The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 29, 1873, Image 3
A precious youth. _parm uith puUk road running bCZ \ L cornfield and turnip patch on Twt Lowe horse gatlopa alongJhe road Ownercome* along you. my boy. you have ought my horse very nicely. Bov—You bet. &il must give you something for your iTO *% course you must; down with were you doin* in the field. B -Pulling weeis from among these • - » • » V'. *“ ' *w- - • H.—That ifl nice work* I should think, atoost as nice as play. , . . B -Yes, ’tis, if a feller don’t car? what be wy B, . . you like to work f B —Not if the court knows herself, and 1 think she do. - m —Who set yo to work ? B— The old man. Who did you reck on . jl _What is your name? B —Tobias Hacklebury. Tob, for short, B&y it please your honor, as they say at court g _iWell. Tobias, how old are you? g Well, old ask-me-a-few-more-ques ti c£ guess’ I’m near about eight. If you 6?e very anxious to know, look at my leetb- (Shows teeth-) M _How long have you been here? B—Ever since I came. —Are yop not hungry? B -You are keno correct on the h»n* a;y, and I’m going for my hash, too. IK,wn with the stamps, and I’ll be off. If I should give you a dime, what ffould vou do Ht- B -Spend jk for tobacker. But, look Ltre . old chapl you can't come that game , c me Em none of your ten cent boys, 1 want half a doilir for catching this t.rse. I’m “business,” I am. M -Have you no play things ? g—Playthings? I’ve got a euchre deck, several bats, and so on, if they are weal you call playthings. O, you bet. i m heavy on base ball. Can’t I take ’em m the fly> Guess not! yi —Would you not like to have such jt;q/s as nine pins,,marbles, tops, wood tc horses ? B —Not any in mine, if you please- M —Do you want nothing else ? B.—Yes, want lots of tricks. But tamt much use to have ’em. The old man and old woman keep me busy, driv ing cows, running errands, watching chickens ont of the garden, picking wpoE palling weeds out of this d— old tur D ,p patch. But I give them the slip now tad then, and you bet I mala up for lost MSE? >i-Do your parents correct you when roj disobey them? B —Well, they correct at me, but I ac t always there. Sometimes the old man ?oea through me, sometime the old .-woman, and sometimes both, M.—You like apples and cake? B—Oh, no! guess not? Don’t like tobacker either, do I? Give me a chew. M —Have you a knife? (Gives boy a chew.) - B —Got a barlow. If you want to trade I'm your lobster. (Polls otit knife.); M..—Your shoes are full of holea 8.-’Spose they are—what are you go ing to do about it. M —But they let water in ? B —I aint afraid of water. M Your hat is all torn, too. B — Tell a feller something he don’t know. M —What do you do when it rains? B—l let i*. rain. Sometimes go .a fish ,ce- M —Do you always go home when you pel hungry ? i B —No. If I did, I’d be going bom£ all the lime. M— Were you ever at school? B —Well, I guess I’ve “been thar.” M.— Do you love to go ? . B '‘-Yes, love it ’bout as well as I do to have m\ teeth pulled. T^H.—Are you going to school this win -^er SB —Yes, if the old man goes along with tee. M.—You will want some books, then? B —Guess I will have to carry one or two whether 1 want ’em or not. SM —I will get them for you ? B —Needn’t trouble yourself about ’em, M —Tell your father I will buy them hr you, and itis all because you are an °WgiDg, contented, nice little boy. B—You are mighty right, I am. But & t-ont that half. M —Can’t you wait till I come along “gain ? B.—Couldn’t do it, Bir?' N do busi neBB way. I’m am. here’s the half, and I will bid you good morning, Tob. B.— Good morning yourself. [&if nanonhorse back, while bay throw* at him ; "What did yon. paint your fence white or?” asked a man of bis neighbor, whose ence had just received a fresh coat df Paint. “That is not white—its is green/’was tberenly. “Green I You must think me green c*n’t I see ?” 1 bet a dollar it’s green.” “I’ll do it.” Isn’t it fresh, and if it’s fresh isn’t Srttn f» ‘The loser paid the bet, and turned to ponder on the elasticity of our lacguage. gtw jgRADBURY PIANO FORTES. ESTABLISHED IN 1854-- -^ OVER 10,000 MANUFACTURED. YO BETTER INSTRUMENT IN.THE MARKET. THE BRADBURY THE NATIONAL PIANO.of the COUNTRY. ;'i * ' BEAD THE FACTS. * i •' r V ".tv-*'T : Mrs. U.S, Grantusealiifher family bury and saysf”! am perfectly delighted with it,” Theodore Tilton say*: '“I have had thebe&att fal Piano so long that now to ask me how 1 like it Is like asking me bow I like one of ray children. In fact E you were to.ask the children I’m afraid they would say they liked it almost as well as they like me. It speaks every day the year round and never looses its voice. 1 wish its owner could do half so well.” LETTER FROM BISHOP SIMPSON. Philadilphta, April 17,1868. T. G- Skith A Co.—Gents—Having need one ot your Bradbury Pianos, it has given great satisfac tion to my family and to many visitors who have beard its sweet tones at mv house. It is a very superior instrument, both in finish and power. 1 heartily wish yon success as successor to the late Wm. B. Bradbury. In continuing the manufacture of his justly celebrated Pianos. Yours truly, M. SIMPSON. Cbiet Justice Salmon P. Chose, Washington D. C., Decides the Bradbury to be the National Piano of the country. Vice Admiral D. D. Porter, Washington D. C., “The Bradbury is exquisitely sod beautifully proportioned. We are delighted with ours.” Hon. Columbus Delano, Secretary of the Interior, /Washington, D. C-, calls the Bradbury the Piano “■ for the Interior. P. M. General Cresswell and Mrs. Cresswell.— , “All our friends admire the delightful tones o the Bradbury, used at our receptions.” Robert Bonner, New York Ledger—“At any time will drop the lines of “Dexter,’ to listen to the tones of thlp Bradbury.” Grand Central Hotel, New York—“ln preference to all others, we selected the Bradbury Pianos for onr parlors. Our guests pronounce them splendid. ’ St. Nicholas Hotel. New York.—“ Have always used the Bradbury Pianos in our parlors, and take pleasure in recommending them.” Hon. John Simpson, M. P., Canada, says: “The Bradbury can’t be excelled. The best in the Dominion.” U. Simpson, Bishop M. E. Church, Philadelphia. “We know of no better Piano than the Brad bury.” E. 8. Janes, Bishop M. E. Church, N. Y.—“We know of no better Piano than the Bradbury.” ’Rev. Dr. John McCllnlon, Drew Theological Sem inary—“My family and friends say the Bradbury is unequalled." T. 8. Arthur, Philadelphia—“We have used for years, and can recommend the Bradbnry Piano.” Philip Philips, New York, says, “1 have sung with and used the Bradbury Piano in my family for years.” W. Q. Fischer, Professor of Music, Girard College, Philadelphia. “I use as my family Piano, the Bradbury, and can with confidence recommend them.” Rev. Daniel Curry, Editor Christian Advocate: “1 purchased a Bradbury Piano, and it is a splendid instrument in every respect." Theodore Tilton, Editor Independent: “If you were to ask my children?*! am afraid they would say they liked our Btadbury almost as well as they like me." Dr. Daniel Wise. Editor Sunday School Advocate. “I use the Bradbury Piano, and think, like bis -music it cannot be excelled.” Rev. Dr. Perris, New York. “My Bradbury has stood longer in tune, and sounds better than any Piano in my District," Rev. Dr. Fields, Editor of the Evangelist, “I have used a Bradbnry for years in my family, and think there is none superior.” Sands Street Church Brooklyn, St.-Luke's M. E. Church, and a host of other churches use, the Bradbury Piano In their Lecture- and School Rooms, also the Conservatories and prominent Hotels in the United States. John Canghey, Beaver Pa., purchased from me three years ago a No. 6 and says: “There is no better. Or sweeter toned, or more desirable Piano, according to my judgment and experience, than my Plano. It has given entire satisfaction, and grows better as it becomes older.” Wm. McCoy, of Beaver, Pa., in tne spring of 1871, bought from me a No. 8 Bradbury, which has proven to be a superior instrument in ever? re* spect. Miss Mary McGaffick also owns and uses a Brad bury. I WILL SELL THE BRADBURY AT NEARLY WHOLESALE PRICES From 530 to $lOO cheaper than elsewhere. Wli ' order them DIRECT FROM TBE MANUFACTORY, NEW YORK WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. A $660 PIANO FOR $4OO. ORGANS best class Ordered at the lowest rates BELOW PITTSBURGH PRICES. PIANOS OF OTHER MANUFACTURERS lowest rates. Call before purchasing and aee OF THE WILL SELL AT THE SmiTH CURTIS, Agent, rabica Omcz, Beatxb ; >x)<>h .’■ ? I- ..• t ' TlffirfiADl€AL: gusli \xst BEA SB. M& J. LAWRENCE, Physicians * Surgeons, • office that formerly occupied by U S’ nev eimo Assessor, Third street, Beaver,' Pa. aprll-iy THOMitS M. D. Office lower door mJohnßo.-dero p# - kP 3B1 * MILLKk: j. W. Physician and Unrecon, office taut Kmerly occupied by Ora. MeKiuny and Lawrc&ce. Resilience. Dr. McNntt s house. TSUNLAP, J. F.. Attorney at'LflW. O,®ce In U the Court-hOusei Beaver; Pa. All legal bttß* ness promptly attended to. xny3 Tfi-ly PURVIS J. H., dealer In fancy Dry Good* Choice Groceries/and Notions. (Specialty— “Teamd Sugar,) floor, Feed, and Wooden-ware, corner of Taird and Uofialo atreeta, Beaver, Pa. novlO'7l A LLISON THUS., dealer in Dry A Third and. Elk sis. “ a VSLARE-J. B. t tfßaior ih Gtocerteß and Provie* \J lona. Third street. - . )y«fl9 SRITGSU 8. * CO., dealer in Groceries and Pro* Visions,* Third street. y; '* BEACOM Mbs. B. U.„ dealer in Millinery Good* *t\A Trimmings, cor 8d at. and Diamond, jy*» ANDRIESSEN HUGO, dealer in Drugs and Med icinea, 3d at. See advertisement. )yB9TO MOORE j., dealer In Drags and Medicine a, Third street. Jy*» TO rpALLON and dealer in JL Boots and Shoes, Third street. jy2970 MERTZ H., manufacturer and dealer in Boole and Shoe a. Third street. Jpfi9 70 WALTER P., Baker and Confectioner, north east corner of the Diamond. JyfifllO ANSHUTZ O. 8., dealer in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Third street. Jyfi9 70 KUHN B. P., Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office on Third street. ■ jyfifi’OO B. HICK. TOAKS WILSOH, H. B. XOOBS. HICE, WILSON & MOORE, Attorneys at Law. OfflcOi Rear of the Court-house. BRIDGEWATER. T ÜBALTO’S Shady Side Photograph Gallery, Op* Second Floor, Dunlap’s corner, opposite the toll bridge. 1 aprll-ly MOLTER, J. C., Market street, Bridgewater, dealer In COAL from Bank at McKinley’s feb2T73-ly Kan. HURST A. C., dealer In Dry Goods. Hate and Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Trimmings, Bridge street. Jy29j[o_ STILES & CO., dealers In Groceries, Provisions and Quenaware. Bridge street. Jy29’7o MULHEIM 8., dealer in Carpets, Oil Cloths and Variety Goods, Bridge street. Jy29’7o ROCHESTER. DONCASTER ROUSE, opposite Railroad Sta tion, D. Wolf, Proprietor, Pro Bono Pub [novls-ly IiCO. o MITU, JOHN F., (New Store,) dealer In Gro- O cerieu. Flour, Feed, Nails, Varieties and No tions, best qualities and lowest prices. New Brighton and Washington streets, Rochester. aug2,72-ly FR* BURR & SONS, wholesale .ana retail deal Oxer# in. Dry Goods, Groceries,. Flour, Gain, Boat Stores, Iron, Nalls. Water st. ociTTO^j Rose w. a., m. d„ „ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 6ept23’7o OATMAN0 ATMAN & CO., (successors to Oatman, Par sons A Klnzer) dealers in all kinds pf rough and dressed lumber seld’Tff SCHROPP CH.AS., manufacturer of and dealer in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing, spouting, Ac., attended to. N. York st. sel6’7o JOHNSON W. W., dealer in Carpets. Oilcloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Trunks and Vari ety Goods, near RR depot. - BelWO STEEPLER A CLARK, proprietors of Johnson House. Good accommodations and good sta bles. Near RR depot. sel6’7o QTREIT GEORGS, manufacturer and dealer in O Booots, Shoes, Slippers, Ac.. Water st. [se!6 DAVID AUGHINBAUGH, manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware; dealer In Stoves. Tin Roofing made to order. Water st: seS’fO NEW BRIGHTON. _ BON TON RESTAURANT and BATING SA LOON.—Mealfl at all hours, table supplied with all the delicacies ol the season. Prices low. WilliamStricklahd, comer of Falls and Broadway. septBo-ly. CAREY Q, P,, general dealer in Groceries Feed, Ooeensware, Glass, Ac. Bags, Iron and Brass taken at highest.prlcea. Railroad st. octal SIBMBN GKO. P., manntactnrer of Cakes and Confectionaries. Particular attention paid to parties and wedding orders, v octT’TO ILULAND A. D. A Co., dealers In Fancy and Domestic Dry Goodaaud Groceries,Br^way- BEATER FALLS. TANNBY BROS., House and Sign Painting, Graining and Glazing in all their branches. Also Fresco Painting in Oil, Distemper and Wafer Colors. Orders executed on short not ice, in the best manner and on reasonable terms. Main St., Beaver Falls. Pa. [nov29-ly. Stevenson awittish, Land office No. 198 Penn street. Pittsburgh, Pa., and Beaver Falls Pa. sept 23 70 KING Mrs. E., Millner and dealer in Dry Goods. Notions, Qneensware, Ac. Corner Main and Baker st. septU3’7o. D UNEEL W. W., manufacturer of and dealer in Boots, Shoes. Gaiters, &c. Corner Race and Main st’s. sept2B*7o CLARK Mbs. R. 8., dealer Ip Millinery, Fancy Goods and Notions. Main st. seSO 70 Db. J. R. COOPER T. L., dealer in Drugs, MedfeltiM, Perfumery, Ac. BeBo 70- T WAGGONER, dealer in general Merchandise, • Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Ac. Highest prices paid for country produce. Rail road street, Vanport. aprll. DIAMONDS SET IN SOLID 14 KARAT GOLD, (WARRANTED.) WATCHES AND JEWELRY Of Every Description. NO. 38 FIFTH AVENUE, MASH Y~, PE ARL SALOON, . 17 SIXTH STUBS; TBBURGB. MANHOOD; HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, a new edition of r Dr. Culver* well** Celebrated Kaapf o* the.radical care (without medicine)ofSn*B»A*OntoffiAor Semin al Weakness, Involuntary SemlMj, toncy, also consumption, Epllepev ahd Fite, in duced by seltinduleence or eexsal dtravfgsnce. ee Ifabuae maybe radically, cured jrjthont the dangerous use of Internal medicine of the applies* tlou ofthe knife; pointing out a mode or core at once simple, certain and effectual by means oi which every Sufferer, no matter wluthfa coali tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately * I lecture should be in the hands of eve ry youth and every man in the land. -. . \ Sent under seal in a plain envelope, to any ad dress-. pOit-ptid, on receipt of six cento, or two CHAB. A. CLINE * CO., 127, Bowery, New York, Post-office Box* 4S*> )y*s-iy. JOB PRINTING AT THE RADICAL OFFICE- -Goods and Jy*9’7o FBEEDON. VANPORT. 1: Mittttots. T^oßmoFFiciim President Judge—A. W. Acheson. Aarociofea—Huton Lawrence. .Joseph C. Wilson. /VottoaotoY-Jotan C«. jghey. EAwtf-rChamberllir White j - BsgisterJb Bworder—Junes I Stokes. Tysararsr—CharleePi Wallace; Cbfnml»<ion«r#—Daniel Neely. - 'Samuel Torrence. >y ■■.HnghJ. Marshall. CUrtoJ thnwiurumwa—John McGown. OttmAelfo GbnumstfoMerarril. R. Harrab. Cbronar'-Danlel Cotbhs. OounlySurteyor-D. M.JU»g3rny, -i Jury prnimuheiierer-^^^^nMk, ' Directore of tKs Foot- SjShSmite .* Tnttitu V Aeadm^SmfffiSS 0, S&SBit, .Jama* M. Smith. JBBATSB. - , . CHURCHES. 0. A D. J. Satterfield. Pas tor. Services every Sunday at Ua. m., and 6p. k. Sunday School at 9 a.; x. r United Presbyterian—Bor. J. C. Wilson, Pastor. Services every Sunday at U a. «., and 6J4 r. *. Sunday. School at 9a. x, . Methodist Episcopal —Ben. William Lynch, Pastor. Services every Sonday at 11 a. x.. and 7?. x. Sunday School at 9a. x. OatMic—Bav. M, Gonkle, P-iest. Services every fid Sunday of each month at 10 a. x. , . , • ASSOCIATIONS. St. Jimea LJdge A. T. Ml, No. 457-8. B. Wilson, W. M., J. Morton Hall, Secretary. Meets Ist Thurs day ofeach month. Occidental Lodge, 1.0.0.F.,N0. TfiO-A. Q. White, N. G., J. N. HcGreery, Secretary. Meets every Friday evening. Banking Bouse-* Thomas McCreery. Methodist. Episcopal Rev. D. L. Dempsey Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10)4 a. a., and 7 f. Sunday School at 9 a. x. Presbyterian-- Rev. Jus. M. Shields, Pasator. cas every Sunday at 11 a. x., and 6f. x. Sun day School at 9)4 a. x. Methodist Episcopal ( Colored) —C. Asbory, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. x., and at 1 p. x. Sunday School at 9a. x. A. M. E. Zion (Colored)— Boy. Lyons, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 11 a. x.. and at 7 *' ASSOCIATIONS. Enota Lodge. J. O. O. 2’., JVo, 163—William Car ter, W. C. T., Tlllle Moorhead, W. S.. meets every Friday evening in their hall above A- C. Uoret't Dry Good Store. Beaver Lodge. I. O. 0. F., No. 866—Samnel McCabe, N. G., David Woodniff, Secretary, meet! every nesday evening. » Harrison Graham Encamppient, J. O. O. F., So. 116—D. Shumaker, C. P., Wm. Morton, Ef. P., D. Woodruff, Scribe, meets Ist and 8d Thursday even ings of each month in Odd Fellows Hall. Episcopal— Services Ist and 8d Sundays at 10.30 a. x. and 7.80 pv. Georgetown—2d and 4th Sun days. Rot. Bollard, pastor. Methodist Episcopal— Rev. T. S. HodgeomPastor. Services every Sphday at 10)4 a. x., and 7 f. x.— Sunday School at 2 p. x. Methodist Episcopal, ( German ) | Rev. Hiller, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10)4 a. k., and 7 p. x. Sunday Schobl at 9a. x. ; Lutheran—Bov. HI Reck. Paster. Services ev ery Sunday at 10)4 a. x., and* 7F. x. Sunday School at 3 F. x. ’ First. German Evang. Lutheran , St- Paul’s Church— Rev. P. Bonn, Pastoi, Services every other Sunday at Sf. x. Sunday School at 1f m. CbtftoUc-rReV. Mr. Qnnkle. Priest. Services ev ery fourth Sunday of each month, at 10 a. X., and every Thursday at 8)4 a. x. r , ASSOCIATIONS. Amaranth Lodge!, I. O. O. 71, So. S9M> B Blanchard, .W. C.. T.; Emil Smith, W. 8. Meets every Wednesday even’s in Conwgy’sHalL Rochester Lodge, A. T. M.,50. 229—tf. B. Pen i dlet»", W. M., John Conway, Sec’y. Meets every Friday before full moon. Eureka. Chapter R. A; M;, No. 167, meets in Ma sonic Hall on first Wednesday after full moon. M. B H. P.,J. R- Pendleton; Secretary, John Con- Methodist Episcopat Church—Bay.E.B. Webster, Paster. Services every other Sunday at 10)4 a. and alternate Sundays at 7 P. X. Sanday School at 9 a. v. Jf. S. German—Rev. Mr. Zerkel, Pastor. Serrt ces r altenmfe Sundays at 10)4 a. x. Sunday School at Presbyterian—Bey. Wortman, Pastor. Servi ces every Sunday at 11 a. x., and 7p. x. Sunday School at 9 a. x. „ German Lutheran— Boy.- Mr. Bom, Pastor. Ser vices every other Sunday at 10 a. x., and alternate Sundays at 9p. x. Sunday School at 9a. x. Friends— Meeting at ll a. m. every Sunday. Catholic —Rev. J. C. Bigfaam. Priest. Services, let, 8d and 6th Sundays each month at 10)4 a. x. Sunday School every Sunday at 2)4 p- x. Church of God—Rev. McKee, Pastor. Ser vices every Sunday at 10 a. x., and 7p. x. Sunday School at 8)4 a. X. Baptist—Bey. Dr. Waters, Pastor. SerWces ev ery Sunday at 10 a. x. ajad 7 p. m. Sunday School &t United iVe«6yferl«in—Rev. A. G. Wallace,Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10)4 a. x. and 7 p. x. Sunday School at 8)4 a. «. O. 8. Presbyterian—Ber. B. C. Critchlow, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10)4 a. x. and 7 p. x. Sunday School at 854 a. x. _ . _ . Spaulding, Rector. Services at 10)4 A. x. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9)4 a. x. Seats free, and all arenordlally Invited. first Methodist Church— Rev. F. 8. Crowther, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10 a. x. and ? P. jl Sunday School at 8)4 a. x. Methodist Episcopal— Rev. J. R. Mills, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10 a. x. and 7p. x. Sun day School at S)4 a. x. seSO’TO Beaver River Lodge , I. 0. O. T. , No. 963. Robert Hay, W. C. T.. T. 8. Wilson W. S. Meets every Tuesday evening., Neto Brighton Lodge, I. O. O. T.,No. 801—T. L. Kennedy, W. C. T.. Oliver McKeage, W. 8. Meets every Thursday evening. Robertson Lodge , /, O. O. F., No. 450 —Henrj Lloyd, N. G„ N. O. Taylor, Secretary. Meets every Monday evening. o „ Union Lodge. A.Y. M., No. 259—R. Coovert, Meets Ist andBd Tuesdays of each month. National Bank Beaver County—John Miner, Preei dent, Edward Hoops, Cashier, Broadway. Banking House—R. E. AH. Hoopes, Broadway. Young Men's Library Association —Joseph Bent ley, President; Hiram Platt, Secretary. Meets every Friday evening. Methodist Episcopal— Bev. W. B, Grace, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10)4 a. m. and 7)4 p, m. Methodist—Bov. J, P. Dyer, Pastor. Services, every Sunday at 11 a. *., and 7 7 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 2)4, r. M. .. w Presbyterian—Rev. Uoorehead, Pastor. Ser vices every 11 a. and 7 H P. Sunday School every Sunday at 9)4 o’clockat same place. T. Noble,-Sup’t, . United Presbytertan—Rov. J. I. Frazier, pastor. Services on Sabbath at 10)4 o’clock, a * and 7# pv. Sabbath-school at SWp m. ASSOCIATIONS. Beaver Valley Lodge* A. 478—Meets every second and fourth Monday of each month. T K Bateman,-W M*J I» BrDaweon,'B W; 8 Iff Hawkins, j W: Henry Hill. Tress: Ch. Molter,'Sec. JZarmdny Chaptered, Meets firfrt Vohday each - month, B.AJtoble-, B J l ,; WJH.GiIm,B.; A. Tom linsbn, 8.: P. WtetodlfrVeaS.; H. Or Patterson, Sec. v VaUsykchoLodfje. I. if: O. E,* No. W. B. Boon. N f <£, 4 *u«nt, Sedy,, Meets every Thursday evening vt TvTo’clock. i- Earvmy Savings Institute-' Henry Hlee, Prest.. John Beeves. Cashier. . W. C. No. 126. P 0.8. qf A.—Meets every Mon day evening in Washington Ball, Hainsey’s Block, Main street O Altsman, R 8; A Anderson, President. . • ri -, Methodist' Pastor. SertdcenaiOH o’clock, Wd evening, afco’dock Sunday School every Sabbath at Sr. jg., _ . Mr. c Pastor gerviceaeyery other. Sabbath .avIDH. D’clpck,aM Sabbath'simoolat 4 O’clock. 5 Eriglish-Rar.Mx J scobs. Pastor. Servicea cvery otnfcr Sabbath at 10)4 o’clock and Sabbath School at 2 © clock. Presbyterkm-i-R»'r. W. O. Taylor, Chaplain at Pennsylvania Institute for Soldiers’ Orphans. Ser vices in Chapel at 3 o’clock, and lecture in the evening at 7 o'clock- Sabbath School at 10)4 dock. BRIDGEWATER. CHURCHES. ROCHESTER. CHURCHES. FREEDOM. CHURCHES. NEW BRIGHTON. CHURCHES. ASSOCIATIONS. BEAVER PALLS. CHURCHES. I ;j I ‘ ‘ I* Pfs»Usstontf. JJWELLINQ| HOUSES. T £ N|MEN T S, IKPB 6 VEDf AND UNIMPBOVB REAL ESTATE, r.i ■ . ni AXS KXAB TBS BOROUGH lOF ROCHESTER, ■ FOB BALE AND BENT. BY t 8. J. CROSS. , ocsrn-ii • ■. _ HOTEL, t * CORNER MARKET A THIRD STREETS, habmsburg, fa. Q. W. HUNTER, dedB’6B ._| ~ , Proprietor rpHOS. KENNEDY & CO., SUCCESSORS TO WM. BUKCHLINQ. ROCHESTER PENN*A. DKALEBBIN DUUGB, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS* FANCY «fc TOILET ARTICLES, ■ j? - SPONGES, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS AND DYES. Prescriptions jareltofly coinponnded at all hoo«. eepO 72-ly A VALUABLE INVENTION J AN ENTIRELY NEW Sewing Machine! FOR DOMESTIC USE. Only Five Dollars! With the New Patent Button Hole Worker. The Most Simple and .Compact in Construction. 'lhe Most Durable and Economical in Use. A Model qf Combined Strength and Beauty. Complete In all Its parts, uses the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self-Threaditg, direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Ghlder. Operates by Wheel and on Table. Light Running, Smooth and Noiseless, like all good high-priced machines. Has patent check to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool. Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch (finest and strongest stitch known;) firm, durable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses all descrip tions of thredd.- Tbe best mechanical talent in America and Eu rope has been devoted to Improving and simplify ing our Machines, combining only that which is practicable, and dispensihg with all complicated nrronndlngs generally found ih other machines. Special tanas and extra inducements to male and female agents, stobs keepers, Ac., who will establish agencies through, the country: find keep onrnew machines on exhibition and safe. County rights given to smart agents free.. Agent’s com plete outfits famished without any extra charge. Samples of sewing, descriptive circulars containing terms, testimonials, engravings, Ac., sent free. Address, BROOKS' SEWING MACHINE CO.. No. 1829 Broadway, JanSMy NEW YORK. rpHE BEST AND MOST IMPROVED ' FIBE AND BURGLAR-PROOF Safes and Vaults ARE MADE BY THE PITTSBURGH SAFE COMPANY 167 PENN STREET, mar2B 3m PITrSBURGH, PA. piFTH AVE. CLOTHING HALL, ' I CORNER FIFTH & MARKET STREETS 1 , PITTSBURGH, PA. 1813. SPRING STOCK. 1813, Is offered lower than any other house In the city, Buyers, Study Your Own Interest , and examine the stock of J. HANNACH before purchasing else where. The stock comprises Men’s. Boys’, Youths’, and Children’s Clothing, at Wholesale and Retail Prices. „ , ... , Particular attention given to Custom nork. J. HANNA CH. this invitation with yon. mar2B-3 J J. GILLESPIE & CO., 86 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., Importers and Dealers Is FRENCH PLATE GLASS, FRENCH WINDOW^GLASS, MANTEL AND PIER GLASSES, STEEL ENGRAVINGS & CHROMOS Estimates tarnished for Plate Glass to Contractor And Bnllders. 8. PATENT AGENCY; Office 918 F Bt., Washington, D. C., • 6. J. lERRISS, SOLICITOR. The cheapest and most reliable Patent Agency in Washington. Fall particulars free. Address G.J. PERRISS, Box as, Washington, D. C, Jel3 * •>’ JOHN CONWAY & CO., BANKERS & B ROKER^ DUILXBS IX EZCBAKSX JDOIX AND. BXCHANa* Accoonts of ■ Mtnnfictnrere, Merchants and Indi . - ; % - INTEREST ALLOWED ON TOtE DEPOSITS Correspondence will recelte prompt attention. Apdwater, Ang. Jet, Jgffc^angMm. gBAYBR PBPOBBANK BEEN ALLISON, • - - CiUtn. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY HADE AND BE-, MITTED. CORRESPONDENCE AND ACCOUNTS SO BIGITED. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. EXCHANGE, SECURITIES, Ac., BOUGHT AND SOLD. Office boon from# a. x. to 4 p. m. my3l’T3 p BENTEL & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS FREEDOM, PA., Are now prepared to do a general Banking and Broker business. Notes discounted, Government bonds and other securities bought find sold, and collection? made on all accessible points in the United States. Interest allowed on time deposits., tolp x. Saturdays from 6 a. x. to 9 p. x. Jan. 36.1872-6 m. NATIONAL BANK , NO. 33 FIFTH AVENUE, R. W. MACKEY, Cashier W, McCANDLESS. Asst. Cashier. gANKTNG HOUSE R. E. & H. HOOP EJS, Correspondence of Banks, Bankers and Mer chants solicited. CoUectlons promptly an d remitted. Qy22’3fcly. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Cob. FOURTH AVENUE & WOOD BTREEI B ANKER S, BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OP INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS money loaned on government bond AT MARKET HATES. fcA 1 Orders Executed tor be Purchase and S ale of STOCKS, BONDS and QpLD. JySTTftly. a. 8. BARKER. P. A. BARKER. C. A. BARKER Q 8. BARKER & CO., New Brisbtoiv, Pkss’av G. 8. BARKER & GO., BANKERS Collections made on all accessible points in tbe United States and Canada. Accounts of Merchants, Manufactdrers and Indi viduals solicited. - Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Conreggmdence will receive prompt attention. JJOCHEBTER SAVINGS BANK. JOHN V. M’nONALD, GEO.O. SPETEBER. SPEYERER & MCDONALD, Dealers in exchange. Coin, Government Securl ties,make collections on all accessible points in tbe United States and Canada, receive money on depos it subject to check, and receive time deposits ot one dollar and upward, and allow Interest at 6 per cent. By-laws and Rales famished free by applying at at the bank. Bank open daily from 7 a. m., till 4 p. m., and on Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 o'clock. REFER, BT p: L HOatman * Co, Algeo, Scott & Co, 8 J Cross AGo, Snieder A Wacks, B S Ranger, A C Horst, S B Wilson, novll-TO—je3o-71 INSTANT RELIEF FOR THE ASTHMA, Any person troubled with that terrible disease will receive immediate and complete relief by us ing my ASTHMA REMEDY. I was afflicted with it for twelve years, entirely unfitting me for business for weeks at a time; ana discovered, this remedy by experimenting on my- » self after all other medicines failed to nave any effect. 1 WILL WARRANT IT TO GIVE INSTANT RELIEF n all eases of Asthma not complicated with other diseases. 1 ANY PERSON AFTER ONCE USING WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT IT. Pamphlets containing certificates by mail FREE, • A -FOR BALE BY * HugoAndrlaiBen.‘Beaver, Pa. T. Q. Waddle, Now Brighton, 1 W. Gilliland, New Brighton. HIT*. UcGoun,BeaverFalls. Q. 2lcC-Bmtth,Brldgevfater. T. Kennedy'A Co. Rochester. SanmelC. i S. A; Craig. Freedom. Thomas Swearlngen^Jiookstown.,:.:. AND DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. ..Price by mail, .postage paid, fIOO pet box. 1 Liber SI tomato druggists. Address CHAS. B. HURST, aprll-ly. Rochester, Beaver Co., Pa. roar2l-6m - Enterprise saloon and RESTAURANT. .>"V, ► ROCHESTER, PA. OFBEAVERy PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. J. W. COOK, President. OP NEW BRIGHTON, PA (Snccesson to 8. Jones A C 0.,) PITTSBURGH, JAB. T. BRADY & CO. Beaver Falls, Fhkk’a., dealers nr EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPONS, Ac. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. No. 19 SIXTH ST., (late St. Clair,) PITTSBURGH.. N£AL McCALLIO feblO’Tl-ly m ujaurancf. f C. H. BENTEL, Cashier. [del w. J. BPETERER, b. j. BPEVEBEB, Cashier SREIBBION.TO Bon J S Rutan, Orr A Cooper, Wm Kennedy,. ~ - John Sharp, jRB Edgar, jT-Meemen’s National I bank, Pittsburgh. Pa. \ >