The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 09, 1873, Image 4

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    r 4
Friday Horning, Hay 9,1873.
William E. Dodge, the senior
member of the firm of Phelps,
Dodge & Go., has been recently
unanimously elected by the New/
York Chamber of Commerce, as its
President, mainly for the purpose of
vindicating his character from the
suspicions cast upon it by the tech
nically false invoices of the above
firm, of which so much has been
said and written. In the statement
made by the firm they acknowledge
to having committed a technical
fraud subjects them to the pen
alty of the law, which is severe,
but they assert that they did no. in
tentional wrong, and made only a
few hundred dollars by the so called
fraud. In order, however, to effect a
compromise,they confessed guilt and
paid the Government #271,017 27 of
which one half went into the treas
ury, one fourth to the informer and
the rest to pay the District Attor
ney and other expenses. Their
statement of the case Q is plausible
and the hitherto honorable and hon
est business transactions of the firm,
give additional weight to their sto
ry. Such being the case, the course
which the Secretary of the treasury
pursued seems harsh in forcing the
firm to pay a penalty of over pne
fonrth of a million dollars for an ir
■ ?
regularity that, under the complica
ted revenue laws, was almost excu
sable, and that only caused a loss to
the Government of some $1,600
at most, and especially is this the
case since, the law expressly gave
to the Secretary discretionary power
to meet emergencies of this nature
where no intention of fraud exists.
Mr. Dodge said in his speech ac
cepting the position of President of
the Chamber of Commerce, that
since “we (the firm) have fully un
derstood the case, we have continu
ally to regret ever having paid a dol-
MMMmk 1 A
Being innocent, tbis was their great
est error. No matter if the laws were
oppressive and had entangled them,
and they were surrounded by infor
mers, spies and greedy officials, by
compromising the affair and paying
over such a large amount of money
to do it, confirmed people in the be
lief that the firm had acted badly.
The merchants, who compose the
Chamber ©(.Commerce, side with
the firm against the Government,
and have passed a resolution in
structing one oi its committees to
recommend “such alterations of the
exjsting laws as will protect the
honest importer from the forfeitures
and fines which should fall only up
on those who are dishonest and un
scrupulous.” If the case of this
firm tends to enlighten the public in
regard to the imperfections of the
revenue laws, the incentives which
they offer to rascality and the atmos
phere of suspicion and secrecy that
they cause, in place of confidence
and good feeling, some good will re
sult therefrom. The vindication of
the firm has also partially prevented
the evil effects upon the community
that would have resulted by the es
tablishment of their guilt. William
E. Dodge has been a conspicuous
example of a fine Christian gentle
man, and the fall of so eminent a
man in piety would have been a se
vere blow to the church of which he
was a member and the religion
which he professed.
The Vienna Exposition seems to
be a great affair and promises to be
a great success .notwithstanding
some delays and annoyances. It
denotes that the Austrian Empire
has taken a step forward in the
.path ol progress, and marks a new
era in her history. A few years
ago Austria was the dominant mili
tary power of Europe, her army was
the largest, best disciplined, and
the moBt'pow?rfH'6n~fhe‘ continent,
'font the French and the Italians
humbled her, and the German’s
crushed her, and to-day she tri
umphs, not in the science of war,
but in the arts of peace. There
was no diaplay of military power at
the opening of the exhibition.
Royalty was there ib gorgeous £i|-
play. Queens and Princes graced
the occasion with thmr presence
snd beauty, but the military pageant
of twenty years ago was not there.
Austria is no longer Itnmovable a
despotism of fear, she is rehabilitat
ed and marches forward to take her
place in the new order of events.
The speech of the Archdufce Charles
to the Emperor, was indicative of
the better part that Austria has
chosen for herself, for he declared
that the exhibition “now draws up
on Austria the eyes of the world,
and has secured for her full recog
nition of thp part she takes in the
promotion of the welfare of man
kind through the instruction of la
Austria, by the great exhibition,
teaches the practical lesson of
peaceful. progress through culture
and industry, and marks but the
course of her new departure. It is
an encouraging sign to behold such
universal interest taken in the ex
hibition. for the great collection of
articles there, represent the highest
development of skill and the greatest
achievements of labor that renews
and glorifies the world. The United
States ought to have been well rep
resented at Vienna, and perhaps in
time will be, but the beginning was
disgraceful, and will not tend to
elevate our public service in the es
timation of Emperors. We refer of
course to the United States Com
missioners, and not to those sent
out by our own State, from whom we
expect to hear a good report.
The subject of cheaper transpor
tation between the East and West,
is occupying a great deal attention
and promises to be, possibly, a lead
ing political question. It is being
discussed by all the influential pa
pers, and viewed in many ways
with various conclusions.
The Republican party has always
been in favor of internal improve
ments, and General Grant has taken
the lead already in regard to this
special improvement by his recom
mendations to Congress and the re
s . - .A
port next winter of the committee,
now having the subject under in
vestigation, will no doubt add m
' uponMie'lnaller.
facturing and farming Interests of
the country demand better and
cheaper facilities of mutual exchange
of products.
Various means have been suggest
ed to accomplish this, but transpor
tation both by water and railway is
likely to be necessary. It is thought
by some that the only real and
permanent relief that can be "ob
tained is through the Federal Gov
ernment by the exercise of those
powers under the constitution for
managing the postal business, for
regulating commerce between the
States, and for making military
roads for facility of communication.
If the Government would con
struct doable tracks for freight
trains alone, make them as nearly
straight as possible, and narrow
gauge, and at first only between
prominent points, and allow pri
vate trains to pass over these tracks
at moderate speed, subject to toll,
a continuous stream of freight cars
could thus be run each way at the
same time, with little detention and
risk, and it would seem at much less
cost than is charged for the same at
present rates. Straight lines from
either St. Louis’ or Chicago would
probably pass through Pittsburgh
to reach New York, Philadelphia
and Baltimore. We believe the
day is not far distant when some
such improvement as that suggested
will not only be undertaken, but
carried through successfully. The
necessity for it is now urgent, and
in our opinion, will soon be i mpera-
Hon. John McGinnis, ex-member
of the Legislature, has been appoint
ed' Bank Assessor in the city of
Philadelphia. His appointment is a
fitting recognition of the Democrat
ic element which aided in smashing
up the Buckalow-Greeley machine
last fall It is acceptable in Phila
delphia, but of course don’t go down
well with the Argus or the Greeley
gang generally—as will be seen by
an examination of the lucubrations
of the lonely refomcrof the Argus
this week. -.vU ' ~ V;" ■
The Argys
nothing to' Blush /or, bp.t its
usual stupidity the Afyushas aimed
at the wrong mark. Bank Assessors
are appointed by the State Treasur
er and Auditor Generali and 1 Gov
ernor Hartranft had as much to do
with the appointment as the Argus
chap, and no more.
Alfbed R, Moons, Esq., of Tidi
oute, is announced as a candidate'
for the Republican nomination for
Assembly in Warren county. Mr.
Moore is a native of this county, a
son of Hon. Robert Moore, formerly
member of Congress from this dis
trict, and a brother-in-law of Judge,
Agnew, of the Supreme Bench. He
is well known and highly respected
here, where he has filled Various
9 i ■-
official positions with much credit to
himself and accept ability to the pub
lic. If the Republicans of Warren
county are seeking a representative,
who, to an unflinching devotion to
the principles ot their party, adds
brains, character and unimpeacha
ble integrity, they will find their
man in Mr. Moore. He has our best
wishes for his success.
Oub Republican readers wjill no
tice in an other column that the Re
publican Executive Committee has
prepared an Amendment to the pres
ent popular vote system of nominat
ing candidates, which will be sub
mitted to the Republican voters of
the county for refection or approval
on the 31st of May, at the time of
holding the primary meetings, for
the nomination of candidates.
We desire simply to call attention
to the contemplated Amendment
now and shall have something far
ther to say in regard to it again.
The Democratic party is adrift
without pilot or compass, and, being
known to be unseaworthy, fears are
entertained that she .will be lost and
all on board find watery graves un
less something is quickly done to
patch up the rotten concern and
furnish her a compass, chart and pi
lot. It is supposed that!'in diversity
of councils there is wisdom, and
judging from the tone of bur Liberal
and Democratic exchanges we should
of opinion in them to evolve wisdom
sufficient at any rate to save the sink
ing craft.
The steam ship Parthia on which
Senators Rutan, Davis and Graham
sailed for Europe arrived at Queens*
town May the 6th, having been out
ten days.
—State Treasurer Mackey gives a mil*
Hon of dollars security under the new
—J. B. McHilien is a Republican candi
date for nomination far Assembly In Som
erset county.
—The Maine Republican State Conven
tion is to be held in Bangor, Thursday,
June 19.
—Hon. James G. Blaine has been elect
ed chairman of the Maine Republican
State Committee for the fifteenth time.
—Hon. John T. Wilson is a candidate
for the Republican nomination for Gov
ernor of Ohio.
—J. J. Cromer has been chosen Repre
sentative delegate to the Republican
State Convention from Fulton county*
—Joseph L. McConnell has been chosen
by the Democracy of Greene county as
delegate to the next Democratic State
—Hon, Myefc Strouse wants the Demo
cratic nomination for State Senator and
H. J. Headier, Esq., for' Congress from
Schuylkill county.
—The Democratic Committee of Vig
ilance of Washington county will meet in
the Council Room in the Town Hall,
Washington, on Monday, May 19th, at
one o’clock, p. m.
—The Republican State Convention of
lowa will meet in Des Moines fane 25th
to nominate Governor, Lieutenant Gover
nor, Supreme Judge, and Superintendent
of Public Instruction*
—Democratic candidates are numerous
in old Westmoreland, as witness this rec
ord} For Assembly, Dr. H. B. Piper,
Jamesßutledge, C. R. Painter, James L.
Toner, Wo. Jack Robinson, and Thomp
son McLean. 1
—One hundred and twenty citizens of
Tidioute hare signed a ''request” publish
ed in the Journal, to George W- Alien,
Esq., tp become s candidate before the
Republican Convetlon of Warren county
for the Legislature. ► ,
—Mr. A. H. Steven?, of Qeorgla»«ayB:
'The Democratic party must be prServed
in its entire integrity—iq lts principles
and; its organization; and the trading
politicians. claiming to be Democratic
erlihlp in the-lastH PrwJdentUT campaign
Bdtkw aCteoßßMUouiiw Wdere |e
trusted.” ~
„Adam Woolever, Esq., late a mem
her of the House of Representatives from
Lehigh county, will be a candidate for the
State Senate next fall.
' —Charles Slaysman of Indiana boro.
Indiana county is announced as a candi
date'for nomination on the Republican
ddket for Assembly. li. T. Daniel Ram
sey of North Hahonnlng tp. Indiana
county, has already beep announced for
the same office.
—The Clarion County Republican
Committee have chosen John Ray, Esq.,
of Fafinington township, Representative
delegate to the State Convention, subject
to the concurrence of Forest county.
Hon. David Maclay was chosen Senatorial
delegate subject to the concurrence of the
other counties of the district.
—Tbe Republican State Central Com
mittee met in Harrisburg on Thursday.
There was a full attendance and good
spirit manifested. The State Convention,
to nominate' candidates for Supreme
Judge and State Treasurer, was called for
August 18th, at Harrisburg. Resolutions
complimentary of Governor Hartranft and
officers of the committee were adopted.
-igtate Senator William A. Wallace,
of Clearfield, has been elected Vice Presi
dent of the Southern Pacific Railroad, of
which Col. Thomas A. Scott is President.
Mrj Wallace, it is understood, will start
immediately to the field of operations.
HM headquarters will be at Marshall,
Texas, and much of his time will be spent
on the' line of the road
4-At a meeting of the Republican
County Committee, of Blair county, on
thef 30th ult. John R. Bohn of HolH
daysburg, was elected for Representative
delegate to tbe State Convention, and in
structed to support for Supreme Judge,
Hoo. S. S. Blair, of Blair couty, and for
Treasurer, Samuel Henry, Esq., of Cam
bria county.
—C. 8. W. Jones, of Tyrone, J. M.
Stbnebraker, of Altoona, and J. M. Cald
well, of Gaysport, were elected Senatorial
Conferees to meet the other conferees
from the other counties In the district to
elect a Senatorial Delegate. It was agreed
to hold the County Convention on tbe
fourth Monday of May. Tbe proceedings
were very harmonious, good feeling pre
—The Ohio Republican Convention
meets Hay 31. It is generally conceded
that Governor Noyes will be renominated,
with the understanding that he shall be
sent to the United States Senate in place
of Senator Thurman, and there is , conse
quently considerable rivalry for tbe Lieu
tenant Governorship. Among tbe candi
dates mentioned are State Senators Brins
-; Alnhon£Q Hart, and Speaker Van
—Charles Jeremy, Esq., Select Council
man from the Seventh Ward, is a candi
date for the Republican nomination for
State Senate, in Allegheny county, and
be is making a strong canvass of the
county. Mr. Jeremy is a staunch Repub
lican, and has a host of friends in his
party who will make a determined fight
for his soccess. As the representative of
the large and constantly increasing
riTelsh portion of our population, he will
prove a strong competitor In the conven
—The Republican candidates for nomi
nation for Assembly in Warren county
are: J. H.'Douglass and Geo. W. Allen
of Tidioute and A. R. Moore of Limestone.
Mr, Moore was formerly a resident of this
place, and has a eon H. R. Moore Esq.,
now practicing law here. He is an hon
est, capable and worthy citizen, and if the
Republicans of Warren place him on
their ticket he will certainly bring to it
strength, and if elected will make a faith
ful Representative.
—The Altoona Tribune says; Pursuant
to a call of the Chairman, the members of
the Blair County Republican Committee
met at the Sheriffs office Wednesday
morning at ten o’clock, and on the second
ballot elected John R- Bohn delegate to
the next State Convention, bis Competi
tors being D. T. Caldwell and W. H. H.
Young, of Tyrone. Messrs. John M.
Stonebrakcr, of Altoona, Jack Caldwell,
of Gaysport, and C. 8. W. Jones, of Ty
rone, were elected Senatorial Conferees.
The time for holding the next County
Convention, was fixed on Monday, May
26tb, 1878.
—The Lebanon Courier says: Judge
Butler, of Chester county, £nd Judge
Paxson, of Philadelphia, are prominently
' named for the Supreme Bench of this
State. Tears ago they were apprentices
together in the Village Record office, at
West Chester. They were at the time
industrious, studious and ambitious, do
ing with all their might whatever they
found to do. They are now both recog
oized'US among the ablest jurists of the
State. Such careers offer a most encour
aging example to young men.
—The Republican County Convention
of Butler county, which met in Butler on
the 29th ult., fixed upon the 7th day of
June as the day for holding the Republi
can primary meetings. The offices to be
filled are: Two for Assembly; one for
county Treasurer; one for county Com
missioner ;oue for Jury Commissioner;
aUß'ione lor county Auditor. The Com
mittee passed the following tesolution :
Resdted, That none but those folly in
accord with the. Republican party at the
lastPreafekntial election shall exercise
iigbMf toting at the said .primary
elections aid thatthe different election
boards are hereby requested to., see that
this resolution is enforced.
—The Virginia Democrat* propose to
hold their State Convention at Lynch*
burg. The Republicans have already an*
nonneed the same point as the place at
which their convention shall be held.
The object of both parties is to avoid the
Richmond influence, and cater to the
western part of the State. ; t
—Governor Hartranft has recently made
the following appointments: John Shif
fert, Millerstown, Lehigh county { Daniel
S. Von Neida, Ephrata, Lancaster county,
and Wm. Rule, Miffiinburg, Usion conn*
ty, to be Notaries Public for the term of
three years each.
Robert B. Magee, of Oil City, to be in
spector of coal and Petroleum oils for Ve
nango county.
J. Harvey Wheeler, to be sealer of
weights and measures for Lycoming
—The Republican Committee of Ly
coming county met in Williamsport on
Saturday, and elected R. M.= Poresman,
Esq., Senatorial, and Lindsey Mebaffey,
Esq., Representative delegate to the State
Convention, .with power to choose their
own conferees. The following resolution
was unanimously adopted:
Resolved , That the Republican Standing
Committee for the county of Lycoming
hereby unanimously and heartily endorse
the course pursued by the adminstration
of Governor J. F. Hartranft, since his in
—The American and Chester county
Advertiser says: The Republicans of
Chester county will present to the nomi
nating Convention the name of Hon.
William Butler, for the office of Judge of
the Supreme Court, but they wish it dis
tinctly understood in advance, that they
seek no discreditable alliances to accom
plish success. They invite a comparison
of bis record as a lawyer—as a successful
jurist—as well as his character and repu
tation as a private citizen—with those of
other candidates, and if merit and fitness
are to be made the touchstones of the
Convention in making choice of a candi
date, they have no fear of the result.
The Treasury Bill Again.
Governor Hartranft yesterday pat the finishing
touch on the Uackey-Eztension outrage, by sign
ing the bill extending State Treasurer Mackey's
term of office a year longer than the v time for
which be had been legally elected, but which is
labelled out of public politeness, “an act provid
ing for an election of a State Treasurer by the peo
: pie”—at such time in the future as may suit Ur.
convenience. If the Governor had
shown a little of the veto disposition in dealing
with this job that he did in a large number of bills
where no principle was involved, we could have
placed mote confidence in his lately professed in
The above is from the Lancaster Ex
press of the 29th ult. The Express great
ly misstates and probably misunderstands
uw eflfect of tbo actions of Oov Hartranft.
The following is the status :
Prior to the recent Constitutional
amendment, the State Treasurer was
elected by the Legislature; his term
commenced on the .first Monday of May.
The law provides that each incumbent
of the office should hold for one year or
until his successor was duly qualified.
The constitutional amendment adopted
in 1873, provided that after ;its' adoption
the State Treasurer should be elected by
the people at such time and for such term
of service as may be prescribed by law.
Mr. Mackey was elected State Treasur
er in January 1873, his term commencing
upon the first Monday of May, 1873, and.
continuing until the first Mocday of May
1873, and until his successor was elected
and qualified;
When the Legislature of 1873 assem
bled, Mr. Mackey was the only candidate
for the Treasury, and his election was as
sured. But it was the opinion of the best
lawyers *of the Commonwealth, that the
amendment of 1873 was already operative,
and that a legislative election would be
unconstitutional. No election was held—
and the act of 29th of April, 1873, was
passed in pursuance of the constitutional
It provides that the Treasurer shall be
elected at the same time that other State
officers are elected, that his term of offl ce
shall be two years, and commence at the
date at which it has heretofore commenc
ed. It provided (which was unnecessary)
that Mr. Mackey shall continue in office
until the Treasurer elected by the people
was inducted. It provided further that
Mr. Mackey should give bond in $500,000,
on or before the sth inst, for the custody
of the public funds during the interreg
It gave Mr. Mackey the term which the
Legislature would have given him in Jan
uary but for the constitutional doubt,
and that term only.
Gov. Hartranft had either to approve
the bill, or to withotd his signature until
next January, and then veto it.
The consequence of his failure to sign
it before the first Monday of the presen t
month, would have been to
Mackey, of his obligation to file a new
bond, and to give him absolute control of
the State funds without security, unless
his former bond is held to cover the.ex
tension of his term. The effect of his ab
solute refusal to sign it, would be to con
tinue Mr. Mackey in office, indefinitely, or
until a bill was passed by the Legislature,
of a character which the Governor would
approve. In other words, Mr. Mackey
would remain in Office just so long as he
could induce the Legislature to refuse to
pass, or Gov. Hartranft to refuse to sign a
bill for the election of his successor.
It is not likely that Mr. Mackey would
have objected to a veto of the bill, hut
why theJbprsM and Mackey should for
bnce together 4s judgment* is- not
immediately perceptible.—State Journal.
Comparatively nothing (I might strike
out the word comparatively and still be
right) is known of the laws relating to
feminine affection. It would be very
foolish to assert that there exist no- such
laws. Science tells us that everything jj
regulated by unchanging, immutable law,
and we have no more right to assert t;
the female heart is any. exception,
man’s love can no more change without a
cause than can the sun change his course
through the heavens without a cause.
But, we are having the Weather Bureau
under consideration and are not now con
cerned with the question of female aftec
tions. The science of Meteorology has
been studied ever since the peoplelngof
the world by man. Everybody studies it
Everybody attempts to predict changes of
weather. We have all manner of signs
to denote rain, cr clear, or cold, or warm
weather. Who has not heard so many
old sayings concerning the changes of tL>
moon, the “light and dark of the riwon,'
the significance of the appearance of cos
: husks, that he finds how impossible it a
for “one head to contain it all >” Ere a
the “groundhog story” is thought enough
of to be year by almost
everybody. \
All such methods of predicting the
weather have proved* to be unreliable,and
because they have proved useless many
suppose that the thing is impossible.
Many persons have no faith in Weather
Bureaus, or any other institutions estab
lished for such purposes. Nevertheless,
the science of Meteorology is making
rapid strides forward, and there wlllcome
a time in the remote future when storms
will be foretold with the same precision
as eclipses and the appearance of comets
are now predicted.
The Storm Signal Bureau of the United
States is doing much the solution
of this problem. General A- J- Myer
has charge of it, and, though it has been
established but a few years, its importance
is being recognized throughout the whole
civilized world. It is refreshing to" read
the many praise bestowed upon
this American institution by some of the
wisest men io Europe., They candidly
admit that we do these things belter in
this country than they are yet able to do.
One for this is that we have a lar
ger extent of territory from which to
make our observations.
Many persons will ask the question
"How can they tell f ” The process is 4
simple one. A number of stations are
established in various parts of the conn
try where the direction and the velocity
of the winds, the condition of the tier
mometer and the barometer are register
ed, and the same telegraphed to the Bu
reau in this city. "From these reports the
directions of currents and storms are tab
ulated and, as it is found these move «i
uniform exactness, a storm in one local’ 1 ?
to day may be supposed to be in another
to-morrow. All the machinery tor nl
istering these observations is self-scnng
and so delicately adjusted as to perm’ 10
no mistakes being made. With the P re
ent knowledge of the law governing
Changes of the weather predictions
hot be made with any certainty for B oD
er period than one or two days.
That the community has been 18
be immensely benefited by this ins
tion is certain. The experiment has
made and is a success. It is 'ikelf
its benefits y ill be soon extended to
who need them mtfst, the farmers c
country. Ship owners and sailors n
consult “old probabilities” before
ting out to sea, and it is impossible to
timate the number of ehlps and lives
have been saved by being |orewam
coining storms. x ..u
A very convenient and in^P eoB,v ! 0
tem of extending the advantages o
institution may be found in P* 0 „
flags and lights of different colors v
used by the people themselves.
stanceleth red'flag represent a .
rain Storm, a blue flag coming col
er, a while flag clear weather, an £
XUo Weather Bureau-Science of m el .
orolosv—The Storm signal Bateau
How Storms are
Pay, Ac* * clt
Correspondence of the Radical.
Washington, D. 0. May e, 1873
The three moht capricious and fick
things in all nature have been thought
heretofore to be, first, human actions I
general; second, woman’s love in Darti^
ular, and third, the weather. Such phras
es as “thp uncertainty of human affair »
“as fickle as a woman,” “as changeable«
the wind,” have alwaya been used to £
press the moat superlative degree of ca
priciouaness. But the ingenuity ofjw’
minds . has moved tbem to attempt t
found science upon, at least, the first and
last; named particulars. Our h:ippi Des ,
depends upon these things to a very gr J
extent, and it is well that we should know
as much about them as is possible to be
known. 08
The human mind has always been a
very great mystery to itself, one ofti*
mpst mysterious things in all nature
Thinking men, ever prying into nature’s
secrets, have attempted to learn some
thing concerning the laws of this myst*
rious something—for scientific men be
lieve in universal laws,-and the result
has been the founding of the Science ol
Psychology, and, as a necessary corrolky
the twin Science of Sociology, both y e |
in their infancy, yet presenting a field for
immense original research and destined
to accomplish great things and to add
great treasures to our stores of knowl