The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 12, 1873, Image 3
«trlN OF THE NAMES OP O* ICI STATES. Tbtre i S much that is interesting in , p study of the origin of the names of !f e states of the Union, as they are de “d from a variety of sources. To be r in the geographical order, we first five Maine, which takes its name from * providence of Maine in France, and so called in compliment to the Queen of Charles I, Henrietta, its owner. New Hampshire-first called Lacoma from Hampshire, England. - Vermont, from the Green mountains, French verd xnont. .... , Massachusetts, from the Indian lan guage. signifying “the country about the great bill.” . Rhode Island gets its name from the fancied resemblance of the island to that 0 I Rhodes, in the ancient Levant/ . Connecticut’s name was Monhegan, gpelied originally, Quon-eh-ta-cut, signi- - Ning “a long river.” ' New York was so named as a compli ant to the duke of York,-whose brother Charles jl grantedhim that territory. New Jersey was named by one of Us ordinal proprietors, Sir George Caterer, B f;er the LUud of Jersey, in the British channel, of which he was governor. Pennsylvania, as is generally known, ujgesiis name from William Penn, the vg-rj “sylvania” means woods. Delaware derives its name from Thom y West, Lord De la Ware, governor of V.rginia: Msrvl tnd received its name from the g:een of Charles I, Henrietta Maria. Virginia got its name from Queen E.izibetb, the nntnarrrled or Virgin Qj-er. Toe Carolinas were named in honor of fLaiU-s I, and Georgia in honor of (jt >rce 11. • r lorida gets its name from Kanqusa ut Flores, or “Feast of the Flowers.” A'abanu comes from a Greek word sig [living "The land of rest.” Louisiana was so named in honor of L ’jis XIV. gMi'.-K-ippi derives Us name from that of tbe'great river, which Is in the longue, “The Father of Waters.” Arkansas is derived from the Indian w: rd Kansas, “Smoky Water,” with the French-prefix of ark, “a bow.” Tennessee is an Indian name, meaning "Tbe river with the big bend.” Kentucky, also, is an Indian name, "Kaintuck-ee,” signifying at the head of the river. Onio is tbe Swawnee name for “The beautiful river.” Michigan’s name was derived from the hke. the Indian name for a fish weir, or trap, which is the shape of the lake sug gested. Indiana’s name came from that of the In dians. Illinois’s name is derived from the In dan word “Illini,” men, and the French affix “ois,” makidg it “Tribe of men.” Wisconsin’s name is said to be the In dian one for a wild rnsbing channel. Missouri is also an Indian name for mnddy, having reference to the muddiness of the Missouri river. Kansas is the Indian word for smoky water T£e derivation of the names of Nebras ka ahd Nevada is unknown. lowa signifies, in the Indian language, "The drowsy ones,” and Minnesota "Cloudy water.” Tne origin of the name of California is unknown. Oregon, according to some, comes from Oregana, the Indian name of a wild ma pram which grows abundantly on the Pa cific coast; to others, from Oregon, “The river of the West,” in allu sion to the Columbia river. A Lesson of Faith and Trust. A good woimn, searching out the chil dren of want, one c>ld day list winter, tried to open a door in the third story of a wretched house, when she heard a little voice say, “Pull the string up high!” She looked up and saw a String which, 00 being pulled, lifted a lalclM-and she opened the door upon two halt naked children, all alone. Very pitiful and c Id they looked. Do you lake care of yourselves, little ones v asked the good woman. “God of os,” said the oldest And . .yt not very cold? No fire on a day like this?” "On: when we are very cold, we creep usder the quilt, and If pats my arms round Tommy, and Tommy puls his r ’and me, and then we get warm,” said ibfc little giri. And what have you to eat?” When granny comes home she fetch fcs U 8 something. Granny says Qod has got enough. Granny calls as God’s spar* f owe; and we say ‘Our Father* and ‘daily bread’ every day. God is our Father.” Tears came into {the good woman’s She had a distrusting spirit her* but these two little “sparrows” Perched in that cold upper chamber, bright her & sweet lesson of faith and tost she’ll never forget.- A. sick old man, a vegetable gardner, at a newspaper office and inquired very anxiously if the editor had seen any* in the papers recently about a worm Jh&t was doing much damage to celery. 1 intended,” said he, “to have raised a good deal of celery this year, but durn me ’ I think it’ll pay if that durned cel that started at Washington a * since, about what I’ve been heero ®o much on, is coming this way.” A light iw ned n P° n editor’s mind—the ‘ fe Jary Grab.” Sttglaes* Ulmtorjj. BEX EB. M* LAWRENCE, Physicians A Surgeons, • office that formerly occnyied by* U S- Rev enue Assessor, Third street, Beaver, Pa. aprll-ly AB DONEHOO, M. D. Office lower door X to John Border’s building, Beaver, Pa. apXtf ItfAIXSR, J. w. Physician and Surgeon, office iJX that formerly occupied by Drs. McEinny and Lawrence. Residence. l)r. McNutt's "house. . Fl Attorney at law. office in XJ the Court-house, Beaver, Pa. Ail legalbael- B«u promptly attended to. my^W-ly PURVIS J. H., dealer In Fancy Dry Goods, -Choice Groceries, and Notions. (Specialty— Tea and Sugar,) Flour, Feed, 'and Wooden-ware, corner of Third and Buffiuu streets, Beaver, Pa. •* hovlO’7l - ■ • • ALLISON THUS., dealer in l Dry Goode and Groceries, cor Third and Elk sts, - . jy*9’7o GLARE J. a., dealer In Groceries and Provis ion*, Third street. priWnu QNITQEK B.X CO., dealer la Groceries and Pro 0, visions. Third street. BEACOMHbs. E. 11.,, dealer in Millinery Goods and Trimmings, cor 3d it. and Diamond. JySU ANDHIBSSSN HUGO, dealer in Drugs and Med icines,Bd at. See advertisement. JyffiTTt) MOORE j., dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Third street. Jy*m nrvALLON ROBERT, manufacturer and dealer In X Boots and Shoes, Thirdstreet. jy28 1 70 MBRTZ H., manufacturer and dealer in Boon and Shoes, Third street. Jp29'7o WALTER P., Baker and Confectioner, north east corner of the Diamond. jyffiTlU ANSHUTZ O. R., dealer in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Third street. Jy99’7o KUHN B. P.. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office on Third sutet. jy29’9o B. HICK. FRANK WILSON. H. B. KOOBK. HICE, WILSON & MOORE, Attorneys at Law. Office; Bear of the Court-house, j BRIDGEWATER. JUBALTO’S Shady Side Photograph Gallery, • Second Floor, Dunlap's comer, opposite the toll bridge. aprll-ly MOLTER, J. C., Market street. Bridgewater, dealer in COAL from Bank at McKinley’s Kail. feb2l’73-ly HURST a. C., dealer In Dry Goods. Hats and ■Capa, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Trimmings, Bridge street. STILES & CO., dealers in Groceries, Provision* and Qacnaware, Bridge street. jy29'7o MULHEIM 8., dealer in Carpets, Oil Cloths and Variety Goods* Bridge street. jy29'7o ROCHESTER. DONCASTER HOUaE, opposite Railroad Sta tion, D. Woif, Proprietor. Fro Bono Pub lico. [novls-ly OMITH, JOHN F., (New Store.) dealer in Gro- O cenes. Flour, Feed, Nails, Varieties and No tions, best qualities and lowest prices. New Brighton and Washington slreeis, Rochester. atig2,72-ly Jt SONS, w holesale .and retail deal O ers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, cram. Boat Stores, Iron, Nails. Water si. oct7*7o Rose w. a., m. d., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. sepfaS’TO O ATMAN & CO., (successors to Oatman, Par sons & Klnzer) dealers in all kinds of rough and dressed lumber sel6’7o SCHROPP CHAS., manufacturer of and dealer it. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing, spouting, <£c., attended to. N. York st. sel6'7o JOHNSON W. W., dealer in Carpets. Oilcloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Trunks and Vari ety Goods, near RR depot. sel6'7o STEEPLER & CLARK, proprietors of Johnson House. Good accommodations and good sta bles. Near HR depot. sel6’7o STREIT GEORGE, manufacturer and dealer in Booots, Shoes, Slippers, Ac., Water st.- [se!6 DAVID AUGHINBAUGH, manufactured of Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron ware; dealer in Stoves. Tin Roofing-made to order. Water st. ' seS’7o NEW BRIGHTON. BON TON RESTAURANT and EATING SA LOON.—MeaIs at all boors, table supplied with all the delicacies ot tbe season. Prices low. William Stricklahd, corner of Falls atd Broadway. eept2t>-ly. CAKKY Q, P., general dealer in Groceries, Feed, Oueensware, Glass, Ac. Rags, iron and Brass taken at highest prices. Railroad st. octal SIBMEN GEO. P M manufacturer of Cakes and Confectionaries. Particular attention paid to parties and wedding orders. octT’TO GILLILAND A. D. a Co., dealers in Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods and Groceries JSroadway * septaSTO BEAVER FALLS. TANNEY BROS., Honse and Slpn Painting, Graining and Glazing in all their branches. Also Fresco Painting in Oil. Distemper and Water Colors. Orders executed on short notice, in the best manner and on reasonable terms. Main St., Beaver Fal Is, Pa. [novgMy. Stevenson a wrrrisH, Land omce No. 19s Penn street. Pittsburgh, Pa., and Beaver Falla Pa. septSS’TO KING Mrs. E.. Millner and dealer in Dry Goods. Notions, Queensware, Ac. Corner Main and Baker st. sept3S’7o. DUNKELW. W., mannfactnrer of and dealer hr Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac. Corner Race and Main st's. sept23’7o CLARK Mbs. R. 8., dealer in Millinery, Fancy Goode and Notions. Main st. seSO’TO FREEDOM. Db. J. R. COOPER T. L, dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Ac. seSO’TO VANPORT. T WAGGONER, dealer in general Merchandise, • Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Ac. Highest prices paid lor country produce. Rail road street, Vanpoxt. aprll. Q MASHT, PEARL SALOON, 17 SIXTH STB EE, TBBLBGB. MANHOOD; HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Cnlver well*a Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of SrissATossncts or Semin ■ al Weakness,lnvoluntary Seminal Losses. Impo tence, also Consumptlba, Epilepsy and Pita, in duced by eelMndulrencojor sezoal extravagance. W"Pricc ln a eewed Envelope only six cents. The celebrated authorrla4hla admirable essay, clearly demons trttei ftomAintKy years' success fal practice, that the alarming consequences of eeli-abuaomay be radically cured without the. dSLgetouß use of internal medicine or the applies- Honor the knife; pointing oat a mode of care at onoeatmple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what hia condi tion may be. may cure blmeelf cheaply, privately and radically. _ t yar-Thia fecinre shopld be in the hands of eve ry youth end every mania the land. Sent under seal in a plain envelope, to any ad dress. poet-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the Publisher, CHAB. A. CLINK & CO., 127, Bowery, New York, Post-ofßce Box, 4566 3756-U- : JOB PRINTING AT THE RADICAL OFFICE, HE RADICAL: FBUJAYi SEPTEMBER 12,1873. /v^-W T ? f £ WICE,u ' jyetidmt Judge—A. W. Acbesoo^ A uocUOet —Mu ton Lawrence. _ „ Joseph C. Wilson. ProOionotary—John (X-ighev. Clerk or 6burT—John C. BwL White. PegieUr <t Recorder —James 1 Stokes. 7*so*«w—Charles P. Wallace. 64wnmw#ion*r#—BanielNeely. - v ~ Samuel Torrence. « ■„ , J. MarahalL Cterl Of Owunisstonars-John McGown. ÜbunttUo Ckmmutio&ners—J. R. Hurrah. Coroner— Daniel Corhcs, A editors—Jas. H. Christy. C. H. Boon. „ C. C. Riggs. • H. McCreery. CmMiy Surveyor-o. M. Daugherty. Jury Owmnunonm^uaflwWarcock, Director* of the Poor-A JUH? Vn^te! —. JSSfe. ' frMfce* Lowary, John Murray, SamnalMagaw, Henry Hlce. Hatuson Darnffh. ...fieri). C. Crltcmow. ; James M.. Smith. BEiVEB, CHURCHES. , 0. SPretbyterian-Rer. D. J. Satterfield. P*»- tot. {ftjmce» every Sondayat 11 a. x., and or. *.* bandar School at 9 a. k. • United Presbyterian—R&v. j. C. Wilson, Pastor. Sendee# every Sunday at 11 a. V., and 6ft P.x. Sunday School at 9 a. x. Methodist JSpUcopal - Rev. William Lynch, Far,or. Sendees every Sunday at 11 a. x., and 7r. x. bnnday School at 9a. x. OatAotU—B&v. M. Gankle, Priest. Sendees every »d Sunday of each month at 10 a. x. ASSOCIATIONS. 8t^ Jimet LidgeA, 7 457-S. B. Wilson, W. U., J. Horton Hall, Secretary. Mdets Ist Thun* day of each month. O. O.P.Jfo. 720-A. G. White, J. N. McCreery, Secretary. Meets even Today evening. Boating Mows#—Thomas McCreery. BRIDGEWATER. CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal Hev. D. L. Dempsey Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10W a. x.. and 7p. x. Sunday School at 9a. x. Fresbyterian —Rev. Jas. M. Shields, Pasator. css every Sunday at 11 a. a., and (1 p. a. Sun day School at 9% A. x. Mtthoditt EjHscopal (Colored) —C. Asbary, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. x., and at 7 p. x. Sunday School at 9a. x. A. 11. E. Zion ( Color set)—Rev. Lyons, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 11 A. :x.,and at 7 p. x. ASSOCIATIONS. Enota Lodqt. L O. G. T., No. 163—William Car ter, W. C. T., Tillle Moorhead, W. 8., meets every Friday evening. In their hall above A. C. Hurst’* Dry Good Store. Beaver Lodge , I. O. 0. F., No. 866—Samuel McCabe, N. G., David Woodruff, Secretary, meeti every uesday evening. Harnson Graham Encampment , /. O. O. F., No. 116—D. Shumaker, C. P., Wm. Morton, H. P., D. Woodruff, Scribe, meets Ist and 8d Thursday even ings oi each month in Odd Fellows Rail. Episcopal— Services Ist and 3d Sundays at 10.80 A. x. and 7.30 px. Georgetown—2d and 4th Sun days. Rev. Bollard, pastor. Methodist Epiteopal— Rev. T. 8. Hodg#on,Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10M a. x., and 7 p. x.— Sunday School at 3 p. x. Methodist Episcopal, ( German) | Rev. Miller, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10>J a. x., and 7 f, k. Sunday School at 9a. x. Lutheran— Rev. H. Reck. Pastor. Sendees ev ery Sunday at 10% a. x., and 7P. x. Sunday School at 9 p, x. Firtt German Evang. Lutheran , St. Paul 1 * Church—Rev. P. Bonn, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 3p. x. Sunday School at Ipx. Catholic —Rev. Mr. Gunkle. Priest, Sendees ev ery fourth Sunday of each month, at 10 a. x., and every Thursday at 8% a. x. ASSOCIATIONS. Amaranth Lodge, I. O. O. 71, No. 994 K Blanchard, W. C. T.; Emil Smith, W. 8. Meet* every Wednesday oveu’gln Conway’sEUU. Rochester Lodge , A. 7. M.,No. 929—J.R, Pen dleton, W. M., John Conway, Sec’y. Meets every Friday before fall moon. Eureka, Chapter K. A, M:, No. 167, meets In Ma sonic Hall on first Wednesday after full moon. M. E. H. P., J. R- Pendleton; Secretary, John Con- Methodist EMseopgi CVturcA—Hev.E.B.Webeter, Pastor. Sendees every other Sunday at 10H a. x_ md alternate Sundays at 7 r. x. Sunday School at 9 a. x. „ M. E. German— Rev. Hr. Zerkel, Pastor. Servi ces. alternate Sundays at 10)4 a. x. Sunday School at 9 a. x. PrMbyterlan—Rev. Wort man, Pastor. Servi ces every Sunday at 11 a. x., and 7r. x. Sunday School at 9 a. X. Gervum Lutheran—Rev. Hr. Born, Pastor. Ser vices every other Sunday at. 10 a. x., and alternate Sundays at 2r. ■- Sunday School at 9a. x. friends—Meeting at 11 a. x. every Sunday. Catholic— J. C. Blgbam, Priest. Services, let, 8d and 6th Sundays each month at 10)4 a. x. Sunday School every Sunday at 3)4 r. x. Church of God— Bev, McKee, Pastor. So*- vices every Sunday at 10 a. x., and 7p. x. Sunday School at 8)4 a. x. Baptist— Rev, Dr. Winters, Pastor. Services ev ery Sunday at 10 a. x. and 7 r. x. Sunday School at 8)4 a.*. ■ Unwed Presbyterian— Bev. A. G. Wallace, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10)4 a. x. and 7 p. x. Sunday School at 8)4 a. x. 0. 8. Presbyterian— Rev. B, C. Critchlow. Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10)4 a. x. and 7 p. x. Sunday School at 8)4 a. x. Episcopal— Rev. Spaulding, Rector. Services at 10)4 a. x. and 8 p. x. Sunday School at 9)4 a. x. Seats free, and all are cordially invited. f\rst Methodist Church—Rev. P. 8. Crowther, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10 a. x. and t r. x. Sunday School at 8)4 a. x. Methodist Episcopal —Rev. J. R. Mills, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10 a. x. and 7p. x. Sun day School at 8)4 a. x. seSO’TP Bearer Hirer Lodge , I. O. O. T.. No. 963. Robert Hay. W. C. T., T. 8. Wileon-W. 8. Meets every Tuesday evening. Hew Brighton Lodge , I. O. G. T„ No. 801—T. L. Kennedy, W. C. T.. Oliver McKeage, W. S. Meets every Thursday evening. Robertson Lodge , /, O. O. P., No. 450—Henry Lloyd, N. G., N. G. Taylor, Secretary. Meets every Monday evening. Union Lodge , A. iv M. s No. 25')—R. Coovert, Meets Ist and 3d Tuesdays of each month. National Bank Beaver County—John Miner, Free) dent, Edward Hoops, Cashier, Broadway? Banking House— R. £. &H. Hoopes, Broadway. Men's Library Association —Joseph Bent* ley, President; Hiram Platt, Secretary. Meets every Friday evening. Methodist Episcopal— Rev. W. B, Grace, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10H a. m. and 7J4 p, m. Methodist—lter. J. F. Dyer, Pastor, services, every Sunday at 11 a. and 7 7 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Sunday* school at 9V4, r. *. Jftvafti/lemn—Rev. Iloorebetd, Pastor. Ser vices'every Sunday at 11 a. at., and 7 Vi r. h. Sunday School every Sunday at 9Vi o'clock at same place. T. Noble, Sup’t. United Prtsbytertan—Rey.J. L Frazier, pastor. Services on Sabbath at 10Vi o'clock, a k and 7K pm. Sabbath-school at SViP x. ASSOCIATIONS. Beater Valley Lodge. A. 7. M., 478—Meets even second and fourth Monday of each month. T K Bateman, WM-JLBDawson, 8 W;BHHawkins, J W; Henry Hill. Tress; Ch. Molter.Scc. Harmony Chapter,* «. Meets first Monday each month. B-A-NoblerßJ*.; WJLGrIm, K.; A. Tom linson, S.:P. MartaollTreac.: H. C. Patterson, Sec. YaUeyJßeho Lodge , /. O. 0. E, Mo. B»-W. H. Boon. N, G„ James. M. Nugent, .Sec’y, Meets •rery Thursday evening ft 754 o’clock. " Sea wtny Sanngs LuiftvU— Henry Hioe, Prea’t. John Beeves. Cashier. , W. C. No. 196, P 0. B. Of A.—Meets every Mon day -■evening >ln Washington Halt Ramsey's Block, Main street. G A Usman, RS; A Anderson, President. phillifsbuiig. CHUBCHXS. Y Methodist - Episcopal—Bet. Huddleston Paata.. Services, 10H o’clock, end evening, bft o’clock Sunday School every. Sabbath at 9r. X. - 1 Lutheran—German— Rev. Mr. Bonn, Pastoa Services every other Sabbath u 10Vi o’clock, and Sabbath School at 4 o’clock. Eh«uh-Rer. Ms Jacobs, Pasta. Services every other Sabbath at 20$ o'clock and Sabbath School at 9 o’clock. Presbyterian —Re v. W. G. Taylor, Chaplain at Pennsylvania Institute fa Soldiers’ Orphans. Ser vices In Chapel at 9. o’clock, and lecture m Urn evening at 7 o'clock. Sabbath School at 10J4 clock. : KOCHESTEB. CHURCHES. FREEDOM. CHURCHES. NEW BRIGHTON. CHURCHES. ASSOCIATIONS BBAVEB FALLS. CHURCHES. B*v ■' '• ■ 0000000000000 42 A W 0000000000000 mPJBL W JEM 0000000000000 money sw i,: . ' r ' 0000006000 do ** i *'/ 1 * * 000 S Aim SECURE I 000 0600 - -ii :.S£- . OPOPOQO 0000000 808 VVlffll' oqsoqoo QOOOOOO ; JfJth W I? Jail#. A 0000000 0000000 1 : ‘ ’ j'rvoLv. 0000000 ooooooooooOoOooboooeoooOocoooQOooooooooQoQ oooooooooooooQoaoooooeaQOpapooooqoaoojra I SATISFACTION >| rpHOS. KENNEDY & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO TTM. BXJECHLING. ROCHESTER, PENN’A. DEALKBfIIN iTHEPOPULAR CLOTHING DUUG8 ’medicinesandchemical, oiuu *uiouau uiiuiuuiu NCY & TOILET ARTICLES, A/WUUWWWIAAAAAAAAAAAMtAAAAAAAAAAAAA/MAAAAA X* SPONGES, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS AND DYBfl^ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all Hour. scpO 73-ly 0000 0000 SS.EISNER & PHILLIPS, SSS 0000 ■ r ' 0000 0000 0000 Gentlemen 0000 , can drees well 0000 and save money by 0000 0000 making tbelr spring par* 0000 0000 chases from oor larga and sn 0000 0000 peiior stock of chotC? goods. Core 0000 0000 stock Is entirely fresh; and onr sty* 0000 0000 les the very latest. Onr Boys’ 0000 0000 and Childrens’ departments 0000 0000 are loaded to overflowing 0000 0000 with the things oat. 10000 0000 Call and -examine / 0000 0000 onr splendid 0000 0000 -etock of 0000 1000000000000 Corner Fifth Are. AND WOOD STREET,^. PITTSBURGH, PA. ' iyl6-6m. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. ESTATE OP CORNELIUS SHANE, DEC’D. Letters©(administration on the estate of Cor nelias Shane. late of Greene township, Beaver connty, Pa., deceased, have been, granted to Jar. B. Shane, residing in said township, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, ard those having claims or de mands will make known the same without delay. JAMES B. SHANK. Jy4-6t Administrator. Boston one price clothing house. 95 Smithfield Street , Pittsburgh Pa. The best place in the city to buy Clothing and Furnishing goods. Sign ofthe Hub. myfi-|y QBNtRAL CLAD! AGENCY, JAMES M. SELLERS, 144 SOUTH SIXTH STREET PHILADELPHIA. Bounties, Pensions, Back Pay, Horse Claims, State Claims, Ac., promptly collected. No charge for information, nor when money is not collected. deoT6B:tf J£EEP IT HANDY. THE RELIABLE FAMILY MEDICINE. Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera. Summer Com plaint. Cramps, etc., quickly cured by (Lc use of JARDELLA’S Compound Syrup of Blackberry Soot and Rhubarb. An old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, quick and certain in effect; can be depended on in the most argent cases; may be given to the youngest intent as well as to adults. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. . It la a pleasant extract and readily taken by children. It hasoiten saved life when physicians bad despaired. Keep It In tbe boose and use in time. All we ask for it is a trial. Don't let your dealer put you off with something else. But buy it. Try it. Sold by druggists and store-keepers throughout this state. Prepared only by UANSELL Si BRO., 2000 MarKet St., Philadel phia. A Jel3*3m gTEVENSON & FOSTER, tationers. Printers, Blank Book Makers, and Wholesale Dealers In , Printers’ Stock. Flat Papers, Book Papers, Ruled Bill Heads, Letter Beads, Cards. Printing Inks, <tc., always on hand. Give us a call. Sor. WOod St. and Third Ave.. and 83 and 84 Third Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. ie2o-lm. APPinnQ everywhere to sell our new and lo- AuLrliu Bmbrolderllng Machines send (or I Ins W& llliipntraied Circular, to tbe McKee Mann it AH iulifacturiing Company, 309, Broadway New York. I>HJS PAHLuH COMPANION. Every Lady wants one I Every Man ought to have one 11 Sent on receipt of Ten Cents. Address, L. P. HYDE Si CC.. 195 Seventh Avenne, New York. B ON-TON FLIRTATION SIGNALS, sent on re ceipt of 25 cts. Unique Printing and Publish ing Bouse. 86 Vesey Street. New York. TUB NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. An Important Invention. It retains the Rapture at all times, and under the hardest exercises or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept 1 on night and day. effects a permanent cure in a' few weeks. Sold cheap, and eent by Mail whenjeqnested, cir culars tree, when ordered by letter sent to The ElasticTrnss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses; too painful; they slip off too frequently. ' Qrt T|f|T T wbrth of goods advanced to OU UUlillAuO agents to commence business with, and large commission allowed for selling. Address J. S. CONOVER, Coldwater, Mich. spraS-Sm ' • TUB BECKWITH no PORTABLE family SEWING MACHINE, ON 80 DAYS TRIAL, many advantages over all. Satisfaction guaran teed. or 90 refunded. Sent complete, with fall directions. Beckwith Sewing Machine Co., 869 Broadway, N. Y. . NOTICE. ESTATE OF ANDREW COLE, DECEASED. Letters of administration on the estate of Andrew Cols, 4ec’d.,lue df South Beeves.toWnah!p,havhig been granted, to the undersigned, all persona in debted to said estate are requested- to make im mediate payment, sed tbose having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. , , , A. J. lA WHENCE. Ada’t., mySWt South Beaver Township. J N. ARNOLD, T SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, 1595 Calumbia Street, Washington D..C. Makes examinations in the Patent Office to as certain the patentability of inventions for $lO. A majority ol the cases are now rejected. being an ticipated by existing-patents— lose to applicants usually about $5O; oneiHmore. After maxing this nrelimlnary examination! charge no fee-unless I secure a patent -I. AT goods. JEWELLING HOUSES, TEKEMEKT S, -; - i IMPKOVED AND UNIMPBOVB REAL ESTATE, 1 ■ IX JJRD KXAB THB BOROUGH OF ROCHESTER, i - FOB BALB AND BKNT.BY ; ‘ S. J. CROSS. ocfTTMf .. '' " JjOCHIEL HOTEL, CORNER MARKET* THIRD BTRBBTB, HARRISBURG, PA. g; w. huntbb, declß’te i ‘ 0000 0000 0000 gg A VALUABLE INVENTION! gj AN ENTIRELY NEW Sewing Machine ! FOR DOMESTIC USE. Only Five Dollars! With the New Patent Button Hole Worker. The Most Simple and Compact in Construction. Ifie Most Durable and Economical in Use. A Model of Combined Strength and Beauty. Complete in all its parte, usee the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self-Threading, direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Onider. Operates by Wheel and on Table. Light Running, smooth and Noiseless, like all good high-priced machines. Has patent check to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool. Hakes the Elastic Lock Stitch (finest and strongest stitch known;) firm, datable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and coarse, mom Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses ail descrip tions of thread. The beat mechanical talent in America and Eu rope has been devoted to improving and simplify ingour Machines combining only that which is practicable, and dispensing with all complicated nmrandings generally found in other machines. Special terms and extra inducements to male and female agents, store keepers, Ac., who will establish agencies through the country and keep our new machines on exhibition and sale. County rights given to smart agents free. Agent's com plete outfits furnished without any extra charge. Samples of sewing, descriptive circulars containing terms, testimonials, engravings, &c., sent bee. Address BROOKS SEWING MACHINE CO.. No. 1329 Broadway, NEW YORK. ]anSl-ly r pHE BEST AND MOST IMPROVED FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF Safes and Vaults ARE MADE BY TBE PITTSBURGH SAFE COMPANY 167 PENN STREET, mar2B-3m PITfSBURGH, PA. piPTH AVE. CLOTHING HALL. CORNER FIFTH & MARKET STREETS, 1873. SPRING STOCK. 1873. Is offered lower than any otter bouse in tbe city. Bayers, Study Tour Own Interest , and examine the stock of J. HANNACB before purchasing else where. The stock comprises Men's. Boys', Youths', and Children’s Clothing, at iVhoUsale arui Retail Prices. Particular attention given to Custom Work. J. HANNA CH EST'Bring this invitation with yon mai2B-3 J J. GILLESPIE & CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., FRENCH PLATE GLASS, FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, MANTEL AND PIER GLASSES, STEEL ENGRAVINGS A CHRQHOS. Estimates furnished for Plate Glass to Contractor and BoiWers. mar3l*6m -JJ S. PATENT AGENCY, Office 918 F St., Washington, D. C., G. J. FERRISS, SOLICITOR, i , ■ r - • ‘ fr The cheapest and moat reliable Patent Agency in Washington. Fall particulars free: . Address Q. J. FERRISS, jel3 Box 95, Washington, D. C. , IPljHfeßßitttit*. PITTSBURGH, PA. 86 WOOD STREET, Importers and Dealers in 3at&ittg fttUl Smtmt, JOHN CONWAY & CO., BANKERS & B ROKERS ROCHESTER, PA. Dxalxm m Exchangb Cois amo Sxchamoi Accounts of Manufacturers, Merchants and Indl ▼lduaia Solicited. INTJSBBST ALLOWED ON yiMK DEPOSITS Correspondence will receive prompt attention. t Boehester, Ang.lg{,iBT2-«ogMxD, jgBAVB R DBPO S BANK OFBEAVEB, SBBN ALLISON,-- . y COLLECTIONS PROMPTLT MADE AND BE* MUTED., > CORRESPONDENCE AND ACCOUNTS SO SICITSDi INTEREST PAU) ON TIME DEPOSITS. EXCHANGE. SECURITIES, Ac., SOUGHT AND SOLD. Office hoars from 9 a. x. to 4 p. k. mySTre BENTEL & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, freedom, pa., »Sv«T pr f pared l? do a general Banking ‘ Broker business. Notes discounted. Government oth er securities bought and sold, and United^States 4^0 ° n 111 accessible points in the J 5l cre9t ®ll° w ed on tune deposits. Office hours from 9a.i., to 4 p v from C a. u. to 9 p. m. Jan. 26,1872>6m. NATIONAL BANK, NO. 33 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH* FA. J. W. COOK, President. B. W. MACKEY, Cashier W. McCANDLESS, Asst. Cashier. fdel • JgANKING HOUSE s op R. E. & H. HOOPES, NEW BRIGHTON, PA Correspondence of Banks, Bankers and Map chants solicited. Collections promptly mad* an remitted - Oy^roay. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (Successors to 8. Jones ft C 0.,) Cob. POUKTH AVENUE ft WOOD BTHSSI PITTSBCBOH, B A S, BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT AT BOND “ 4 8 s,e im,. ja B.t.bradt*co. a. S. BARKER. f. A. BABKXB. 0. A. nuim^ 8. BARKER & 00, N*vßbiohtojt, Pzmrv. G. B, BARKER ft C 0 Bxatxb Falla, Franc a,, BANKERS dzaxxbs m EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPONS, 4c. trStoJSuwsSidCukda “»“«>'« P»l«. to to. ■H^Sgßßintwdmto. ItootoctTOT, tadl. Interest allowed oo Tins Deposits. decSWf denCBWmrewlve P rom Pt attention, r JJOCHEBTER SAVINGS BANK. JOHN V. H’DORAUJ, OSO. C. SFXTSBXB, SPEYERER & McDonald, Dealers in exchange. Com, Government Securl* tie»,nmke collections on til accessible points In the United States and Canada, receive money on depot* it subject to check, and receive time depositioi cent d ° llar aDd H P wan^an^ allowinterestat 6pet auSebankf d Eule " fnraiahed fre® '°y applying at Bank open daily from 7 a. m., till 4p. m and on Saturday evenings from 6to 8 o’clock; ’’ Boo °° BT PKB»18SION. TO L HOatman * Co, Hon J SRutan, Algeo, Scott & Co, Orr A Cooper, 8 J Cross * Co, Wm Kennedy Snieder A Wacka, Jototharp B » Banger, RB Edgar, T-desmen’s National 8 B Wilson, bank, Pittsburgh p« * novll-70—jeS0-71 , urgn ’ r “* INSTANT RELIEF FOR THE ASTHMA. . Any person troubled with that terrible disease will receive immediate and complete relief by ns* ing my * A W S TEMA RE M E J3T Y . Bffllctod with it for twelve years, entirely unfitting me for business for weeks at a time; and discovered this remedy by experimenting on my effiectrterall ° thcr medicineB biled to We any i Will warrant it to give instant" n all eases of Asthma not complicated with other ’ diseases. ANY PERSON AFTER ONCE USING WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT IT. Pamphlets containing certificates by mail FREE, FOR SALE BY Bujto Andrieseea. Beaver, Fs. G-Waddle, Nowßrighton, W.QJlUlaod.New.Britoton. B. T.McQonn, BeaverPalla. Q. McC.Bmitbs Bridgewater. T. Kennedy A Co. Rochester. Samuel C. Hannan, Rochas ter. B. ; A. Craig. Freedom. . Thomas«weiHigw,Hook»town. AND DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. V Price by mail, postage p*id,|l.oo per box. Libet* al terma to druggists. Address CHAB. B: HURST, . aprlMy. ' Rochester, Beaver Co., Pa. __ ■ . ; - '. ’ : . I Enterprise saloon and RESTAURANT. OPENDAY AND NIGHT. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. No. 19 SIXTH ST,, (late St. Clair,) PITTSBURGH. febmi-17 NEAL McCALUON Saturdays C. H. BKNTEL, Cashier. £ w. J. BPKYEBEB, a. j. speyebbb. Cashier O