The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 06, 1873, Image 5
and i jtbe close’ proximity of the s[:e l\u the pavement. Therefore, they !rB L a fuss. but it really is a question ber the interests of the eight bun .t thousand inhabitants of Philadel- should be sacrificed to the prejudice s F a ~ fpW properly holders. .We most ( ’ : er f o ' r get that the street cars are the C !or man’s comfort, bis convenience, bis f°.° _ an( i his interests are the one’s to JS c oD«idered. Mr. William McGrath, p re k;dent of the Union Company, is ! laming gentleman, liberal and Jkind 6 l big personal affairs, and it is hard to •!lieve ( be would advocate any scheme ft perfectly consistent with justice. Two D ° 3 is may " ot 666111 a ,a **® amount to be in, but as a daily expenditure of " ‘ laboring, person it is worth consid -6 j, Eizzil. erable. - LOCAL ITEMS. w _c. tv. Taylor, Beaver Falls; Evan p.ttfNc'v Brighton; J. Linnenbrink, Rochester. to ADVERTISERS.— The Beaver d jcal is U»« most extensively circu lated Weekly Newspaper In Western - Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad. l(i!T g jiVfj—Mail, 7,40 a. m; Accpmmodatior '"i,c:r.g Eat— Accommodation, 9,J9 a.«m; Mail, : p. m; Express, 7,07 p. m. Arrival and Departure of .Hall*. vfe-:erii mail leaves at 0.45 a.m.; arrives at 3 p.m. mail leaves at 2p. m.; arrives at Ba. m. -he -itteutioc of the public is directed to the •c o'vffii new advertisements, which appear in ij- RiDicAt to-day; New .Advertisement —R. T. Taylor 2stf spf’f:4 Notice— Dre. Oldshne 2511 t e-ipj Notice—Hostetter & Smith.... C. Notice— K. T. Taylor.'. .lYllt ■ cia ; Notice— Hertzog & Beam, i Cf NeciflNo-ice-L. Maginnes Silt "laccta; Statement— Borough Township ls3t We miss the Pittsburgh morning Mail ‘-om our exchange list, which will soon, antler a new name and in a new dress, be i IS ;aed from Allegheny city as an evening. paper. r Corner of Broadway and Lock streets, Xew Brighton. - tf We have received the first number of •,bs Noe Era , an indepennent weekly just t'.&ntd and published in Philadelphia. The p«per isismall but got up neatly, trd we wish it success. Two entire new two Horse Wagons, for sale tt Speyerer & Son’s. feh2l-tf. There, will be an Ice Cream and Straw berry Festival in the Lecture rcom of the M E. Church, of Beaver, on Tuesday evening of next week. Strawberries and crtßm are in order now, and we hope that ttieabove festival will be well attended. Corner of Broadway and Lock streets, Brighton. tf Warning,— Head this and then do ex fail to bay a botlie of dr. J. Magic ti-’ Persian Oleine, that is if you wi°h to keep in your house the best knbwn Rem edy for Cholera , Cholera morbus* Cramps, Dysentery arid Pain of all kinds. Price bO cents. Sold by Druggists, dealers and Agents. Corner of Broadway and Lock streets, New Brighton. tf William Kennedy of Georgetown was injured severely one day last week while working on an oil well near Is land Run. A board fell from the derrick 55tne 20 nr 30 feet, and struck him on the shoulder and side. He has been con fined To his bed, but,we believe is not dangerously hurt. College Notes.—Since our last report Rev. Mr Lynch, Prof. Knigh: and Hon. S. J. Cross have given interesting addresses before the Nor ma! Class and students of the College. The ‘monthly written examinations that have been in i'tur.ted at the College a-e subjecting the pupils .osevere tests, bat that is what earnest students tfee. The monthly report is in advance of the Hit, as it should be The gentlemen who frescoed the Court House have been engaged to fresco the U,lege Hall, and are already at their work. This, when completed, will ofthe most complete m the state. It'will be ready for dedication Com mencement. Tuesday. Ja'y Ist. Let our country readers m ike a note of this, and make their ar : rangenjents to be present, and they will" not re gre: u.- Owing to tbe large business of R. Steinfeld, and tbe fad tb&t his lime has been wholly occupied in selling goods, his customers have not for some time beard irom him through the columns of this paper, but he again announces to them ffiat he has on band a complete stock •of clothing, and also a full assortment of clothes, casimeres and all other articles belonging to a first class merchant tai lor’s establishment, all of which be in tends to sell before the Ist of July, and 0D that account will be sold at a small ad- v &nce on cost. Please come and examine before purchasing elsewhere. R. Stein leld, corner of Broadway and Lock street, Brighton. maySO-tf As the purchase of a Sewing Machine Js of * )e act for a life-time, care should be taken IE Bei ectlng one that time and nee have proven to -the best. Time tries all things. “'Use only arnighesthe final test.” Opinions of the skill? 2 ma y he of value, but time is needed to con “ffl them. While the Singer Sewing Machine -ompany has given the public the finest fruits of 'event)ve genius, they have guarded it from a Multitude of traps. Attachments have been ad for various purposes, but It has kept free °® a *’ useless complications. Simplicity of P^ 8 ’ adaptation to the widest range of work 1188 been the constant aim. Instead of boasting of a variety of useless etches and movements, it claims to make but ne Kind of Stitch, and that with the Fewest ovements Possible. Bence the Machine may *n twenty years, or a life-time, and just as well as when new. ■ Stbaw & Co, No. lO Sisth Street, Pitts- _ april2s-8m Conoty Convention. The Be publican County Con Venfion 1 met in this place nnMonday, and at 10 o’clock a. M. was called to order by W. 8. Shallenberger, Chairman of the out-going County Committee, who called tor the certificates of the members elect, of the new County Committee. The following persons were found to compose the Com mittee : . Big Beaver—James Patterson, James Billon. ■ Beaver Boro—Geo. W. Hamilton, John C. Hart. " ■ Borough Fisher. Bridgewater boro—Samuel Moorhead, Scudder H. Darragb. • Brighton twp—Andrew Watterson, Sr. Baden boro—L. I. Berry. '1 Beaver Falls—D. A. Buncle, James JL Russell, Christian Moulter, Frederick Rnhrkaste. Chippewa twp—Samuel E.. Walton. Darlington twp—Samuel Moody, W C. Sifurlock, substitute. • Economy twp—Samuel McMsnamy. Fallston—Geo. M. Fields. Franklin twp—Joseph Phillis. Freedom boro—W. W. Keer. Freedom dist Frankfort dist—David Anderson, Wm, Ewing. Franklin twp Glasgow boro—Marshall Dawson. Green twp—J. H. Trimble, substitute F. S. Laugblin, Jackson Swearingen; Georgetown—Smith Curtis. Hopewell twp—R. W. Scott* David E. McCallisler, \ Independence—Alex Gibb, Industry—S. B. Briggs. Marion —Edward Coleman. ’McGuire dist—Joseph M. Wbitebill. Moon—John M. Baker. New Brighton—North Ward—Geo. S. Barker,N.D. Cone; Middle Ward—John C. Eojle, Q. F. Winter; South Ward—J. F. Miner, D. R. Corbus. " New Sewickly twp—Geo. H. Coleman, Christian Goehring. * North Sewickly twp—James Warnocb. New 6aMee—J. 8. Hudson. Ohio twp—Clark A. Hunter,S. B Daw son. Patterson twp— D. O. C. Patterson, Pbillipsburg boro—Frederick Hogan. f Pulaski twp—Thomas Ferguson. Raccoon twp—Joseph Campbell, Geo. Rambo. Rochester—W- 8. Shallenberger, H. J. Speyerer, S. R Campbell. Rochester twp —Oliver Miller South Beaver—Samuel Milcbtli, Joseph Johnson. St Clair—J. Paul. Tije Committee effected a temporary organization by electing Hon. Wm. C. Shuilnck, of Darlington, temporary Chair man, and J. F. Miner, of New Brighton, and J. H. Trimble, of Green twp., tempo rary secretaries. ; i A committee of five on Resolutions was then, on motion of Smith Curtis, appoint ed by the Chairman as fellows; Smith Curtis, W. W. Kerr, Capt. Geo. S. Barker. Dr. Cone and John C. Hart. TheVChairman then proceeded to read to the Convention the returns of the pri mary meetings, and before this business was finished the Convention adjourned for dinner. AFTERNOON. Tbe Convention assembled and proceed ed with tbe business of reading the tarns. When tbe returns bad been all read by the Chairman, the Conven tion adjourned for twenty minutes togive the secretaries timf to font up the results. On assembling Smith Curtis, Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, pre sented the following report: Resolved. That we re-ufflrm onr faith Id the prin ciples of the Republican party that Genera] Grant's Administration has been true to those principles, and not only merits admiration but re ceives our hearty snpport. Resolved . That the Administration of Governor Hartranft is worthy of onr endorsement, and that the persistent and determined use of the veto power. by the Governor, in order to correct and re strict the evils of special legislation of the Legis lature has been judicious, fruitful of good, and consistent with the principle of the party. Resolved. That we appreve of the records, made during the last Legislature, of ourrepresenlativcs, the Hone. JdraesS. lintan and Samuel J. Cross. Resolved , That wo condemn as wrong in princi cip'c, and most demoralizing in practice, the late Congressional retroactive salary increase and all kindred legislation. Resolved , That we earnestly advise onr State Convention, soon to assemble, and the active men of the party everywhere, to place in nomination men of unquestioned character and capacity Resolved , That tbe candidates this day nomina ted are worthy of our fullest confidence, and we hereby pledge them our united, cheerful and un tiring support. Resolved, That Capt. C. D, Mycr, of New Brigh ton, Rev. John McCarty, of Beaver Falls, and H. J. Speyerer, ol Rochester, be appointed Legisla tive Conferees. These resolutions were unanimously adopted. W. 8. ShaUenberger, of Rochester, was by acclamation, elected Senatorial dele gate to the State Convention, and; David Critchlow, of .New Brighton, Represent tative. The Senatorial delegate was. au thorized to appoint his own Conferees, if necessary. The Chairman of the Convention then announced according to tbe returns, tbe noroineesof the party, hot tbe result had been ascertained before hand, and tbe de claration of their names was merely a matter of form. John Caugbey, Esq:, begged tbe privi lege of thanking the people, through their representatives, for the handsome vote whienhe received in the present canvass,* and for the past favors they had bestowed upon him. He said he should. always be deeply grateful to the Republicans of Beaver county, notwithstanding they had decided to place him on the retired- THE RADICAL; FRIDAY, JUNE 6. 1873. st. His remar^a^we rtj _ Wreply ap* plaadfd, And when he Character rose in the esiimation of all . who heard him. Next in order was the election of ft permanent Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. George W. Hamilton was elected Chairman, Smith Curtis Secretary and Eben Allison Treasarer. There was some difference expressed as to the proper manner o( electing an Ex ecutive Committee, but the milter was finally compromised and the followihg gentlemen elected: r ’ J- C. Boyle, of New Brighton ; W. W. Kerr, Freedom; P. S. Laughlio. Greeny; G. Moulder, Beaver Palls; A. Walterson, Brighton, tp,, 8. B. Briggs, Industry; Hr J. Speyerer, Rochester i The Convention tbfen adjourned. ir« are indebted to some friend for the 24th Annual Anniversary <?f tbe Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania. SCorner of Broadway and lock streets New Brighton. tf • -Festival* —There will be an Ice Cream and Strawberry festival at Town Hall, Rochester, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, June 10th and lltb, for the ben efit of Amaranth Lodge, d. 0. of G. T. All are cordially invited to attend. Corner of Broadway and Lock streets, Nevq Brighton. tf Accident . —Mr. James Moreland, of FalistoDi while working, in the planing mill of Miner & Co., on last Saturday, met with an accident by which he lost one of bis bands. He Was working about the planer while it was running, when hie right hand was caught in the cutter iiead, and so badly injured that it had to be cut off. The amputation was made by Drs. Reed and Wendt, of New Brighton. Mr. Moreland is getting along as-well as could be expected under the circumstan ces. Treasury Department, ) Office op Internal Revenue V Washington, MHy'l9ih, 1873, ) i Sir— -I have received your letter of the ! 15th, lost., in which you enquire whether a peddler of general merchandise can, without incurring liability to pay special tax as peddler of tobacco, take orders i for tobacco and cigars, as he travels from j place to place, which be afterwards puts j up as bis store where be is a dealer in j manufactured tobacco, and delivers on a! succeeding trip from his peddlers wagon. J|l reply that every peddler having to bacco and cigars in his wagon as be trav els from place to place which be deliv ers to purchasers is presumed to be a I peddler of tobacco, and unless be has bis name painted upon bis wagon and can exhibit a collectors certificate that he bas paid a special tax to peddle tobacco, and bas otherwise compiled with the, law. he renders himself liable to the seisure provided in section 59 of the act of July 20, 1868, as amended by the act of June 6.1872, and if be be found with tobacco and cigars in broken packages, or not stamped as the taw provides, be renders bimself liable to the fine and imprison ment provided in tbesame section. You are correct in bolding such a peddler for his special tax, and restricting him to sales of original stamped packages only.* Yours respectively, • J. W. Douglass, Com’r. C M. Merrick, Esq , Coll’r. 24ib Diet., New Brighton, Pa rS Jnst received? at Speyerer & Sods from the East, a TuM stoiik of dry goods and groceries, which have been bought for cash and will be sold cheap. Please call and examine. my3o-Sl Decoration Day was observed in this place. According to programme, the citizens assembled in the Prtebyu rian Church at 1 o’clock, p. M. The ex ercises in the clrtrch consisted of singing and an oration by John J. Wickham, Esq., which will be found elsewhere. The sol dier’s orphans from Phillipshnrg, were present, and by their singing, added much to the interest of the occasion. After the church exercise were over, the citizens formed themselves into line, and marched with flowers to decorate the graves of our fallen soldiers. Some farther remarks were made at the Cemetery by Rev. Lynch, of the M. E. Church. Although the air was cool, there was a large aumbei of people who took part in the mourn ful and patriotic services, and the flowers that were scattered a poo the graves wire the fragrant symbols of gratitude and af fection that filled the hearts of all pres ent. Base Ball, —Tbe third game of base between tbe Printers and the Picked Nine will be played on Saturday, June 7th. Tbe two nines are evenly match ed, and u very interesting game is antic ipated. Uei'tzog & Beam t successors to Um stead & Hertz'tg, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, in endless variety, wear of every description made to order from the best material at short notice, on reasonable terms. Attention to orders from all parts of tbe county. Fine wear for Ladies and Misses a specialty. S. <£ J. Snellenburg,lse'* Brighton, are selling an unusual number of geujLle men’s suits at the present time. We have seen • in Beaver, recently, a number of spring suits, fresh from tbelr establish ment. They keep on band tbe best of goods, and strive to give entire satisfac tion to all their customers. Call and e*» amine their stock, and see how neatly they can dress yon op, at a trifling cost, too. ? -v,/- —-r- Jdflß VTaffc,—Friendship Is a much land my •;_ in; hMrt^ve,. I Cannot jay but that It is rather weak in hahd-frlehdebip. :.lhave & friend, though such n'nice friend,a woman, who comes to see sometimes, and. who seems to bring ; with her such a freshness and brightness, t hatw he n she goes away the very seems dull. She is not very pretty, nor Very witty, nor very fashion*. able, ana when Shb comes we Scarcely ev er shake hands; and I don’t think (being womeij) we have ever kissed each other a half aldozen* times. We don’t talk ; a great deal dither, but unconsciously there is suci a refreshing sense of feeling;, ai bnoyiftg up of the spirits, like the smell ing of mountain heather, when one is with'her. Then, she isn’t one of your rocking-chair women, whose tongues are in as ripida state of motion as the chairs they fit upon, and you . sit in a constant state of ebulition, almost unknowingly humming I “Rock me to sleep, mother.”' as yoemufhiur you afflrmatives and heg atiVesrto the pauses, that come in, during the jongue’s rapid flight,' She never sits m a rocking chair. I call that a fine poiiijl in her character. I have always badan aversion to rocking chairs. They are a humbug. Used as a lullaby lor sleep ing [children, they may be “a joy forev er,”! bet not a “thing of beauty” in a drawing room, I have heard they are a great resource ,Jfor, conversation. I know they are like the weather fine openings for |alk. When, you go in to see a friend, they will say, “dp take the rocking chair, Miss M , you cap sit .more comfortably in it.” As if any one eVer did sit com iortsbly in: a rocking-chair. Then they are always in the way, great, lubberly, long limbed monarebsof all they survey, placed in the middle o the room. I nev er could talk in thkm, much less laugh, and I am alwayp suspicious of strange rocking chairs. You cannot tell what mo ment, if you are disposed to mil, yon may be spr&wlingJn a hopeless state of con fusion .and mortification. They are like “friendship,” never to be relied on. I knew a liking turn into a dislike just,by a young man rocking in a rocking chair. They were young. The lady’s name was Sophia, the man’s Richard and a very nice couple they, would have made. But he eat in a rocking chair. He rocked, and you know how ridiculous a man does look when he rocks. He wore blue socks; it was summer time, very warm; the more be rocked the more the blue socks were visible beneath his low shoes. The faster he rocked and, talked the faster the lady’s fan flew. She began to get dizzy; sbe arose!, excused herself and left the room, and Richard left the bouse and never came back. She wak the blue socks that made her so disgusted. I declared it was the rocking chair. What say you? • wahdered far away from my nice friend. Perhaps if I tell you she has six children, lives in four rooms, and oh $3O a month, does all her own work, you may lose your interest in her. As there is not much romance but reality, and you know according to some, “we must run like the brook in tbe open sun shine, or we are unblest ” man among us is tbe best. Yet not let me think so base of you, dear Radical ; oh no ! But l innet cease my idle talk and say good-bye. PanpY Freedom, Pa., May 80lb, 1873. The great Boot and Shoe Emporium of New Biij'htoo, Herlzog & Beam. The New Castle Gazette and Democrat says: On Monday night last, Mr. James W. Walton, of Slippery Rock township, who had been sick for some time, com mitted suicide while in a fit of temporary insanity. About 3 o’clock, he hastily left bis bed and rapidly proceeded toward his barn closely followed by bis brother In law, who having been in the same bed, was aroused by Walton’s leaving. As Walton soon disappeared from the view of his brother-in-law, Mr. Winetnan, and as he could not be found in or about the barn, several were' awakened and informed of Walton’s conduct, who joined in the search and about 4 o’clock in the morning Walton was found dead in a coal bank at no &reat distance from his residence. When found he was about twenty feet from the entrance lying upon his face with his arms and hands thrown forward in water about twelve inches deep.. He hadi evidently drowned himself in that posiurtj. The Coroner, Dr J. K. Pollock, was summoned, an inquest was held, and a verdict was rendered in ac cordance with the facts as above staled. The deceased was about 35 years of age. and leaves a wife and three children. „ . ♦ French morocco summer shoe f.*r ladies at Hertzog & Beams, Broadway, New Brighton. List of Unclaimed Letters re maining in Beaver Post Office, June Ist, 1873 Mr. David Anderson, Miss R. E. 0. Cook, Mrs. Sarah Cunningham, W. 8. Darling, Mrs. P. A. English, Joseph Gibbs, 6. T. Getterman, Attorney at Law, H. C. Green, Esq., Messrs. Jos. Grefi & Co., Joseph Hartman, Esq , Miss Lottie Hamilton, Jacob H. Jones, E. W. Jones, James Keys, Esq., Mr. A.eph D. Lowry, Lou Macbesney, Miss Elbe Mas tare (packages,.) 8. F. Mo wry. Esq, George PiersolJ John A; Roman, Mrs. (Jlaricey Russell, Mrs. Margaret Sanders, George Stahl or Bro. (fisherman,) Miss Mollie, Wakefield, Mrs. Haney Wilson, Walker & Hillman. M. A. McGaffick, P. M. I Freedom, June 2d, 1873. Edito* Stater Radical: • The twenty-ninth Anniversary of the Fifst Presbyterian Sunday School of this place, was celebrated in the Church, on Wednesday evening, May 38th. The church was handsomely trimmed with pine, the gathering large, and Jhe affair enjoyable throughout. The* exercises consisted of singing, by the. children of (he school, short addresses by Rev. R* Cartwright, of the M. E. Church, Rev- M. L. W.ortman, our Pastor, and Mr Coe, of Rochester, who also favored the and iencew Ith an ; appropriate song. Mr. Chas. H. Rente! read an address, giving a brief history oftheschooldnrlngthe past year, and paying a feeling tribute to the memory of Rev. James M. Smith, the former pastor of our church. Mi-w S. A, Nickum also read a poem ;i i memory of Rev. Smith, which was . composed by a lady of the congregation,- whose name was withheld; it spoke in glow tog terms of the character, services and worth of Rev. Smith, and fitly set fprth the affec tion and esteem In which he was held by the Just before, the close of the exercises, Rev. Wortmah present ed to the Misses. Erama.Noss and S. A. Nickum, each, a beautiful present, on be half of the scholars, to Miss Noss for her kindness in teaching them their songs, and her able management of the Anniver sary, for which she deserves great credit; and, to Miss Nicknm, for her faithfulness and efficiency as a teacher of the infant class in the school. We return our thanks to Rev. Cartwright and Mr. Coe, for their presence, and to the community for their interest and attendance, and when another year Tolls round, we hope to meet and greet you all at our Thirtieth Anniver sary. Gideon. Tfie Waynvsburg Republican says: While John Robinson’s great show was at Rochester, Beaver county, a short time since, one of his Sea Lions broke out of its cage and took the Ohio river. John offers a reward of one thousand dollars for his capture; and being a contrary bugger, it is supposed that in making for the ocean that it'took up the .stream, and is coming this way. It was seen at Mo nongahela City, by Chill Hazzard, but somehow getting a sniff of .the peniten tiary there (that is to be) it plunged into the raging slack water and headed south. At Brownsville, it showed an inclination to tarry awhile, but the place smelt go strong of whisky that it soon bad its head beneath oil Mongahela-tcoders, and struck up for a purer cMme. The facipation of the broad, placid waters of North Ten Mile, and the sweet incense that rolls down its surface, from off Green county’s virtuous plains will doubtless lure it this way. It may be expected along here about next Sunday, and as a warning to boys, we will state that it has eaten nine, nr ten boys—always feasting on .boys on Sundays ; and if tile banks of Ten Mile are lined with boys and men fishing next Sunday, as they have been for several Sundays past, the sea monster will have' an opportunity to eat a boy and a man both the next Lord’s day. Newport lies for ladies, and Oxford ties for gentlemen, at Hertzog & Beams, Broadway, New Brighton. Hall op Beaver Lodge, ) No\ 366 I. 0 0. F. • [. Bridgewater. May 30:h, 1873. ) Whereas, Ip the dispensation of Him who rules the destinies of man, our Heav. enly Father seen fit to remove from among -ps qur worthy brother, Past Grand, John\V. McDonald, and thus be is forever withdrawn from us. Therefore beiit Resolved, That we bow in submission to the de cieba of the Allwise, but at the same time we deeply feel and deplore the loss of onr beloved Brother, who was so suddenly end unexpectedly called from our midst. Resolved , That in bis death, the Lodge has lost a worthy member, the community a valuable citi" zen, and, bis family a kind and indulgent Hus’ band and Father. Resolved , That the brethren of this Lodge and the fraternity generally, hereby tender their kindest and sincerest condolence to the bereaved widow, his aged mother, and his orphan children and that we will everpray to Him who baspromis* ed to be a father to the fatherless, and the widow’s God, to sanctify this affletive compensation to theii spiritual and eternal good, and to sustain and comfort them in this their time of need. Resolved, That as a token of respect, the Lodge room bo draped In mourning, and that the mem bers wear the usual badge of mourning on all pub lic occasions for thirty days. Resolved . Thatapopy ol the foregoing resolu tions be entered oh the Journal of the Lodge, an attested copy sent to the. widow of the deceased, and one to each of the Beaver papers, with a re quest that they publish the same. David WoodbVpp, 1 ? Jesse Hannau, VCoro. • J. P. Todd. ) The Waynesburg Republican says; Eli Randolph, of Jefferson, was riding home from Carmichaels last Saturday evening, when he wasknocked off hishorse by some unknown rascals, who beat and pounded him in an unmerciful manner, then rob bed him of what little money be had on his person, ten or fifteen dollars. The scoundrels not being satisfied with this devlish Work, cut a large gash on the horse’s hip, which it is thought, will kill it. No cause can be assigned, but it is supposed to be tf spite engendered by the late election. The potato bags are prevailing in this county and doing considerable damage. They have eaten up several potato patch es of Early Rose, and unless some remedy is found to prevent their ravages, they will become a real source of alarm. Swiss, walking shoe at r Hertzog & Beams; Broadway, New Brighton. The Cheyenne Leader x* f the 28th alt. hss the following : . : “Messrs. Curtis & Arnold sold jester day to,Mr. I. B. Hatch, of Denver, their fine brown.stone building at the corner of 16th and Eddy streets, for $lO,OOO. Mr. Curtis has purchased Mr. Hatch’s half in terest in the jewelry establishment of Hatch & Curl!?, No. 360 Larimer street, Denver, and intends to devote a portion of his time In the future, to his new bash ness in our .sister city. The banking business of Curtis & Arnold, in this city , will be carried on as hitherto at the old stand. Mr. Hatch expects to engage in business again in Denver. Mr. Curtis, of Curtis & Arnold, Chey enne, as also. Mr. Curtis, of Hatch & Cur tis, Denver, are brothers of .the editor of this paper. One went to Cheyenne at the beginning of its existence, and.has resid ed there since ; the other went to Denver last winter to escape death by consump tion, and in three months gained twenty pounds, got rid of a bad cough, and is now enjoying fair health. May the new firm of Curtis & Bro. flourish. Dr*. Oldslinc* PltUbarsh, P«., Our readers have for sonu timebeen advised through the columns of oar pipjr of the method of the treatment of the Drs. Oldshne. Their mode of treating diseases, althottgb some what peculiar,, is based upon physiological and pathological facts ;,and the true nature and of diseases are accurately determined by ocular inspection, chemical amlysis and microscopic ex amination of the urine. This is no idle theory; bat their entire system of practice is based upon fixed principles of sci ence. The m tried success of these gentlemen In. caring the worst maladies known to the profes sion is not only convincing evidence of the cor rectness of their, theory, bat affords ample proof of their professionsr skill and ability. Some of the most respectable citizens of this and sur rounding counties can testily from personal ex perience as to the truth ofthls statement, and we can heartily recommend the Drs. Oldshue. They are scientific! physicians but gentlemen of the highest culture and probity. Their offices are No. 132 Grant street, Pitts burgh, Pa., Fishing Excursion . A special train, consisting of an engine, baggage car and a Palace cat left Harrisburg on the 26‘U ult., having on board Gen. Simon Cameron, Hon. J. D. Cameron, M. S. Quay, Mr.He island, of tjie Lancaster Examiner , Colonel Fortney, of Lancaster,’ and a few other gentlemen. The excur sionists were bound for some point above Williamspoit, on the Elmira branch of the / N. C. R. R., to spend a few days among the trout streams in that section. Fish Comniiftsio?iers~The Gover nor has appointed the following named gentlemen, commissioners under the pro* visions of the fish laty passed by the Leg islature list winter; Howard J. Reeder, Northampton county; James Duffy, Lan* caster county, and Benjamin L; Hewitt, <>f Blair county. Ice Cold Sparkling Soda Water, flavored with Pure Fruit Syraps, always fresh from Hugo An driessen’s Marble Fountains. Utedietnal Poisons on the Wane. The patriarchs took no mercury, no bismuth, no iodine, no bromide of potassium, no strychoria, no quinine. Happy old gentlemen 1 they did not Uven know of the existence of these “specifics,'* land yet they lived until it seemed as if Death had forgotten them. Their medicines were herbs and iloota. They have left this fact on record, and the; world seems to be now taking note of it and re turning lo the first principles of medication. Hos tetler's Stomach Bitters, the purest and most effi cacious vegetable restorative of the day, is also the most popular. Thousands ot persons who only a few years ago believed implicitly in all the poisons wh’ch figure in the pharmacoepia, now pro nounce this palatable tonic and alterative an ail sufficient remedy fot dyspepsia, nervous debility, constipation, bilious complaints, headache, in tsrmittedt fevers, and all the ordinary disturban ces of the stomach, the liver, the discharging or gans and the brain. The time U not far distant when most of the powerful and venomous drugs now so recklessly administered by practioners of the “heroic * school, in cases that might easily be , controlled by milder treatment, will be utterly discarded by all philosophical physicians. As it is, the thinking public, who are general ly ahead of the professionals, have already put the uanger ons preparation aside an I adopted Hostetler’s Bit ters in theit stead as a safe andlexcereht house hold medicine, adapte 1 to almost every ailmei t except the organic and deadly contagious diseases. For more than twenty years thlitfamovs restora tive and preventive has been annually strengthen ing its hold upon the public confidence, and it now takes the lead of every advertised medicine manufactured in this country. MARRIED. BAKER—McLEAN—On Thursday evening, May. 29. 1873, by the f.ev. U. N. Spalding, Mr. Harry T. Baker, of New Brighton, an 1 Miss Annie V. daughter of Captain Q ?oige C. McLean, of Ro chester, Pa. ERSKIXE—McCRBERY—In Beaver, on May 29, 1873, by Rev. John F. Dravo, Mr. W. C. Erg kine, of Pittsburgh, to M iss Ida, daughter of Major Thos, McCreery, of Beaver. BLAINE— STOW—On Tuesday evening, in Cin cinnati the 27th at the residence ofßlrs. A. F. Stow by Be v. R. M. Brown of Koaseville, Pa., John iv. Blaine, M. D, of Tionesta, Pa’., to Ella L. Stow. No Curds. j. SEARIGHT—MrCR AY—February 5, 1573. at the residence of the bride, by Rev, J. B. Doolittle, Mr. Thomas Searight and Mrs. Francis McCray, both olSe wickly ville. WHITAKER—TEACH—At Cannelton, P.u, Jane 'n 3d, by J. P. Mansfield, Esq., Mr. J. Whitaker t<*| Miss Lizzie Teach, all of Oil City. | DIED. DOUGLASS—In Freedom, Saturday May 31st, Mrs. Ollie V. wife of A. J. Douglass, oged 22 years. JAVENS—On May 24th, 1878, at her rosidence fn Rochester, Pa., Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of (Mr. Thos.Javens. SHELL—In Bridgewater, on Wednesday after noon, May 28th, Frederick, son of Frederick Shell, in the 21st year of his age. DONOVAN—ApriI 19,1873, of consumption, Mrs. Annie Eliza Donovan, in the S7th year of her ago. ■■■ ' . ■ NEW BRIGHTON GRAIN ItfAKKKT. COBUECTKD TXKKLT BY WADE WILSON. White Wheat, pet bushel Hcd do “ “ Bye Data Corn (shelled) “ 5 ..fl 80 .. 1 «5 .. 75 .. 4« .. 55