.8 JL correspondent of Ziegler's Herald gays: On the morning of August 2lst one of our estimable neighbors, Mr. i James Aiken, and two of his cmpanions t were surveying a new road through a por lion of oar hiily »nd mountainous conn, ly, nevertheless noted for Its romantic and picturesque sceuery, by the name of Slipper) rock. They anived at a chasm which heretofore seemed almost impossi ble for human skill to span so that it wonUV answer the purpose of a highway, \ although there was a foot-path, or rather a foot-log across it, with railing on each side to prevent accident. The width : of the chasm was SO feet, and standing - on the log you could took down 150 feet, the sides being covered with rocks and stumps of pine trees scattered here and there and occasionally a large rock jut ting out from the side. The footh path had not been in use for a number of years and our friend with that adventur ous spirit peculiar to the inhabitants of Butler county, proposed an examination of the bridge or foot-path to see how much, of it was solid and fit for further use. Mr. Aiken walked out on the log about 30. feet, when a cry from one of his companions startled him. Oo looking around be saw a sight that froze his blood and made "each particular hair stand on end.” The end of the narrow bridge from which be started, bad parted from its fastenings and was swinging in mid air. The other end of the path had | crumbledaway. Fully realizing the peril of bis position be atttempted to return, but at that Instant the timbers parte 1 with a crash and Wr. Aiken with pres ence of mind almost unequaled, sprang into the ait attempting to alight fifteen feet below on one of.the projecting rocks. He accomplished it, but rebounding from these be fell 40 feet further with nothing to break the fall except a few pine branches, and alighting on another rock. From there he went crashing through the limbs of a sapling endeavoring vainly to clutch them in his descent. He still fell from point to point until be reached the bottorn Yully 135 feet from the bridge above. He la) insensible and to ail ap pe&rance dead. His horrified compan ions hastily aroused the neighbors and by means of ropes they descended the side of the chasm. After resorting to the usual restoratives be became sufficiently restored to talk. They brought him to the top and after a careful examination, strange to say, not a b»>ne was broken or a mark tound on him. At last accounts lie was walking around aud still continues to count one in the census. Uttclaimtd Letters remaining in the Post Office at Rochester, September Ist. 1873 : R. Alcorn, Herman Able, Jo tepb Allen, Mrs. Malvie Brown, (2) B«it & Son, A. Boysvart, (21 Miss Clara Cook, Carr & Fish. Robert Cams, Mr. M. Cunningham, (2) Randolph Craig, Ro bert Donohue, J. M. Douds, John Elk, Amos Eckert, .1. P, Fish, George Francis, , Mary Jane Gordon, Dora Gurth, Miss * Kale C‘»rmon. E G. Hively, (2) Ben. H<>r ney, Mary F. Gordon, George Knox- George W. Morgan, Mr. Porier, Mrs Rice, Kale C. Rigby, Mary E. Stahl, W A. Wright, John G'arry. T. M. Taylor, P. M. We are informed by Prank Miller «»l New Lisbon, Ohio, that R H. Dawson, formerly of Ohioville, bnl now resiling in Lewisville,PottawatomieTtounty Kan sas, is a Republican candi late for Recor der, anJ is likely to receive the nomina tion, which ts in that county equivalent to an election. Mr. D»wson is a yang man of good character, smart, energetic, and hi'' m»ny friends will be glad to h*ar of his success. Atkins <€* Small hive opened up their new furniture establishment on Third street. Their sales mom is taste fully fitted up, roomy, and tilled with the I>esl class of furniture. We are glad to see this evidence of their prosperity. Undeveloped Vigor. The feeble and debilitated usually fancy they are in a moie hopeless condition than they really arc. The resources of nature are not easily ex hausted. Even when strength mid appetite fail, when the eyes are heavy and lustreless, the com plexion palli!, the nerves tremulous, t»-c body at tenuated, and the mind depressed, th.-re is sene', ally a reserve of latent power behind such palpa ble evidences of weakness. Various modes 0/ treatment arc resorted to by physicians in tuc hope of developing and rendering available this store of sleeping vitality, but the surest, and in deed the only thoroughly safe snl reliable means ol awakening the dormant energies of the sys tem is acoursa if liostetter’s ftbaach Bitters. Elec, tricity, shower baths, the fit a inrush, sea bath ing, &c., m.y be w>il cnoegh rn their way, as auxiliaries, 1 ut t toy do not rgich the source of the evil.- All fphveical debility proceeds either from a derange m mt of the functions of the assimi lating, s cretive and vital i rests, or irom a slugg ish constitution. In either rase, and also in case? wht re bo h cans is the Bitteis will Invaria bly produce an immediate and salutary chance in the condition o; tie patient, and eventually effec acompl te cure. None of the dangerous alka loids, "•<> often sdmi. tsicr-d as tonics, can be otherw -e than di leterious under such circumstan ces, tn to give mermry is positively criminal he di ect effi-c o." the tr at vegetable specific ' 111 be at nifoet« d in m d i ppetite, a more theer.ul Siame ot mn.d, a gratiatl return of etra *l.in an increa-e o flosl, and a healthier com. plex fn- M.eauwhil" . however, thconst! in. ion. if inert and IV-ehle. will have been rtrused and leu ovatedby the subtile dements oi iuvjgorati. i contained in the Bitters. A J'eteyrom rt-i*ivvd by ?■', & S. 11. I) tr .<>ii, “i» . f.l;*: a ;Lui iti« on? t-twi* E£i&C. WILSON. Ex*r. ol'vill olWm, Kennedy, decM. aarlis \ THE RADICAL :FRID A PITI&BUKGU, PA. 'I ■ JJw WANTED. A Good Wagon Makerand, Blacksmith to take charge of t Shop. For farther information ao drees - J. H; C’HRISTY, Holt P. 0.. aag*£>-3t. - Beaver-County. ”• jyj-icLELLA^s";;;..; r INSTITUTE FOR BOYS At West Chester. P». A beautiful and elevated situation, 33 miles west of Philadelphia. Specious Play grounds with Gymnasium. Students pre pared for College, Polytechnic Schools or sow ness. Special provisions made for very yoong boys. Many students remain as boarders daring summer vacation. Session begins September iu. Address ROBERTM M’CLELLaN. «*>•**• pBANKFORT ACADEMY. The Pall Session begins Tuesday, September 3d, aud ends December 13th, 1873. Students in Languages and Mathematics are pre pared for the Junior class In college. TAB NORMAL DEPARTMENT designed for those who wlahto .become practical teachers, will receive special attention. ror fonher information address , J. H. VEA2KY, Principal. aug3Mt Frankfort Springs, Pa. WASTED. We will give men and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAT. from four to eight dollars per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood; it is a rare chanceior those out of employment or having leisure time girls and boys frequently do as well as men. Par ticularaflreo. Address. J. LATHAM AGO., my9tf 393 Washington.Bt„ Boston, Mass. rpHB MOST DESIRABLE LIFE INSURANCE. Tie Mtttnal Life Insurance Coipaay. OF NEW YORK, With Its cash assetts of over SIXTY MILLION OF DOLLARS The largest tod wealthiest company in the world and the oldest Insurance Company In America offer GREATER INDUCEMENTS to the insured than any other Company* lessee every approved description of LIFE, ENDOWMENT A ANNUITY POLICIES combining the sdvantasea offered by all other Companies with UNEQUALLED FINANCIAL SECURITY. Endowment Policies psyable in CASH in ten, fifteen or twenty years. and all Life Policies share In the large annual cash dividends, which can be need to reduce the premiums, making the cost of insurance less each year. A. B. CLARK, augMtf - Agent for Beaver County, | r pHE UNITED STATES ORGAN. MANUFACTURED BY WHITNEY & RAYMOND, CLEVELAND, OHIO* SUPERIOR TO ALL OTESE3 . . ’.WnA--- in tone, finish, workmanship and durability. The cases are of an entirely new and elegant de sign, paneled all round, richly carved and orna mented, highly varnished and polished, while those with French Mottled Walnut Panels are by far the most ELEGANT AND ATTRACTIVE Parlor Organ ever presented to the musical public. The tone of the United States Organ Is pare, smooth and pipe -like, while it has great volume/ and power. The action is quick, easy and elastic, making the instrument equally useful for sacred or secular music. The Organs'kro warranted for five years. PRICES MODERATE, And rated according to style. Styles from one op to forty. Whoever wishes to pnrehase ona~ > Of the above Organs can do so by calling upon or writing to SMITH CURTIS, Radical Office. Beaver. Pa. Q.IRARD HOUSE, CORNER NINTH ft CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA. H. W. &ANAOA, decll’«8:ly Proprietor. JOHN EA K I N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAIN T.. BUVJH ?W'.\ [jalO’73 JOSEPH LEDLIE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office, ir .he Radical Building,) BEAVER, PA. All business entrusted to his care will receive! prompt attention. dec4’6B:ly JOHN B. YOUNG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEAVER PA. Office and residence on Third at. east of the Court, House. All law business entrusted to my care shall re ceive prompt attention. Also, persons having Real Estate for sale, and those wishing to buy town property, coal or farm lauds, may save end money by calling at my oLce. (aprJS’Vl ly. JAMES CAMERON. JOHN Y. MARKS. OAMERON & MARKS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. ROCHESTER, PA„ Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care and have superior facilities for buying and selling real estate. declS ly Q.ILBERT L. EBERHART. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will give prompt attention to Collections, Pro caring Bounties and Pensions, Baying and selling Keal Estate, etc. ■* OFFICE ON BROADWAY, Opposite R. J 3. Hoopcs’ Banking House, , NEW BRIGHTON* BEAVER CO., PA. scp6'T2-ly J H, M’C'REEKY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, S.THEET t y (First'door below Che Coort House,) lyl’TO—ty. BEAVER, PA. , SEPTEMBER 5, 1873. Xwtrxtttt. QHAB. B. HURST'S IMRAHCE and 6EHERAL ASEKCY, (Nxab the Dx.'Ot,) ROCHESTER, PA. NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEY AN FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE; “Anchor” and “National” Lima of Ocean Steam ers; “ dams” and “Union” Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal terms. Real Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mortgages, Articles, Ac., written; Depositions and Acknowledgements taken, Ac., Ac. Goods and Money forwarded to ait parts of the United States and Canada. Passengers booked to and from England, Ireland. Scotland, France and Ger many. £TNA INSURANCE C 0 OF HARTFORD. , CONN. CASH ASSETTS 16,000,000 “By their frolts ye know them.” Losses paid to Jan. 1,1871 $33,000,000 One of the oldest and wealthiest Companies in the world. NIAGARA INSURANCE CO., OF NSW YORK. CASH ASSETTS $1,600,000 ROYAL INSURANCE CO., OF LIVERPOOL , ENG. CASH ASSETTS. GOLD $11,000,000 LYCOMING FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF MUNCT, PA. CASH ASSETTS $8,000,0)6 ROCHESTER FIRE INS. CO., OF ROCHESTER, PA, GEO. C. SPETEREK, President. M. 8. QUAY. Vice Pres. JNO. GROSSING, Secretary. H. J. SPEYEHBB, Treasurer. If you want HOME INSURANCE procure a pol icy in the ROCHESTER INSURANCE CO. at thi* Agency. ALPS INS. CO., OF ERIE , PA CASH CAPITAL HOME LIFE INSURANCE OCX OF SEW YORK CASH ASSETTS TRAVELERS’ LIFE AND ACCI DENT INSURANCE CO., OF HARTEORD . CONS CASH ASSEETS OVER Representing the above first class Insurance Companies, acknowledged to be amongst the heat and most reliable in the world, and representing a gross cash capital pf nearly fIfi.OGO.OOM. I am en abled to make insurance to any amount desired- Applicattous promptly attended to. and Policies written without delay, and at lair rates «nd: liberal terms. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. INSU rIE TO-DAY ! By one year's- delay yon may lose the savings of years. Delays are dangerous, and life uncertain; tbeielote, Insure to aay ! “One to-day is worth (wo to-vnrrrows." Quality, also, is of the utmost importance. The low priced, worthless article, always proves the dearest. The above companies are known to be among the best and wealthiest in the world. “As ye sow that shall ye refap.” Grateful for the very, liberal patronage already bestowed, I hope—by a strict Attention to a legiti mate business—not only to merit a continuance of the same, bat a large increase the present year. Mr. Stephen A. Oral" is duly authorized to take applications and receive premiums at Freedom and adjoining townships. CHAS. B. HURST, (Near the Depot,) % - .... $230,006' £1.500,00- ,043 ROCHESTER, PA fMttYftttft. 'J'OLEDO MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, TOLEDO, OHIO. C APRIL, 18 73 $130,000.00. BOARD OP DIRECTORS. Hon. WW/JONES. ho»- C. H. SCRIBNER Uon.C. A. KING. Hon. W. A. COLLINS WM. BAKER. 3. B. BSRGSN, C. H. COY. C. L. LUCE. PERRY CRABBS. ■A J.B.BWIGART, ROBERT CUMMINGS, JOHN CUMMINGS. L. T. THAYER, FORD BATON, J. R. OSBORNE, 7 • WAGER SWAYNE, CLARENCE MORRIS, J. W. ROSS, PELBG T. CLARKE, W. S. WAITE, CHAS. COCHRAN. OFFICERS. S. H. BERGEN, President. F. J. KING, Vice President. CHARLES COCHRAN, Secretary. J. F* ARIS, Assistant Secretary. c W. W. JONES, Medical Examiner. WILLIAM BAKER r Attorney, TEE TOLEDO MUTUAL, WILL IeSCE ALL THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF POLICIES ’USUALLY ISSUED BY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, j At ttie usual rates charged by other Reliable Companies. Those insured in this Company are* permitted to travel by, the uetial routes, to or from- any portion of the Western Hemisphere, north of and Includ ing the United States, pr to or fromany portion of Europe.alid to reside within said limits of travel, without extra charge. AN EXCELLENT FEATURE UPON SURRENDER OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY At any time after tfce payment of pne ONE FULL ANNUAL PREMIUM, The holder of sr.ch policy Win bo entitled tojast AS JlVt'3 PAID CP iysUILAAT£ As any i her man of like age can OBTAIN FOR A CASH PREMIUM j VALUE OF THE POLICY, [ Computed in accordance with the rate of Mortality and Interest '. hat may have been adopted as the standard j fo the State for the ! VLAUATION OF LIFE POLICIES F. J. KING, B. W. B. KOCH, Equal to the Kw aSMrti«en«ts' ■JJNITED STATES Piano Comply \ “ $280.00. IT COSTS LESS THAN THREE HUNDRED ROLUsj .SIX HUNDRED DOLLAR Sold through agent*, all of whom nuis 100 PER CENT. PROFIT, We hare no agents, bat ship direct to £ihul; THOROUGHLY SLAVED, UL'U C-Asta Adi D O U'B L E VENEERED WITH RUaKWuu Have trout round cornets, krpeut .ru; but'-ota carved legs. vv c Uec THE FCLL IliON PLATE WITH OVER STRUNG BAsr FreiuM'Grand Action WITH4TOP DAMPERS, ANDJOUR REV? THE BEST IVO ft W?JH UTORY FP.ONT> OUR PI AN HAS SEVEN OCT.W ik Is 6 fee-t »inches long, b tee r l 1 1 weighs 900 pounds, Ivtied. EVERY PIANO l> r I WARRANTS FOR FIVE YEAKr ILLUSTRATED CIKCT^ In which we refer to over To** ■ &c.. (some of whom yon may .km*'. Pianos in 44 Stales and Territories- U. S. PIANO 0 810 BROADWAY, K T ,hU act# 1 Plcase state where yon ia> ~ mayi'Wm. 1 o make any SEND FOU