The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 12, 1873, Image 5
rilT—Thursday evening Of last hnrgUreenterea, *"m>sM McCfoery’e bouse m >eaTW, T " n e off the .hatters of one of, the »' fJioL and going in through the - Mr McCreeryV Urge watch :-Th« i« ihe h ° ibe Uine ’ barked nor disputed the entrance, ',t Haring made an entrance, they '„l«ked tbe front and back doors, as 1. -a and then proceeded to pack op in raP t C«relr.r.ide. of wild and plated Sk art* together with a ham and two elver w . There were two bag ’r which we« rltned s in the f o near the foot of tbe stairs. Tbe artl were brought from the adjoining * room and curried to the baskets by A while the other with pistol in hand Hed'the stairs The inmates of the £ f slept up stairs, nnd Mr: J M. ,cereery being -TQStless, W Iwsko eitheMCcldentally or by>hearing m e noise just at the time when the inr£r)flrs probably were almost ready to I He first thought that there was something wrong about the lamp which ffa ; left burning as usual in the hall, but * getting up and going to tbe door dis covered nothing and went back to bed. In a short time he again noticed that the lirht which shone under his door varied, and he then supposed that one of his r " hid gone down stairs and to satisfy h mSf went to their bed-room door to gp’e-and found it locked. His apprehen ,i'ias we re then fully roused and he ~f t c ej that there was somebody down ftsirs that had no business there. Getting Li-revolver, he again went into the hall/ nair?, and leaning over the railing of to- stairs, discovered the two men in tbe 2S iat ihe baskets, but in leaning over he I roa it- some noise which attracted the at -1 temi in <>f the men, one of whom imtne it. ly shot, the ball clipping a curl from -nr head nf Mr, McCreery. Mr. McCreery returned the fire, ihe thieves fled, one of ijjtin dripping the lamp, which naiely did not explode. Mr. McCreery - .ii iwed and several shnis were- exchang ed in the darkness, but nb one was nuired, the thieves making their t/:ape, one by the front door, the other t,y ;Lc back. The pistol reports, how -Ter, were heard by the neighbors i,.,0a a rum-tit r of them came running in to s:e what was the mailer. The silver wire was packed in baskets, besides a and some bread, and if the robbers had had a few minutes more would prob tb'y have got away with them. Some of the articles which had been collected Trade the robbery a bold undertaking, for bo;i,g -marked, they might have been easily traced antkby that means the bur glars detected. WHal means' have been taken to discover the burglars we do not know, but it is to be hoped that they i may be arrested and punished to the fail Vextent of the law. Burglaries are becom- liOi: common and vigorous measures are Deeded to protect the community against t V r. m Personal. Joe Snellenburg, of the well tto<va and reliable firm of S. & J. Snellenburg, popular dothers and merchant tailors, of Jrew Brighton, Is now in the east where he Intends rc jcaining a few weeks for the purpose ot pnrchas ,nc a very large, new and complete stock of rctmy made clothing, also a complete line of Iv.rseye, Cassituerea, Diagonals, Trecoes, Meltons iud Jeans. Also English goods, Fnstians, Cordfc oyiand Moleskin. Mr. Suellenburg’s long and 'radical experience in the clothing business en tiles him to select the very best material, while ;«business capacity ensures purchases at low Ag ree. knowing as he does that by baying largely le beet rates are seen intends baying ;e largest stock ever brongii£s> the county, and any house \yest of Pb Ha ns Tranks and Valises of every va ety, alJTnndenvear and Uoisery. Coats, Pante, It*sts suits made to order or any desired fits guaranteed. Come one, come ning September 10 t 025. For fnr --.'s see New Brighton Illustrated ci published monthly by S. £ J. Snellenburg. "■stractive fire occurred in New Monday evening about 9 t broke nut in the stable in the . Koox By super hu .n efforts of the citizens the fire was icked in the direction nf Boyles' build s and the Nesbennock, by saving Mrs. Kee's house which is just across the al from the bam.. The house was on |Bp|| eral and was saved almost bw a Scle. North of the stable was uhe 1 -e \V ed store of A. Fisher, which was Imed, and from which fire was commu-j Rated to the frame store rooms of Georgy mderson, A. Cubbison & Son, R. P. ibiason and Mr. McNair. In an other ‘ectiodTiie lEjre swepl. down the Knox age, of J. N. Euwer & Sops, 'A. Gilliland &"iso)in, andT^cGown, ! brick buildings. Ci.i the;. ojSposite of 11 street, old Town Hall was several i ies on fire./anditfwas feared .that the f ire neat of wooden buildings i ion would have to go, but tbef were ted in a damaged condition. /The jtfo pty destroyed was mostly covered by in duce and in a year or so probably the llpt district will be restored with finer tydings than covered it before. da. once Cake.— To the yolks of six egge, well b, add throe-quirter fc. of white sugar. juice e lemon, one-halflb. of floor, having io It neasure of Banner Baking Powder, and the !B o f Eli eggt. beaten very stiff. can of the Banner Baking Powder contains all measure, to be used' oven full; according inted lf yon cannot obtain this J valuable article from yonr grocer, send ity-five cents by mail, addressed to Banner ng Powder, P. O. Lock Box. 817, Pittsburgh, and you will receive, postage paid, a quarter id package, togetber'with a list of fifty valua ■ecipes. * e are Indebted to G. L. Chapman Nebraska recent date. ‘ ly / THE RADICAL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1813. Court Proceedings,—lht Conn of Quarter Sessions, which was in session last week, tfansarted a large athount of business. Judge Lawrence, in the ab sence of the President Judge, charged the i Grand Jury, after which the cases were disposed of: A Commonwealth ts JacotrtSoblenz. In dictment, conspiring to defraud. Verdict guilty. vs David Anderson and’Chaa. Indictment, True continued. Wm. Oyler. Indictment larpt ny. Case continued. Same ra Henry Stewart. Indictment" assault and battery. True bill Defend ant pleaded guilty and sentenced to pay costs, and rfine of $lO. Same vs David Corby. Indictment, aggravated assault and battery. Ignora mus, and prosecutor, James Harp, to pay UISQQsU* * Sadl& Vs Enoch Field*. Indictment, as sault and battery. Ignoramus and prose cutor, J. .L. Welsh, to? pay the costs. Same vs Samuel McCullough. Indict ment, forcible entry. Ignoramus and county to pay the costs. t Same vs Ink.' Indictment, selling liquor on election day. Ignoramus and county to pay the costs. Same vs Charles Ink. Indictment, sell ing liquor on and county to pay costs. Same vs Patrick Lynch. Indicment, robbery. True bill. Same vs James O. Hare. Indictment, assault and battery. True bill. Verdict guilty. Same vs Weisgarber. Indictment, selling liquor contrary to the law. True bill. v Same vs Casper Weitesell. Indictment, selling liquor without license. True bill. Same vs James Roney. Indictment, selling liquor without license. True billN Same vs James lndict ment, selling liquor without license. True bill. Same vs Harrison Campbell. Indict ment, seduction and bastardy. True bill. Same vs John Boswell. Indictment, selling liquor contrary to the law. TrtuT bdix - • / Samh vs Peter Coppersmith. Indict ment, seduction and bastardy. True bill. Same vs John Lee. Charge, desertion, on oath of Elizabeth Lee. Discontinued —parlies agreeing to live together. De fendant to pay the costs. Same vs James Merriman. Indictment selling liquor without license. True bill. Defendant pleads guilty. Same vs F G Rohrkaste. Indictment, selling liquor without license. True bill. Defendant pleads guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of $5O and cost of prosecution. Same against vs Charles Hath. In dictment, selling liquor without license. True bill, verdict guilty, Same against James Merryman.* In dictment, selling liquor to miners. True bill, court allow a nolle prosequi in this cash,' ou payment of costs by defend- sot. Same against Samael Hannan. Indict ment, selling ‘liquor contrary to law. True bill. Defendant pleads guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $5O and costs .of prosecution. Same against JatfiSiT^Hays. Indict* meet, selling liquor contrary to law. True bill. Defendant pleads guilty. t Same against James Hays Indictment, selling liquor on Sunday. Ignoramus. Same against John F Muller. Indict ment, selling liquor contrary to law. True bill. Jury sworn. ISpecial verdict rendered. Same against John F Muller. Indict ment, selling liquor to men of known in temperate habits. True bill verdict not guilty. Defendant pay costs of prosecu tion!\ Same against Peter Kleer, Indictment, selling liquor to miners. True bill. De fendant pleads guilty. Same against William Tupper. Indict ment, selling liquor on Sunday. =. Ignora; mus. Same vs Peter Kleer. Ind ictment, sell ing liquor without license- True bill, defendant pleads guilty. Same vs Charles Brobeck. Indictment, without license. Ignorp mus. \ '/ Same vs Lucy Johnson. Indictment, selling liquor without licmvs©r-~Tcue bill. Verdict guilty as to selling cider, but not guilty as to selling other liquors. S4me vs William Tapper. Indictment, selling liquor contrary True bill. Defendant pleads guilty. Same va William Beuchler. Indictment, sellliug liquor without license. True bill. Continued, and defendant directed to enter into recognizance in the sum of $lOO. >'* Same rs Jacob Erb. Indictment, sell ing liquor contrary to bill. Defendants pleads guilty. , SamoTS Peter Wilging. Charge, sure ty of the peace. Folk Pro&qui entered. Same ts William Han ison. Indictment, assault with Intent to commit a rape. Continued till next term, and defendant directed to enter into recognizance in the sum of $l,OOO. £Bame ts J. D. Coffin. Indictment, sell ing liquor contrary to law. True bill. guilty. Same vs J D Coffin. Indictment, sell ing liquor to men of known imtemperate habits. True bill Defendant pleads guilty. Fall Styles for 1873 are all out at Bence’s, Beater. 3t Meeting of the Republican Conn, ty Committee*—' There will be a meet ing of the Republican County Committee at the Court House in ' Beaver on Satur day the 18th inst., ai 1 o’clock. A full attendance is desired. Gko. W. Hamilton, Chairman. Curtis, Bec’y. The following the Committee! / Big Beaver—James Pattenon, James Dillon. Beater boro—Geo W Hamilton, John. C Ban. Borough iwp-WUllamC Fiataer. Bddgewater Bladder » Brighton twpV Andrew WattenOl, fir. - Baden boro—L I Berry. ' . Bearer Falla—D A Dnncle; Jjimes A Hassell, dbriatlan4lgaUer. Prod crick ttehrkaate. , Cblppetfa^wp—Samoel £ (. Darlington tkp—Sarnnel C Bhnrlocki substitute. J ' j j Economy twp—Samuel MsManamy. Fallston—QeoM Fields. Franklin twgpJoseph Phillis. Ere edom boro—W W He or. Freedom dwt— —— Frankfort dlst—David Anderson, Wm Ewing. Glasgow boro—Martha 11 Dawson. Green twp-J H Trimble, substitute, Jackson Swesriggin, F 8. Langfalin. \ Georgetown—Smith Curtis. \ Hopewell twp—K W Scott, David E McCalllster. Independence—Alex Gibb. Industry!—B B Briggs. Maribn—Edward Cbleman.* McGuire dlft-rJoseph M Whltchil 1 . Moon-r John M Baker r. New Brighton—North Ward-Geo B Barker, N D Cone; Middle Ward.—John C Boyle, C.P Win ter, South Ward—J P Miner, D R Corbus. New Bewlckly Urp-G/eo H Coleman, Christian Goebring. / \ North Sew Ickly twp—Jambs Warnock' New Galileje—J 8 Hudson. Ohio twp—(Clark A Hunter. S B Dawsou. Patterson twp—D O C Patterson. Phlllipsbnrg boro—Frederick Hogan. Pulaski twp—Thomas Ferguson. Raccoon twp —Joseph Campbell, Geo Rambo. Rochester—W 8 Shallenberger, H J Speyerer, 8 B Catppbell Kychester twp—Oliver Moulter. Sooth Beaver—Samuel Mitchell, Joseph John son. St Clfilr—J Paul. A«(be purchase of aScwlnc Machine is of ipay be an act for a life-time, care should be taken inselecting one that time and nee have proven to be the, best. Time tries all things. “Use only furnishes the final test.” Opinions of the skill ful puy be of value, bnt time is needed to con firm them. While the Singer Sewing Machine Company has given the public the finest fruits of inventive genius, they have guarded it from a 'multitude of traps. Attachments have been ad ded for various pnrnoses, Bht it has kept free from all useless complications. Simplicity of parte, end adaptation to the widest range of work has been the constant aim. Instead of boasting of a variety of useless stitches and movements. It claims to make but One Kind of Stitch, and that with the Fewest Movements Possible. Bence the Machine may run constantly for twenty years, or a life-time, and work Just as well as when new. K. Straw & Co, No. 10 Sixth Street. Pitts burgh, Pa. aprilSWJm New Mode of'Preducing Oas.— One of the most recenAinventions for pro dneing illuminating gas is that known as the Kromschroder process, Just applied, successfully, in the town of Great Barlow,. England. It consists in simply‘passing air through the vapor of a light hydro carbon, the two {combining in a gas of high illuminating power. The=asparatus for this purpose is erected in the gas works of the town, and consists of a sheet iron chamber five feet long, four feet wide a'nd three feet six inches high, the lower portion being two feet wider than the up per part for a height of about twelve inches. In the uppe¥ chamber is placed a valve arrangement driven by" clock works, and by which the atmospheric air is forced into the lower or enlarged por tion. Here it is made to pass through a mass of open fibrous material, the lower part of which is kept immersed in a liquid hydrocarbon. The aii in its passage com bines with the vapor of the hydrocarbon in the proportion of seventy parts of air to thirty oi the vapor In this, condition the gas—for such it has now become —is conducted from the mingling chamber by a pipe into a receiver, capable of con taining one hundred cubic fett of the gas. As soon as this receiver is filled, Sts con tents are discharged into the. gas>i|®ifier formerly used for the storage coal-gas. The intermediate recei verkijEed because the incorporating apparatus, although equal to producing the required quantity of gas. does not give sufficient pressure to lift the large holder, which is thirty feet in diameter. / Mr, G, Doak 9 of 'industry town ship, ou Monday, September Ist, lost two good horses by lightning. The storm came up in the morning, and the elective flash was severe The loss to Mr. Doak is heavy and much to be regretted. The talented Miss CeciliaP. Cleveland, niece of tbej »te Horace Greeley, is en gaged in writing a book, to be called “Journal Leaves from Cbappaqna.” The book will contain much fresh matter coo. cerning the lamented Horace Greeley, bis wife and children, as well as brief sketches of other immediate members of bis fami ly. The book will be ready for publica tion early this autumn—Miss Cleveland is spending the summer at the Greeley homestead at Chappaqua with her cousins. She is a sprightly, interesting writer. x JZVteNew Castle Courant says; The Eighth Annual meeting of the Round head Society will be held at Harlansburg, this county, on Wednesday, September 17, 1873. A general invitation is given to all soldiers and citizens to meet with us. There will be a grand pic-nic. Turn out and have a good time. Rev. Dr. Browne, Col. D. Leasure and others wPI address the meeting. Fall Millinery , Mats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, &c., at Bence’s Beavtr. All styles out, St - The Washington Review cart Examiner ttys: ; Dr.Beatty, of Steubenville, Ohio, has made a deed to the congregation of the old Flrtl Preftiyterian churchofthat piece, givingtheib, free of "expense, that property, and a paid up insurance policy on the same for five years, and also $250 toward* supplying the church with a min ister. The congregation bai extended a ananimous lleT. Thomas Vincent HillighD* of Wayoeshurg, to become their pastor.; —On Tuesday of last week, the Pige6n Creek congregation celebrated the ninety • eighthahnlversafy of the first sermon preached at that place by Be?. John He Millan, and the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment ofia Sabbath schooL Ad dresses were made by Be?. Geo. P. Hays* D. D-. Be?. 8. M. Henderson, Be?. J. Barr, Be?. I), Llltell, Be?. John Kerr, Be?. B. M. Kerr. The occasion was a very pleasant one, - .-Alexander HcGarrel Patch, of Hons tonvllle, who received the appointment to the West Point Military Academy, left for that place a few days since. —The McClelland brothers, of North Strabane towuhbip, this county, ha?e sold 8,000 pounds of wool, being the pro duct of their flock the present season. —The Morgantown, W. Ya., fair will be held on the Ist, 2d and 8d days of Oc tober- The beet trotting premium is $250. —The camp meeting in progress at Bentleysville is one of the most success ful ever held upon that ground. On Sab bath last not less than five thousand per Aoos were in attendance and much relig ious interest felt. Items from the Washington Advance of September 4th : The Cumberland Presbyterian church building In this place was sold on last Saturday, for $4,560. —The grocery of A. T. Baird of this place, was robbed on last Friday afternoon of about $3,50 during his temporary ab scence. —Matthew White; of Cecil township, bad a valuable cow ki led by lightning daring the storm on last Monday week. —Doting the heavy storm on last Mon day week, Abel C-*ry, of Ruffs Creek,hai a rick of oais struck by lightning and burned to the ground. —Rev. E- K. Squires, of Pittsburgh, delivered the Baccakurate Sermon before* the graduating class of Waynesburg Col lege, on last Sabbath evening.. - —Dr. T homaB H. Weiricb, has located in Wellsburg, W. Va., where he is meet ing with great success in his chosen pro fession. —A wild cat has been disturbing the psace.of.jsomepf the denizens on Bates’ Fork or Ten Mile creek In Greene county. —The largest boat ever built on the MonnngahfU river is being constructed at Beallevernoo. It is 265 feet long, 50 feet wide and 8 feet in hold. _Wm. Hornlsh, Esq., purchased the late residence of Prof. Wilson, adjoining this borough for $1,900 a few days ago. residence of W. J. Cool, of Flor ence, was destroyed by fire on the morn ing of the 24th inst. The fire originated accidentally. The greater portion of the contents of the house was saved. No in surance. —Misses Fanny E. Dongan and Jennie C. Rogers, of this place, left for Union town a few days ago to teach in the Or phans* School at that place. —The retd lonce of Mrs. Black, in Can onsburg, caught fire a fejv days ago, but by the prompt arrival of Jhe “water bri gade” the fire was extinguished before much damage was done. —We learn that A. B. McCoy, of Can onsbnrg, has sold his bouse and lot in that place for $3,660 to Wm. Martin, of North Strabane township. John B, Jamison, proprietor of the Jamison farm, on which a portion of the town of Petrolia h situated, qpraroi’- ted suicide August 29th. The unfortu nate man seems to have been insane and • • 'i imagined that be was becoming poor. Geo, W, Knelss « late Register and Recorder of Butler'county, died on Satur day the 30th of August. He had acquir ed the reputation of being atf honest, modest and upright citizen, and his loss will be felt by a large circle of friends. Tlte State Fair.—One of the notable events of the year, is to take place at Brie, on the JWth of September. At the most propitious season of our usually bright autumns, the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will hold its Annual Exhibition. The display gives fruitful promise that it will be one of the very best ever held un der the auspices of the Society. The entries are free to all the world, and the Society has wisely determined that the books of entries shall close a week before the opening, that a complete arrange ment may lie made of the entries offered for prizes. The time Is at that period in good weather may almost be counted a certainty * The premiums upon many articles have been con siderably Increased, and the list much enlarged. The arrangements for meetings each evening of the Fair are a new and excellent feature. In these meetings farmers may leZrn from one an other, to the benefit of the great economical in terests which the Society is so atulous to foster. A very large display of improved farm stock will be on exhibition—ot fine horses and samples of all the best breeds of homed cattle—while the turn oot in such a hive of industry aa Erie, of manu factured articles useful as machinery, or as sids to the farmer, is certain to be worthy of attention. So many assurances in these respects have been given, that we leelconfident in stating, that the display in there departments will be entirely Sat isfactory. The officers are now at Brio, the books of entry*open, and allapplications for space in per son or by letter will receive prompt attention from them. . -A- *=&• : ' ... ■ : Mri Joseph HaWs pony ran off on Thursday oflast week while being driven by Mr. Hall, by the Diamond near the National. Mr. Hali, Ineodeavorlng to jpmp but of the wagon, was whirled about and fell beavily.vbreaklogone of the bones of his right arm and badly spraining the left wrist. The pony did some swift run ning, but littlip damage otherwise save the above |injbry. Drs. duced the fractured arm, andrthe patient is improving. A Good Dlaner.-rOur readers should know that the place to get a most excellent meal, when in the city, at a reasonable cost, is at Csperton’s Dining Booms, No. 60 Market Street, Pittsburgh, ft. Qo to Bence’s Millinery and Trimming Store, Third Street, Beaver, fur new goods. All the latest styles are out. 8k ,■ New Fall Haiti, Bnnneitp, Ribbons, Feathers, Plumes, &c., all the new styles, at Bence’s, Beaver. 8l The citizens of New Castle are particu larly unfortunate in the matter of a steam fire engine. They ordered one of a,Mr. Button, which was expected In New Cas tle some five weeks ago, and had it ar rived on time might have saved the prop erty lost by the late fire. It is aggravat log, but we have kept reminding them about that engine and the delay is not our fault. Since writing the above we understand that the engine has not only arrived, but but has been out on trial. Long may it spout! Miss Florence Cronise , of Tiffin, Ohio, was on September 2d admitted to practice lav/ in the district coqrts of Ohio. 3he is a competent lady and tfill practice in Seneca and adjoining counties. This is the first female lawyer in that section, and we hope to hear of her success. Rev. Thome is said to have estab lished a daily paper in Greece City. The Butler papers say they have not seen a copy of it yet. i S=*' We are indebted to Messrs. Lee & Walker, Publishers, Philadelphia, lor the September number of the Amateur , and copies of sheet music entitled “Picking cherries down the Lane” and “Happy hours,” botjj by H. Millard. If the mu sic is eqnarto their appearance it is good. Mrs. Erskine left Beaver on last Thursday to meet her husband in Pitts burgh. After spending a few days there they will leave for New Orleans where they expect to permanently reside. Choice Timothy Seed at B. 8. Ran ger’s, Bridgewater. 2t For County Treasurer, Charles B. Buret, oCißocbStter. myUtf \7be feeble and debilitated usually fancy they ln a motebepelees condition than they really are. The resources of nature are not easily ex hausted. Even when'strength and appetite toll, When the eyes are heavy and lustreless, the plexion pallid, the nerves tremulous, the body at tenuated, and the mind depressed, there is gencr. ally a reserve of latent power behind -such palpa ble evidences of weakness. Various modes of treatment are resorted to by physicians in the hope of developing add rendering available this store of sleeping vitality, but the surest, and in deed the only thoroughly safe and reliable means ot awakening the dormant energies,of the sys tern is a course of Hostettcr’s Stomach Bitters. . Blec_ trlcity-phower baths, the flesh brush, sea hath. Ing./rcTmay bo well enough in their way, as auxiliaries, but they do not reach the source of the evil. debility proceeds ellhpr from a derangement of the functions of the asslmi lating, secretive and vital organs, or from & slugg ish constitution. In either case, and also in cases where both causes exist, the Bitters will invaria bly produce an immediate and salutary change in the condition of the patient, and eventually effect a complete cure. None of the dangerous alka loids, too often administered as tonics, can be otherwise than deleterious under sneb circumstan ces, and to give mercury is positively criminal. The direct effect of the great vegetable specific will be manifested in an improved appetite, a more cheerful frame of mind, a gradual return of strengtn, an increase of flesh, and a healthier com plexion. Meanwhile, however, the constitution, if inert and feeble, wilt have been roused and ren ovated by the snbtilo elements of invigoration contained in the Bitters. —■ BAKER—McELHENY—Tuesday evening. Sept., 2d, at the residence of the ofilciatlng minister. Rev. D. P. Mustard. Mr, Alfred Young Baker and Miss Higgle M. McElhany, all of Beaver County. e, OTI C E . Whereas, the notes and Books of accounts o Dr. M. Cummins, late of Industiv, haring been left with the subscriber for collection those know ing themselves to be indebted to said Dr. Cum mings will please call upon the subscriber and settle promptly and pay costs. ANDREW WATTBRSON, septll-flt Brighton twp. Jg XECUTOR’B NOTICE. ESTATE OP WILLIAM KEVAN. DECEASED. Letters testamentary to the estate of William Kevan, late of Hanover township, in the county of Beaver, dec'd., having been granted to the/under slgned, whose post office address is UoOkstown, in said county, ail persons indebted to the said de cedent’s estate are requested to mske-dmmediate payment, and those having claims against said es tate will present the to the undersigned for settlement. ' PETEK KEVAN, I ; JOHN SMILEY, f “ sng22-€t x JOB PRINTING AT THE RADICAL OFFICE. Undeveloped Vigor. MARRIED. linn gPECIAL NOTICE. ESTATE OP WM. KENNEDY DECEASED. The undersigned hereby notifies all parties in debted to said estate to call, settle snd pay imme diately, as the character of the business and con dition of the estate require prompt adjustment ana payment of all claims due. Pariics holding claims against said Kennedy are requested to furnish me a statement of the same witbont delay. 1 may be found at the store of said Kennedy in New Brighton, JOSEPH C. WILSON. Ex’r. ofwill ofWm, Kennedy, dec’d. ang22-3t k - b£o ffimiKiL MANUFACTUREROf MONUMENTS We have on hand a LARGE STOCK of FINE FINISHED HEADSTONES Which wo arc selling as cheap as any other firm In the State. Also Granite Moments anil Headstones Famished to order as reasonable as they can be bad elsewhere. Persons wishing MONUMENT S & HEADSTONES should call and sec as before purchasing else* where, as we will guarantee to sell a better job for less money than any other firm in Beaver conuty. GRIND STONES AND FIXTURES. CEMENTS OF ALL KINDS BY THE BARBEL marl4-6m W. H. MARSHALL. Rochester. p AWSON & EAKIN, AGENTS OF REAL ESTATE, UNION HOTEL , BEA VER/PA. We offer for sale the following described prop erties. For full particulars call at our office on Third Street: A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE . This farm is situate in Brighton tp.. Beaver county. Pa., on the New Lisbon road, 4 miles from Beaver, contain! ngT3 acres, more or less, on which is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, con taining two rooms, kitchen and pantry on first floor and two rooms on second floor, a good cellar underneath; also a good frame barn, and stable and other necessary outbuildings. This farm la well watered, well timbered and under a good stole of cultivation, and can bo worked by machinery; ex cellent fruit on premises. Price Inquire of John A. Bakin on tho farm, or DAWSON is EAKIN, Beaver, Pa. HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE. This property is situated on sth street, in the borough of Beaver, Beaver ceunty. Pa., 40x130 feet with a 154 story frame house and stable and other outbuildings erected thereon. Good frolton the NO. 4r. A FINE RESIDENCE FOB BALE. This propertp la situated on 8d street. In the borough of Beaver, Beaver county, extending along 8d street 180*800 leot,backto Turnpike al ley, on which is erected a new brick owelLng house containtug three rooms, large hall, kitchen and pantry on first floor, and 4 rooms and largo hall on second floor, and an excellent cellar underneath and necessary outbuildings; large shade trees in front, fruit of various kinds on the premises. Price *3,600- Inquire ol Hice, Wilson js Moore, Esqs., or DAWSON & EAKIN, Beaver, Pa. House and lot situated on Fourth street. In the borough of Beaver; Pa.. 150 by 54 feet, on which la erected a two-story frame house, containing two-rooms, kitchen, hall and pantry, with porch attached on first floor and two rooms and ball on second floor; a good cellar underneath and other ontbdlldlngs. Price pay ments. Inquire of Joseph White, or DAWSON & EAKIN, Beaver Pa. No. 6. A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE FOB BALE. This property Is situated on Beaver St. in the borough of Beaver, Beaver county. Pa. Lot 150 by 125 feet, on which is erected a new frame house containing three rooms and hail on first floor and-' s threb rooms and ball on second floor, with cellar underneath, cistern at the kitchen dooi, and all necessanr outbuildings. Price #B,OOO. Inquirevof Andrew O. White, on the premises, or DAWSON <£ A AKIN, Beaver, Penna. A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. This farm Is situated In Brighton township, Beaver county. Fa .on a good road, four miles from Beaver, containing 150 acrua. more or less, TlO acres cleared and the balance well limbered, on which Is erected a two-story frame house, barn stable and other outbuildings; a good spring house convenient to house; also a spring In barn yard. This farm is we.l watered, being especially adapt ed to the raising of rtock; it is under a good state of cultivation, and can be worked by machinery; good fruit on premises. Inquire of G. W. Walton or DAWSON <S EAKIN, Befiver. Pa. NOTICE./^ Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of William Kennedy, tatc of the borough of New Brighton, deceased, all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH C WILSON, Executor. P. O. Address-Beaver, Pa. , auel 6t BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Presents strong attractions to parents and guar dians. A pleasant borne; thorough instruction; healthful discipline; excellent library; new ~ - ratus. Send for Catalogue. Liberal discount to clergymen. CHARLES JACOBUS. A. M!., , jylB 2m. Principal, New Brighton, Pa. jyjrrcHENER & gangewer, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. , AND SOLICITORS OP CLAIMS AND PATENTS, 826 Fonr-and a-half St. Washington, DC. We pro»>ccnte all kinds of claims against the government of the United States, before the joe partments. Committee of Congress and Court of Claims. We procure patents and act as attorneys in patent cases. We make a specialty of internal Revenue matters and Land Claims. Our terma on business sent ns by attorneys will be one-half tne lee charged claimants. When a ctaim is sent us we will send the necessary blanks and instructions for its preparation, and will a'so keep our corres pondents advised of all new laws, railings and de cisiona in relation to claims. bent lor vircula KITCHENER & GANGEWER, Attorneys at Law. QURE TO BE SEEN—Y OUR NAME O IN THE £E£rV£R RADICAL. / \ ? frtis •Vi No. 1. No. 3. No. 5. NO. 7. v