* THE BEAVER RADICAL SMITH COKTIB, Bditoj. BEAVER. PA.. Friday Montingj Anput Bth, 1873. üblican District andCo flei Assembly. S. J. CROSS, Beaver county. JONATHAN ALLISON, Wellington county, A. L. CAMPBELL, Butler county, DAVID McKES, Butler county. Prollionoiary. O. A. SMALL, Bridgewater. Treasurer. JAMBS H. MANN, New Brighton. Commissioner. G. W. SHROADES, Moon tp Jury Commissioner. JOHN WILSON, Chippewa tp. Poor House Director. SAMUEL McMANAMT, Economytp. Auditor. J. F. CULBERTSON, South Beaver tp. Trnstees of Academy. R S. IMBRIE, Beaver. P. L. GRIM. New Galilee. P&LBE CHARGES. General Thomas Ewing, in his speech at the new party convention at Columbus, Ohio, justified the movement on the ground that the Republican party is corrupt and the Democratic party powerless, thus implying that the Democratic party Is pure and the Republican powerful Such stuff may tickle the ears of the new party men, but it will add nothing to the reputa tion of the honorable speaker. If the Republican party is corrupt and the Democratic pure, then the vast majority of voters, we imagine, will prefer corruption to purity. There may be corrupt men in the Republican party, there are such in every party, but that the grand old party is corrupt is not true, and "those who brand it such only suc ceed in damaging themselves in stead of the party they hate. Where are the evidences of corrup tion? The Credit Mobilier Dis closures? Speaker Blaine, a Re publican, instituted the investi gations that led to the disclosure of the frauds. Republicans and Democrats were found to be impli cated. Republican journals and conventions everywhere have con demned the frauds in the strongest terms. The ‘fßack Salary Steal’’ is also condemned by the Republi can party. It was not . a party measure, never had been discussed before the people as such, and was passed by the aid of Democratic voters. Both parties, as represent ed in Congress, were responsible for the passage of the law. The President signed the bill because it was connected with the Appro priation bill that could not be put off, and to have vetoed the salary clause would have compelled him to veto also the Appropriation bill. But the bill itself is no certain in dication that those who voted for did so from corrupt motives. The measure has a constitutional basis and the money voted away had been probably earned by those re ceiving it. Although the bill is unworthy of support and estab lishes a baSd precedent, yet it is no indication of corruption, and if it were, the Republican party repudi ates the bill and demands its repeal and declares itself not responsible. What other evidences of corruption are there aside from a few individ ual defalcations, that are liable to occur under any administration ? Has not the Republican party been mowed forward by an enlarged spir it of freedom ? Has she not eleva ted the black race, befriended the laboring classes, and encouraged every .effort to widen the sphere of usefulness for women? If she made mistakes it was because the work was difficult, and it was im possible to avoid them, but looking over the history of the party the wonder is that so few mistakes have been committed. The party has al- On Saturday an extensive fire ways been loyal, progressive and broke out in Portland, Oregon, and humanitarian, and those who com- consumed over 270 buildings, occu-j pose the party are, in general, the pying twenty-two entire blocks, and wisest and the best men of the portions of five more. The loss ex country. There is a close and ceeds $1,158,668, and is greater vital relation between the character comparatively than that of Chicago of the members of a party and the or Boston. The insurances are sta record which it makes, just as there ted to be only $231,000. The bnrn ie between a ohnroh and its them- ed district lief> between Front street bership. To call the Republican on the river,and Clay and Morri party corrupt is equivalent to say- eon streets and covering an exten ing that the majority of the. party give territory. Many offers to aid is corrupt, and can no longer be jthe sufferers have been received trusted, Gen. Ewing’s standard of from other cities, and it is proposed purity is no doubt convenient, for to rebuild immediately with wider by it be can easily disparage the streets, so as to prevent the spread Republican party in his own estimar | of fire in the future. tion. But if the Democratic party is pure why has it become so power less. Decay like that is unnatural. Why disband the party if pure ? Corruption is the charge against the Republican party, it it is to be overthrown,then logically it must be by an antagonist that is pure. The new party has a slow start and a poor show. The time has not yet come, and the men are HSI to be found in which and by whom a par ty can be created to succeed the Re publican. The confusion of the op position was never greater than now. ity Ticket Thb Wiseman, of the Wesleyan Conference oi England, in a recent address, made the fol lowing estimate of the adherents of the different religious faiths among the English-speaking peoples of the world: Protestant Episcopalians. r .12,500,000 Presbyterians. 11,500,000 baptists 10,000,000 C jngregationalists 7,500,000 Method ists 15,000,000 Roman Catholics .10,000,000 This would make a Protestant population of 57,000,000 lo 10,000,- 000 oi Roman Catholics. If the above estimate is correct those journals were wrong that adopted the motion that Prot estantism was in the decline; it seems to be active and rapidly spreading and extending its influ ences over the great body of the people. The growth of Protestant churches in this country lias been such as to denote great vitality and favorable conditions. The Lu theran church has increased in num ber of church organizations since 1850 from 1230 to 3082, nearly trebled, and now has nearly a mil lion of worshippers. The Episco pal church has increased almost as much, from 1459 organizations in 1850 to 2601 in 1870. The Baptist church, strongly Protestant,has aug mented about in the same ratio. In 1850 having 9576 churches, and 1870 14474. The Methodists are not behind their brethern in rapid growth, and are the most numerous, having in 1870 25,278 churches. Other Protestant bodies have made equal progress, showing that the spirit of a free and pure faith is flourishing among the people,and is a conquering power in the land. Prot estantism will not die until it has thoroughly conquered Romanism, its great antagonist. It has made gigantic strides in the last twenty years. A number of churches of the various Protestant denomi nations are springing up each Protestantism permeates our civili zation, and penetrates deep into the hearts of the people. It may decay, but when it does it will be succeed ed by something other and far bet ter than decrep|d Romanism. The Republican State Convention will meet at Harrisburg on next put in nomination candidates for Supreme Judge and State Treasurer. There are several candidates for each of these offices, and the Convention will meet with some difficulty in selecting men that will satisfy every body and every section. W& are willing to abide by the wisdom of the Convention and shall heartily support the nomina tions made. W e hope that the Con vention will adopt a platfprm in fa vor of a reduction of taxation, both National and State, as soon as it can be done without detriment, in favor of internal improvement, cheaper transportation and internal communication, condemning the “Back Pay Steal,” denouncing cor ruption, and approving means nec essary to the elevation of the work ingmen and farmers. THIS RAT>ir.Al.». FRIDAY, AUGUST g^JSTS. Philadelphia has had the Speak ership of the Hoffse of Represen tatives for the last two years, and will probably make a push for it again next winter. In regard to this the Pittsburgh Commercial says: ; ; -/[- .' ' We learn that Messrs. Porter and Yogdesi if re-elected, will both be candi dates for the Speakership, land each will try to rally the Philadelphia delegation on bis side. If either should succeed (which is by no means improbable) in se curing the home support, hjs will be form idable as a candidate, and both would be correspondingly formidable, as they may happen to rally the other; Philadelphia members to their side.’ The telegraph informs ns that Senator Morton has perfected his plan of operations for investigating and revising the mode of electing the President and Vice President of the United States, and will call a meeting of the Committee in New York on the first of October. The opinions of jurists and publicists will be received and considered, and the result will be a bill on the sub ject, to be submitted to Congress next winter. The Hon. Amasa Walker, of Massachnsets, wants the National Government to take hold of the railroads and run them. “There must,” he says, “be no half-way measures of relief to the industry and trade of the nation from the tremendous oppressions l %f railroad monopolies. The Government must interfere for the- protection of the people.’’ All claims presented to the Southern Claims Commission, sit ting at Washington, have now, it is said, been numbered and register ed, and the number is found to be 22,295, and the aggregate amount is claimed to be something in excess of fifty-six millions of dollars. We think it will be a long while yet be fore that amount is paid. The entry of the Italians into Rome has been Commemorated by a medal struck in gold, in silver, and in copper. The King receives the one in gold, Garabaldt in silver, and deputies, Senators and others' iff copper. It is said that not. more than 1000 are to be distributed. Senator Kutan probably sailed on the sth inst., and may be expect ed home about the 20th. POLITICAL. —The State Journal recommends Hon. William Hall, President Judge of the Sixteenth District, for Judge of the Su preme Court of this State. —The Virginia Republican State vention met at Lynchburg, on Wednes day. Col. R. W. Hughes was nominated as the candidate for Govenror. —At a recent meeting of the Republi can Association of Washington, D. C., Messrs. R. B. Kinney, E. H. Thomas and Paul Hersh were appointed delegates to the next State Convention. —The books of the Treasury show that the number of members of the House of fßepresentatives who had covered their share of the back pay into the Treasury up to June 19.1873, was thirty-two. Of these twenty-five were Republicans and seven Democrats. —ln pursuance of the resolution of the Democratic County Committee of North ampton county, the chairman, James M. Porter, Esq., has announced the following appointments: Delegates to State Con vention, A. W. Lerch and H. W. Scott, Esqs —Grace Greenwood, the wittiest lady correspondent alive, asks a con and ram in the New York Times , to which Senator Carpenter would do well to give a little thooght. It is this: “If it is bard for a Senator to be a good Christian on $5,000 a year, what are a poor clerk’s chances of salvation on $1,400.” —Hon. T. M. Mahon, President of the Republican County Convention lately held In Franklin county, has named Col. George B. Wiestliog, W. F. Patton, and. Col. Thomas J. Grimison, conferees to meet similar cohferees from Cumberland county, to choose a Senatorial delegate to the next State Convention. —At a meeting ofconferees of the Rep* resentative districtembracing Lycoming, Montour, Sullivan and Clinton counties, held In Williamsport on the 2d Inst., L. Mahaffy of Lycoming and Thomas J. Ing ham of Snllivan county, were chosen del-1 egatesto the Republican State Conven tion. —The Democratic papejra of the coun try, generally, are savage and foriout over Groesbeck’s letter, advising a sor render of the Democratic organ iatton. They particularly growl over his declara tion that the organization of the party ls| "spoiled.” They see ini it an acknowl*; edgment that will be flunk in their faces until they are forced to lament that ever such a marplot was born. r —lnformation received at Washington represents Vice President Wilson’s health to be so poor .that it is doubtful whether he will be able to preside over the Senate at its next session. Should he not* Sens tor Matt. Carpenter will assume that duty. The belief prevails that Mr. Wilson injur ed himself by excessive exertion during the campaign of last year. —The Democracy of Northumberland county held their Convention at Snnbury on Monday and nominated the following ticket: Senator-A.H. Dill, of Union; Legislator—Dr. A. T. Dewitt, Snyder town; Register and Recorder—Lemuel Lower Augusta ; Treasurer— John Hagg, Turoute; Commissioner—D. L. Reitz, Little Habanoy; Jury Commis sioner—D. M. Schwartz, Jordan ; Auditor —Joseph Eisley, Banbury. —The Liberal Republican State Execu tive Committee met at Saratoga on the 3lst nit. Fifteen members were present. The only action taken was to appoint a Committee to act with General Cochran, Chairman, to determine upon the time and method, &c., of calling a State Conven tion, and report to the General Commit tee. —The Meadeville Republican says: The Democratic County Committee met in the Arbitration Room. Wednesday at half-past one o’clock, quite a number of Liberals being present. The chairman called the meeting to order, and in an in troducing speech advocated a union of the party with its allies, the Liberals. These sentiments were shared in by all present, and the following resolution was adopted: "That a committee of six, in cluding the Chairman of the County Committee, be appointed to confer with the similar committee, appointed by the Liberal Republican Committe, to consider the best mode of co-operation in uniting all the elements of the opposition to the present National Administration in pre senting a county ticket for the coming campaign.” —The chairman of the Republican County Committee says: Last fall the victory was carried only after the most obstinate conflict. We fought desertion on every hand. Our foes were banded against us by every art of intrigue and every combination of interest. But we conqueriq&them aU/ Let the same lofty energy and indomitable spirit which se cured our triumph then be manifested now. Let us stand by our principles and candidates hereafter chosen with manly independence and manly firmness. Any temptations of the enemy to indace us to betray our principles or our candidates should be met with just resentment. ;Witfa such a spirit within ns and such purposes before us our triumph will be inevitable ; but any ebaoge of votes, any parleying with our adversaries will only weaken our chances of victory and in crease those of our foes. —The Pittsburgh Commercial says: Hon. C. P. Ramedell, nominated on the Republican State ticket nt Virginia as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor, is a native and former resident of Pensy Ivania. He represented Venango county in the House of Representatives once or twice, and was Assistant Clerk of the Senate for several years. He is no carpet-bagger. When he went to Virginia he went to stay. He bought a farm there, years ago, and has been dilligently cultivating It ever since. We believe be has been sev eral times chdsen to represent in the Legislature the county In which he lives, and he certainly deserves the confidence his neighbors show in him. He is an honest, talented, conscientious and worthy man, and if elected, the people of Virginia will have in him an officer who will do honor to the State of bis adoption. —The Pittsburgh Commercial says: Free trade, under the manipulation of Ohio Departniiats. dwindles into that familiar scheme of a tariff for revenue. No party dares to shoulder the plain issue of absolute free trade—the abolition of all tariffs and the collection of revenue by direct taxation. A tariff for revenue and not for protection is supposed to be the winning dodge ; but as that involves only the question of arranging the details of a tariff a new party can hardly find sufficient foothold there. The question whether pig iron shall pay $5 or $7 a ton is not a vital one ; and it is not a very difficult task to decide whether manufac tured iron shall pay 20 or 30 per cent, duty. These* are qualities that can be arranged without the intervention of po litical parties. Will not some party start up andopen the fight on the bold issue of free trade and direct taxation for rev enue? That would be manly whereas this Ohio resolution is"a cowardly aband onment ot the real issue. —The Philadelphia Sunday Times says; Ovens, who was returned as the nominee of the Republican party for Represents tive of tho Fourth Legislative District, has been ousted by the City Executive Committee, and bis opponent, O’Neill, declared the regular nominee. This course has been considered necessary in order that there should not be the slightest chance for defeat and to insure a fall vote for the general ticket. The leaden made offers of compromise, but they were re jected by Ovens, who declared he would ran at all hazards. Then it was decided - that be mast be got rid of in some other way. and his nomination was contested. Last week the testimony being all in, is * short time a decision was arrived at, which was duly reported to the Executive Committee, in .which it was stated that the allegations of fraud in the Seventh ward in behalf of Ovens had been sus- tained,and that O’Neill was entitled to the nomination. This state of affairs will greatly disappoint the Democrats, who hoped that nothing would be done in the matter, and that, with a fair candidate, there would be a chance of carrying the district. Ovens, it is said, has determined to run, notwithstanding the action of the Committee, but, as the machinery will all be in the interest of O’Neill, it is folly to suppose that the regular canuidate will at all suffer by any independent movement. —The Forest Republican says: The Democratic District Convention met at East Brady on the 2nd inst., and hallow ed 52 times without making a choice, each county’s delegates voting for their own candidate every time. Finding that they were making no progress, the con ferees voted to adjourn the conference to Fryburg, and to meet there on the 18th of August. It seems that the Clarion County Conferees are bound to stick, not withstanding the fact that they have had the Assemblyman for four years, and now have the State Senator, while Forest has never bad a district or State office since about 1865. To some people this grasping disposition of Clarion county might look a little hoggish, but we be lieve it is not intended by the Democratic politicians of Clarion to create that im pression—they merely want the Assem blyman. Nevertheless, it is none of our funeral, and if the Democracy want to kick up a bobbery among themselves, they have our permission. —The Republican County Convention of Delaware county met at Media on Friday last, and nominated the following ticket: Senate—Thomas V. Cooper, Me dia; Assembly—O. F. Bullard, Media; Register and Recorder —Jacob Berstler, Chester; County Treasurer —Albin Bald win, Bethel; Commissioner —Elias Baker j Edgemont; Jury Commissioner —George Yarnell, Middletown ; Auditor —Daniel James Tbornberry ; County Surveyor— Joseph Taylor, Chester. After the Convention a meeting was held, wherein a series of resolutions were passed, expressive of confidence in Presi dent, Governor Hartranlt, and the cardi nal principles of the Republican party; eulogizing Hon. Washington Townsend for his manly, resistance of the salry grab, and endorsing the action of the late Coun ty Convention in their advocacy of the Hon. Wm. Butler as a worthy candidate for the office of Supreme Judge. The vote on the Senatorial nomination was ; Cooper, 60; Brooke, 54. LOCAL ITEMS. TO ADVERTISERS.—The Beaver Radical Is the most extensively circu lated Weekly Newspaper in Western Pennsylvania. Cleveland Sc Pittsburgh Railroad. Going Wat— Mail, 7,46 a. m; Accommodatior 6,10 p. xa. Going Ate*-—Accommodation, 9,19 a. m; Hail, 3,81 p. m; Express, 9,07 p. m. Arrival and Departure af Malle* Western ™qn leaves at 6.45 a. a.; arrives at 3 p.m. Eastern taail leaves at 2p. m.t arrives at Ba. m. The attention of tlie public is directed to the following new advertisements, which appear in The Radical to-day; Register's Notices. "Notice in Partition * List of Appraisements.". List of Causes Special Notice—State Normal School.. Special Notice—John Kennedy Cabinet Organ—Smith Curtis New Castle is to have a steam fire engine. Two entire new two Horse Wagons, for sale at Speyerer & Son’s. feh2l-tf. The Methodists are building a new church at Glasgow. Ice Cold Sparkling Soda Water, flavored with Pure Fruit Syrups, always fresh from Hugo, An driessen's Marble Fountains. Capt. Thomas Poe, of Georgetown, lost a very valuable cow recently. Wanted.— John H. Ewing, of Shipplngport Pa., is now buying WOOL, paying from 40 to 42 cents. He wants all he can get. ‘ jylStf John J, Wickham, Esq., of this place, has been admitted t,o practice in the United States Court. Fancy Shoes of all kinds at Hertzog and Beam's. We are compelled to omit the report of the County Superintendent this week, it will appear in our next issue. Capt. Samuel Adams , formerly of this county, lectured at White Hal), in New Castle, on Saturday evening. Hartzog & Beam, manufacturers and deal ere in fancy Boots. Shoos and Gaiters. Orders from all parts of the connty filled on short notice at reasonable prices^ IHvine service in the Yanport M. E. Church, at 7 o’clock, p. m., next Sabbath evening, Rev. John F. Dravo. Welcome all. Out* Streets were visited by an organ grinder on Tuesday, and the music ground out was not of a bad quality, either. We have just received the Republic for August. It is a good number, published by the “The Republic Publishing Com pany Washington, D. C. The Harrisburg daily evening Mer cury, a two year old journal is out in a new and enlarged dress, but the price is still the same, one cent Restored, —The astray horse, adver vised in The Radical by Capt. Adam Poe, of Georgetown, has restored to its owner, The advertising did it. On- Monday the weather A.. fally «001. There is no 3' Bearer coaaty la which ■rnoathe. „ pa!,tb « IJ There are about 60 guests at n» Frankfort Spring*. The bm Wln P J* 11 paired and tbe place made m Z £, Invalids or pleasure seekers. Te c On Friday last, the‘colored different parts of the country the Anniversary ofEmancipiuon l West Indies. 0 ’SWireUcKewe.ot^^ has been appmnted Oil Inspector „»?' county. He is familiar with the bn i?' and will make a good Inspector Camp meeting on Mill Creek v tween Georgetown and Hookstown / the 20th mat. The grounds will pro babh be lit up with gas from the y Wetherspoon oil well ***** Pic-Nic.- There was a moon light ni. nic at Vanport on Tuesday night i!l The Beaver delegation report a ,1 time. Prof. White’s band furnished Z music. e The Managers of the Beaver County tnral Society are requested to meet at the swT offlee to Beaver, on Saturday, A«sa, o’clock, p. m. By order of the President. ’ B. M. ISQ' Set . y There is no longer any doubt that the potato bug digs into the hill and com®, ues its destruction to the potato there We haye not as yet heard of of any reme dy against this operation. Base Ball.— The Rough & base ball club, of this place, play a m\& game with the Enterprise club, of pj ttB . burgh, to-Jay, (Thursday), at Union Park Allegheny. 1 Dr, It, T, Taylor started on Tues day to attend the Nstioosl Teachers' sociation Convention at Elmira, Jf. y We shall publish a communication from him next week. There was a row at the Colored church, in Bridgewater, on Sunday even ing. Some white persons made a disturb ance which led to the trouble. We un derstand that the guilty parties have fled. Another Comet, —A fine comet was discovered at Marseilles on the night of the 27th ult., by Borrelly; right ascen sion, one boar and foruteen minutes; declination south, seven degrees and thirty-two minutes ; motion, southeast. John Bigger, of the Consertatiu, hu bought out the interest of Williams, and hereafter will run the paper alone. We understand that Mr. Bigger intends to make the sheet a' strong Democratic or gan. Pianos and Organs.— lf yon money In the purchase of either Piano or Otpa call at J. M. Lelghner & Co.'s., 131 Federal street, Allegheny City. Bole agents for the popular ties Jubilee Organs. Pianos of every make. Call or write for Circular We guarantee prices lower than any other house in the city. jeSO-10. Mr. Cornelius Todd, of Green township, bad a violent attack of cholera morbus or cholera on Monday, and came very near dying. We are glad to know that be is reoovering, however. Dr, Ham ilton attended him. - 4s4t ss3t ... .B%s3t 2lc C If the laws on the subject of fishing are observed for a few years, the rivers and tbeTstreams of this State will abound with fish, and everybody can enjoy fi day’s fishing at any time with a hook and line. ■ Postal cards, according to a late de cision of the P. O. Department, are not to be advertised, are not to be returned to the writer, and are not to be sent to the dead letter office. If undelivered 60 days after receipt, they are to be burned. Master Louis Davidson’s portrait, painted by Mrs. Charles Hurlburt, has been on exhibition in the window of J- M. McCreery & Co. The likeness is cor rect, the expression life-like, and the por trait as a Work of art excellent. The Singer Sewing Machine is the beat in tbs market and if yon want to bay a machine, thst never gets out of order, is durable and will do a kinds of work and give perfect satisfaction, the® go to H. Straw &Co , No. 10 Sixth Street, |Pitt- 5 ’ burgh, Pa., and yon can get Just such a macbiw as you want. Fights, —There was a dog figM front of the Conservative on Saturday ik attracted quite a crowd. Some one pat ed the doge, and thereupon a human fill began in words, which came near ending in blows. No blood was drawn either J the dogs or men. We acknowiedge the receipt of so fine specimens of prairie grass from Indian Territory, sent by Alex leeD ' n letter from whose pen we puUish 1Q “ other column. If any of our relt “ w isli to examine sail grass, they c jD so by calling at our office. J. JET. Cunniufjfimh i? ing a new house on. street. Cunningham Is a single man, but P r ~ bly is thinking of “coffee and mafflo* two.” Weadvjfceflte yo« a « ud,es l ° ee y quire into the blatter at oDC€ ftn a * “dear Jim cannot be persuaded to Mr, Anderson Laird, * h just returned from a ttrip ’ porta favorably of that; great He is particularly delighted ■* II ? * 8 We shall regret to Mr * 7^,* citizen, but he seems to have th fever which may yet carry him so ly off.