The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 15, 1873, Image 5

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    u„derlous Death.- On Tuesday »t
-„„ , 6e body Ol o man was discover-
U ;” °°be race jast below the Cutlery
‘‘ tl Bwver Falls. Life was eitiocl,
blond was still oozitig Iroman ogly
i io (tie center of tbe throat, whic i
evidently caused speedy death. The
" is unknown, and all the circumstan
connected with jjis death, are. at thp
Lent involved m mystery. Tbe wound
L»s to have been caused by a blow
licb would appear difficult to be given
, 0 a suicide, but tbe pUce and hour would
dicste that no murder could have been
committed unseen. Tbe deceased was
evidently about-thirty five years of age.
Mid five feet eight incheB in Hls
totures and complexion indicate German
descent. His hair and whisker* are san
dy, hair short, chin whisker* and mus-
Lhe bushy, eyeS gray. On bis left cheek
j g a smairwsrt. on his left arm two scars;
one appears like a. scar caused by vaccin
ation, tbe other, in the muscle of the arm
just below the elbow, was caused by a
co t. Deceased was dressed in the garb of
8 laborer, dark brown small stripe cassi
ffiere pantaloons, check woolen shirt,
mvy twilled dark coat, heavy well worn
calf shoes agdjgation stocking*. He had
B o bat when found. In bis pocket was
found two door keys, two trunk keys and
8 smaller key, two dollars and seven cents
in money,\nd a ring. The dates of the
memorandum hook* run back several
vearf Nothiog'as yet lends to identity
tin:, and he appears to have been unno
ted about the town. Tbe Coroner,
Jtihn Corbus, of New Brighton* has ttotf
-body in charge and we have nol iv ye k l he&r(|
vte result of the inquest’ 4 - ‘ ’
Accident.—o a Tuesday evening of
week, ai Minsfiald, William Logan, a
y iV jn2. mm forraeily residing near Rr
rbcs'.er, but engaged as fireman at a atone
quarry on the Morgan 21 Farm, Wtehing
to3 county, met with a frightful death.
He was returning home from Pittsburgh
d the Evening Washington sccnmdda
ti-,n, and when the train was backed on
tte side track at Mansfield to fill the wa
ter tank, he got oft and stood between
!tt acc rmodati >n and some freight cars
,>c another track. When the train started
in attempting to get on again he was
caught between it and a freight car that
projected, farther over than the others,
and was crushed horribly, causing his al
most sudden death. Mr. Logan was to
have been married the next day and had
been to the city for bis wedding suit.
Miss Cook, his affianced, was completely
crushed by the sad news and continued
to relapse into sinking spells in succesion.
Her distress awakened universal pity.
The mutual Life Insurance Company
of New York.
asserts over sixty millions of dollars. Is
iu jirgeet oad wealthiest company In the world,
•ti(i :Ue oldest life InsutWicc Company in Policy costs less In this Company from
ffi- :o year, that in any other Company.
What is the valce or Life Insurance ?
>: :be readei make a practical and personal ex
jtxat.oD of the subject. Have you a family de
p-LCern ou you for support f If so you have a du
ty :c perform. If you are engaged in active busi
ce-f, consider what would probably happen if
your plans were set aside and other persons were
«. ed mto close up your affairs. Your creditors
c-aißoroas. your labors suddenly Prided ; your
property sacrificed to the highest bidder. There
rnlrh: be little left for yonrfamily. All this might
b? '.be result if death should overtake you next
week, or next year, and you have no lease of life,
lou may be strong and healthy to-day, but are
?ure that health, strength and life will be
jolt; to-morrow i You ought to guard against
:t..- contingency. You insure your property, why
or. insure your life ! Is it much more valuable i
bnppoie you have an insurance in the Mutual Life Company of New York equal to the
nmouD! of yobr indebtedness, your wife or your
■‘r endr, at your death, then have the means in
band to pay till that you owe. The warehouse,
‘.tc “tore, the goods and merchandise are free
from all incumbrance. No sacrifices need be
Rf-C- Youi family have property which, by yonr
'orethnugbt. they are enabled to preserve, and
" furnish the means of support.
~bc- iouge r Insurance is postponed, the greater
n be the premium. Nor can it be obtained upon
’ty terms by those not in good health. Hence the
•n-mcdiate attention to this matter.
Agent for Beaver county. Pa.
° *
Fire.—An extensive fire occurred in
H >cbebter on Thursday morning, of last
*etk, consuming both.tbe Doncaster and
- - lfi rk hotels. The fire broke out in tbe
ffc&r of the Doncaster bouse, about half
past huir, and spread with considerable
rapidity. Tbe alarm was quickly given,
b-t the buildings being of wood, burned
w itbsuch freedom that all efforts to ex
• opuisb the flames proved unsuccessful.
The furniture in the houses was taken
Jt and savjfd. A piano in the "upper
i-rory of the Doncaster house was let out
(l < ibe window and saved. Mr. John
Eaton, who was a guest at tbe hotel, help
■a to do it. He was cut quite severely
hy tailing glasson on the face and arms.
Hjw the fire originated in the rear of
the building, is not known.. Wheth
er the hotels will be rebuilt or not we do
not know.
John Kennedy dc Co., of Beaver Falls,
doing & large business in the boot and shoe
‘Jade, Tbelr wholesale trade, already large, is'
certainly increasing, and their facilities for
*sauulactnring boots and shoes are such that they
defy competition. They keep constantly on hand
4 splendid stock of gentlemen and ladies wear of
styles, prices and sizes, also boya and glrla
wots and shoes. Boots and shoes made to order
hom the very best material, and warranted to give
Call and examine their stock and
•eav? your orders. aoglS-St
•4 fierce war ia due form of law is
B °w raging in New Castle between Ibe
liquor men and temperance men. Almost
every lawyer ol that city is engaged in
tbe contest, either on one side or the other.
How this warfare wM result, it is *impo£>
?, hle to foresee.
Sees, —This seems to be a good honey
season. Mr. J. E. Moore, a successful
apiarist, residing in Bridgewater, on M ay
the 30th, of this year, placed sixteen bos*
es on one of his section hives, which by
July the 4th were well filled with 107}£
pounds of prime clover honey, stored in
thirty-five'days, or three pounds per day.
Mr. Moore proudly challenges any one to
show a better record.
Hr. W. 8. Barclay, of Beaver, says be
has taken, this season, 309 pounds of good
honey from two hives of his bees, bet-ides
a swarm Rom each one,.and be irinmpb
antly asks, can any bee owner in the
county beat this T to which we Respond
no; but we bee's of the opinion that there
be bees which can.
Camp Meeting.—Tht Methodist camp
meeting between Georgetown and Hooks
town begins nest Wednesday, tbe 20th
inst. A. back at regular intervals will
ran from Georgetown to the camp ground.
The camp will be brilliantly illuminated
with gas fresh from the bowels of
the earth. Tbe place is romantic,
and Luacel Grove, neat by, will afford de
lightful and shady retreats for those who
may wish retirement. A large number
ot persons are expected to be present dur
log the meetings, and it is confidently
hoped that many son Is may be saved.
The Managers of the Beaver Cminty
Agricultural Society are enterprising.
They are improving the fair ground and
buildings extensively. A new track is
being made and ityo new buildings erect
ed. This aLjuld be. The county
fair should He "mads the interesting event
of the year, where the products of tbe
farms, the skill of our citizens, as well as
tbe inventions of genius and the creations
of art may be seen, and the progress of the
various departments of human industry
may be noted. A county fair, rightly
managed, must be of incalculable benefit
to tbe community and we are glad to no
tice this new start in the right direction.
Boots and Shoes at Beitzog & Beam's,
New Brighton. These gentlemen keep on hand a
large assortment of goods in thelx trade and sell
them at tbe most reasonable rates. They take de
light In showing their boots and shoes, and are
not afraid of comparing them as to quality, style
and prices with those of any other store or manu
Home Trade.— Don’t go to Pitts
burgh to buy goods when you can buy
just as well at home. Patronize your own
merchants; build up your own town;
keep your money at home. Merchants
will soon be making arrangements to lay
in a slock of Fall goods. We advise
them to advertise in The Radical and
let us tell the people what they have to
A. B. CuIHK,
Supreme Court,'- Tbe following
cases will come before the Supreme Court
at tbe fall term, in Pittsburgh ;
Washington county—Brady, et al. ap
peal; Parimer vs. Reed & Co..- Briceland
vs. the Commonwealth; Holiday, et a),
Fayette county—Antram vs. Thorndell;
Llaup vs. tbe Commonwealth ; German
township School District vs. Langston.
Greene county—Stephen et a), appeal;
Sterling vs. Stewart.
Beaver county—Taney vs. Warrington.
The McKeesport Times says: Mr.
John Dippold has soil five acres of sur
face land and one hundred and thirty
acres of coal located on the Monongahela
river, in the third pool, to a Buffalo coal
company, for lorty thousand dollars. In
cluded in the purchase are twenty tenant
houses, pit mules, wagons, &c. Tbe
works belonged to the Tigress Coal Com
pany, and have a capacity of from six to
seven thousand bushels per day.
The Monongabtli Republican says:
Gen. John F._ Miller, of California, for
merly of our city, Is named as a candidate
for United Stales Senator fronj that State.
He is a native of Indiana, was formerly
collector of the Port of San Francisco,
and during tbe war had command of
the Nashville, Tcnn., at u critical
period, and a very good commander be
Fire. —We are sorry to learn that tbe
bouse and barn of John Hazop, of North
Sewickley township, were burned to the
ground on Wednesday of last week. The
barn was filled with hay, oats and other
grain, all of which were consumed, and
the house caught fire from the barn and
nothing of any account was saved. Tbe
cause of tbe fire, we are inf ir.ned. was
the accidental Igniting of the hay by some
matches which a son of Hazen had in the
barn. The loss is severe and much to be
Infarmatian wanted of George
Stafford, by his brothers Christopher and
Michael, who are now in Clearfied, Pa.
He left Clearfield about the Ist of August,
1872, and has not been since heard of by
hia brothers, and they won Id like to know
of bis whereabouts. Other papers will
confer a favor by copying.— Clearfield Re
pub Ucan.
The following ticket was nominated
by the Democratic Conferees at the St.
Charles hotel, on Thursday, July 81st.
For Assembly, Maj. Charles Cheney,
of Beaver county ; W. Lee Archer and
Wm. G. Barnett, of Washington, and
Dr. J. S. Lusk, of Butler G. W. Miiler
was chosen as Senatorial Delegate, and
Capt. Jacob Zeigler, of the Herald , of
Boiler, Samuel Rath of Washington,
with Alex. B. Walker as alternate, and J.
H. McOreery and Dr. W. Simpson, of
Beaver, representative delegates to the
Slate Convention.
The Batter Eagle ays: On Thursday
fast, as Mr. Jonathan Grinder, of Buffalo
township, was returning from Freeport
bis horse from some cause took fright and
ran off, throwing him nut or the buggy
and culling him badly about the head and
face. * The horse was caught a half a mile
up the road with the buggy still attached
and very little damaged. Mr. Grinder
though severely is not dangerously In
The Butler Eagle will hereafter be en
tirely printed at and the price,
raised to $1.50 if paid in advance or |2,00|
at the end of the year. We are glad Ui
note this evidence of prosperity of oui*
neighbor* and we wish the EagU the
Unued usjjytacat of those necessary*
requisites clear sight and strong pinions, l
Qoldew Cak«.— Take the yolks of eight eggs,
well be ate q, add one cop white sugar, ono-haf
cap of batter, oso-hall cap of sweet milk, sql
one-and-three-qaarters caps of Hoar, havtag la (
one-half measure Banner Bskiag Powder. |
Bn,vss Oaks.— Take one-half coir butter, tw»
caps white sugar, three-quarters caps of sweet
milk; flavor to taste; then add the whites of eight;
eggs, well beaten, and three caps of floor, having!
la it one measure Banner Baking Powder.
Bach can of the Banner Baking Powder contain?
a small measure, to be used even fall; according
to printed directions. If yon cannot obtain thp
really valuable article from yonr grocer, sedl
twenty-five cents by mail, addressed to Banner
Baking Powder, P.O. Lock Box. S'T, Pittsburgh
Pa., and yon will receive, postage- paid, a’ quartet
pound package, together with a list ol fifty valua
ble recipes.
We learn that Messrs. Hatton & Tal-|
lon, Contractors and Builders, of this]
place, have received the contract for tbe
erection of Mr. James M. Cunningham’s
house on Second Street, which is a suffi
cient guarantee that the work will be |
done in tbe very best manner. | Adams lecture in New Castle
was eKmly attended. He complained
that he bad been very shabbily treated
by the Secretary of War, though his re
port, made to the late Secretary Stanton,
under whose instructions he made the ex
ploration, has been three times published
by Congress.
Go to Hcrtzog & Beam's, New Brighton, lor the
finest quality of ladies' shoes.
Tile Wear aod Tear of Life
The cares, anxieties and misfortunes of life have
as much to do with shortening it as disease. They
are in fact the source of many ailments and physi
cal disabilities. Nervous weakness, dyspepsia,
affections of tbe liver, disturbances of ftie bowels,
headache, hypochondria and monaminla are
among these distressing fruits. It is, therefore
of great importance that persons wboee minds are 1
oppressed with heavy responsibilities or barraaeed
by family troubles, or excited by speculation, or
perplexed by a multiplicity of enterprises, or in
any way over taxed or overworked, shonld keep
their stamina by the daily use of a wholesome ton
ic. Thousands of persons thus circumstanced ate '
enabled to bear np against the difficulties in which
they are involved, and to retain their strength,
health and mental clearness by tbe regular ttse of i
Hostetler's Stomach Bitters. Diseases which are!
prone to attack the body when deOUltated and I
broken down by over-much brain woik, or ex
hausting physical labor, are kept at bay by the re
sistant power with which this incomparable tonic
endows tbe nervous system and the vital organs.
At this season, when tbe heat is evaporating the
elements of strength from every pore, cn invlgor
ant is absolutely essential to the safety
fort of tbe public, and 1s required even by tbe
more robust if they desire to keep their athletic
capabilities in status quo. Hence a coarse of Hos
tetler's Bitters is particularly useful at this period
of the year as a defence against the Invisible dis
ease afloat in a sultry atmosphere. It la the most
potent of all preventive medicines, and for all
complaints which affect tbe stomach, the liver and
the bowels, and interfere with,the perfect diges
tion and assimilation of food,’lt is the standard
Shields, August 7th, 1973, Mr. David H, Cun
ningham, of Perrysvllle, Pa-, and Miss Mary
Given, of B*.aver, Pa.
WILSON—On Wednesday the 6th. about five
o'clock. Hannah Wilson of Raccoon township.
aged 64.
BAMSBY.—On the J»t|} of July, 1873, in New
Brighton, Pa., Mr. John Ramsey, aged 85 years.
HAZBN.—In North Sewlckley township. Beater
county, at the residence of her grandparents,
James and Isabelle Dobbs, Miss Jennie Hazenl
daughter ol Nathaniel and Nancy Hazcn, aged 16
6 t i c eT
Notice is hereby given that “THE ROCHESTER
BER, A. D., 1873. A PINAL MEETING of said
Association, (whereat a general attendance of the
members is requested.) will be held at 3 o’clock
P. M , on tbe day aforesaid, at the room of the As
sociation, in Rochester, Pa, when and where all
persons hav/Dg claims against said Association
should present tbe same for settlement
M. CAMP, Jb., President.
E. KELBER, Secretary. auglb 2t.
JJ. 8. Marshal's Onto*, 1
Wzstkbh District or Pbmnbtlvamia, V
„ Pittsburgh Angnst 11, 1873 |
This is to piss notice: That on the lltb day of
Angnst. 1873. a Warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued
against the Estate of James B. Anderson ot New
Brighton, In the county of Beaver and State of
Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt,
on his i.own petition; that tbe payment of any
debts aqd delivery of any property belonging to
each Bankrupt to him or for his nee. and the
transfer of any pioperty by him are forbidden by
law; that a Meeting of the Creditors of the said
Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose
one or more assignees of his Estate, Wili be held
ataConrtof Bankruptcy, to be holden at tbe
Hut on House, New Brighton, Pa., before P. A.
Knox, Esq., Register, on the 10th d%y of Septem
ber A. D. 1873, at 10 o'clock A. v.
sugls-3t 7 U. 8. Marshal for said District.
Notice to bridge contrac
Sealed proposals will be received by thei Board
of County Commissioners at their office in Beaver,
until 10 o'clock a. Saturday, August 33d, 187 a.
for the znasenary and iron structure of a bridge
over McKinley's tun in Rochester twp., where toe
public road from Rochester to Butler crosses said
run. Bids for the masonry to be by tbe perch, ac
tual measurement, said bridge to be twenty feet
span and eighteen feet roadway. Proposals must
be accompanied with a statement giving the total
weight of tbe cast and wrought iron, the general
working strength, and the ultimate or breaking
strength per linear foot, as well as the greatest
local Toadthe bridge will sustain. Tbe Commis
sioners will reserve tho right to reject any pr all
bids. Bids will be opened st ten o'clock op said
day. By order of County Commlssionersi | JOHN McriOWN,Cktk.
UGUST 15,1813. .
. u .
By virtue] of sundry writs of Venditioni Expo
aft, Fieri Facias and Levari Facias, issued oat of,
be Court of Common Pleas of thecounty of Bes
tir, sod to] me-dlrCcted, there will be exposed
o public aalo, at the Court House, in the Botoagb j
/Bearer, Beaver const/. Pa, on .
I SATURDAY. A tracer iShta, 1873, 1
it ten o'clock, a x, tbe following property to-wit:
f All the right, title, interest and claim of defend*
kat of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of
{ground aiutate in Raccoon township. Bearer conn*
Ity, Penn'sJ, bounded and described as follows; {
/on the north by land of James Koowle A ffm.
I Lyons, on tbe east by land of Wm. Lyons, on tbe
f south by public road, and on the west by bind of
I James Knowl*. containing one-half an acre, more
or less. On which is erected a one-story frame
dwelling-house. containing 4 rooms, with «llar
nbdetneaib; also a two-story Dame bonding,
: about 19. by 80 ibet, used as a shop. Frame stable
Hud other necessary outbuildings. Good well of
water at the door, and bolt trees on tbs lot; all en*
closed, j
Seized and taken is execution aa the property of
Sac&ei BeU, executrix of Wm. Bell, dec'd., at the
auit of Conunouweatthfor use.
At the aame time and place, all ttght, title, in
terest. aim 1 claim of defendant of, in and to all that
certain piece or lot of ground situate in the bor
ough of New Brighton, Beaver county, Fean's.,
beuw lot Ho. 18, m Kennedy's extension of said
borough of Hew Brighton, boundedxmAbe north
by lot No. 90, on the south by lot Hasp, snd front
ing on Third street 40 feet, snd extending bscfc
therefrom (ITS feet to Brush street, cm. which .Is
erected a two-story frame dwelling ffovb, 99 to
IB feet, haying two rooms on the ffiyt-iooc end
tiro rooms on the second door.
K Seized and taken in execution as tbe property of,
A Wolf at the suit of Creme & Harrold. . *
ALSO ] SO. 8.
.At the! tame time and place all right,-title, in
terest add claim of defendants of, in and to all the,
oudlvldejd one-half part of all that ceifain piece',
or parcel of land, mentioned as three lots of
ground, situate in Warrick's branch of Run.
Ohio township, Beaver county,
end described as follows,to-wit: Beglnwng at a
post at the northwest corner of raid lota, thence-'
by land pf said Thomas Dawson, (now Itfld off iu
lots,) north 66 degrees,eaet 9 9 10 perches tea post,
thence by land of said Thomas Da wsoyt which is
leased),!south 90 perches to a post, thehcc by oth
er lands of said Thomas Dawson, south 60 deg.
West 252-10 perches toa post, thence by lot Ho. 33,
north 20 perches to the place of beginning, con
taining 3acres of and strict measure. Tie same
being patt df a large tract of land which was con
veyed to the said Thomas Dawson by deed of par
tition df Benoni Dawson and Wife and Thomas
Dawson, dated §Sth day ol March, A. D. 1845, re
corded in Beaver in Book Mo. 45. pages 366,857, 1
Ac , and tbe premises described in this mortgage '
was copveyed by said Thomas Dawson to Jordan !
8. Neal & said Jeremiah Ormas by Deed dated ;
January 15th, 1866, aud recorded In Deed Book. I
Vol. 50i pages 65 and 66, upon which is erected a '
two-story frame dwelling bouse, containing four j
rooms, and frame stable. There Is also 4 oil wells
with engines, tabeipg, casing, and m&hinery for
pumping oil, said wells producing about 60 bar
rels of pll per month.
Seized and taken in execution as tbe property of
Jeremiah Orinea A Nancy Jane Urines, at tbe suit
of Thomas Dawson. v ‘
At the same time and place all right, title inter
est and clalm of defendant of. in and to all that
certain parcel or lot of ground situate In the bor
ongh of Beaver, coantv of Beaver, and State of
Penn’a., bounded and described as follows, viz:
Beginning at a post on tbe tine of Fifth street,
thence by said street 41 feet to the public road
leading from Beaver to Achertown, thence by said
road «0 feet to a post, thence by an alley north
66 degrees, east 42 feet to A post, and thence by
lot formerly of Findlay Anderson sooth 81 dogs.,
east 140 feet to Fifth street, the place of begiu
ning. '
Alsoall that certain other parcel or lot of ground,
being a part of Academy lot No. 1, bounded and
described as follows viz: Beginning at a post
on the! dividing line between Academy iota Nos. 1
A 9,58 feet nom the north lino of Fifth street,
thence by said lot No. 4 north 39 degrees, west 84
feet to a post, tnence by part ot Academy lot No.
1 north 6u degrees, east 12 feet to a post, thence
aonlh 81 degrees, east 83 feet to place of begin
ning;; Roth of the above described pieces ot
ground adjoining each other, on which la erected
a good’two-story dwelling house, containing six
rooms. jwUh cellar underneath, frame stable, ice
house, cook honae. shop 16 by 14 feet, and other
necessary outbuildings. ■ Good well of water on
the Joeßilses; all enclosed.
Seized and taken in execntlon aa the property of
Sed, at the salt of James Johnston et all.
NO. 6.
> same time and place all right, title, inter-
Claim Of defendants of, in and that
certain lot or piece of ground, situate & |he bur
ongbof Beaver Falls, waver coantv, Peim’a.: be
ing .lot l Mo. 131 inaaid borongh of Beaver Falls,
bounded on the north by Maple alley, on the east
by lot No. 132, south by Mulberry street, and on
the west by Tank alley, having a front of 40 feet
on Mulbery street, and extending back therefrom
115 feet to Maple alley, on. which is erected a two
story brick dwelling honse, containing 5 rooms
Bnd hall, with cellar underneath, frame stable and
other necessary outbuildings, all enclosed.
Seized and taken in execution as tbe property
of James P. Hutchinson, at the suit of Maigaret
Smith, also as the salt of D. Singleton.
At the same time and place all right, title, inter
est and claim of defendant of, in and to all that
certain messuage and lot or piece ol land situate
In Industry, county of Beaver, jmdSiata of Penn’a.
bounded and described as foimwS>to-wit: being
lot No. 40 (n the plan of lots in ‘said village,
bounded on tbe west by lot NO, 89, nort h by
Orange street, east by lot No. 41, kon on the south
by Centre alley. \
Also lot No. 41 in the plan of said village, bound
ed on the west by lot No. 40, north by Grange
street, east by grape alley, and on the south by
Centre alley, on which is erected a one-story
frame dwelling house, containing 4 rooms and
kitchen, fruit trees and necessary ont buildings
In lots, all enclosed.
> Also lot No. 94, in tbe plan of lots in said yil
lage, bounded on the west by lot. No. 73. north by
Canal street, east by Grape Alley, and on the
south by Orange street.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of S. J. Anderson at the suit of Smith & Forester.
At tbe same time and place, all right, title, in
terest and claim of defendant of, in and to all those
certain lots or pieces of ground situate in Bor
ough township, county of Beaver, and State of
Penn’s., hounded and described as follows, to-wlt:
being tote numbered 67,68 and 69, in tbe general
plan of iois in the village of Vanport, in satd Bor
ongh township, bounded on tbe north by an alloy
and land of Amos Dontt, on the west by
street running between said land and land of
Capt Qreenleo,on the sonth by street run
ning between said land and land of Washington
Johnston, and on the east by street running
between said land and land of Mr. Retsinger, on
which is erected a two-story brick dwelling house,
good fmme stable, and other necessary ombul.d
mgs. at) enclosed.
Seized and taken in execution as the
Biram Meanor, at the suit of Thomas McCreery,
also at the suit of Small & Walther. ,
At same time and place, all right, title, interest
and claim of defendant, of. In and to all those
two certain lots, situate in tbe borough of Beaver
Palls, Beaver connty. Pa., being lota numbered
1327 and 1328, in tbe Economy plan of lots in said
borough, said two lots adjoining each other, and
bounded on the north by lot No. 1326, east by Bea
ver alley, south by Henry street, and on tbe west
h£ Brighton street, each having a front of 43 feet
bn Brighton street, and extending back therefrom
145 feet to said alley, and having erected thereon
a frame dry house, for drying brick, fronting about
50 feet on Henry stieet, and extending back 70
foet or tbereabonts. one story in height, and w Ith
a, shed attached, 13 feet wide, and extending the
breadth of the dry bouse ; also an engine house
two storys high, 16 by 20 feet, attached to said dry
honse. Also ail that certain other lot. situate in
t>a|d borough, numbered 1326, in same pian.bohnd
ed on the north by lot No 1325, east by Beaver al
ley, sonth by lot No 1327, and on tbe west by
Brighton street, being 43 feet front on Brighton
street, and extending back therefrom 145 feet. Al
so oil those three other lots in said borough, num
bered 1419,1420 and 1421. in said plan, said three
lots adjoining each other, and together bounded
on the north bVflot No 1418, east by Brighton
street, sonth byHonry afreet, and on the west by
Brighton alley, each of said lots having a front ot
greet oh Brighton street, and extending hack
erefrom 145 met to Brighton alley.
Seized and taken In execution as the property
of Reid G. Bracken gsd J. M. Bracken, at the sun
Of Henrici tod Lena, Trustees.
At the same time and place all right, title, inter
est and claim of defendant of. In and to all that
certain parcel or lot of ground situate In the bor
ough of Beaver Falls, Beaver county. Pa., being
No, 781, In tiie Economy k plan of lots in said bor
ough, bounded on the north by lot No. 780, east
by Grant alley, south by tot No. WB, and on the
the west by Sherman street, being 43 teet front on
Sherman street, and extending back there frea
146 feet to Grant alley. .
Seised and taken In execution as the property
of Uenry Grose, at the auit of Jacob Henrlci and
Jonathan Lens, trustees.
NO Ift
I At Mine time jlod place, all right, title. Interest
and claim of defoodauboL in ana to ali that certain
parcel or lot of ground, situate lu the borough of
Beaver Falls. Beater county, Pa., being lot Mo,
1838. lathe fcconona#pUn uf Jute In said borough,
funded on the by lot Mo. 1337, east by Ben*
»• • -A -*•
ver alley, •oath by lot No. 7339, andr on the
west by Brighton ‘street, belng 48 feet front on
Brighton street, and extending.hack therefrom 145
feet to Bearer alley, onrwh'eb ie erected a two*
story frame buildl'.ng (filled in with brick.) about
14 by 18 teeu containing 9 rooms, with cellar no
derneattufrnit trees on lot, all enclosed.
Seized and taken lb execution as the property
of George Unm, at the suit of Jacob Henrici and
Jonathan Lenz, trustees.
ALSO NO. 11.
At suae time and place, all right, title, interest
and claim of defendant of. In, to and ont of all that
certain lot of ground situate in the borough of
Beaver Falls, Bearer county. Pa., being lot' No.
S3B, in the Beonoay plan of lota in said borough,
bounded-on the north by Henry street, east by
Lincoln alley, south by lot No. 637, and on the
west by Johnston street, being 43 feet in front by
130 feet indepth, on which Is erected a one-story
frame dwelling house 18 by 38 feet, containing s
rooms, with one-story frame kitchen, IS by 14 feet,
attached. V
Seined aid taken in execution as the properly of
Joseph Pearson, at the eoit of Jacob Henrici and
Jonathan Lenz. trustees.
ALSO ■ NO. 11
At mom time and place, all right, title. Intent
and claim of defendant, of In end to ail that cer
tain tot of ground situate in the borough of Bea
rer Palls. Braver county. Pa., being lot No. 103,
in Patterson's plan of lots in said borough, bounded
sooth-east by Second street 117 feet, weet by Sec
ond alley 86 ieet, and on the not th by lots No. 188
and 184 about 85 fret, on which la erected a frame
dwelling house, two and one-ball stories high,
83 by 83 fret, with 8 rooms and hall, and the attic
partly finished, a abed kitchen 10 by 18 fret attach
ed. cellar under the dwelling. Hydrant on the
promises. Lot enclosed.
Also lota No. 194 and 189. in Patterson’s plan,
adjoining each other, and bounded on the north
by Oak street about 115 feet, south-east by Second
street about 146 feet, south by tot No. 193 about 35
feet, and on the west by lot No. 194 about liu feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
John Cothbertson at the snit of Jacob Henrici and
'JMathan Lenz, trustees, also at the salt of John
Reeroa, cashier,
.ALSO No. 13.
same time and place all right, title, interest
and claim of ol Jacob 8. Price, one ol the defend
, anda of in and to all those certain messuages, lotr
'kit parcels of ground situate in the borough of
Now Brighton, Heayer county. Pa., bounded and
described as follows, being lot No. 108, and part of
the adjoining lot No 109, in the general plan of
lots in said oorongh: bounded on toe west by Sec
ond street about 64 feet, on the north by an alley
about 170 feet, on the east by Third street 64 feet,
and on the south by lot of William & Ann Clark
about 170 feet, on which is erected a large two-sto
ry frame dwelling house, containing 10 rooms and
kitchen, with cellar underneath. House well fin
(shed and in good repair, large cistern at tbekitch
on door. Good stable and other necessary out.
buildings, fruit trees, grape vines, &c., on tbe
promises, ail enclosed with good fence.
Also all right title, interest and claim of John
P. Price, one of the defendants of, in and to all
those certain lots of ground situate in said borough
of New Brighton, being lots and parte of lots Nos.
8. 9 and *O, in the plan of school lots in said bor
ough, bounded on the north by Lock street, east
by lot of Kdward Walsh, south by lot of Agustus
Tomlinson, and on the east by the Ptnn avenue,
on which is erected a good two-etory brick dwell
ing house; with frame kitchen attached, having
hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on (he first
floor, three rooms on the second floor, cellar un
derneath the main building. Cistern with pumb
in the kitchen. House well finished and in good
repair. All enclosed and planted with fruit trees,
grape vines. &c. ' . . u .
Also all those certain lois of ground situate In
the borongh of Beaver Falls, Beaver county, Po.,
being lots Nos. 277 and i 2T9. in Patterson’s plan of
lots in raid borough,,bounded on the north by lot
No. 281, on the east by Water street, on the south
by lot No. 275, and on the west by Water alley,i
each ot said lota having a front of 40 feet on Water
street. '*
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Jacobs. Price and John F. Price, at the sail of
John Glass, and Safenei Dunbar for nee of John
ALSO . NO. 14.
At same time and pi%ce, all right, title, interest
and claim of defendant of, in and to all those cer
tain lots or pieces of ground situate in the bor
ongh of New Brighton, Brttver county. Pa., being
lot No. 107, in the general plan of lots In said bor
ongh. bounded on the "north by lot No 106, east
by Third street, sooth by an alley, and on tbe
west by Second street, having a front of 60 feet on
Second street, and extending back therefrom 168
feet to Third street. , .
Also a part of lot No. 238 in the general plan of
lots in said borongh of New Brighton, bounded on
the north bv lei No. 282, east by Broadway, south
by part of lot No. 238. and on the west by Canal
street, having a front of 21 feet 8 inches on Broad
way, and extending back therefrom 95 ieet to Ca
nal street, on which is erected a two-story frame
store 21 feet 8 Inches by 60 fret, with basement.
Seized and taken in execntlon as the property of
John Corbus at the snit of Jakob Henrici and Jon
athan Lenz. trustees, also at- tne suit of John
Reeves, cashier.
ALSO NO. 15.
At same time and place, all right, tit le, interest
and claim of defendant of, in and to all that cer
tain tract or parcel of land aitnate in Hanover
township, Beaver county, Pa„ bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit; on the north by lands
of Reason WUcoxon, east by lands of Henry Rus
sel's heirs and Duncan Swearcngln, south by
land of David D. Dnngan and Archibald Ralston,
and on the west by land of Adam Reed, said tract
containing on which is erected a
iwo-story stoffjpnoose, containing « rooms, with
stone kitchen' attached, and cellar underneath,
food well of water at the door, Wagon shed, hay
case,-granary, frame ham 80 by 35 feet, and other
necessarp outbnUdlngfc.llwJ good orchard on the
yremises About ifip(|ga~CloBred and balance in
gyod timber. .-.wsl'T; ,
Seized and lakeHtt kXCcnHon as the property of
George W. Mlu&liiXßrand Aaron Minesinger, at
the sail of ff®.’ ftjtosier A Co. .
ALSO e ' NO. 17.
At thetfiTame time find place all right, title, inter
est and claim dfdefendant 01. In and to all that
certain lot or p{ede of ground situate in Greene
township, Beaver county. Pa., bounded and de
scribed aa follows, viz; Beginning at a stake on
the bank of Mill Creek, thence by land of W. C.
Spence, south 68* deg. west SO 7-10 parches to a
stake, thence by land ot Joseph Bryan south 8 deg
west 17 6 10 perches to a sugar tree, thence by land
of Mrs. B. Morgan, north 78*4 degrees, cast 28 4-10
perches to a stake; thence north i% degrees, east
13 35-100 porches to a stake, thence north 5 degress
west 8 75-100 perches to & stake; thence north ttl»A
degrees, east 135-10 perches to a stake; thence
along Mill Creek north degrees, cast 1 4 10
perches, thence north 25V4 degrees, west 5 7-10
perches to the place of beginning, containing 6
acres and 137 perches, and on which Is erected a
frame cottage house tV4 stories in bight, contain
ing 2 rooms, with necessary out buildings. Fruit
trees, grape vines. Ac., on the premises; also a 30
inch vein of coal, opened.
Seized andZaaeuin execution as the property
of James B. Jones, at the suit of W. Taylor.
ALSO NO. 17. , . .
At the same time and place nil right, title, in
terest and claim of, in and to all that certain piece
or lot of ground situate in the borough of Beaver,
Beaver county. Pa., being a part of lot No. 104 in
the general plan of lota in said borough, bounded
and described as follows, to wit: On tte south by
Third street, west by land of D. McKinney, Jr.,
north by other lands of Said D. McKinney, Jr„ and
on the east by land of C. Became, having a front
of 16 feet on said Third street, and extending back
therefrom 65 foet, on which is erected a two-story
frame house with store room on first floor and stud
kitchen attached, two rooms on second floor, ne
cessary outbuildings on the lot. All enclosed.
Seized and taken in execution as tbe property of
Sylvester Coyle, at the suit of Dr. D. McKinney
ALSO NO. 18.
At tbe same time and place ail right, title, inter
est and claim of dclendantof, in' and to ali that
certain piece or lot of gtound situate in the bor
ough or Beaver, Beaver connty. Pa , being part of
lot No. 103 In the general planof lota in said bor
ough, bounded on tbe north by Turnpike alley,
east by lot of Jacob Driver, sonth by other part
of lot No 105. west by lot formerly owned by Dr.
McKinney, being 43 feet more or less on Turnpike
alley, and extending southwardly 150 feet more
or less there from to other part of said lot No 103,
and a piece of ground adjacent thereto, being the
one-half of ten foot alley laid ont between said
premises, beginning at the corner of a lot lately
sold to Thomas McCreery about 40 feet distant
from lot of Jacob Driver, on Third street, thence
northwardly 5 feet, to a post, thence westwardly
300 feet to Turnpike alley, thence eastwardly 5
feet to premises last abovs dcscrlbed, and thence
northwardly on a line parallel to line of Driver's
lot and 40 feet distant therefrom 3uo (get to Third
street afordsald
Be\zed and taken In execution as the property
of U. M. Done boost the suit of HcElroy and
ALSO NO. 19.
At the same time and place all right, title, in
terest and claim of defendant of, in and to all that
certain piece dr tract of land situate in Chippewa
township. Nearer county, Pa. bounded and de
scribed as follows: on the north by land of John
Braden and the public road, east by land of Joseph
Fankhouser, eontb by land of Frew and on
the west by land of John Harblson, containing 57
acres, 87 acres which Is erected a two
story frame dwelling house containing 4 rooms
and kitchen, cellar underneath, frame Earn 60x20
feat, good orchard of all kinds of fruit; 2 acres of
grape vines. Good spring near the house-
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Abram Inman at the salt of the Harmony Sav
ings Bank.
iXBO i NO. 90. J
At the fame time and place att right, title, in
terest and claim of defendants of. in and to ail that
• ■ 'v’"
certain piece or lot of ground situate Id the boN
ongb of Beaver Falls, waver county, Fa., bounded
on the north by Water street, on the east by lot
No. S 5, on the south by Walnut run and on the
vest by Water street, upon which la erected a three
story frame flouring mill about «ox7o feet, contain
ing 4 seta of bun and ail the machinery. Sc., fora
first clan flouting mill. Good water power, 18 foot
talk two 40 inch turbine-water wheels and one S 5
inch turbine waterwheel, all in, good repair jand
running order. ,
Seized and taken in taken in execution as tbe
property of the Beaver Fails Mill Company at the
salt of uenrlei and Leas, Trustees.
ALSO NO. ai.
At the same time and piece sil right, title. Inter
est sad claim ot defendants of, In and to sU those
two certain loti of ground numbered 6 and 11 in the
6 lan of the town of Baden, da laid oat by Christian
uckhan, on tract no 85, Leeta district, No. 8, in
the county of Beaver and State of Fa. Lot No. 6
is 50 by 100 feet, bounded on the south by lot No.
7, west by water street, north by let No. 6, and on
the east by Sycamoro alley, on which is erected a
two story frame house containing 4 rooms and
kitchen, necessary outbuildings, and ftait trees
on the lot. Allenelosed. Lot no. 18 is 60 by 100
feet bounded oa the south by lot No. 17, west by
Sycamore alley, north by lot No. 15 and on the
east by State atreei.
Seised ihd taken In execution as tbs property
of Moses Dungan and Martha <f. Dongas at the
suit of Christian Haller, for use.
Attune time end piece ell right, title, interest
endcletm of defendant of, in ana to ell the follow*
leg described parcel or tract of lend situate in Big
Beaver township, Beaver county, Pa., beginning
at a white oak, thence by leads late of James Nich
olson, north 79 degs. east 14 per. to a poet, thence
by lend late claimed by the Population Company,
north 66 deg, west 108 pet. to a post, thence by
land late of the tald Jsnfes Nicholson 21-3 dege.
east 22 per. to white oak, thence by same sooth 84
deg. east 62 per. to the place of beginning, con
taining 11 acres, more or less, ou which Is erected
a 11-3 atory brick dwelling house, stable and oth
er outbuildings. The land la underlaid with a
vein of coal, now open and in working order.
Seized and taken in execution as the properly of
John Woodcock & George Woodcock, at the suit
of Lee 6b Patterson. *
At same time and place all right, title, interest
and claim of defendant of, in ana to all that certain
piece or lot of ground situate in borough ofßea
ver, Beaver county. Pa., beings part of lot No,
104 in the general plan of lota in eaid borough,
bounded on the north by Tnmpike alley, west by
tot of Mrs. D. Shumaker, south by Third street,
and on the west by other part of lot No. 104, hav
ing a front of 89 feet 8 inches on Third, street,
and extending back therefrom, the same width,
800 feet to Turnpike ahey.on which is erected a
two-story (frame dwelling house. containing 4
rooms, with kitchen attached, tot enclosed.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of O. A. Oecarme at the suit of W. W. Irwin.
will lake notice that 10 per cent,
upon all amounts of their bids will be required
in hand, all bids under $5O will be required in
cash at the time of the sale. If these conditions
are not complied with, the property will bo re
sold at tbe risk o( the purchaser not complying
with the terms 61 sale.
Shebibf'b Office, Beavlb, Pa. I
, August 18, 1873. i
M-J \
We offer for sale the following described prop
erties. For full particulars call at oar office on
Third Street;
This (arm 1b situate in Brighton tp., Beaver
county. Pa., on the New Lisbon road, 4 miles from
Beaver, containing 73 acres, more or legs, on which
is erected a two-story frame dwelling bouse, con
taining two rooms, kitchen and pantry on first
floor and two rooms on second floor; a good cellar
underneath; also a good frame barn, and stable and
other necessary outbuildings. This farm is well
watered, well timbered and under a good state of
cultivation, and can be worked by machinery; ex
cellent fruit on promises. Price f-i.OOO. Inquire
of John A. Bakin on the farm, or DAWSON &
Beaver, Pa
, I ‘
No. S.
This farm contains about 52 acres, of land, situ
ate in Brighton Ip., Beaver county. Pa.. miles
from Beaver, on a good road leading from the New
Lisbon road to the town of Industry; this lannis
nearly all cleared and all under fence. No Im
provements. To be sold or exchanged for town
property. Price $2,900 Inquire of John J. Wick
ham. Esq., or DAWSON & BAKIN, Beaver, Pa.
No. 3.
This property Is situated on sth street, in the
borough of Beaver, Beaver cennty. Pa., 40x130 feet
with a I*4 story frame house and stable and other
outbuildings erected thereon. Good fruit on the
S remises. Price $6OO. Inquire of Hice, Wilson &
Loore, Esqs., or DAWSON & BAKIN, Beaver, Pa.
This proportp is sitnated on 3d street, in the
borougn of Beaver, Beaver county,Pa., extending
along 3d street 130x300 leet, back to Turnpike al
ley, on which Is erected a new brick dwelling
bouse containing three rooms, large halt, kitchen
and pantry on first floor, and 4 rooms and large hall
on second floor, and an excellent cellar underneath
and necessary outbuildings; Urge shade trees in
Iront, fruit of various kinds on the premises.
Price $3,600- Inquire of Hice. Wilson -v Moore,
Esqs., or DAWSON & BAKIN, Beaver, Pa.
House and lot situated on Fourth street. In the
borough of Beaver, Beaver county. Pa.. 150 by 54
feet, on which Is erected a two-story irame house,
containing two-rooms, kitchen, bail and pantry,
with porch'attached on first flour and two rooms
and hall on second floor; a good cellar Underneath
and other outbdtldings. Price $1,700. in pay
ments. Inquire of Joseph White, or DAWSON &
BAKIN. Beaver Pa,
Lettere’testamentary bavin® been granted to the
undersigned, on the estate of William Kennedy,
late of the borough of New Brighton, deceased, all
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and tbose having
claims against the same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
P. O. Address—Beaver, Pa. augl 6t
Part of the farm, (.about 125 acres) of the late
Gen. H. Muller, on the Beaver road and Conno
qaeneasing, one mile from Zelienople. Has
abundance of good coal, building stone and springs
of soft water. About one-half Is in good timber,
balance under cultivation. Address
There will be a meeting of the Stockholders of
“The Darlington and Gunnel Goal Railroad Com*
pany” held at their office in Darlington, August
•28th. 1873. A full attendance is requested, as
bnsinea of importance will be transacted. By
order of . Wm. Boston, President.
John McCown, Secretary. augl-St
Proposals will be received by the School Board
of Ohio township, at the Falrview School House,
up to July 96th, 1878, for the erection of TWO
BRICK SCHOOL HOUSES in said township.
Flans and specifications can he seen at the resi
dence of John Duncan, in Ohio township.
Presents strong attractions to parents and guar
dians. A pleasant home; thorough instruction;
healthful discipline; excellent library; new appa
ratus. Send for Catalogue. Liberal discount to
clergymen. CHARLES JACOBUS. A. M..
JylB 2m. Principal, New Brighton. Pa.
VA.NTED. We will give men and women
from four to eight dollars per day. can be pnrsned
in yonr own neighborhood; n is a tare chance for
those out of employments having leisure time
girls and boys frequently do as we ll as men. Par
Honiara free. Address.
myDtf 292 Washington St.. Boston, Mass.
v o
3fU«J 3Mrfrttefwetrt£.' ~
NO. S 3.
No. 1.
No. 5. >
Zelienople, Butler County, Pa. _