8 SBieasonnooD mwa. Pearson. «»f Hirrtsburg, has appointed Bt»h S. Butler, a promineot colored, man of that oity.~ .a" tipstaff to serve in the Conrt of Quarter Session*. jjight th-maaod peven hundred and eighty-three passengers were carried over the E'teusburg branch r i’ron l during the three months ending August 31st. —The second anna I exhibition of the Venango County Agricultural Associa tion'wiil be held in Tilusvile, on Tues day, W'*dn««d iy and Tuursday, October 14 h, 15tb and lS’h. —A R»aiiog Branch, Pa., woman has peeled over two hundred cords of hark this summer, besides twice peeling the bark off her husband’s nose because he made love to the milkmaid. « —Tower City. Schuylkill county, hae the champion father. He has eighteen children, one of whom was recently born. Seven of bis sons are grown, and none measure less than six feel in height. The name of thji wonderful- man is Alex. Thompson, anti his age sixty-seven years. $ —Oo Wednesday of last week Ur. John Miller, of Warsaw township, Clearfield county, while riding on a wagon at home on the farm, fell from the vehicle, one of the wheels passing over his skull, death ensuring Iromhis injuries next morning. Mr Miller was an aged mao, and for some time was suffering from an aberration of tbe mind. —ln Johnstown, on Saturday last, the stockholders in the Johnstown and Som erset Railroad voted npou the following proposition; “That the Board of Direc tors shall secure the right of way from Johnst iwu to Sprucetown, and shall pro ceed to construct the road from Johns town as far as means can be obtained to bnild it, and that such assessments shall be laid iu accordance with the charter as may be needed for the purpose.” The re suit of the election was: for the proposi tion, 1,789 votes: against 836. —On Wednesday evening of last week tbePotUv 110 Miners’ Journal celebrated the (oath anniversary of its establishment as a daily paper by a supper to its cm ployets and others connected with the paper as correspondents. Mr. Bannao, the original proprietor of the Journal, who recently retired after nearly a half century of labor as a j mrunliit, presided. Many speeches were delivered, and the occasion was one of great eoj >yment. A handsome gi-ld headtd cane was present ed to Col. Ramsey, the present proprie tor, as a l -ken of the esteem and affection of bis employees Tn- recipient made an impressive speech in thanking the donors. . —The Danville Intdligencer tells ns that the foundry of Pennsylvanian Iron Works, at Danville, whs the scene aj_a terrible accident one alter noon last week. A number of men were pouring abnm a ion of molten metal into moulds, when the confined air expanded by the heat caused an explosion, throwing the red hot metal in every direction, snd burning every man in the foundry more nr less. The liquid metal f< 11 Jon the persons of the workmen, burned through their clothing and ran in s»reams down their flesh. The men ran about almost frantic with pair, and tore their clothing from their bodies til in a few moments they stood entirely naked, and a fearfnl sight to behold. Oth er workmen heard their cries of distress, but arrived 100 late to render much aid. 35cw &dvcrtisement*. JQ I P L O M A Awarded by the American Institute to J. W McKee lor EiWierim ani Fluting lacMaes. “I: Is ingenious and will meet the want* of eve ry matron in the land." EXHIBITION OF 18T2. John E davit. Rec. Sec. F. A. Barnard. Pres. Samuel D. Ttlman, Corresponding Sccy New York. November it), 18T2 This simple and imren«m* Machine is as nseful a? the Sewing Machine, and is fast becoming pop ular with ladies -n the place of expensive needle work. it« woik be‘ng much more handsome, re tkiirin" less time and not one-tenth part the ex pense. No lady's toilet it now complete without ib A Machine with illustrated circular and roll instructions sent on receipt Of fi, or finished in silver D’alc tortfi.7s. Address THE McEEE MANUFACTURING CO M 3 Broadway. New York. AGEIirrS WANTED. GARVIN’S ELIXIR OF TAR, lerecommended by regular Medical pmetioners and a speedy cure guaranteed f>r Coids. Congh*. Catarrh. Asthma, Bror. b'Ms Spi ting of Blood. Consumprio and all Pulmonary Complaints. ‘BTOfala. Erysip tins, l>/ep-*p*'a and Goat . Dys pepsia and g«nt. Oys.-ntory, Cholera morbus. Cholera and ah liver and bowel complaints. Kid nev diseases and alt aff-c ions of the utlnal Or -ans—perfectly hnnnie-s—free from Mineral or Alcoholic properties —plea»aul 10 lake. FnP p>>- titulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address L. F Hyde & Co., 195 Seventh Avenue. N- Y. Darts from the Deril or Cnpil AIM, A book jun issued-exposintr the •Fer-unuls” that have appeared in the New V<>fk Newspaper.-: Ihel: hialorv and le-ann Stylish villian-* fa 1> exposed. Advertisements from Aespeinte men to beautiful women clandestine me**iluzs; how frustrated The h story of the Ovid rich tragedy the result of a personal.' Description of living Broadway sta tues. rxposes social corrupit.-.u. Sentou receipt ofM cents. Address Unique Printing llon-e, W 5 rVesey street. New York. TUB NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. An Important 1 Intention . It retains the Rapture at all times, und under the hardest exercises or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and If kept on night and , euects a pet mane,n. cute iu a ;e" weeks, u ■fd cheap, anti sent by Mail when requested, cir (••"'ar!* tree, when ordered hy letter sent to The silastic Tru*s Co., No. OS3 Broadway,. N. Y. ( ity. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses; too painful; tbsy slip off too frequently. THE BECKWITH tso PORTA BUS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. ON SO DAYS TRIAL, tnany advantages over all. ts.n tstanton guaran teed. or 20 reiunded. Sent cotnole’e. with full direction* u -'Swith Sewing Machine Co.. Broadway, N. Y. ______ yy A N T E i> . A Goo I Wauen Maker and BI cb*mih to take charge of a H.op For lunher tr.b.rii i ti< n ad d“e«; ■, J- «• CriKl'iTY. Holt P. I an/iSKSU Beaver County, Pa. &*w • MmsA lIS, 4,1 faiteipuubwKh,pa. upiQ. wpHl-ly .' /- 'ITTORKERS WAITED! WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGA%SB\ s . vrhJdKwith Its Premiums, is one of the tractive in the country- Price of Maglzlne one dol lar a year. Commissions liberal, offering a Inert craiire and agreeable business to tboeo willing to Yol 1 July, 1878. Examine opr Clubbing sad Premium Llita. Two first-class pe riodicals fowbe price of one. specimen Mag azine and farther information 'addremf Wood's Household MagSzme, Newbnrgh. N. Y. id 8* JB, BHuTSBt Ptttollslwra QT.f H A R L EJ^, \ FORMERLY LIGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY. N .1 The most desirable location on tbe island. ► prlug Beds to every room. No bar. Accommo dations for MO guests, and also stabling lor 18 horses Guests will leave the cars at the Vhltedf Stales Hotel. r JONAH WOOTTON.i HENHY WOOTTON, f "° prlelor * septl9-lm WATCH FREE Worth $BO. given gratis to every live man who will act as oor agent. Business light and honora ble. Three hundred dollars made In 5 days. Saleable aa flour. Everybody buys it. Can't do without It. Mast hsv* It. No gift enterprise, no humbug. KENNEDY * CO.. Pittsburgh, Pa. septlS-lm rN PITTSBURGH PATRONIZE * CAPERTON’S DINING ROOMS. Tables furnished with the best the market af fords. First class table, rates reasonable. SINGLE MEALS M CENTS. Heals from 6H v. *• until 14 o'clock at night. ' Remember the place. No. No. 60 Market st garcnt this oat and bring it with yon. sepil2-lm JJOLLIDAYBBURG SEMINARY, HOLLIDA YBBURG, PA. REV. JOS WAUGH, Principal. ADVANTAGES. I. A Cbrlrtian home. 3. Thorough and successful teachers. 3. Philosophical and Chemical apparatus. Haps and Charts. 4. Thorough teaching In Music. Good Pianos, A Rooms large and cheerful. Ventilation per fect. 5. Qymnasticts without extra charge. Gymna sium. and ample grounds, beautiful scenery and opportunities for rambling, fishing People of Beaver connty can aow have their property Insured against loss or damage by fire, at fair rates. In a safe and RELIABLE HOME COMPANY thereby avoiding the expense, tronb’o and delay Incident to the adjustment of loasee by companies located at a distance. board or mucroßß: M. 8. Quay, George C. flpeyerer, \ Uamne 1 B. Wilson, Lewis Schneider, j William Kennedy, John Graeblng, V J. Week, J. S. grades, M. Camp, Jr., C. B. Qnrst, David Lovrry, Henry Goehring. GKO. C. BPBYKREH, Pres’t. M. 8 QUAY, Vice Free’l H. J. Brmtßna, Tress, JoasG&saiNo, Ja., Sec’y, atgi-lr. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Estate of Maria Christina fipeyerer, dcc'd. Letters of administration on the estate of Maria Christina Speyerer, dec’d., late of the borough of Rochester, Beaver county. Pa., having been grant* ed to the undersigned, all persona Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay* meat, and thoee having clalma against the same to present them properly authenticated for settle* meat to GEOSGK C. BPSYSRKR, jyiV3t Administrator. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, anew edition of Dr. Culver* well** Celebrated Kaaay on the radical cure medicine) of BmaiToamHou or Semin al Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses. Impo tcncy, also Consumption, Kpllepsv and Fits, in duced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. BP"Price in a sealed envelope only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cored without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the applica tion of the knife; pointing ont a mode of core at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may be. may core himself cheaply, privately and radically. BFThls lecture should be In the hands of eve ry youth and every man In the land; Bent under seal In a plain envelope, to any ad dress. post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the Publisher, / CHAS. A. QUN#* CO.;. 157, Bowery, New York, Posl-ottce Box, 4586 jyas-ly. < J : - . Q.IRARD HOUSE, % CORNER NINTH A CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA^- H. W. KANAGA, docll’S&ly Propnetor. JOHN EAKIN, , ATTORNEY AT L A MAIN T.. BBAVBR FVW. OatD’73 JOSEPH LED LIE, ATTORNEY/AT LAW, (Office, Ip :he Radical Building.) BEAVER. PA, All bdalness entrusted to bis can will receive prompt attention. dec-t’C&ly JOHN B. YOUNG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEAVER PA. Office and residence on Third at. east of the Court Bouse. All law business entrusted to my care shall re ceive prompt attention. Also, persons having Real Estate for sale, and those wishing to bny to’wn property, coal or farm lands, may save time and money by calling at my ofnee. fapiSSTVL Iy. JAMES CAMERON. JOHN Y. MARKS. QAM ON & MARKS, A TTOBN’EYS A T zJ, W AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, i ROCHESTER. PA„ | ' Will attend promptly to nil business entrusted to their care and have superior facilities for buying and selling real estate. declS ly Qj_ ILB E R T L. %BERH A R T. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will give prompt attention to Collections, Pro curing Bounties and Buying and Selling Real Estate, etc. OFFICE ON, BROADWAY, Opposite R. B. Hoopes’ Banking Boose, NEW BRIGHTON, BEAVER CO., PA. scp6'73-ly J H, M’CREERY, ATTORNEY A T LA W , THIRD STREET, (First door below the Court House,) )ynO—\y. BEAVER, PA. 0 A. SMALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEAVER. PENNA. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. [deSWy F. H. AONEW. J, M. BUCHANAN. & BjXJ CHANAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW . (NEAR THE POST OFFICE) oct4 BEAVER C. H.. PA. XABBBAIX dWABTZWKLDKB . .... JSO.C. BABB. gWARTZWELDEB & BARR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 66 GRANT STREET, PITTSBURGH. [saSS’lMy ... i r - : jg^aia^f B. H0B8t"8 \ I ■ i INSURANCE (Nsia tn Dx.'or.) rcTchester, pa. • 2 NOTARY PUBLIC ANDCONVIfAN \\ ' FIKB, UFB anil ACCIDENT INSURANCE; “Anchor” and “National” Lines of Ocean Steam* on; “ dime” and “Union” Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal term*. Beal Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mortgages, Articles, Ac., written; Depositions H Acknowledgements taken, Ac., Ac. Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States ana Canada. Passengers-booked to and from England, Ireland. Bcotland/Trance and Ger many. ✓ £TNA INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD. CONN. CASH ASSETS *6,000,000 “By their fruits yo know them.” Losses paid to Jan. 1,1871 (33,000,000 , One of the oldest and wealthiest Companies In the world. "NIAGARA INSURANCE CO., OF NSW TOSK. CASH ABSBTTS (1,500,000 ROYAL INSURANCE CO., OF LIVERPOOL, ENG. CASH ABSKTTS, GOLD (11,000.001 * * LYCOMING FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF MUNOZ, PA. CASH ASSKTT3 , (6.000,080 ROCHESTER FIRE INS. CO., OF ROCHESTER, PA. QKO. C. BPEYEREK, President. M. B. QUAY. Vico Pros. JNO. GRABBING, Secretary. H. J. SPEYER BR, Treasurer. If yon want HOME INSURANCE procure a poll icy In the ROCHESTER INSURANCE CO. at this} Agency. / ALPS INS. CO., OF ERIE . PA CASH CAPITAL $330,000 HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK CASH AS SETTS TRAVELERS’ LIFE AND ACCI DENT INSURANCE C’d, OF HARTEokD. CONN. -i CASH ASSBSTS OVBR.i Representing the abovg first class Insurance Companies, acknowledged to be amongst the best and most reliable In the ftorld. and ropre-e riling a gross cash capital of neafly $16,000.000.1 am en abled to make insurance to any amount desired - Applications promptly attended to, and Policies written without delay, and at £air rates and liberal terms. Losses liberally kdjusUrt ami promptly paid. INSUrfE TO-DAY !■ By one year’s delay you may lose the savings of vears. Delays are dangerous, and life uncertain; tberelore, Insure to aay ! "■One to-day is worth two to-viorrows." Quality, also, is of the -utmost importance. The low priced, worthless article.' always proves the dearest. The above companies are known to be among the best and wealthiest in the world., “As ye sow that shall ye reap.” Grateful for the very liberal patronage already bestowed. I hope—by a strict attention to a legiti mate business—not only t 6 merit a continuance of the same, but a large increase the present year. Mr. Stephen A. Crate is duly authorized to take applications and receive premiums at Freedom and adjoining townships. : *chas. |b. Isurst, (K ear thrDepot.) \ AttESCI, VP INSURANCE As any y bor man of like age can OBTAIN FOR A CASH PREMIUM THE POLICY, Computed to accordance with the rate of Mortality and Interest That may have been adopted as the standard fo the State for the VUAUATION OF LIFE POLICIES P. J. KING, FERRY CRABBS, Equal to the 9BSSSB TJNITED STATES Piano Company; THREE HUNDRED DOLUp^ SIX HUNDRED DOLLAR P^o Sold through agent*, s{j of whom nute 100 PER CENT. PROFIT. ; i • We have no agent*, bat sbip direct to At Factory Price. We make only one style, and have bat \ PRICE. TWO HCNIffiED AND MNETI DOLUffl Net Cash, with no discomt to dealers or comm;,, sjon toceachets. THOROUGHLY atAaoSED. / ' D O E VENEERED WITH KOSEWOUI), Have front round corners, serpentine bottom iti carved logs. W-c use THE FULL IK9N PLATE French Grand Action WITH4TOP DAMPERS, ANDJODR KEYS THE BEST IV 0 til OUR PI AN' Is 6 feet 9 inches long, b fee& 4 ii ■ !>' weighs-955 pouiidsv|boxed. WARRANTED ILLUSTRATED CIKCL’I.A 11 Id which we refer to over TOO Banker. • • ,; &c.. (some of whom yon may know,? Pianos In 44 States and Territories- U. S. f>IANO c 810 BROADWAY, N. V. please state where you saw this ISC " C jaay«23-4n). iwStoimse $290.00. IT COSTS LfiSS THAN f lo make any OCR LTH3KR IS OUR CAOba -‘•UK 6 h, WITH OVER STRUNG BASS WITH ivosnr FRONTS HAS Sli’fEN OCTAVES EVERY PIANO IS FI I.LV FOR FIVE YEARS SEND FOR e^P t*