,-3 t 8 GENERAL NE. A rich veia»of maibie bis been struck in Boyer tovvn, Barks county. —Pottsville is complaining of the inadequacy of her public school houses. —The salary of the Chief Burgess of Pottsiown has remained the same ever since the incorpora tion of the borough in ISSG. It is $O,OOO. —The sixteenth annual fairof the Clarion county Agricultural Society, will be held on the society's crounds,at Clarion, on September 23, 24, 23, and 25,1873. —The dwelling house of Amanda K. Hull, of Wharton township, Fayette county, was entirely consumed by fire on Sunday- night last. Nothing saved except the bedclothes. On Monday night last, James W. Walton, of Slipperyrock township. Lawrence county, during a fit -of temporary insanity, committed suicide. The deceased was about thirty-five years of age, and leaves a wife and three chi'dren. i— At Everett, Bedford county, until last week,' there had been but one fire during twenty years, Oli Wednesday another disturbed the even tenor of thb way. The foundry Jof Fred. Felton was de stroyed, involving the loss of $7,000. —The gas well near Fairvicw, Butler county pays the company that owns it about three hun dred dollars p er day. Pipes are laid to Fairvicw Petfolia, Earns City and Argylc, and these towns light their houses and heat their stoves with the gas. —A newly elected constable. In Lawrence conn ty, arrested a man last week, and on arresting at the jail, left his prisoner standing at the door while he went to find the sheriff. He was much surprised on returning that the chap had coolly walked.off. And at last accounts he had not been found. —A weak-minded inmate of the Northampton county almshouse has fallen heir to several hun dred thousands of dollars, by the death ot a wealthy uncle. He does not comprehend his changed con dition, however, and declines to be removed from the room which ho has occupied for over twenty - five years. —A correspondent at Petersburg has furnished the particulars of-the infanticide case which oc curred-there recently. It would seem from the evidence given before the coroner’s jury that .Mrs. Wainright is the person guilty of the murder of the infant found. It appears that she had been married by « short time and that the child was not the offspring”of her husband, and hence her reas ons lor destroying it. . . 1 —Chas. S. Wood. Est}!, President of the Cambria Iron Company, died last. Monday. tHis relations with the Canfhria iron Company date liom May, 1855, when he was the leading member of the Arm of Wood, Morrell & Co., and it was daring the years intervening between 1855 and 18tW that this company leased from the old Cambria Iron Com pany their works. In-the beginning of 1802, alter their reorganizing, the Cambria Iron Company took possession of the works, and from that time until.his death Mr. Wood has been President ol the company. —A correspondent of the Meadville Republican writing from Venango, says : "A hellish attempt at railroad slaughter was perpetrated here last night. The switch was unlocked and a heavy freight car run down the track to a high embank ment, above French Creek, and there left to wreck the night-express, train 2. It so happened that an extra train came along and discovered two t ars ca the track at the end of the spur, near the depot, and on. sending a brakemaii down to flag tram 2. he discovered the \>l her car standing on the the track, and could hear the express coming rjuad the carve, and by sharp running succeeded in stopping the train in time to prevent another ‘ railroad hoi ror.” —On Wednesday morning the Wnpwollow pow der mills, near Shickshinuy village, exploded With a territk force, setting tire to the dry and chip house, which also exploded One man nam ed Michae 1 Noes, a workman in the dry nousc, was blown to atoms, and Thomas Fryfagie and George Totten, teamsters, were fatally hurndd. Thomas Schultz, a railroad laborer, who was at work a short distance trom the mill, was also terri bly burned. Three mules were blown to atoms and two othcis were fatally burned. The wagon to-which they were attached could hardly show a vestige alter the explosion. The shock was fell for miles around, and in the immediate vicinity houses were shaken from their foundation. The concern belonged to the Uupont Powder fom pany. jfUtv 3almti,smc«tjs. J> HAVER COLLEGE MUSICAL INSTITUTE New Uuilding. School and "Reouatioa Rooms now readv for the FALL BESSJON. SKPT ft, 1572, NORMAL DEPAUTM ENT a permanent feature of the In-di' u: ion . Apparat us for illustrating the Sciences. Send for new cat alogue with cut of new building, jane G-tf it. T. TAYLoIt, Pres. Fin anti a l statement of boh OUGH TOWNSHIP Total tax assessed lor the year eiidim: June 1-1 for School Tax ami Jan. Ist for Slate ami Comity tax Paid into the treasury Remaining on books with rollect r, r $43 yt> L. MAGINNI*.Town-hip Clerk. A. TAYLOR. Collector.' innii-3t. » P'PVtpD everywhere, “o '••11 onr now ami novel XlUllD i U Embroidenin - Machines mmk! lo’-llius- W |l'Urh'Jl'ntnitofl C rcninr. to the MoKo.: Mam t! Hfl litUfaCtunhig Company, 3'JO. Broadway, New York rpiuc PARLOR COMPANION Every I-idy want- mi ’! Every Man oueht in h ive one !! Soul on receipt of Ton Cents. Address, L. F IIYDE & CC.. Eli Seventh Avenue. New York. B ON-TON FLIRTATION SIGN ALs. sent ,>n re ceipt o! a.*> cts. Unique Printin" and Publish ing House. &> Vesey Street, Now York. THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. An lin wt art flirtation. It retains the Rupture :it a;! times, and under the hardest exercise- or severest strain. It is worn with comfort.. nnri if kept 01? night and day. effects n i«ermanent cur" in a f--w weeks. Sold cheap, and sent hy Mail when requested, eir culars free, when ordered hy letter sent to Tit" Elastic Truss Co.. No. liS-'J Broadway . N. Y. City. Nobody Uses Metal Sprint: Trusses; too painful: they slip oIY too frequently. on T»ni T fiDQ Ul> nh or iVi.oi’s advanced to OU uUulmuU agents to commence business with, nal I .an."- <■ m-tnissior aPou-d lor "’selling. Address ,T S.. CONOVER, Coldwater. M;ch. april-Im THE BECKWITH *-‘0 PORTABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. ON 3U DAYS TRIAL, m»ny advantiure* over .all. S.atistaclion eaar.au- Faed. or ,30 refunded. Sent coma e f --. with full directions. Beckwith S wving ‘ Machine Co.. Sd2 Broadway. N. V. P>OSTOX ONE PRICE CLOTHING > HOUSE. 05 Sutifnf 'l'J Street, Pitfsburffl, Pa. Tbelvst p'nre in the eitv to hi;v Clothing and ! .nnishing g tods, sign ol the I'r.e. myC ly > EM- BV EVERYBODY.. V 7ELE BE A VER It A BIVAL AND jgm/%oc&otmeato. jjRADBURY PIANO FORTES. ESTABLISHED IN 1854. OVER 10,000 MANUFACTURED. NO BETTER INSTRUMENT I - ET. , | NATIONAL PIANO of the COUNTRY Mrs. U. S. Grant uses in her family the Brad bury and says; “Tam perfectly delighted with it." Theodore Tilton says: “I have had the beauti ful Piano eo long that now to ask me how I like it is like asking tue how 1 like one. of my children. In fact If you were to ask the children Pm afraid they would say they liked it almost as well as they like the. it speaks every day the year round and never looses its voice. I wish its owner could do half so well.'" ■* • LETTER FROM &SHOP'SIMPSON Philadelphia. April !7,1863. T. G. Smith &, Co.— GentB~ Having used one ol your Bradbury Pianos,.it Has given great satisfac tion to my family and to many, visitors who have heard its sweet tones at my bouse. It is a very superior instrument, both in finish and power. 1 heartily wish yon success'as* successor to the late IVnu B. Bradbury, in continuing the manufacture ofblslustly celebrated Pianos. Yours truly, - i Jtt. SIMPSON. Chief Justice Salmon P, Chase. Washington D. C., Decides the Bradbury to be the National Piano ol the country. Vice Admiral D. D. Porter. Washington D. C., "The Bradbury is exquisitely and beautifully proportioned. We are delighted with ours.” Hon. Columbus Delano, Secretary of the Interior. Washington, D. C.. calls the Bradbury the Piano for the Interior. P. M. General Cresswell and Mrs. Cresswell.— "All our fridnds admire the delightful tones o the Bradbury, used at onr receptions.” Robert Bonner. New York Ledger—"At any time wilt drop the lines of ‘Dexter,’ to listen to the tones of the Bradbury.” Grand Central Hotel, Now York—“ln preference to all others, we selected the Bradbury Pianos for onr parlors. Our guests pronounce them splendid.” St Nicholas Hotel, New York.—" Have always used the Bradbury Pianos in onr parlors, and take pleasure in recommending them.” Hon. John Simpson. M. P.. Canada, says: “The Bradbury can’t bo excelled. The best in the Dominion.” M. Simpson, Bishop M. K. Churrh. Philadelphia. "We know of no better Piano than the Brad bury.” E: S. Janes. Bishop M. E. Church. N. Y.-“Wc know of no better Piano than the Bradbury .” Rev. Dr. John McClinton, Drew Theological Sem inary—"My family and friends say the Bradbury is unequalled.” T. S. Arthur. Philadelphia—“We have nsed fof years, and can recommend the Bradbury Piano.” Philip Philips, New York, says, "1 have sung with ana used the Bradbury Piano in my family for years.” W. G. Fischer. Professor of Music, Girard College. Philadelphia. "I use as my uimily Piano, the Bradbury, and can with confidence recommend them ” Rev. Daniel Curry. Editor Christian Advocate.: “1 purchased a Bradbury Piano, and it is a splendid instrument in every respect.” Theodore Tilton. Editor Independent: “If, you were to ask my children, I am afraid they would say they liked onr Btadbury almost # as well as they like me.” Dr. Daniel Wise. Editor Sunday School Advocate. -I use the Bradbury Piano, and think, like his music it cannot be excelled.” Rev. Dr. Ferris, New York. ‘*Mr Bradbury has stood louder in tune, and sounds better than any Piano in my District.” Rov. Dr. Fields. Editor of the Evangelist. “1 have used a Bradbury lor years in my family, and think there is none superior.” Sands Street Church Brooklyn, fit. Luke’s M. E. Churchf and a host of other churches use the Bradbury Piano in their Lecture and School Rooms, also the Conservatories and prominent Hotels in the United States. John Caughey, Beaver Pa., purchased from, me three years ago a No. b Bradbury, and says: "There is no better, or sweeter toned, or more desirable Piano, according to my judgment and experience, than my Piano. It has given entirs satisfaction, and grows better as it bccomee older.” Wm. McCoy, of Beaver. Pa., in tne spring of 1871, bought Irom me a No. 8 Bradbury, which has proven to be a superior instrument in every re spect. Miss Mary McGaffick also owns and uses a Brad bury. BEADBUEY W H O L K S A PRICES From s'o to $lOO cheaper than elsewhere. Will S»SW :; ’ The cheapest land la the market for said ‘hy THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY In the Great Platte Valley. * 3,000,000 ACRES IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, - * ~ ‘ . , * * % - Now for sale in tracts of forty acre's and upwards on five'and ten years’credit at six per cent. No advance interest required. * ■ Mild and beautiful climate, fertile soil, and abundance of good water. - i The best market in the west! The great min ins regions of Wyoming. Colorado, Utah and Ne vada being supplied by the Farmers in the Platte Valley. ' SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO A HOMESTEAD OP v ' 160 ACRES. • THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. Free homes for all. Millions of choice govern* ment land open for entry under the Homestead Law. near this Great Railroad, with good markets and all the conveniences of an old settled country. Free Passes to purchasers of Railroad land. Sectional maps, showing the land, also new edi tion of Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, mailed free everywhere. Address O. P. DAVIS. Land Commissioner U. P. R. K., Omaha, Neb. WANT AN AGENT In this place to canvass for>the new, valuable and fast selling book by Dr. JOHN COWAN, ' THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE. Recommended and endorsed by prominent minis ters, physicians, religions and secular papers. No other|book like it published. $4O per week guar anteed. Address COWAN Sc CO„ 139 Eight St., New York.- -JgL DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., N. Y. 6 6 Y° u ASK ! rLL TELL!” TUE NEW DEPARTURE IN BOOKS. Agents wanted. Exclusive territory given. The book will sell itself. Father. Mother, Sister, Brother, Minister, Merchant, Manufacturer, Min er. Farmer, Mariner and Yourself all want It. There is money in it. Send for Circular. CHEs- TKRMAN & WEBSTER, 50 North sth St. Phlla de iphla. Pa. 'J'ELEGRAPHY. A necessary part of every person's education* in this advanced age la the art of Telegraphing. Ap ply to the undersigned for Smith's Manuel of Tel egrrtphy, the best work published on this subject. Price 30 cts. Also for every description of Tele graphic Instruments and Battery; Nitro Chromic Battery for Electroplating. 1. G. TILLOTSON & CO., 8 Doy St.. New York. HOW TIS DONE. THE SECRET OUT. Mustache and whiskers 42 days. This Groat Se cret and 100 others. Gamblers’ Tricks, Cardiolo gy, nil in the original “Book of Wonders.’’ Mailed for 25 rents. Address 1). C. Cuttle, Carthage. Illinois. J3ATENTS OBTAINED. No fee unless successful. No fee in advaftce. No charge for preliminary search. Send for circulars. CONNOLLY BROTHERS. 103 S. Fourth St.. Pull adelphia. Pa., and 008 Ninth St.,\Vashington, D. C. IJIA per day! Agents wanted 1 All dpAV classes of working people, ol either sex young or old. make money at work for us in their spare moments, or nil the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. Stinson &Co., Portland. Maine. Q.ETTYSBURG Katalysine Water Is tbe nearest approach to a specific ever discover ed lor Dyspepsia, Neuralgia. Rheumatism. Goat. Gravel, Diabetes. Kidney and Urinary Diseases generally, it restores muscular power to Die Par alytic. h cures Liver Complaint and Chronic Diarrhoea. Piles. Constipation. Asthma, Catarrh and Bronchitis. Diseases of the skin. General De- Tiiliiyand Nervous Prostration from Mental and Physical Excesses. It is the Greatest Antidote ever discovered for Excessive Katins or Drinking. It corrects the stomach, promotes Digestion, and Relieves the Head almost immediately. No household should bn without it. For sale by all druggists. a history of the Springs, for njedicnl reports of the power of the water over disease*, for marvellous cures, ann tor testimonials from distinguished men. send for pamphlet. WHIT NEY BROS., General Agents. 217 South Front St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Gettysburg Spring Co. * OF CAUSES For Trial at June Term, 1873. J G Nye for use vs Jordan C Nye. M M Jones vs John Grabbing. P H Steven.-on vs Henry Cowan. Hannah Cheney Wm E Cheney. T W Anderson vs Heuiicl and Lenz. MiMer. D'b-on & Trax vs Kooken & Brobeck. Geoige Graham vs John Carvcy et al. Magdalena Stahl vs James Porter. Mary Murray’s exr's vs Joseph Sharpe. Same vs J M Imbrie. Commonwealth vs Jennett Headland. John J MiNbeli vs J II Giliis, C lark r.'seltou vs Joseph Morgan. J Walter & Bro vs George I’oe. David Musser vs s M Gordon. New Brighton Water Co vs Charles Coale. A.bert E Evans vs J K Harrah. Peter W Keller v? Patterson Mitchell. Bently d- Gerwig vs Charles Come. Abelard Whlsler vs G L Kersley. ( ov. Nylde & Co vs Sylvester Hunter. F W Wii.iajßs use vs George s Porter. Charles Gnm vs Perry Brown. Coy. Noble & Co vs K T Taylor. Coy. Noble &. Co vs J E Crane. Cov. Noble & t.’o va Noble, Angel & Co. K H Alexander vs George 8 Porter. my.'«3t JOHN CAUGHEY. Proth’y, JJRUG STORE FOR SALE *4 F.ir*t Chss Drug and Prescription Store Very eligibly Vtaated in Allegheny City, doing a pay ing business. is offered tortile on accomino. datin'; terms. The owner v ishini; to retire from active business, oi would prefer soiling an interest to u person having good relerences. and who could give it their whole attention. An opportunity ol th s kind to get into a g large quarto pages, with illustrations. EVERY SUBSCRIBER GETS A PREMIUM. Varying from i~> cents in value to ?50J in green backs. Among the premiums are two of in greenbacks; two of Sion, ten of SUKh oue hundred of slu; five hundred of $2; five Parlor Organs. $350 each.; ten Sewing Machines. stit) each; fifty A merican Watches, s4i) each—besides many thous ands of smaller premiums. Only $1.50 per year; sent on trial throe months for -25 cents. Scud for specimen to- mar2B-3m ill! CAPRON & CO.. Bos 5, Pittsburgh, I%^' Uew gtotrtisemtirts. J7NOCH .MORGANS SONS’ 12:,s a;p::pi'Li 6 is a substitute for Soap for all household purposes except washing clothes,'. ■ ,' 8 A F O If T p for Cleaning yonrhouse Will save the labor of .one cleaner. Give it 4 trial, ~ SAP PL IO for windows Is better than whiting of water. No removing curtains aad carpets. 8. A P O LIP cleans paints and wood, in faqf the entire house, better than soap. No slopping, faves labor. dOtfllhout it. SAPOLIO for scouring knives is bettor and cleaner than Bath Brick.. Will not scratch. SAPOLIO is better than soap and sand for polishing Tinware. Brightens without scratchng SAPOLIO Polishes brass and copper utensils better than! Acid of Oil and Rotten Stone. * ' SAPOLIO lor washing dishes and glassware Is invaluable. Cheaper than soap. SAPOLIO removes stains from marble mantles, tables and statuary, from bard-finished walls, and from China and Porcelain. SAP OLIO removes stains and grease from carpets and other woolen fabrics. There is no one article known that will do so many kinds of work and do itaswellas Sapolio. Try it. Hand Sapolio a new and wonderfully effective Toilet hav ing no equal in this country or abroad. Hand Sapolio as an article for the B„th, “reaches the foundation of all dirt.” opens the pores and gives a healthy action and brilliant tint to the skin. Hand Sapolio c|eanses and beautifies the skin, instantly mmnv ing any stain or blemish from both hands and face. Hand Sapolio is without a r val in the world for curing or nre venting roughness and chapping of either hand’s or face. Hand Sapolio removes Tar. Pitch, Iron or Ink Stains, and Grease; for workers in Machine Shops. Mines. &c.. is invaluable. For making the skin white and soft; and giving to it a bloom of beamy it is unsurpassed by any Cosmetic known. Hand Sapolio costs 10 to 15 cents par cake, and everybody should have it. You will like It. DON’T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS Boy it of your merchant if he has it or will pro cure tt for you. If not then write for our pamoh let. “All About Sapolio,” and it will be mailed free. ENOCH MORGANS SONS, 20 PARK PLACE. NEW YORK. my3l-cow-ly. JjMNANCtAL STATEMENT BORO. OF ROCHESTER PA. WILLIAM D. JOHNSON, ESQ., TREASURER. Da. To am’t rec’d from former Treasurer ? 55 (14 “ “ k - Wharf 300 on kk “ *• “ Burgess for fines, Ac.. ■• 78 0!) ‘j k - k * Shows. &c (VS l;(! k - k - k - “ Tax collect’r ( net amt) 2.757 71 ■ k k - kk “ Sale of boro bonds 2.1*00 00 kk k> kk k - Lost tax (collected)... 50 kk kk kk “ Temporary loan t . 148 25 yC B. By warrants paid, viz: For payment of lot and building and furn ishing Lockup and Cbunci! Chamber...?2.4(K) 00 For old indebtedness 700 00 For streets, sewers and other purpose?.. IT (.'ash in the Treasury 270 03 Bonds of the Borough arc now outstanding to the amount of $2.»»00, running Irom one to foar and a haifyoats. The above statement is a true exhibit of the re ceipts and expenditure? in the hoiov.gh of Roches ter for the year ending Mavlsl. 3S7:J. A. T. nil ALLEN BERGER. Auditor. T. M. TAYLOR, Secretary. Rochester. Pa.. May 24. 1873—30-31 $500,000 GASH. Gifts to be paid in fnii. 7 THE THIRD GROD GIFT CONCERT 1 IN AID OF THE PUBLIC LIISKABV OF KT, Will be given in the great huh ol Library building at Louisville, on Tuesday. J uly 8, 1873. at which time Ten Thousand Gifts, amounting to a grand total of s3oo.fit» : .) all ca?h. wili be distributed by lot to ticket holders. No reduction in amount ol gifts at this distribution, but each gift will be paid in full. Office of Fabmebs' and Dbovers" Bank, i Louisville, Kv . App.il 7. WO. f This is to cer i'y ihit ;h rie is rn the 1 Farmers' !iml Drover*' Bank, to the credit of tin- Third Grand Gift Concert for the bcivtit of the Public Library of Kentucky. Five Hundred Tleuir-and Dollars, wnich has been set apart by tire Managers to pay the S’lts in full, and n ill be hold by; the Bank’and paid out for this purpose, ana this pur pose only [Signed] LIST OF GIFTS One Grand Cush Gift Or£‘ Grand Cash Gift One Grand -Oil'll Gift One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift . One GSand Cash G:fr 24 C-iMi Gift a of each.. .. 50 Cusil Gifts Ot 3W “ ... SO Gash Gift, of 401 '• ... 100 Cash Gifts of 800 " ... lad Cash Gifts of 200 *• 51 it 1 rash Gifts of 100 “ 0.-00 Cash Gifts of 10 “ Total. 10.000 Gifts, ail Cash Only a lew tickets remain unsold, and they will h. J Innii-hed to ihe d.'it ;.ppl'eants at tin; follow lug pries?: Whole ticket?. *lO. halves. *r.; quar ter,.. ?J.F.n ; K whole tickets- lor Vi tor lid for *l.OOO and 57a for *.V,(W. For tickets and fa .1 information apply to • • THOS. E BRASILETTE. Loni-vii’'.-, Kv.. or THOS. 11. HAYS A CO.. W.» Broadway. N, Y. my-'JMm ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE ESTATE OF ANDREW COLE, DECEASED. Letter# ofadmiuistration on the estate of Andrew Colo, dec'd.. Icte ol Smnh Beaver tov-iiship htvir.g been granted to the undersigned, all ;«'>ons In debted to said estate are remo.-ted to make Im mediate payment, and those navini claims against the same to presen' them properly authenticated for settlement. A.-J. LA WHENCE. Adm T.. mytl-Ci Soath Beaver Towaship OF THE 1 R. S. VEECH, Cast Manufactured by WHITNEY & RAYMOND. CLEVELAND, OHIO. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS In tone, finish, workmanship and durability. . The cases are of an entirely new and elegant de ‘slgn, paneled all round, richly carved'and orna mented, highly varnished and polished, while those with French Mottled Walhut Panels, are by far the most - ’ ELEGANT AND ATTRACTIVE Parlor Organ ever presented to thfc musical public. The tone of the United Stated-Organ is pure, smooth and pipe-like, while It has great volume and power. The action is quick, easy and elastic, making the instrument equally useful for sacred or secular music. The Organs arc warranted for five years. PRICES MODERATE, And rated according to style. Styles from one up to forty. Whoever wishes to purchase one of the above Organs can do sobycalliug upon or writing^ SMITH CURTIS, ■ . Radical Oflico, Beaver. Pa. JOHN W. WILLIAMS. Barber and Hair Dresser. Persons attended at their residence, if dcslr "ed. Shop in the basement of Radical building, Beaver, Pa mySO-ly AGES FOR ALL WHO ARE WILLING TO WORK, Any person, old or young, of either sex. can maKe from ?10 to §5O per week, at home day or evening. Wanted by all. Suitable to either city or country, and any season of the year. This is a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, and out of money, to make an independent living. No capital being required. Our pamphlet, “HOW TO MAKE A LIVING,” giving full instructions, sent on receipt of 10 cents. Address. A. BURTON & CO., Morrlsania. Westchester Co., N Y. Q G. HAM M E R & SONS, FINE AND MEDIUM FURNITURE. Of Every Description and Price, Handsome and Superior in and quality than found in mo.st or any other Furniture House this s*de ot the mountains. Photographs and Price List* sent on application, or when in the city don’t forget the place—sign ol the Large Golden Chair, mar23-Iy Q A. SMA L L . ATTOUNE Y A T LA VV , OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. [deSO-ly JAMES CAMERON. JOHN Y. MARKS. Q A M-E. RO N & MARKS. AT TOB JS T E YS AT LAW Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care, and have superior facilities for buying and selling real estate. * decl3 ly F. If. AONEW. J. M. BUCHANAN. & BUCHANAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. (NEAR THE FOST OFFICE,) oct4 BEAVER C. H„ PA. * MARSHALL SWARTZ WELDER .ISO. C. BARB. gWARTZWELDER & BARR, No. 6G GRANT STREET, JACOB DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LA \V, No. 75 GRANT STREET, i (first floor.) PITTSBU HtJH. senr7!-«m Q. IL B E R T L. E BE R HA R ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will gave prompt attention to Collections, Pro curing Bounties and Pensions, Buying and Selling Rea! i£s*,ate. ere. OFFICE ON BROADWAY, Opposite R. E. Iloopes’ Banking House NEW BRIGHTON, BEAVER CO., PA. sep'i’TiMy $11,308 10 $■1,308 10 J H. M’CREERY, ATTO HN E Y AT LA AV , THIRD STREET. ''First door below the Court House.) jyl'TO—ly BEAVEK. PA. Q.IRARD HOUSE.. COhNRH NINTH & CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA. H. W. KANAGA, decirtftilv . Proprietor. J O H N E A K I N , ATTO UNK A' A T LA W, MAIN T .. BEWER !i:Hir:<>, JOSEPH LED LIE, ATTO li N K Y A T L A W , * (OSflcc,. la the Radical Building.) BEAVER, PA. All business entrusted to bis care will receive prompt attention. dtcTWily ?’.O0.f)OO 50.1 >OO •->5.000 •i'l.'HH) 10,000 5,000 24,i)0') 25,000 :<(v op 50,000 •ao.o-Kt JOHN B. YOUNG, $500,000 attorney at law, B E A V E K PA. Office and residence on Third st.east of the Court House. Ail law business entrusted to my care shall re ceive prompt attention. Alsp, persons having Heal Jistate for saie, and those wishing to buy town property, coal or farm lands, may save timw >uid money by calling at my oii.ca. [aprtii* ly. QENTKAL CLAIM AGENCY, JAMES M. SELLERS, 144 SOUTH SIXTH STREET Bounties, Pensions. Back Pay, Horse Claims, State C minis, Ac., promptly collected. No charge for information, nor when money is not collected* decPW.tf /l%m ESTABLISHED IN 1333. RE-ESTABLISHED IN 1860. Manufacturers of 4(i, 43 and 50, Seventh Avenue. 1^ BEAVER. PENNA. AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, ROCHESTER, PA., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PITTSBURGH. [se2l>'7My PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH, I’A iiwitomismetts. JJUNTER BOY, The Hunter Boy owned by D I o Chester tp, will stand for mares th. !? 0 ' «f son as follows; “ c nsa: n? s At the stable of the owner tie** . from April 2Sth. to May sth. from 19th. from the 26th to June U from r 3 h the. Kith; then from the 23d to tin* *?n Jnn ® Sts t THU HUNTER BOY Is better^' John Moore horse of New Cai a». draught horse Clydesdale, imponed H land, weighs 1300 pounds, is f h ? ? & bay. handsome, gracelnl stepper «» In 2.5f1| with ease. TernisS !■ tols 3 r season. Single service seyenAoliar* ” tor ’ - ; i_ .. 8p A BEAUTIFUL $8 CHRoJo U FREj] l ! TO ALL LOVE US O? ART AND liter. J 22 .Wc Will send the Beautiful “The Unwelcome Visitor.” postal premium to our monthly cai" i.. 1; * k jj lE contains 32 large pages besides th-> cn-o- ■ with the best and most interestin'' rea.ni,- 2‘ !,! only ° reau ‘ 3 - P:.;. ONE DOLLAR A YEAH 1 Send on your dollar, and get a d.VVmrs and an eight dollar chromo in and will liberally pay e tr: AGENTS Send for particulars. Allans BUMBLE BEE, Albion, Hi, Subscriptions received at The lUwr A[ offiu where the Chromo can be seen. OF APPRAISEMENTS The following appraisement* under the set o' Assembly of the 14th of April. HU, Of proper:-.- at lowed to be retained by the widow or children o! a decedent to the value of #.300, have been filed : the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court, and confirmed Mini, viz: Personal property to the amount of 5-yjoo: tained by widow of Henry Scheibner, deceit Andrew Carotlters. administrator. Personal prooerty to the amount of us re . tained by widow of William Toland, decease! Samuel Gorsucb, administrator. Personal property to the amount of §2wii;j re tained by widow of James M,Smith, deceased, i M. Smith and Janies Christy, executors. Personal property to the amount of $3OO tclaial by widow of John Eaton, deceased. Nancy fe; and James Eaton, admr’s. Personal property to the amount of r; tained by widow of John K. Bucsloy, decei-;. Jacob E. Sharer, administrator. Personal property to the amount r>freiairel by.widow of John Doherty, deceased. J. H. be berty. administrator. Personal property to the arnour.t o! by widow of Robert Wiikisou, deceased. Rok.t Patton and Wm Wiikisou. executors. Personal property ho the amount os rviatl by .widow of in graham Boyd, deceased. M. it?, Jr* administrator. Notice is hereby given to heirs, legit tributee# and all others interested to at Kit the nest term of said Coiut. not late, ecu; third day, it being the UHh day of June. >:.‘i show.caiise, if any They liave. against tluficios firmatlon oil ho above appraisements. myld-3t JoJIN C. HART, tew (U. J> EGISTER’S NOTICE Notice is hereby "iven that the lol.ow.nc r counts have been examined ami jiasstc b> Keglstei of IVuver county and.will he iie-tctc to the Judges of the Orphans’ four; on 'd oki ■ day, Jnii’i lltli, A. 1). !S7’i, for coniinr t:;i nu - ee lowance : Final account of John Kriear. aiiiun.is’M'.c; the estate ol Andrew Stratton. decca-ed* Final account of John Fteshkorn. e\ in-”*"!' estate of John Mink, deceased. Final account ol Andrew b i“ - executor of the estate ol Samuel Hate '0 Final account of John Sterling. ElizalnMh K.. minor child of William Mvr a.i Final account, of Margaret McMahan. a ;raa. : tor of John McMahan, accent-ed. , Final account of Daniel Figie>. gn ed.it ir tilrta Krb. deceased, minor child ot J. C.-D'-' ceased. Account of David Scott, executor el the id 3 Dr. D. Elder, deceased Partial account freal) of William Leaf, ol fhe.es’ato oltVilliani L. Dickooo;. (lr(rs-< Final account (Personal) of William Leai i W tor ol'tin; estate of William L. Utckinsou. co- Final account ot Sarah W. Bniiisi.-n. aora trix of the estate of John W. Uninsct’-. d. Final account (personal) of Wil'iam • ecu for ol the estate of Jane Uowan. (ieceo'".< Final account (real) of William Beatty, of the e state of .lane Rowan, deceased. Final account (real) of Vuiaria Tahindtp. tratfrix of Pressly V, LViuilap. deceased. Final account (personal) of Va Dtx rainistratrix of Pressly F Dunlapi rtcaa- 't Final account of J. C. Wilson, enanii.ir. I s ' McCracken. minor child ol John Met racki ;. 1 Final account of Samuel Mitcbe!' cvv;' the estate ofSerapta W. Duslon. mu! I’j.A ceived daily. Onluis lorall kind? u Tn-us promptly filled r> hi;;' Near the Dt'pi>'. 1U v myi'itf OTATE AND COUNTY TAX. ' The Comity Treasurer "ill :i': e;;■ ;;■ ■ Townships aud Boroughs between. a « * m.. tor the purpose of receiving '' ; Taxes lor tii■; year ISTJ, at ti p!a-.- '• Uesiirnalert below, viz: Fall-ton Itoru, ” M’l’illlo"-;" N. Briffh’n .t t’ulnski ** V' I* •jo - - !'•' •Jl Ke luii'li a " Patterson 1 p a. B Palls' Uuorjri'toH n boro luitu Marion tp. " < o‘" r -' franklin tp. " North tinsckiy tp, " Nathoi “ , Economy tp. *’ .'it-. - *•'' 'v New St-wii lily Ip :yn M.win 1 ’ liuiiwry tp. -lime : S*oli 11. Uoji.Ci' A Ohio •• /• i" Ohio tp, “ •' Bis Btfavor A Uoino'tl " ’>• y •• Now Oali>e Dbippc’wa jp. Dai t|> a buro ' boui h liiiavai’ tp llayli.-i 'n a vbcona lp‘ 11 mini!!’ a (irccuu tp r'n nkiort boro, Hnnowrtp. Raccoon :p, liulcpondoncr fp. I'.ifJcp. A Hopewell Hopewell tp, Moon tp. ' SSTTayments tan be made m - ■ ships. i Tuxes paid before Antm*! w cent, oil; on and after Si ptein >'■: wi!l be added. All licenses are n Ist; Those not paid ai mat dim with costs. v 1 P ,.i i apnio-tf. Trcft'i'tet QAPEIITON’S DIXISO No «0 Market bt., Pittrbui.- Table furnished with the be>r tl:e-n->-* in Jts season. ~r !!i ii ' Men's fromli 1 /! in the nu-rmti? • ..t ! ;\ I. MOKr>. .) •I'* ;i ( i •,v: :) ;:i H,;- ' ir I „ ; , w. ( ’U’.- ]|l .I.u wli M .vi.u... M': - 1 ' ",h I’, JJKIO- I‘ l ' . „ » .<7 MI, At;n-i-' M - July 'I •> I 1 .. Tudil A: Bn «' •' •> n ‘