The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 25, 1873, Image 4

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Frldap ffloralm, July 2S IBT3.
Republican District and County Ticket
& J. CROSS. Beaver county.
JONATHAN ALLISON, Washington county.
A. L. CAMPBELL, Butler county,
DAVID MeKSB, Butler county.
O. JL SMALL, Bridgewater
jambs H. MANS,’New Brighton.
o. W. SHROADBB, Moon tp.
Jury Commissioner.
JOHN WILSON, Chippewa tp.
Poor Bouse Director.
SAMUBL MoM ANAMY, Economy tp.
J. P. CULBEKTiON. South Beaver tp.
Tniatees ol Academy.
S. 8. IMBRIE, Beaver.
T. L. GRIM. New Galilee.
The Constitutional Convention
has adjourned over the hot months
and the members have gone home
to mingle with tbeir constituents.
The new constitution is yet in an
incomplete form, although a vast
amount of work has been expended
on it/ It is said, however, that it
can be finished in a few weeks’ hard
work ifter the Convention re-assem
bles. From present appearances
the Convention intends to submit to
the people almost an entirely new
Constitution, instead of a few
amendments to the old, and in this
matter, we think, have erred. There
are too many changes proposed at
one time to obtain a majority in fa
vor of' all of them, since each
change from the old will encounter
some opposition, which, when com
bined, will make a formidable pow
er. The people called the Conven
tion into existence for the purpose
of correcting some abuses of spe
cial legislation, and it has gone
much further than was anticipated,
and proposed some changes that
will not likely be popular.
The article on Flection, Suffrage
and Representation, as it passed
second reading, modifies the present
law materially. It requires every
to have been a citizen at least
thirty days before election. Now
there is no limitation, and foreign
born persons can be naturalized up
to the very day of election. This
change will doubtless be beneficial,
and do away with that fruitful
source of evil, fraudulent naturali
zation papers. The thirty days
will give time to discover and pre
vent frauds of this character. The
time of residence of the voter in
the election district ha& also been in
creased from ten to thirty days, and
the payment of the tax required
sixty days before the day of elec
tion, instead of on the same day as
now. The change of time of resi
dence will tend to make more diffi
cult those colonization frauds, as it
will vastly increase the expenses of
carrying them on, but the limita
tion of sixty days for the payment
of the tax will be a great inconveni
ence to some, and is a weak and un
popular feature of the amendment.
The secret ballot clause, although
changed considerably its
original form, on second reading,
still is yet objectionable. We would
'throw around the ballot box all
the safe guards needed to se
cure a free and independent bal
lot, but this change destroys
the absolute secrecy of the ballot
and therefore tends to restrict its
free exercise. The original form
required the ballot to be endorsed
by the voter and was rejected on
second reading because the endorse
ment would destroy the secrecy of
the ballot, but we think the Same ob
jection, though not quite so strong,
can be made to the present clause as
amended. It the ballots are num
bered and the numbers correspond
with the numbers of the electors on
the polls, what is to hinder the
publication of an elector’s vote, es
pecially if the knowledge is politi
cally important? There is one
more safe guard, and an important
one which will meet with more fa-
Tor. The section provides that the
Court may, upon the petition of a
certain number of citizens, setting
ibrth that there is danger of fraud in
some election districts appoint over*
seers composed of men of different
political parties, who will settle
points that may vise in
the election board, and thus prevent
corrupt election officers from re
ceiving illegal votes.
The above are the changes pro
posed to guard the ballot box. We
do not think that the change, as a
whole, is much improvement upon
our present law. The security of
the free ballot depends on the peo
ple in each election district in any
The Spanish Republic seems to
be in a state of chronic disorder,
and late news from Spain does not
afford much encouragement for the
friends of democracy to hope that
the situation of affairs will be much
better. Telegraph dispatches indi
cate that in all the departments of
Government and throughout the pro
vinces there is great confusion of
ideas and uncertainty as to the fu
ture. We are unable to keep" np
with the many changes in the Min
istry. New ones are formed then
remodeled with such rapidity that
only those familiar frith the current
events in Spain can be expected to
fnlly understand them in all their
relations, so as to be able to predict
their sequences, In all the confu
sion it seems reasonably clear, how
ever, that "Republican ideas of va
rious shades are combatting with
the old order of things and have
gained a temporary advantage
thus far. The Carlist re-action is
rather forced by ambitious med
dlers, and no doubt has a powerful
support outside of Spain. Progress
never goes backward, and we are
inclined to believe that whether
Senor Pi-y-margall is successful in
forming a new ministry or not, or
whether, when formed, it possesses
the confidence ol the people, the
Republic will not die in Spain, for
it has inherent strength and the
Carlist movement must yet be made
to feel it. We can hardly realize
the mixed struggle for the suprema
cy that is going on there. The va
rious antagonistic elements that are
in the struggle—but really there are
only two sides—the old and new or
der. The Republic has been and is
in possession of power, and not by
accident either, bat through the ex
pansion and grofrth of Republican
ideas among the people. Shall its
career suddenly be arrested and its
power destroyed ? A reaction may
take place, but it will be temporary.
Old ideas are not dislodged in a
day, nor will they yield up the scep
ter without a desperate effort to re
tain it When an appeal to arms
is taken, and the combat deepens,
those ideas . that accord with the
progressive tendencies of other na
tions will usually be. found to be su
perior and victorious. We contin
ue hopeful and await the perma
nent establishment of the Spanish
Republic. Republicanism is cer
tainly io the auyiiot only here but
on the Continent, and old things are
becoming new there as well as here.
Legislative Conference of
this district, including the counties
ot Butler, Beaver and Washington,
met at the Monongahela House,
Pittsburgh, on Wednesday of last
week. The following gentlemen
composed the Conference: Capu
C. U. Meypr, John McCarty, Esq.,
and H. J. Speyerer, Esq., of Bea
ver ; Henry Pillow, Dr. A. W.
Crawtord, and Capt. Henry Tim
blin, of Butler; Dr. J. W. Alexan
der, William Kidd, and John Hall,
of Washington.
The morning session was spent
in an interchange of views, the af
ternoon was devoted to work, and
resulted in the nomination of Hons.
Samuel J. Cross, of Beaver; A. L.
Campbell and David McKee, of
Butler; Jonathan Allison ot Wash
ington. We are sorry that Capt.
J. K. Billingsly of Washington
could not have been nominated also,
but adherence to established rules
made it impossible, and he will
have to wait. The ticket nominat
ed is a good one, and we have no
doubt will receive the hearty sup
port of the entire district.
The Legislative and Senatorial
Conference fori the election of Leg
islative and Senatorial delegates to
the State Convention, met at the
same time and place. The con
ferees were as follows: Capt. Geo.
W. Hamilton, C. K. Chamberlin
and J. H, Christy of Beaver, and
three other gentlemen from each of
v /
the other counties ,BtUler Md Wash
iogton. S : -
The Conference was harmonious
and after some wnsnlUtiOttV the
following gentlemen were elected
delegates: Senatorial W. S. Shah
lenberger, of Beaver; Representa
tive, Messrs. Gfer and Garvin, of
Butler; I. P. V, Hazzard, ofWash
iogton; D» Critohlow, of Beaver. ;
According toaNew York J Jerald
special from Vienna, Hiram Gar
*ettson has been appointed Chief
American Commissioner at the
Vienna! Industrial Exposition in
place of JacksonS. Schultr, reliev
ed at hie own request, w Mr. Garrett*
son has entered upon hit duties;; ;
How. D. L. licbbis, Chief Clerk
of the Constitutional Convention,
arrived home on Friday of last
week t He is looking a little ihinj.
but is as well ns usual. He will
remain here, we believe, during the
recess of the Convention.
The New York 8m is authority
for saying that A, T. Stewart, be
fore leaving for Europe last week,
made his will, and that the schedule
of his real estate with its valuation
foots up the extraordinary sum of
one hundred million of dollars.
—Dr. J. Winans has been'named for
the Legislature by the Democrats of For
est county.
—There are eight candidates for the
Republican nomination for Sheriff in
Tioga county, Pa.
—Hon. Samuel J. Randall has gone to
Bedford Spings, it is said for the purpose
of having a consultation with some of the
leaders of the Democracy.
—Cushman E. Davis, the Republican
candidate for Governor of Minnesota, is
the present United States District Attor
ney in that State.
—The Evansville Journal has discover
ed that a Congressman’s salary-steal will
just bay a horse and baggy, and pat an
**L” on the house.
—B. P. Morris, of the Warren lodger ,
has been elected chairman of the Warren
Democratic County Committee. The
Democratic Convention will be held on
the 12th of Angust.
—Governor Hartranft his re-appblnte£
John M'Curdy, Esq., Superintendent of
Public Printing. A most excellent ap
pointment of an efficient officer and| a
corteous public servant.
—The Lewisburg Republican says :
Ur. Packer’s most intimate acquaintances
were no way uneasy about bis falling in
with the salary thieves. He is nut that
style of man. He Is a staunch believer
in the old adage, “Honesty is the best;
—A most sensible view of affairs is
taken by the Norwich Bulletin when it
remarks that the first constitutional
amendment needed in Connecticut is one
prohibiting the Legislature from electing
its own members to judicial or other
State offices.
—A baker’s dozen of soreheads in War
ren county, dissatisfied because they were
not allowed to dictate the nomination of
the Republican party there, have issued a
call for a “People’s Convention,” to meet
on the 15tb pros, for the purpose of nom>
inating an independent ticket.
—We are glad to give currency to the
report that Hon. John B. Packer has re
fused to accept his share of the Congress
ional salary grab. Though this act is
only in keeping up with his vote against
the grab bill, we nevertheless chalk it
down to Mr. B’s credit with extreme
—Senatorial conferees from Blair, Som
erset, Bedford, and Fulton elected July
15lh D. W. Mullin delegate to the State
Convention. Bedford and Fulton elected
John J. Cromer representative delegate.
Both weie unanimously instructed to
vote for Hon. Samuel Henry for State
Treasurer, and both are friends of Wm.
H. Hall for Supreme Judge.
—“Back pay” cost $1,163,000 for work
paid for and done. “Forward pay” cost
$2,058,750 before any work is done.
“Back pay” and “forward pay” cost, be
tween March and December of this year,
with no Congress in session, $3,321,750.
Congressmen who expect this storm to
blow over will be wanting to know, next
year, if anybody heard anything drop.
—A Missouri paper states that there is
another new political organization spring
ing np in that section, which already
numbers 260,000 members. Its object is
to repudiate all the bonds issued by coun
ty, town and city governments to aid the
building of railroads, and to seize and di
vide the lands appropriated to those “un
popular monopolies.”
—Washington authority has it that a
circular is to be issued at once, calling a
meeting of Northern and Southern Dem
ocrats at White Snlphnr Springs, Virgin
ia, on August 4th. The Information stops
there rather provokingly, and don’t
vouchsafe a word as to what Democrats
are to meet and what they are to meet
for. Still, bp possessing your soul in
patience, all things come to him who
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Charles Potter, of the
XeothOhio district, Jim yielded to public
uid returned the beck pay to
the Treasury. In March last lie decided
to presenthis share to the School Fond
of biadiatrict, bot bis Constituents' having
#hown such disapproval of that step, he
hM reversed it, and taken the one he
should have taken at first.
—At a meeting on Saturday of the
Dauphin county Republican Committee,
it Wiaa moved that S. F. Barr, Esq., be the
Senatorial, and Joseph- Landis and Abra
ham Fortenbaugh be the Representative
delegatee to the next State Convention,
wm unanimously agreed to.
Tuesday, September 2d mi fixed as the
dsyfor the holding of the next County
The movement looking toward the
formation of a new State out of North
Mississippi. West Tennessee and Western
Kentucky is being discussed with consid
erable animation by the newspapers pub
lished in the section interested. A con
vention is to be held'at Jackson on tbe
29th!Inst, when delegates are to be pres
ent from every city, town and civil dis
trict within the limits of the proposed
new State. The general sentiment seems
to be in favor of the movement.
—A dispatch from San Francisco, dated
July 19, says:
The action of the Republican Conven
tion in refusing to require candidates for
the legislature to pledge themselves to give
their views on the questions of railroad
monopolies, reducing railroad tariffs and
currency, causes severe comment, and
shows clearer than ever that Billy Carr,
Sanford’s agent, controls the majority of
the Convention. This gives strength to
the tax-payer’s independent movement.
—“lndex,” the Philadelphia corre
spondent of the Venango Citizen, writes;
So far as 'Philadelphia is concerned, we
are satisfied that she desires her delegates
at the State Convention to support Rob
ert W. Mackey for State Treasurer. lie
is the favorite with the Republicans of
this city, and of the Commonwealth. His
official career gives satisfaction to all but
the “grumblers,” who are always to be
found iu every party. His nomination,
we believe, is assured, and with that his
triumphant election is as certain as that
the second Tuesday of October next will
dawn upon the freemen of our Common
—At Fort Dodge, lowa, Saturday, a
County Convention was held to select
celegates to the State Anti-monopoly
Convention to be held at Des Moines,
AogUst 13tb. About three hundred farm
ers were present. Resolutions were
Adopted denouncing monopolies of all
kind* and politicians and official corrup
tion; demand the revision and reduction
of the tariff and declare that both politi
cal parties have failed to satisfy the hon
est sense of the people, and have forfeited
their title to the respect and confidence
of all honorable citizens, and that they
turn their backs upon both without fear
and without remorse.
—The Venango, Pa., Citizen says that
for the Republican nomination for Su
preme Judge, “Hon. I. G. Gordon, of
Jefierson, is undoubtedly the choice of
Western Pennsylvanja, and he wilt also
receive strong support from the centra]
and northern portion of the State. Sis
chances just now look flattering. In the
east, Judge Butler, of Chester, and Judge
Paxsoc, of Philadelphia, are named for
the position. Great opposition is mani
fested by the lawyers of the State against
Paxson. They do not consider him com
petent for the Supreme Bench. The com
bination which was reported la have
been made to secure bis nomination has
been dissolved, and there is every prospect
that the Convention will be permitted to
make nominations for Stite officers with
out the assistance or manipulation of
—The Democratic Executive Commit
tee, of Philadelphia, have issued-an ad
dress from which we clip the following :
Tour committde recommend, then, that
we enter the campaign as a separate and
distinctive organization, and make the
fight, whether for victory or for defeat.
Who shall be the standard-bearers remains
for you |n jour respective divisions and
wards to decide at the primary elections
in September. But this much we may
state, that if you expect your committee
to organize and carry out a successful
canvass, see to it that you select none but
the best men for the positions to be filled.
It is not sufficient that the candidate is a
Democrat. He must be representative in
his character, and command the confidence
and support of the taxpayer, irrespective
of party. He most be selected, not be
cause he seeks the position, but because
the position requires bis services.
—The Republicans of Allen county,
Ohio, held their Nominating Convention
last Saturday. The City Hall was com
pletely packed, and tae best of feeling
prevailed- The following ticket was
nominated: Representative—Lewis Jen
nings; Commissioner —Wm. £ Watkins;
Infirmary Director —J. L. B. Leatberman;
Treasurer—Richard T. Hughs ; Prosecut
ing Attorney—P. B. Johnson ; Surveyor
—George H. Kephart; Sheriff—Wm. Mfi
ler. It is hoped to elect Miller Sheriff,
and Hughe’s re-election is conceded,
while the interest manifested by the Con
vention shows that the Allen county
Republicans are alive to their interests.
Tour correspondent has talked with sev
eral prominent Democrats of this county,
gome claim that the “new departure” is
going to sweep over the country like a
tidal wave. Upon the otter hand, it is
said the movement is very thin, and does
not take at all with the "old timers 0 of
Allen county, i and as a project of Mr.
Caanlngham’s to get the first or second
place on the ticket at Bridkerhoffs Con*
vention. The Democracy held a meeting
last night to njominate twenty-one dele
gates to the District at Wspa
—The Butler Herald, Democratic, pays
the following, handsome and deserved
complement to Hon. George K. Anderson,
Republican candidate for State Senator
In Crawford county:
George Kr Anderson, Ssq. f paid ua a
visit this week looking in fine trim/ Mr.
Anderson has been nominated by the
Republicans of Crawford county for the
Senate, and we do not hesitate to say that
i better nomination oonld not have been
made by them. He is the arch itect of his
own fortune—intimate with the oil inter
ests of the State, having been an operator
for yean in Venango county, and now
connected with seventeen producing
wells in this county. Honest and upright
in bis dealings, he will prove an efficient
and vigilent Senator to Whom the public
interests can be entrusted with perfect
confidence. Although opposed to him in
politics, we cote his nomination with
pleasure, and as he will be elected,, we
feel certain he will never betray the true t
confided to him.
Aobhts.—C. W. Taylor, Beaver Falls; Evan
Pugh, New Brighton; J. Linnenbrink, Rochester.
Radical le Use most extensively circu
lated Weekly Newspaper in Western
Cleveland A Pittsburgh Railroad.
Going West— Mall, 7,46 a. m; Accommodatior
5,40 p. m.
Going East— Accommodation, 9,19 a. m; Hail,
,37 p. m; Express, 7,07 p. m.
Arrival and Departure of Ralls;
Western mall leaves at 6.45 a.m.; arrives at 3 p.m.
Eastern mail leaves at 2p. m.; arrives at Ba. m.
The attention of the public is directed to the
following new advertisements, which appear in
The Radical to-day;
New Adv—Weaver & Co C
New Adv—Rowell & Co C
New Adv— S.M. Petengill C
Betray—Adam Poe Is3t
Administrator's Notice—G. C. Speyerer *
Special Notices—Speyerer & Sons Silt
Special Notice—Drs. Oldsbne
Special Notice—Baking Powder 1911 t
Special Notice—Normal School C
Beaver Seminary—M. S. Scheibner IVistf
A lodge of the I. O. of O. P M has
teen established and is in full operation
in Hookstown.
One hundred barrets salt, one car load Canton
City Floor, one car extra floor and fee■«. one
bond red kegs of nails, one ton white lead, two
dozen Westmoreland grain cradles Just received
at Speyercr & Sons, Rochester, Fa.
Wanted,— lo good coal miners want
ed, steady employment, house rent free.
Enquire of Captain R. Calhoon, George
town, Beaver county, Pa.
For Sale, —We have several hundred
pounds of old paper at this office which
will be sold cheap.
Two entire new two [Hone Wagons, for sale
at Speyerer A Son's. feb3l-tL
The wheat crop in Greene county Is
reported to be larger this year than any
previous year for some time.
It pays to get an education at the State Normal
School, Edinboro, Pa.
One car load of Canton City Uilla floor, for
sale by Speyerer & Son’s, Rochester.
It was cold enough Saturday and Sun
day nights to make old bachelors think of
a bed for two, and double spoon fashion
sleeping a winter luxury.
lee Cold Sparkling Soda Water, flavored with
Pure Fruit Syrups, always fresh from Hugo An
driessen’s Marble Fountains.
Good Teachers are Wanted. Persons
of good health, and good abilities can become
good teachers. Address, with stamp, J. A. Coop
er, Edinboro, Pa.
J*. M, Smith, ot Carmichael, Greene
county, has been arrested for selling li
quor without having paid the special tax
to the government. He was held in fl,-
000 for trial at the October term of the U.
S. District Court.
The excellent and superior United
States Organs, manufactured by Whitney
and Raymond, Cleveland, Ohio. These
Organs are fully warranted, powerful, soft
toned, and made of the best materia).
For further information write to or cal)
upou Smith Curtis, Agent, Radical
office, Beaver, Pa.
J. B. Reed 4c Co., 68 sth' Avenue," Pitts
burgh, Pa., have on hand a splendid assortment
of American, Swiss, and English watches.
Their stock of jewelry, diamonds, silver, and silver
plated ware is very large and fine, and cannot be
excelled in the 1 city. It will pay any one just to
call and examine their great variety ol fancy goods
in elegant designs and of superior workmanship.
This firm repairs watches in the best manner and
promptly, if any of onr readers wish to purchase
any jewelry we advise them to go to J. R. Reed
A Co. and tell them that he or she saw their adver*
tisement ia Tas Bxavsb Basical and was induced
thereby tocall, and onr word for it yon will get a
good bargain. Try it.
A Fire broke out ia Dr. McLean’s
house.Dea ver, on Monday at noon which
caused considerable excitement, It was
but a short time before,the fire was ex*
tioguished and the damage was only a
slight hole in the roof.
The Canonaburg Herald says that John
R. Weaver left at the office a specimen of
rye that measured seven feet four inches.
"How is that for high T” Who can beat
s; \
Second Attempt to Pj...
Willi. Oyler, ,ho was
cheater, on the l&h lost., for plcki *“
dollars from the pocket of Mrs
: of Freedom, at Barnam’s show anrt
escaped from jail within an hon,
the time he was locked up, and * j
arrested In Pittsburgh the evening
same day, and brought back by L s? 8
Iff on the Monday following. h 8
two attempts to break jail Bl nce w
first attempt he secured, in some w °? e
stove door latch, b, which he ~?
through the iron clad which ha
incarcerated, intothe adjoining cell
•pot selected for his operation* wiT
bare place, about a foot square hrtL
U..«*«U»tbU. OT e,^r’^
wltli the (beet iron. It i a m k '"*j
| Jmt when be dog the bole, bet e»u, M ,.
Ibe bad planned bis escape with t -J
| deal of ingenuity. Tb. empty
I cell was locked and unused, but Mr Ovi
had picked the lock in the day time on ?
outside when having the liberty ofth e
hall, and bad also fastened a thread
blacked, to the latch, by which he co U m
raise it from the inside, and thus open
the door. Probably Saturday night
he was in the ball of the jail through the
passage way he had made, but had not
time before light to complete his plana,
and so deferred them to the next night.
In the meantime the Sheriff discovered
the hole in the wall, and to prevent f M .
ther attempts placed the little fellow,
whom iron doors and walls could not
hold. In irons of. the latest and ; mo st im.
proved pattern. Now surely,* thought
the Sheriff he is safe, be never can slip
those bracelets. There was a little wire
ring to the dinner plate, wjiiqb Mr. Oyler
appropriated, and this wire h&bentinto
a key by which he succeeded in unlock
ing bis hand cuffs on Monday, and being
in the hall, he made another desperate
effort to escape. He climbed up a water
pipe some ten feet high, swung himself
up and over a balcony that projects be
yond the pipe some three feet, and thence
climbed up another pipe to the water
tank, from which he cut through
.of the arched roof, thence made his way
'to the alic of the main building, then in-
the observatory, on to the roof, down
the lightning rod, on to the ground of the
jail yard. At this point of his proceed
ings he was discovered and the alarm was
given. The little fellow ran on his hands
and one foot like a cat, and concealed
himself in the coal boose, ftfSSte he was
found by the Deputy Sheriff up under the
roof; in one corner, sticking like a bat.
Mr. Oyler is small, agile, one-legged,
about ISjyears old, the leader of a gang of
thieves In Pittsburgh, and is said to be
hard to catch. He certainly possesses in
genuity and perseverance worthy of a
better cause.
341 It
August 19th, School opens. For Catalogue,
Circulars and Educational Tracts, address wilt
stamp, J. A. Cooper, Edinboro, Pa.
100 barrels of Salt, at weolesale and retail,
at Speyerer & Son's, Rochester.
Beaver Tempecance
Union. —The Officers and Boacdnf Man
agers of the Beaver County Temperance
Union, at a meeting held in Beaver Falls,
July Ist, decided that the facts necessitat
ed the calling of a meeting of the county
society for tbepurpose of advising togeth
er as to the best and wisest course to be
pursued whereby evil disposed persons
who persist in doing violence to the will
of the large majority of the gobd citizens
of this county as expressed at the ballot
box last spring on the question of prohibi
tion, may be brought to justice. The fact
is apparent to all that many of the -grog'
shops continue to sell as heretofore* and
that both in this and from adjoining coun
ties sell and hank about our streets both
malt aud distilled liquors, and agents of
dealers from the cities frequently visit our
citizens to solicit and receive their orders
for liquors, clearly in violation of both
law and good order.
The "Union” will meet at the M. E.
Church in Rochester, on Tuesday, July
2t9th, 1873, # at 10 o’clock, a. m. We invite
all friends and lovers of right and their
fellow men to meet with us, for now is
the time to strike and save the cause of
Prohibition from being trampled upon by
these law defying beings who would rob
us of all that is dear to. us, and give us
instead all the miseries and sorrows known
to man. Pastors of the Christian church
are requested to present this to their
charges and urge their attention, that we
may have a full turnout of the temper
ance strength and adopt such measures
and plans as may best secure the end we
all seek. Prohibition of the liquor traffic.
Rev. J. I. Frazkb, Pres’l.
J. H. Decker, Sec’y.
Thornton A. Shinn,
A. M. Barbour,
T. J. Chandler,
A. Bestwick,
ay. Gallagher,
As Use purchase of a Sewing Machine "
msy be an act for a life-time, care should a
in selecting one that time and use have pro>eu
be the‘best. Time tries all things. "Use °°
furnishes the final test." Opinions of the s
ful may bo of value, but time is needed to
firm them. While the . Sing* r Hewing Macn
Company haa given the public the finest
inventive genius, they have guarded it tro “‘
multitude Of traps. Attachments have be ® n
ded for various purposes, but it has ke P -
from alb useless complications. Slmpuc y
parts, and adaptation to the widest tango o
has been the constant aim. .
Instead of boasting, of a variety of u
stitches and it claims t 0 ~
One Kind of Stitch, and that with the Fe "
Movements Possible. Hence the Mach ne,
run constantly for twenty years, or a life-time,
work Just as well as when new.
R. Hnuw A Co. No. 10 Sixth Street.
burgh, f,. « nBM