The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 29, 1873, Image 6

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    |SKTOB¥ OP THE BEiVEB VAL* and man y imagined that a large city was
I.EY. at their feet. But when the Economites
- 1 — invested all they could, the
C««ptD»op'aence of the PUtsbargh Gazette. obafps, FESSENDENS, BLAKB9
Beaver Valley, August, 1873. aud others, exhausted their immediate
[Paper No. 23.] aaeaua, then the day! .dreamers went to
‘ With'all the charming memories of the dreaming again, andso they will tleep
past that duster eo richly around. And dream, Bip Van Winkle* like, until
the history op this valley, something or other “turns up,” or turns
pith all its favored resources for unlimit* them up. They will probably - arouse,
«d expansion of industries, and with all sufficiently to pray “Good fortune send us
the advantages, business, coda! or do- a few mere Pittsburghers and New
mastic, that it has, it has not yet ad* Yorkers and Bcoaomites,"—without the
vaneed beyond, a fewseparate towns, Chinese. . . r ;
anythjng In cbmmon bnt A Cincinnatian was among ns a lew.
jealousies and rivalries Thfere f/ no days since, stayed: over Sunday; got * I
well-bull t, thriving and populous city carnage, went to Beaver. Alum Bocks 1
that tnany ofthe early settferrdftamed and-Beaver Falls. Was asked, “Well, I
of, nor a thithe of that prosperity that how do yon like our neighborhood t” I
they labored so hardLto bring Id pass. K “Very well,” laid he, “a good, quiet place I
neighborhood cannot thrive and grow to rest, and were it not for the few fee- {
on the prestige of past ; success, or by
vain boasting about what beneficent na*
ture has so bountifully bestowed upon it
Bay dreaming never made either an in
dividual or a community great, but, on
the contrary, the most untiring industry
and the hardest of labored toil can alone
wrest from'a grudging world the treas
ures that are in it. By first apologizing
for the presumption of suggesting im
provement to men much my superior in
years and experience, I take the liberty—
humbly, of course —to point out
The pressing and imperative needs of
this otherwise favored region, of course,
it is not intended to even mention all of
them, that were too great. a task, but
merely to call attention to a few of the
most pressing. The first is the want of;
enterprise on the part of all Us citizens,
Beaver day dreamers. There
Is not a man or woman in it but can and
does suggest a .thousand and one im-
the one five-hundredth part
of which, if carried out, would make the
place famous. There is plenty of theory,
any number of planners of campaigns,
but precious few who are willing and
ready to execute them. Every general
rule seems to have its exceptions, so I
most make a few honorable exceptions
in this general arraignment. There are a
who bear the brunt of the battle, and
never lag in any enterprise. Is there a
proposition for iron works, gas works,
water works—they are on hand, and
their names head the list of subscriptions,
and their time is devoted to the interests
of the enterprises. But there are scarce
ly enough to save us from destruction.
Ten righteous men, you will remember,
would have saved a doomed city at one
time, but the city was lost—not because
none were there, but not enough. I
would very much dislike to see ten
righteous, enterprising men taken from
Beaver Valley; not that it would thereby
be lost, but there would be a great stag
nation. The facts are, that these towns
are literally at a stand still for the want
of enterprise. Of course, a full-bound
volume of the last census will be thrown
at me at this juncture.
Has not
within ten years, and has not New Brigh
ton increased fifty per cent, in population
in the same period? True, but it was
ontside enterprise. Name a factory
started in New Brighton, Pallston, Bridge
water or Beaver, in ten years, by home
enterprise. You can count ' every one of
them that is now in successful operation
on the thumbs of your two hands. It is
true that Rochester has a large tumbler
establishment and a coffin factory, but
the old glass works in Bridgewatel and
the National Plow Factory in Rochester
have slopped; and this all within ten
Beaver Falls is
What are they? A. cutlery, removed
from Rochester—not much gain; a file
factory, saw factory, axe factory, brush
factory—all large and paying—but who
built them ? Men outside of Beaver
Valley. The old paper mill, flouring
mill, foundry, and a few smaller estab
lishments are the products of Beaver
Valley enterprise. Notice further, that
nearly every home enterprise of any
magnitude, most of the flouring mills,
woolen mills, wire factory, some of the
lonndaries, twine and paper factories,
were started from *
scarcely any within ten- years, started at
a time when your Townsends, Merricks,
Hoopes, Miners, Wilsons, Pattersons.
Bakers, Wildes, Pughs, and a mighty
host of workers were in active life. The
eons of these men who have remained
In the Valley foim the larger part' of
some enterprise to-day, aided by some
others not identified with the early life
of the Valley. But these are but a small
number, and the majority of them are
cramped for want of means. Outside of
these there are men with ample means,
hut they lack the spirit and enterprise.
The leaven most work in the pockets of
these men before any great work is done
for the good of the Valley,
Now as Ur
What brought ft to Beaver Palls? It
was the direct' effect of the building of
the mill*, &c.,by outside parties. The
mills already in operation had their hands
and they needed no more. The carpen-
ters, bricklayers, masons, etc., came to
build homes for the hands employed in
"the new mills and as well for the em
; ployerr, and for their own immediate
vite. Greai excitement was the result,
toriespn the race, you could take a Bip
Van Winkle sleep.” Bless the gentleman
from Porkopolis, the factories don't dis
turb ns any, kind o’lulls us to sleep, and
then, under their gentle murmur, we
dream all about them and imagine our
selves brave fellows. The Chinese will
Jurn out to
The good people had been pleasantly
day dreaming for about one ahd one
half years when this foreign and detested
element came among us. It turned us
up, and there more energy displayed
than had been seen for many a day. The
Beavefs became strong, active men once
more, as they are naturally, and the way
things flew about generally was a caution
to everything in the heathen line, and
this uprising had a good effect—just like
it is every lime, when our people deter
mine to do' a th|Ug, they do it—aud the
Chinese are leaving, and then when I
and all those Aba have betaken them
selves to a more congenial clime, will, in
all probability, go to dreaming again,
until something else turns ufe up. / Ob,
shame, descendenta of those old worthies
who wrested this fair heritage from the
bauds of the savage, are you going to sit
calmly dovj|h and watch all these mighty
natural powers elude your grasp, aud not
utilize them?
Jlemember the
who seventy years ago made this prater
power work for them, and emulate their
example by making the valley bloom as
a rose. New Brighton wants gas works,
and the enterprise is put on foot. Some
of onr very best men are pat on the com
mittee, and they bead the list with their
names and means.
and after weary weeks and months of
anxious waiting the books show not one
half the stock taken. Of course this is
mainly from an over-whelming sense of
modesty and something else. Mr. B is
asked to subscribe, and he says, “Well, I
can't tell just yet, but think I can help
it; but I'il not put my name down until
certain others have." Messrs. C, D and
E all do the same thing until the end of
the alphabet, until it comes to X. He
has a little home and enough surplus for
five shares. He feels the need of the en
terprise and gladly invests in it. The
modest people applaud X for bis spirit,
&c., but he stands alone almost, outside of
the committee. But then, what do we
want with gas ? Haven't we an occasional
lamp on our streets? All true enough;
we have street lamps, but we have run
out of oil and they are of no account ex
cept on moonlight nights, when most
any one can walk alone. So it may be
that New Brighton may settle down to
the good oldNtimes, and have none of
your new-fangiqd pipes and burners and
the terribly dangerous gas. We won’t
stand it to have our property taxed to
pay for putting down ■ pipes and furn
ishing gas to light np our streets. What’s
the use in it? There is none, ’tis true.
People in the rural districts ought to go
to bed when the birds do, and tbey won’t
need gas.
Then there is Beaver Falls, has had a
charter for gas works these many months,
and yet there is not the remotest sign of
gas to light the streets. From
“block house run”
on the south, to Barnardville on the
north, ye inhabitants can clamber over
stones and galleys and cellar doors, and
wade through mud or dust, as it may be,
just aa your fathers and mothers used to
do. Don’t need gas, of course not, couldn’t
clamber and wade if we had it.
And so we must dream over this a
while. Men of ample means won’t in
vest, and the enterprising men who do
the work can’t invest for want of funds,
and the enterprise must stop. And
Oh, they have invested, and been “fooled”
and lost some of their money. Not a
very strong argument, it it true, but then
it is sufficient to prevent onr pleasant
dreams from being disturbed.
Good old Beaver has water works. )New
Brighton has no. Water works—don't
need any. We have two town pomps
and plenty of private wells and cisterns,
and pray what do we want with water
works? Beaver Falls end' Beaver peo
ple have water in their kitchens end
rooms; the rest of the towns have it
there, too, or if not there,there Is plenty
of it in Beaver iad Ohio rivers. But 1
has two historic pumps. The wells were
dugaud the logs hewed out, lo! many
years ago, and these old pumps have
fiADIGALt JfiID W AiDGttJST 59, J 873.
watered many a man add beast | for all
tbeee years; bat like the old-fashioned
“sweeps” of still earlier times, they re*
quire no amount of muscle. There is
probably no institution in the town that
hat been the innocent, danse of mere
profanity than these poor; old, unoffeod
ing pumps. Here most of qur good peo
ple who are pear enough get titer wpt
plies otwater. Little hays swing them*
selves op the hapdles of tbe pump§,untll
they haye gymaatics enoogh for a week,
beforatheygetVhelrbncitaes foll Hard
workin«yTP*aen, leaTin‘gthelr children to
baste to the wells
tagetwhak need. bb I
hew they injjy JUchael of qldi bdr com*
placencyofmind, M at thewelfsbe drew
water for nan and while they, poor
women, must needs almost break; Ibelr
backs and lame their arms to get enbugh
for the good, enterprising husbands
coffee. But
' *DMPO? \ | ! /
Yes, there, is, and | gladly don my coat
of mail to be the knight that shall de*
fend their fair feme, ktany a tired, weary
man and beast has been refreshed at these
fountains. The man who pat thorn there
deserves the chicest blessings and bene
dictions of all the people for the great
good already done. Bat oh, ye town
fathers, oh, ye men of capital and enter
prise, don’t ym know that in the mate
lions of time better fountains for water
supplies' hare been found than these
pumps I Have you never heard of re
servoirs and hydrants ? Have yon never,*;
seen the weak child and weary woman
unthrottle the pipe that held the gurg
ling waters, without pain or backache ?
Don’t you know that even wells and
cisterns give out in times of drongh ?
Tnen don’t you see the need of water
works? But they cost money! Do
they? How much, suppose you, have
those two solitary pumps cost the goodly
borough of New Brighton ? Enough to
pay interest on money borrowed to put
in operation water works. Yea, much
more. There is scarcely a “quarter” in
the year but the “Squire” and his helpers
may be seen wrestling with the old south
ward pump. They pump, but 16! no
water comes. They take oat the sacker
and put in a new one. Again they pump
and no water comes. They take opt the
old logs and depn them, put them back
again and pomp, but no water comes.
Again the logs are lifted and cleaned and
scraped, and sawed and refitted until the
work seems perfect. Again they pump
and no water comes. That pump is re
fractory, and the “Squire” retires - in
disgust from the field, discomfited, beaten,
and now it takes a hercules to bring
water from the depths, through that old
pump. It costs money to build water
works. Yes, and they can be made, to
pay a fair dividend Wb6n they are built;
Of all the towns in this valley, New
Brighton, more than any other, needs
water works.
have done what they could to supply a
part of the town from their spring, but ii
necessarily does not meet the one-twen
tieth part of the demand.
Bat we
yet. We need a general and moat thor
ough cleaning add fixing up. Why,
Beaver Valley streets and mud and dust
have become proverb lal. Streets cover
ed with holes and hills, side walks dilapi
dated and neglected, sewers choked with
"smart-weed” and "dog-fennel,” cellars
open for pedestrians to stumble in, boles
to break the shins of night walkers in,
and lay the foundation for bills ol
Here it is again, no money. If no better
can be done, why net borrow money ?
Get in debt by doing that. Of coarse
we’ll get in debt, and what’s our town
worth unless they are in debt ? Debt
means taxation, and taxation means the
unsettling of the nerves of onr good, con
servative, modest people. In addition to
alt’ this, we must have more business for
onr people. These water courses must be
lined with factories and mills, or just as.
sure as we exist, so surely will we stop
right still and die in our tracks, an un la
mented and nUmourned death. Enter*
prise, men,— enterprise, enterprise, work
and will are what we want.
We mast dream less and act more, or
we can never reach the goal of onr ambi
tion. Why let onr powers and capabili
ties lie dormant when there is so much
that can be done and at so little a cost.
“Let us, then,
with a heart for any fate,” never falter
ing, never losing courage, never; looking
back, until we shall be what we ought—
to be—one of the most prospered .people
onGod’s fairfootstool. .
Bat bow can we erect mills and fac
tories ween we have not (he means to do
bo? We can build gas works probably,
we can build water works, perhaps, we
can repair our streets, &c.,if it must be,
bnt it Is Car beyond the bounds of posibill
ty, that we can utilize all this water
power. What can be expected ■of ns in
this.regard? That brings me tin a point,
that reminds me of sbnmthing else I have
tojay, and must say it. I promised the
good Gotes&ipeople that No. 33 would
relieve them of any further Infliction
from this series of notes, but how i
So I will (ell yon in another letter, that
one of your greatest needs, is the "attrac
tion of brains and capital to the 1 Valley,”
and that yon ought to show "liberally to
' ■ I : • • f
those who wish to come among you to
aid yon In developing the valley,” and
one or two other points, all of which will
he told very briefly, plainly and humbly .
Now, neighbors and friends, with an
earnest hope that yon may at once
awaken to active; duty and labor, I bow
my beat bow, and invoke npon yon the
gnardlanship of the good and mighty
overruling spirit of enterprise.
Civil Service taciUou.
Giro the year, month, day, boar, and
minute of your birth, to the belt of yodr
knowledge and belief
Do you believe InDarwinism f If go,
bow many of your ancestors do you cal
culate yon would be compelled to dig up
before you found an extra length of
spine ?
When ifftbe belt time to trim corns ?
Do you differ from Webster in your
style of spelling? If so, in what words t
At the present rate of punishing crime,
how long will it be before murderers are
pensioned ?
What was the number of acres in
Rhode Island when first discovered ?
Do yonr shirts open in front or be
hind ?
What was the name of the Sony of
Ansterlitz, and did the old man have any
daughters ?
Who whs Secretary of the Navy while
the Erie Canal was built ?
Do any members of your family make
any pretentions toward Lent,
save your umbrella and brass kettie?
Who was commander-in-chief of the
armies of the United States, when
Sergeant Bates made his raid through
In your judgment, which should pre
vail, the bias of jurisprudence or com
pulsory hanging, where the jury are tem
porarily idiotic ?
Are you well posted in vulgar fractions
and polite literature of the day ?
Is there any sentiment in the human
heart more tender than the bosom of a
dollar-store shirt ?
What is the length of the Chicago
River, and how far from its mouth is it
navigable for light-draught ducks?
Did the Smiths come to America* be
fore the Browns ? If so, why ?
In what year was the Colorado potato
bug patented?
Should lighting rod peddlers be allow
ed to vote until after death ?
Who was thff fruit dealer who first
cried "Hang out your bananas on the
outer walls, the cry is give ns rum ?”
Square a Cincinnati hog’s root, by
taking a segment from the circle of his
tail and adding it to the diameter of his
Are you in favor of "local option" as
applied to sparking on the gate of your
prospective father-in-law f
Under what circumstances would you
suspend the habeas corpus act in order to
string up a milk-peed ler ?
Give the names of six of the wealthiest
horse doctors in the country since the
epizootio left.
At which end of a chicken-pie do you
commence an attack ?
Do you prespire freely while carving
before a large dinner-party ?
Does it take any more cloth to dress
the Goddess of Liberty in fashionable
attire, than it does to rag. out Hail
Columbia, so that the Washington society
papers will notice her?
Which is the greatest female character
in history—Joan of Arc dr Lydia Tomp
Are yon insured In the Travelers, o
Hartford ? I f so, how much ? h
Stand on your bead and repeat the
multiplication table backward, at the
same time give the "Heathen Chinee” in
Latin, and sing "We may be happy yet.”
This comprises the most important
questions in the list. We hare omitted a
few pretaining to mathematics and gram
mar, bat the above will convey to the
minds of young men who desire govern -
mental positions some idea of what they
most undergo previously. Missouri
Democrat , St. Louis.
TRe meddlesome monkey.
There was a meddlesome monkey that
set out to reform the world.
"Milk isn’t good for yon,” be said to
the cat. Upsetting the saucer, and the cat
scratched one of his eyes ont.
"Ton were not meant to gnaw bones,”
be said to the dog, and he ran off with the
bone; bat the dog ran after him and bit
iis tail off.
“How can beef be made of grass, yon
foolish beast,” he said to the ox, offering
him the bone he had stolen from the
dog; bnt the ox tossed him up into a tree.
As he sat there, minus an eye and a
.tail, and plus a broken rib, be moaned
“How blindly ungrateful is the world
to its best benefactors ?”
A was eating a pork-chop
in a tb a ade*atorm. ..Oja hearing an no
usually loud he lald down hia knife
and fork, and observed, “Veil, did any
poty efer ; bear snch a fuss about a liddle
pidof pork?”
“Nabby” is,to make “Bricks without
Straw” in Lyceums next winter. He
says the topic occurred t 6 him by finding
a brick in his hat, which come through a
'Straw. j _ '
A young lady at Saratoga; writing
home to her mother, concludes with— * P.
B.—Yon will see by my signature that I
am married.”
| , -X72*BUR
sj . . ’ • -
Fint premiums wherever exhibited—Prices low
' band Instruments
- ■ ' \
From Mr. Edward EaffmanithecdebraiM Pianist.
1 consciehtionalybeUeve that your Piano la in
every respect a most magnificent Inetrument.
BessonsiUe Apts wanted
wing* son,
for Uleaning yourhouaewill save the labor of one
cleaner. Give It a trial
for windows is better than whiting or water. No
removing curtalnaand carpets.,
cleans paints and wood, in fact the entire hoose,
better than soap. No slopping. Saves labor.
Ton can’t afford to do without it.
for sconring knives is better and cleaner than
Bath Brick. W ill not scratch.
e ibetter than soap and sand for polishing Tinware.
Brghtens without scratchng.
Polishes brass and copper utensils better than
Acid or Oil and Rotten Stone.
tor washing dishes and glassware is invaluable
Cheaper than soap. “
removes stains from marble mantles, table- and
statuary, from hard-finished walls, and from China
and Porcelain.
removes stains and grease from carpets and other
woolen fabrics.
There is no one article known that
will do so many kinds of work and do
it as well as Sapolio. Try it.
Hand Sapolio
a new and wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, hav
in g no equal in this country or abroad.
Hand Sapolio
as an article for the Bulb, breaches the fonndation
of all dirt,” opens the pores and gives a. healthy
action and brilliant tint to the skin.
Hand Sapolio
cleanses and beautifies the skin, instantly remov.
ing any stain or blemish from both bauds and face.
Hand Sapolio
is without a rival in the world for coring or pre
venting roughness and chapping of either hands or
Hand Sapolio
removes Tar, Fitch, Iron or Ink Stains,' and
Grease; for workers in Machine Shops, Mines,
&c.. is invaluable. For making the sain white
and soft; and giving to it a bloom of beauty it is
unsurpassed by any Cosmetic known.
Hand Sapolio
costs 10 to 15 cents per cake, and everybody eboald
have it. Too will like it.
Boy it of your merchant if he has it or will pro
cure It for yon. Moot then write for onr pamob
let, “All About Sapollo,” and it will be mailed
Stevenson & wittish’s land
198, Penn at., (near Bt. Clair Hotel) Pittsburgh,
Pa., and Beaver Falls, Pa.
Exclusive Agents for AUegheny, Beaver and
Lawrence counties of the lands of the A. T. & San
ta Fe R. R.: <can give tickets at reduced rates to
go and see these lands;} also lands of Union Pa
cific and Iron Mt. A Ark. Railroads. Have over 60
farms for sale. Call at either office and examine
onr register. We offer for sale the following prop
erties, etc.
A pleasantly located farm, situate in North Se
wickly township, Beaver County, for sale. Con
tains 119 acres, lies on Harmony, New Castle and
Heighten roads, 90 acres improved, balance in tim
ber, consisting of Oak, Locust, Chestnut, &c.; can
all be worked oy machinery, soil is very produc
tive, excellent for grain or pasture; land lies un
dulating, good springs all over the faim; underlaid
with coat, limestone and ore: good sand and build
ing stone; fences are rail and board, in good con
dition; good orchard of apple, peach and other va
rieties of choice fruit; grapes, shrubbery, &c. Im
provements consist of a two-story frame house of
six rooms, good cellar and kitchen, smoke bouse,
corn crib, new barn 50x40 feet, stone spring house,
close to schools, churches, saw mill, stores, 5 miles
i rom Brighton, 314 from Beaver Falls. miles
from the line ot the proposed Baltimore and Chi
cago Railroad. Price $11,900. \
NO. 70.
In Big Beaver township, Beaver county. Pa..con
taining about 140 acres—of which 120 acres are
cleared, 35 acres first bottom land: 20 acres in oak
timber; balance ot cleared land , gently rolling;
all under fence, on the P. Ft. W. & C. Railroad ;
building on a good township road one-half mile
from Homewood station; soil is first class and all
can be worked by machinery. Improvements, one
newly weather-boarded log house of 5 rooms, two
stories high* veranda and frame kitchen, with
pleasant surroundings, one new two-story frame
house of 4 rooms, portico in front; a good cellar 4
spring of water and well close to bouse: one new
bank barn, with stone foundation, 40x60, with
plenty of stabling for' horses and cows; corn’crib,
smoke boose, and 'All nsnal outbuildings; a first
rate orchard of various kinds of fruit trees in good
bearing condition, and a young orchard. This place
is in a very pleasant part of the connty, with eve
ry surrounding object to make it agreeable and at
tractive, and Is a first-class lam in a good neigh
borhood, close to schools, churches, post-office and
station—will subdivide this tract if desired by the
purchaser, for sale. Price, $BO. per acre, in pay
ments. George B. UcCready, owner.
, no. 73. ■■
containing about 107 acre*-of which 83acre%are
cleared and under a high state d cultivation, well
fenced, mostly post and rail, and in splendid Order;
ten springs on the place, two orchards containing
335 apple and 100 peach trees, bearing and in good
condition; about 37 acres of the best quality of
timber: a good frame barn 60x86 feet, with stabling
underneath; a new fiama stable 18x30; a new corn
crib, a good frame noose offonr rooms and-cellar,
a good mUk-honse, an excellent enclosed garden
patch; plenty of small frait such as cherries, plains,
?ninces, grape*, ike. Near to a new school house.
H miles from Industry on the C.4P. Railroad,
good toads to station The soil is good and the
farm ia well adapted to dairy or stock purposes,
and is considered one- of the best Price 80 per
acre, inpayments. Benjamin Todd, Owner.
We will give men and women ' : .
from JM to sBper day; can be panned <n mar own
neighborhood: it ieanre chance for those out of
employment or having leisure time; girls and
boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars
Addreae J. LATHAM & CO.,
392 Washington St,, Boston, Mass.
& S O
From the Independent
p^S&S? O *“*«"««, b«o Ml
for aitoGCDiiißi territory.
417 Broome Bt.,N.Y. .
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Throws onr more heat with less fuel and less dust
than any other.
To Buy Property,
To Sell Property,
Your House- Insured.
Tons- Wood* Insured,
Tour Life Insured,
To Insure against Accident*
To Lease Your House,
To Hire a House,
To Buy a Farm,
To Sell a Farm,
Any Legal Writing Done,
Do cot Call to call at tbe office of „
If Ton Want
BeptST-ly Beaver Coooty, Pa-
Letters of administration on the estate of Sarah
Tornbyand Elizabeth Laney. of Economy town*
ehlp.Beaver county, deceased, ha vine been grant
ed to the undersigned, aHpersous indebted to «ai“
estate are requested to make immediate pa)
and those having claims against the same to
sept them properly authenticated for settlement
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