and i jtbe close’ proximity of the s[:e l\u the pavement. Therefore, they !rB L a fuss. but it really is a question ber the interests of the eight bun .t thousand inhabitants of Philadel- should be sacrificed to the prejudice s F a ~ fpW properly holders. .We most ( ’ : er f o ' r get that the street cars are the C !or man’s comfort, bis convenience, bis f°.° _ an( i his interests are the one’s to JS c oD«idered. Mr. William McGrath, p re k;dent of the Union Company, is ! laming gentleman, liberal and Jkind 6 l big personal affairs, and it is hard to •!lieve ( be would advocate any scheme ft perfectly consistent with justice. Two D ° 3 is may " ot 666111 a ,a **® amount to be in, but as a daily expenditure of " ‘ laboring, person it is worth consid -6 j, Eizzil. erable. - LOCAL ITEMS. w _c. tv. Taylor, Beaver Falls; Evan p.ttfNc'v Brighton; J. Linnenbrink, Rochester. to ADVERTISERS.— The Beaver d jcal is U»« most extensively circu lated Weekly Newspaper In Western - Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad. l(i!T g jiVfj—Mail, 7,40 a. m; Accpmmodatior '"i,c:r.g Eat— Accommodation, 9,J9 a.«m; Mail, : p. m; Express, 7,07 p. m. Arrival and Departure of .Hall*. vfe-:erii mail leaves at 0.45 a.m.; arrives at 3 p.m. mail leaves at 2p. m.; arrives at Ba. m. -he -itteutioc of the public is directed to the •c o'vffii new advertisements, which appear in ij- RiDicAt to-day; New .Advertisement —R. T. Taylor 2stf spf’f:4 Notice— Dre. Oldshne 2511 t e-ipj Notice—Hostetter & Smith.... C. Notice— K. T. Taylor.'. .lYllt ■ cia ; Notice— Hertzog & Beam, i Cf NeciflNo-ice-L. Maginnes Silt "laccta; Statement— Borough Township ls3t We miss the Pittsburgh morning Mail ‘-om our exchange list, which will soon, antler a new name and in a new dress, be i IS ;aed from Allegheny city as an evening. paper. r Corner of Broadway and Lock streets, Xew Brighton. - tf We have received the first number of •,bs Noe Era , an indepennent weekly just t'.&ntd and published in Philadelphia. The p«per isismall but got up neatly, trd we wish it success. Two entire new two Horse Wagons, for sale tt Speyerer & Son’s. feh2l-tf. There, will be an Ice Cream and Straw berry Festival in the Lecture rcom of the M E. Church, of Beaver, on Tuesday evening of next week. Strawberries and crtßm are in order now, and we hope that ttieabove festival will be well attended. Corner of Broadway and Lock streets, Brighton. tf Warning,— Head this and then do ex fail to bay a botlie of dr. J. Magic ti-’ Persian Oleine, that is if you wi°h to keep in your house the best knbwn Rem edy for Cholera , Cholera morbus* Cramps, Dysentery arid Pain of all kinds. Price bO cents. Sold by Druggists, dealers and Agents. Corner of Broadway and Lock streets, New Brighton. tf William Kennedy of Georgetown was injured severely one day last week while working on an oil well near Is land Run. A board fell from the derrick 55tne 20 nr 30 feet, and struck him on the shoulder and side. He has been con fined To his bed, but,we believe is not dangerously hurt. College Notes.—Since our last report Rev. Mr Lynch, Prof. Knigh: and Hon. S. J. Cross have given interesting addresses before the Nor ma! Class and students of the College. The ‘monthly written examinations that have been in i'tur.ted at the College a-e subjecting the pupils .osevere tests, bat that is what earnest students tfee. The monthly report is in advance of the Hit, as it should be The gentlemen who frescoed the Court House have been engaged to fresco the U,lege Hall, and are already at their work. This, when completed, will ofthe most complete m the state. It'will be ready for dedication Com mencement. Tuesday. Ja'y Ist. Let our country readers m ike a note of this, and make their ar : rangenjents to be present, and they will" not re gre: u.- Owing to tbe large business of R. Steinfeld, and tbe fad tb&t his lime has been wholly occupied in selling goods, his customers have not for some time beard irom him through the columns of this paper, but he again announces to them ffiat he has on band a complete stock •of clothing, and also a full assortment of clothes, casimeres and all other articles belonging to a first class merchant tai lor’s establishment, all of which be in tends to sell before the Ist of July, and 0D that account will be sold at a small ad- v &nce on cost. Please come and examine before purchasing elsewhere. R. Stein leld, corner of Broadway and Lock street, Brighton. maySO-tf As the purchase of a Sewing Machine Js of * )e act for a life-time, care should be taken IE Bei ectlng one that time and nee have proven to -the best. Time tries all things. “'Use only arnighesthe final test.” Opinions of the skill? 2 ma y he of value, but time is needed to con “ffl them. While the Singer Sewing Machine -ompany has given the public the finest fruits of 'event)ve genius, they have guarded it from a Multitude of traps. Attachments have been ad for various purposes, but It has kept free °® a *’ useless complications. Simplicity of P^ 8 ’ adaptation to the widest range of work 1188 been the constant aim. Instead of boasting of a variety of useless etches and movements, it claims to make but ne Kind of Stitch, and that with the Fewest ovements Possible. Bence the Machine may *n twenty years, or a life-time, and just as well as when new. ■ Stbaw & Co, No. lO Sisth Street, Pitts- _ april2s-8m Conoty Convention. The Be publican County Con Venfion 1 met in this place nnMonday, and at 10 o’clock a. M. was called to order by W. 8. Shallenberger, Chairman of the out-going County Committee, who called tor the certificates of the members elect, of the new County Committee. The following persons were found to compose the Com mittee : . Big Beaver—James Patterson, James Billon. ■ Beaver Boro—Geo. W. Hamilton, John C. Hart. " ■ Borough Fisher. Bridgewater boro—Samuel Moorhead, Scudder H. Darragb. • Brighton twp—Andrew Watterson, Sr. Baden boro—L. I. Berry. '1 Beaver Falls—D. A. Buncle, James JL Russell, Christian Moulter, Frederick Rnhrkaste. Chippewa twp—Samuel E.. Walton. Darlington twp—Samuel Moody, W C. Sifurlock, substitute. • Economy twp—Samuel McMsnamy. Fallston—Geo. M. Fields. Franklin twp—Joseph Phillis. Freedom boro—W. W. Keer. Freedom dist Frankfort dist—David Anderson, Wm, Ewing. Franklin twp Glasgow boro—Marshall Dawson. Green twp—J. H. Trimble, substitute F. S. Laugblin, Jackson Swearingen; Georgetown—Smith Curtis. Hopewell twp—R. W. Scott* David E. McCallisler, \ Independence—Alex Gibb, Industry—S. B. Briggs. Marion —Edward Coleman. ’McGuire dist—Joseph M. Wbitebill. Moon—John M. Baker. New Brighton—North Ward—Geo. S. Barker,N.D. Cone; Middle Ward—John C. Eojle, Q. F. Winter; South Ward—J. F. Miner, D. R. Corbus. " New Sewickly twp—Geo. H. Coleman, Christian Goehring. * North Sewickly twp—James Warnocb. New 6aMee—J. 8. Hudson. Ohio twp—Clark A. Hunter,S. B Daw son. Patterson twp— D. O. C. Patterson, Pbillipsburg boro—Frederick Hogan. f Pulaski twp—Thomas Ferguson. Raccoon twp—Joseph Campbell, Geo. Rambo. Rochester—W- 8. Shallenberger, H. J. Speyerer, S. R Campbell. Rochester twp —Oliver Miller South Beaver—Samuel Milcbtli, Joseph Johnson. St Clair—J. Paul. Tije Committee effected a temporary organization by electing Hon. Wm. C. Shuilnck, of Darlington, temporary Chair man, and J. F. Miner, of New Brighton, and J. H. Trimble, of Green twp., tempo rary secretaries. ; i A committee of five on Resolutions was then, on motion of Smith Curtis, appoint ed by the Chairman as fellows; Smith Curtis, W. W. Kerr, Capt. Geo. S. Barker. Dr. Cone and John C. Hart. TheVChairman then proceeded to read to the Convention the returns of the pri mary meetings, and before this business was finished the Convention adjourned for dinner. AFTERNOON. Tbe Convention assembled and proceed ed with tbe business of reading the tarns. When tbe returns bad been all read by the Chairman, the Conven tion adjourned for twenty minutes togive the secretaries timf to font up the results. On assembling Smith Curtis, Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, pre sented the following report: Resolved. That we re-ufflrm onr faith Id the prin ciples of the Republican party that Genera] Grant's Administration has been true to those principles, and not only merits admiration but re ceives our hearty snpport. Resolved . That the Administration of Governor Hartranft is worthy of onr endorsement, and that the persistent and determined use of the veto power. by the Governor, in order to correct and re strict the evils of special legislation of the Legis lature has been judicious, fruitful of good, and consistent with the principle of the party. Resolved. That we appreve of the records, made during the last Legislature, of ourrepresenlativcs, the Hone. JdraesS. lintan and Samuel J. Cross. Resolved , That wo condemn as wrong in princi cip'c, and most demoralizing in practice, the late Congressional retroactive salary increase and all kindred legislation. Resolved , That we earnestly advise onr State Convention, soon to assemble, and the active men of the party everywhere, to place in nomination men of unquestioned character and capacity Resolved , That tbe candidates this day nomina ted are worthy of our fullest confidence, and we hereby pledge them our united, cheerful and un tiring support. Resolved, That Capt. C. D, Mycr, of New Brigh ton, Rev. John McCarty, of Beaver Falls, and H. J. Speyerer, ol Rochester, be appointed Legisla tive Conferees. These resolutions were unanimously adopted. W. 8. ShaUenberger, of Rochester, was by acclamation, elected Senatorial dele gate to the State Convention, and; David Critchlow, of .New Brighton, Represent tative. The Senatorial delegate was. au thorized to appoint his own Conferees, if necessary. The Chairman of the Convention then announced according to tbe returns, tbe noroineesof the party, hot tbe result had been ascertained before hand, and tbe de claration of their names was merely a matter of form. John Caugbey, Esq:, begged tbe privi lege of thanking the people, through their representatives, for the handsome vote whienhe received in the present canvass,* and for the past favors they had bestowed upon him. He said he should. always be deeply grateful to the Republicans of Beaver county, notwithstanding they had decided to place him on the retired- THE RADICAL; FRIDAY, JUNE 6. 1873. st. His remar^a^we rtj _ Wreply ap* plaadfd, And when he Character rose in the esiimation of all . who heard him. Next in order was the election of ft permanent Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. George W. Hamilton was elected Chairman, Smith Curtis Secretary and Eben Allison Treasarer. There was some difference expressed as to the proper manner o( electing an Ex ecutive Committee, but the milter was finally compromised and the followihg gentlemen elected: r ’ J- C. Boyle, of New Brighton ; W. W. Kerr, Freedom; P. S. Laughlio. Greeny; G. Moulder, Beaver Palls; A. Walterson, Brighton, tp,, 8. B. Briggs, Industry; Hr J. Speyerer, Rochester i The Convention tbfen adjourned. ir« are indebted to some friend for the 24th Annual Anniversary f Blair county. Ice Cold Sparkling Soda Water, flavored with Pure Fruit Syraps, always fresh from Hugo An driessen’s Marble Fountains. Utedietnal Poisons on the Wane. The patriarchs took no mercury, no bismuth, no iodine, no bromide of potassium, no strychoria, no quinine. Happy old gentlemen 1 they did not Uven know of the existence of these “specifics,'* land yet they lived until it seemed as if Death had forgotten them. Their medicines were herbs and iloota. They have left this fact on record, and the; world seems to be now taking note of it and re turning lo the first principles of medication. Hos tetler's Stomach Bitters, the purest and most effi cacious vegetable restorative of the day, is also the most popular. Thousands ot persons who only a few years ago believed implicitly in all the poisons wh’ch figure in the pharmacoepia, now pro nounce this palatable tonic and alterative an ail sufficient remedy fot dyspepsia, nervous debility, constipation, bilious complaints, headache, in tsrmittedt fevers, and all the ordinary disturban ces of the stomach, the liver, the discharging or gans and the brain. The time U not far distant when most of the powerful and venomous drugs now so recklessly administered by practioners of the “heroic * school, in cases that might easily be , controlled by milder treatment, will be utterly discarded by all philosophical physicians. As it is, the thinking public, who are general ly ahead of the professionals, have already put the uanger ons preparation aside an I adopted Hostetler’s Bit ters in theit stead as a safe andlexcereht house hold medicine, adapte 1 to almost every ailmei t except the organic and deadly contagious diseases. For more than twenty years thlitfamovs restora tive and preventive has been annually strengthen ing its hold upon the public confidence, and it now takes the lead of every advertised medicine manufactured in this country. MARRIED. BAKER—McLEAN—On Thursday evening, May. 29. 1873, by the f.ev. U. N. Spalding, Mr. Harry T. Baker, of New Brighton, an 1 Miss Annie V. daughter of Captain Q ?oige C. McLean, of Ro chester, Pa. ERSKIXE—McCRBERY—In Beaver, on May 29, 1873, by Rev. John F. Dravo, Mr. W. C. Erg kine, of Pittsburgh, to M iss Ida, daughter of Major Thos, McCreery, of Beaver. BLAINE— STOW—On Tuesday evening, in Cin cinnati the 27th at the residence ofßlrs. A. F. Stow by Be v. R. M. Brown of Koaseville, Pa., John iv. Blaine, M. D, of Tionesta, Pa’., to Ella L. Stow. No Curds. j. SEARIGHT—MrCR AY—February 5, 1573. at the residence of the bride, by Rev, J. B. Doolittle, Mr. Thomas Searight and Mrs. Francis McCray, both olSe wickly ville. WHITAKER—TEACH—At Cannelton, P.u, Jane 'n 3d, by J. P. Mansfield, Esq., Mr. J. Whitaker t<*| Miss Lizzie Teach, all of Oil City. | DIED. DOUGLASS—In Freedom, Saturday May 31st, Mrs. Ollie V. wife of A. J. Douglass, oged 22 years. JAVENS—On May 24th, 1878, at her rosidence fn Rochester, Pa., Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of (Mr. Thos.Javens. SHELL—In Bridgewater, on Wednesday after noon, May 28th, Frederick, son of Frederick Shell, in the 21st year of his age. DONOVAN—ApriI 19,1873, of consumption, Mrs. Annie Eliza Donovan, in the S7th year of her ago. ■■■ ' . ■ NEW BRIGHTON GRAIN ItfAKKKT. COBUECTKD TXKKLT BY WADE WILSON. White Wheat, pet bushel Hcd do “ “ Bye Data Corn (shelled) “ 5 ..fl 80 .. 1 «5 .. 75 .. 4« .. 55