Btmtx Bafrfrai VOLUME V. HailtoadiS. 1 Pittsburgh, ft. wayne and r CHICAGO RAILWAY.-On and after March y will leave sUUobb as follower TKA.' NS GOING WEST. EXPB 1 9. i MAIL. EXPB’S. KAFR'S STATIONS, 1.45 am 6.00a* : 9.10 a» i •52 ; 7.22 i 10.25 , 2.40 5.15 110.25 | I.SOP3T 5-J» fisl 12.19**; 3.07 ; 7.06 855 3.15 I 5.09 9.11 aiiO , 4.00 5.40 i 9.40 <) 40 5.55a* ! 6.00 ! 9.66 ilioS i 7.40 i 7.55 11.15 1-* 03p* 9.00 9.15 12.17a* •140 11.50 12.03A* 2.45 4.45 i 3.35P* 2.50 [ 5.05 .50 i 6.80 i 6.50 I B.BOP* TRAINS GOING baht. A ■ iiace ' JUii^ eld I Ar f De Forest bi 3» t'iirr Wayne F.monih. MAIL kxpb’s.; kxpb's. KXPR'S. stations 5 15am !».20ami 5.30 pm 9.20pb al3 12.02 PM 1 8.55 :13.15AM 1° 20PM 2.20 i 11.20 j 0 00 0*43 4.07 : I.lBam 1 8.05 pm 4 m 5.08 : 2.27 9.27 Via 6.? ft 4.05 jll.lO o’.OOaM 6.50 4.15 ill 30am i; 4(1 7.19 1 4.43 :11.05PM 020 9.20 i 6.37 ; 2.13 11 Go H.OO ! 8.25 !4 20 2,50 pm 1.12 am ,10.42 ; 6.55 4qO 2.20 ! 11.45 AM 3.00 , (W.- . • ■ Fori Wayne I® Forest I Ar f De C:e=t' ine jlaasSfld Orrvilk ■ A'.Uanw..- Rochester. F. R. MYERS, !l Passenger and Ticaet Agent. Genera: Cleveland & Pittsburgh r. r. r or. and alter Dec. 33d. WTS, trains will leave daily, (Sundays follow a. OuINO SOUTII—MAIN LINK. EXFR’a. MAH*- : , ACCOM STATIONS - : \ eland. Hudson .. • Kivcnna . •• • Hoard. ■ WGlaville. p it-dmrgh NORTH— MAIN LINE. going expb’s.l mail. STATIONS. Pittsburgh Wensnll?- Bavard Alliance. . Rjveana . Hudson . Cleveland AST—RIVER DIVISION going b. ACCOM, STATIONS 5.45 am 10.50 am 3.35 PM I 5.55 11.00 3.45 6.57 12.12 pm! 4.45 8.15 1.35 6.20 0.30 2.35 ; 7.15 10.40 ,8.40 8.20 BelUir Br.UL’ep-in . stv. ibeu-’ille \V/ ; >vi !!■■... Y nh-s'-r. . p.c.iiiarzh EST-R 1 going ACCOM f-ATIONS, tfgitorgh. . ■EoiisstCr.. Feiiivllie.. S'pnhcnvllle Bridgeport.. Be'iitr TUSCARAWAS BRANCH - Leaves Arrives N 40ntn * l.OOpnvl Bayard. 51.45 am a 4 00pm Bayard, IC. IO i 5.00 p. m. IN. Phila. 3.00*7.30 p m ' F. R. MYERS. General Passenger and Ticket Agent. PENNSYLVANIA R. R. 1 —After December CCd, 1872, Traiiis will arrive r,-. i Oep irt as follows; eastward. westward. T-i.-.i igh Trainx Leave Through Trains Arrive Irion Depot: Union'.Depot. Exp's, 2:.Vi a m Mail Train, 1:05 ani y-iii Train. 7?45 a m Fast Line, 1:35 a m C-yc >:n Ex 12 20 pin Pittsburgh Ex. SOO a m < a.nati Ex. 1:10 p m Cincinnati Ex. '8:40 a m P:.i ide’ip'ii Ex. 5:20 p m Southern Ex. 12:40pm Fa-t Line. 3:50 p m Pacific Expr's. 1:10 p m local. Way Passenger, 0:50 p m V,r.-.No 1, 0:40 a in local. V. ;:t>!i'g Ac Walls No 1 0:30 am 7 05 a in Brinton Ac. Nol, 7:30 a m 10:20 a m Wilkinsbnrg Ac 11:45 ain Nol 8:20 a m Walls No 2. 0:10 am 2:40 pni Johnstown Ac. 10.10 a m -Nol. 3:20 pm Walls No 3, 1;45j) m An Ac. 4:00 pni Walls No 4 3:20 p m "•i Accoin- Wilkinsburg Ac i' ’. r'n No 1. 450 pm No 2 4.45 pm Ac. No 2 5:10 |> m Walls Ac. No. 5 5:55 p m -5. 11:15 p m Brinton No 2. 0:50 p m o’ Ac No 3 0:20 p ni Brinton Ac. Noil 7:25 p m - A No .0 11:05 pm Brinton AcNo4 ll;10pm .jo Express. Cincinnati Express, Fast Line li-.’.um Ac. No. 3 leave daily. :':j Kxpre-s daily, except Monday. A 1 other trainsdaily. except Sunday, i'.i Express leaves Pittsburgh at 2:50 a in ar : ll.i! rlsbnrg at 11:40 am; Philadelphia 3:30 [~' B .in more 3:00 p in; Washington 5:40 pm . '■ 5 oik '.slip m i ■ i V it *.*:in a m,reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 am. ring leave Pittsburgh at 13:00p in. and arrive i 1 > S;at ion at 1:30 p m. Leave Pittsburgh , -i-riv.' BrintonV p m. '■iVTUKKI' OFFICE—For the convenience ■ vi/.’ii'* of Pittsburgh the Pennsylvania <'"inpany have opened a city ticket office > Filth avei.ue coiner of Sinithlield street. Tickets. Commutation Tickets ■ si Ticket- to principal stations can be pnr ' .;t any hoar of the day or evening at the 'o a* are charged at the depot. . will he checked through to destination i ci> and residences by .Excelsior Baggage '--so on orders left at the office. ba-a;: i information apple to : t’ASSATT. D. M. BOYD. Ju.. ' '•■neral Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent LLKGHEN Y VALLEY*RAILROAD nt’er Monday. July 13th. IST-3. Three h Trains daily, except .Sunday, will leave -at Pittsburgh, city time, for Franklin, . PalTalo and all points in tlie Oil Region*, ■ • 'ii and ( entral New York. . ■ Leave. Arrive 7.10 am 8.35 pm .10.40 pm 0.15 am ,10.50 am 4.45 am 0.40 a m 0.30 a m 0.30 a m 8.03 a m 11.40 am *2 10 a m 3.25 p m 10.30 a m 500 p m 8.55 a m 0.00 p m 5.45 p m 8.50 p m 7.20 pHi v :ni4a> train leaves Pittsburgh etfery • I' l a in. arriving at Parker at 11.25 a m. ~ i":n es Parker at 4.40 pm, ami arrives at ■n at 8 35 p m ’ rain to an. i from Soda Works (Sunday) Put ■"■burgh at u. 50 a m. and leaves at ■nil . , 'l. Ac ■' Ac > i., ' Ac ’ A" Ac ■: Ac, . . . w . *V ■' ■ » i I, 1 : !• tn . . J.J. LAWKESCE.Gen'I, Snpt. ■ "‘‘AY, Ticket Agent. 4.00 PM 5.18 5.48 6.35 :1.55pm ' 3.02 3.33 4.13 4.44 6.00 8.20 8.30 am 9.43 .10.15 j 11.10 11.44 i I.lopm 3.40 | EXPB’S. I ACCOM. 6.30 am 1.15 pm j ; 8.55 I 3.15 10.30 ' 4.30 11.25 5.10 I 7.10 am i 12.12 pm 5.48 1 8.00 12.45 | 6.14 j 8.45 ! 1.55 ! 7.13 110.C0 MAIL. EXPB'S. ACCOM IVER DIVISION MAIL. I EXPB’S. ACCOM- 6.30 AM j 1.15 PM ! 2.20 8.50 [8.20 0.50 14.20 11.00 : 5.23 j 11.10 5.40 , 4.23 pm 5.30 7.00 8.00 0.a5 9.20 Hew §^vertioemettt£. JJEAVER COUNTY, ss: i —o— i In the Orphans' Court of Beaver conn* -(SKAL vty. In the matter of the petition forpar j —-v- j tition of the real estate of Polly Hice, late of the township of Hanover, in said 'county, deceased. And now, April 30th, 1873. Rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent, to-wit: Jo seph Minesinger. residence'in Fulton county, HI., Anson Minesinger, George W. Mine singer, Eliza beth Minesinger, residing in Beaver connty, and Samuel Minesinger, residing in Wilson county, Tenn., David Minesinger, residing in Venango county. Pa., Mary Minesinger, Abaeail Minesin for, residing in the State of California. Ruth iinesinger, residing in Beaver connty. Pa., Eliza beth Minesinger and Martha Minesinger, residence unknown, James Minesinger, residence in Mon tana Territory, Henry .Minesinger, J. Q. A. Mine singer and Martha Needham, residing in the State of Indiana. James Minesinger, residence in the State of Illinois, John Minesinger and Thomas Minesinger, residence unknown, Anthony Mine singer, residence unknown, Rosanna Barnum, res idence unknown. Ailsey Minesinger, intermarried with Alexander Nash, residing in the State of In diana, and all others interested to show canse. if any they have, why an inqnest to make partition ol the real estate of the said decedent, ohonld not be awarded at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Beaver, in and for the : county of Beaver, on the Second Monday of June, A. D. 1873. A true copy of Rule. Attest ; JOHN C. HART, Clerk. CHAMBERUN WHITE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, May 6,IST:!, —my9-3t NOTICE. Uenrici & Lenin. Trustees. 1 In the Coart of Com vs v man -Pleas of Beaver W. F. Modes, et hi. } County, Fi. Fa. No. 36 and 37, March Term, 1873. Dominic Betohe Her, 1 FI. Fa. No. 37, March vs. vTerm, 1873. W.F. Modes. 1 John Miller ) vs > FI. Fa. No. 38, March Term, 1873. W F Modes, ) And now to wit: April 29th, Joseph Led lie. Esq., is appointed an Auditor to distribate the proceeds of sale of personal property sold on the above writs, and now in the hands of Sheriff White. By the Court. BEAVER COUNTY, ss: A true extract Irom the Record. Attest: • JOHN CAUGHEY, Proth’y. The Auditor above named will attend to the da ties of his appointment at his office in The Radi cal building. Third street, Beaver, Pa., on SAT URDAY, MAY 24th, 1873, at ten o’clock in the forenoon. JOSEPH LEDLIE, Auditor. my 9 3t. NOTICE In the Orphans’Court of Beaver County: In the matter ofthe flnalaccountof William Brnnton, and James M. Reed, executors of the last will and testament of Elizabeth BrothcrtoD, dec’d. And now to wit; April 2«th, 1873, the Court on motion appoint F. U. Agnew and J. M. Buchanan, Esqs., Auditors to report distribution of the bal ance in the bands ofthe accountants. From the Record. Attest: JOHN C. HART, Clerk. . The Auditors above named will attend to the duties of their appointment at the Court House, in Beaver, on WEDNESDAY, the 28th day op MAY. 1873, at 10 o’clock, a. m.. when and where all parties interested may attend. F. 11. AGNEW. ' I myti-St. J. M. BUCHANAN, OF APPRAISEMENTS. The following appraisement* under the act of Assembly of the 14t.h of April, 1851, of property al lowed to"be retained by the widow or children of a decedent to the value off3oo*. have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court,‘and confirmed A'isi. viz: Personal property to the amount of $299 07 re tained by widow of Henry Scheibner, deceased. Andrew Carothers, administrator. Personal property to the amount of $299 98 re tained by widow of William Toland, deceased. Samuel Oorsuch, administrator. Personal property to the amount of $2OO 40 re tained by widow.of James M. Smith, deceased. J. M. Smith and James Christy, exetntors. Personal properly to the amount of $3OO retained by widow of John Eaton, deceased. Nancy Eaton and James Eaton, admr’s. Persona! property to the amount of $299 68 re_ t,-lined by widow of John K. Buckley, deceased’ Jacob E. Sharer, administrator. Personal property to the amount of $3OO retained by widow of John Doherty,’■deceased. J. H. Do herty. administrator. Personal property to the amount of s3ooretained by widow of Robert Wilkison, deceased. Robert Patton and Win Wilkison, executors. Personal property to the amount of $3OO retained by widow of Ingraham Boyd, deceased. M. Camp, Jr., administrator. Notice is hereby given to heirs, legatees, dis tributees and all’others Interested to appear at the next term of said Court, not later than the third day, it being the 19th day of June. 1873, to sliow cause, if any they have, against the final con firmation of the above appraisements. mylo-3t JJHN C. UART, Clerk O. C. J>EGISTER’B NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following ac counts have been examined and passed by the Register of Beaver county and will be presented to the Judges of the Orphans’ Court on Wednes day. June 11th, A. D. 187‘i, for confirmation and al lowance : Pinal account of John Edgar, administrator of the estate of Andrew Stratton, deceased. Final account of John Freshkorn, executor of the estate of John Mink, deceased. Final account ipersonal i of Andrew Watterson. executor of the estate of Samuel Harbison, dee d. Final account of John Sterling, guardian of Elizabeth It., minor child'Ol William Sterling. Final account of Margaret McMahan, admimstra tpr of John McMahan, deceased. 1 Final account of Daniel Figley, guardian of Ma tilda Erb, deceased, minor child ol J. C. Erb. de ceased Account of David Scott, executor of |he estate of Dr. L‘. Elder, deceased Partial account (real) ofWllliam Leaf, executor ol the e s’ale of William L. Dickinson, deceastd. Final account ( Personal) of William Leal, execu tor of the estate ol William L. Dickinson, dec'd. Final account ol Sarah W. Brunson, administra trix ol the estate of John W. Brunson, deceased. Final account (personal) of William Beatty, ex ecutor ol the estate of Jane Rowan, deceased. Final account (real) of William Beatty,executor of the estate of Jane Rowan, deceased. Final account (real) of Valaria Dunlap, adminls trawix of Pressly C. Dunlap, deceased. Final account (personal) of Valaria Dunlap, ad ministratrix of Pressly C Dunlap, deceased. Final account of J. C. Wilson, guardian of Jsancy McCracken, minor child of John McCracken, dec d. Final account of Samuel Mitchell, executor of the estate of Sc rapt a W. Dust on. deceased. Final account of Robert Cooper, guardian of Charles, Abraham G. and George VN ~ minor chil dren of Abram Bruce, deceased. Final account of S. B. Wilson. Esq euardinn of Sena Russell, minor child of Ralph M. Rus=cll, deceased. mylfUt NOTICE. ESTATE Of JOHN- ROWK, DECEASED. 1 etlcr« of administration on the estate of John Rowe deceased, late of South Beaver township, Ivivin" been granted to the undersigned, all per ion"indebted to said estate are requested to make fmmedhte payment, and those having claims or demands the same to present them proper- IS a„,hcimc a to