The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 09, 1873, Image 5

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    wa rm weather. When the reports of
he Bureau indicate the approach of any
articular kind of weather let the signal
Nation hoist the appropriate flag on some
fitncc from whence it can be seen for
distance. Then lef*hoBe in view
the same. This gives the. Information
10 ft considerable extent of territory.
Then those more remote can follow the
■sample- and so on, till the entire country
ill be informed as to the kind of weath
er they may expect. A plan something
this is, perhaps, the only one that
D be adopted whereby the whole people
Dbe benefitted. But, whatever method
Bjay be decided upon, something of the
kind will he done whenever sufficfent
practical tests have been made.
back pat.
The history of the disposition made of
tee money in the matter of the 11 salary
tud" would be very interesting if it could
pe bcown. The pay clerks of the Senate
s cd House are not at all communicative
on t bis subject, however, and we get our
information by piece-meal, as it happens
l 0 iea k out. It is safe to say that much
the larger number of the honorable mem
bers of both branches of Congress have
drawn their respective .shares, and in
tcost cases it is to be supposed they intend
to keep them. Once in a while we hear
of some conscientious gentleman who re
fjee? to haye anyth jpg to do with it. In
K ine case s their consciences do not trou
ble them until sometime after having
drawn their shares. This operation of
iaeconsciences affects different men in
different ways. Some return it to the
Treasury; others present it to schools,
orphan asylums, .churches, and benevo
lent institutions of some kind or other,
that is, they “put it where it will fin their
rpision) do the most good.”
Mr. Cox, of New York, has caused his
stiure ($4,812) to be returned to the Treas
ury. Ii was forwarded by bis brothel-in
law, acting as his agent, who, in a note to
Treasurer Spinner, stated that Mr, Cox
had cvp<>sed that clause of the bill, and
“desired to make bis opposition to the
measure emphatic by this disposition of
the mnney.’’ Queer, isn’t it, that he
should not have thought of that when he
drew ii about two months ago ? Emphatic ,
Mr. Garfield is out in a letter to his con
stituents justifying his action in vojfng
for the increase. One of his arguments,
which will strike most people as somewhat
peculiar, is thaf President Grant did not
veto the bill. A rather strange method of
reasoning upon the moral quality of his
own act.
Senator Sumner has adopted a method
that lifts him clear above all suspicion.
The other day, when he visited the pay
cler's to draw his salary for the last ses
sm be was informed that the sum of
H 444 was credited to him as back pay.
Ee immediately sat down and wrote a
note directing the Secretary of the Senate
to turn the amount into the Treasury. His
hands are clean.
Mr. Shellabarger.of Ohio,drew his share
and announces his intention of keeping
it. He says he thinks he is legally en
titled to it, that he has earned it, and that
be has a number of precedents for the
act. Mr. Shellabarger has recently ac
cepted an appointment as member of the
Civil Service Advisory Board- he
favor a similar principle of increasing the
salaries of other public servants? He is
one of the few politicians who
through a long public life an unsullied
reputation for honesty. If be had taken
a different position on this back salary
question it would have been worth much
■more than five thousand dollars to him.
Public opinion is almost universally op
posed to this measure. Occasionally we
see an article justifying it. It is certainly
right and proper that the government
should pay its servants salaries sufficient
to attract the best men, and to enable
them to live in comfort. These are the
only arguments th at have been or can be
nrged in favor of increasing the s/laries
of public officials. But salaries that will
attract good men will attract bad men
still more, and there is an end to that ar
gument. As to living in comfort it will
be difficult to make our people who do
U»e Voting believe that five thousand dol- ! fnl ma y be of valuc ’ but limo is needed to con
i... „ as • » , 7 I firm them. While the Singfr Sewing Machine
I& fs is an insufficient sum for that our- ~ . . .« . , ,
K Company has given the public the finest fruits of
pose. If some of nur honest farmers | inventive genius, they have guarded it from a
could come here to Washington and wit*, i multitude of traps. Attachments have been ad
fless the manner of living among ohJ|i|f d for varioa ® paroles, bat it has irept free
public men they, would not Hkefo heT^ all useless complications Simplicity of
J parte, and adaptation to the widest range of work
anything more about insufficient salaries. h&6 been the constant aim.
It would open their eyes to see how the Instead of boasting of a variety of nselees
biaod, genial Mr carries bim°elf etitchee and movements, it claims to make bnt
when he gets to Washington. They One Kind of Stitch, and that with the Fewest
. , , 3 Movements Possible. Hence the Machine may
learn that the man who was once a run constantly for twenty years, or a life-time, and
candidate is transformed into another sort work just as well as when new.
of being when he becomes a Congrsesman. R. straw & Co, No. 10 Sixth street, Pitts-
Let such a person attend a reception giv- bnr £ h ’ Pfl - , april2s-8m
en by the “Member from his district”
aod then let him tell what he thinks of
having awnings across the sidewalk to
shelter visitors in passing from their car
r>agei to the door. Let him tell what he
thinks of having Brussels carpet laid
Across the sidewalk to keep dry and clean
the satin slippers of the honorable offl
cia l , s daughter, while his own daughter
B°«s out every morning with heavy
boots and sun-bonnet to milk the cows
without thinking of protection from the
J e »ther. And then let him tell If he
°«Bn’i think his own . ruddy-cheeked,
ri ght eyed girl is not just as good as the
pale ’ delicate daughter of the honorable
member of Congress, or other official.
■ him if he wants his money. Toted
ewaythat other men and their families
J? ay liVe fine style and enjoy Injuries I
.. & * be <*** never expect - for htinseif and.
■ loy ed ones. Sam.
Agents.—C. W. Taylor, Beaver Falls; Evan
Pugh, New Brighton; J. Unnenbrink, Rochester.
Badleal la the most extensively circu
lated Weekly Newspaper in Western
Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad..
Going ir<»*r-Mail, 7,46 a. zn; Accommodatior
5,40 p. m.
Goiruf Accommodation, 9,19 a. m;
,87 p. m; Express, 7,07 p. m.
Arrival and Departure of Mails.
Western mall leaves at 6.45 a.m.; arrives at 8 p.m.
Eastern mail leaves at 2p. m.; arrives at Ba. m.
The attention of the public is directed to the
following new advertisements, which appear in
Tbb Radical to-day: •
Special Notice—Darlington L0dge............271U
U. S. Eeverme—C. U. Merrick ~..ss3t
Special Notice—Dra. Oldshue
Auditors' Notice—Agnew & Buchanan.... .1. , .2s3t
Notice In Partition—Chamberlin White......4b3t
Auditor's Notice—Joseph Lcdlie r BsBt
Special Notice—Mrs. Bence 8612 t
J. Moore, druggist, sells Indian Bitters and
Pain Conqueror. aprlB;lm.
Governor Hartranft has signed
the Fish bill.
Two entire new two Horse Wagons, for sale
at tSpeyerer & Son’s., feb2l-tf,.
Prices low for all kinds of boots, shoes,
gaiters, low shoes and slippery at Hertzog
& Beam’s.
For neat and nobby Boots and Shoes call on
G. C. Atkins & Co., Third street. Beaver.
Hon, M, 8, Quay, Secretary of the
Commonwealth, was in town a few days
this week.
J. Uloore, druggist, sells Quick Cough Cure
and French Balm. cprl6-lm.
Stop at the New brick front. Corner of Broad
way and Lock streets, New Brighton, for yonr
clothing. aprll-4t
We are indebted to our correspondent
“Sadie”, for Western papers.
Opera slippers at Hertzog & Beam’s.
Ice Cold Sparkling Soda Water, flavored with
Pure Fruit Syrups, always fresh from Hugo An.
driessen’s Marble Fountains.
Mrs. Bence, third street, Beaver, has just
received another, and the largest lot of millinery
goods this season, she has now all the spring and
summer styles for 1873. with a fine selection of
flowers, ribbons, hats, bonnets, kid gloves, em
broidery. fancy goods and notions generally.
Hats and bonnets altered, cleaned and done over,
also stamping done to order. Reader, she re
spectfully solicits your patronage. may2-4t
We learn that the Hon. Wm. McClel
land is about to remove to Pittsburgh and
engage in the practice of the law. The
Captains many friends will be glad to hear
of his success in the law. .
Early Rose Potato Seed.— H. C. &8. R.
Patterson have for sale cheap at their store, on
Tank Street, Beaver Falls, one hundred bushels
of choice Early Rose Potatoes for seed. •' tf
Hair Droning-— Those who with to have
hair catting, shampopnlng, etc , done at their res
idences can be accommodated, and have the work
neatly executed by calling on J. W. Williams,
now located in the basement of Quay's block
Beaver, Pa. may2-2t
During the year 1873, there will be
four eclipses—two of the sun and two ot
the moon. The only one visible in tbe
United States will be tbe first, a total
eclipse of tbe moon, °n the morning 'of
I2th of May, at four o’clock and thirty
minutes, near tbe setting of tbe moon,
when tbe eclipse commences.
Swiss walking shoe at Herlzig &
. Yonng man those boots don't fit yon! Call
on G. C. Atkins & Co. and get a pair that will.
List of unclaimed letters remaining in
Beaver Postofihe, May Ist, 1873 :
Mrs. Bradford, C. P. Cummings, Esq.,
Mrs. Geo. W. Curtis, Mr. J. P. Edgar,
Robert Grove, M. Hartley, Miss Mollie
Hopkins, ~K. Irwin, Mr. Elolph Lemon,
Mr. Mclnlyne, Mr. Daniel Short, Mrs.
Amanda P. Warrington, Dr. Warring
ton. M A. McGafpick, P. M.
AS the purchase of a Sewing Machine is of
may be an act for a life-time, care should be taken
in selecting one that time and use have proven to
be the best. Time tries all things. “Use only
furnishes the final test.” Opinions of the sklll-
The Greensburg Tribune and Herald
says: The Beaveb Radical, estab iisbed
in 1868, by Col. M. S. Quay. is one of tbe
best weekly papers in the State. Col.
Quay severed his connection with it, as
editor and proprietor, last December, and
Senator Bntan became the proprietor.
From a recent issue we find that it has
changed hands again by Senator Rutau
severing his connection with it. Not
withstanding these recent changes, the
character of the paper remains unchang
ed ; hence, win conclude that Mr. Curtis
has, in reality, been tbe actual editor all
tbe time.
The funeral sermon of the late Rev. D.
P. Lowary will be preached in the Bea
ver Presbyterian Church, Sabbath even
ing May lllb, 1878, by Rev. Kerr, D. DC
All are cordially invited to be present on
the occasion."
tHE. ~
In accordance with the f pies of the par
ty, the Republicans of Beaver count#
will meet at the asaal places of holding v
elections, on Saturday, the 31st day of
Hay, and vote for candidates fornomi
nation for the offices below named:
One person for Assembly;
Oue person for Prothonotary ;
One person for Treasurer;, : \(
One person for Commissioner;
One person for Poor House Director;
One person for Jury Commissioner;
One person for Auditor;
» Two persons for Trusteed of Academy.
; They will also elect members of tbe
County Committee os follows:
Big Beaver tp r .. 3 Independence tp 1
Beaver b0r0...; 2 Industry tp. 1
Borough tp 1 Marion tp... 1
Brldce water boro 2 McGuire dlst 1'
Brighton Jp:.,..y....,'.X Moon tp... ... .1
Baden boro. 1 New Brighton, N. W.. .2
Beaver Palis. 4 *• •* M. W... 2
Chippewa ip............1 “ , is; W... 9
Darlington tp., 2 New Sewickly tp. 2
Economy tp 1 North Sewickly tp 1
Fallston boro 1 New Galilee boio.. I
Franklin tp lOhlotp 2
Freedom dlst 1 Patterson tp 1
Freedom boro 1 Philllpsburg boro 1
Frankfort dlst 2 Pulaskltp. .1
Glasgow boro 1 Raccoon tp 2
Greene tp 8 Rochester b0r0.... i... .8
Georgetown boro 1 Rochester tp.. 1
Harmony tp. 1 South Beaver tp........2
Hopewell tp... 2 Bt, Clair horo 1
Tbe County Convention will convene
at tbe Court House on Stonday, June 2d,
at 10 o’clock, a. m.
W. S. Shallenberger,
Chr’n. Co. Com.
The names of the following candidates for nom
ination for the several offices to be filled at the en
suing October election, are placed before the Re
publican voters of Beaver county for their suffer
ages and decision at the primary elections.
8. J. CROSS, Rochester boro.
Prothonotary. t
O. A. SMALL, Bridgewater boro.
JOHN SLBNTZ, Ohio twp.
JOHN CAUGHEY, Beaver boro.
BENJ. WILDE, New Brighton boro.
WILLIAM EWING, Raccoon twp.
JAMES H. MANN, New Brighton boro.
H. W. SEELY, Rochester boro; /
JAMES TODD, Raccoon twp.
Lt. S. A. JOHNSTON, Borough twp.
JAMES PETERS, Hanover twp.
GEO. W. SHRODES, Moon twp.
Poor 'Honse Director.
GEORGE TEETS, New Sewickly twp.
Jury Commissioner.
JOHN H. BEIGHLET, Rochester, twp,
JOHN WILSON, Chippewa twp.
8. N. WARRICK, South Beaver twp.
J. N. CALHOON, Georgetown boro.
WM. B. THORNBURG, Raccoon twp.
Trustees of Academy.
R. S. IMBRIE, Beaver boro.
Section 1. Candidates for the various
offices shall be nominated by a direct vote
of the Republican party by ballot.
Sec 3. All who claim to be, and are
recognized as members of the Republican
party, legally entitled to vote at the en
suing October election, and residents of
the election district where they propose
to vote at the primary election, and mi
nors who are indentified with the party,
and who will be full age at the next eosu
suing election, shall be entitled to vote
for candidates for the various be
filled at such election
Sec. 3. Candidates for the respective
offices shall announce themselves as such
in at least one county paper, for two
weeks before the primary election, and
thereby pledge themselves to abide the
result of the nomination
Sec 4. The primary meeting for nom
inating candidates shall be held at tbe
usual place of holding primary meetings
in each district on the last Saturday in
May in each year, and shall be opened at
3 o’clock, p. m m except in districts where
the /'population exceeds two thousand,
they shall be opened at 10 a. m., and
close in the township at 7 o’clock, p. m. ,
and in the boroughs at 6 o’clock p. m.
Sec. 5. The Republican electors pres
ent at the time for opening tbe election,
shall elect viva voce one of said electors as
Judge, and two of said electors as Clerks
to bold said election and discharge the du
ties incumbent on such officers, under
these regulations: said clerks to keep a
correct list of the names of the persons
Sec. 6. The electors of each district
shall also at the same time and place,
elect by ballot, as aforesaid, one person
as a member of tbe County Committee
the ensuing year for every 100 or fraction
of 100 Republican votes cast at tbe last
preceding October election.
Sec. 7. After tbe polls are closed tbe
officers of the election shall correctly
count the votes cast for each candidate
and for tbe member or members of the
County Committee, and shall du
ly certify the same, over their signatures,
and such certificates, together with the
list of voter? and tally papers, also certi
fied by the officers, shall be carefully seal
ed in an envelope addressed to the Chair
man of the Republican County Commit
tee, which envelope, together with a cer
tificate for tbe members elect for their
election as members of the County Com
mittee, then be delivered before 8 o’clock,
a. m., on the Monday following such elec*
lion, by the Judge or one of the Clerks
aforesaid, to the person who had been
elected a member of*the County Commit
tee, or either of them, where there ate
more than one in the same district.
In case the member of the County Com
mittee elect is unable to discharge tbe do-;
ties as sueb, bfr'may appoint a substitute
pro tern.
• Sec. 8. The members elect ‘of the
County Committee shall assemble thb
s»» .-•,, .'*sw?it -> i-.-r •....
Beaver, on the Monday
election; at 10 o’clock, a
■ ftitell be called to order by the
of the ; Codqty Committee, or
Id his absence, by the Secretary, who
shall preside as a temporary Chairman for
organization, and to whom’ Committee
men shalldeliver their certificates of
election at members. .
■When a- roll of members shall have
been made, theyghaf! elect one of their
number as President and two Secretaries.
The returns of ’the election for candidates
shall then be delivered to the President,
which he, aided by the Chairman of the
County Committee, * shall open and. an
nounce ; therefrom, the number of Votes
returned for each candidate, to be record
ed by the Secretaries; which being done,
and the Votes carefully counted,the persons
hating received the highest number of
votes shall be declared the nominees, and
the result shall be ordered to be published
In all the party papers of the county.
Bkc. 9. Any two or more persons hav
ing an equal number of votes for the
same office shall be balloted for by the
County Committee, and the person re
ceiving the highest number of votes shall
be the nominee. -
Sec. lb. A majority of the County
Committee on being satisfied of fraud in
the returns or otherwise, of any election
district, may reject the vote of such’ dis
trict to the extent of liraud committed.
Sec. 11. The County Committee shall
appoint all Congressional and Legislative
conferees, and all delegates to National
and State Conventions.
Sec. 13. Immediately after declaring
nominees for the ensuing election, the
members of the County Committee shall
proceed to permanently organize, by
electing one of their number as Chair
man, a Secretary and a Treasurer, and the
appointment of seven of their number as
an Executive Committee, for the ensuing
Sec. 13. Any candidate who may wish
to contest a nomination .must give notice
thereof to the Chairman of the County
Committee within fifteen days after the
meeting of the County Convention.
Sec. 14- The Chairman of the County
Committee shall be the custodian of all
the primary election return papers.
At a meeting of the Republican Execu
tive Committee on Wednesday, the fol
lowing important resolutions were adopted
which provides for a change in our system
of nominating candidates. The resolutiong
explain themselves and to their considera
tion we ask the careful attention of Re pub
Means so that they can act upon the matter
intelligently at the primary meetings on
the 31 st inst.
Whereas, The present system of mak
ing nominations is believed to be unsatis
factory to a majority of Republican voters
ofthe county, because fraught with mani
fest injurjr to the party by concentrating
100 much power in the larger boronghs,
en&bling'candtdates; in some instances, to
secure a nomination by a small plWality
vote of the county electors, and
Whereas, It Is right and proper that
the Republican voters of the county should
express by their ballots, their approval of
this contemplated change in making nom
inations before it shall take effect, there
fore _
Resolved, That we submit to a vote ; of
the party at the primary elections on the
31st, inst., the following amendment,
which, if shall take effect in
the nominating convention of 1874, viz :
“That in case no one candidate shall re
ceive a majority of all the votes cast,
then the nomination for said office shall he
made by the convention.
Resolved,' That the requsite number of
tickets be printed and distributed for the
amendment and against the amendment
respectively, and the tickets balloted be
counted, and return made in accordance
with the rules of the party governing
the nomination of candidates.
Resolved, That the foregoing proceed
ings be published in the Republican pa
pers of the county.
We are in receipt of The Republic for
May, and it is richly freighted with con
tents. The opening article discusses the
question, “Shall .the Republican party
live?” and in answering tbe question
makes tbe support oi the party to be equiv
alent to a support of tbe welfare and pros
perity of the whole country. “The farm
ere’ Movement Against Railway Opposi
tion's an interesting article that furn
ishes much food for reflection and is
worthy of careful perusal. Other articles
on the “The Government’s Indian Poli
cy,” “Japan,” “The Fisheries,” The For
ty third Congress,” “An old enemy under
a new name,” “Number of Male and Fe
males in the United States,” “Frederick
Douglas,” “Living within one’s means,”
‘ A word about Statesmanship,” are first
class. We shall endeavor to furnish onr
readers with extracts from this able re
view, published at Washington, D. C:
Unclaimed letters remaining in the
Post office at Rochester, Pa,, May. Ist,
Joseph Acber, Henry Able, John
Abrost, Dr. Chambers, Hiss Ida Dillon,
Henry Eckert Walter Hays, John F.
Holmes, N. Q. Hawley & Co., Miss Louisa
Marquard, Henry , Roe, P. Schuckhart,
Prof. M. E. Sclbner, A. F. Vannorton,
Miss Ellie V. Young,Jtf. 3, Zahn, (2.)
T. M, Taylor, P. M.
CoMo’a 800t ’ and Shoe Store;
csnier of Bridge and Bhode islaid streets, Bodies*'
ten the placeto boy boots anil shoes.; The
Moctor priees, aodhaaon hand
e largo aod veU selecteiLatoek suitable for'the
wanie ofay ohiMeß. examine them. *
mjr&dt * r "
MAY 9. im.
place after a shprt illness died early on
Sunday morning, in the 85ih year of his
age. Mr;KnhnwasafiUcted with“ Bright’s
disease of the Kidneys” said to be incura
ble. and although he the benefit of
the best medical skill, hewas a doomed
matt front tee first and- no help could save
him. Hisfaaeralwasvery largely at*
tended, the several orders of < which he
was a member being represented by large
delegatlons from the various lodges in the
county. The whole community mourn
bis untimely-fate and realize that in his'
death is lost a good citizen, neighbor and
friend. Mr, Kuhn was generous, genial,
and ever reeady to Help a friend in need.
Professionally he stood fair with his
brethren of th*Bir and gave promise of
tetter attsinnientsto his practice than he
bad yet accomplished. All who knew
him respected film niid a very Urge circle
of lament Ufs,death.
Having just returned from the East, we will of
fer to.tbepublic a fall line of Dry Goods,Notion?,
Groceries, Hardware, Queeuawaro, Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Drugs, and a fine assortment of
Carpets, from 25 cents a yard upward ; and in fact
everything usually kept in a general store. We
feel under especial obligations to our old cbstom
ersfor their past patronage, and are still enabled
to offer them and the trade in general, a complete
stock, selected with care in regard to style, dura
bility and price. An examination of our stock is
respectfully solicited.
apr2s-3t Morrison & Bon.
Darlington, Pa,, April 23,1873.
At a special meeting of the Osceola
Lodge No. 373,K. of P. held this evening,
the following resolutions were offered by
P, C.W. C. Sburlock and unanimously
adopted by the lodge:
Wbbbbas, We have learned that God in His
all-wise providence has removed from our midst
Mrs. Annie It. Boyd, wife of our much esteemed
Bro-Kt. Chas. W. Boyd,
Resolved, That in the death ot Mrs. Annie Boyd,
her hnsbandhas lost a devoted and loving wife,
and the community has sustained the loss of an
exemplary and Christian lady.
Resolved, That this lodge extend to Bro. K .
Chas. W. Boyd, our fraternal sympathy in this bis
sad bereavement, and express the hope that his,
loss is her eternal gain.
Resolve d. That the members of the lodge at
tend the funeral In a body at eleven o’clock a. h.
Resolved, That a copy of these- resolutions be
placed in the hands of a committee and that they
be handed to Bro. Boyd this evening and that they
be spread on the minutes of the lodge.
Resolved, That the foregoing minutes be pub.
lisbed in the county papers.
Piclcwicki —Pickwick! glorious old
Pickwick! Jolly, kind, impulsive Pick
wick! Let us grasp you by the hand
again as of old, when we first made your
acquaintance; when the tears rolled down
our cheeks for very laughter at the mis
haps of yourself and Messrs. Winkle,
Snodgrass and Tuptnan. We can see you
yet standing upon your chair, with one
hand under your coat tails, the other ex
tended .over the table, addressing the
“Pickwickian*," while upon the members’
faces we see admiration, respect and love
for th§ great and glorious leader.
A person’s heart most be cold indeed
that is not warmed after reading the hops
and mishaps of the Pickwick Club abroad.
Of Sam Weller, Jingle, Mrs. Bardell,
the Wardle, the Pat B »y—“ Damn that
boy, he’s asleep again !”—the scene in the
Justice’s office, the election of a new
member; in short the whole work.teems
with the very quintescence of humor, and
reserves to be read by every mao,, woman
and child on the face of the continent. A
great many people will not read Dickens’
because at one time be made some sport
of Americans in one of his works, after
being teted and received in the country
as no other author had been before. But
have we Americans not caricatured and
held up the English, as a laughing stock
in our papers and books for years? Be
side this, Dickens made ample amends to
the American people in after years, there
fore this should not deter us from reading
bis sublime creations; and I would say to
ail, young and old, put way those trashy
weeklies— Radical excepted—and dime
novels, and commence reading the works
nf Charles Dickens, beginning with the
Pickwick Papers, and take my word for it
you* will not stop until you have read
them all ; while at tbe same time you will
be storing your brain with useful knowl
edge, wit and wisdom. Mrs. Barbell.
Received a Call, —The Grteoeviil**
Advance says : The U P. congregation of
Steubenville, Ohio, have unanimously
tendered a call to Rev. J. R. Brittain, of
this place to become their pastor, naming
at the same time $3,300 per annum as a
compensation in case of acceptance.
Whether or not the call will be accepted
by him we cannot say. Of one thing we
feel certain, tbe U. P. congregation of this
place will do everything in their power
which they may deem consistent with
doty to retain him in his present position
as their pastor. Action of tbe
Steubenville congregation was a complete
surprise to Rev. B. inasmuch as-he knew
nothing from them of their intention till
waited on. by a duly constituted commit
tee on Friday evening last.
Rev, Daniel Maefle, formerly from
Edinburgh, Scotland, has been preaching
for two weeks'at Milt Creek Presbyterian
Church, near Hookstown. aod his labors
being highly appreciated, the congrega
tion have 1 engaged his services for tbe
next three months.
Hkbtzog & Beam successors to Urn
stead & Hertzog, fancy boot and shoe
manufocturers and dealers, Broadway
Fbbkch walking shoe at Hertasng &
Frakfoht Springs, l
April 22, 1878. f
shortly before the funeral of the late EvP.
Kabo, Esq., the members of the bar of
Beaver county assembled at Court
House to take actioor with respect td the
death of the gentleman named. Hon. B.
B. Chamberlin was called to the chair and
John J. Wickham, Esq., chosen Secretary.
After some- befitting remarks fijom the
Gbairmanandothers, the following resd*
lotion was unanimously adopted j
Wbkbbas, Ills with sincere regret that! we have
learned of the untimely death of oar professional
brother, £. P. Kphn, ,
Resolved, That as a mark of respect to his mem
ory the members oft he bar present at thiis meeting
attend bis funeral in a body. i *
On motion, the Chairman was author*
ized to appoint a committee for the pur
pose of preparing appropriate resolutions
of respect, to be submitted to a subsequent
meeting'which was fixed for June 7th,
1873, at two o’clock, p. m. The meeting
thereupon adjourned until that time,'
Decoration Day,— The following
General Order has been issued in regard
to the observance of Memorial Day.
This matter should receive the immediate
attention of our citizens, and suitable ac
tion taken to ensure the performance of
the proper and appropriate ceremonies of
decorating the graves of our fallen heroes.-
Head'qßs G. A. K», Department or Pa»,l
No. 148 CiiestJvUt Street, Pbii.adbi.phu, >
April 23. 18t3. 1
General Orders. No. 37
In, accordance with our rules and regu
lations, Friday, May 30th, will be observ
ed as a Memorial Day for the purpose of
strewing with flower-*, or otherwise dec-'
orating the graves offcomrades who died
in defence of their country during the
late rebellion, or who have since .passe’d
away. Citizens generally, military and
civic associations, churches and Sunday
schools should be invited to participate,
and in places where there are no posts of
of the Grand Army, it is hoped that the
citizens will join together for this pur
pose, that fitting services may be held in
every churchyard and cemetery where
our dead heroes sleep. ;
The manner of conducting these servik
ces is optional with Posts, but those, de
siring it, can obtain copies of the f >rih of
ceremonies, as furnished last year by mak
ing immediate application to A. A. G.
Attention is especially invited at this
time to the recommendation from the Na
tional Headquarters last year, “that flow
ers and shrubs be planted at each grave,
inu>rder that when we are gone, the sea
sons, in their ceaseless round, may in our
stead, adorn the sleeping places of our
comrades. By order o f
R. B. Beath,
Commanding Department.
C. L Greene, A. A. 6.
W e are indebted to James Walls, Com
missioner for the April Monthly Report
of the Department of Agriculture.
Hfedical Blunders.
Wfom the period when surgeois applied their
salves to weapon* instead-of wounds to the pres
ent wide-awake age, the medical profession has
often unwittingly taken side with Disease in its
conflicts with the human system. Even yet, in
spite of the teachings of centuries of experience,
some physicians believe in depleting their pa-
I tients, already seriously exhausted by sickness,
with powerful evacuants, emetics, salivants,
cautbaridal plasters, or the lancet. But, provi
dentially. public intelligence Is ahead of these
medical fossils, who belong, of right, to the era of
the Crusades! That powerful ally of nature in its
warfare with the causes of,sickness, Hostetler’s
Stomach Bitters, has opened the eyes of the
masses to the paramount importance of increasing
the vital strength of,the body when menaced by
disease. They understand that when the atmos
pheric conditions are adverse to health, it is wise
to reinforce the system with a wholesome tonic
and stimulant, and thus enable it to combat and
repel the depressing influence of an inclement
temperature. If the constitutional and animal
powers wore always thus recruited in the pres
ence of danger, the mortality from consumption,
bronchitis, chronic rheumatism, Ac., would be
much less than it is now. The causes which pro
duce croups, colds, qulnsey, diptheria and catarrh
seldom aflect a strong and active .vital system ;
and of all vitalizing preparations, Hostetler’s
Bitters has proved the most efficient. It is not
claimed that this standard tonic is a specific for
lung and throat maladies, as it is for dyspepsia,
liver complaint and, Interm Rents, but it is un
hesitatingly asserted that it is the best known
safeguard against all the atmospheric elements ot
disease mayi-lm
BARTON—PETERS—AtCanno iton, Pa., May Ist,
by 1. F. Mansfield, Esq.. Mr. jJ. C. Barton, and
Miss 8. A. Peters, of Middleton, Columbiana
county, Ohio.
MOORE—LANGFITT—At Etna, Allegheny coon*
ty, on Tuesday May «th, by Rev. A. Calvert, T.
D. Meore and Mary Langfitt, both of Houkitown
Beaver county. Pa.
PURDY—McCONNBLL—On Wednesday evening
April 30lh, at the residence of the officiating
minister, Rev, David P. Mueterd, Mr. William
Pordy and Miss Alice W. McConnell, both of
Beaver county, Pa.
SCRUGGS—ABER—Thursday, May Ist, 1873, at
the St. Charles hotel, Pittsburgh, by Rev. John
Douglass, D. D., James Scroggs, Jr., M. D.,and
Miss Annie M. Aber, of Industry, Beaver coun
ty, Pa.
The Doctor intends to practice medicine in Ohio
township, where be is well known and liked, and
we extend to him and hia fair bride our best
wishes for their prosperity and happiness.
SPRIGGS—On Friday, May 8,1873,«l his residence
'in Beaver, Pa., Mr. Jackson Spriggs, aged 67
KUHN—On Sunday morning. May 4, 1878, at his
residence In Beaver, B. P. Kuhn, Esq., in! the
85th year of his age.
JACKSON-On Thursday, April 24, 1878, at her
residence in Bridgewater, Beaver county. Pa.,
Mrs. lane Jackson, aged SS years, 5 months and
IS days.
the 23d of April,' at Darlington, Pa.,
Annie R„ wife, of Charts* Wv Boyd, and daugh-
ter of John and Rebecca Alliband, aged 26 yean.
DEVER- -April S4th, 1878, at her hone near Har.
shayllle, Beaver county. Pa., Mrs. Nancy Dever,
agedSß years. !
5 ■