8 TOE RADICAL: FRIDAY, AUGUST L 1873. GENERAL NEWS. Qm gty _ BEA"V EE COLLEG E \ — & 'T'HB VERY BEST PLAN , -AOT>- 1 —Just as soon as Train and Sergeant Bates got Jj JL *1 T . • , , quiet, Gordon Gordon felt compelled to break _ • By which you can obtalif Life Insurance is the L ]vT ’ll SIC SL ± JL IX StIXXX t 6 • out. Edward Payson Weston will probably soon AGENTS OF HEAL ESTATE, Low Premium, All Cash Stock Plan. It furnishes go into a staW eruption. rrurrnnr trn'rrr TtVAVVit da the largest amount of insurance; fora given sum •aAVJM(, fA. 0 f money. The contract is pfcrn and definite, ders ofthe Grand Army of the Republic, are to without complication, mystery or uncertainty. - • address the Vermont soldiers at their re-onion in 1 The policy is always worth its; faep.-tbe premium • «%*«&& T-nti^iiX A VALCABLITrJLSai FOB-SALS. ~ fore he wonld marry her. «* Ur. » a&SSfofeSy”' *” "AH —St. Pee! free a carious Felice Justice. He re* coiitalnlng 7-1 acre., more or le.a, oe winch ! I 1 j r flßSj£d|yi centiy fined a woman three dollars for disturbing { a erected a two-story frame dwelling boose, con- a GENTS WANTED . I»W I HfllHH the peace by wailing over her husband’s broken o^ t 9CC • ', • t> , /, . . „ rtfuiTviev Tenn was out- No. s. Safe without it. and ail buy it. Has u chromatic New Building, behool and Recitation Rooms now ready for The _AMr ß .Fitzpatr.ck. oruipiey, mnn WA DM Whn Q 4 TV illustrations. The biggest chance or the season [ ' . raged by a negro named Charles Titus, who. after A irUUD FARM rUH oALa. for agents. Address ITS. GOODSPEED & CO., TJI AT T CtTHdCf C* ”U /,« 4 o^o accomplishing bis devilish purpose, fell into a This farm contains about 52 acres, of land, situ- S 7 P arisßow, Now York. H Ali ii OJIjDOiUiN - ilHl* VL m/fo. . * Mr« P alarmed the neighbors, atq in Brighton tp., Beaver county. Pa.. 4K miles : ; J f v v ’ drunken sleep. Mrs. F. aUrmed theneignoors oa £ good road lead^? fr6m New OOD AGENTS WANTED FOR who secured the miscreant and lodged hlir in Lisbon road to the town of Industry; this larmls It* jail. ? nearly all cleared and all under fence. Noim- mrnntrnnnTnn nmtr nnvnrmiir ■ —A daughter of Col. Bibb, of Corinth, Mies., was property Bl Pri^°f2 e 9oo lVJ I /i* ft A John McMahon, American Champion, and Albert and pantry on first floor, and 4 rooms and large hall TER & CO., Charlotte, Mich. iiWll / j/ r// * /> ‘ t V 1 om. n.k. on second floor, and an excellent cellar underneath AIIWV y g 1 'N ’ Ellis,light-weight champion of 0 and necessary outbuildings; Urge shade trees in MnUPV Easily make with Stencil & Key Check ft rA\\\\ ’X r \ f —The heavy rains of Monday extinguished the Irontjruit of various kinds on the premises, ill U Will and full particu- 1 \L J. M*'*' vs ■ 1 1/ - to,**,*'***,**,**"* £? 8 '“- BPS!e A ol a/ftQ /A\r^ zi&xdo in St* Louis, diod in Denver on Snndny* cither t*ex vouni? or old nnkfi tnonev wnrk for |\ w\«\ I * f\ i ■ I / whither he had gone for the benefit of his health. s a Q* V A/( |\VJ CA? X -President Grant arrived at Klngslngton. N. Y. al | c^ol lB7^[? > Vj ie , n er^jd° n tSwnTSo »««om * Co.'. Portland, Maine. ' ‘ nS'/FDr* r lIIIt \ I 1 on Tuesday afternoon, and was received with ?ud??ec mkxtUrns the re J) * -/? I\J \ V/ irWM/ aFa A fell great enthusiasm. After a short stay the Presl- deuce of John Duncan, in Ohio township. miTP ra PPAIY irpnir* a t ma. T** * //*& f\\/ / I 1 // It'lTllWllw dent took his departure for the Overlook Mount- _ _ > ' X” PENS^ >ICAL I " VlftV ain House, He wiU return on Friday. 'VTOTICE. ESTABLISHED IN f \ JJP * ['W' i —The Chicago Health Officer reports to the J_\ Is the oldest and most successful Institution in V L/ „ m \M'- ' r s P L^Jsss^s^r l smTs ea.Ubll>ep re vlo».™k. Ol.h Ml there Umd» C. m p to,. f\ Vi jf *-■ ' 'A \ were 114 from cholera wf.ntam and te.«n from i nt ,, re!t Lpetrie. ori hfreS^HotHted - JbS'the I P\V\ 1 I ] J\ AtT . (\\ Cholera morbus. final account of Benjamin Todd, committee of STRAY. I 1 till * y '»/' 11 IJJ , —TSrnnbM Titn« latter carrier of Cincifinatl Lucinda Campbell Gray, a lunatic, has been filed J2j 1 V_J 1\ ' Sj I\\\ 1 was arrested Tuesday for opening letters. A de- ?nd^win 1% coy letter detected him; and a search of his house Term, unless sufficient cause to the contrary be the 15t°h Instlfk 2 SIS / fCZC&J 1 gjNSk 1 ' /\ discovered twenty letters in his possession. He i.-isat* Jonv rAfTfiHEY pmih'v light built and thin of flesh. The owner is re- ) ' t'V'V O’ % . l\\V/ # Yl\ i was held in S 3 500 1 r oID y ‘ quested to come forward, prove property, pay \\U t \ ti\ \\ |\IV as held in $ ,500 rnmtiis' -vattpi? charges and take her away, or she will be disposed ' t(1 \\ V ft \ V VVA A l«\\A —Dr. Wm. Nichols, ot Boston, has assumed the A LWIUK3 rtCrllCia. of according to law. ADAM POE. IrA \ I U \ \\j#/11/vl il 1 business management of Professor Georgetown, Pa. R| l\A * / Vt \ l|| \|L/ m school on Peuikese Island. InlhoOrphans Court of Beaver county. In the v r P , T? CPUIVi PV l\\ \Vv v(l 1 matter ofthe final account ol Samuel Mitchell, ex- IJEAV EK oEjIIjNAKI, la V Bishop Simpson is reported to be suffer- ecutor of the last will and testament of Sarepia JL# JU Jl' y r ing from congestive malarialfever al Long Branch June 12th- IS7:Ji the Cour , on BEAVER, PA- i % ff \J V# —Six out of twenty-four Governors of Massa- motion appoint Oscar A. Small, Esq., Auditor to Fa ri Session Oaens Seotember o th une 13-1 v chusetts have had names beginning with tbe letter teport distribution ofthe balance in the hands of r oes * lon vpeas oepiemw Jtfi,- IJU6. une ia-iy B, which may be considered a favorable omen for 'he accountant. From'he Hecord. Attest; Primary, English, Collegiate and Musical De- ... -r .. D r. ... . A C. liAKl,ClcrK. parttDeßtd, I" 1 1 1,1 ■ "*"■ 1 ———i—— ■■■ ■■ ■i ■■ f ne is eiectcd. Tli e Auditor above named will attend to the du -s . TJ. GILLESPIE & CO., J 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -Thts Btorv that Harriet Fenimore Coooner ties of his appointment at his offi»e in. the Court Th building has undergone a thorough repair- «jl ' ooooooocooooo 0000000000000 -me story mat Harriet rentmore coooper, lIoo , C- on Wednesday, 'ha ftth day of mg. Rooms newly furnished. For particulars, V * 0000000000000 JB Tm 0000000000000 i daughter of Pcnlmote Cooper, the novelist, is August, 13T3, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where Circular, etc , apply to 0000000000000 If £il 0000000000000 I writing a history of the Oneida Indiana is e: tlrely all ptrtiee interested may attend. M. E. SCHEIBNEH, Principal. ’ 0000000000000 0000000000000 trne, with two slight exceptions. No such hlsto- j} IS-it OSCAR A. SMALL. Auditor. Beaver, Pa. ;86 IV&0D STREET, j oooobooooooooooooooooo 00000000000000000000 . ° ... . . _ _ l,li - —— —— 0000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 ry is being written, and there is no such person as jr ENWOOD BOARDING SCHOOL 4 DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE ' 0000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 Harriet and there never was. |y PITTSBURGH PA. 0000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 —The Graphic readers the news that it FOR BOYS, Estate of Maria Christina Sneverer dcc'd 0000000000 MrflUfVV 0000000000 is about to begin the publication of a translation Pr , setltg Ptron;r 3ttraction9 to paren!? and ffaar . ZooSo Stto “ BY ooo^ooooo from Paul deMussejt. by Miss Ida L. Greeley, to dtans. f . ^ ePBr , dec’d.. bite of the borough ol importers- and Dealers ta ooooooooooooooooooqooo cooooooooooCoooo^ooo be followed by an or.ginal story from the same hf S VH P r« Beaver connty. Pa., having beeagrant- 0000000000000000000000 ooooocoooooooooooooo pen. i lfv>Rr< 4 edto the underslgnod. all persons Indebted to, 0000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 cergimen. cu tKLbS JAttrtfCb. A. M.. said estate are requested to make Immediate pay- oo 00 —Stimulated by Chari; s Francis Adams, Jr.’s, jy is -m. i rincips!. .vew ungnton. Pa. ment, and those having claims against the same PDTJYPII PT ATP PT AQC 00 8 TITTTfc TB* 00 recent discourse on the modern statesman, some- O TICE TO BRIDGE CONTRAC- ‘men’Tre 111 Pf ®VGB I"'sPETBaE?* I®* 1 ®* IjLAOO, 00 AlMil &l!lUUn£ 00 body ambitious of fame announces a lecture on the TO RS JySS-St Administrator. oooooooooooooooocoooo 00000000000000000000 “Ancient Statesman, with Gideon Welles Sealed proposial? will he received al tbisr office, FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, 1 000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 1 “fearful example.” b• the Board of County Commissioners, until bat- man rvrTi'n ctatos nnn axt 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 . , . . urdav. August ‘.l. for the iron structnreofa I LiMIJhLs ft I Alto UKGAJN, 0000000 0000000 -Longfellow is at Nabant, surrounded by a bridge over Dutchman's Bun. In Pulaski township, X MANTFT. AND PTFR DT.ASSFS 0000000 01i!||1N1NfVm 0000000 number of literary friends of eminence from the oi 33 feet extreme length and 13 fett road way. MANUFACTURED BY A 5 0000000 JL 0000000 Hnh The ooet lives onleilv and cxclnsivelv and Proposals roust be accompanied with a statement 0000000 0000000 Ban. me poet jibs qnieuy ana cxciusneiy. ana r-uing the total weight of the cast and wrought WHITVF V Sr RAYMOND ( 0000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 is said to decline a dozen invitations daily to din- iron, the general working strength, and the niti- 1 A 1 w u n x mv n 1/, 0000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 ner parties, &c. Uls would be entertainers are, mare or breaking strength per linear foot; as well nirviftivn nnin oooooobooooooooooooo nf . n „ ru> rnsiderablv annoyed thereat a* the greatest local load the bridge will sustain. UJiVKIANU, OHIO. —Housion (Texasf Ttl’graph : “Going ab.oad Vi SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS STEEL ENGRAVINGS & CHROMOS. h SATISFACTION /i one of the Sabine schooners Monday, we found the J„“ f r d^: county Commissioners. In tone, finish, workmanship and durability. Captain of the Elwell, loaded wua lumber, to be a JOtlN McGUW N, Clerk. " ooooooooooooimkjoooooi^gooooooow^ handsome wamnu. We have had a good deal to jyl3-3t. The cases are of an entirely new and elegant de- 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 do with both sailing and steam crafts, but must be sign, paneled all round, richly carved and’ orna- P .• , An t nu,„ 00000000000000000 gk In 00000000000000000 rmitreri to sav the commander of the Elwell iH AGENTS V. ANTED IN EVERY merited, highly varnished aal polished, while Estimates furnished tor Piute Glass to 00000000000000000 XX i 00000000000000000 permitted to say the commander or the Llwcll is TOWN luosb with French Mottled Walnnt Panels are by 00000000000000000 ooooocooooooooooo the prettiest ship captain we ever saw.” l y • far the most I Contractor and Builders. mar2l-6m oooooooooooooooouoooo oopooouooooooouoooooo | , eighty-two, at Fort Washington! Maryland, had Cd a| PHYSICAL LIFE OF WOMAN. ELEGANT AND ATTRACTIVE > 0000 EISNEK &, PHILLIPS, 0000 1 strange career. Pr.or to IS3S ae was extensuely \ripp T ° Parlor Orgav ever presented to the musical public’ 000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 ' engaged in building opreation-s in Bnflnlo. New MAIDEN, AV IFE & MOTHER. | The tone of the United States Organ is pure, nnnm .n „ T „ mTTT , T „ °l York. Ho thou uttered forged paper to the e mount “l trust ihe mstruciion and advice in this vol- smooth and pine-like, while it nas great volume A/y °Tnr PfiPITT AR PT fITTXTNfr ftflTT^P 0 ot over {&OOO.OJO and wrs sent to the penitentiary nme will reach every woman in 'he land.—Sur- and power. The action is quick, easy and elastic. 11l , r\ goon General A’m. A. Hammond, U. s. A. making the instrument equal'y useful for sacred 111 aS* \li ° . o' lor five years, buo.-eqticiitlj he w. 13 the proprte- -Every mother should have thi- book.uor should 'or secular music. The Organs are warranted for jM.I fiS «5i 000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000 ! lor of UrtthbuiTe liolel, New York. >hc suffer a child to be m:irri.*d wittmm the inf or- five years. JwP w v 0000 • oooooooo,ioooo no 31 CIV ill c rti-CUICUt.S. We pro-ecute all kii.ds of claims against the -— gcvcnmieni ol ih- 1 United States, before the ue- 1 Manufacturers of ... B /I/iaiii/jm ... B T?MRA\ NO IK. L, panraents. Comminee ol Congress and Court oi ' IVV wnrr\T vm’-oi? tS I V/OF HCt X hjtli AIVG* I JCi * Cl-.im>. We procure patents and act as attorneys FINE AND MEDIUM . FLRNITLRE. | i Came to the premises of tie suh-mher. residing in patent ca-c* We nnSe a spechUty ol lute.nal Of Every Description and Price ' "''. L I I AMD 11700X1 Q^PTO 1 8 at Homewood stitien. Heaver county. : a., on the Level uc ..uttetv ai d Luo Cla.m . t'ur terms on , 7 . ’ -t '(fii;jifi|ii| B xiiliJ Jf U Ull-^•' 0111 till I • n «,.jj of July a lar-m W’uMe Cow with one horn bu>uic«s sent n- by attorneys wilt bo one half the Handsome and Superior in stvle and qualify V 1 :, |! id H 8 broken ofl' ’ The owner is requested' to come lor- !c 9 charged claimants. When a. claim is sent us than lound in most or any other Furniture, House. g PITTSBfKGH, PA. H ward, prove propertv. n-, : v c lunges and take Imr we will send The necessary blanks and instructions this shle of the mountains. iiiiniMygini | | awav. or she wi:l be d’sj.osed of -iccn-ding to law bw its preparation.'-T-.a w;d aso keep our corfcs- Photograjms and 1 rice Li-t< sent on application. mi f ,j,|! 1,1,1,1,i| 1( l ~, . u,)t,iM" i ,I 1 J'l ■'. 1* wfWW WWtiVPWiMUJia»-eMU«u«^ au"l-3i* T. W. JOHNSTON nondents adv.-ed of all new laws, nulings and de or when m the city don t tuiget the place—sign cl ill " f.iilj i,.i' i.f 1 1, , 11 'll tih l' ! I ,1 1 ! 1 1 I mavUi-Gm. " .. ‘ cisions in rotation to chains. Sent for C’ircula tr*c Litrjrc Go.den Ctair, t I 11 '!} !l ' ••• I‘Ki'Vv’ji’j'.'*J : - : j|!; T, ! gXECUTOR'S NOTICE MITCIIENEH A GANGEWER, 1 ,; . i' and sc, Seventh Avenue, j | | OHURCH0 HURCH & SCH P°L FURNITURE, j Letters testamentary hav.nt: be-n granted to the undersiyimd, on the estate of William Kennedy, late of Hut hnroush of No w Brighton. deceased all person* indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pa’.merit. and Iho.-e bavins claims suainst the same will present them duly authenticated for sett'ement. JOSEPH c WILSON, Executor. P. O. Address—Beaver. Pj. anul fit pARM AND COAL LAND FOB-SALE. Part of the farm, (about 1-5 aero?) ol the Inti; Gon. 11. Muller, on t!ie Beaver road and Conno qnonessing, one mile from Zelienople. lias abaudauce of good-coal. bnildint stone and sprints of soft water. “A' ont one-hall is in jood timber, balance under in tivation. Address' \VM. 11. MULLER. M. U.. ' ellenople, Butler County, Pa. augl* STOCKHOLDERS MEETING O There will be a meeting of the Stockholders of “The Darlington and Cinncl Coal Railroad Com pany” held at their otiice in Darlington. August rl-uh, 1573 A tuil attendance is requested, as ba-iues of importance will be transacted. By n-der of Ws. Bukton. President. i..;:s McGows, Secretar’. , augl-St lOR PRINTING AT TH£ RADICAL OFFICE. Attorneys r.t Law WANTED IN EVERY TOWN FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF LIFE^ Counsels on the Nature and Hygiene ol the Mas culine Functions. BY DR. GEORGE U. NAPHEVS, This, extraordinary book has been praised by thousands of readers for its admirable style, its chaste line of thought, its vflluabfc medical advice its interesting and curious revelations, and its scientific accuracy. It is pure and practical, in tended for self-help and se It elevation. SOLD ONLYBY SUBSCRIPTION. BROWN lb HOLDOWAY, PUBLISHERS, 0 Jc s Sixth Street, hear Suspension Bridge, jelS It PITTSBURGH. ?A. QAPERTON'S DINING ROOMS. Ko G'J Market fct- Pittt-lmrgh, 1V.., Table furnished with the best thl market afford in it- season. Myais in the mi/rniu" bIMI ;2 o’c'ocU 'ii.-.jl'-'im at n;i;al I>!VII NISTRATOirs NOTICE ESTATE OF ANDREW COLE, DECEASED. Letter? oladmlnistiatiun on the‘estate of Andrcvf Cole.dec'd.. late of South Bcuver township.huving been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im? mediate pay muut,and. those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated lor settlement. A. I. LAWRENCE. Adm'r., South Leaver Township, raySl-c.t u. S. PATENT AGENCY, office '.>!< F St., Washington, D. C., 6. J. FEK R IS S, SOLICITOR. The cheapest an * must reliable Latent Agency a A .I'hintrtoa. Full particulars iron. Andress CL J. FERIUSS, 1 1- Lo~ t>3. \\ tshirjgton, D. U. O URE TO BE SEEN—YOUR NAME O IN THE BEAVER RADICAL. We have on hand a LARGE STOCK of FINE FINISHED HEADSTONES \ J Which we are sellingltfc cheap as any ot nef/tim in the Slate. A.so ‘ \ Granite Moments aM Heaisiies Furnished to order as reasonable as they can be bad elsewhere. Persons wishing MONUMENT S & HEADSTONES should cail and see us before purchasing clse w here, as wc will enarantee to sell a better job for less money than any other firm in Heaver county. GRIND STONES AND FIXTURES CEMENTS OF ALL KINDS BY THE BARREL nnrU-dm W 11. MARSHALL. Rochester.. Jp' LOWERS AND PLANTS. Fresh h'oomins FLtAVEhS and PLANTS ro ceived drily. Orders tor all kinds ol Shrubs urd Tre e*prompt !y filled. myiotr ;gpgjj C" AKLKS K HUHST, she Depot. Hoc jester, Pa. SCHOOL and OFFICE DESKS, and Pulpits made of seasoned Walnut and Ash timber. Send for prices to C. C. DUXXELLS, IT3 Liberty StPittsburgh. Pa jy2s-lm MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. •Jn-d published, anew edition of Dr. Culver well’s Celebrated Fssoy on the radical cure (without medicine) oi Sper?jatobeu(t.a or Semin al Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Losses. Impo tence. also Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, in duced by self-lndnlgor.ee or sexual extravagance. 2s?~Price in a sealed envelope only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years’ success ful practice. that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the applica tion of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple; certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may ho. may cure himself cheaply, privately and rndica’lv. EsTThis lecture should be in the hands of eve- 1 ry youth and every man in the land. j Sent under seal in a plain envelope, to any ad-*4 dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two J postage stamps. Address the Publisher. GHAS. A. CLINK & CO., 12'. Bowerv, New York. Post-office Box. 4."SG - - 1 - ■JJNITED^T^ Piano Compauv. $290.00. IT COSTS LESS TUAN THREE HUNDRED r>ou. AKS SIX HUNDRED DOLLAR pr^ o Sold throagh agents. ali 0; whom'au* 100 PER CENT. PROFIT We have no agents, bat step direct t,. < im At Factory Price, We make only one style, and have i !Jt ONE PRICE. TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY DU..LAHS Net Cash, will} co discount to dea.e-< 0 - eion to teachers OUR LUMBER Is V THOHOU&ILY REASONED, OUR CASES AUi DOUBLE V ENEL i> E D WITH ROSEVVOOi) Have tront round corners, serpent.i-e c-irvcd V\'c u»- THE FULL! IKON PLATE WITH OVER STRUNG BA" French Grcind Action wiTHiTOi j Dampers. ANDioun ksv> ,A!?t THE BEST IV <) K V WITH"IVORY* FKijX;- OUR PIAXO HAS SEVEN Is (i lect 0 u:cl.cs ;cr, EVERY I’lANd i' WARRANTED Foil ILLUSTRATE!* C'l'tA H-W In which we icier to oxor •Sc.. (some of whom vm Pianos in 1-J States and Ter U. S. PIANO cc 810 BROADWAY. N v Please state where yc 3 j f may-So-Jm 1 o make an- Vv' t Fl\ L V:a '-END IN) •\ !V-