The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 01, 1873, Image 4

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Friday Mornioei August Ist, 1873. I
Republican District and County Ticks
S. J. CROSS, Besver county.
JONATHAN ALLISON, Washington county.
A. L. CAMPBELL, Butler county, .
DAVID McKBB, Butler county.
O. A. SMALL, Bridgewater.
JAMBS H. MANN, New Brighton.
Q. W. SBBOABBS, Moon tp
Jury Commissioner.
JOHN WILSON, Chippewa tp.
Poor House Director.
. SAMUEL McMANAHT, Economy tp.
J. P. CULBERTSON, South Bearer tp.
- Trustees of Academy.
R. S. IMBRIE, Bearer.
P. L. GRIM. New Galilee*
Gov. Hartranft’s majority in this
conaty last Fall was eight hundred
and three. The opposition then
combined, Liberals and Democrats,
and the contest was squarely drawn
between the Republicans and their
opponents. Now the Democratic
party has nominated a Democratic
ticket. There is no person on the
list whose Democracy <can be ques
tioned. The Conservative boasts of
the fact as a /Sort of tacit vindica-
tion of iti course last Fall, but how-
ever that may be, the fact is ap-
parent that by ignoring their for
mer allies, the Democrats have
either slighted theref or are disgust
ed with their strength, or are deter
mined henceforth to have nothing to
do with them axcept they become
Democrats in name as well as in
practice. Very few Liberal Repub
licans will openly become Democrats
and some of them would prefer, like
the Cincinnati Commercial , the
election of President Grant lor the
third term, then the restoration
of the Democratic party to power.
The Republican strength of this
county ought to exceed that of last
Fall. The Democracy standing
alone surely is not as strong as when
nnited with the Liberals. Last Fall
the united opposition, had some
and conceal their features, dressed
themselves up in Republican gar
ments, but now all disguise is
thrown aside, and the opposition is
simply Democratic. The contest
is between the Republican party and
the Democratic. The issue in this
county is made up. The Republi
can party has set forth its platform
in a few resolutions, the Democratic
party is silent, it has no policy, it
makes no enunciation of principles.
The Republican party denounced
the back pay steal, the Democratic
party did not, and we are left in
doubt whether it sanctions the
course of its Congressman, McClel
land, in retaininghis, while he voted
against the bill. Our party has
- nominated a good ticket, every man
was fairly nominated, and there is
no reason why all of them should
not be elected. Nothing but indif
s *
ference on the part of voters, or the
introduction of foreign or side is
sues in the contest can decrease our
majority. The masses of the party
• surely have not forgotten their devo
tion to the principles of the Repub
lican party, and the splendid zeal
and faithful discharge of duty that
J -won such a signal victory last Fall
for Governor Hartranft and the
party which he represented.
The Democrats will endeavor to
secure, by side issues and the use of
stratagem, what they can not by
fair means upon principle, and we
expect to witness on their part, a
campaign more or less personal, and
full of deception and misrepresent
tation in order to elect a few officers.
We shall endeavor to enlighten the
voters and let them know what is
going on from time to time, and in
the meantime we say to these gen
tlemen who are engaged in this plot,
it is too thin t it won’t succeed.
Thb Argus puts at the head of
its local page both the Republican
and Democratic tickets. The Dem
ocratic is prefaced by “We are re
quested.” Will the editor please
tell us who requested? Under the
circumstances the publication of
the two tickets side by side with
the preface of the one in contrast
'with blank on the other, is peculiar.
The transportation question will
doubtless occupy considerable at
tention of the next Congress. The
report of Senator Windom’s Com
mittee, which has been making an
exhaustive investigation of the
whole question of internal commu
nication will throw much light on
the: subject, and increase the inter
est already felt in it. The Western
farmers demand cheaper freights,
the welfare of the country depends
on it and cheaper freights mast be
obtained. Other reforms hang on
this which is fundamental. Now
the high rates iof transportation
prevent the farmer from realizing
just and remunerative prices for
his labor, and consequently be is
restless and dissatisfied.
The farmer needs a better market,
and that policy which promises it
will carry in tie end. - There are
grave difficulties in the way of this
movement. The farmers will have
to measure strength with rich and
powerful monopolies, bqt their
cause is that of the people, and.
doubtless will in the end prevail,
though perhaps in a way not yet
The great railroad companies
may solve this question themselves;
they are now increasing their carry
ing facilities at an extraordinary rate.
The New- York Central and the
Pennsylvania road have adopted
the plan of a four track road from
New York to Chicago, thus giving
a double track for passengers and
freight each. Freights increas ed ra
pidly from 1851 to 1871,and are now
so large that the railroads are taxed
to their utmost to move them, but
with increased facilities of a double
freight track, and strong competi
tion there must be a decline in the
The building of these extra
tracks will take four or five years,
but when completed will afford
some relief to the Western farmers
and perhaps go as far to solve the
troublesome problem as anything
yet suggested.
A disastrous fire occurred in Bal
timore on Friday of last week,
which adds Another to the long list
of disasters of that kind thati raw
wiuuu a iuwr yeary. xne
first reports were much exaggerated,
and the calamity is not so great but
what it can easily be endured. There
were many houses burned, much
property destroyed, many families
made homeless, business deranged,
but no lives lost. The city escaped
destruction, though the people were
badly scared. Cannot some one
provide means to prevent these
large fires. To present them there
must be some way to discover a fire
in its incipiency, and ineans pro
vided to extinguish it at once.
Time is an important element to be
considered in the ; solution\ of this
question, and when a fire depart
ment is so organized that a fire can
be discovered as soon as it breaks
out, and extinguished before it'has
had time to spread, then and not
till then will our large cities be safe
from the devouring element. Bal-
timore has a splendid fire depart
ment, and probably ii was owing to
this fact that no greater disaster
befell the city.
No part of the responsibility of
passing the “back pay steal,” can
be fastened npon our Congressman,
Mr. Moore,andth e effort to do so had
better cease. There are known to be
a goodly number of other gentlemen
o i both parties who are guilty,
whom a little wholesome criticism
might benefit. The people general
ly, without regard to politics, con
demn the law, and require all back
pay to be handed over into the U.
S. Treasury by those entitled to it,
as a condition of their good stand
ing with them hereafter. Has our
ex-Congressman McClelland,refund
ed his back pay yet ? The Demo
cratic Convention did not enquire,
or was negligent of its duty.
The English Government have
made arrangements to pay the
whole amount of the indemnity, the
greater part of which has already
been paid in our own acceptances,
due five-twenty bonds. This forev
er settles a disagreeable subject of
contention, and now there is no
reason why England and the United
States should not be on friendly
terms for years 'to come.
—The Wisconsin Granges are to meet
in Convention August 23i. |
—The Republican candidate for Gover
nor of Minnesota is thirty*aix years old*
—The President how signs commissions
and transacts other official business at
Long Branch.
—We see from some of par exchanges
the Hon* P. Grey Meeks, of the Bellefonte
Watchman, is spoken of fpr chairman of
the Democratic Committee.
—A personal friend of Firesident Grant
authorizes a denial that he| has any inten*
tion to be a candidate for a third term.
Just as we supposed.
—The State Republican Convention
for the nomination of candidates for
Supreme Judge pud State Treasurer
meets at Harrisburg on the 13th of Au
—Washington authority has it that a
circular is to be issued at once calling a
meeting of Northern an Southern Demo*
crats at White Sulphur Springe, Virginia,
August 4lh.
—Hon. George V. Lawrence has been
compelled to decline the position of chair*
man of the Republican County Commit*
tee oh account of the re-assembling of the
Constitutional Convention on the 16th of
—The Democratic State Convention in
Texas is to be held in Austin on Wednes
day, September Bd. The call says that
its purpose will be to indicate the future
policy of the Democratic party of the
State and to nominate candidates for
State officers.
■ —Ex Senator Nesmith is a candidate
for the Democratic nomination for Con*
gress in Oregon, and the Portland Bulletin,
a Republican paper, says: “The lime
was when he did ns great service in
breaking down the Democratic party,
and we are still properly grateful to him
for it.”
—Gen. Tom. Ewing positively declined
being the Democratic candidate for Gov
ernor, and the contest now lies between
Sam Carey (he of the horny hand), and
Gen. Lew. Campbell. Campbell, it is
said, expects the temperance men to
support him. '
—The Senatorial Conferees of the 28th
District, consisting of C. W. Mackey, of
Venango; Hugh Flinn, of Lawrence,
and S. R. Thompson, of;Mercer, met at
Jamestown on Thursday last and elected
Samuel H. Miller, Esq., of Mercer, Sena
torial delegate to the State Convention. I
—The Cincinnati Commercial, which
sustains the 80th of Julymoyement, says
that it infinitely prefers Grant for a third
term to a chance for the of
——■——-- ■. ■■ a~
happy, heavenly feeling of harmony be
tween the two or fractions, of
the opposition in the Buckeye State. i
—The Chicago Tribune says: The Re
publicans of Iroquois county, in this
State, have this is a bad
year for party nominations, so that they
bave/lecided.not to hold a party conven
tion. A general convention of all voters
without distinction of party has been
calied to nominate a ticket for county offi-
—The Boston Globe says that Governor
Washburn’s friends determined a fortnight
ago to place his name before Republi
can State Convention for renomination,and
that they already have effected a) prelim
nary organization, have established head
quarters, and seem ready to meet General
Butler on his own- ground, and at all
points, by a vigorous of the
—The dispatches from Minnesota state
that an error had been discovered in the
count of the third ballot of the Republi
can State Convention for Governor, and
that Washburn was really nominated,
instead of Davis, turn out to be mere
speculations. Washburn has announced
his satisfaction with the result, and no
effort will be made to change it. He and
his friends support Davis, cordially; and
as the Democrats of that State propose
also to nominate and support Davis, he is
likely to go into office by unanimous con
The St. Louis Democrat protests in
this energetic way: “There is QO reason
why the Republican party in the South
should everywhere have good and accept
able candidates for public positions, in
stead of being compelled to choose, in
Texas, between such men as Davis and
Clark, and in Mississippi between such
men as Powers and Ames, for an office
like that of Governor, Davis is a well
meaning ignoramus; Clark is a preten
tious ass; Powers baa no better sense
than to order the rearest of a man "just
released on an unconditional pardon; and
Ames Is principally known as Ben Bai
ler’s son-ln law.”
—The Cincinnati Gazette is not pleased
with the action of the Constitutional
Convention in this State in leaving ap*
pointive offices open to women, and says :
“This is meant for a sop to appease the
noble rage of the female mind; but it is
an insult to women, and it places the
convention in rediculous inconsistency.
It allows that officers who have appoint*
ing power may appoint women, while the
people are not allowed to elect women.
And although the intent is only to open
subordinate offices to women, it in fact
allows her to be placed in • any vacancy
which the Governor fills by appointment
even to the judgeships and to the Supremo
1 ,
Y, AUGUST 1, 1873,
---The New Bloomfield Advocate and
Press says; Hon. John Cessna has nomi
nated Mr. George G. Shively, son of
Peter Shively. Blq„ of Fairfield township.
Adapts county, as cadet at West Point for
the Seventeenth congressional district of
Pennsylvania* The examination will
take place in August. This Shively (or
Shelbley) is a grandson of the late Daniel
Sbejbleyof Chambersburg, and is related
to large conection of Sbtibleys in this
county. 5
—The Democratic County Convention
for Jefferson county was very thinly at*
tanked, and scarcely any interest was
manifested In it. This is indicative of the
general apathy pervading that party in
this State just Tet although apathy?
is so generally prevalent, here and there
a fight is raging. Clarion and Forest
have a fierce tug over which county shall
have the candidate for Representative,
and Fayette and Greene over the candi*
date for Judge. So far, in both cases,
neither will give way to the other.
—The annual Republican , County
Meeting, of Berks county, has been called
to meet at the Court House, August 11th, |
at one o’clock in the afternoon, the same
being the first day of the August term of
Court. Four delegates to Con
vention which meets at Harrisburg on
the 13th of August will be appointed at
this meeting, and the preliminary steps
be taken for the opening of the fall cam
The annual Democratic County Meeting
will be held In the Court House on the
next day, Tuesday, August 12th.
—The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
bad reversed the judgement of the Com
mon Pleas Court of Dauphin county in
thje case of the Commonwealth against
George 0. Evans, involving the commis
sioners for the collection of State war
claims, and ordered a venire facias de novo.
Judge Sharswood in announcing the de
cision, said Evans Was bound by law to
mjike a prompt report of his collections,
and if requested verbally by Governor
Geary to make such report, as alleged by
the defendant, the Governor had no au
thority to release a State agent from his
official duty or the conditionsof his bond.
This makes a new trial necessary.
-'-The Mobile Register says the “unifica
tion” movement in Louisiana is dead, and
nothing further will hi done with it.
This is as we anticipated. It might have
bhen, in the right hands, a grand and
successful movement; but those who
took the lead did so, not from principle,
but from expediency. They had no heart
ih it; and when the Southern Democrats
raised their Voice as one man against it,
Beauregard and his coadjutors took fright
and let the movement drop. No great
nver accpmplished by trim-
and expediency men. Men must
have convictions before they can engage
successfully in the* work of reform; and
everybody knew and felt that the
Louisiana Democrats were for “unifica
tiou” only to compass their own selfish
political purposes, the movement was
without moral force from the beginning.
—The Harrisburg Telegraph says: “A
cotemporary observes that Democratic
papers, disliking monthly reductions of
ttye public debt, constantly criticise Presi
dent Grant’s method of paying it. Some
of them go so far as to assert that
the official statements are false, and that
tljiere has been no actual decrease. In
ahswerto these things it need only be
sajid that five years ago the national debt j
fujnded and unfunded,amounted to $3,000,-1
000,000. It is now $2,100,000,000 in round !
numbers, a difference of nine hundred !
millions. If this isn’t reduction we would 1
to know what is? It Is almost un-1
paralleled in the history of human gov
ernment. The annual interest was at one
time $180,000,000 ; while now it is but
$107,000,000. Figures won’t lie, but
those Who use them sometimes will. It is
not the interest of the Republicans to do j
this in the face of facts brilliant beyond '
any expectati >n. Toey are only pervert
ed to meet Democratic dilemmas.”
—lu'a letter to Gen. W. C. Wickham j
and others, Major Edward McMahon con- j
stints to go before the Republican State i
Convention as a candidate K>r the nomi-
nation of Governor of Virginia. He says , The new building of Atkins & Small
that he has never been an active politi-J on Third Street, will be finished in about
cian, or an aspfrant for parly favors, but j two weeks, when their furniture estab
believing, as he honestly does, that the ! bailment further up the street, will be
prosperity of Virginia is intimately asso- j moved to the new warehouse,
ciattid with the success of Republican
principles and the alignment of the State
with the National Administration, be
will run for the Office if nominated. He
also says: “I recognize in the present
National Administration the representa
tive thought of the American people. I
believe tbat the free interests of Virginia,
ajid the South especially, are intimately
associated with a generous, manly, and.
impartial support of that A Iministra lion,
and a sincere determination to carry out
in good faith the Constitution and laws of
toe country, as we have solemnly pledged
ourselves to do. Following closely } npon
the recognition of the palpable duty of
upholding the Government that throws
itsprotectioa over us are to be found, ac
cording to my comprehension, the genu
ine Interests of Virginia. even a super
ficial knowledge of the wonderful wealth
that lies buried in onr State would at
once suggest that the growth and pros
perity of »n her great interests depend
upon the successful prosecution ofj the
enlarged enterprises of public improve
ment now attracting the ’attention of the
country. Prominent among these is the
Completion of the James River Snd Kana
wha Canal.”
Radical Is the most extensively circu
lated Weekly Newspaper In Western
Pennsylvania* /
Cleveland Sc Pittsburgh Railroad.
Going Wett— Mail, 7,46 a. m; Accommodation
6.10 p. m.
Going East— Accommodation, 0,19 a. m; Hail,
3.31 p. &; Express, 9,07 p. m.
Arrival and Departure of ISalls.
Western mall leaves at 6.45 am.; arrives at 8 p.m.
Eastern mail leaves at 3p. m.; arrives at Ba. m.
The attention of the public is directed to tbe
following new advertisements, which appear in
Tbs Radical to-day:
Betray Notice—T. W. Johnson ..... •
Executor's Notice—Joseph C. Wilson
For Bale—Wm. U. Haller *
Special Notice—Banner Baking Powder. C
Special Notice—Hostetler A Smith G
Special Notice—John Kennedy C
Adv—Dawson A Bakin. C
Special Notice—Normal School C
Special Notice—Sapolio. C
Stockholders Meeting—Wm Bo*ton... IsSt
Special Notice—R. Steinfeld C
Special Notice—B. M. Swing C
Bfaehbertiesr are. ripe and in abund
* U
ance. ! l
Two entire new two Horse Wagons, for sale
at Speyerer A Son's. feh2l-tf.
Rev. J. K. Miller has put a sew roof
on bis house. ' •
Ice Cold Sparkling Soda Water, flavored with
Pure Fruit Syrups, always fresh from Hugo An
drieseen’e Marble Fountains.
Seventy kegs of beer were sold at
one picnic in Warren borough; and yet
that is a local option county.
We have had heavy rains during the
week, very hot weather, and one c»u al
most see the corn grow.
For Sale * —John Trimble, of George
town, Pa., has 20 acres of land for sale in
Green township. See posters.
Wan ted. —John H. Ewing, of Sbippingport
Pa., is now buying WOOL, paying from 40 to 42
cents. He wants all he can get. jy!Btf
Wanted . —logood coal miners want
ed, steady employment, house rent free.
Enquire of Captain R. Calhoon, George
town, Beaver county, Pa.
Bobert f son of Mr. das. Hardy, of
Brighton township, had his arm broken
on last Friday by being thrown from a
Divine Services in the Vanport M,
E. Church, at 4 o’clock, p. m., next Sab
bath, by Rev. James M. Shields. Wel
come all.
Recovering. The readers of The
Radical will be gratified to learn that
Judge Achesdn is rapidly recovering from
his late serious illness.
apples in Crawford county will be a
fair crop. The apples are not as heavily
loaded as usual, but nearly all will yield
Organs. —Very cheap organs from
|5O to f5OO. Call on or write to Smith
Curtis, Radical office Beaver, Pa., for
further particulars and terms.
John Wilson's house, near the U. P.
Church, is being rapidly built. The
walls are up, the roof on, and the build
ing begins to show off.
John A . Cogtey , of Smith’s Ferry,
has sold out his store to Treffinger &
Smith, who will continue the business at
the old stand. We wish them many cus
tomers and plenty of cash.
•21/% Joseph Ledlie has removed his
office from The Radical building to the
new and tasteful building which he has
just erected close to his residence on the
Now is the time to subscribe for the
Beaver Radical, the political campaign
will soon open, and every voter should be
supplied with good reading matter.
$2.00 a year. j
Mr. Joe Sniph, of Smiths Ferry,
one day last week was disabled by being
kicked on the knee by a horse. Although
lame, his injuries are only temporary.
Dr. Htmilton dressed the limb.'
Some old-fashioned mowing was done
on the Diamond on Tuesday. It put to
shame our modern improvements, and
made one almost wish to revive the old
way of doing up harvests.
A new Democratic paper is about to
be started in Pittsburgh. The enterprise
may prove a success, but it is rather ris.
ky. One bad better not g > his bottom
dollar-on it anyway.
Hamilton Kinsey bas leased the
Ferry between Smiths Ferry and George,
town, and Is doing a good business. Mr.
Kinsey is very acecmmodating, and will
aei you across the Ohio in double quick
***' John McCurdy, formerly
of (bis county, has been on a visit to hie
friends in Georgetown. He expects to
return is the Pall and remain, having
aold oat in Seville, Medina county, Ohio
where he has been living for a number of
«^?J? U , ate# ofAMde “ ieB Seminaries can
fit themselves for a Normal School Diploma in
Por coarB3 of study and informs-
Pern’!?™ 8 h Bta “ P J * A * Co °P er > Bdinboro,
Ur. Dto Lewis puts
corsets on the same level so 4 r d J
is concerned, and siys, ‘V asbea! 'i
idence are three Bhnps_ a Z my
candy shop, and a corset shon® a
know Which is the greatest evil.- d ° D ° l
The Lawrence Guardian i 8 toW
larged to* a thirty-su col umn obe <*•
change made necessary Z Tn? BPer ’
vertislng patronage. InLaJTs?'
of nature, and we are glad tnX la *
fact in the above case. Serve, ie
We have been requested by the
tary of the Democratic Countv r Jr*
tee, J. M. Buchanan, Esq. J..
that there will be a meeting of
cratic County Committee in the
House in Beaver. Pa . t 0D SatuL
2nd day of August, atten o’ctoclf ?'
The mother of Kale
the girl who was shot by her loy^i? 8 Harmony. Pa., on the
has returned to Wheeling troin avi 51
her wounded daughter, and reports h
improving quite rapidly with every Z
pent of * speedy recovery. IPW
Waite Oyler, *bo has ffiade „ ?
attempts to escape jail, mide , “
unsuccessful one on Tuesday He *
finally diseoeered in the a.ic »be, e J!
an Oyler could get. If be »,«,,
gettmg away now he will earn his i ibet .
tv *
The Sharon Timet says that while
Howe’s circus was going from that pj ace
to Youngstown, Ohio, on Tuesday morn
mg of last week, the thunder frightened
the elephants to such an extent that they
became unmanageable and stampede
through the fields
The New Lisbon Bucket SUU .
The citizens of this county residing along
the line of the proposed narrow gaDge
railroad have subscribed $23,000 for ns
What narrow gauge railroad is
above—where is its proposed terminus*
The excellent and superior United
States Organs, manufactured by Whitney
and Raymond, Cleveland, Ohio. These
Organs are fully warranted, powerful, soft
toned, and made of the best material
For further information write to or cal
upon Smith Curtis, Agent, RaDic®
office, Beaver, Pa. *
The total assessed value of private
property in the United Slates, according
to the census of 1870, was 114.178,979,632;
the valuation of real estate being $9,914,.
780,826, and personal estate $4,254,205,-
907. The true valuation according to
the same authority, of real and personal
estate, Was f 30,068,518,507.
Fire.—A fire broke out in the IFs/e
house of the Doncaster house, Hockester,
on Sunday about 2 o’clock in the aba
noon. At first serious destruction was
anticipated, but fortunately by the aid of
the citizens vlho were quickly on hand
the fire was extinguished without causing
much damage. ■'
There is quite an organ contest going
on in the Presbyterian Church. Mellor
& Hoene, of Pittsburgh, have a Goodman
organ, and the editor of this paper has s
Combination, one of Simmons & Clough
organ manufacture, on exhibition in the
Church. Both of these organs have tubes
and reads combined, and are superior in
struments. '6O and see them.
Charles E, Johnson , who returned
from Florida a few weeks since, is set
tling up bis business in this county pre
paratory to taking his filial departure to
that land of fljwers andjorange blossoms
next Fail. He is going, l pretty extensive
ly into the business uranges.
Charley has music in him, and if a live
Tt ankee can succeed downthere, he can.
Beaver Seminary, under the su-
pervision of Prof. Scfaeibner, has been
! new roofed and much improved. We un
j derstand that the prospects for a full
! school at the opening of nest session are
| quite flattering. We are glad to see our
i institutions of learning in a prosperous
condition. Beaver College aud Beaver
Seminary ought to be crowded with stu
.Mrs. Emetine Evans, of Califor
nia, is visiting her sister, Airs. Elizabeth
I Calhoun, of Georgetown. Mrs. Evans
went to California early, and is one of
the old settlers. She has made two jour- ,
neys to California by overland, and re- j
turnecf this summer by the Pacific rail
road over the same country traversed
many years ago in a slow coach. The
contrast must have been striking.
A Hint to House wives.— Every bottfcrvife
of neat and tidy habits takes especial delight*®
keeping al! the tip, copper and ir c ware of be
kitchen as clean and bright as painstaking lab° r '
can make them. A pride in this direction is com
mendable, acd always meets the smiling approval
of the “tyrant man" who pays the bonsuhold bite
Remkmber that Sapolto is the only thing on earti
that will make an old tarnished tin pan or a rnsty
kettle shine as bright as new. And by the use of
Sapolio it js the dmckest and easiest thing m the
world to keep every utensil in a'high state of
V**, Brother Jake, we bad a new suit 0/clothe*
nude by B. Stelnfeld of New Brighton, Go there
end leave your measure and see how his cutter
can improveyonr appearance. R. Stelnfeld keep*
on hand a large stock of gentlemen’s furnish’ 1 #
goods, bia sales ate large. Suita for boys or nw®
made oh short notice in the best of style and a [
prices to suit. Remember, R. Steinfeld. b’ e *
Hsrizog Sc Beam, manufacturers and, deal
ere in fancy Boots. Shoes and Gaiters. Orders
from all parts of the county filled on short cot**