The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 30, 1873, Image 1

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    ißi* itV t X filitftifitl
published evebyfbiday. AyryyMiy APVAycB. -^r====
jhc leaver itxdiral.
T ;,., published every Friday morning
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p- 1. , a*ion oiHfe ■ In Thb -Radical Building
Corner Diamond, Beaver, Pa.
A communications and business letters should
V to SMITH CURTIS, Beaver, Pa.
Farmers Valley Neb , )
May 10, 1873. j
s n j eastern pe'pie are thoroughly
ia:-irn i (and the farther east the more
umghly,) about .Nebraska. They
kn wto the fraction of an inch the
d-pthof the soil in each country, from
the Missouri to its Western boundary.
They know much more about the failure
of crops from severe droughts than we do.
They are much better acquainted with
the climate during the winter months
thin are our oldest inhabitants. They
to perfectly acquainted with numerous
defects and disadvantages to which our
settlers are entireu 'Strangeca,
are not surprised to hear of eastern people
becoming so well posted about our State,
when their means of information are so
extensive. They don’t read papers pub
lished anywhere in the State. They
never examine the agricultural reports,
or land o)mmlssioaer’s statistics. But if
they happen to live in a small |own, or
on a main traveled road, come iSi almost
daily contact with men that have been to,
and through Nebraska for three months
or so, and they charge nothing to tell
the n all they know Nebraska
which is all that can be known, for it is
a remarkable characteristic of. all those
homesick’ adventurers that* they have
traveled through every country in the
State that a man could mention, and al
most universally report it a barren for
saken country, composed of nothing but
hil's and hollows, bluffs and gulches,
sanl and stone, and entirely destitute of
s ;i, timber, coal or waters. I have
In ar. a number of men who claimed to
lure been all over our level prairie conn
t the ab"ve report of them. And
h ive reported, them c >vered \\ ith
'' e.i* in size from a pebble to a
-ay stack, where one? the size of a hen’s
is a Jcuriosity. But to come to Ne
!-rasLA, our prospects, Ac., Ac.
Tli p,-t cold winter, in all the eastern
ti"-i the general tightness of money,
Uj’ifi rs has had the effect of turning the
n of thousands to the Slate of
NT '>:a>kt. The old idea that at one time
' ■ prevalent in the eastern Slates,
' J' 1 Xi-nraska was a barren country, has
- 7 In tn i.r ; rational ideas, and
’ ‘ p • vie begin to understand that our
that <>nr climite is good
< f.-r.iie
hj ilrhy, and tint within the borders
S'.i'e is the last, opportunity for
'’luraiists t > procure good lands
C ' a ’- J o' y. or as a hotn.-steal ualrr the
li'.v; ,f (• mtrross
I* Mated of a couple of boys over
in 1 1 -v i, Ui it one lay they were la con
Vfr: iti -n. when one said -to the other,
hen ihecoualry is all settled up with
f-' P e, st that there is no longer room
‘ ,r any m >re, wher<rwill the people go?’’
< *t:ier one liiou. i?hl a minute, and
"TneV will go to Nebraska.”
answer was suggested to him by
sl -‘'s-) miny covered wagons going
-ir itie road, destined for ibis Slate.
think th;il no apprehension need
t'-- 1 1- ;t by any one as to hard limes here,
'mere will no doubt be from fifty to
'eTenty five thousand people come into
t„e present season, and eacli
r “‘- w brinir with him all the rtadv
'■>' lu- cm, which will be paid out for
♦ ( *
‘■ n; - Viricultural implement?, clothing,
!'• 7 '' 'ns, How will these people
By whal means of convey
a■r I answer that a small proportion
v,] ("va~ i the old fashioned' way, tla*
is in the covered wagoa. But the ma
jority will come by railroad. Looking
over the map of the United States, we
see the leading lines of railroads from
eastern cities, all running directly to or
aiming to cross the State of Nebraska, it
being centrally located as to north and
south as well as east and west in the re
public. We have within the State the
Union Pacific, which runs along the
north side of the Platte River, through
the center of the State, and annually d is
tributes along its line of road thousands
of people between Omaha, its initial
point on the east to North Platte, near
the western boundary of the State. Then
the Burlington & Missouri River Rail
road, which begins at Plattsmouth on
the south side of the Platte river near
Us mouth, and runs thence south westerly
to Fort Kearney, 191 miles distant, then
we have the Atchison & Nebraska Rail
road from Atchison, Kansas, to Lincoln,
and the Midland Pacific Railroad, from
Nebraska city to Seward. All these
roads named, with the exception of the
Union Pacific, runs directly to Lincoln,
the State capital at which point all
trains are made up on all the various
roads, for Kearney, Beatrice, Seward*
Omaha, . Atchison, and intermediate
points on the several lines. The “feeders”
to these various lines of roads are as fol
lows to the Union Pacific and B. & M:
We see that the C. &N. W. Railroad,
C. R. I. & P. Railroad, Sioux City and
St. Paul and C. B. & Missouri River,
and K. C. and St. Joe, and C. B. & B. &
M. Railroads of lowa. To the Atchison
& Nebraska is the Hannibal & St. Joe,
with its eastern connecting lines and
the roads south and east. So It will be
seen at a glance that the immigrants who
may desire to emigrate from whatever
point in the east, can always purchase,
on any of the leading roads, in any prin
cipal city, a coupon ticket direct to Lin
coln. This is the only interior point in
I the State that a through ticket can be
purchased to.
To show how this can be managed, I
"will take onTortwb'e^^pTesSuppose
the party desiring to come to Nebraska
lives in Pittsburgh, he has the choicp of
S two through routes; one we will call
j the Central and most direct, that by the
I Pittsburgh Fort Wayne & Chicago, to
| Chicago; thence to Plattsmouth via Chi-
I cago, Burlington & Missouri River Rail
| road; thence to Lincoln via B. & M. R.
! Railroad in Nebraska. His ticket will
! cost him, at Pittsburgh, about $3B, and
: will be what is called a coupon ticket,
I that is it will read “P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. r
Pittsburgh to Lincoln.” One coupon
i will take him from Pittsburgh to Chicago,
1 the next'takes him from Chicago to Bur
lington. the next takes him from Bur
; Hngton to Plattsmouth, and the next to
i Lincoln. Thus has he used five coupons,
| or he may take another route from Pitts
; burgh to St. Louis, through Columbus,
Ohio, thence on the Missouri Pacific to
' Atchison, thence to Lincoln. All the
■ lines of roads in the country are each
1 day carrying people en route to Nebras-
~ 1,00
~ 50
.. 03
ka. All are constantly bringing new
settlers Into our State, and it will not be
long before our prairies will bo dotted
all over with the farm houses of the in
dustrious from all parts of the east, and
our cities already begins to feel the im
petus, in trade given to them who have
already settled in them. Colossal for
tunes can and will be made by those
possessing energy, industry, and means,
and we look to see our salt interest fully
developed ere long as well as the coal
and'peat interests thoroughly worked up.
The great snow storm Sunday evening,
April 13th, after a severe wind storm
from the south for two days, the wiud
changed and came down from the north,
bringing in its train, first, . a thunder
storm, then a sleet, which was followed
! by a snow storm that surpassed in length
and severity anything we ever witnessed.
From Monday morning until Wednesday
evening it was positively dangerous to
venture out of doors. The wind blew a
perfect hurricane anil the snow filled the
air so that objects two or three rods
away were Invisible. No one imagined
that such a storm could visit Nebraska in
the mouth of April, Under the warm
sun, the grass had began to sprout, and
the signs of an early spring were numer
There were three human lives lost
in this county. Mrs. Kaley, of Farmer’s
Valley, and her litUe son of five years,died
of exposure. It would seem almost as if
her husband, Mr. Fred. Keley, had been
singled out for the signal vengeance of
fate. But a short time since, during the
absence of both, their house and its con
tents were burned. Friendly neighbors
at once set about replacing the house,
and supplying their necessities, and in a
wonderfully short time, they were again
settled, with dothirg, breadstuff's, etc.,
even more than they had* lost. The
house, of logs, owing to the weather, bad
been only chinked, not plastered, and the
snow came in at every minutest crevice.
They tried In all ways to stop it out, and
might perhaps have partially succeeded,
but for the roojf, new, and built of wil
lows K witb dirt above- The fire only
melted the snow, and they remained
most of the t ime in be<fe from Sunday
night till Tuesday morning, when finding
that the snow only increased, and even
tbe beds were wet, they concluded to
make the attempt to reach a neighbor’s
Charley White, a brother of Mrs. Kaley,
his wife and young child, started for Win-
Kaley's, half a mile away, and Mrs. Kaley
and her little son to another house, but
a quarter of a mile from their own. All ;
but Mrs. Kaley took something to eat,
but feeling unwell, she refused anything,
and sick, and weak from fasting, wrapped
herself in a blanket and started out. Her i
husband, unable to get on bis wet boots,
went in bis stocking feet. Mr. and Mrs.
White, after some wandering, reached
their destination, the latter, however,
owing her life to the judicious harshness
of her husband, for wearied out, she insist
ed upon lying down, and failing in every,
persuasion, burdened down with a heavy
baby, the old hunter knowing inaction
to be death, went deliberately to work to
make her angry, swearing like a trooper,
or a westerner, until with flash of temper,
came renewed circulation, and she was
saved. But Mr. Kaley being of ditfereht
metal, could not resist his half crazed,
and almost dying wife’s entreaties, and
almost perished with her. Losing their
way again and again, thirty rods fiom
their own door, as it was afterwards found
out, the wife sank down helpless, cling*
ing to him and saying it was useless to
try longer; .Ottie, the child, was dying
her brother and bis wife must be dead,
and they had belter die together, for die
they must. Wet, chilled and exhausted,,
he succumed, and covering themeelves- fh*
the blankets, they deliberately waitedf!
for death, ithep
sat there, he holding his almost dying
wife, the little child nestled between.
I The little one roused once enough to
; talk, and the poor mother said she did
not suppose it took so long to freeze to
- death. Then Ottie died, and giving up
| entirely, she consented to the father mak
( ing one more trial, which seeing that she
j was dying, he nerved himself to do, and
1 covering her as well as possible, he left
! her with her dead child, and on his hands
i and knees started on his hopeless quest.
Barefooted, bareheaded, half clothed,
! with frozen and swollen hands and feet,
; he at last reached his brother’s door, and
J with failing breath IoU his story. The
I brother of the two unfortunates started at
i once, and found the poor lady just as she
j was left, and still alive, but just as they
1 reach the door, her spirit fled to join the
J little one and the bereaved man received
1 only his dead.
On Thursday the unpitying sun shone
out once more, and- looking down upon
bright little Ottie in his dead mother’s
; arms, both seeming to smile from the
1 coffin, as if the grave were but the open
( door to their recovered home. •
There was also a large amount of stock
suffocated throughout the Stale. We did
not lose anything having good houses
and stables for everything. All that was
lost was through carelessness in not being
on the lookout for a storm.
The gardens are all made, and most of
the corn planted, the wheat looks splen
did and there are every appearance of
good crops this season.
Next time I will try to write a more in
teresting letter than this one. With my
best wishes, I remain yours as ever,
Proclamation by the President.
Washington, May 22. —The following
proclamation was issued by the President
to day :
1 By the President of the United States of
Whereas, Under the pretense that
William P. Kellogg, the present Execu
tive of Louisiana, and ol the officers asso
dated with him in the State administra
tion were not duly elected, certain turbu
lent aud disorderly persons have combin
ed together, with force and arms, to re
sist the laws and constituted authorities
ot said State ; and
Whereas, It has been duly certified by
the proper local authorities, and judicially
determined by the inferior and Supreme
Courts of said State, that said officers are
entitled to hold their offices respectively,
and to execute and discharge the func
tions thereof; and
Wpjww, lie late session
uprtnn due consideration of the subject,
recognized the said Executive and
then, as now, in office, by
to take any action with .respect
thereto , and ?
■ yf&reqS) It is provided in the Const!*
the United Slates [that the Uni-
shall protect every State in this
Un&|& on application of the Legislature
o&jgf the Executive, when the Legiala-
be convened, against domes*
' ',e; and
, It is provided in the laws of
1 States that, in ail cases of in
in any State, or of obstruction
atherof, it shall be lawful for
lent of the-United,-States, on
n of the Legislature of such
if the Executive, when the Leg
nnot be convened, to call forth
of any other State or States,
ioy such part of the land* and
ces as shall ; be judged necessary
'.rpose of suppressing such in*
or causing the; laws to be duly
r, The Legislature of said State
4n session, and cannot be con
ImC the Jpreseot Ptner-
of said State,
‘4 of article 4 of the Con-
dfjM jp’blted States, and the
passed in pursuance thereof, has,
tnaid6'applicaiion to me for such
-the military ‘ fbrce of the United
jj&htea as may be necessary and adequate
protect said State and the citizens
hereof against domestic violence and to
yjjffirce the execution of the laws; and
Wp%erea», It is required that whenever
ft may be necessary, in the judgment of
' the President, to use the military force
tor the purpose aforesaid he shall forth*
with, by proclamation, command such in
surgents to disperse and retire peaceably
their respective homes within a limited
|tjaie: ' l -i' : ;S,
& therefore, I Ulysses S. Grant,
Slates, do hereby
&akp proclamation, and command said
perse and retire peaceably to their re
spective abodes within twenty days from
this date, and hereafter to submit them
selves to the laws and constituted author
ities of said State, and invoke the aid and
co-operation oif all good citizens thereof
to uphold the laws and preserve the pub
lic peace.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand, and caused the seal of the Uni
ted States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this
33d day of May, in the year of our Lord
and of the Independence of the United
Stales the ninety-seventh.
By the President:
J. C. Bancroft Davi*, Acting Secreta-.
ry of Slate.
Tlie Captured ITlodocs—An Elephant
on our Hands—What Shall be Done
About It-A Speck of War-Col. McKen
zie’s Raid Into Mexico—Route of the
Correspondence of the Radical.
Washington, D. C., May 20, 1873
We h ive drawn an elephant. About
half of Captain Jack’s band of Modocs,
including some of his most noted war
riors, have surrendered, and now the
question arises ; what shall we do with
them? There are not very many answers
to be suggested, but the different charac
ters of different men will be Indicated in
their answers to this question. Some say,
“Take them right out and shoot them
others say, “Give them a trial before the
civil courtsbut nobody says, “Let them
go.” It is perhaps, the universal opinion
of the community that the magnitude of
the crimes and the safety of peaceable
white settlers require that they should be
punished and that severely, A long and
earnest discussion on this subject be
tween the humanitarians and the opposite
school is inevitable.
There is one feeling that should be en
tirely left out of consideration in decid
ing this question, and that is the feeling
of revenge. Revenge is properly an at
tribute of the character of the savage, and
would be more becoming in the Modocs
that in acivilized, enlightened people. It
was revenge to past ill-treatment, for the
treachery of the whites, that moved them
to the atrocious murder of General Can
by and Dr. Thomas. It is this feature
that makes the savage character most bar
barious. We, as a people, profess to have
advanced beyond the barbarious
We profess to be actuated by higher mo
lives* than mere brutal revenge. Of
course there arc men, scores of them, in
every neighborhood who clamor for the
blond of these savage warriors. Some
men even go so far a? to favor the exter-
■0. 1873.
mination of the entire tribe, including
women and children. Did I say men ?
No, such are not men ; they are fiends,
who, for the gratification of the absurd
and vicious passion of revenge, would
unnecessarily shed the blood of their fel
low creatures. But, there are many of
our best people, many of our most intelli
gent and respected citizens, who,'advocate
the hanging or shooting of the larger
number of the surrendered
This is no unimportant question. The
country must think about it, and in the
light of past experience and of our boast
ed civilization must seek out the best
means of tempering justice with mercy.
We must act in a manner that will distin
guish ns from,tbese savage red-shins, now
in our power. Wo must show that civili
zation is superior to babarism.
The War Department is not likely to
come to any hasty decision as to the best
method of disposing of our Modoc ele
phant. This is something that will not
spoil from keeping. No evil can result
from waiting till our blood cools down.
Yet it is scarcely possible that these pris
oners will be given a trial before our civ
il courts. If they are tried by a military
court it will go hard with them, for, as a
general thing, army officers are not much
inclined to favor Indians of any tribe.
But the reader will bear enough about
the various methods of getting these
-braves off our hands, and I will not wear
gut his patience at the beginning.
A speck of war. It is not bigger than
a man’s hand. But it may grow till it
spreads all over the heavens. Yes, there
is a speck of war in the horizon. Som e
of our people are alarmed, some uncon
cerned, and some welcome a little shindy
with our Mexican neighbors. Some
would like an excuse for appropriating
another slice of our neighbor’s land.
But is there any danger of war with
Mexico ? If it had been the cise of some
other nations, the excursion of Colonel
McKenzie would have been sure to bring
on unpleasant difficulties. It, is not like
ly we could “put ourselves in their place”
and keep pur temper. Whatever justifi
mtons-tbere-miighi bs for the punish
meat of persons taking shelter on the soil
of the United States, we would certainly
I get very angry if a squadron ol British
! cavalry should make a raid eighty miles
; into the interior of New York or Ver
mont for the purpose of breaking up a
camp of Fenians who had been disturb
ing. the peace of Canada. Should there
be organized a regular band of thieves
and cut-throats, having their headquarters
on the south side of the St. Lawrence,
and making monthly forays upon the Ca
nucks, under no consideration would we
consent that British troops should cross
the line for the purpose of bringing them
to justice. But alter cases,
Vrc ai*e a powerful people adi tb? Mexi
can government is weak and distracted
by internal dissensions. If they wore as
strong as we, Colonel McKenzie and bis
men would have never set foot on the
; south'side of the Rio Grande.
U. S. Grant.
However, there may be a complete jus
tification for the act even if it is an act of
war. It seems that a set of Mexican and
Kickapoo Indian thieves have been for
years praying upon the herds of the Tex
an stock-raisers. Our Department of
State has repeatedly called the attention
of the Mexican government to the fact
that these outlaws iyere in the habit of
taking refuge on Mexican soil whenever
pressed by our troops, and of taking with
them stolen stock and goods of every de
scription, which they sold to Mexican
citizens. There can be no doubt as to
the facts In the case, and the officials at
the State Department have made various
attempts to induce the Mexican govern
ment to put a stop to these outrages.
Either from unwillingness or inability on
their part nothing has ever been done,
and the marauders have been constantly
growing more and more audacious. Colo
nel McKenzie, commander at Fort Clark,
Texas, having sent out several expedi
tions to pat a stop to these depredations,
and having as often been foiled by their
escaping across the line, whence he was
not permitted to pursue them, at last de
termined on desperate measures. .<He de
cided that he would end their thieving
operatlonsjwhatever might be the cost or
consequence. Thereupon he ordered out
all the available cavalry under his cam
mand—about six hundred men—crossed
the Rio Grande, rode eighty miles into
the Mexican country, surprised a camp of
Kickapoos, and almost annihilated them.
This he did on his own responsibility, but
it is believed that the War Department
will formally approve his action.
The only official information received
in this city relating to the affair was a
dispatch from General Sheridan, stating
that General Augur had reported to him
(Sheridan) that the Klckapoos had been
routed, etc., “about eighty miles from;
Fort Clark,” bat the dispatch says noth
ing about its having been on Mexican
soil. Therefore, it may be said that the
government has no official information
whatever as to any affeir that is likely to
bring about unpleasant relations with our
sister republic, and, of course, can take
no official action in the matter.
The history of this affair is of several
years’ growth. It is a very complicated
case. A great deal ot correspondence be
tween tbe Military and State Department
officials, between pur government and the
government of Mexico, baa taken place.
A great deal of space would be required;
for even a fait synopsis *>f tbe case.
In official circles here tbe necessity lor
such action is very much deprecated, bat
as the circumstances would admit of no
other method of affording protection to
tbe Texans, Colonel McKenzie’s conduct
is regarded as perfectly justifiable.
This country was startled on Saturday
night by the information, flashed across
the wires, that President Thiers and his
entire cabinet bad resigned, aqd that Mar
shal MacMahoo had been elected to suc
ceed him.
They hate strange ways of doing
things in Europe; at any rate, their pro
ceedings seem strange to Americans.. No
President of the United States would have
ever thought of taking such a course as
that adopted by M. Thiers. Perhaps he
thought bis resignation would not be ac
cepted, but. if so. be was mistaken.
Yesterday being Sunday it was impos
sible for me to learn how this bit of news
is received here. Of course it makes but
little difference to our government, but
the matter has an important, bearing on
the progress ol republicanism.
M. Thiers, though at one time one of
the most prominent 1 advocates of progress
in France, was alwajya-supposed to be pos
sessed of a considerable degree of ambi*
tion, and lor a number of years, has been
quite conservative in his tendencies. Ha
was a sort of hanger-on at, the court of
Louis Napoleon, and is charged with a
considerable share of the responsibility
for the recent war with Germany.
Since his elevation to the Presidency of
the French Republic his conservative
tendencies have become more and more
Now, a shade of conservatism is gener
ally regarded as a good thing in a French
republicanism, but it has become a mat
ter of doubt for some time Whether he is
in reality a republican at all. He certain
ly has his full share of egotism and vani
ty, as he has more than once hinted his
belief that the success of the republic
rested altogether upon his shoulders. A
great m«tny of tl*Q best friends of France
in this country have felt disposed to be
lieve that Mi- Thiers cared more for his
own personal aggrandizement than for
the interests of the republic.
Marshal MacMahon is an avowed con
servative, if not a monarchist. He it was
of all Napoleon’s generals who held out
longest and refused to recognize the pro
visional government the
surreodor of the Emperor. His has been
an eventful life. One Jay the chief mar
shal of the armies of the empire ; the
next day in prison and on trial for treas
on for the surrender ot Metz ; the next
day released ; now he is President of the
I shall not make myself ridiculous by
making predictions concerning.the future
of the republic of France under the mag
istracy of MacMahon. I have little or
no idea of what is to come next. I hope
for the best. I would love to hear of the
firm establishment of a government in
that country as free and prosperous as
our own. I love the very name Republic,
and will never despair of the final tri
umph of the cause of liberty everywhere.
The opposite press have tried hard to
amuse themselves at the expense of Pres-
Jent Grant because of his remarks, in the
late inaugural address, concerning the in-
fluence exerted by our institutions, and
the probable future of the spirit of lib-
erty. I confess that I share in his hopes.
France may know much sorrow and
trouble, perhaps much war and blood-
shed, before attaining to a firm and uni
ted republic, but I have all faith be
lieve that France will some day have her
institutions so firmly established that no
tyrant will attempt to oppress her peo
ple. I believe the people of France are
honestly and thoroughly desirous of hav
ing a republican foiraof governmental
believe them to be a liberty loving peo
ple, and with them I throw up my hat
and shout “ Vice la RepuMique." Sam.
—The Republican State Convention in
Virginia is called to meet at Lynchburg
on the 30th of July to-nominate candi
dates for Governer, Lieutenant Governor
and Attorney General.