t Proceeding St —The folio* were dtap-d ° f “P 10 «" tm p [ g.’iDg to pr* X. Griffin rf ei- CO “”TrW- case tried ; defendants *«* ”, Uelt and battery. Igeotamo». “Reuter, Fraeb Wynn »’fW •* a Prank Wynn. Indictment, pr^ C S.m?.on Marker, to pay the cost*. cQ VB> Sylvester Craft alia Thofiiea _ * Ir-uictmeni. aswoltsnd battery. and Prosecutor. John Benvee, InmctmeoW w“'' Indictment, «« 11 1 Jobo'canoiogh'^lodlctment, lgnoramus. Prosecutor, Thnmas Davis to pay costs. T C ra Abram Bently, 8r er «!. In misdemeanor. Ignotamone. c;cl ' Charles Cole to pay coete. P C t '“.,’s.rah J. Garvin. Indictment Garvin. Indictment, misdemeanor. True b'.li ..me vs John Cannings- Indictment ‘demeanor. Ignoramus, and prpsecu lofi Thomas Davis to pay costa. n„ ina 10 Ibe large business of R. s . t i 6fc U, aod the tact that hls time- bus L wholly occopied ioaellmg-goodB,his customers have not for route Hate heard L. him through the culomae of this Dioer hot he again announces to them ?tat he has on hand a complete Stock of lotbiag, and also a full assortment of c’ethesfcasimereß and all other art.cles belonging to a drat class lot's establishment, all of which he in •ends to sell before the Ist pf Jnly. and „„ that account will he sold at a small ad vance on cost. Please come and examine before purchasing elsewhere. B. Stein- Hd corner of Broadway and Lock street, Brighton. The Beaver Presbyterian Church will give a Strawberry and Ice Cream Festi val, June nth, tor the benefit of the Sab bait School. As the purchase of s Sewing Machine U of M t be an act for a life-tluie, care sbouldte taken id selecting one that time and nee hare proven to be tbe beet. Time tries all things. “Use only rtrniehee the final tost." Opinions of the skffl ,Bl may be of value, bat time is needed to con firm them. While tbe Singfr Sewing Machine Ccmpany baa given tbe public the finest frnlta of inventive genius. they have guarded It from a multitude of traps. Attachments have been ad ded tor various purposes, but U has kept free from all useless complications. Simplicity of pans, and adaptation to the widest range of wo* baa been the constant sun. _ instead of- boasting of a variety of usetess stitches and movements, it claims to mate hot One Kind of Stitch, and that with the Fewest, Movements Possible. Hence the Machine may mo constantly for twenty years, or a life-time, ami' work just as well as when new. K. Straw & Co. No. 10 Sixth Street, Pitts burgh. Pa. aprilSS-3in Gaiters , Slippers and all goods in summer wear, at Hartzog & Beam’s. The wire cable across the river at Bomb's Ferry, which & few days ago fell down, has again been pot op, and the fer ry boat, at that place, will be mooing again probably to.day. The great Boot and Shoe Emporium o: New Biighton, Hertzog & Beam. The famous Watkins Glen, located at Watkins, Schuyler Co., N. Y. which has become one of the most popular Sommer Resorts in the United States, and is an- nually visited by tens of thousands of| • people from all sections of tbe country, will —with its two Mountain Houses be open this season, forvi'itors, on or before the Ist of June. Tbe entire Glen proper- j ty has recently been purchased by John J Lytle & Co., of Philadelphia, who have made many important improvements nearly all the staircases, bridges and rail ings having been renewed —and the Glen is in a much better and safer condition than ever before. These gentleman will personally supervise and manage the Glen, and its Summer Hotels, during the season 1873, and spare no time or expense in endeavoring to make it an attractive and pleasant place of for the public. i - :' ■ -j;- - The Watkins Glen—manifold as are Us scenic charms —is by no means the only feature of interest prelain ing to tbe romantic surroundings of the village from which it takes it name. Seneca Lake, one of the most beautiful sheets of water in the world, with the magnificent views which the highlands around it afford, Hector Fall, two and a half miles north of Watkins on the east shore of the Lake, and the Havana’ Glen, which has been visited for several years past by great numbers of people, are well worthy the attention of tourists, and will be hailed with delight by all students and admirers ot Nature. t The case of Rev. Mr. Gregg, who was ; expelled from the ministry by the Pitts burgh Conference, for “conduct unbe coming a Christian,” came up, bn ah ap peal, and was tried in this place on Wed nesday of last week by the ministers of this Conference, Bishop L Simpaon pre siding, and the decision of the Conference was sustained. 8. &J. Snettenburg, Broadway, New Brighton. 4, : aSg>~-*' Commenced ItuTOHnft Tear. s We are irj .receipt of the, People* Monthly (Illustrated), for Jane. This number keeps fully up, in the ex cellence of its illustrations and the,variety of its reading matter, with those which have gone before. A new serial called “scarlet,” is commenced and many orig inal contributions from wliters of repute promised. Jane begins ' this monthly’s, third year. The publication ofaa illus trated 16-page paper ont West, was rather 5 hazardrous enterprise; but an . to know that tbe yeniureis a sooeeasfal one. The drcuiationis over doable that of last year, and it bears on every page tbe impress of prosperity. With its beau-, lifnl illustrations lor the home ; its fine tinted paper; its “Household” and "Boys and Girls” departmental we don’t know a paper In the country, which surpasses it in elegant appearance, oratlractiveness. It now gives away to pycry subscriber a very choice and rieh chromo, or a 24jt80 inch engraving. The fact that it baa over one thousand .minister on its lists, should be a sufficient guarantee to families that, as a paper for tbe home, it is arrryed on the side of virtue, purity, and morality. Price only $1.50 per year. Agents want ed, on big commission, in every section. Address People» Monthly, Pittsburgh, Pa., General SLartranft has issued a general ordef announcing the staff ap pointment of Brigadier General James W. Lalta, Adjutant General. In assum ing the duties,' the "Adjutant of the Department, in a circular dated • June 3, congratulates the soldiery of Pennsylva nia upon the financial aid secured from the State to defray their military expenses, and enable them in some measure to sus tain themse.ves. He says: Det It be our effort then to place the military ot the Commonwealth upon the footing and standard that her great re sources, her acknowledged power, her education and intelligence, her brilliant war record demand that they should be j so that as well, as her common -schools, her colleges, her universities, her bench, her bar, her manufactures, her commerce and her mines, may her, soldiers, too, be recognized anl pointed to abroad and by her sister States, ' with like acknowl edged merit, and distinction, and high re* Coinmencement Anniversaries, —The Washingtonßeeuw and jpaamifier says Heretofore the churches h»yeh«r their usual morning service on >he S»h bath before Commencement, and then closed Id the evening to hear ih® Presi dent's Baccalaureate; but the Jltendapce on the sennqn to the Beliglohs Society on Monday evening has hot been' larger This year it has heen determined to try a new plan, to-wit: Having, the usual morning services in the churches, and; then at 4p. ia. the B»ooaltureaie Sermon of the President wdl he pleached in the Town Hall, and in the evening at Bp. jl, the sermon to the.Boliglous Society will be preached in the same place, thus, mak ing three services on Sabbath and having none on Monday evening, when families are so busy preparing for the 'entertain ment of their friends during the week. On Tuesday evening Hon. J. W. P. White, LL. D., will deliver the address 1 to the Literacy Societies. Tbe Mutual Lite InMuce Company of NOW York. aseette over forty millions of v dollars. 1b the largest tod wealthiest company in tbe world, mod the oldest Life Insurance Company In America. Policy costs less In this Company from year to year, that in any other Company. What is thi talus or Lips Ihsttrahc* ? Let the readei make a practical and personal ex amination of the-#nbject. Have yon a family de pendent on yon for snpport f If so yon have a dn ty to perform. If yon are engaged in active busi ness, consider what would probably happen if yo Cr plans were set aside and other persons were called in to close np your affairs. Yoar creditors clamorous, your labors suddenly ended ; your property sacrificed to the highest bidder. There might be llttie 16ft for your family. All this might be the result if death shou Id overtake yon next week, or next year, and you have no lease of life. You may be strong and healthy to-day, but are yon sure that health, strength and life will be yours to-morrow? Yon ought to guard against this contingency. You insure your property, why not insure your life 1 Is it much more valuable ? Suppose yon have an insurance in the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York equal to the amount of your indebtedness, your wife or yonr friends, at yonr death, then - have the means in hand to pay all that you owe. The warehouse, the store, the goods and merchandise are free from all incumbrance. No sacrifices need he made. Your fomily have property which, by your forethought, they are enabled to preserve, and will furnish the means of support. The longer Insurance Is postponed, the greater will he the premium. Nor can it be obtained upon any terms by those not in good health. Hence the immediate attenttaiKfcKhlt matter, f v A. B. CtABK, I Agent for Beaver connty. Pa. jel3-4w A D reusing Death* —On Satur day afternoon a little bny about six years of age, son of General Obarles I. Pitz hugh, of this city, took out hie pony for a ride, and chose for that purpose the di rection towards Wilkins township. He had just passed the city limits on Penn avenue, when the pony took fright at something in the road, and started to run at a very rapid speed. The young rider lost control of the pony, and very soon was thrown violently to the ground, his foot, however, catching and remaining in the stirrup- In this dkngttous position he was dragged some distance, and when the pony was stopped by a passer by, the unfortunate little one was quite deadj sod ?>(• b*d «• antUrbotUnal »* bruised.—Pttte JSnMffg. Brighton. THE ita A Sad Accident at &6n**oro, jPa,—The Httleboroagh was very much shocked by a terrible accident that scarred there on Fr iday afternpqpl * the 6th of Jane. Mr. I>. Pry, 'a- young man In the employ of the -L. 8. & M. B* Railroad, while trying to get on a switch engine while.it war lo motion, mimed j hie footing, and We iright foot and fthkih. being caughtunder ihewheel w&s crush-, ed into a Jolly and torn apart.. He was taken into the Like Hm*e, and hie wounds promptly: attended to byD/.J.H. Cr tetter, a youngs Surgeon and Physician residing in Stonebdro. Be decided at once Put the Umb mast be amputated, and set al>out it immediately, and .In a abort time the limb was off, the leg dress ed, nod" the patient' comfortable. The doctor deserves great credit not dnly“for his declelosL ggd coolness, bub for the eminently skillful and alcatyic mwaer* in .which he performed his duty. He was assisted by Dr& tieibncrand Dllle. The patient tedoiog eery well ■ li. .Wood’s Household Btseutne . —The June number is Justtbe boos for the fiunlly cir cle 1 Just the dear old Household magazine we usedto greet eo gladly. Hie articles are not bo heavy; there are more stories; not trashy. **“*•" tional compositions,bnt such ea bear throughout astropginfluenco for all .that la good, and pore, and true. -A noticeable feat ore la that there la something beipfol, encouraging, comforting upon almost every, page. A bright face Ulte ; this la needed In every household. The children’s de partment is folly up to Ita standard, and printed in much better type. A* to make-up ofmaga zine, we notice a greet Improvement-, --A Tem perance story Is announced hereafter, for every number. H. V. Osborne (Tenoroon)tata been re called as editor, end assumes the entire man agement. , Subscription price only one dollar a year. Address-. Wood's Household MagazinCi Newbnrg, New York. <■ .„ I California is becoming disgusted with her Chinese population—that is there is a very considerable portion of the population there bitterly hostile to John Chinaman, whom they regard as a pest and an impediment to the peace and pro* giress of civilized society, and accordingly a fierce opposition is being waged to any fprther accessions- of Chinamen to the population of that State. But how to prevent immigration is a question which the people of California will find it hard to solve. ‘The laws regulating the ques tion are all national. , AdmiMion to Weft JPoiitf.—The {•result of the examination of candidates to the Military Academy lias At |ast beep announced, and, contrary to aU predic lion founded upon personal appearance | aud competitive tests, the percentage rejected is wab lAfgerlhan usnPL The usual -number “found" him r been irom twenty-five to thirty per cent. - This tine it reaches nearly thirty-aftt percent; forty-nine being rejected out of the one bandied and thirty-five who bate beep fixiov""* Ttb.ii doe in a gesat pail* am to a lack of pnparaUonpad to badly oondOiteftetndieA Taie mx foberincTcdes, also,samr#*®* *»»«*; rssthar iiifcidir mgard to tftelr qualifications, have bad their examination postponed until Sep tember. Amnung the new cadets, pre the two colored cadets. Cadet- Smith of the Third Clam will now have fellow students In whom be can confide. The Pennsylvania candidates admitted are Wm M. Black, H. P. Brown, W. B. Craig, W. W. Galbraith* W. B. Gordon, T. A. 0. flimms, J. W. 8- Bonder.—Even ing Telegraph. H.P. Brown, of the above candidates resides in Rochester this * county, and is an intelligent young man that promises to make an excellent scholar, and we are not surprised to hear of his success at the competitive examinations. The Beautiful New Chrome, “Pel.” This is the appropriate name of a new, saperb. and wonderfully taking 16x20 inch chromo, made in Boston by the best chromo-maker of the country, and now the exclusive property of the Pittsburgh Peoples Monthly, the popular, illustrated paper for the home. Large and elegant as it is, it is given away “in the sheet” to every subscriber at only $1.50 a year Every body has by this time heard of this monthly. It has just entered its third year, has a very rapidly-growing circula tion, and over one thousand ministers on its list; universally popular, and with its tinted paper and elegant typography, it is as beautiful a paper as is published in this,, or any other country. It makes home flatters a Specialty; its illustrations are generally in that line, and once taken, it becomes invaluable to both mothers and children. Good agents] are allowed a very large commission and are now net ting on it from ten to twenty dollars per day, depending on the agent and locality. Exclusive territory allotted live agents if applied for at once, and good references given. Bend for sample and cnlsjv t b£ best charicC out; (<)>_ AOP-4 workers. Jvi&TemPeojfles Monthly, Pills burgh, Bruce:-f' We the latter peri' of Wta. H.-Broce, Phil»fefo|& ol Ver erea log ot^m^W^W^ Broce **'* daughter "rf Stokes, of Brightontownfhip.thi* county, and Her remains reached this place on last, an& wdre conwy«d ia her residence, tote*m* &^^ : ftterrs* at 2 pLm. *4’ Sabbath day: leaves a husband (Wo. &■ Bruce. Skh) and three snail chUdrsn > to~mouwi*J lom. She **s ihoWBB yeafrbf w;^' •• iwr»W^«*w»'^.?!LSSl *" .. . .-* jf* •*■+ jt f*f if- S’- B.aver nre of listeniogtoßiihopjßimpsou ofthe It B. Charcb.on Wednesday evening of , last week. Befog here on other business connected with the Cbnrcb, he was persuaded: to addresa the people and gave Hhem p plain practical address that was yery interring. . pr. H»dmer P®** eo*. 'fcnaipsd Vte audieijQe with » re marks. We are told that the Bishop will be present jit Pr* Jay tart Commence-; meot, which pccurs shonly. ; 1 The Commissioners deserve credit for the hsndaorse improvement they have made upon the Coart House. The Court loom is Ustefolly frescoed, and the ap pearance of the room generally The oeeUagsofthe office ,e}so frescoed. Taney & Bro., 'of -Beaver i Falls did the Job. -• > • f'., a 'J» • i - 1 —■ ‘ The- Jote number of the American find Bmr** Is on one table, and by examination we find that it -Is a solid number of more than ostial merit. The Contents are large and, we desire to call attention to vQnr 8»Ur~ System,” “Per versions of Terms of Speech,” The Treat ment of the.lnsane,” The fertlie Fields ol Mount Deseret.” Toe departments for which this Review is characteristic are fall of .important and practical. informa tion. Published by the Review Publish ing Company, Philadelphia. ThS creditors of James Duncan, Dun* can, ‘Edgar & Go., and R. B. Edgar of Fallston and New Brighton, at a meeting in Pittsburgh on last Friday, appointed the Hon. William Henry of Fallston, as signee to 6lose up the business of the above parties. «M * *. « T Change*— Messrs; B. P. McCarty and James Hendricks have "withdrawn from the control:©! the ‘‘old stand by,*- the Erie Qatette. , Mr. F. A. Crandall, . a staunch Republican., succeeds to the j&sltioD, and. we wish hint success. ' I7w merchants of New Brighton have agreed to close their stores every evening (Saturdays excepted) until Sept. Ist, at o’clock, p. m. We are indebted to C. E- Johnson -for a copy -of the Bt. Augustine, Florida, Wee&g Prut, from wblclr we ascertain; that during the middle of Maythether-- mometer ranged from TO id 80 degrees. Clothing ready made, suitable for.aH. Ainds of wear. - Summer clothing lor .men and boys can he* purchased at low prices at. 8. & J. Saellenburg’s, New Brighton. The May 20 there were 8.377 farmers* granges in the United States, with an aggfegUte memben&ip of over3,fioo.oo() These graneel We divided as follows: Arkan* lU, is;o»lifdtoU. S; Georgia,lfl; Illinois, 4M; Indiana, 142; Inwa. 1,507; Kansas, 12ft: MiratfjM* 218; Mi««i»- Mppi. m Mlwouri. 845: Nebraska. 190; Ohio, it;'South Caroliutt. HS; Tennessee, 18; Vermont, 22; Wisconsin, 140. These figures are from an official source. The granges' seem to have taken better in lawa than any other Stales, bat in Illinois farmers* clubs hats been .largely formed, intended to accomplish the same results, but difierent from the granges in the fact they are not secret societies. PiUßenof Beaver County BeaAVbl*- _ 4, *K. Harvba at Rodger’s Ferry, Beaver conn* ty, tell all.kinds of faming implements. Go to thett to buy the well known Woods’ «ower and Reaper, Improved. Also the Improved Lock Le ver Hay Rake. They sell the latest Improved Howe Sewing Machine, one of the beat sewing machines in the world. Their address is Indus try, Pa. 3t> medicinal Poluonu on |h© Wane. The patriarchs took no mercury, ho bismuth, no iodine, no bromide of potassium, no strychorla, DO quinine. Happy old I they did not even know of the existence of these ‘specifics,” and yet they lived until it seemed as if Death had forgotten them. Their medicines were herbs and root*. They have left this fact on record, and the world seems to be now taking note of it and re turning to the first principles of medication. Hos teller's Stomach Bitters, the pure at and njost effi cacious vegetable resto-ativa of the day, is also the most popn’ar. Thousands ol persons who only a few years ago believod implicitly in all the poisons which figure In the pharmacoepia, now pro nounce this palatable tonic and alterative an all sufficient remedy foi dyspepsia, nervous debility, constipation, billons complaints, headache. In termittent fevers, and all the ordinary disturban ces of the stem »ch, the liver, the discharging or gans and the brain. Tha time l» not far distant when most of the powerful and venomous drugs Dow so recklessly administered by practloners of the “heroic 1 school. In cases that might easily be controlled by milder treatment, will be utterly discarded by all philosophical physicians. As It It, the thinking public, who are generally ahead of the professionals, have already put the danger ous preparation aside and adopted Hostetter s Bit ters in theii stead as a safe and excellent house hold medicine, adapted to almost every ailmeit except the organic and deadly contagions diseases, ppr more th» twenty years this faffiovs restore ■ ■ ttte and preventive has been annually strengtben ; . fog its' hold upon the public confidence, and it DOW takes the lead of every advertised medicine • jfeonlkcta red in this coantry. MARRIED . DONALDSON -HAYS—At the residence ol the bride’s mother, Jane sth, 1878, by the Bey. W. - lynch, Mis. Sophie C. Bays, daughter of the -"Mto General C. Carter, to Darld Donaldson, M. ' ~D., of Bridgeyille, AUegheny county, Pa. '. Jlbaskifor the cake which all pronounced ex cellent. fcDLLIVAN—AQHEW—On Tueeday. Jane 10, T lBlB, at the residence of the bride’* parehta. Beater, “by Ret. W. Brown, Col. John M. ' Bmffiran, U.B. Collector Twenty-third District,. . ? >SPOTj-> ROCHESTER, PA. *. 4 7: V t»v V NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER i FIRM. LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE; "Anchor” and “Nattanal” Line* of Ocean Steam* ore; "Adam*” and "Union” Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates snd.Hberal terms. Real Estate bongh t and Mortgages, Articles. AC., written; Deposition* and Acknowledgementa taken, Ac., Ac. and Money forwarded to all psrta of the United States and Canada. Passenger* .booked to and jrom England, Ireland- Scotland, France and Ger many. /etna INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, COlfir. CASH A89KTT5...... .V... .$6,000,000 “Bythelr fruit* ye know them.” to Jan. 1, iWt. .$38,000,000 Om oltSe oldest and wealthiest Cpmpanles la the world. < . 'v . NIAGARA INSURANCE CO., OF NEW TOBK. CASH ABSBTTB $1,500,000 TI-lI ■" ROYAL INSIIItANCE C 0 OF JJTBBPOOLt BUG . : CASS AgSfeCTB, <3OlO .fII,OQWXfc LYCOMING FtBE INSURANCE CO., OF KUSGT, PA. CASH ASSBfrm t6.a»;000 ROCHESTER FIRE INS. CO., OF JtOGSESTBB, PA. GEO. c. BPBYRRBH, President. X. 8. QUAY. Vice Pros. JNO. GRffiBINO, Secretary. H. J. BPRYBRBB, Treasurer. jaasasssssßSißsst’fA Agency. ALPS INS. CO., OF Bsm, PA. CASH CAPITAL % HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO CASH ASBBTTB TRAVELERS’ LIFE AND AC Cl DENT INSURANCE CO., OF HARTEORD , CONN CASH ABSEET9 OYJSR Representing the above first class Insurance Companies, acknowledged to.be amongst the best and most reliable in the world, representtog a gross cash capital of nearly f 16,000,000, I am en abled to make insurance to any amoupt desired Applications promptly attended to, and Policies written without delay, and at lair rates and liberal S merauy mated and promptly pdUt. INBUKE TO-DAY yew’s delay von may lose the savings of years. Delays are dangerous, and life uncertain; therefore. Insure to am? One to-day U worth two to-murrow." Quality*also, is of the, utmost Importance. The low priced, worthless article, always proves the dearest. The above companies are known to be among the best and wealthiest in the world. As ye sow thflt thilljo tesp* Grateful tor the yery liberal patronage already bestowed, I hope—by a strict attention to a legiti mate business—not only to merits continuanca of the came, tout a large increase the present year. Mr. Stephen A. Craig Is dnly authorized to take applications and receive premiums at Freedom and adjoining townships. (Hear the Depot,) J«18-ly i * - ; v •-f rj i r : • r e . •-« s * ? ,» ’» -1 i ' ’ li- ’ ’V' i ■ v -- f ’ * .t , OF NEW YORK, CHAB. B. HURST, EOCHESm, PA. :r? ;w rpEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS. Oitic* or County SopBBnrtKTOBST, I :. Beavxe, Juno 7,1878. f Jane 20, Hanover, MurdocksvHle and Frank fort, at June 88; Industry township, and NeePa Indepen dent. at Industry School House. ___ June 84, Glasgow, Island Run ami Ohio town? Bridgewater, Sharon and Van port, at Beaver School House. June 80, New ttewickly, at Uflkmvule School “fSJ'l.JUrtm W 4 PmUIO. «l fMIU*’ St* ool hiilcUr< it Uoi«l Flint School 7 ’ Gre.se townihtp, Georgetown ini "srasssrja^is^-o SS&ftt 181 ” 4 Z * Jtilyw, bt.Clalr borough, Bjconomy township, Harmony, Baden , and/Freedqm, at Freedom Raeeoon tovjnahlp, at Bihlth’e School m, Hew Brighton, Fallawn and Pnlaskl ibwnabioTat New Julj as, Beaver Falla and Patterson townshfp.at l uly»4^^ghtto < totmdilp, at Bakin’s School examinations will be held at the office of saatsss*; request irom the Board of Directors washing to employ them, and give satisfactory reasons for not attending the regular examinations. Directors and friends ot education are cordially lD Applicants w ui appear for examination In the district where they expect to teach. No private examinations will be given.; Provisional certificates will not be endoreed without a reexamination. Those t ? tJl 5 P™ e ®' sional certlflcatesw.il please forward them to he eD ßlanfcexjixntiiatlon books will be furnlghedat 10 Applicants will present their last year's P®**®* cate Inclosed in as envelope be* ting their A hlgher degree of quallflchtlons will be expected ea forward the “annual district report &DdcerUaeate' > imnsdiately. . ft Applicants not personally acquainted y» ith the . Superintendent, will be required to tarnish cer tiflcatesof goodmoral character.. s * t, The undersigned will be in the Educational ofj Am, Beaver cbhrt House, on the first and third batnrdays of each month until farther , jSU..«os.«» JelS-tf • , JJEPORT OF THE CONDITION National Bit of Bearer Comtf, NEW BRIGHTON, PA., At the close of business on tbe .SSth of April, 1873: RESOURCES. „ Loans andiDiscounts • • • • « Dae front Himtmal Itanks.••• S One froiuState Banks and Bankers.... WW s* Banklcggroy. ••—••• ’lkb FandOifß*|Ml*w»? {S Pttfr«t expenses Premiums «gS» Checks and other cast item ,«If? j - L tfiUaof other National Banks. 10, «1J92. EsaSSoS""" 1 s ]wS < «<»«■ s4omriB liabilities. : * Hi iiv.'.v.::::*.. *>« » National Bank clradaSob • • ga Dividends unpaid,... -r r- .£2B^s Indlvldxial Deposits,.. r. •••••• ■ •••■•• jj Doe to Stale Banks and Bankersw ” , f*oi.srriB sm “i£s?cSs“’ KiaTSSS^ 5 Beaver County, do eolenmly afflm that the above ssa»^wt tobiarlbed t»Io» Correct—Attest: E. E. HOOPKS, I M. T. KENNEDY, )• Directors. M. DAMBAGH, J jelS pINANCIAL STATEMENT. The supervisors of Brighton township in ac count with the township for the year enolag Apm !4tb, 1878. Db To amoant on duplicates.. To warrana granted Cb. , Bv amount of work on roads By warning & superintending on roads The School Directors of Brighton township in account witn the township for the year ending Jane 2,1873. smooo Db. or To balance In Treasury from 1872 f 451 87 To amount tax levied 1: **~ State appropriations •” Cr. By amount paid on warrants Balance in treasury $3,500,000 We do hereby certify that the above accounts are correct to the best of our knowledge. JOHN A. EAKIN, | JOHN M. SCOTT. VAndltore. SMILH T. STOKES, j Attest: J. Kirkpatbick. Clerk. JgOOK AGENTS APPLY AT ONCE FOR TERRITORY. i PRACTICAL GUIDE TO BUSINESS, Being a Handbook for the American Parmer, Mer chant, Mechanic, Investor, and all concerned w EARNING OR SAVING MONEY. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS, par-Thoroughly indorsed and commended by leading commercial Journals and prominent finan ciers as the best arranged, most comprehensive, practical and clearly written book On business and Its successful management now before the t>nblic. BROWN & HOLDOWAY, Publishers* Nos 8 A 8 Sixth St., nea? Suspension Bridge, Jel.-Mt PITTSBURGH, PA. .$3,359,945. Agents wanted in every town. THE PHYSICAL LIFE OF WOMAN. ADVICE TO THE MAIDEN, WIFE & MOTHER. “I trust the instruction and advice In this vol ume will reach every woman In the land.—Sur geon General Wm. A. Hammond, U. 9. A. ‘Every mother should have this book,nor should she suffer a child to be married without the infor mation which it contains.”—Henry Ward Beecher. Address for full particulars BROWN & HOLDOWAY, Publishers, S £ 8 Sixth St., near Suspension Bridge, JelB-4t PITTSBURGH, PA. gOMETHINQ NEW. 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