Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, June 08, 1818, Image 1

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3 7d
BC, June 8, 1818.
“No. $:
seems To the qualified Electors}
of Centre. and. Cleartield;
Fellow- Citizens,
i parsnance of the last will and testad By. arderofishe. Orthans- Court of Centre
ment of Josiah Lamborn, late ot Pat on County, BA J
tow nghip, deceased, will be exposed to pub-| WILL be sold at public sale, on the prev &
lic sale, at the house of Evan Miles, in thej mises, onthe ninth day of June Ae
I take the liberty of offering myself to! borough of Bellefonte, on the second Mon-| One Handed and Twenty Acres of
The price of. this paper ds tw dol farsi
PST annom ; bat if not paid within the year,
two doll ars and fifty cents will be charged {
Advertisements, making DO More in
length then breadth, will be inserted three
times for one dollar ; and for every subse.
qu nt continuapce twenty-five cents——
it! hose of greater length in proportion. —
Rule or fi. eure work double those rates.
No subscription will be received for less
sour consideration asa candidate for the, day of June next, 3 valyghle rage of Jeng
office of Shecifl at the next General E lec-jcontaming Bho 3 ae i oa i A
dou. Should you think me worthy of your said farm a dwe he ye HY ochre
support, unbiased by prejudice or interests batt a ED men raion Also. Sitdate in Spring township, ih ak a 3
2d motives, I will discharge the duties ofjand a Spring niof Centre aforesaid, adjoining lands of - iP
a very extensive ore bank. Any perso
than one year; nor any paper discontinu-
ed until all arreareges are paid.
It the subscriber does not request a dis
€ontinuance of his paper, at the end of the
year, it will be considered as a new engage-
ty tment; ard the paper forwarded according:
Subscribers who have their papers car-
by the mail, must be liable for the pos-
1 4
ul 237 {
Letters addressed to the editor must be
post paid.
Mattie | M Reynolds
CA HAS 3 just received and is now opening
at his Store, Jerscy £ Shore, Lycoming coun-
ty, in alle liti@n'to his former stock, a very
forge. a eneral assortment of
Buited to the approaching season, consist-
wg o
Superfine, coarse & § Powerloom,: Steam-
Peliese Clotlis, loom fd Bop
XGusimere, ~ Shirtings,
“Elastic cords, Callicooss Ih
f.-tockingnett, 0 Chintzes, i i
; Felvet ‘and’ Velvet § Q Ginghams,
\ gords, ok Fh Cambrick,
teskinand Jcom- 8. Camiivick Tieng
Fo inant go
Jackenett, -
¢ Book & india mull
5 Muslins,.
3 Black Barcelonia &
the office with precision and impartiality
Your humble servant,
wishing to purchase sail farm may view
the property by applying ¢ to the subscri-
William Keatley.
To the Electors of Centre &
Clearfield countics.
BEING encouraged by a number of
my friends, { am induced to offer myselt,
at the ensuing election, a candidate for
the office of Sheriffs. Sheuld you think me
worthy of your votes, it shall be gratefully
acknowledged, by
Your Humbie Servant,
Stephen Davis. |
To the Free on Indepens
dent Electors of Centre
Ferguson townshifty
Amil 18, 18 18.
of sale by
{to every ten pounds of wool.
nown on the day
Terms will be made
- Wool Carding.
THE Ehubiertber s respectfully inform the
public that they have commenced the above
{busines in Hall iii Centre gounty, and
that their
Carding Machin
Is in complete order. Clean wool will be
carded for eight cents per pound. There
must be one pound of clean grease or oil
They flatier
themselves that by strict attention to busi-
ness, and by endeavori ing to perform their
work i in the best manner, they will be able
to ¢blain the approbation of their custom-
All orders and business attended to at
The subscriber respectful
scli a candidate for the Sher
the ensuing | genordl oy
Respecting fhe oe sense, ‘and confid-
"h cliow citizens,
tation <
Wy ith Hv customary prac-
dee of riding through the counties, fori
that purpose, as a useless wertakin
Should he, however, be honored with a
majority of their suffrages, he will feel
Tignred and white
Marseille, :
'Vestings, G.
Shawls, largs and
' amall,
Levantine and Da-
mask shawls
Thread and® Cotton |
Canton crape,
Yiish Lincus, 3
Together witha forge assortment of
Stationary, . $ Glass,
Hardware, ¢ Queensware,
Cutlery, $ Drugs,
China, Q Paints, &c. &e.
All of which he offers for sale at reduc-
ed prices for cash or country produce
Jersey Shore, May, 1818."
Bandanoe hdk’fs.
Lady's York tanned
2 and Silk Gloves,
0 Silk Stockings,
5 Conon IW orsted
" Domesiic Plaids,
§ Striped & Shirti
§ Muslins,
S Checks,’
: Bed-ticking,
Cotton Yarn, i
3 Spi straw bonnetts
. {discharge of his duty.
| Ll the vain promises of affection or fa-
rateful for the preference, and will endea-
vor to justify it by a faithful and upright
y respectfully
dhe atl 8 humble ser
Jon Hall jr
Io the qualified Electors
of Centre and Clearfield
counties. ho
As the constitutional term of the pre-|
sent Sheriff will expire next fall, | beg
leave to offer myself a candidate for your|
suffrages tor that office, at the ensuin
Gene ral 1 €Clion.
1 shall not. trowble you
rory in discharging the duties of that of
fice ; as you ail know, that the same laws
fwhich govern you, will command me, if
elec far
Having ‘given this early intimation of
Valuable Land For Sale.
BY Virtue of an Order of the Orphans
Court of Centre county, will be exposed
to public sale, on the premises; en Mon-
a y the eighth day of June next, a cer-
fain tract of
situate in Potter township, In said county,
adjoining Jan ds ot Georg re Menich and o-
thers, contain ng about oo hundred and
fifty acres, and sur veyed in pursuance of a
warrant inthe name of Joha Carothers, be-
ing part of the real estate of Robert Mar-
tin, late ot Lycoming county, dec’d. Terms
ot sale to be Cash, when the sale 1s confirm-
ed by the Orphans Court. Attendance
will be given by Thomas Martin and Rich-
ard Martin, administrators of thie goods
and chatties, &c. of said deceased.
By the cour, $m
XV M. PETRIKIN, Cr ke 0. 0.
Bellefo Ee May 2, 188. @
my intentions, permit me to mention, that
I do not mean to tyavel over the counties]
to solicit the votes of the citizens, individ-
nally, except some other candidate, whe
may hereafter set up, shall pursue this
course; in which case, I will consiaer my-
self at liberty to be go verned by circom.
To the Electors of Centré
& Clearfield ‘Counties,
En NCOURAGED by a number Bros
I offer myself a candidate forl:
the §
Election. Should I be so fortunste as'to
obtain y our confidence, you may rest as-
sured that I will not betray it by neglect of
Your humble servant,
Joseph B wiles
and Clear field counties. |
ou eng # X
Sheriff’s office, et the next General)
« {apply to
shor test notice,
J oseph Haggerty,
Thomas Moore.
elfioon, ay 25, 1818.
a THAT well known Tavern Hod and
Lot in Newbury, Lycoming county; sign
of the
Spread Eagle,
Sitaated on the leading road from Wall.
Post. The house ‘is two sturies high,
46. by 26, with a convenient kitchen and
sellar, and is well calculated for both
+ Store and Tavern.
There are also suitable stabling and sheds
for horses.
V Ulsoy 67 Town Lots,
Adjoining ithe above, with a convenient
dweiling house and barn thercon--a good
well of water at the door, and a hand-
5 orchard of apple trees, pear trees,
. {amiport to Bellefonte, and to the Painted
8 a eight. acres of first fate meadow
ground, ad} joining said town.
Also, A Wood Lot,
With a few acres eleared thereon, near
aid town. ‘The whole ‘will be sold on
Fosanat ic terms. For terms apply to the
subscriber, residing on the premises.
w' John M uply,
of a larger tract of land, late the estate of
Andrew Glen, Jdeteascl: Terms of sala
to be cash, when the sale is confirmed
by the Orphans Court. Due attendance
will be given, by Moses Boggs, adminis-
trator de bonis non, &c. of said deccass
By the Court, Ya
: Wx. PETRIKIN, Clk. O. oA
Bellefonte, May 2, 1818.
WAS stolen on Monday night, the 20th
of April, from the subscriber living in
Henderson township, Huntingdon county,
west end of Kishacoquillas valley,
A Bay Roan Mare,
with a large star in her forehead, abou
sixteen hands high, shod all Fouad, and i is
six years old this spring.
Whoever takes up said hief and secured
him in any Jail in this state, so that. the
owner may get the said mare and thief,
shall have the above reward, and all reas
sonable charges will be paid if the mare i
brought home. Twenty dollars will wo
given for the mare alone.
Soloman Sharp.
April 20, 1818.
i — a ke ak on
Carding M Machines.
INFORM their friends and the public, had
are now in complete operation, for carding
woul into rolls, at the old stand in Bellen’
cents per pound. . Those who live ata diss
tance may, by waiting a short time, take
their wool home in rolls. The wool ought
tobe well washed; and picked clean” of
sticks and all hard substances. Ose pound
of grease to ten pounds wool. :
Rankin & Steel
Tender their sincere thanks to all (hota?
who have heretofore ‘favored them with
their custom, and hope by strict attention
to business 19 merit a share of public pats
May 50, 1818,
N.B. The carding m must be paid for bes
fore the rolls are taken away, either in cas/s
or country firoduce.
Newbury, May 18, 1818.
A valuable log dwelling house, with a
frame kitchen, and an half acre of ground,
itnate in Martinsburgh, near Jersey-
Shore, Lycoming county, adjoining Tho-
mas Martin, William Quigley and others,
house and kitehen are new, with a
good cellar under the house, all substan-
tially built, and is a convenient residence
for a mechanic or private family, The
ing a number of young apple trees.
situated about three-fourth’s of a mile
from the said house and lot.
putable title will be given. For terms
W. BRINDLE, Bclgfonte
Bellcfontey May 6.
May 14, 1818,
lot is under good cultivation, and contain-
"Alsoy fifty acres of excellent wood land. [be careful to attend and settle off thei
“yp «Caution
chasing a note given by me to Matthias
Laighty, some time in 1807 or.1808, for,
fifty dollars, as' I am determined not to
pay the same unless compelled by law.
g Ww. iam Me Keer.
April 27, 1816, wy :
either by bond, note or book aeccoun
pective accounts on or before the, Ist day
An indis of June next, or suits will be commenced
against them immediately. Itis expected;
all those who have unsettled accounts wilh
call and make settlement belore that €
Thomas Hust:
Feuncreck, April 18,
40 Dollars Reward.
os X a Bob ha HT
lh EL my A
iE i at »
John Furey and others ybeing the west end
; B
The price for carding will be eight
ALL 1 are cautioned from pur,
ALL persons indebted to the subscriber. 3
yg o