POPULATION IttEtEBS. Kriuika Increment In tira fe»"» Web STfI»SS Tot*Mn IBW, I^l, 028 bt PBOP. j. d. BUTLEB. Lincoln. flnme speaks of ft Roman Emperor, listing » learn something »t)ont * e population of hi. m«tropDllfc-i»ne«: D eW requiring everybody «• „i. palace all the thej.conW fIW, Th«re were enough to ; prove RmpaVery , ” rl fv When Arthur Young wished meolf, b« coiilMgylfa no „, cut tbeo cat one by es» .tvm » hop weights in a scale. s M \nAiia one of the earliest modern® xamjUes.Pf, Urate enumeration throughout*-Wide scc ° r ®as the UnitMState’s ' . have been added to. those^befpw canons C»T e Bsdi ' crrpritv of a Siateisnowtueas political growth. H P ' e to ofer-estitoate the rapidit* OL t and so at every censusaKT mortified that their numbers are proved f w S'* cbargrined were several citiesi ’',870 ibst they paid for taking ;» eeos M d cen® i" topes to show that theit habitants had not been all Incladed m the government returns. The biennial census which was long, lafeen by the State of lowa, furnished •to very lowa editor amexhaustless treasuijv C J items—never in the way, and nayer out of the way. lD the absence of an oft repeated cen thcre is an infinity of tinchecked £U( 3 P-a*. MP«any. to’ new States where growth is most.wonderedat, being a transition from nothing to sotti* on the Atlantic Bl6pe, lbe re is great distrust of all repom con cerning western process, till they •,?££ confirmed by an official census. The Ne braska Superintendent of Immigration ba9 estimated the influxioia that-Stale at 40 000 persons a year. His etrtiffiate has been much ridiculed as a wild cXSggwa* lion, of a piece with Yankee Doodle’s reckoning of the consents! [Lott '^en bis lather and he went ■ And there was __jjpoo a strapping Btajliqoj . ,-t- A giving orders to his men,; / guest there was a million." '■ j Bat it can. be ptrvect' mathematically, that Mr, Noteware’s estimate Isveryne&r lv correct. Thus, in 1870, the,school chi)- >dren numbered 32,762, and the - 122 993 Buf, in 1872 the school-cbildren hri increased to 51,123. • Therefore; those scholars who-have reached thfe Rule ol Three can demonstrate, the Nebraska, population in 1872 amounted to 191,928 showing a gain of 68,935 within two years. ; ; The lists ol school, child fen, besides showing the growth of the Stale at large, are a meter of local progress Look, for instance, along the of the Burlington & Missouri river Rail road. It runs through counties, Adam?, Cass, Clay, Fillmore, Kearney, Lancaster, Saline and Saunders. Their school children in 1870, were 5.912,- and their population 23,247. In 1872 ; their sebo ■] "hildren had multiplied to 11,210, therefore their population then can', not have been less than" 44,079°^. Nebraska, at Urge, has been exception ally prosperous, for its populations! in crement in two jeans has been 56 04 per rent. 80l even this per ceotage falls for bthw that ot the eight counties traversed by the B & M railroad line. Their popala;ional advance between 1870 and 1872 has been at the rate of 89 6 per cent In the nest two years their growth will be stii' greater than in the last two, for 1 half of them had no school children two ■ years ago, and locomotives not yet having traversed them all for more than four months, have but just begun to put fourth their magical influences in making Soli tudes populous. Yet the railroad above mentioned with in thirty-three months after getting its land in market, bad sold 478.988 acres to ■1,525 purchasers, on ten years credit six per cent, interest, and on sales since 1873 nothing of the principal is payable till the end of four years. THE NEW OREGON SENATOR. H in. John H. Mitchell, lately: elected io ibe United States Senate from. Oregojii it appears was formerly a citizen of But ler county, where he waaknowiias John M. Hippie. The newspapeisiof late hSTB' been discussing bis change of n&mftvinnd on the part of some of -them the question has actually heed raised as -tb* Whether this change will not render his election void. The Butler jEh^ie, ; whose editor appears to have been well with the gentleman, gives 4be following asetch of him which would seem to Settle all doubts as to the validity of his elec-’ ti'in, inasmuch as be wasr chosen under the name he adopted wbeh he settled .In-, Oregon, and by which he has been known ever since ; ' : For the information of -our readers, we. would state that the Recently elected Sen ator from Oregon ip qqpe.*Qther thap put. former eh izen—John M. Hippie,' Esq... The circumstances be Ipfl he re are known to rpoet of pur, people. For the parpoap of rpma.ln itig Unknown, it seems on his arritaloti theVEieifiCf Slope be changed bis name from Jflho; Mitchell Hippie to using only t^e name. He is now a memibeipf States Senate. aUhougTTknown to some of ourcitizens ■3T-**’; be newto most t ol our readers. : An alleged improper intimacy ivitha respectable young lady,'was Mr/flipple’s .first trouble. It it worthy Of ssmarl^ however, that this occurred While fafcvria yet a.youth. He had entered is araw partner #Gbl. Thompson.- fieheefine an actj^Repabllcin, r aflp€sa(r -maniof the Odtttfiy l RaecutivaObmtn iitee. in 1850. the OfiW&l LegifC latnre and the 1 whbleAperso&al Bbpferyiirdn r of ’ their exten&ve'bnsiueas feilT»fadsr sESs- jcare*.i i klthnogiDooiy h sridrtainreiatEitf profeWioUy be showed rietitfencea pfvmeut i -tal lienee.; > Bib litcttry r. cnprsp wi|B-£nly; yEtbfcrpuWfc VW'QKmpom on the stump and at .ihp; 5 &8- were<abort and ,wfi>l//omed i his v jra%v clear,: HcleftoUSAipder pjrpppfc stances that would hays djrtveni any ambitions yonng man away. The: warm,, sympathies of-a large circle ! WendaiclV)we4fe!fPtj His a f i/e procured, a divprce some years agp whjctr she nwghv. have ifilled to do hag-iie opposedjjt. ~Hp Ess provided for the support of .his chih dren.; i. - The correspondent bf £qst in 6ffof alio thedisctmntiogof afiy of Mt. Hippie’s ail jxist demands were met by Col. Thompson ’in' full. They have been settled satisfactorily by thefor mer gentleman, and there is, therefore, nothing remaining open. No* one here ever doobted integrity. He isinow one of the representatives of the young State of Oregon inthe United States Senate. W e have no doubt be. will makeonejof the most - useful, member* of that body. * In ourpersonal relation with. ■> him, white among ;»s. we; always found him to be a* warm hearted jpong man,; [and dpubt not tbesnqcalittea will adhere to him through life. Wo* hafg ? not .adr mired the manner of Uniled_ ! States Senators in nor the. .choice made, bat tltisj^ not; pnj| .of these cases. |We to know that Qnp. for whom we had such a warm Byjapatby deemed byothera w ottby ,of -4»nfif dence -and. .the choicest ■ bojaqrf; b£;M»e promising Commonwealth ,ofj the Nprtlh honor. i could pot haye bands. . When, the'head, ao4 n .% art b*e right, "there is noth iog in a* naiae; ’ ■ May continued success attend, lim. Jphn. , H. Mitchell. f « ~ rj ». Jadstnc tram App«“*raocc» A good ptory is told toy * Yankepedjlpr,; in illustration of the folly.of judging: from appearances. A persondreppedin & snit of homespun clothes,elepped; into a ■ house in Boston.on'some business.where several ladies were assemtted io an iaoer; room. One of the company remarked; la. a. low. tpge waiting*pnd Agreed ; to have.: some -fun. •fhe. following dialogue,,ensued ; - . ; “You’re,from the country, I suppose ?” “Yes, Tpi from the country.”' "Well, sit* what do ypji think of the city?” ; , •: ; - “It’s got a tarnal sight of Louses in it ” “I expect there are a great many ladies where you come from.” “Oh yes, a woandy eight jjist for all the worldlike them,” pointing to the la dies.” '■ “And you are quite a Lean among them no doubt.” . ‘"Yes, I beaus ’em to meetin’ and about.” • . “Maybe the gentleman will take a glass of wipe,” said one of the company. “I thankee : don’t care if I do.” “But you must dfiok a toast.” "I eats toast what Aunt Debby makes, but as to drinkin’, I never' seed the like.” What was the surprise of the company to hear the stranger speak as follows: % • Ladies and gentleman, pe r mit me to wish you health and’happiness.with every other bleating the earth can aff.-rd, and I adv ise you to bear in mind that we are, often deceived by appearances. You mis-, took me by my dress for a country booby ! I, from the same cause, thought these men were gentlemen . The-deception is mutual. I wish you' good- evening. impurity of Drinking Water. get s pitcherof iced water in a room inhabited, says a writer in Tobias* aD<i in a few houreit will have absorbed nearly all the perspired (gases of the room, the air off which will have become purer, but the water utterly filtby.r This depends on the lad IbstWSter has the; faculty •of condensing snd tbefisby, absorbing near ly a n the gases* which it dneswithOUt jin creasing its own bulb. ( water is, the greater itseapaciiy to con tain these gases. , Atordinary tempera tare, a pint of water will coOlatna pint of carbonic acid.gad and several pints of ammonia Thfccapacity is nearly doubt: Jed by reducing the; temperature tb that of ice. Hence water: kept .in the room awhile is always unfitiorusS aixd should | be often remoted. whßther it baa become \ warm or not. Anfllor. the. same reason water in*: pnjpp;Bho.nld<ftll; be. pumped out in the morningubefore vaoy is. :used. That whi£b baa stood in a ipiicher over night is not pofe© water jpoming. Impnrowater is-more ipjoti ous to impareftir,*bdevery person should prov lde the. means of ob : taiu aud pureuwalet for all ' do mestic niea.' * - ™ ‘" • ■ r 1 tnts V“ Ji>., t;>. ■ if stutterer.” - PBESID*?«TfcINC<H4NVINDICAT*». : ? jniivcnsl'o ; d*nA*P io Bo^i™on^» er y ß ‘^F ? By some- oversight r tbe i; publication of; thelßon. Montgomery Bla3r, .vindicating the 'OiM'hf the • UtePresiclent Lincoln •gain# tbe-aspersione of Mr. Adam*, in jjis oration on : Sew* aid, has been neglected utfilV now. It is -xlae.to the memory nf Mr. Lincoln that it shodtd have as jr ide a aslbe -qralinnhaa, and we commend ittolhe attention pfopr readers; . ’:"J ; 0 ■•” ■ 1 ~,The ptatejjebt aj i: -sp^esied r ID the public press that the late "Hr. Mdantfeatf ffl*PH#a«foed to uni jo* tlce done to Mr. Lincoln by Hr. r£d(Bto: it fw. WfcifeSfeSS-. \u Mm'wmOa* Hr. Wellea wroleme Xh&Lhu.thought H? tn *®3 sdi-mut 1 Wu 'travagance of .praiseto the'enoject of.lt “apokfen/oOibaflt ' 4rd at Mr. and he n th6dght : ¥Uh¥ftfbWs’‘Who T^e# : mentto bb ttd£rrect c&ghoi lagr * Bb. I conctl/red with Mr/iSTeliei in the . ;grd6B injustice done Mr. Lincoln by Hr. Adams, but tbboghf.it: wbuld; & Would avoid Wbseemly controversy/ iftbe garvivorsdfMr. unite in say ingthat Mr; Adams hadbeen 'i l-j ,I‘jiir — k - i misled : as -to tbe ; relation sbetween MM Linoolnandhls Secretary of Stale,' wltbM out going infto-particulars ;and I so wrote ‘to Mr. Welles, and also to the Chief-Jus-1 n t Ice,.from Whom. several days afterWanlM 1 received.this tebly f i a “No. 601 jB. 1 Strut, MohdaV, 0 o’clock,: April 28, 1873. —My Dear Mr. Blair: I havenot read There isuo occaaipp., ; I: thipk,,tn appre ij bend any.damagetp Mi<- fctooplg’B, meat- (| ory from the exsggeratl.9o pfMr, Seward’s merits, but if my health; I, 5 Should,ljave no, woypsrtng. 4ietys?yyitb letting tbfcresult he )paslic. v Sim. --“Tot]^ Horn Mr. _ - , {rv . •'* Before this note came to hand I saw.hy ‘the tone of the public, press Chief ®c.*. caeioh to J!r,, ,£jn- frdnCMie 'exaggeration of soofer with him till be had left the. cify. from other'friends whiT Conferred Wfthhitn hdre'Und in (hat he cohcnrred ihl lyin say ingthat Mr. Adiimstiadbeebtnisled, abd Senator Cam ; ffoo aUtfconcum in thla ; ' 1 ' : Therecould hot be a greater tblsconcep tpvn-of hifiory than io'gire Ho Mr* Lin coln a subordinate part either itf his own administration or Y in the Republican party. prior tD'the nomluatkm.-and c6m pare him with Pierce, Buchanan and otherinferiormen whose' elevation was dne to intrigue. 1 ' Lincoln was-Mr. Sew ard’s leading competitor nt’ Chicago from the start, and was nominated by'acclatoa tion, almost, ion Hbe second ballot.-- He was the Tecpgn iaed leader pUiis patty io iilinois was the pre ferred candidate for the Senate of - 6L bat. Sve of those who elected Judge Trumbull, who, being Democrats, would not then yote (or Mr. Lincoln, hut, while Judge TrbmhuU’s friends would not jrote for Lincoln, b€u(Lincolo) went on the floor of |.lhe House and urged his friends to vote for Trumbull. He bad been ft leading competitor f>r the Vice Presidency against Mr. Dayton in 1856. and this was before bis debate with Douglas-which proved::him to be tbe representative man .of the: Republican party of that day* and everybody knows tbai be contfhued to be its true represen tative thence forward ; till the hour of bis death, while Mr. Sewardj by his speech on tbo 13tbof January, 1861, in tbe Sen ate,.which was echoed in the House by bis friend and eulogist. Mr, Adams, on tbe 3lsl, lost them both tbe confidence of that parly. Mr. Bewardi referring to tbe Isecession movement then in progress, said that he would meet exactions with concessions and videnoe.with peace, and accordingly; agreed with tbe-Con federate Commissioners to sarrender otfr forts on their requirement./. But Mr.iOnchliti declared, lb hls- inau gpral.'-'that ipdwev Confided td mb will 'be used to hold, occupy and ; possess ji>e proper ty and placea belonging sto the Government,” anflordered the’in force men-t'of F.ulnter,:which Mr.; BeWhcd: bad stipulated to:give up. within: five -days. tvtfS’aV tue beginning Of tbe admin istratjon, and Mr. Lincoln was equally true: to his own Convictions on all: UnP° rt ’ apt questions tothe.end. lt : a not an un common error among the istute to im pute the. success of those, who ©e accepted as great by,the.common people to. tk® sharpness of the, infefiqr but able pp* "ibey calito theft Thp, I re ' member, was the ( Jienef qf^ Lw it h respect to Qepera^Jackin., ( i ■ many of the ableinety"he ppnght, about him fioin tima'to time Ibonglrt tb«» took care pi h indipp€p6ab|e to b.m/wEite lt.e. ww lb«*.>•• |£» «nu» s trymeD. 6nji7«ill be witlTXfncoln. He ■ini reaU;jrn%r££t?§o£l4&l’patient, ibtig-' Baoiriooi, tWtfcftil, lotring and Jo?able ssaadpwitfcontfßgotiwft, devoid logreat purposes, and with reeves toall essential tbingaa very ; ', ; ... , KtiTlno VtrMu* r t »’ TfcerfpHo*in* 4 ff*£h frpp&pver sea, and m -M, feojAf. fi,y seems (bai t ing abril iTan o I 'lights ‘ •od to i cod) iii btartieAbrilba di*-7 the ■*«% Bitling with tor th 6 genwmen/ 10 end their d&fef Paiblng wilder « ifeAgDMiiO ,6>ttW PSt-v Sbeq Qpffipijfcd; ■Mi now?” ,• .-;.• -.' •„ ’ "Yes, fcolly; i file 1 hive been drink ing tod ranch wine.” [ i" 5 ' s "'^^'- 4 - 1 ’’ ‘‘Ntynotibaif * W»gh6B;-I ’■ oie&n'i ex' ■gtronory-pbnrnumonama in the.; atmn&*. 'pb e^*': *- 1 T - : ..’•■•! "If IT. 'i- . ■ “Wt£i % n - -H **Cp yonder, Wagnes." "Why, dear me ! yea, I do, indeed— the moat hrillianl aurora that ! ever Saw” ? -* :{ ; ' J “Waghea, s are tbioga aahootin’?”' - “T e*,\dekrJ’ . -j ' “Ah’ a-flashin’, Wagpe*f” . j f” “YeScDoVly.” ■ i “Aor a sorter apreadin* an’dancin’, eh, ,Wagncas” , ; "All tbai' my-dear.” ■ - . “Hof” (much relieved;)' “DoJ you know, Wagneg»irrmeaar I comci pot bn’ bawr the oeteit&l pteynoih; opaoaa a'glow in\ upper, yopder, bless me; effer |hink in, vim writ— a Drainer. Tf NOOH MORGANS SONS’ . ■ ''sM?.&L.rQ 1 ’i a eubatitute for Soap for all bonaehold purpoeea axtepi^^auiiig - i: i'. V SABO 810 jor Cleanlm? yonr hobae will the labor of one Ueaner.,. Gltc U, a tr#!.,; j .. s /. i - p*A P for wlniiow«fc bettcr|6an wafer.' r *So remoyfogcartalgayid v - . r - - -• ;:; sA¥■o if 10 cle*Bßpa&4«aiij3k.WOojl, infect me entire Lfcoqie, Heifer ttao soap. No slppplng.. Bavea lapor. Too CQ't »ffiordAo c.dtt -without til :>; i •{: ‘ o for -tolyM, Jb cleaner, .than Batbßnti“ WWnot scratch. ; - - ' 1 i ■' i. it bette# threap wfauaMv poliehipg BrffiUcfrd wlihont scratcbng. . fit i 5 O i I O PollsheibMfei andcopper betted ttiio Acid or Oil and gotten »^q n e*, SAPOLIO lor washing dishes and : glassware la invaluable. Cheaper tnanfoap. •. • . SAP OLIO " .; uj l;v V ,■ ■' •' removes states from marble tattles, tobies and Statuary, from China and Porcelain.-, <: t ii;- w/ : AV/ S AP O LIO removee stains and grease from and other Woolen fabrics:! v J .= <c* •' ’ v ■ There£inb one article iaown that will do so aianyjkin4s of verls ;|#d do it as well as Sapqlio« $ |Try t 1*?, Hand Sapolio - a new and woncerfully effective; Toilet Boap,hav« ing no equal In this country or abroad.' , 7 Hand Sapolio as an article for theE.th, breaches the; foundation of all dirt.” open# the pores and gives a healthy actlon.and bnlliant tint toJtne skin. ■ -> Hand Sapolio cleanses and beautifies the skin, instantly remov ing any stain or blemish from hoth bands and face.: Hand Sapolio ia without a r Vdl In tB6 "world for cdrlng or j)re- Tentingfoogbif^sand chapping! face. Hand Sapolio £c.. to invaluable. For making ■ the .saim while and soft; and giving to it a bloom of beauty it Is unsurpassed by any Cosmetic; known. ■■ Hattd Sapolio costs 10 tolfi tents pfercahe; abd should tore ft. You Vfiuifeq.it.. f . ;> DON’T FAH.TOTRY THESE GOODS BayUolyour merchants euro hrfb# jfoß. : Ifnot tben write panroh; lot, “AU About SapQHo,'’,afld it wU \ b ® sndph , SO PAHS PLACE,. NEW YORK. mySl-eow-iy. . - Q.IVEN , A FINE VE BIND IN ELEGANT CHFOMO. MOUNTED AND mi&i fojtj^m^NOiii^**jto• !(v j , ' AGENT FOB UN D E‘H^R 5 N D LIFE BEtOW !< %E SURFACE, BY THOS.i j u* mbbw SdEßitafflp KBSSSfeSSj 'H 1-Li.l w* Ur-hJ • '-J «T <v 1 i» i r *1 nWBLLINQ HOUSES, :<P ■" o. rt T .TENEM B N T S , ■ £M ? B,Q V.B D . ANDj.D NI HPEO V B * RE At ES tiTE, -■ Jj- v: * ».J _.. : • t nr AKD H*AB TH* c , :o iir ■-r ' BOROtTGB OP t ROCHESTER, r . fl ■'■ I>i* ’ i '■ - ■ f * *• * ’ 1 * lo ; hnLs9s ,*?*•: Kls 1 fccftpss; ocOT.tr ; ■>■• ‘ iVv -*•' ~ •X r ■-■ • - ; CO^BKIL/CR^EriTftl^ ri,i . - v: ‘ ‘*v ’ .' 4 ‘ -li, •••'!; aaonmda c? m*ar r , . . -. ■ declß’ftS T : „ ••.. • r.' . --*** , i ' f \ . ' l* . I*’ ■ J -i. ■» \■ - f<TpS!®S.:EESNBDi£ t &.COu ..vi ' TyJL , , t -f i ■ y> f‘j if. ‘ ' t , d f ’wk, BUJ^HLING. RO.CHESTE.R, *B'»*f s A. '*i'- iitj 1 - t V 1 .' *3 I *' ’ -q Duu«s,fHßßi<snJsa> a?® cskmicai#* ii ANCY :&[ TOILET ARTICLES, ■'<■■ SPONGER BRUOTpifA^^W^&MERT, PAINTS, OILS AN® DYES. ■ preBdriptlohß'CBMf4llj£coffli)otlfid6diiat'aU boon* eep&TSHy'• . ■ y ‘ Ss^ Sewing Only Five Dollars ! With the NexO Patent Button Mok Worker* ■ The Mo# Simple aiid: GompactAn \ vonttfuiiion. The ■#qtt l £rurafc.an4 to f7«5,.: ' A Model fif-. Qqabiped Strmgth. w 4 'jkqutv, ftsen&A sasaaewa®^ Tsilsk Sfferd Patent ciieck^o prffvedtTtiw wheel being; turned rtte : wrong ws®. U&8 the thread direct frpm the epool. Hakes toe. Elastic i Lock Stitch: (finest ;aod;*trOTMir/6tltto known;) firm, durable, close and. rapid. WIU do all htodd of-storks find and jcofirse,iuoi& CtihlHfic,' to heavy Cloth or Leather,'and uses all descrip tion* dr thfetid.' - 4 j-.,'U WJc. ‘j;..- ' The be& RtecbanicaUalfPt ta-Aperi#; and ,Eu rope has Men devoted to Improving and simplify-, log ararMJehtw ; ‘«ipblPjPfi Wij that Jfhi<ar:»: practicable, and dispensing with ah complicated uitonodttgfi genfirallytoond lottthcffr aching*. Special terms-<and'extra indpceftepto topale «pdfemale'agents, store keepers, 4c.,' who will etdaWljlfcagpMlSs end Ipopi opr new machines on exhibition and sale. County sisao .pgpntffjree.v Agent’s.cgp plete oajfitstornlshea without any extra charge. SainplnfcQf sejilngtWeCTiptgsiiKaJars coitain&g* terms, testimonials, engravtfigs, &c., sent tree. * U.aawes i.;:: ■•••■■*■ BROOKS QO.. w * No, 1329 Broadway, ; JanBf-i> NEW YORK. T>OOTSd :BOOTS! f BOOTS f! ? ' ■■ ■ . shoes ! Shoes n r shoes t ? ~ - •v • j ' >*■ If youwantto BAYE MONEY, buy your Boot*, Shoes, and Gaiters at - 173 EEHERAL BT., ALLEGHENY, 8 Bdmple’s Dry Goode Store. ■Men's Boots, - - - ’ to «&?«*"? •• ■■ ■ [| I | , Men?***«t«w. S'**- “ ,rf -- * ?*99 J * a ‘ I* Boys’ flatters,,.- - ~-r_ to • &5? i ’Ladles 1 Shoes." ■ •' ' v 1° ' ‘Mlsees^bpMw-itl s.-w Jg : ■> '• i:»■«;: 4S" |; ■> We have a large stock of 1160'?, Boys, Roths’ 1 Boots. Shoes and flatter#. at adLpttees.ahd a fpll Mine of Men’s and Boys’Kip Bools .on hand; also i a large lot of Ladies’-Mlesee' 5 and Children-s Fancy •Shoes, Button Congress, Sergeand Velvet. Shpes- Call ddd examine for yOateeKOs. Don t forget 1 the place.’, ’ ' w. C. SLAtGHT^RBBCE^ 178 Federal street, -Allegheny. JalO-6ml 3 doors above bemple’s Dry Goods Store • 'T'HE BEST AND MOST FIRK AND BTJRGLAB-PROOR ' Safes and Vaults ARB HADE BY tBE PITTSBURGH SAFE COMPANY 1 ■ i t. / 167 PENN STREET, , ,■V■ : ' . marSB 3.m PnTSBUttGH, PA. JpiFTH AYE. CLOTHING HALL. , CORNER FIRTH & MARKET STREETS, : 1873. SPRING STOCK. 1873. l lKt«*ota. HA#flACß;hef<^pni»b«»6tPg^4 The etoclti i OomirttePU ileD’pi,; Boys'; i ■ and Children’s Clothing, 8t WhoUtate urA SetaU Prices* i• ■ ■_*,. ! 1 1 i: .; II; ■■), .i* i ■ i Partiendar attention given to taantripg this invitatioii with, you , ' '** . , m,, : -jo i. 1 Vt •J- f X mm . , BUSINESS : ji ji #43*y- 2aiiE A VALUABLE INVENTION ( AST BNTIHELV NBW 1 - Machiiie! tfOtt DOMESTIC 1 USE. ’.* PITTSBURGH. PA. »»■■* m wws**—* 1 gat&ta# jut* iajsuraaw. J&^ICQHWAy-& -CO., B AN-RRR'S & B- RGK E R S RPCHE§ , EER I TA. DlAtttS 'T'" » 5 - 1 1~ v • * ■.£ .* ■*.<i'»3 -• v■> ‘U »i • *- j • • Accounts of Xlannfacturw,—Merchants and Indl vidualsfotfctte& 5 Wai)| ON. TIMS DEPOSITS Correspondence wjy recoiraptMaptLattentlou. r zts.'k tc---'- Bocbester, Aag. let, 187a—eagS-«in. TJ BA|T£R BiEP O.ai T B A N K of fiBSN Cj»lU*b. COLLECTIONS MADE AND RE MITTED. CORRESPONDENCE AND ACCOUNTS SO 3 SICITED. ... .... .Vn il- -•, ■ ’ i" ■ INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS, • 'l-'i' - ' - ' ; EXCHANGE, SECURITIES, Ac., BOUGHT AND SOLD. Ofliceboarsfronva ▲. m. to 4 p. k. : mySl’TO Pi BANKERS AND BROKERS BEN T E L & .C 0., FREEDOM, PA., Are nbwpre pared tbdo a 'general Banking ana l?oieB:diißcounted, Government bonds and other securities bought and, sold. and bnall accessible points In the i Office how* from 9 to 4p *. Saturday* from 6 a, u. to 9 r. a. ■■ i C.H.BENTEL, ■ i Cashier. j^vLmmsrt 1 NATIONAL BANS!, NO. 33 FIFTH AVENUE, FJTTBB VBQB, PjL 8. W. MACKJJY, Qathitr W. MecAStfiJtSS. -Aiet: Cashier. JgANKCSG HOUSE ;> R. E. & H HCOPES, r jßiaoktoK, pa. ; 1 Correspondence of Banks, Bankers and -Mer chantssollCltetL. Collections promptly ma&» and remitted. , JAMES T. BRADY & GO., - ISncceesore to 8. Jbnet ft Ctf.,) ,£**. FOURTO AVENUB ft WOOD BTRKBI PITTSBURGH, BA STEM B 8, BUT- SELL ALL KINDS OF INTEREST ALLOWEDON DEPOSITS BTOiden JSiecstei i|)i ite Purduee and Sale of stocks, bonds andTsoiTi) jis. t. BRADY & CO. jySS’TOly? n . » : O, 8. BABKttB. T. A. BABKTO. C. A. BABMB Q 8. BARKER & CO., New Brighton, PsknV, ■G. 8. BARKER & CO., B IST K EIR S . DKAI.ERS IN EXCRANQE, .COIN, COUPONS, &c. ■Collections mkdb dd all accessible points in tht •UnltedStaveSiftrti Canada.. Accounted! Merchants, Manufacturers and Indi Viduals solicited. ; ‘ <1 Interest allowed on Time Deposits. CorrespOndence wßi recelve prompt attention, V SAVINGS BANE. JOHN V . M'*Q&ILD, OEO. C. SPBTERBB, . speyerer& McDonald, Dealers in, exchange. Com. Government Secnri* ties.mabe collections em ail accessible points In thfe United States and Canada, receive money on depos it snbject to check; and feceive time deposits of one dollv and upward, and allow Interest at 6 pet ednt. ~ By-laws-andßules furnished free by applying at at the bank. ' - ‘ Bank-open daily from 7 a- m. .till 4 p. m., and on Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 o clock . BEPZB, BT PKKiriBSIQN. TO a b H Oatman A Co, iHon J S Bntan, Algeo, Scott $ Co, iOrr A Cooper, 8 J Cross A Co, jWm Kennedy, fenieder A Wacks, IJohnbharp, B 8 Ranger, HB Edgar, AC Rant, IT—desman’s- National S, B Wilson,. 1 bank, Pittsburgh. Pa. no vll-70 —Je3O-71 INSTANT RELIEF FOR TRB ASTHMA. Any person troubled with that terrible disease will receive immediate and complete relief by us* ing my ASTHMA REMEDY. 1 was afflicted with it to r twelve years, entirely unflUfngiDe for baslnesß for Vreekß at a time; and discovered tb»B remedy by experimenting on my self afterall other medicines rilled to have any effect. ' ■ •• • 1 WILL WARRANT IT TO GIVE INSTANT RELIEF ti-all cases of Asthma not complicated with other Xny person after- once using will never be Without it., :. 1 r s • , ' - " . Pamphlets containing certificates by mail FUSE, fiend for dbe '■ AskTybar dhiggist for Tt. ; If be has none on band get him to send or write for it your self.;.! • v • Pric§ by maij. postage paid v ti,oo per box. Liber at terms-wdmgjjiets.. Address ! ST, Rochester, Beaver. Co.. Pa. ■' 1 J yaptll-ly EN TE R Ttttrxr ~~ RESTAURANT. Ui UPSS DAP AUD. NI&HT. MEA L 8 ATA L L SO V R 8 . ‘ Ho.l«Birrfi BT:Vilate«. Clalr,) ' : UiUl i) iO S.!*j *•' l-v.'* P.-BA®*- 8 A VQ.vO ».* 17 ;TPITT&£pI<GB*. - cfusoi TU ; -a J I W. COOK, frnUittU. OP Beaver ‘Palls, Penn’a., W. J. speyerer, b. j. spetebeb, C ashler _ dis«taee.. JSnUEMcCALUON o v . .O Tdeis 8 m A*TD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers