The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 16, 1873, Image 1

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    ~pTTBT.TaTTTT.33 EVERY FRIDAY. ■■ ■■ PER ANNtJM jjif. ADVANCE. - ,
, ; ’ BE ' 10 - 1873 - ; -""
saU*oaa.s. | v s«* . t , ’ 35^^' ■ 3fe>weiru.
riafc y.
10\GO and after March
train# will leave statUfaaaa follows:
1.45 am o.ooam 9.10 am! 1.30 pm
2,64 ~ 7.23 10.23 . 2.40
5.15 10.85 i I.BOPM i 5.28
0.51 ■ 12.19 J M 8.07 | 7.00
8.55 i 3.15 ‘ ' 5.09 1 9.11
9.50 , 4.00 ; 5,40 9.40
'.I 40 5.55 AM I 6.00 , 9.50
114)5 7.40 | 7.55 11.15
12 OSps 9.00 9.15 ) 13.17aM
11.50 ! 18.05 am 1 2.45
4.45 2.35 pm 2.55 1 5.05
.50 0.30_ 0.50 8.20 PM
ns going kast.
i At
tc fd c
MALL EXFB’S. BXPB’s. expb'B.
5.15 am 'J.-Mam 5.30 PM 0.20 pm
0.15 12.02fji 8.55 , 12.15 am
13 3iipm 2.20 11.20 ,0 00
345 4.07 I.lBa* 8.05 pm
4! 00 5.08 2.27 0.27 ]
e, 35 ti.: J 0 4.05 11.10
ri’.oo\M 0.50 4.15 11 30am
tMO 7.10 4.43 11.05 pm
OJJO 9.20 6.37 4 2.13
11.4 S 11.00’ J £25 4-420 .
9.50 pm 1.12 am 10.43 1 6.65
l (ifi 23ft ‘ 11.45 am 8.00
,1 Passenger and Agent.
i Ar
\ De
H. and alter Dec. 23d, 1872, trains will leave
I- liai'.y. (Sundays excepted) as follows;
8.30 am 1.56 pm 4.00 pm
9.43 3.09 5.18
10.15 3.33 j 5.48
11.10 4.13 6.35
: 11.44 4.44 I
1 I.IOPM 6.00
| 3.40 ' 8.20 1
, :l!o
| 6.30 am I4srar
5.55 8.15. f
10.30 , 4.30.; '
1125 ; T 5.1- 7.10 am
• 12.12 pm! 5.48 . 8.00
12.45 6.14 8.45
i ’..55 7.15 10.C0
5.45 am 13.50 am
5.55 11.00 3.45
6.57 . 12.12 PM 4.45
S.lo 1.35 6.20 I
0.30 2.35 ; 7.15
10 40 * 3.40. 8.20
if :i .ilf
- iN’G W
■| "" ss
port. .
Leaves Arrives
ila.O to am a LOO pm I Bayard, 0.45 am a 4 oopm
(1.1-10 a 5.0 n p. m. |N. Phiia. 5.00 a 7 .00 p m
j General Passeneer and Ticket A;rent.
r. r.
Uter !) '(- 'mbi’r 22d. 1572, Trains will arrive
a-* follows: ;
iL'h Trains Leave Through Trains Arrive
1 lion Depot: I’nion Depot,
i Exp's. 2:50 a m Mail Train. 1 1:(lo a m
Trim. 7:45 ;i m Fast Line. 1:55 a m
,_’o K\- 12 20 pni Pitt.-lmr'jti Ex. S (Kia m Kv LlUgi m Cincinnati Ex. S:4O a m
Ex. s:2opm Southern Ex. II:Clpm
i. 11 . s ; :>t) pni Pacific Expr's. Lin pm
i.o' al Way i’a-senirer, 0:50 p in
■No I. 0:40 a m i.ocai..
.-V_- Ac Walls No 1 0:50 am
7 o:. i m Brirtfoti Ac. Nol, 7:-'5O a m
No 2. In 2't .a ni Wilkin.-burc Ac
\o ■;
11:15 a in
2 to p m .lolinstown Ac. loioatn
N't. ;; 20 pni Walls No 5, 1:15 p m
o*n \c i:io ji in Walls No 4 5:20 p m
oin- Wilkinshnro Ac
.'5 Nr.|, 1 .'si p m No 2 4.45 pm
■■ ‘o No 2 5- in p 111 Walls Ac. No. 5 5:55 p m
5 * 015 pm Rrinton No 2. 0;.5o p m
\ No - ; i 1 2n |i iii Hriiiton Ac. Nos 7:25 p m
L No>; 1 pns p nr P.riii!on Ac N*>4 11:10pm
;i- i ’illirm.• 1 1 1 K\|irc<-. Fm-:
A ' Nn •'! I'-ii' .• <1 mi Iv.
i— <l,il l \. -xrcjit Moml.-iy.
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'tni’-.'-it 1!: !< 1 .-i in: I > )ii!;i(}i , ))>hin -ir'iO
i' ll ii in: Wii'hiiiijroii .VIO Jj m.
li !
■' -11' 111
, v- i. vil ii t-hurirh at |> m
pi ->g .) , n Philadelphia 2.30 :i la
■. ■ 1■! ■„ 'in
11 \pn ■ - - 1 1* *i v i*" Pittsburgh :i t 1:10 p
11.irn-Unr;; in; 45 p in; Philadelph.a 2;50
Hr 'J.l.'i.c in; Wi'liiliirtull nOHIa ni. New
I”: i a Mx pre- - In:iVi‘s Pittsburgh at 5:20 p
- 1 tl.w t i-h ii am: Philadelphia 6:55
' 'ink 11 >• ] 1 a in.
■ ■i■ n- IV f-bnrirh at v.Vt pm: an ;m-> at
' 'Pi a in: Philadelphia !K.h a in: Ualti
' " W.i-li on 11 ;-'!n a in; Nun York
ir• - h 'l>aili' leave WalTf Station every
' I' l .l ih.reachini: I’itt-hnrsrh at 10:0(1 am,
- 1 e- I’.ir-bnrirhat TJt-'Mp m. and arrive
■' ! '•■■n at P.M) |J 111. I.eane I’i 11 >1)11 riril
•• 8 ,- i,ntoii‘i- 10;:{(> p in.
, !•. K r Oi'Mi'K Fur the eonveiiienre
■!;- I’iii-tinrirh the Pennsylvania
' I'ijn; •. have opened a city ticket office
I. r-ei ne curner ol "'inithtield street.
' i_Mi Take!', i 'oinintilal ion Tickets
ket- t .principal t:v t ion? ran be pur
■'•v Iniiir ol the day or evening ut the
-.-.. re ehaiL'eil at the depot.
'•ii »e cm ‘ckei) th i ronL r hto destination
- -ml te':.lene...■. by Kxcel-ior Bajriratte
‘ 1 "Ji order- lett at tlie otlieo.
iiilorinai ion applv to
' \TT. 1). M BOYD. .lit..
Manager lien. Ba-s: Au’ent.
! •! • i •'; HKNY V A LLKY HA ILHOAD
i M iMubiy. July l.Vh. Three
'- • 1 1 ( \. fxoi-pt Sunday. will leave
( ny ijnii'. for Franklin.
;ii 1 point.- in the Oil lienton-,
• 11■ 1 < ‘'ill ra 1 Nrxv York.
!'■ i. 1 A(
' .*> .">o p m T.'io p m
I'iTtshiirsli <*\ery
; "■ t! r ■ ;nir :iT l‘:ii k*ir :i> 11 .i" ;i ni.
1 1"■ irk<_• r ;it 1 4‘> p in, and arm e.- at
'■ ' 1' 111
1 'ito.iinl from Soda Work- (Sunday)
-U '.i.r,(i a ni. and lea\v.s at
I-AWRKNCE, Gcn’l. Stipl
6.30 am 1.15 pm 4.25 pm
7.40 2.20 5.30
8.50 i 3.20 1 7.00 .
fl.oO 4.20 1 9.00
11.00 5.25 0.05
11.10 5.40 . 0.20
Nu 1
Walls No 2
S;2o a m
It; 10 a m
l.i-.ix e A rrix e
7.10 :i ni 5..7') J) ID
PMu )I m a m
lll.Mtain Uj ;l IB
■I -Id a 111 • < -!Ji a in
!i 'in a in s ila a in
II in a ni "I in a m
1. - ’a pin in IJO ain
a iKJ pni >..Vi ain
i; to p ni r>. l;> p ni
i i lo the Orphans' Court of Beaver coun-
SEAL >ty.‘ In the matter of the petition forpar*
{ —■*—- ) tltion of the real estate of Polly Hlce,
late of the township of Hanover, in said county,
And now, April 30tb, 1873. Rule on the heirs and .
legal representatives of said decedent, to-wit: Jo
seph Mlneslngor residence in Fnlton county. HI.,
Anson Mlneslnger, George W. Mlneslnger, Eliza
beth Minesinger. residing in Beaver county, and
Samuel Mlneslngor, residing in Wilson county,
Tcnn., David Mlneslnger, residing in Venango
county, Pa.. Mary Mlneslnger. Abagall MlnosTn
ger, residing in the State of. California, Rath
Mlneslnger, residing in Beaver county. Pa., Eliza
beth Mlneslnger ana Martha Mlneslnger, residence
unknown, James Mlneslnger. residence In Mon-
Tana Territory, Henry Mlneslnger. J. Q. A. Mine
singer and Martha Needham, residing In the State
of Indiana, James Minesinger, residence in the
State of Illinois, John Mlneslnger and Thomas
Minesinger, residence unknown, Anlhdny Mine
singer, residence unknown, Rosanna Barnaul, res
idence unknown. Ailsey Minesinger, Intermarried
with Alexander Nash, residing in the Stale of In
diana, and all others Interested to show cause, if
any they have, why an inquest to make partition
ol the real estate of the said decedent, should not
be awarded at an Orphans’ Court, to be held at
of Rule. * - . _
Attest : JOHN C. HART, Clerk.
Shei ill's Office, May 0.1873, my9-3t
In the Orphans’ Court of Beaver Conn
-I.— ■— 1 ty. In the matter of the petition for par
- SEAL Vtltiou of the real estate of Smith Mc
( \ Daniel, late of North Sewickly twp.. In
said county, deceased.
And now to wit: March *2r>th IST3. Rale on
the heirs and legal representatives of Smitu Mc-
Daniel. deceased, viz; Eliza, intermarried with
Archibald Smith, Charlotte, intermarried with .
Daniel Malasky, Smith McDaniel, all residing in I
North Se widely township, Beaver county, Pa.; j
Margaret, Intermarried with A. G. Mcßride, re- j
siding in Sandoval, Marian county. Illinois, John j
residing in Newport. Kentucky. AiSO j
grand-children, Ito wit: Children of Lidia Me- 1
Daniel, deceased, who was intermarried wth Mat- (
thew Ramsey, viz; Samuel S.. John M., David |
M., Nancy E., intermarried with Timothy Dee, 1
Mary, intermarried with Liberty Mnnn, James ,
William, Lidia A. and Randolph Ramsey, (said ■■
Samuel S. Ramsey. residing in State of ) 1
and the remaining eight children residing m Bea- 1
ver and Allegheny counties, the live last named 1
being miners, and having for their guardian au (
litint. John Goddard. Also children of Nancy Me- j
Daniel, deceased, who was intermarried with Ja
cob Piersol. now deceased, Jacob Ptersol, Jr., re- I
siding in Beaver county. Pa., Agxes Piersol, re- |
siding with Mrs A. G. Mcßride,at Sandoval, Mar- .
iau countv. 111., -Rachel M. Piersol and Stella Pier- J
sol. residing in West Virginia, the last three Nam
ed being minors, and having for their guardian ad
1 titinl , John Goddard aforesaid, and all others to
1 appear and show cause, if any they have, why an
I inquest to make partition of the real estate of said
decedent, should not be awarded at an
Ccurt, to be held at Beaver, in and for the couhtj
I of Beaver, on the Second Monday of June next,
1873. A true copy of Rule. -Attest:
JOHN C. HART, Clerk,
' Sheriff’s Office, Beavijr, April 2tr, 1873—m93t.
Fine Farm on the Ohio River and
Pittsburgh Fort Wayne & Chicago
Railroad, 20 .11 lies from Pittsburgh.
By virtue of an order Of the Orphans’ Court of
the county of Beaver, the undersignecTTrustee ap
pointed to make sale ol the real estate of Will am
Yount;, late of the township of Economy, in said
county, deceased, after proceedings in partition,
will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry on
the premises, on TUESDAY, the 27th day of MAY,
IsT-T at ID o'clock, a. m.. the following described
real estate of said decedent, situate in said town
ship of Economy, county and State aforesaid, viz ;
Beginning at a po-t on the Ohio river, thence by
lands 01 U. Komeigh. John Fowler and D. Ehr
man noilh Wi deg. east -‘os perches to a post,
lnenci- by land ot James and Nelson Musgruve
north 2b‘ ; deg. west si 15 100 perches to a black
oak; thence by land of John Cummings’ heirs
south D-T . deg. west lift perches to a post on the
bank of tue Ohio river, thence up said river south
isv 4 .deg, east si ttO-lDOper to the place of beginning
containing 10*2 acres and 1 riper more or less, all
of which is cleared and under fence, and in a fine
state ot cultivation, and on which are aline ’2-story
brick dwelling house, containing b rooms, finished
aitic. ’2 halls, all well tiini-hed, with cellar under
neath the whole building; huge stone spring
house, with good spring conveniently located,
having' pipes laid I herefrom, carrying water into
Ihe kitchen; a huge double Ira me barn, withgia
nary. carriage ‘house, find stabling for horses and
cattle, and all ot !ct nec.--s.arv out buildings. There
aie ID ACHES t'F OKCIIAKDS on the premises,
.-onlaniing 11 nKi apple I ices, 50 ijuilice trees, and
peach, plum mi other tiees. ail in good bearing
condition; also all kind- of small Imit. shrubbery.
Ac. The l.u in ha- been well known as a good
market garden, being well adaptgd to that pur
po-e. and is situated one-ball mile of Heinington
and Baden stations, on tin I‘. Ft. M. A I . 11. It,,
in sight ol the Ohio river, and convenient to
schools, churches. Ac.
TEEMS— dne-I iiird of the purchase money in
hfmd on confirmation ot the sale by the Court, and
the remaining two-thirds at the death ol Jeannetl
Headland, iloimerly Yoittig. l widow of the dece
dent. with interest from ihe date ol confirmation,
p iv able annually to said widow during her natural
life, the said two-third- to !)<> secured by bond and
mortgage on the premi-e-.
CHAM BE 111. IN WHITE. Trustee.
April fil', I'Tl my’2 lit
not be over estimate! It is very true
that an attempt is likely to be made by
professional politicians to gel control of
the movement, but this is additional
proof, of the most positive kind, that
the people have an interest hi it. The
politicians see that "(here is something in
March* an, l they are determined to make the
most of it. Men of this profession are
1 noted for their shrewdness in this respect.
They make believe that they are the
April *»,h. 1-73. Joseph Le d . leaders, while, in truth, they are only the
lie if appointed an Auditor to dtst ribute the ' followers of public opinion.
uroce.-ils o( sale of pcr-otul properly sold on Ihe , . f ~ , .
above writs, .and now in the hands of Sheriff At the present stage of the develop
tviiite. '.*!'■ , lhe (oUrt - ' menl of this movement the monopolists
REAVER COt MV ss : , ’ , . ~ ,
\ true eKtract irom the Kecora. do not seem to regard it as at all danger-
Attest; , ,
dull.N cai puev. Froth y. ous to themselves- They continue to ex-
Beaver. I’a
%nnci .V l.fii;-. TniM.---, , In the ( jurl ot Com
11i*> *i I’i of Braver
\ bounty. Ft. Fa. No.
\V .M I'd I", ot H-:
3H and :i7. Mart'll "Vnn. 1 v 77
Dominic Hntolif llt'r r i Vi No
v- Ti-nu.
W F. Mode.-. )
•John Miller (
\* Ki. Fa. No. H'. March reim, 1-b-i
'I he Amliior above named win attend to the du- 1 ertise the arbitrary power which they
Pa . l'on SAT- now possess with a nonchalance that is in
i kdat. Ma v i4iti. i N 7;i at ten o cluck in the )C ij degree irritating to those
foieiioon. JU>t.l n l-c.iM.IP-. Aim u r. . , .
In>;Jt whose interests are an tagonislic to theirs.
language of one of the chief monopolists
In thi- orphan.-' Court of Beaver County: In tire of the country: “ \V7‘U ! nre you go
i'.'d 'CI ’m r iV. a .‘d" vx ■ ■c’■m r s'"of 1 “ he ?a"t n wili ««'/ *•> ' ,O rII is evident that the
nnd teMamcnt o! Eli/a’ieth Brotherton,dee d. great railroad kings of the country have
Durham full confidence in their power to defeat
E^i-- .Auditor!* to report .n-mbut ion of the bal- p er) pi e ; n this interesting contest. No
•incc inilm Innds ofthe accountant. 1 ‘ ,
From the Kecoid. . doubt they have intrenched themselves m
' ,ii 'i leigal fortresses that cannot be taken with-
The Auditors aho«e named will attend to Hie = , _ ~ u
diiiU-s of their appointment at ihe tourl House, out a unanimous assault. But, the pub'
M\ y* SoSk d D whe°re ’ lie. when united, is no insignificant com
;,;i*parties interested may attend. AONRW J batant. Public opinion is the greatest
.1. M. bucuanan. , piwer on earth, which neither crowned
•f) 3t
The JRadical is published every Friday momln;
u the following rates:
Osi Y«a», (payable la tdvance,)... .fWM-
SixMobthi, * “ liOOs
Tg»l« « . M , u 80
Papers discontinued to subsertbera at the expire
cton of their terns of snbscrtpttoM atthe.optlonol
the publisher. onlese otherwise dgreednpon.
Professional or Business Cards, hot exceeding 10
lines of&Ja type.fB.oo per annuo. ‘
Advertise mentallo lines or lew, f l.OOfor one
insertion, and 5 cents per line for each additional
All advertisements, whether of displayed or blank
,lnes, measured by linejpf this type.
Advertisements by the month, quarter or year
received, and liberal deductions made in proportion
to length of advertisement and length of time ol
Special Notices inserted among loca. items at 10
cents per line for each insertion, unless otherwise,
agreed upon by the month, quarter or year.
Advertisements of sBaea or leas, opcejilsforone
inserttoh, ted 5 owith pA fin* tthea&i additions
Marriage or Death announcements published free
of charge. Obituary notices charged as advertise
ments, and payable In advance.
Local news and matters of general interest com
municated by any correspondent, with real name
disclosed to the "publisher, win be thankfully re
ceived. Local news solicited from every' part of
the county.
Publication Office; In Tbs Radical Buildiso
Corner Diamond, Beaver, Pa.
All communications and business letters should
be addressed to SMITH CURTIS, BeaVer, Pa.
Page I—Washington Letter—How General Crook
tamed the Apaches. <
Page 2—Elective Affln itles.
Page 3—The Democratic Party.
Page 4—Hon. Edward King—The Salary Grab—
The Proposed Amendment—Hon. S. P. Chase —
Political—Philadelphia Letter.
Page B—Local Items.
Page 6—History of the Beaver Valley—The Rea
soning Schoolmaster.
Page 7— Farmers and Patents—Driving Fence-
Posts—The Cream of Milk.
Page B—News Items—New Advertisements.
Cheap Transportation—O rent Interest;,
felt in the matter— Remedies Suggest;
Washington, D. C., May 12, 1873
Perhaps the question that is attracting
most attention at the present time is that
of devising the means for procuring cheap
transportation for both freight and passen
gers. . That this subject is engaging the
minds of vast numbers of the people is
evidenced by the organization of the
‘ Patrons of Husbandry” and kindred so
cieties which have their origin in the
feeling created by the exorbitant de
mands of the various transportation
monopolies. It is said that the Farmers’
Granges in the Slate of lowa alone com
prise a membership of over a hundred
thousand. Further proof of the great in
terest fell in this matter is to be found in
the frequent conventions held, and to be
held, for the purpose mainly of inter
changing views upon this very question
of transportation. The convention of
Illinois fanners was a meeting of great
importance, which showed that our ag
ricultural people were thoroughly alive
to their interests. The convention at
New York city, which closed its session
a few days ago, the meeting of Governors
soon to take place at Atlanta, Georgia,
and the convention of Congressmen call-
ed to meet at St. Louis, Missiuri, all in
the interest of this cheap transportation
movement, have a significance tint can-
IJy their manner they seem to say, in the
iih their heimeted soldiers nor
kings with Hbeir millions And
of milllona.aan withstand. /
the trouble is that public opinion
united upon any plan of operation,
it may, be said that no plan has
formed. The army has only
'ng, simply making > a re*
It la beginning to'be time,
a plan of attack should be
andothers interested in
vy tery profitably consider
the monopolists: “Whet
fodb aboat it?”
hly two methods ofsoly
■*id they may be stated
insider the first method,
possibly be better to bring
ah<T the ' consumer • closer
? Might it not possibly be good
topiacetbe manufacturer and
jrlat) - alongside >ot each; other
theycanexcbjnge tbeir respective
Without ' intervention of an
the West
lanufactories in
in locate him*
ter*. Then each
of .the other,
thejftflue «i the pro
rartsd>y the, c*rrier. Bat- this
a prlncipie in political
f ili is to*aim
;fOfUsßr illustration. Yet,
■ elmpfybecausewe would still
*use even if
‘‘oiribnlcd through-
There are cer
-7 that must ne
must remain where both ore and coal are
to be found. And then, too, railroads are
tideof the &r m<
liable exchange
necessary for passenger purposes. It is de
sirable that the people should travel even
more than they do now. Therefore, we
must look further, and this necessitates
the consideration of the second method
above mentioned.
But how can the public force the rail
roads to carry freight or passengers at re
duced rates without violating the very
principle upon which our government is
founded, to-wit: the inviolable right of
personal freedom ? If the state has the
right to establish rates at which trans
portation companies shall be compelled
to carry freight and passengers, upon the
same principle it may establish the priced
at which the farmer shall be compelled to
sell his grain, the manufacturer his wares
and the artisan his labor. There is one
principle that should never be lost sight
of —that there should be nodiscriminatlon
made between individuals or between
classes. Besides being unjimt to adopt
any arbitrary method of fixing rates for
the carrying of freight and passengers it is
equally impracticable to do so. Tbere
could never be any settled rales
would not, at limes, be either too high or
100 low, and there could be uo rates fixed
that would prove satisfactory to all concern
ed. While the shipper might think them
too high the carrier would think them
too low, and the same spirit of antagon
ism between the two classes of shipper
and carrier would continue to exist ju;-l as
it does now and even to a greater extent
The true principle is tn allow transpor
tation rates to adjust themselves naturally,
just as the prices of merchandise and the
wages of labor are supposed to do under
our present system. Tins natural method
is that arising from free competition. The
government has a right, yea. it is its duly,
to see that the principJes 'of competition
have full play. In duty to the public it
should remove all obstacles, ad the causes
of friction. The obstacles to free compe
tition are monopolies, and this is just that
of which the people complain. But how
these monopolies may be broken up is the
problem pressing for solution. It has
been proposed that the government should
purchase and manage the railroads, and
this seems likely to be the method thatfe
will be adopted in Great Brittain. The
difficulty here, however, is that the gov-
ernment itself becomes the greatest mo
i nopoly of all, and this is contrary to the
i spirit of our institutions. Our people
belieye in the principle of confining the
; government to its legitimate functions
: of preserving order and preventing frauds.
But there is one other method that does
not seem to have been suggested up to
waywlth IhcTKOessUy
ealrable. by
only being edfployed)
carry freight andpaaeen
mi)y equal to that realized
tineas which ia both prao
la. ,
Ibis time. Mr. Josiah Quincy, a staunch
friend of the people, in ,%n addresr dellv*
ered before t|e National Cheap Transput
tallon Convention at the Astor House,
New York, the. other 0 day, came very
near hitting the nail square on the head.
His proposition is that the government
shall purchase all the road beds in the
county, and allow the public to run
trains of cirs opop them. This certainly
permits-the full operation of thi prioci*
ple'-of free competition, and under such a
system the railroad carrying business
will exactly resemble our present river
navigation system. The; roads become
publib highways in reality, uppn which
all other people without respect, of per*
sons, are permitted to travel iand to com*
plete In business. : The high standing of
Mr. Quincy is sqlßcient to obtain for this
suggestion "a candid hearing.
There is one difficulty in the way of
the successful inauguration of such a
system, ahd it is found in the enormous
expense that will attend the purchase of
the seventy thousand miles of road bed.
This would nefcessitateibe trebling of our
present national Indebtedness, and the
people are not prepared to endorse such
action. Bat Is there hoy other mesps by
Which the same result can he atlaiped r
H so, then it ought to engage tipi, aerlons
attention of all persons interested in this
question.. ?
It can certainly be done, easily *done,
without involving the government in a
single dollar of indebtedness, or' without
the violation of the right of individual
personal liberty, without any disorlmina
tion between individuals or classes. . But
i how can this bfe done?
The answer is: “By the enactment of
a law requiring the companies owning
the road beds to permit the use of them
by any person and all persona loir the run
ping ot trains tberCou upon the payment
of certain tolls, and forbidding the fan
ning of trains by'tbe persons or companies
interested In the road beds upon which
stlch trains shall be moved. In a word,
separate the ownerships the road beds
same individuals or corporations. Let
the lolls be agreed upon by the represen
tatives of both classes and if no agree
ment can be made in this way, then let rt
be done by arbitration. Let the tolls be
fixed for suclydlmnite periods as may be
agreed upon by these conventions of rep
resentatives or arbitrators.
Now, it is not believed that this plan
has ever before been suggested, and the
writer flatters himself that it is entirely
original with him. The plan advocated
by Mr. Quincy, referred to above, comes
nearer being the same than the writer
has seen in the course of considerable
reading upon the subject.
One merit of this plan is its simplicity.
Another is its inexpensiveness. Still
another is that it makes no discrimina
linns. These three features seem to make
it just what is desired. At all events it
is worthy of the most serious study, and
it should be agitated. Let it be proposed
in some of the future conventions. Let
the people think about it. Let all the
arguments pro and con be adduced, and
let it stand or fall according to it's merit
or its lack of merit. Sam.
If there is any one fact more prominent
than another in the experience of Indian
affairs it is the absolute impossibility of
making a peace with savage
tribes while they remain unsubdued by
force. A very striking illustration of
this truth is furnished by the recent suc
cessful completion of treaties with the
worst of the Arizona Ind ians, by General
Crook, after all efforts to, persuade lh<‘
Apaches into peace had failed, and had
only intensified their truculence and au.
dacity. The Jieroni has for several years
repeatedly pointed out the uselessness of
appeals to the moral nature of the
Apaches, and again and again have our
views been borne out by the facts. The
result of the Colyer mission to Arizona
was to increase the daring, insolence and
intractability of °tho Indians, to feller
the hands of General Crook, to expose
life and property U> greater dangers than
ever, and to postpone a final settlement
of the Indian question in that region. A An unsophisticated correspondent
similar result was apprehended from the writes to ask whether it is Fisk or Stokes,
subsequent visit of General Howard, but whose case is in review before the Gener
though there is strong reason to believe al Term. Apparently the late Mr. Fisk is
the hero of the Freedmen’s Bureau en on trial. Yesterday Mr Tremaia compar
tertained very similar views to those of ed him to Nero and George 1L2., of Eng
the Colyer school, it fortunately hap- land—our George, who put the tax on
pened that public opinion bad been ton tea in Boston harbor. >Sr. Stokes ia
strongly moved by the disastrous failure quite another man- Ho is one of the un
of the sentimental policy to render fortunate citizens confine in the Bastilo
repetition of that course either safe or ; on Centre street, -wbosa the authorities
advisable. Ultimately, therefore General ought to board as b.ea,d, in 4
1 Crook’s hands were untied, and he wa , ' on the Hudson,
permitted to try the effect of tbe sterner
programme. A consummate soldier, a
wary and thoroughly . trained c Indian
fighter, and coneldcrahle, pow
er of*' organisation,this commander
patiently and persistently followed the
savages, giving them no breathing time,
pursuing them Into *their most necret
fastnesses, and indicting upon thecnrapid,
heavy sustained and well dlrected hlows.
For the first time they. had encountered
® n ene ®y fro® whom there was ~ no
escape. The old tactics of sudden df
sceotp. ambushes and rapid retreats;; to »
the mountains proved unavailing; The
descents were impracticable, Ibeamboshes
were useloss againal ao cool and wary a
foe, and the retreats were turned into
dlsaatrousroutabythe celerity.withwhicli
the troopsshoved In pujrsnii., -
Thiscourse was kept u$ steadily until
the Apaches began to realize tW they
had mettheif master. The interviewing,
the pow-wowing, the present giving
were ail at an end.: There were no long
er any of the pleasant excitements iaci
deot to the capture and slaughter of de
fenseless trains. The Indians had'.as>
time for plundering raids, for It. waa
more than they could do to keep out, of
barm’s way. And when they com pro*
headed the, fell meaning of the situation
they were ready, lor a real and earnest
peace. And the issue of this detpraaiued
campaign was that op the 6th instant, at
Camp Verde, two of the worst bands of
Apaches subscribed tbQlrallegiaoceto.the
Government, pledged themselves to. vgo
upon their reservations and stay tbe/e,
and this without solicitation, and with no
farther inducements than the assurance
that if they kept the faith they would bo
protected, if they broke It they wo|xld
be destroyed. .There was n<? d istrlbution
of presents at this council. TbereWere
no soft* spoken missionaries present to
fiatter and truckle to the savages. There
was only brave General Crook and bia
galjant, war-worn officers aisl men, and
the Indians tolly appreciated jibe thor
oughly business character of the proceed
the,.j|adiah3abaa - - •
doned circumlocution and came to the
point at once. They wanted it distinct
ly understood that they considered them
selves very thoroughly beaten and had.
no more stomach for fighting. They con
fessed that they had been baffied at their
own game, and they respected and fear: cl
the power that had defeated them. It is
the general opinion among those who are
best acquainted with the Indian character
that this peace will last, and that the
Apache-Mohaves and Apache Tontos will
behave themselves decently for the future.
After such a triumph General Crook had
a right to use the language of just exulta
tion which appears in his General Order
No. 14, issued on the 9th inst. We cann t
do better than to close with an extract
from this document :
Prescote, April 9, I'd
[General Orders, No. 14.]
The operations of the troops in this
department in the late campaign against
the Apaches, ealiMe them to a reputation
second to none in the annals ol Indian
In the face of obstacles heretofore c>n
sidered insurmountable, encountering rig.
orous cold in the mountains, followed iu
quick succession by the intense heat and
arid wastes of the desert, not unfrequent
ly at dire extremities for want of wafer to
quench their prolonged thirst, and when
their animals were stricken b} pestilence
or the country became 100 rough to be
traversed by them, they left them, anti,
carrying on their own backs such meager
supplies as they might, they persistently
loltnwed on, and plunged unexpectedly
into chosen positions in lava beds, caves
and canyons, they have outwitted and
beaten the wildest of foes With slight loss,
comparatively, to themselves, and finally,
closed an Indian war that has been waged
since the days of Cortez.
Had the same policy been pursued with
the Modncs, General Can by and Dr.
Thomas would have been alivi* 10-day,
and we should not have had the mortify
ing spectacle of forty-five Indians suc
cessfully defying seven hundred disciplin
ed troops, furnished with arms of precis