap,” he may be sure of plenty of; custom, this objection will be removed: The own-] ers should stand by and see their wool card- ed if they wish it to be well done. - iW. P: for preparing and cdrding Merino a 00d. ’ The wool ought to be washed before itis shorn off the sheep’s back. To elean the wool of the yolk, take equal quantities 0 urine and water; heat the mixture in a large kettle, so that you can scarcely ‘bear your ‘hand in it; and keep it that hot over a slow ¢; put as much of the wool in as you can stir conveniently : keep stirring it with a stick for 10 or 15 minutes ; then take itout ang let it drain, putting a fresh quantity in the kettle, stirring as before. When it has {well drained putit into a basket ; set the basketin a tub, and place them undera spout’of clear running water, stirring the wool until it is clean ; then spread it out on some clean place todry. When it is com- pletely dry, oil it with neat’s foot oil, or sweet oil, in proportion of one pint to eight pounds of wool : the carder aught to card the finest common wool lor some time pre- vious to carding Merino wool ; it will not to card it alter goarse wool ; and if the cards are not good 1t will spoil the wool. Weak lye or soap suds, will do to clean a 2 A bill before the British parliament to; consolidate the impert and export duties.’ p w ? : re LR ecetftl At present exports to. European countries, and to the U. States pay one half per cent. ad. val. Toell other parts, even Br. colo- nies, one per cent, The new law proposes to place them all at three quarters of a per cent. which of course raises thor tothe U. States, : It is recommended that vessels should only pay the ps duty in proportion to the number of tois of freight they may havea ko EE i ts London, April 20. EXTRAORDINARY FEAT. Wednesday se’nuight, a large cancourse of fashionables assembled at Marion, the beautiful seat of the earl of Charlemont, near Dublin, to witness a wenderiul feat of! activity, performed by baron Osset, of the 16th Lancers. One hundred stones were! placed at a yard apart, and at one éxtremi- ty there was a basket; he was to ride to each stone, dismount, and pick it’ up, re- turn to the basket, again dismount, and drop it into it—making him mount and dis- i a {at the scat of government. the following diréctions and act accordingly,’ lof the - . “ 8 From the Demostatic Freeh; | Sz, Thomas, April 30, 1819. «I have just seen the Gazette de Carrace cas, which gives the official account of an | engagement on the 17th instant, at Bani near St. Carlos, between Bolivar and the royal gencral Morales; in which the latter it is saidy has gained a complete victor over Bolivar—he says that the ndeners dents lost 400 men killed and 150 prison, ers. ; Amongst the Killed of Bolivar’ army t are stated to be brigadier gencral Pedra Leoh Torres, the chief of the staff, « 4p. | tader,” colonels ¥., Caliado, Salon and M rique, lieutenant colonel Pinango, (nepheyy of Bolivar,) Silvester Palacious, Manfredo Bercolary, majors Joseph Francisco’ and fuan de Dios Morales, the aid-de-camp to Bolivar, Florencio Toba, the surgeon Sea bastian Olivares, and many others, wh The Spaniards have also suffered much; agreeable to their own statement. Amon their killed, they mention colonel Raphael Lepoz. They state that they have also taken 400 muskets, 39,500 cartridges, 400 lances, 30 cargas anim nition, 300 horses, and all the camp equipage, &c. Bolivar’s papers, hat and coats, &c. It is also reported that the independent general Marino is dead.” Als omc Philadelphia, May 23, 1818, Embarked yesterday in the steam boap at\Fort Mifflin for Detroit and Mickinaw, a detachment of about two hundred recruits ol the first battalion artillery, under the command of captain Farley, U. 8. corps artillery. William R. Swiftywesq. of the house of Adams and Swift, Baltimore; has beem appointed Portuguese consul for that dise © trict, in place of 5. Cary, esq. resigned. a A physician has been exiled from Pragus and fiom all the Austrian states, on the charge of assisting at MASONIC LOPGES} which are prohibited in that €mpire with {the greatest severity. Conan. ’ ~The South American deputy from Bues nos Ayres, Don Manuel Aguirre, arrived .. Si A ETN apr : ¢ Me Broiving offer.—~A person in the jail of Hull, has published a notice; that if the man who committed the offence for whic! he 1s imprisoned; will come and confess t same he shall be ‘handsomely rewarded A kidnapper by the name of Jernigardghl has been sentenced to suffer death in. Wayne county, North Carolina, : a ol & nn Rotation.~~New York has 27 members. of congress—it appears that only three of . the present members are re-clected—and | the Wt the present members were nog it congress. This is not the efs | fect of any political change. SEA SERPENT. Under the article of SEA INAEN, in 2 Rees’ Cyclopedia, is the following paras | graph, which I would thank you to pub«_ lish. es 3 « Bishop Pontopiddan® mentions (in his listory of Norway, Vol. I, page 195, &ec.) | 4 sea snake of a very prodigions size ; for | the perticulars-of lis dimentions, Sec. caver must refer to the testimonies which he has recorded,” These animals some of which are said to be po less than gix hundred feet long, are dapgerous to navigators, as they throw themselves over vessels of some hundred tous burthen and siak them to the bottom by their weight, The pre- servative against them is castor, the smell of which they are said to avoid, The bishop apprehends that this creature which inhabits the North Sea, is the leviathan mentioned in the Scriptures -Isaiah, xxvii. l.—Job, xxvi. 13. Salem Gaz. “HY 4 a a £1 § : i ] i » 2 On Mondays came on the trial of John | Murphy, before his honor Judge Rush, charged with having willfully and of malice aforethought, murdered Daniel Jooes, a resident in the county of Philadelphae: The case excited considerabie interest, and the avenues to the court room were coms pletely blocked up during the whole course | ofthe trial. About” o’clock, P. M. the | jury retired, and after a short ume re- | turned a verdict of guiliy of murder in the 1 second degree, . ve © Yesterday the prisoners Murphy, was brought up before the court to receive his sentence. The judge, after some prefa< tory observations, sentenced him to cighe teen years imprisonment in the penilenti= ary- “Centinel. * Bishop Pontopiddan seems, by the notice of him in the Cyclopzdia, to have been a distin guished bistoviun and divine, died i Denmark 1714: The inquiry intd the cguses of the purn- ing of the Odeon is prosecuted with great activity.—Several persons have been altea- dy arrested. mount two hundred times. An hour was the time given, but the task was peYform- ed; with ease, in forty five minutes. From the apparent want of waining of the rider and his steed, bets were considerably in fa- vor of time— for neither the viger nor plia- bility of the one, afterwards so eminently conspicuous, nor the fleetness and steadi- ness of the other, were at first percaptible. But when, after a few turns, the biron dis- mounted for the purpose of scratching his ear with his footy while the horse stood qui- etlyWiwaiting his master’s will,” any odds were offered on them. The Jord lieutenant and his arniable and lovely countess were present, and at the conclusion, her excellency crowned the herculean baron with a chaplet of ever- greens. He wore, on the occasion, 2 beau- titul yellow silk jacketyand lilac head-dréss ‘astefully arranged—=light net pantaloons, one boot and one spur. An elegant cold ‘collation was prepared by lord and lady| {Charlemont. the wooly but makes it harsh, i+ Rp —— % 4 Th ¥ £ ! = The Connecticut Legislature Met at Hartford, May 14,1818. Gideon Tonilins on was chosen Speaker, and Elisha Phelps and Samuel A. Foot Clerks, ol the House ; all Re publicans. Governor Wolcott and Lieut. governor Ingersoll appear to have been re-elected, with but lit:le opposition : and a republican council : Every branchof the government is therefore republican. h A frightful accident has plunged the in- habitants of Villicxs-lé-Bel, Seine and Oise, fate mourning. On Wadnesday, the 25th, between 4 and §, the workmen were taking’ down a large bell of 6 millicrs® “weight. There were present besides the workmen, about 60 persons; atiratted by curiosity, and about 40 women in the church. A sudden crack from the arch was heard, and in an instant the church was encumbered with enormous stones, which fell from the heightol 80 1eet with an horrible crash. The women; io attempting to make their escape, hurt each other, ‘and a number of the inhabitants of the place, attracted by 4 DE > William Cobbett has offered himself to the freemen of Coventry, as a candidate to represent that City in Parliament. 1 ‘5 ¢ eR i [# The Trench milliery, or thousand weight, 38 equal fo 1311 1bs, 7 oz 19dwt, Tray weight The weight of the bell was, consequently, 7869 You. 11 oz. 19 dwt, Troy weight. The ship Plato, from Bremen, with Mr. PINKNEY and family on board, is now coming up the river, X / “1 : Bale, Patriot, w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers