jBV FIRS* 1 SPECULATION. sjo b:a: m tell il no*, and to be b „ d m abmt it; bat there wis a time h c toe b-»re mention of the name of Jg-Kiebash would have made me very M’icklebosh w-«s a rich speculator. ft * af ’v as sin, with a daughter as pretty 6# 6 ri° k Sffeet Miry Muckletosh !-what an innocent face she had—confound Kgr picture. It wu my friend Wesley who intriduc d ffl e to her. Mr. Wesley ans I Bad rotten acquainted accidentally, shortly Svermy arrival in the city, whither I had W itb alm thousand j left me by will, to seek mynbrtune. Coming out of a sahon one evening, wfce chum and myself had heeß dis-ussins our prospects and some oysters totreiber, without regard to listeners, a fsipi] liar slap on the shoulder brought me raddecly. ''exclaimed a smartish looking efcapmeje gtfsses-’Heili! Is that you Cfc&rley *’ 50, r. isn’t. I repliei, coolly, withdraw ic? , De hand be had grasped. Xo: try old friepd. Cbirley Rike?’ said kf, tfti' incredulously, - ’ 'Mj name is Green—G. W. Green,’ I stiffly. p,pg your pardon, Mr. Green,’ said ltt . s’.r&uger. ‘l’m a little near sighted, r , ? ee. but you anl Charley are as like peas. He was evidently minified nt his mis* use, anJ. f» nuke amends for my rude- I him what be would take. 0 i rye,’ he signified Mv friend and I look Bourbon. A ceni ii chat foil >wed, ending in tbe t i:r&ss.3n of mutual wishes for better ac- , .i.'C'L-.i'-'e A - oar: : at; the gentleman requested -;; and handed us his. from which that his name—it must have c ;l" resell cf a famdy compromise — J an Calvin We-ley.” M' Wrstiey and I frequently met af- and soon became fast friends, jh made me known to hi? acquaintances —ia. nr others to the Muckleboshes— ml tat: was the way I got to know Ma’r r .r* Vf‘ I : ’remitted rank idolelcy at the first se I caught of her face, and from :;a: Mae on was her slave. / ,x f My visits were encouragingly received, is wtrl! by Mary as by her old fright of a liltsr, who used to bore me with disquis rns about ‘longs’ and ‘shorts,’ and ■tn: Is’ and ‘bears’ and ‘corners,’ whilst I v&s dying to hear Mary sing Oh. how che-ar-ming 'tie to love !” I'. was in the days waeu the mania for Vtc..iz companies was at its height. It’s zv rs.-nble belief that, had Brigham I been here then, he would have lil b.« wives incorporated, thereby mat ice iaem legally one person, and so evad icc ’.Le effect of the Bigamy Act. T&e:e was an organization, of which old ILcseiD.tsa president, styled the 1 he. f>rident Breeze Company' said to be jjssessed of a secret process of enabling tb;p j vo furnish their own wind. The invention was already perfected, and woutd soon be ; ‘Now was the time,’ said the circular, ‘to subscribe for 6hare c . as, in a few more days, none could be hau f >r love or money.’ Mr. West/ had great'faith in the en terprise. Hz was confident the shares woul i po up a thousand per cent, as soon the patent was issued. He advised me to invest my m >ney in it. My thous and- would become millions before I tcew it. The rub was to get old Mackei bosb to part with any of his stock. He bad taken most of it himself, and had prott.seJ the rest to a few special friends. Wcy nr. ask Mary to use her influence ‘ or you ? suggested Mr. Wesley, adding, Wllb a "wink, ‘l’m sure she woall only be lw 'g J . ad to do it.’ lastied and said I couldn't think of a itiithj. Bat I did think of it, and to Mary about it, hinting dell :nat I hoped that what was my in rest would one day be hers. She hung her pretty head, and said she ‘nection it to pa.’ i care no doubt she kept her word, for *t*es I proposed to Mr. Muckelbosh to invest my all in ‘lndepenent Breeze.” Ce fcieoiy eonsented to take my money £ nd cand over the certificates, adding, Ul '-b & father-in-lswish smile, that he wtiidn i refuse Mary anything.’ * se;2i *"l the opportnnity. and begeed ptrmi.sM >n at once to spe&k my mind to 11 daughter. so, my son, he replied dropping his j-rpocritical head, and letting fall from squinty old eyes a pair of ready made ie&rB * following their natnral di- J* c Uon, came into collusion about a foot °ib the end of his nose—‘Do so, my son ; if Mary accepts you’—smiting him- gently under the fifth rib—you shall a fatherly welcome here.’ 1 withdrew much affected. Next day I called on Mary, resolved to then my heart. 1 felt free to do so Was not my own fortune made ? therefore, could charge me with! designs upon hers ? As I entered, I met my friend, Dunn same who was with me at 7 first meeting with Wesley—on the £an?i C ° oinB out - He looked at me fie* yan( * Passed on. He too,l may add, let ’J 5 * the introduction of Mr, Wes- « tbr WLtnl began ibis story I CY JCDGB CLARK c»uli go through it Without wincing. Bit when I c >me to think of what a fool Iratde of myself that day—how I got upon ray knees, like the stage players, and ranted worue than the worst of them —how Mtry laughed in my face, and told m i not to be a donkey, if I could help it —how I accused her of loving another, and swore to hare his heart’s blood—l’ll be hanged if I tell it!—that’s all. 1 saw it all. Brown was my rival His look was explained now. it Was the look of triumph. But I would call him toa stfirufaccoant.. Qa that S was resolv ed. Pern ideas villain ! I bad-given him my confidence, and thus he had abased it. ' Brown, I found, had left the cityr, and would be goneior a week. On the morn ing of hh return I bailed at his lodgings, determined to have U out with him. He eat before so nutouched breakfast, glaring wildly at the morning paper. ‘I have come to demand—'l began fiercely. ‘R.-fld that,* he grasped, heedless of my words. I took the paper and read the indicated paragraph. It announced, in due form the marriage, two days before, by the Rev. Otto G »ode, of Mr. John Calvin Wesley to Miss Mary Muckelbosh. I Waste the act if invoking the reverse of a blessing on the happy pair, when Brown interrupted. ‘Now read that' said be, pointing to another paragraph. It was headed ‘Stupendous fraud !’ and went on to state that the‘lndependent Breeze Company’ bad just been discover ed to be tbe basest of swindles. That Muckelbosh and Wesley, with a few ac complices, had gotten it up, and after pocketing a snug sum by the sale of shares to those simple enough to buy, tbe whole party had decamped the day after tbe wedding chronicled in another column, tbe bride keeping her husband company . ‘Beggard !’ I exclaimed- ‘I loo,’ groaned Brown ; and to think I was ass enough actually to propose to the little minx. She had just refused me when I met you on the steps that day. Do you know, I came near knocking you down, for I took you for my rival ?* I didn’t tell my own experience. One day recently a respectably dressed man carried a well-grown child, muffled up and apparently, sick, into French’s Hotel. He placed the child on the stairs and began to talk to it in a very unkind, rough way. The attention of guests Were attracted, and they gathered around. “You are able to walk upstairs by yourself,’’ the man said, “and I wont carry you.” “Ob, oh,” the child sobbed, “do carry me up ; please, pa. db. You know ever since I was run over by the car and lost both my feet I can’t walk upstairs alone.” “That’s all stuff,” the man answered ; ‘‘get up at onc3 or I’ll make you.” The poor child began to sob worse than before, and the brutal mm give it a severe thump on the side of the bead. The chil l moaned piteously. The indig nation of the bystanders was excited, and one of them said to the man. “Is that child yours?” “What’s that to you?” the man answer ed; “I won’t tell yon.” “He’s—my—father,” the child sobbed, ‘and—he—killed—my—mother— Just—a s —he’s —agoing—to—kill—me.” The man doubled his fist and made as if he was about to give the child a savage blow. Oue of the bystanders interfered, and said. “Say, if you d n’t slop this I’ll call a policeman. I never saw such a brutal father in all my life." The man-began to fumble in his pock ets, and the child cried out. “Take care, he’s got a knife. He.’s agoing to stick yon.” Sure enough the mm produced a knife and opened it. Tne crowd slipped off one by one, except two. “Bring an officer,” one of these cried to a friend. “If lam to be arrested,” the mac said, “it shall be f»r something,” and there upon he plunged the knife into the body of the child. The child shrieked, “I’m murdered. I’m murdered,” and a crowd rushed to the spot. The man quitely raised the child in bis arms, and remov ing bis hat, said ; “Gentlemen, this is a wooden child. I’m a ventriloquist, and any 1 itlle offering you may be pleased to make will be very acceptable.— J&. 7. San. No one has yet beva able to analyze or demonstrate the essential action of per fume. Gas can be weighed, but not scents; the’smallest Known creature—the very monads of life—can oe cangbt by microscopic lens and tbide to deliver up the secrets of their organizational what is it that emanates, from the-pouch of the mnsk deer , that fills a whole space lor years and years with its penetrating odor —an odor which an illimitable number of extraneous substances can carry off with out diminishing it in size and weight; and what is it that the warm summer air brings to us from the fl iwers no man has yet been able to determine. Thebe was a vast amount of sense in that Troy landlord who look a set of false teeth out of the mouth of a man who had eaten a big supper and break fast and wouldn’t pay him. As they were what did the mischief they should pay the bill. Walking Upstair* loVisibility of Perfume. THE RADICAL: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,1873. HINTS TO HOTEL WHITERS. We reprint from Lippincott’s Magatin« a receipt for concocting a novel. It will be of great assistance to writers who, hav ing only material for a brief tale, are de 7 slrous of publishing a nov ' *n three vol umes; “Constance,” said Phillip to his sister, “1 have got im very well with my novel. I have written fifty pages, described my hero and heroine, made them thoroughly in love with each other, land now I intend to part them for a season, without letting theta be: certain of the state of each oth er’s hearts. I think narrative my forte, but it will not do to have no conversa tions, and my dialogue seems to be short and trite. Do look over this 'Helena. Tour letter has arrived, I see.’ 'Bertram. Yes, I have just read it.* ‘H. Well?’ I must delay no longer;’ 'H. then shall you start V ‘B. To-morrow, at the latest.’ 'H. Have you told my aunt?’ ‘B. Not yet; I must do it now.’ *H. Shall you go direct to London?’ ‘B. No, 1 stop one nightjat the Orange.’ 'H Oh, then I will ask you to be the bearer of my letter.’ , *B. Is that all you will permit me to do for you?” *H. I am careful not to burden my friends.’ 'B. Then you have no belief in tree friendship ?’ ‘Well, Philip, let me try whilst yon are at the office, and see what I can suggest/ ‘Your letter has arrived, I see,’ said Helena, turning, as Bertram entered let ter in band. 'Yes, I have just read it,” he replied, advancing and leaning his arm on the mantlepiece. ‘Well?’ said Helena, stooping as if to warm her hands, but really endeavoring to shade her face.’ ‘lt says I must delay no longer,” he an swered, trying to assume an air of indif ference. ‘When shall yen Start? she said, resum ing her work and fixing her eyes on her pattern. ‘To-morrow, at the latest,’ he replied, transferring the letter to his pocket. ‘Have you told my aunt?’ she said, searching her work-basket for her scis sors. ‘Not yet; I must do it now,’ he said, patting back the little ornament his el bow had displaced. ‘Shall you go direct to London?’ she said, trying to disentangle a skein of col ored yarn. 'No;I stop one night at the Grange,’ be said quietly, but with an air of deci sion. ‘Then I will ask you to be the bearer of my letter,’ she added, laying down her work as she spoke. ‘ls that all you will permit me to for you?’ be asked, anxiously. ‘Ob, I never burden m 3 friends,’ she said, raising her bead and tossing back her curls. ‘Then you have no belief in true friendship,’ he answered, in a tone of bit terness. •That is pretty good,’ said Constance to herself, ‘but 1 will take these two young people out of doors; perhaps Philip may be better pleased.’ ‘Your letter has arrived, I see,’ said He lena, advancing as Bertram opened the garden gate. ‘Yes, have just read it,’ he replied, as he secured the fastening. 9 •Well,’ said Helena, taking thi pith t o the house. ‘lt'Says I must no longer,’ he re plied, a bunch of wild flow* ere he had gathe red in his walk. ‘When shall you start ?’ said Helens, turning away to pluck some rosebuds, which she added to her bouquet. ‘To morrow, at the tatest,’ be answered, flinging aside roughly a branch thaler >ss ed bis path. ‘Have you told my aunt,’ said Helena, tying the strings of her hat. ‘No;I must do it now,’ be said, holding out his hand to relieve her of her parasol as they entered the avenue. ‘Shall you go direct to London ?’ she asked, hurriedly. ‘No; I stop one night at the Grange,’ be said, inviting her by a gesture to take a seat upon a rustic bench. ‘Oh, then I will ask you to he the bearer of my letter,’ she said, quickening her steps lest he should perceive her emo tion. ‘ls that all you will permit me to do for you?’ he said, with more feeling than he bad yet permitted himself to show. ‘Tee; I am careful not to harden my friends,* she added, drawing her mantle around her and speaking in a tone of irony. ‘Then you do not believe in true friend* ship,* he replied, as they reached the house, and with a heightened color threw back the hall door and made way for her to enter. ! •—The young lady who refused to go into a rifle factory' because Some of. the guns bid no breeches, U‘ spending a few weekrinthe country .i‘ f. —“More bread, landlord. I always ept a good deal of bread with my ineatt” “So I see, sir, and a 'good deal of meat with your bread.** —"Have the jury agreed ?’* asked the sheriff as be met a court attache on the stairs with a large pitcher in his haudi. ‘‘Yes, sir; they agreed to have a gallon of beef, uid sent me out for it.” , HATH ; . \ 0000000000000000000000 oooooOpooooooooooooo 0000000000000000000000 oooooobooooooooooooo 0000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 ooooooqooooooooooooo 0000000000 , -., . . 1 0000900000 0000000000 wasw ffcHl l TSI 0000000000 oooooooo A>TjLw#Xll JEh S 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 lAIVDI A1VD SECURE | oooooooielooigfadba^ OOOOOQOOOOOOeOOpOqOOQIKJOOOt^OOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooooooobooodtioooodoodooooooo 0000000 - .IVI: -.ji it mu t ,OOOOOOO SSSPBI 0000000 . , „.. 0000000 0000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 g^joooooooogooo^gjgwjgoO|^^^^^ ilsATismfmbK >f 000000 0000 I 'i--- 0000 rs EISNER & PHILLIPS, 0000 if , ' 0000 000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 STHE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSES --i. x; 0004 0000 0000 oobo | Gentlemen 0000 0000 < can drees well 0000 0000 and save money by 0000 0000 making their spring par- 0000 0000 ; chases from oar large and so 0000 0000 Iperior stock of choice goods. Oar 0000 0000 stock is entirely fresh, and oar sty- 0000 0000 les the very latest. Oar Boys’ 0000 0000 j and Childrens* departments 0000 0000 are loaded to overflowing 0000 0000 with the things oat. 0000 0000 Call and examine 0000 0000 oar splendid 0000 0000 stock of tyooo 0000 ' goods. i 0000 0000 ( r'oooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooaooooooQubooooo Corner Fifth Ave. AND WOOD STREET, ' , PITTSBURGH* PA. maylG-^m. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. ESTATE OP CORNELIUS SHANE, DEC’D. Letters©fadministration on the estate of Cor nelias Shane. late or Greene township, Beaver county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to Jus. B. Shane, residing in said township, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or de mands will make known the same without delay. JAMBS B. SHAN£. Administrator. jy4-6t Boston one price clothing house. 95 Smithfield Street , Pittsburgh, Pa. The best place In the city to buy Clothing and Furnishing goods, felgti ofthe Hub. my2-iy QENTRAL CLAIM AGENCY, JAMES M. SELLERS, 144 SOUTH SIXTH STREET „ PHILADELPHIA. Boaiitl«i, Pensions, Back Pay, Horse Claims, State Claims, ice., promptly collected. No charge for information, not when money la not collected. f4'6B:tf EEP IT HANDY. THE RELIABLE FAMILY MEDICINE. Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera, Summer Com plaint, Cramps, etc., quickly cored by the use of JARDELLA’S Compound Syrup of Blackberry Boot and Rhubarb. An old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, quick nnd certain in effect: can be depended oh in>iha moat urgent cases; may be Cven to the ydpngest infant ae well as to adulte. contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It is ft pleasant extract and readily taken by children, it has oHeu saved life when physicians bad despaired. Keep it in tbe house and nee in time. All we ask for it is a trial. Don't let your dealer put you off with something else. But buy it. Try it. Bold by druirglsts and store-keepers throughout this Btate. Prepared only by HANBBLL & BBC., 2000 MarKet St., Philadel phia. ]e!3-3m gTEVENSON & FOSTER, tatlone rs, Printers, Blank Book Makers, and Wbotesafe Dealers in Printers’ Stock. Flat Papers, Book Papers, Baled Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Cards, Printing Inks, Ac., always on band. Give na a call. Sor. Wood St. and Third Ave.. and 83 and SI Third Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Je3o-lm. t t nTtyna everywhere to sell oar newandlo- AUuH lU Kmbrolderilng Machines send for Has W k lltyVlVn'ed Circular, to the McKee Mann If Jafl iullfactarilog Company, So9,‘ Broadway New York. JHJB PARLOR COMPANION. Every Lady wants one! Every Man ought to have one 11 Sent on receipt of Ten Cents. Address, L. F. HYDE A CC.. life Seventh Avenue, New York. B ON-TON FLIRTATION SIGN ALS, sent on re ceiptofS&ets. Unique Printing and Pubbsh- Ing House, Stt Vesey Street, New York. TUS MEW ELASTIC TRUSS. An Important Invention. It retains the Rapture at all limes, and under the hardest exercises or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and dav. effects a permanent core in a Tew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by Mall when requested, cir culars tree, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Trass Co., No. G& N. Y. City, Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses; too painful; they slip off too frequently. , Of! TlftT I ADQ worth of goods advanced to OU IJUJLyuAuO agents to commence business wlttvandlarge commission allowed for selling. Address J. 8. CONOVER, Coldwater, Mich. apr2g-3m- - The beckwith tao portable family SEWING MACHINE;ON 30 DAYS TRIAL, many. %dvant*ge» over -ail. Satisfaction guaran- JK> refunded.. Sent'complete, with Tali dlreetiOM.; BeckwHhSevwing Machine Co., 80 Broadway, N. Y. JOHN W. FRAZBIE; V ATTORNEY - ATI* |*AW ■! ; and . "I r "' : SOLICITOR OP PATENTS. . NO. 9WBEVXNTH STREET, \wABkmGix>x t D.o. i NOTICE. BStATS OF ANDREW COLE, DECEASED. „ LeUersofsdnxhiiatratiOßon the estate of Andrew Cp|e, dec d., late of South Beaver tqwssb]p,haTlng heeo granted to tho andefsigned, all persona. In dented. to said estate are reqaejted to, make Im mediate payment, dcd thosahavlngcUliaa against the same topresent then properly 'authenticated foil settlement. I „ , - A. J. LAWRENCE. Adm’r., my3i-et South Beaver Towwihlp. AT 00001 1000004 s \ gumnadfiMi*. -JEWELLING HOUSES,-s TENEMEN T S , IMPROVED AND DKIMPBOVt Beal estate, • ! ' l: t' * nt AXD HBAB TBS BOROUGH OF ROCHESTER, FOB BALB AND RENT, BY 4 S. J. CROSS, oam-tf • . . JjOCHIEL HOTEL, CORNER M ARRET * THIRD STREETS, 1 HARRISBURG, PA. Q. W. HUNTER, dedS'6B ProprUtor rpHOS. KENNED Y& CO., E 1 BUCCBBBOBB TO WM. BXJECHMKG. ROCHESTER, PENN’A. DEALEBSIN DUUSB, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, FANCY & TOILET ARTICLES, SPONGES, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS AND DYER PreßortpUona wire fully compounded at ah bom*. eep6 T2-ly gg A VALUABLE INVENTION 1 gJJ AN ENTIRELY NEW Sewing Machine! FOR DOMESTIC USE. Only Five Dollars! With the New Patent Button Hole Worker. The Most Simple and Compact in Construction, Vie Most Durable and Economical in Use. A Model oj Combined Strength and Beauty. Complete in all its parts, uses the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self-Threading, -direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Peed and Cloth Colder. Operates by Wheel and on Table. Light I&uming, Smooth and Noiseless, like all good high-priced machines. Has patent check to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool. Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch (finest and strongest stitch known;) firm, durable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses all descrip tions of thread. The best mechanical talent in America and Eu rope has been devoted to improving and simplify ing oar Machines, combining only that which Is practicable, and dispensing with alt complicated arronndings generally found In other machines. Special terms and extra inducements to male ana female agents, store keepers, &c., who will establish agencies through the country and keep our new machines on exhibition and sale. County rights given to smart agents free. Agent's com §lete outfits famished without any extra charge, amples of sewing, descriptive circulars containing terms, testimonials, engravings, Ac., sent free. Address BROOKS .SEWING MACHINE* CO.. No. 1329 Broadway, NEW YORK. f ]aoSl-ly 'J'ffikßEST AND MOST IMPROVED FIBS AND BURGLAR-PROOF I Safes and Vaults ARB HADE BY THE PITTSBURGH SAFE COMPANY 167 PENN STREET, mar2B-3m PITfSBURGH, PA. JpiFTH AVE. CLOTHING HALL. CORNER FIFTH A MARKET STRRETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. 1873. 1 SPRING STOCK. 1873. Is offered lower than any other bouse in the city. Boyers, Study Tour Own Interest , and examine the stoat of J. BANNACH before purchasing else where. The stock comprises Men's. Boys', Tooths', and Children's Clothing, at Wholesale and Retail Prices, m Particular attention given to Custom. Work. J. HANNA CH. this invitation with you. mar2B-3 J J. GILLESPIE & CO., 86 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., Importers and Dealers in FRENCH PLATE GLASS, i FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, MANTEL AND PIER GLASSES, STEEL ENGRAVINGS & CHROMOB. Estimates tarnished for Plate Glass to Coptractor «»(LBaiUJers. mar2i-6m U S. PATENT AGENCY, •• . ' . : -v - Office 918 P St., Washington, D. c.. 6. J. FERE IS S, SOLICITOR, The cheapest and most reliable Patent Agency in Washington. FnU particulars free. Address Q. ; J. PERHIBB, x Box 96, Washington, D. C. jelS > < _ r*' «■ ,0 ( M i * gntliaf jmA gmtmt. JOHN CONWAY & C 0.,. B ANKERS A B ROKERS ROCHESTER, PA. Dealers in Exchange Coin and Ezchanss Accounts of Manufacturers, Merchants and Indl * vldualsSolicited. INTEREST ALLOWED Olf TIME DEPOSITS . Coirespondencc will receive prompt attention. Rochester, Aug. let, 18T»—augS-ta. jg BAV B R DE P O 8 ITT BA N K OF BEAVjSS, PA. BRKN ALLISON, •. - Cajbih, COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY HADE AND RE MITTED. CORRESPONDENCE AND ACCOUNTS SO BICITED. X \ INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. EXCHANGE, SECURITIES, &C., BOUGHT AND SOLD. Office hours from !> a. v. to 4 p. v. my.31’72 J> BENTEL & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS FREEDOM, R^^T prepared I? do a general Banking and " JJote ? discounted, Government ™iwh D(l otht l Becnnt,efl bought and eold, and 836 ° D ail &CCCBBibIe Points In the in^ re st allowed on time deposits. Office hours from 9a. j»„ to 4 p a from 6 a, a. to 9 p. a. Jan. 26,1872-6 m. national bank, NO. 33 FIFTH AVENUE, rn'TSBUBGH. ; pa. R. W. MACKEY, Cashier W. McCANDLESS, Asst. Cashier. fdel JgANKTNG HOUSE R. E. & H. HOOPES, NEW BRIGHTON, PA. Correspondence of Banks, Bankers and Mp* ssar** JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (Successors to 8. Jones & C 0.,) Cob. FOCKTH AVENUE & WOOD STREET PITTSBURGH, BA K K E R S, BUY AND SELL ALT. KINDS OP INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT iTISSCT A ffI!B HGOVBHSMENTBOND JAS. T. BRADY & CO. JyMTfftly. O. 8. BABXSB. T. A. BARKKB. C. A. BABXXB G- # B. BARKER & CO., N»w Bhishion, Praa’A*. Q. 8. BARKER & CO., bankers DSAtass at EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPONS, Ac. oStSiwgSiSoSdi “ M,,ibie vidSSSdLd!"^ 18 ' M “ nliKt "«“ “4 bdi. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. decS*st? enCe WUI recelve P ro “P» attention. ROCHESTER SAVINGS BANK, JOHN V. Jf’DONALD, OKO. C. BPETEREB, -i' SPEYERER & McDonald, Dealorsln exchange, Coin, Government Secnrt “nt 40^ 1 “ d °P “****owStere«M6pS Ruleß fnrniBhed by applying at Bank open daily from 7 a. Saturday evenings from 6 to , __ „ BWEB, BT PEBV L H Oatman & Co, i Hoi Algeo, Scoit & Co, Orr 8J Cross A Co, Wi Snleder & Wacka, Jol B Singer, Ri A C Hoist, \ 8 B Wilson, \ b no vl 1-70—jeSO-71 L-—' Instant relief for the ASTHMA. • troa ]> ,ed with that terrible disease receive Immediate and complete relief by us- ASTKMA REMEDY. Ijf* B »®lcted with It for twelve years, entirely unfitting me for business for weeks at a time; tod l u o « ere< lJkl B ** me, iy by experimenting on my effiecf tef “ oUier medicines failed to Sf y I WILL WARRANT IT TO GIVE INSTANT RELIEF n all eases of Asthma not complicated urith other diseases. ANY PER gON AinrKß ONCE USING WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT IT. Pamphlets containing certificates by mail FREE, FOR SALE BY Ho£° Andrie*sen.Beaver, Pa. H®sriBHaaar- T 7 ,RanneteA Ga Rochester. Hkhnen.RoSrester. ’ Fweiioja.f Thomas Sweartngefi.’frooknown. i AND DKTOGISTO GENERALLY. aprlMy. En terprisb saloon and : RESTAURANT, OFSN DAT AND NIGHT. MEALS AT ALL HOURS} No. 19 SIXTH ST., (late St. Clair,) )ebl(m-ly PITTSBURGH. Saturdays C. H. BENTEL, Cashier. J. W. COOK, President. OF Bnvxa Pall b, Fkhx’a., W. 3. BPSTEBBB, i h. 3. bpetereb. Cashier tteburgh. Pa. f . CHAS. B. HURST, Rochester, Beaver Co., Pa. URAL McCALUO 3 t