—Corsica is refcuiTdltfg raptilly. —Erie is to oe» piano —Erie is , —|400,000 is represented in the Kittaff ningjail. , . ■ —Ben. Franklin runs a Jamestown Bil liard Hail. —Readtag kas a newpassengec c|epot, and boasts. —A large wildcat waskHled hcar-Tyi rone the other day. —The Bedford Springs pokoffice has heed discontinued. —A Scranton hen is laying 'cgge'wtth letters on them. Let her. ~ —The farmers of county have - commenced bay-making. „ —The 'manufacturing capacity of Erie has doubled within the past year. - —H man inßerks county has killed 34 chicken hawks within twp years. —St. Petersburg is to have a new Odd Fellows’ hall—the Site has been secured. —Local “Option m -New Caetlehas led: to a run qClhe pottery loir “Little Brown . Jugs.” ie’t- v’ —A, ness. Odd Fellows’ Hall was dedica ted and a»n®w Lodge instituted at Johns town on Thursday of last week. : —A Clarion county matrhaa Just named his twelfth Omega in hopes that it may prove the last. —The Cauri&r bewails because the the. hand organ is heard no more in oil-land. —Brookiriilians will rejoice at the snort ingr sounds of the iron horse in their vil o - lage this week. ' ‘ —The frisky incendiary is moving around in Meadville’Wid the people arc howling for water whfks. . „ —The evening sporty of Ckrton youths ij on dogs ana getting up a ablaze. PreUy pastime, —J. H. Devereaux £as dipped into tbp- General Managersbip.of the A.tlimtf(ysQ& Great Western Rfilroad. —The family of GegteraJJSherman frilh spend the at Carlisle. The Geo.-: eral will remain. Franklin is .determined* to havefgooifc 1 water soon as the' work can done—nowj,hgt it has beei?C commenced —Meadvitle'woa’t be satisfied sbeft <\f Tbe cry for a water, works is now interspersed-failings for a jail o —Pittsburgh capitalists have purchased 75 acres at Scalp Level, it is said, and posemakiag of it a first class summer re-' sort. ~ - —An insane women in Hollidaysburg a V'" pullar! nuf. tinH J/vLd tae dentist to *j— um ocu. crraai. The dentist got mad. —A neighboring editor is on the alert with this information: "The season for farmers to slide off hay-mows on to pitch forks has nearly come.” —Tall rye, wheal and corn stocks will famish “locals' 1 for the country press un til they (the stocks) succumb to the on slaught of the reaper. —A. colored man and wife at Waterford were given just six days to clear out of town, because they buried an infaht child in a rough box in a ditch, at the outskirts of the town. —The Tenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves, will hold their next annual re union at New Castle, on the sth of July The oration will be delivered by J. G White. Esq, of Mercer. —M ; ffiia county has just been rtl eved of a black snake thirteen feet long, and sixteen inches in circumference, a man named Duffy having killed it and four rattlesnakes on the same day. Next! —New derricks are going up in great numbers in the vicinity of Greece City, particularly between that place and Pt trolia. The work of developing in that locality is being pushedforward with great rapidity. —Erie has a city library containing four hundred volumes. It had seven hundred paying patrons Ust year, and was visited by ab< ut forty thousand persons Tne receipts were $2,013, and the expenses $2,428. —The grain crop of York county looks very promising, and we have evefy-iindi cation of an abundant harvest. The grass crop looks we ; l and with another good rain, would insure a plentiful supply ot hay the corning winter. —The Titusville Courier says : Acer lain gentleman of our acquaintance has realized $l,OOO more or less, chiefly less, during the past by raising Maltese kit tens for five do’lars a piece; hr ten dollars a pair, malt ana bops for five cents a glass, or ten a shoppen. —One of the papers is bragging about an engineer on the Philadelphia and Erie Road who runs his train from Kane to Corry, a distance of over sixty miles,' in one hour and. ten minutes. Persons traveling on that road will please take no tice, and secure accident policies before taking seats. —They say that lit’le Arthur Snarly, the Erie boot black, lie?, because he ex : hibited a bag filled with scraps of green backs tie otter day * and said they were remnants of i is savings which his cruel father bad t aken Lorn lis truth and torn into fragment?. An examination showed that they were or ly end pieces of bills. It’s a mystery where be got them. * . . - N. & I -W —The commission house of Taylor Bros, ds Co., 3t. 4*011- ißa|*aii«gjon —Hon. Joseph Brooks has commenced suit In the Circuit Court of Pulaski county. Ark., against GovernorfJaxter office of Governor. —Rev. Dr. Isaac H. Perris, .ex-Chance ilor of the DntvcrsityipfNew.York, died Monday nights ' —Fifteen new indictments were found Tuesday against member* of the late New .York Tammany .Ring, six of them .being against Tweeds ... ■; —At Memphis Tuesday the weather continued bad.with almost incessant i£ln. . Therewpre fif teen ehoier*.;^ —lt is,stated that twenty-seven China are waiting to bring Chinamen to ban Fran-' cisco lo the number " ' ’ —s?Tße cokweF«Uowe-bf Beiti brated the sixteenth anniversary of thi tlon In Maryland last week by a grand pai display was very fine and an honor to tb< —Hon. Moses Bates, a prominent mem> Democratic party of Massachusetts,imd , years Chairman of its SUtf'©hSatiill: Chi died at his home on Mondaylast; ___ ;■ —A Prench ,^iM^TiTO^s^|^pj^; : *’Se othpr day. with five&pnilEDed bh»td. .Dotting the passage ooh bnnifrad an(J seventy-five deaths, £ j f; -■ —ln the United States pjatfal Court at dence. R. 1., on Josa^Perryjwajfjj .faigoed and pleaded ‘for perjury in the estate chsfcj Sentence was postponh'dl at of the prisoner. ( S Vf, ft —The total amoont m bklfpay returned 'ts the|i UmtedStates Treasurf’U TbanijSj|j|eA Of Senators and Whff decllhed. receive-Jt is • • v- —The Legislature ofTe:*#* in-viCw of Mexican depredations on the border, has provided for the employing of a volunteer force for the. purpose of protection'. —Judge Johnson Jhas been appointed to the Lieutenant Governorship of No via Scotia, made vacant by the death of the late goseph HoWer.' r _. —Dr. Amri 'Gilbert; residing on the corndr Of Smith and Tecnmseh street;. Dayton, Ohio, barely escaped death by inhailing Paris green the other day. • —James Alexander, colored, living about six rniies north of Memphis, had a dispute Monday night with Tom Young, his son-in-law. about the custody of tho' latter's child, which resulted in YoUag shooting Alexander'with a shot gnn and fatally wounding him Young was arrested by the neighboring negroes and ‘delivered to the . slnriS. — “fMru. Quincy Shaw.daughter of Prot Agassiz baa roQtrbnted one hundred- thousand dollars to the 1 museum of comparative zoology to which her father is eo deeply Interested. Danville, Illinois. Tuesday morning, a switch tender in .the ’ employ of the'Toledo) Wa bash and Western Rrilroad, named Prank Morgan, formerly from Baltimore, while switching was knocked down and ran over by an empty car, the wheelapassing over his 1 bowels. ~ Jatjes W. Milnet. Deputy United States Com missioner of Fisheries, who arrived in Chicago on Saturday with about 35,000 live shad and a quanti ty of eels, to be pTabted in theXTalmut river, suc ceiwfally completed (he (ask oh Monday. —The trial of J. W. Haskins, of California, for perjury in the case of a patent for the Windsor Silver Mining Company, is now going on in Salt Like City, before Chief Justice McKean. The case excites general interest on the Pacific coast. „ Bow Pißfivttfro &vrt(ct%n jrablitbco reports specting the prospect of the grain crops. Tho prospects are very encouraging In all places In nearly all an average yield is promised. She scope of country coveted by the reports comprises the whole grain growing sections o» tho State. In many places harvesting has already begun. It is estimated three hundred vessels will be required to move the crops this year. —William M. Smith, mail agent between Jack son. Miss., and Humboldt, was arrested for rob bing the mails and brought before the United States Commissioner at Memphis Tuesday and committed to jail in default of #lO,OOO. A nnmber of letters were found on him when arrested, which he said were addressed to parties in the habit ol receiving money, and he intended to open them. —At Nashville Tuesday there were fifty deaths, thirty-live being from,cholera. The disease ia ®v* idently spreading. Dispatches from Gallatin. Lebanon, Greenville and other points show that the scourge is carrying off a great many at these piacs. —On the Toledo. Wabash and Western train, hound east on Tuesday morning, between Penn and Wabash, a brakeman named John Horrister was shot by a passenger named Kantner, tho ball entering near the ear and cotiting out in the hick of the neck, making a severe hot not -dangerous wound. Kautner is a painter by trade, and lives in Wabash. On the arrival of the train at Wabash Kantner was taken into cuslodajr. Ha claims the shooting was unintentional, and says he shot at Conductor Godfrey who was attempting to put him off the train. Item gUmtisi* marts. J> OCHESTERJBORO, SCHOOL DIST Receipts and Expenditures for the year ending June, 1373. Tax rate 15 mills on the dollar valua tion. Gross amount of duplicate D-duct lost tax Return tax 6 60 Collectors' Commission , 96 CO 5 per cl ofl' on am'l paid treasurer 124 06— 353 41 Temporary lean Tuition State appropriation EXPENDITURES. Paid former treasurer 16 31 P«id Janitor 325 CO Interest, repairs, fuel.advt., &c, 831 03 Insurance £2 50 Temporary Loan— 834 GO Teachers 322 T 50 Treasurers Commission 5S 02 Secretary's “ 15 GO Duo Treasurer je2o-3t |JOW TO CATCH PISH. The New Patent Spring “NEVER MISS ’EM” FISH HOOK. This is the greatest invention ever contrived by man. and catches fish with such ra pidity that it astonishes all who see if operate. It is tied to an ordinary litre, baited and set, and op erates somewhat like the cock of l a gnu. as soon as the a.-h touche# the bait the spring comes down upon it and it is caught. Sent by mail post-port paid for 5!) cents or 8 for $l. Address IRON CITY NOVELTY l O . Pittsburgh. Pa. ie2h.ini. Boston one price clothing house. 95 Smithfdd Street, Pa. The best place in the city td buy CiO'.ting and Furnishing goof 8. Sign o! tire Hub. myS-Iy RECEIPTS #126 15 , 4148 04 7CO 00 B4 00 330 68- 1102 63 $£365 01 $3365 01 D. S. MARQUIS. Sec y. Aik re a t onr f J L u T t? M ->.O Q & ■. HORACB WATERS ft SON, 481 Broadway. N. Y.. w indispose of 100 PIANOS ft ORGANS of first class makes, Including WATERS’ at extra msly monthly ps^roe^ AN OS. all modern Improvements. forfSW casta. ORGANS $55. $75, DOUBLE-HERD ORGAN* $100; 4-etop, $110; B*stop SISS andupward*. Waters 1 GoacertsJu'leeiflips are tbe most beautiful to style and perfect In tone *ver made. The CONCERTO STOP Is ttae best ever placed In any organ. It Is produced by a third s«t.orreeds pecnil&rlyvoiced, ttae affect oi which -is moit chatrolnig.'aßd its imitation of the human voice ls|sapero. Terms liberal. Illustrated catalogues mailed for doe stamp. Liberal discount to Ministers. Churches, Sunday-Schools, Lodges, ftc. Agents wanted. ■ ’ 7 1 *.< .J- V. !l A f . . _» & COMPANY’S' - CREAM TABLE CHOCOLATE No hulling necessary. A cap of deiicioua Choco* late made with it in two miontes. No waste. Packed in noond lars. VantOadr plain. Oneddz. in box. Uneqoaled as a confection for lunch, spread on crackers.;wilh aglass dfmllkathandto dr Irik, For making Soda Water syrup or Savoring Ice Cream is sunanar. to any .Chocolate made, and for Chocolate Cake nothitg else will be used where this has been- tried; For sale hr .J. T. WARREN ft CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. WANT, AN AGENT ... place to canvass.tar thenew. valuable sot fast Belling book by Dr. JOHN COWAN, THE SCIENCE OF A HEW LIFE. Kecommeuded'ahd endorsed by prominenttalnto* tors, physicians, religions and secnlar papers. No other|book like it published. s4o_per week guar anteed. Address COWAN A CO., 139 Work. WORKING, CLASSKSM: anteed. Reaped® employment at nome,day or evenings no capital reQUired; fall Instruct lout and valuable package of goods sent free by mall. Addrew. with etz cent return stamp, M. XQUNQ 4C0., 1G ConrtlandiSt., N. Y. dU r ip A dirtApcrdayl Agent# wanted! All 1U classes of working people/ of either sex young or old, makemdney AV work for us in their spare moments, or all the tune, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address <3. Stinson & Co., Portland. Maine. JNVENTORS and others interested in Patent Business should address BDSON BRO.. Patent Lawyers and Solie iter , 459 9th street, Washington, D.' Ci, far ad vice and circular. . L L If we report an Invention patentable we are wil ling to wait for our fee until a patent is allowed. Hon. D- P. Holloway, former Com missioner of Patents, dated Washington, March 3». 1868: _v ; -1 cheerfully commend to all persons wap may have bnsinees in the Patent Office the flrfatjfEd* itsV “I concur in the above,” T. 0. Theftker, Com. Patents. JOHN W. FRAZEE, ATTORN EY - AT - LA W AND SOLICITOR OP PATENTS. NO. 909 SEVENTH STREET, WASHINGTON , D. C. gT. CLOUD HOTEL. COBNEB NISTH AND F BTBEETS, WASHINGTON, IX C. ON THE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. The most central location in the City. Opposite the Patent Office Masonic Temple, and one block from General Post Office 4 Department. The F Street and Ninth Street Caw, communi cating with the CapltoL Executive Mansion. Treasury, War. and Naw Departments, and the B. & O. and B. «fc P. pass the door. N. B.—Take F-Street Cars at B. & O. Depot and get out at Oth street. Take 9th street Cars at B. & P. Depot and get oat at F street. H J. E. LYON, Prop. THIS OUT, set •JJITCHENER & GANGEWER, ATTORN ETNA TLA W. AND SOLICITORS OF CLAIMS AND PATENTS, 326 Four-and a-halfst. Washington, D. C. We prosecute ail kinds of claims against the government of the United States, before the de partments. Committee of Congress and Court of Claims. We procuie patents and act as attorneys in patent cases. We make a specialty of Internal Revenue matters and Land Claims. Our terms on business sent us by attorneys will be one-half tne Ice chargee claimants. When a claim is sent as we will seud the necessary blanks and instructions for its preparation, and will a'so keep our corres pondents advised of all new laws, tunings and de cisions in retat ion to claims. Sene for Circular. #4501.45 MITCHENER & GANGEWER, NATIONAL CAPITAL #5310 72 ADVERTISING AGENCY Advertisements iiwartedtu papers in every section of the country. JS r “llates lower than those of any other agency tn the United States. 53T"Advertisers will consult their own best In terests by addressing PENNYWITT. BENNPTT & CO., Bos 34.'), Washington D. C. $ 54 29 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. .ESTATE OP ANDREW COLE, DECEASED. Letters of administration on the estate of Andrew Cole.dec’d.. kte of South Beaver township.h-iving been granted to the undersigned, all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment,and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. my3l-€t U PATENT AGENCY, gg Office 01S F St., Washington, D. C M G. J. 'FERRIS'S, SOLICITOR. The .cheapest and most reliable Paunt Agency in Washington. Full particulars free. Address msTQXB,Sr.,AFBII. 7,1873, | This Is to certify that there lS" ln the Famera andDrovers’ Bant, to* the credlt of tho Third Grand Gift Concert for the benefit of the Public Library of Kentucky, * Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, which has been set apart by the Managere to pay the gifts Ihfnll, find will be held' by the Bonk and paid out for this purpose, and this pur pose only 'l,*-' [Signed] j R. 8- VBBCH, Cashier. LIST OP GUTS. One Grand Cash Gift ..fIOUfIOO One Grand Cash Gift 5U.000 One Grand Ctt* Gift.... ; 4 i 25,000 One Grand Cash Gift 20.000 One Grand Cash Gift. 10,000 One Grand Cash Gift 6,000 24 Cash Gifts of t1.000each....:24,000 GO Cash Gifts of 500 “ 25.000 80 Cash Gifts of 400 ” 32,000 100 Cash Gifts of 300 ” ... - - 30,000 160 Cash Gifts' of 200 “ . .. 80,«00 jm Cash Gifts, Of ,100 59,000 9,t00 Cash Gifts of 10 ” 00,000 «vi, 1 Total, 10,000 Gttfts, all Cash $500,000 Only a few tickets remain unsold, and they will be furnished to the first applicants at the follow ing prices: Whole tickets, fHh halves,s3; quar ters, 13.60; 11 whole tickets for flOO; 66 for #500; 113 for {l,OOO and 573 for $5,000. For tickets and full information apply to THPS. E. BRAMtBTTK, - Louisville. Ky., or # THOB, H. HAYS A GO.r mySITm 609 Broadway, N. Y. OAPERTON*S DINING ROOMS, No GO Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa., m. ■ ■ , In its season. Meals from CM in the morning nntik l 2 o'clock at night. may!6-lm 'JHE UNITED STATES ORGAN. MANUFACTURED BY WHITNEY & RAYMOND, CLEVELAND, OHIO. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS In tone, finish, workmanship and durability. The cases are of an entirely new and elegant de sign, paneled all round, ricnly carved and orna mented. highly varnished and polished, while those with French Mottled Walnat Panels are by for the most - ELEGANT AND ATTRACTIVE Parlbr Organ ever presented to the musical public. The tone of the United States Organ is pure, smooth and pine-like, while it has great volume and power. The action is quick, easy and elastic, making the instrument equally useful for sacred or secular music. The Organs are warranted for five years. PRICES MODERATE, And rated according to stylo. Styles from one up to forty. Whoever wishes to purchase one of the above Organs can do so bycalltng upon or writing tv, SMITH CURTIS. Radical. Office, Beaver. Pa gTATE AND COUNTY TAXES. The County Treasurer will attend in the several Townships and Boroughs between 9 a. m- and 5 p. m., for the purpose of receiving State and County Taxes for the year 1873, at the places and times designated below, viz: Big Beaver & Uome’d ** 16 Johnston House. .. .. New Galilee “ 17 Union Hotel. Chippewa tp. •* 18 W.Cunninsrham's. Darlington tp A boro 19 Jacob‘Marks'. South Beaver tp “ 20 Joseph Lawrence's. Hookst’n a Greene tp “ 23 Jos. M’Forren’s store 4* ab 44 44 24 *4 kb b» Hanover a Greene tp *■* 23 James Reed's store. Frankfort boro, “• 26 Isaac M. Steven’s Hanover tp, * 27. ML Armstrong’s store Raccoon tp, July 7J H Christy’s store. Independence tp, " 8 John Holmes’. Indep. a Hopewell. 9 Todd & Brown's store Hopewell tp ” 10 R W Scott’s. Moontp, “ 11 James Prentice's. can be made in adjoining town ships. Taxes paid before August Ist will be five per cent, ofi; on and after September Ist five per cent, will be added. All licenses are due by law July Ist. Tho&c not paid at that date will be collected with costs. C. P. WALLACE, ap.-2.VtL Treasurer Beaver County. Agents wanted IN EVERY TOWN FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF LIFE, Counsels oa the Nature and Hygiene of the Mas culine Functions. , BY DR. GEORGE U.NAPHEYS. This extraordinary book lias been praised by thousands of readers for its admirable style, its chaste lino of thought. Its valuable medical advice its Interesting and curious revelations, and Its scientific accuracy. It is pure and practical, in tended for self-help and self-elovation. “ BOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. BROWN & HOLDOWAY, PUBLISHERS, 6 & 8 Sixth Street, near Suspension Bridge, je!3 4t PITTSBURGH, PA. OF BOP- Total tax assessed for the year ending June ’ Ist for School Ttlx land Jan. Ist for State andCodntytax ...-. MOOB9 Paid into the treasury 536 48 Remaining on books with c011ect0r...,,...54896 . m.xrmn E.. MAGlNNIS,Township Clerk. A. TAYLOR, Collector, u —m-'.'”--'- * r j; i- *? L' f t ? -v ’5 ri C; ■j >T ' ;.■ - r, '} 'P . - A * K- Loans and Discounts . «173 asi ->s Overdrafts ■ i w S 7 U. ». Bonds to secure circulation 120.000 00 UV 9. Bonds add Securities on hand 15.000 00 Due from Redeeming & Reserve Ag'ts 10,01-1 62 Due from National Banks 3,gsa 23 Due from State Banks and Bankers ... 813 89 Banking Bouse 14.374 34 Furniture and fixtures 2.976 68 Current expenses 1,333 08 Premiums iso 52 Checks And other cash items 453 08 Bills of other National Banks 10,44100 Fractional Currency and Nickels 132 79 Specie—Corfu..; 5,510 80 Legal Tender Notes. 40,438 10 je!3 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO BUSINESS, Being a Handbook for the American Farmer. Mer / chant, Mechanic. Investor, and ail concerned niV EARNING OR SAVING MONEY i WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS indorsed" and commended by loading commercial journals and prominent finan ciers as the best arranged, most comprehensive practical and clearly written b >ok on business and its successful management now before the public, BROWN & HOLDOWAY. PuHisheM, Nos 6 & S Sixth St,, near Suspension Bridge, jel-3-4t PITTSBURGH. PA. JOB PRINTING AT THE _ RADICAL OFFTC& fjpB&CHBRgr: •V '« w 1 > - W ! A'jassrr*?; »■•*««**»***** as®%Bart. w ■» « w •« r, i S^SSSJ’gSs « rmt sch« ■•»*«»« p.macs*., *"* ■ Hopewell, atNewofieffle^ichooufSaS 000 mm July, 10, Darliflgtob. IBia Beaver k*'J r. Clinton Independent. ~ ’ ew Galilee, ‘ South Beaver and Chionewj r „,, „ at Court’s School House. vu,ppeW4 _ July 15, Rochester township. Mrou»h v. llpsburg. at EochesterSchooi Hou° e ’ b ad Pb'l - 16. St. Ciair borough. Economy Sew' aud^rM '>»">. »> Sft HoS 21 ’ R ‘ CC00I “ “■•"**' « S«l.h. School Hoot 2 *' ? tiSko ” " ,vra!l > 1 »- « **»'. School *t B| S cia! examinations win be held at tw the County Superintendent. Beaver £, °.? c,! °f on the first andthird Saturday? of senvml U D * J > tober and November. Appltcants °* at these special examinations will brin.'/'^- ates requests irom the Board of Directors £ rutea employthem. and give satisfactory r**ZnfZ S 10 attending the regular examinations “ ons for no ‘ l o “ted‘ O, ?“' ,r " e “ iSo,e ' i, ‘“ ,lM ' « to'hiMl, aASPl 103 ? 18 '’’ll 1 “PPear for examination J- fh , d istnet where they expect to teach IQ tbs No private examinations will be "Wen Provisional certificates will no? be en,w .. without a re-examination. Those hold la* 1 f? e,050 59 je 13-31 THE |941 45 . 73 U flOO4 56 $9:11 45 73 II JlOO-4 50; f 4 -51 57 l;tio3 54 154 38 #12169 T 9