Oftß HONEYMOON. „ Mv dearest.” said Fredas we neared a way station, “what do yon say to 1 lunch ? I can step out her? and get !°ouanytbiog It may seem dreadful thing for a bridegroom to con* Iss but I begin quite riyirp after 7r early dinner. If you don’t mind my JLjng you for fire minutes.” i siJiified that an absence of that du- Jion might be supported, and Fred ctirted-for the refreshment room. We bad been married Just three days, end the glamour of our honeymoon was In everything, thi was .ifled beyond that breathed hr eyeiy mortals, the earth glorified with & new beauty, tie heavens with a new; light We ate no bread and beefstake, b oi some ambrosial dish untested before drank golden necter, etherealized from hotel coffee pots. „ ‘ I watched Fred from the car window, until be disappeared in the refreshment room. What a splendid fellow he was! Such eyes, such a hand, such teeth, such s general combination of perfections! gow charming, how delightful, how al* together inexpressible it was to belong to him forever, never to be separated B ore! when, whiz! clang! Horrors! The train was off again, off with Fred still classing boned turkey4n the eating sa loon, his faithful wife hopelessly quies-' cent in the ladies’ car off sundering at the rate of thirty miles an hour those whom law and gospel shall not part ! ■What’s the matter mum ?” asked the conductor, noticing my excitement. Tbere’s.there’s a gentleman left behind’ I gasped. . ) ~-Is there, nnm ? was the stoical reply Bless your soul that’s nothing new.’’ \ • Bjl, but he’s my husband ?” I falter ed blushing to my finger lips, as I. felt that lad was something new. Three ladies turned around to stare at ffi e, and there was an unmistakable titter beneath the heavy mustache of a gentle man opposite. Sorry mum, but it can’t be helped. If guests will stop at bar-rooms to whet their whistle? we can’t wait for ’em. A bar room ! Fred in a bar-room whetting bis Whistles! What did the odious man mean ! I tried to crush h»m with a look, but I wasn’t equal to it. Fred, my Fred in a bar-room ? "You needn’t be alarmed,” said an old gentleman, kindly; “there will be an other accommodation at eight.” “At eight!” And it was now just half past four. 1 sank back upon the cushion in quiet desperation. What was to be come of me ? » With the entire abnegation-peculiar to the early phase of the honeymoon, I had put my little velvet portmannaia, hand kerchief, and vioagrette in Feed's rest pocket, instead of my own, but there was such a delightful novelty in feeling that sow I bad a right to. Was there ever a confiding bride left in plight ? Without a husband and without a cent and—not the least misfor tune to one inclined to the feminine weakness of tears without even a pocket bandkerchieL Tbe conductor was again making bis rounds. “Ticket mum.”.. “I haven't any ticket.” I stammered in bewilderment. “Two thirty, then, if you please, as far as Philadelphia.” “Ticket sir—, "Two thirty as quick as you can, mum lime short.” "But my husband has my ticket,” I faltered. “He was left at B station, you know !” “Beg pardon, mum, but our orders are strict. That sort of dodge is played out on this line entirely. Two thirty, mum, if you please. Will Refund at the office when ticket is presented. “The man suspected me, actually sus pected me. Fred’s wife! Oh dear, dear ! How utterly lonely and unprotected I felt, after the strong trust and* sweet reliance that had been mine. T haven’t any money,” I said, in a faint voice. “You’ll have to put me out somewhere, I suppose,” I added with dis paring resignation. "Allow me, madam,” the mustached gentleman was up, pocket-book in hand —nntii we reach Philadelphia. Your husband can settle with me afterwards, he said, giving me his card, with a smile. If I hadn’t been married, I should have fallen in love with that delightful tnan on the spot. As it? was, I only murmured same u hintel|igibJe thanks and slipped his card into my pocket, as a fncmoto of a modern knight. We were to have stopped all night in hiladelphia. As the train neared the , a new perplexity seized upon me. Where would I go: If it were daylight I ought remain in the ladies* waiting room, tit Fred would not arrive until nearly at night. I had no money to pay a hackman, go to a hotel, or even get my supper. . A sudden thought flashed Into my ®“ d - Tabby lived in Phihdel phia. I had directed a letter to.her, only * few weeks before, announcing my ap proaching marriage, True, the reply was ftther discouraging, being dismally pro- Phettic of all sorts of evil that awaited :Q «,and darkly suggestive of the enares &a ® Pitfalls In that broad road that leads to matrimony and destruction. M Aunt Tabby took a vinegar view 0 everything She had never felt the aeUow influence pf a honeymoon. We arrived at the depot, my mustach* e J rieny Ore. J&cKinnyand Lawrence. Residence* tir. McNuu’shouse. rxUNLAP, Attorney at lew. Office in JLr the Court-house, Beaver, Fa; All legal boai* new promptly attended to. , mysFa-Jy UUityfi) A. XL, dealer in Fancy Fry Goods, X Choice Groceries, and Notions: 5 (Specialty- Tea and bagar.j Fidnr, Feed, «wlWoonen-mae, comer of Tmraaudßiuuio streets, Beaver, FA '■? lIWVHFTI* «i ' a , Allison in* bnrGobdsand Gfoceriea.lrdaad EUt ais. jy»’7u ' /XLAREJ. deader In Groceries and- Frovla- VdonsiThird street.- JySS’TO SNITGERB. AOGm dealer in Groceries and Fro viaionß, Third street. J)Si!do!K Mss.'s/U-wdealCridMUlinery Good* j£f andTriruoinga, cor 8d st.and Diamond. .JySt ANDRIEBBEN HUGO, dealer in Drugs and Med* iclneg-, dd at;Bee advertisement.' lyffiWO MOORS J.,' dealer in Doga and Medicines, Third street. • JyTJ*7O fTVALLONßOßgßT.manufrctnrerand dealer In X Boots and Shoes, Third street. jy»*To AXERTZ H., manufacturer and dealer in Bootl Mt and Shoes, Thud street; JpafflO TXT ALTER F., Baker and Confectioner, north- Yf east comer of the Diamond. JySTiO ANSHDTZ Q, 8., dealer in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron-Ware, Third street. Jy49’7o KUHN B. P, Attorney and Counsellor at Law*. Office on Hurd street. jy29C9O a.men. trank wilsok. . a. a. xoorx. O’ICE, WILSON A MOORE, Attorneys at Law. -LA Office: Rear of the Court-house. JUBALTO’B Shady Side Photograph Gallery, » Second Floor, Dunlap’s comer, opposite the toll bridge. aprlMy TLfOLTKR, J. C., Market street, Bridgewater, dealer in COAL from Bank, at McKinley’s Run. feb2l’7B-l> HURST A. C., dealer in -Dry Goods. Mats and Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Trimmings, Bridge street. Jys9’7o STILES & CO., dealers in Groceries, Provision* andQucnsware, Bridge street; jy29’7o MULHEIM 8., dealer in Carpets, Oil Cloths and Variety Goods, Bridge street. ' Jy29’7o DONCASTER HOUSE, opposite Railroad Sta tion, D. Walt, Proprietor. Pro Bono Pub [novlMy lico. O MITU, JOHN F., (New Store,) dealer in Gro- O eerie a. Floor, Feed, Nails, Varieties and No tions, best qualities and lowest prices. New Brighton and Washington streets, Rochester. aug2,72-ly A SONS, wholesale .and retail deal " era in Dry Goods, Groceries,* Flour, Grain, Boat Stores, Iron, Nails. Water at. ocvTTO OQBBW. A., M.D., ii PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. eeptaffTO O ATMAN A CO., (successors to Oatman, Par sons A Kinzer) dealers in all kinds of rough and dressed lumber, sel6’T—Rev. Lyons, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 11 a. x., and at 7 p. *• . ASSOCIATIONS, Enola Lodge. J. 0. 0. T., So. 163—William Car ter, W. C. T., Tlille Moorhead, W. 8., meets even Friday evening in their hall above A. C.HoretV Dry Good Store. Beaver Lodge, t. 0. 0. F., So. 866 Samue: McCabe, N. Q., David Woodruff, Secretary, meet* every nesday pvemng. Harrison GrahamEneampment, I. O. 0. F.. So. 116-D. Shumaker, C. P„ Wm. Morton, H. P., D. Woodruff, Scribe, meets Ist and 3d Thursday even ings of each month in Odd Fellows Hall. Episcopal—Services Ist and 3d Sundays at 10.30 a. X- and 7.30 p. x. Georgetown—2d and 4th Son- Rev. Bollard, pastor. Methodist Episcopal—Bev. T; 8. Hodgson.Pastoi Services ever* Sunday at 10H a, x., and 7 p. x.- Sunday School at 2 b.x; , Methodist Episcopal. C German ) | Rev. Hiller, Pastor. Semces every Sunday at 10ft a. x., and 7 p. m. Sunday School at. oa. x. Lutheran —Rev. H. Keck, Paster. Servlets ev ery Sunday at 10# a. -x., and 7p. x. Sunday School at 2 X; < First German St. Paul’s Church-rßev. P. Borto, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 2P. x. Sunday School at 1p x. Qjtholio-Ber. Mr. Gunkle, Priest. Serricescv ery fourth Sunday of each month, at 10 a. x., and AtnaraM LMrJ. jp. G. T. % So. 294-v> R Blanchardv W. C, T.; Emil Smith, W. B.’ Meet everyWednesdayeTep'ginConwgy'a HalL T - M.,So.n£~T?R. Pen-; iTdOewm, W. SLrJOIBb Coliway, Sec’y. Meets every Friday before fall moon. Eureka*’Chapter K. A. M:, No. 167, meets In Ma sonic Hal! on first Wednesday after fall moon. M. JB. U. P., J. R. Pendleton; Secretary, John Con- Methodist Episcopal tVi«rc/l—Rev.E.B.Webstei, Paster. Services every other Sunday at 10)4 a. a., and alternate Sundays at 7 p. x. Sunday School at fta. m. ■'.!*•■ M. R, German— Rey. Mr. Zerkel, Pastor. Send ces, alternale Sundays at 10J4 a. x. Sunday School at 9 a.m. . • l ■ Preibyterlan—uav. Wortman, Pastor. Send ees every Sunday at 11 a.x>, and 7p.m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. German Lutheran—Roy. Mr. Bom, Pastor. Ser vices every other Bdnda/at 10 a. x., and alternate Sundays at *p. Mi Sunday School at 9a. x. Friends— Meeting at 11 a. x. every Sunday. . Catholic—Bor. 3. O. Bigham,'Priest. Services, Ist, 8d and 6th Sundays each month at IOH a. x. Sunday School every Sunday at p. x. Church of God—Rev. McKee,. Pastor. ‘Sc-- ▼lces every Sunday at 10 a. x., and 7p. x. Sunday' School at Byt a. x. - Baptist—Rov. Dr. Winters, Pastor. Sendees ev ery Sunday at 10 a. x. and 7 p. x. Sunday School iVaabyferian— Bey, A. Q. Wallace, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10J4 a. x. and 7p. x. Sunday School at BJ4 a. m. 0.8. Presbyterian—Rer. B. C. Critchlow, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10J4 a. x. and 7 p. x. Sunday School at BJ4 a. x. Episcopal—Rev. Spaulding, Rector. Servicer at IOVt a. x. and SP. x. Sunday School at a. x. Seats free, and all are cordially invited. first Methodist Church- Rev. F. 8. Crowther, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10 a. x. and ? r. x. Sunday School at 814 a. x. Methodist Episcopal— Rev. 3. R. Mills, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10 a. x. and 7p. x. Sun. day School at 8H a. x. seSO’7o Beaver River Lodge, 1. O. O. T., Ed. 963. Robert Hay. W. V. T., T. S. Wilson W. S. Meets every Tuesday evening. Mew Brighton Lodge , I. O. O. T.,Eo. SOI—T. L. Kennedy, W. C. T.. Oliver, McKeage, W. h Meets every Thursday evening. Robertson Lodge y /,' O. O. F., Eo. 450—Henry Lloyd, N. q., N. G. Taylor, Secretary. Meets every Monday evening. Union Lodge, A. T. Jf.. Eo. 259—R. Coovert, Meets Ist aud Sd Tuesdays of each month. Eational Bank Beaver County—John Miner, Free! dent, Edward Hoops, Cashier, Broadway, Banking House—R. £. AH. Hoopes, Broadway. Yo'’ngM*n'« Library Assoeiation-JoeephJient ley. President; Biram Platt, Secretary. Meets every Friday evening. MeOlodUt W. B, Grace, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10)4 a. m. and 7*4 p, m. 1 MjemOdiet— Rev. J. f. Dyer, Pastor. Services, twery Sunday at 11a.*., and 7 7 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 2*4, r. *. JYvsbytman-rßev. Moorehead, Pastor. Ser vices every Sunday at 11a. *., and 7 *4 p. *. Sunday School every Sunday at 9*4 o’clock at same place.T.Noble, Sup't. , Uniied Pre*byUrtan-~ Rev. J. I. Frazier, pastor. Services on Sabbath at 10*4 o'clock, a * and 7*4 rx. Sabbatb-schoolat2*4l**. , - ASSOCIATIONS. Bearer Valley Lodge, A. Y. Jf.,47B—Heets’every second and fourth Monday of each-month. T £ Bateman. WjM.- JLB Dawson, S W; 8 H Hawkins, 3 W; Henry Hitt. Tress; Ch.- Hotter, See. 1 Harmony Chapter, 206. Heeta first Monday each month. ■ E.A.NobIe.HJS; W.H.Gilm; fc; A.Tom lineon, 8.: P. MarUoUTreaa.: B-C. Patterson,Bee. . VaUeyJßcho Lodge, 1.0; 0.7 k, If 6. B. Boon, 79. G-, James H. Nugent, Sec’y. Meet* every Thursday e vdfitng ft 7** o’clock. . Btownty SaHMae/ratUuU-bemj Hice, Prea’t.. johnßeevee.Cashler. ; i, W. C.' NOi 126.P0. fll of Atf—Heets every Hon day . evening ‘ In" Washington. 'Half, Ramsey’s Block, Main street* G Altman, BS; A Anderson, President. *■- 1 PHILUPBBPHO. ' ■-CHVKC®EBBinxr;- = ' ,'- . Pastor. SerMcw. 10H o , «oS;%i»a evening, Sunday School eytry Sabbath at 2 p.*. Be*-Hit Bo*m,Paetox Services every other Sabbath at 10*4 o’clock, and Sabbath School Vt 4 o'clock. *• Hr Service* everyjotner Sabbath at M o'clock ind Sabbath SebMpAhofclock;' : Jrartyferion-rßev, W. O. Taylor, Chaplain at Permfcylvabla Institute for Soldiers’ Orphans. -Ser vices in Chapel at 2 o'clock; and lecture in the evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbath School at 10*4 o’clock. tmOFPICEiW, 4. W, Ad»Bon. ilMntaee, OMphC, Wlluon. BOCRESTEB. CHURCHES. FREEDOM. CHURCHES. NEW BRIGHTON. CHURCHES. ASSOCIATIONS. BEATER FALLS. CHURCHES. 22,1873. JQ WELLING HOUSES, ; 1 TfE N 'Eji-E N;T S , : 1 ■■ k -■■.."■.•■rf::;W v ‘ IMPS QVB| IMPROVE REAL ESTATE, _V DIAHDKUBTHI - BOROUGH OF ROCHESTER, FORBALEAND RENT, BY 1 * S. J. CROSS. ocam-tf ' ‘ ; -.v . £-v HoraK - CORNiffiMABiET *WEDB!TRKBTB, HARRISBtTRG, PA. O. W. HUNTER, decXB’«B ; froprUto* >j»HOB. KENNEDY & CO., SUCCESSORS TO WM. BUBCHXJNO. ROCHESTER, .PENN’A. • ' DEALERS nr • ■' I DUUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, FANCY & TOILET ARTICLES, SPONGES, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS AND DYES. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all honn. aep6 7*-ly gg A VALUABLE INVENTION! gj Sewing Machine! Only Five Dollars / With the New Patent Button Bole Worker. The Most Simple and Compact in Construction. The Most Durable and Economical in Usei A Model of Combined Strength and Beauty. Complete in all its parte, usee the Straight EVe Pointed Needle, Self-Threading,: direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Qulder. Operates by Wheel,'and.on Table. Light Running, Smooth and Noiseless, like all good high-priced machines. Baa: patent check to prevent the wheel being, turned the wrong way. uses the thread direct from'the spool. Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch (finest and strongest stitch known!) firm, durable, close and rapid. Will’do all kinds of work, fine and coatee, from Cambric to heaty Cloth or Leather,' and uses all descrip tions of thread. The best mechanical talent in America and Eu rope hasbeen devoted to improving and simplify ing our Machines, combining only that which is practicable, and dispensings with all complicated nrronndings generally Brand in other machines. Special terms afid extra inducements to male and female agents, store keepers,-Ac.’. who will establish agencies through'the country and keep our pew nutchines on exhibition and’ sale.' County rights given to smut agents free. Agent’s com §l«ie outfits fnnyshed without any extra charge, amples of se wing, descriptive, clrquare containing terms. teßtlmonla]s, «ngravlngß, Ac., sent free. Address BROOKS SEWING MACHINE CO.. 1 No. 1329 Broadway, JanSl-lyj 'NEW'YORK. 'J'HE BEST AND MOST IMPROVED FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF * -i Safes and Vaults ARB MADE BY TEE PITTSBURGH SAFE COMPANY 167 PENN STREET, roar2B-3m PITTSBURGH, PA. . 'K ' TpDTH AVE. CLOTHING HALL, 1813. SPRING-STOCK. 1873. Is offered lower than any other house in the city. Buyers, Study Tour Own Interest , and examine the stock of J. HANNACH before purchasing else where. The stock comprises Men’s, Boys’, Youths’, and Children’s Clothing, at WhdUtcUe and Retail Prices. Particular attention given to Custom Work. J. HANNA CH. Bring this invitation with you. mar2B-8 J J. GILLESPIE & CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., FRENCH PLATE GLASS, MANTEL AND PIER GLASSES, STEEL ENGRAVINGS & CHROMGB. Estimates furnished for Plate Glass to Contractor andßuilders. mar2l-6m JJ S, PATENT AGENCY, ' ; ->} . f Office-918 P St., Washington, B. C., | J 6. J. FERRISS, ; I i i SOLICITOR. - ! I : • • * . • - ■ The cheapest and' most reliable Patent Agency in. Washington. Full particulars free. Address M 01 J. FERRIBS, Jel3 Box 95, Washington, D. C. ' •.iir-’T-viir *C.- -.i IftijSKlUwtro*. AN ENTIRELY NEW FOR DOMESTIC USE. CORNER FIFTH A MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. t 86 WOOD STREET, Importers and Dealers in FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, sMfeinoa«d£nsuraMf. JOHN CONWAY & CO.. B ANKifRS & B UCKERS ROCHESTER, PA. Duiaiji ra EtcHAXw Cois akd Exchakqs Accounts of Manufacturers, Merchants and Indr vldoal* Solicited. INTEREST ALLO WED ON TOtiS DEPOSITS , 1 ;■ i* t • v* 5 Correßpondence wlll recelYo prompt attention. BbdtiateH Ang* BRAVE R ftBEOSIT BANK A'-. >. . wf * - • j»,4 „ s-V £ wTA £- « C >-* OF BEA VER, P 4. MEN ALLISON, -' COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY'MADEAND HE KITTED. CORRESPONDENCE AND ACCOUNTS SO -BICITED. ->■ . •*_ INTEREST PAID ON TOTS DEPOSITS. r EXCHANGE, SECURITIES, Ac., BOUGHT AND SOLD. OlBce hoars fromi) a. m. to 4 p, *. my3l’72- BENTEL & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS y FREEDOM, pa., iwJiS^ pr ? paTed l? d 0 f general Banking and • discounted. Government bonds and other securities bought and sold, and sagsaff 4 * “■ ® Interest allowed on time deposits. Office hours from 8 A, H., tu4p m. from 6 a. x. to 8 p. h. Jan; 26.18 mm. NATIONAL BANE, NO. S 3 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH,\ FA. 8. W. MACKEY, Cashier W. McCANDLKSS, Asst. COshier. JgANKING HOUSE R. E. & H, HQOPE S, NEW BRIGHTON, PA. Correspondence of Banks, Bankers snri V«r reStted >^Cited * Coitions mad* «■ d JAMES T. BRADfr & CO., (Successors to 8. Jones * C 0.,) Co». FOURTH AVENUE A WOOD STRESS PITTSBURGH* B A XK B R 8, BUT AND SELL ALL KJNDB OP INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS “ d * * !e JAS. T. B Jyta’Tfcly. fl. B. BABKEB. I. A. BARKXB. o. i. JBABKBB S. BARKER & CO., n»w Bnieanfoir, Fsmra*, G. S. BARKER & CO., Bbateb Paixs, Fshh’a,, bankers DBALZKS Of j EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPONS, *c. • oS?“s2S* SfcSi£“ ce “““ e *“** vidS£“a*“ erelu °“' todi- Interest allowed on Time Deposits. de^^tf enCe WUI recelve Prompt attention. J> OCHESTEK SAYINGS BANK. JOHN T. M’DONALD, OBO.C.BPBTBBEB, SPEYERER & McDonald, ® eal £ rB . 5n exchange. Com, Government Secnrl tie»,inake collections on all'aceessible points in the P® 14 ®* S4ateB and Canada, receive money on depos it subject to check, and receive time oepositaot cent d ° llar an(l npward ’ and allow interestat 6 per at®&“ d Ruleß fnmiBbed *®° b y “PPJjW at Bank open daily from 7 a. m., tilld p. m., and on Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 o’clock; _ BBKBB, BT PEBUISSION, TO L H Oatman & Co, Hon J S Hutto. I Algeo, Scott & Co, Orr & Cooper 7 ! B' j t * j r'vV «• * *S' TT'NTERPRISE SALOON AND Hf RESTAURANT. ; OPEN DAT AND NIGHT. HEALS AT ALL HOUR 8. No. 1» SIXTH ST., (late Bt. Clair,) PITTSBURGH. febiom-ly * ' - ** ■ - . - »>• ’l. 7 » .» !rV*,:r. *' Cirajtfcr Satordaya C. H. BENTEL, ’ Cashier. J. W. COOK, President, [del OP >Y & CO. w. J, SPZTEItEB, b. j. sfetxbeb. Cashier NEAL McCAUIO i