The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 29, 1873, Image 1

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Pittsburgh, ft. wayne and
CHICAGO RAILWAY.—On anil after June
jg 73, trains will leaveaiatlona aafotlowe:
Alliance .. ■
Orrvillc . ■
Fort Wayne
Plymouth. •
fort Wayne
forest ~
Crestline .
jisnsfield .
V On and aftet Jane 49, 1873, trains will laav*
stations daily, (SanOaye excepted) aa follows;
going south— main link.
Cleveland. • •
Bayard ..f..
lo.soam 5.40 pm
.ft 11.00 5.50
13.07 PM 6.50
1.05 7.68
...i *55 9.35
j j 3.40 10,80
I ;*»*>: ■:8.06
i. aaa 7.i5 :
II 11.00 15.35 9.45
.... 11.10, 8.40 10.00
Bellair 5.451 V
Bridgeport 5.55
Steubenville.... 6.57
Wellsvillc..- 8.00
fiocheater. .... 19.80
Pittsburgh...... J 110.40
Bolster.. =
■JKtaUIe- ../,'i
Leaves Arrives
N,Ph!la.« 40am* I.oopm I Bayard. 0.45 am *4 00pm
Bayard, l2.lo a 3.00 p. m. ( N. Phila. 3.00 *7,30 p m
General Passenger and Ticket Agent.
Alter December 22d, 1875, Trains will arrive
acd depart as follows:
Trains Leave'Through Trains Arrive
Irion Depot; i Union;Depot.
■rscjflc Exp’s, 2:50 am, Mall Train, 1:05 am
■Ss!l Train. 7:45 a m’ Fast Line. ];,35 a m
1 dirajo Ex 12 40 p m Pittsburgh Ex. 8.00 a m
N-.ncmnati Kx. 1:10 pm Cincinnati Ex. 8:40 a m
Philadelp’a Ex. 5:20 pm 1 Southern Ex. 12:40 pm
ca?t Lme, 8:50 pm. Pacific Expr’s, 1:10 p m
local. Way Passenger, 9:50 p ro
J*>l. 6:40 am local.
» v\; kin.-h'g Ac _ -Walls No 1 6:30 am
_.V 1 . 7 03 a m Brinton Ac. Nol, 7:39 a m
No 2, 10:20 a m Wilkinsburg Ac
ii-n ‘ :i - 11:45 a m Nol 8:20 a m
«ilkinsburg Ac Walls No 2. 9:10 a m
„. N '’ - 2:40 p m Johnstown Ac. 10 10 a m
Walla No 4, 3:40 P m Walls No S, 1:45 p m
vohn-town Ac. 4:00 p m W’alleNo 4 3:20 p m
Bnntor. Acrom- Wilkinsburg Ac
m.xiat'n No 1, 4 50pm No 2 4.45 pm
Ac. N’o2 5:40 p in Walls Ac. No. 5 5:55 p m
ni l-No 5. 6:15 p m Brinton No 2. 6:50 pm
K'inion Ac No 3 0:20 p m Brinton Ac. No 3 7:25 p m
"a.;■ Ac.No. 6 ll:uspm Brinton AcNo4 ll.TOpro
< hicat'o Express. Cincinnati Express, Fast Line
a..a iinuiiin Ac. No. 3 leave daily.
f Express daily, except Monday.
Ai. other trains daily, except Sunday,
i initir Express leaves Putsourirh at 2:50 a mar
r '-' in '„ al Hatrisburg at 11:40 am: Philadelphia 3:30
Baltimore 3:00 p m; Washington 5:40 pm.
> " \ ork 6:34 p m.
1 hira-o Express leaves Pittsburgh at 12.20 p m;
v"’’’l- Harrisburg 10.20 pm; Philadelphia 2.30 am;
-Vh 1 ork 6 10 a m.
1 tticinnati Express leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 p
™ v r: :l! Harrisburg 10;45p m; Philadelphia 2:50
v Hjlt tniore 2:15 am; Washingtons:ooa m. New
I "ti. fi: in a ni.
I h i iAd»- iphia Express leaves Pittsburgh at 5:20 p
at Harrisburg 2:53 am; Phlladtelphia6:ss
■ New \ork 10:14 am. x
a-t i.rfie leaves Put‘burgh at 8:50 pm: arrives at
Hi-rt- mrg 5:45 am; Philadelphia 9:50 a m; Baltl-
L ■'! pra 11 m: Washington H:3O a m; New-York
s o, ! 'i * tlurrtl Trains leave Wall’s Station every
p '■?- " ‘-hlnam reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00am.
Pittsburgh at 12:30p m. and arrive
E' >!:ltioI! at 1:50 p m. Leave Pittsburgh
io'rv tv I '.? Brinton’s 10:30 pm.
r , ~ 1 1!< KET OFFICE—For the convenience
'■jOzetts ot, Pittsburgh the Pennsylvania
y". * "mpany have opened a city ticket office
’'-.V'th avenue corner of Smithfleld street;-,
a! s'|' , ."I'.” 1 - 11 Tickets* Commutation Tickets
chi..'! . !c ki-ts to principal stations can be pur
,M.n ’ • ! UIV h° ar °f the day or evening at the
' !;■ • •! ,?' a * arL ‘ charged at the depot,
f, u ill j be cliecked through to destination
i,'' y. 1 ' and residences by Excelsior Baggage
‘ *' *’ 1,11 orders left at the office.
, 1 t 1 rl ,. ‘ r "'formation apply to
; ,i :^ S r» TT - D. M. BOYD. Jb.,
n nera. Manager. Geu. Pass. Agent.
\ llegheny VALLEY railroad
T;!’ n , !"'h T !!er ‘'?". n day. July 2ftth. 1873. Three
1 daily. except Sunday, will leave
, u,t!),,r "h. city time, for Franklin,
tv \v . , ’“ a *° an d all points in the Oil Regions,
■ u "-'em and Central New. York.
!;■ i c- ; Leave. Arrive
V..v yl 7.30 a m 8.25 pm
b«v B.3opm 0.05 am
Im ij.j V 11.50 am 5.45 am
1-; > „i‘, u- i ■. 0.40 a m *L3O a
Hr: 1V : J,, Ac 8.45 a m 8.20 a m
t: Ac 3-20 p m 10.10 a m
• 1 v ..(! , Wort i•; 440 p rn 9.05 a m
: >i .° A Ar 8.50 pm 8.15 fan
A M 1c 0,.,, s c „ - ;•••• 10.50 p m 10.45 p m
hcndav -i. -'•v 1 n(la -'’ traln ' caves Pittsburgh every
I'etnrilinV .'.fl' 0 a " ivin R at Parker at 12.1 S am.
P’.tNbmVh er 814-dO P m ' and arrives al
S * r i'es aVp»r n -« ,oitU i? from Soda Works (Sunday)
jOp’m. leonr Pl' at 10.10 am, and leaves at
11 BRAT, Tlc4l L A^nt ENCK ' Gen ' L Supt ‘
Btav or
trains going west.
8XP8.9. JIXIL.
5.10 ,10.40 13.80 m 5.08 ’ *
Vao 4ioo 5.40 9.40 R. ne »? r , ttie Boarding School* fdrsaxes In
9*40 5.55 am 0,00 a 9.5 C the Dnltea States. Six coarea of study. Military
uoo 7.35 7.55 1115 tactics. Commercial College Course and Telegraph
-12 08pm 9.00 9.15 ULSTam J® 1 ™ 8 low. _ Fall term opens September Bd.
* *9O 111.50 11.50 £B5 »®o« tor a io Key. 5. COPELA.ND, A.
4,45 l 3.35 pm 3.55 am 5.05 M., or L. L. BPHAGUK, Kingston, Pa.
750 ! 6.30 6.50 8.30 PM pUfijats St CoBUUNiaI lutltata.
vu OOING KABT ‘ Heer Haven. Conn. Preparatory to college
NSjUOixiu or business. Circulars sent on application. WM.
'S--:!r «&. -ar ** «
4.00 | 5.08 3,37 8.10 ,amo,a ’ ra '
3.35 i 6.30 4.05 10.10
6.ooam* 6.50 4.15 10.80 am
6.40 ! 7.19 4.43 11.00
9.16 I 9.30 6.37 I.OOPM
11.00 10.55 8.05 3.39
3.48 PM) 10.40 4.53
4.00 i 3.30 11.45 am .6.00
I Ar
\ De
/ Ar
f De
Passenger and Ticaet Agent.
EXFB’B. *AIL. BXPB'a.accon . FORTUNE, -How t By speculating In
——*—— ;• A Stock* and Gold. Capital, 110 to 1100; will
! r*S p * pay 1100 to 11,000. Pull explanation sent free.
/ S.OS 5.33 w. P. HUBBKLL A CO., Banker* and Brokers, 39
s® Wall Bt., Now York. Box 9984. ’
11.U5 K.lil 0.40
“•J® 100 135 MONEY MARE PAST 11,000.
3*40 10 30 By alt who .will work for as. If on writing yon do
imi not find Q * * ll »<l uare we will give you one dollar
NORTn —MAUi miß. for y our trouble. Send stamp for circulars to
i. izpb’s. kail, ixxfb'B. accom . O, fl. BUCKUSY A CO., Tekonsha, Mich.
'g !* S™
- .no* i ?*«{ either sex young or old. make money at work for
_ a . _ a* in their spare moment*, or all the time, than at
anything else. Particular* free. Address G.
i« 41 lia gas Stinsok a Co., Portland. Maine.
1! ! ! U 56 I 7.30 10.*55
Before you start on a journey, buy an Accident
Insurance Ticket of the Railway Passengers In
surance Co., of Hartford, Coon. Tickets lor sale
at railroad stations. Ask for an Insurance Ticket.
RmHhftakl Si* futtwrib*
Breech-Loading Shot Guns, 940 to f3OO. Doable
Shot Guns $8 to $l5O. Single Guns (3 to $9O.
Rifles $8 to $75. He voWers 95 to $25. Pistols fl
to fS Gan Material, Fishing Tackle, Ac. Large
discounts to dealers and clubs. Army guns, re
volvers, etc., bought or traded for. Goods seat
by express, C. O.D. to be examined before paid
for. ,
ig straggled twenty years be
i life ana death with ASTHMA
'THISIC I experimented myself
impounding roots and herbs, and
,ing the Medicine thns obtained,
nnately diecoveied a most won
.»remedy and sure core for Astb
and ita kindred diseases. War-
to relieve the severest par
sethe patient , can lie down to
:omfortably. .One trial package
-n oy of charge. Address D. LAN
GKLL, Apple Creek, Wayne Coanty. 0.
The la croix medical dis*
Is th* Ohfc>ft aodmost BQCOeWfBI ITMtUQtIOB ftl
tblrcwaWrftoftlke treataaentof Chronic andSex
nal diseases. FortennaW tnssuaeat cail or ad*
dress by mall Address. ' 8. M, HUNBDON.
I 81 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y.
For the benefit of the
$12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000.
Every Fifth Ticket Draws a Gift,
§250,000 FOR $5O.
The Fourth Grand Gift Concert authorized by
special act of the Legislature for the benefit of the
Public Library of Kentucky, will take place in
Public Library Hall, at Louisville, &y..
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3d, 1873.
Only sixty thousand tickets will be sold and one
ha If of these are intended for the European mar
ket. thus leaving only SO.OOu for sale in the United
States where 100,000 were disposed of for the third
concert. The tickets are divided into ten coup
ons or parts and have on their back the scheme
with a full explanation of the mode of drawing.
At this concert, which will be the grandest mu
sical display ever witnessed in this country, the
unprecedented sum of
divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be distributed
by lot among the ticket-holders. The numbers of
the tickets are to be drawn from one wheel by
blind children and the gifts from another.
One Grand Cash Gift
One Grand Cash Gift
One Grand Cash Gift
One Grand Cash Gift
One Grand Cash Gilt
10 Cash Gilts flO.pOOeacli.
•30 Cash Gifts $5,000 each..
50 Cash Gifts $l,OOO each..
80 Cash Gifts $560 each
100 Cash Gifts $4OO each..
150 Cash Gifts $-300 each..
250 Cash Gifts s2< 0 each..
325 Cash Gif's $lOO each..
11,000 Cash Gifts $5O each
Total 12,000 Cash Gifts amounting to $1,500,000
The distribution will be positive, whether all
the tickets are sold or not. and the 12.000 gifts all
paid in proportion to the tickets sold—all unsold
tickets being destroyed as at the first and second
concerts, and not represented in the drawing.
Whole tickets $5O; Halves $25; Tenths, or each
Coupon $5; Eleven whole tickets for $500; 22 y.
tickets for $1,000; 113 whole tickets for $5,000; 227
whole tickets for $lO,OOO. No discount on less
'than $5OO worth of Tickets at a time.
The unparalleled success of the Third Gift Con
cert, as well as the satisfaction given by the First
and Second, makes it only necessary to announce
the Fourth to Insure the prompt sale of every
ticket. The Fourth Grand Gift Concert will be
conducted in all Its details like the Third, and full
particulars may be learned from circulars,* which
will be sent free trom this office to all who apply
for them.
Tickets are now ready for csale, and all orders
accompanied by the money promptly filled. Liber
al terms given to those who buy to sell again.
Agent Public Library of Kentucky, and Manager
Gift Concert, Public Library Building, Louis
ville, Ky.
Epidemic and Dentations Diseases
with the newest and best treatment for all cases.
The only thorough work of the kind In the
world Embraces Small-Pox, Yellaw Fever, Chol
era, and all analogous diseases. No Family
Safe Without It. and all buy it. Has 34 chromatic
illustrations. The biggest chance of the season
for agents. Address H 'S. QOODSPSSD & CO.,
87 Row, New York.
$3,000 FOR 20 CENTS. ,
• if
9ta %mn gxftirxl.
The Radios* fe |mbUshed|pvery Friday morning
at the following tam*:
Oki Tsab, (payable la tdnaoft,).... fa,oo
Six Mouths, « « « i,OO
Thbbs “ “ '** ** "V. gg
SjKflui Coras oft
Papers discontinued to subscribers at the explrs'
tlon of their terms of subscription at the option of
the publisher, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Professional or Business Cards, aot exceeding lo
lines of this type, |B,OO per annuo.
Advertisements by the month, quarter or year
received, and liberal deductions made in proportion
to length of advertisement and length of time ol
Advertisements of 10 lines or less, fi,oo for one
insertion, and 6 cents per line for each additional
All advertisements, whether of displayed or blank
tinea, measured by lines of this type.
Special Notices Inserted among iocs. items at 10
cents per line for each insertion, unless otherwise
agreed upon by the month, quarter or year.
Advertisements of ft lines or less, ftOcenteforone
insertion, and 5 cents per line for each additional
Mintage or Death announcements published free
of charge. Obituary notices charged as advertise
ments, and payable in advance.
Local news and natters of general interest com
monleatod by any correspondent, With real name
disclosed to the publisher, will be thankfully re
ceived. Local news solicited bom every part of
the county.
Publication Office: In Tbs Ranxcai. iitnumro
Corner Diamond, Beaver, Pa.
All communications and business letters should
he addressed to SMITH CURTIS, Beaver, Pa.
A Peculiar Cmc at Co (he Proper Per*
ion, Under Certain Conditions* co re
ceive Letters front the Poet OMce*
n Conflict off Authority —Government
Advertising—The Great Inauguration
Ball a Living Concern.
Correspondence of tbe Radical.
Washington, D. C m August 25,1873.
Assistant Attorney General Spence, o
the Post Office Department, recently
gave an opinion that will be highy inter
eating to postmasters everywhere, as'caees
similar to tbat to which the opinion re
lates are likely to arise any where at any
time., *. .•■-- ,v - "
It seemt th^tAlvaa W. Chw, of Ana
Arbor t Micbigan,wmath«^#opifetorof
copyright and the printing bouse to Rice
A. Beal, contracting that all letters and
packages received at the Ann Arbor post
office addressed to him and not having
the number of his private box written
thereon should be delivered to Beal.
The sale and the contract by mail being
known to the postmaster such letters and
packages as were described in toe con*
tract were delivered to Beal for /upwards
of two years. Mr. Chase, in September,
1872, directed the postmaster qot to de
liver such mail to Beal after tnkt time.<
Beal then filed an injunction in one of
the State courts restraining Chase from
receiving the said mail, and the iujuncth n
now holds. The postmaster writes to the
Postmaster General for instructions as to
bisdutyiotbe premises. Mr. Spence is
of the opinion that under the postal laws
and regulations (sections 58 and SU. 1866.)
that the postmaster at Ann Arbor cannot
disregard the order of Chase which di
rects him to no longer deliver the letters
to Beal. :No one but to whom letters are
addressed, or according to bis or her or
der, can claim letters from the postmaster,
and neither the postmaster nor any offi
cial of the Post Office Department has
any right to construe the validity of con
tracts ; neither can the courts of a State
decide the duties of postmasters. The
court may enjoin Chase from receiving
the said letters, and as Chase has ordered
that they be not delivered to Beal, the
postmaster will have to hold,them (unless
Chase violates the order of the court and
asks for them, in which case the post
master will be compelled to deliver them
to himl until farther arrangea&ats are
effected or send them to the Department
as unclaimed letters. The case is some-’
what peculiar; the post office authorities
refuse to deliver them to Beal, the
State courts enjoin Chase from receiving
Every newspaper man, and every body
who baa occasion to look over many
newspapers, can not but be aware that
the distribution of government advertis
ing patronage has been managed very in
judiciously. It is quite certain tbat in a
large majority of cases the money paid
for advertising by government officers has
not been “placed where it would do the
most good.” The case of the papers pub
lished in this city is perhaps one of the
best illustrations of the fact that much of
this money is absolutely thrown away
and might as well have been made a pres
ent to the publisher without ask
ing them to insert the advertisement at
all. A. copy of the Chronicle, Harlan’s
paper, now lying on my-' table, contains
several columns of government advertis
ing, and ln*a majority of cases these ad-
at«jiQt_mcely to meet the
eye pt single individual interested in
tfcc badness to which they relate.
three readers ofthe whole number
who see this paper care a penny aboat
the.“proposals for cut granite work** for
house and poet office building
at Bocldmd, Maine it is not likely an
ad*rrt|«effient.;for “proposals for the
erectlonof a light house at Hereford In*
let. Neer Jeney." published in a Wash
lagton paper will get any bidders; and
8> is certain that no pieraon wishing
for furnishing mess pork and
fiprd fbr the troops in Nebraska
will etersee these advertisements, Bnt
ffen worse than this is done. Here I see
proposals for forage to be delivered, in
I^^!Oftgon, and other points
Oft coast. This la nothing
Pjfo Th* Ofcaicfc and Jfc
ptyftont-tn not the first papers so £».
thing has been going on
®ir mahy years. In fiact'Washington
derive their main sup*
Sfhencter the administration changes
hindgthey either change their politics or
•con: kfcc?. etwpend. Some of them are
enough to do the former, and
thetebymake a good thing of it for quite
• ■ ■
Secretary Belknap has issued an order
advertising to be done only in
sQckiP4peTs aa' I ftoin their location and
circhhUfoit 1, sre apt to be read by persons
intCfustedin the hnaineas referred to.
Thiiit a vory Just order and ought to be
obscrredrstrictly, hot it will go bard
nt the Washington papers if it
should be enforced.
Mobs of the great In
to the evening of the
ib pnblished in the pa*
entire country, nor
pvo*9i to represent the
ion pnblished in the
he entire country, nor
posed to vepresent the.
lon, pnblished in the
A. huge building
dollars each. But, somehow or other, the
sale of tickets was not rapid, and when
the Fourth came it was an extremely o ld
and disagreeable day, and those who at
tended the ball that night in evening
dress almost froze to death, as it was im
possible to beat up so large a building.
The ball was siimiy attended and the pro
jectors found themselves ont of pocket to
a considerable extent. Subseqnen tly bails
were given with tickets at two dollars,
and afterwards promenade concerts at fif
ty cents, but it was impossible to realize
enough to cover the expense. A. few days
since circulars were sent to the members
of the committees who bad the matter
in charge calling on each to come down
with three hundred dollars ont of bis
own pocket to pay the expenses of the
concern and liquidate their debts.
Industry, Beaver Co.. Pa., )
August 25th, 1878. )
Since the date of my last letter, and
after a long and wearisome rile, I have
sat down with friends at home, and now
“sink to my accustomed level.”
The morning was clear and beautiful,
(July 2Sth) when we started up the Yel
lowstone. kll were anxious to see the
partially explored river. Soldiers were
detailed regularly to. keep a constant
lookout for the approach of any Indians,
and a few were looking for game. (As I
badtbeen presented with a needle gun
and forty rounds of amunition, at Fort
Buford, I was among the litter.) Oar
pilots had never ascended this river, con
sequently, it was as new to them; but
having maqy years experience on the
upper Missouri, they were enabled to
judge very correctly of the water and we
made good progress. We numbered the
islands and named the binds and bends
to suit our own convenience, in short, we
felt as if we were “monarchs of all we sur
The day past delightfully, and all were
particularly happy, hoping to be entirely
rid of the mosquitos by the following
morning—the Yellowstone does not
abound with these troublesome insects,
and if any, which had followed us, made
their appearance, it was sure death to
thera. t i Late in the evening, when look
ing for a “soft place” to lay op over
night, we observed in, the bend above, a
descending steamer. Gen. Stanley, who
was in command of the expedition, bad
ordered her (steamer Key West) to re
turn to Fort Buford when she was to be
considered as discharged, and the steamer
Josephine was to take her place- It was
We laid all night, on at Fort
Bertbold, at which place we met quite a
large crowd of Indians, anxious to sell or
trade anything they had. | took the op
portunity and purchased a couple of
pairs of moccasin tops of a squaw. One
ot the bills I offered her she refused, be
cause it was a little torn on one corner.
Her reply was, "Witnich,” which means
“not good.” I then 'got the brightest
bill I could find, which she accepted re
plying, “Lele washta,” which means
“awful good.”
At Bismark, (a town on the Missouri
river opposite-Pt. Abraham Lincoln, built
up since April Ist, and which is the pres
ent terminus of the Northern Pacific
Railroad,) Indian Commissioner H. C.
Smith with wife and daughter came on
board. At Grand River Agency, Mr.
Smith had all the Indians about sum'
moned to meet in council. In a short
time we were all assembled together with
the Indians in the shade of an old cabin,
when the leading chief, “Running An
ttlope/’ stepped forward, shook bands
with Smith, Fred Grant, and the agent
at this point, and began his speech. He
would speak but a couple of sentences
and then wait for it to be interpreted
(This was done by a colored man by the
name of,“Black Hawk,” who thinks he
was the first “white” man that came to
that country.) He complained very much
of their treatment by their grandfather
meaning President Grant—and. wished
that be wonld give them bouses and
fields of corn. When the by-standing
chief approved of what their speaker said,
they would give a loud groan as if to pro
nounce the word “how,” by drawling out
the diphthong. No speeches were made by.
any of the white they merely asked
them questions, and told them what they
wanted them to do.
We arrivfed at Yankton on Thursday
evening, August 7th, where I found quite
a number of letters fori me, also a copy of
The JRadical, Argus and
Commercial, consequently I bad employ
ment to a very late hour.
On the following Sunday I attended
Methodist Sunday School in Yankton,
where we examined the same lesson that
was being taught here on the same day—
understood that I should change off os
to the Key, West with Gapt Todd when
we-met her. Meeting her ai this point
and under raoh circumstances, was quite
a disappointment to me, but nevertheless
1 must make the change and go back
down the rlver.UnlU a very late hour we
talked and commented on the appearance
of the new boat, of the Yellowstone, of
the expedition and of the mosquitos. We
bad the mall for the expedition party on
board, and upon its being opened to my
surprise I saw a copy of Tsb Bbavbb
Radical, dated June 27th- Having
turned back from this point I am not
prepaired to give a very foil description
of this river, but from what 1 have seen
and can learn; I should judge it to be
very much like the character of the upper
Missouri, except perhaps, a little more
difficult to navigate. When about forty
m lea from the month, we found shoals and
gravel banks, and these become more
numerous as we ascended. In many places
the banks are composed of a yellowish
clay, colored -perhaps by iron, which
gives color to the water. Along the banks
are found a great deal of petrifaction, and
agate stones ate picked up in large quan-
tities. It haeonly been navigated as for
as the mouth of Powder river, a distance
of about 235 miles. An abundance of
ash and cotton wood are found, sufficient
to supply boats with fuel The coal of
which the western papers speak so much,
is of a very inferior quality indeed.
We returned, to Fort Buford the next
day, and oh, the mosquitos, they seemed
as thick as bees when! swarming. I put
on my bead-net and gloves, and went up
to the fort with some soldiers. The Win
dows and doors of the houses were cov
ered with mosquito bars to keep out the
mosquitos, and at the same time to let io
the fresh air. In order to gain admission
we usually had to go to the back door, io
front of which there was a small fire
made of potion wood bark. We stood in
the smoke of this fire until the mosquitos
had left us, and then “went” for the
door, and gained admission. Since then
I hate considered it tpo trifling a matter
to fight two mosquitos.
WckftjJufordon the evening of 29th.
Withacompany of soldiers FortJfiice*
and Lieut. Col. Fie£'
officers for Yankton. I had met Fred a
few days before, but had not had an
opportunity of forming a very extensive
acquaintance with him; however, as be
remained on board about ten days, I be
came quite well acquainted with him.
Of his personal character I shall not
speak, except to say I found him very
plain and unassuming.
each using the International Series of
Hiss Jennie Todd, the Captain\i daugb
teir, having heard of sickness at home, ■
desired to leave Immediately, and I hav
ing no particular engagement at the time,
the Captain wished that 1 should accom
pany her. Agreeable to his wishes, we
left Tankton on Tuesday morning August
12th, and arrived In Wei Ist ilie on the
following Thursday afternoon. We oc
cupied a Pullman Palace car to Chicago,
and when night came on, attempted to
take our usual rest and sleep, during
which time we were hauled, feet fore
most, nearly across the State of lowa,
and would not have objected to have
been hauled the same way the neat night,
but all the sleeping berths were engaged.
Arriving in Chicago, we changed cars for
Cleveland, via the Lake Shore and Michi
gan Southern.
If you have ever traveled over this
road» you know what a fine view one has
of the lakes from the train. The scenery
along the whole route is beautiful. At
Cleveland we changed cars again for
Wei la villa and Industry, via the old relia
ble C. A P. R. R., and arrived at homo
on the evening of the 14th. The chaage
of atmosphere waa very great for me, at
least I think 1 can feel it very sensibly.
Whilst in Dakota I never had a cough or
cold, dept frequently in the open air, but
sincel came home it seems I cannot go
out without catching cold. I could sec
objects nearly three miles when there aa
clearly and distinctly as I can see them
here but one mile.
As tbia will conclude my letters for the
present, at least, I will say that I have
not offered them as any literary produc
tion, but simply as a short and brief ac
count of my trip expressed in plain words.
Very respectfully yours,
J. S. Brigkjs.
The Republican State Convention met
on Wednesday the 13tb. at Harrisburg,
and our telegraphic columns contained
full accounts of the proceedings. The
platform is an admirable oae, and will
meet with very general approval; and
the whole spirit of the Convention gives
jwrMdof aconwioaaaeMofthenecemi
ties of the occasion. >
The nomination of Mr. Mackey for
State Treasurer was a foregone concln
sion. He has made so good an officer *nd
given such general satisfaction, tbit n<r
active opposition was made to his renom
inalion. Mr. Henry, the only one who
contested the field with him, conceded,
from the start, that Mr. Mackey would
be nominated, and be made his canvass
not for the present but for tbe future.
Few men have ever filled that important
office who have been able, after three
years’ service, to boast so wide a circle of
personal friends, or to enjoy so Urge a
share of personal popularity. He has dis
charged a highly responsible trust in a
very efficient way, and this popular in
dorsement nof him was as flattering as it
was well deserved. He has pa id off, in 1
the three years |5,000,(K)0 of the State
debt, and is now paying it off at the rate
of |200,000 per month ; and while no fact
could be more palatable to the people of
the State, who delight to witness this
steady reduction of tbe public debt, we
know of nothing that more effectually
demonstrates the administrative capacity
of the Incumbent. \
The nominee for Supreme Judge, Hon.
Isaac G. Gordon, of Jefferson county, is
well known to many of our citizens', and
is eminently qualified for the place. He
has had experience on the Bench, and
having had a large practice as a lawyer,
especially on land titles and questions
arising out of oil operations, he will
bring to his new place, if elected, an ex
perience that will be of great service to
both himself and tbe Bench. Ho is a
man of superior talent, and possesses a
reputation tor personal integrity excelled
by none. It is a good nomination, and
will give very great satisfaction through
out the West. ?
Altogether, the ticket and platform are
thoroughly satisfactory, and the success
of the party in October is nq longer- a
problem. Every man with an eye in his
forehead can see that the ticket is bound
to win. We commend it to the hearty
support of our party friends, and in the
full confidence of its triumph at the polls..
—The Clinton county Democratic Con
vention met the other day and resolved
to arraign the Radical party for their
Cse*arism in aiming at the establisment of
a virtual dictatorship through the third
term movement in favor of Grant, and
then turned around and nominated W. H.
Brown and 8. B. Snoook for their fourth
terms in the office of Prothoaotary and
Register respectively!
fc...' .