SHOOTING STARS. by josh billings. Most people are like an egg, too phull to hold enny thing else. ° V T iz this difference between genius .“tient. one iz a nalral reservoir and p other haz tew be kontinttaily pumpt “Misery luvs kompany,” bat kan’t bear kompetishnn. there aint ho body bat bß t thinks thare bile iz the sorest bile in matkit. . A repatashan for honor once lost, iz Ipst kno the least, alwuz aogue thp npst. A crowing hen, and a kaklmg rooster, .re the poorest kind ov poaUry. To be a big map 'among big men. iz bat proves a man’s karakter-to be a bul l, g amung tadpoles, don’t amount to a blessed thine it iz that we kaut ve ourselves az others see us/’—the W ould take all the starch out ov Ttiare iz lots ov pholks in this world ,b„kankeep nme out'ov ten ov the -ammandments, without enny trubble at " but the one that iz left tbeykant keep ijje small end ov. I never question a suckcess, enny more loan Ido tbe right ov a bulldog to lie in Y i o wa gateway. _ , Xo wake up from a sweet sleep is tew be born agin. Expekiashan iz the child ov Hope, and * ike qs parent iz an irogrant brat. Mi friend, yu may be more canning -tan most men, bat you ain’t more cun ning than all men. Escenlricitys are mosljalwusarlyfishall, the best that can be sed ov them iz, lUy arc quite az often the result ov dif fidence az ov vanity. If i want tew git at the trew karakter f a man, i studdy biz vices more than i dniz virtews. Faith won’t make a man virtewous, but it makes what virtew be baz got red-hot. Those who expekt tew keep themselves r , :re in this life must keep their souls d .ting all tbe time, like a pot, and keep .. the time skimming the surface. It don’t do tew trust a man too mutch * n „ ; Z alwus in a hurry, he iz like a.piss e re, whose heart and bones lays in bis bte is Tbare iz nothing so delisbus tew the soul or man az an ockashional moment ov sadness The man whose only plezzure in this Me, iz making munny, weighs less on the morai skales than an angel-worm. Manner iz far more attraktive than mat to-monkeys are watched clusser than eagles are Jehus pen pie alwus lav themselfs more tim they do those Tvhom they are jelous fcriosity iz the germ ov all enterprizes -utD dig for woodchucks more for cur.i ds'.t, than they do for woodchucks. {(Tiie purest and best specimens ov hu esd natur that the world haz ever seen, or ever will see, hay bin the virtewous K&then. e Men don’t fail so often in this world ihtn a want ov right motives, az they do from lack ov grip. Tbare iz only two men in this world never make enny blunders, and they ire yu and me, mi triend. Every man seems tew hav hiz price, except the newsmonger, they prefer to rrk for nothing, and board themselfs. Yung man, yu kant learn ebnything by Siring yourself talk, bat yu may possi bi hearing others. Toere iz no one who kan disregard with srunity the proprietys ov life, but Jthare ismeany people who, if they aint pro s’. ain’t nothing. Tsare iz lots of folks in this world •- myu kan bio up like a bladder, and -■a kik them az htgb az yu pleze. 1 hav alwus notissed one thing, that a cunning man burns biz fingers ■ T -rybod y hollers for joy. 'Tate men should only allow their most : >’y fnends lew see them in their hours 7 slaxashun. • vimtimes distinguish between tallent genius in this way : A man ov tallent '•*“ make a whissell out ov a pig’s tale, " lakes a man of gen ius to make the ' smt le 11 now whether a goose stands " ne leg so mutch to rest the leg az to ibe goose. I wish sum scientific man tell me all about this. iz a' mitey site ov difference Mr. John Smith will appear at 5 oib s Theatre as Othello, or whether -'■Wio will appear az Mr. John Smith. rather be a child again than to be ant ok rat ov the world. i£ *are is newmerous individuals in the who look upon what they bain’t got i? i V °n!y things! worth having.. iz thoze wTio kant laff with im : if tiiey ain’t stiff and solium they lln 'i nothing, in a man’s bed are az noizy ' n * blown up bladder. . 0e man ov genius to 97 thousand huDdre(l and 43 men ov talent iz just „J ll tne rite perproshun for aktual bizz- J ta'egrate talkers; I j had rather hav a uv bees lite on to .me. an< * Eve were very good kind ov 1 6 they were tempted, and then Y er^ut aixt immediately. iz a good thing, but whejo &n t lay down and sleep in a 10 without taking down lengths, p£ * ltbe win . These hargSfnthg£ howeter, Were 'BOI the real causes of Seward's defeat, which were two, namely, that his name was identified with a branch pf the Repuhli* can party in this State, connected by lie sentiment with the; most flagrant cor* ruption both in principle and practice ; and, secondly, that Mr. Seward himself' was suspected, either through ambition or want of. nerve, of having weakened in his anti slavery convinctions. The first cause alienated from him a considerable number of old YlToigs and Dem ocrats, who, while they did not impute venality to Mr, Seward himself, felt that he was in the hands of a cable that really laid the basic of those peculiar kinds of legislation which have ainc«.: ; ;heen o call e d Tweedlsm; and the eecond x cau9e lost him the confidence of the anti-slavery reform ers. who-believed, rightly or wrongly, that he'was coquetting with the slavehold ing managers—a belief which his famous compromise speech in the Senate went far to confirm. Our recollections of the prevalent feel ing in 1850-1 do not coincide with those of Mr. Adams. At least, in this city and State, the opinion among those with whom politics is a duty, and not a pur suit, was that Mr. Seward co-operated with the espedientlsts’ wing of the party rather than with the wing of principle, and that his success in the nomination would have contributed, even in spile o himself, to the invigoration of two class es of schemers—the Union savers and the speculators—at that time active, but not very acceptable to those who had fought the double battle against slavery in the Federal sphere, and against partial legis lation in the Stales. Mr. Chase, Mr. Mc- Lean, Mr. Dayton, Mr. Oollamer, and even Mr. Bales, were regarded by that class as preferable, for these reasons, to Mr. Seward. Mr. Adams is wrong, then, in attribut ing the resuit at Chicago to sinister and improper influences wholly ; and he is no less wrong •in his depreciation of Mr. Lincoln’s blaims. By the scholastic and bureaucratic standard, Mr. Lincoln was far inferior to almost any one of the dis tinguished gentlemen who were his com petitors ; but by the popular standard— bis peculiar fitness for the emergency—he was, as] we think events have proved, their superior; whilst his career com pletely justifies the discernment of the popular instinct. —New York Evening Post. On Originality* Scribner's, for May, says : One does feel sometimes, if one writes,, that there is nothing left in the world to be original about; that pretty much everything has been said, song, described. The cyclical theory is a dreadful nightmare- *” A * r ‘ think of Livingstone’s finding in the very heart of Africa just the same sort of a bird trap that civilizd American boys catch chippies with. Given, a human being—and everything is included. Yon get you original idea down to its simplest statement, and there is nothing left but some proverb, familiar as household words. One doesn’t know whether to be flattered or annoyed; but if one does strike off something really original something that one may be morally, if not statistically, certain cannot be found In the ancients—he Is sure to read it next day in the President’s inaugural or George Elliot’s latest jnovel. These columns of choice extracts from the best writers, new and old, which are gelling to be more m vogue in journalism—are more barrassing than any special class of reading to a per son who imagines that he has a,patent on any one idea, or group of ideas. But doubtless one should congratulate one’s self that the seed of truth is sure to struggle to the light through every soil ; that deep drainings d >es not necessarily help, nor d > superph >sphates hinder it. This is the view I myself am inclined to take. If Shakspeare happens to say the same thing that I do, let me not be igno bly jealous. Rather, let the race receive my congratulations. KllSh Prices at the Exposition. The prospect held out to the Viennese of having sixty thousand guests or more quartered on them at a time seems to have turned all heads in the gay capital on the Danube. The most absurdly speculative prices are being asked and given for houses available to be let out in detail to the expected strangers. The local hum orist who fills the place, after a very mild fashion, of Ihe London Punch, caricatures the present rage for lettiog-in the follow iog terms; “To visitors to the World’s A cheap lodging to be had, without bed room or sitting room, at £lO per week for the term of the Exhibition. Lights and water to be paid for extra. Clothes brushing and attendance accord iog to special agreement. Douceurs (trinkgeld) a separate charge, but*, not to be less than 4s. a day. Information may be had by personal inquiry of the boose keeper ; fee, 10s.” It seems that tb.e Vi ennese bakers have already reduced the dimensions of the breakfast roll in fore thought for the coming visUp rs ; and an other caricaturist portrays their greed in a sketch which represents the favorite torn md, the invariable accompainment of the morning coffee, so shrank as to‘be served with ease through the key hole of the seller’s shop to a late customer. A school boy being askecf-by bis teach er how be should flog him, replied : "If yba please,'sir, I should like'hive?-it upon the Italian system oT pennißtfship, the Wavy strokes opWartf and^tkr’down does light?’ ] lew iutorrtiiametttj* ‘ A H. FRANCISCUS & CO., ; x3L« ■■ ;■ • • : 51 a MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We have opened for ; the FALL TRADE, the largest and best assorted Stockof PHILADELPHIA CARPETS Table, Stair and FloorOd Cloths, Window Shades and PaperfCarpd Chain, Cotton, Tam, Batting, Wadding, Tteines, \ Wieks, Clocks, Looking Glasses, , Fancy Saskets,Brooms, Bas kets t Buckets, B'rushes, Clothes Wrmgers, wood • en and Wiuotp Ware in the United States, . Oar Urge Increased business enables ns to sell at low. prices and furnish thebeet quality of goods. SOLE AGENTS f6R THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER The Most Perfect and Swxessfvl Washer : Ever Made. Agents wanted for thfr AMERICAN WASHER in ell parte of the State. mar99-Bm—eel-8m • rjpHOS. KENNEDY &JDO., SUCCESSORS TO WH. BUECHLIN6. ROCHESTER, PENN’A. , - i DEALERSW DUUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, FANCY & TOILET ARTICLES, SPONGES, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS AND DYES. Prescriptions carefally t compounded at all hours. ecp6 72-ly gg A VALUABLE INVENTION I gfj Sewing: Machine ! FOR DOMESTIC USE. Only Five Dollars I With (he New Patent Button Bole Worker. Complete in all Us parte; nsee the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self-Threading, direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Goider. Operates by Wheel and on Table. Light Banning; Smooth and Noiseless, like all good high-priced machines. Has patent check to prevent the wheel being, turned the wrong way. Uses the thread'direct from the spool. Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch (finest and strongest stitch known;) Arm, durable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses all descrip tions of thread. The best mechanical talent in America and Eu rope has been devoted to improving and simplify ing our Machines, combining only that which is practicable, and dispensing with all complicated surroundings generally found in other machines. Special terms and extra inducements to male and female agents, store beepers, Ac., who will establish agencies through the country and keep our new machines on exhibition and safe. County rights given to smart agents free. Agent’s com plete outfits famished without any extra charge vW*UlMWW~v»*» , t . | , » : » . . r terms- testimonials, engravings, ■2Ks.,“BBfit‘rtree."“" Address BROOKS SOWING MACHINE CO.. QLAIM AGENCY, OLDEST IN THE STATE. B. F. BRO W N & CO., 116 BMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, FA Collect Penibmsr Hoantleer Pnze Money, &c. Special attention paid to .suspended and rejected claims. Applications by mall attended to as U made in person. [scptlS-Om y *■ - - 5 AN ENTIRELY NEW The Most Simple and Compact in’\Comtruction 'Jhe Most Durable and Economical in Use. A Model of Combined Strength and Beauty. No. 1329 Broadway, janSMy * ? NEW YORK JOSEPH C. BAILIPP. THOHAS SHOWN. gAILIFF & BROWN, PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM PIPE FITTERS NO. 65 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY CITY Agitators and Tanks lined by a new process, wlic Hydro-Atmospheric Blow Pipe. feblT'l-1 house, No. 48 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. OPEN DAT AND NIGHT. The best Brands of. WINES, LIQUORS, ALE. BEER, Ac., always on band in the Bar. Oysters stewed In every style. ' . marS'Tl-ly C. B- STEIN, Proprietor. ■JJELCHIOR haslet, Manufacture „ and Dealer In BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS OP EVERY VARIETY. NO, 188 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. perParMcalarattention paid to Custom Work. feblO’Tl-ly JOHN M. BUCK & CO., Aeents for James E. Stanbury’s Celebrateo BALTIMORE OYSTERS. ALSO DEALERS IN CAN, BUCKET AND SHELL OYS TERS, ALL KINDS FRESH FISH, GAME, CANNED FRUITS, &c., &c. 184 Liberty st. & 44 Diamond Market, PITTSBURGH, PA. Orders solicited and promptly filled at lowest price. [febat-ly jgOOTS ! BOOTS !! BOOTS !!! SHOES ! SHOES I! SHOES !! If you want to SAVE MONEY, buy your Bools, Shoes, and GaitersUt 173 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY, 3 doors above Semple’s Dry Goode Store. > & -1 ‘ " Mop's Boots, - - 12,75 to .15.00 Boys’ Boots, . - - 1.75 to 3,00 Yontbs’Boots, , - - 3,50 t? £5O Men's Gaiters,* - - - 2,00 to 8,00 Boys’Gaiter*, • - 1,75 to 3,* Ladle a.’Shoes, - - 1,75 to 2.25 Mffißhoe*.- - - I*so to 3,00 Children’s Bhbes. - - 60 tp 1,60 Ladles* Gaiters, • - 1,25 to 8,60 Misses Gaiters, - f,26 to 2,00 Mon’s Heavy Shoes, • 1,25 to . , 2^oo We hate a large stock of Men's, Boys, Tenths’ Boots, Bboe* Gaiters. at ailpricbs, andafnll Shoes;® nt»h Congress, Serggand Yelvet Shoes. . pgUasg examine fpr Don’t, forget siio4*l3''B aoerwft^wflfempy U TEE BRAVER RABWAL >* -■ AND P»!S«na»fOMiB. O OCHESTER PLANING, SASH AND li DOORMELLB MONROE MILLER, W. DOLBY. M. MILLER dt CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, Manufacturers of and Dealers in ROUOB AND PLANED LUMBER, DRESSED FLOORING, SIDING, SHELVING, LATH AND SHINGLES, ROCHESTER, BEAVER COUNTY, PA. decl8’88;ly Q W. TAYLOR, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND r REAL ESTATE AQBNI, Agreements, Artldee,Lea?ee and all Instrument! Of Writing promptly attended to. Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable Cos* mission. 0y8 ,l hHy. JEWELLING HOUSES, TENEMENTS, IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVB REAL ES|ATE, x IN AND NEAR THE BOROUGH OF ROCHESTER FOR SALE AND RENT, BY 0c27’71-tf J. PETTIT T, SMITH’S FERRY, BEAVER CO., PA., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, NOTARY P ÜBLIC AND SPECIAL COMMISSIONER FOB SALE OP LANDS IN EAST VIRGINIA. aprl9’73-ly JOHN PECK, ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORKER AND i HAIR DRESSER, N O. 53 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ladies waited on promptly at their residences by experienced workwomen. ffeb3’7l-ly Q W. MASSEY, CLOTHING CLEANED, DYED AND REPAIRED 4 AT SHORT NOTICE. NO. 74 GRANT STREET, feblO’H-ly PITTSBURGH, PA. P M. ELLIS, ARCHITECT AND DESIGNER. OFFICE: RAMSEY’S BLOCK. BEAVER FALLS, BEAVER CO., FA. Plans and Spedficationaflbr public buildings and private residence. Estimates of jhe coEtof pnild fob!9’69:ly. s • . JT CONCERNS ALL! J. PROCTOR, LADIES’ AND GENTLEMENS HAIR DRESSING ROOMS, And Manufacturer, of Bair Work of Etery Description / Children's Bair Gut Neatly. felO-ly 47 Fourth Ave., PITTSBURGH. HOTEL, CORNER MARKET & THIRD STREETS, HARRISBURG, PA. Q. W. HUNTER, declB’6B Proprietor SEEDS! PLANTS! TREES! PREPAID BY MAIL. My new priced descriptive Catalogue of Choice Flower and Garden Seeds, 25 sorts of either for $1; new and choice varieties of Fruit and Orna mental Trees, Shrubs. Evergreens, Roses, Grapes. Lilies. Small Fruits, House and Border Plants and Bulbs; one year grafted Fruit Trees lor mailing; Fruit Sulks of all kinds; Hedge Plante. ,, BANEERSi - dkaikrbix EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPONS, &c. Collections .made on all accessible points in tbo United States and Canada. Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers and Indi viduals solicited. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Correspondence will receive prompt attention. JJOdHESTEH SAVINGS BANK. JOHN V. X’PONAU), GEO. C. SPETEBSB, r SPEYEREH & McDonald, Dealers in exchange, Com, Government Secnrl ties.make collections on all accessible points In thfc> United States and Canada, receive money on depos it subject to check, and receive time deposits of one dollar and upward, and allow Interest at 0 per cent. By-laws and Rules furnished free by applying at at the bank. v * Bank open dallyfrom 7 a. m.. till 4 p. m., and on Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 o’clock. BEFEB, BT PERMISSION, TO L H Oatman & Co, ; Hon J 8 Rutan, Algeo, Scott & Co, JOrr & Cooper, 8 J Cross & Co, Wm Kennedy, Snieder & Wacks, i John harp, B 8 Ranger, RB Edgar, A C Hurst, T'Meemen’s National S B Wilson, I bunk, Pittsburgh. Pa. novll-70-je3o-71 INSTANT RELIEF FOR THE / ASTHMA. Any person troubled with that terrible disease will receive immediate and complete relief by us ing my v ASTHMA REMEDY. 1 was afflicted with it for tu/elve years, entirely unfitting me for business for weeks at a time; and discovered this remedy by experimenting on my self after all other medrcibesjfalltfd to have any effect. J y I WILL WARRANT IT TO GIVE INSTANT BELIEF n al! cases of Asthma hot complicated with other diseases.. ANY PERSON AFTER ONCE USING WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT IT. * t ’ -j Pamphlets containing certificates by mail FREE, Send forgone.' Ask yo'ur druggist for it.- If be has none on handset him to.send or write for it your self. . - • • > 'jt Price by mall, postage paid.fl.oo per bor. Liber al terms to druggists. Address .1 • CIIA9. B. HURST, •prll-ly. Rochester, Beaver Co., Pa. • t ... ' iv 1 j . - ■) : T? NTE BP BIS B SALOON AND -Hr BESTAUBANT. OPIBN DAY AN* NIGHT, MEAL 8 AT ALL.HOUR S. •) v ir. ~'1 .=• .t• *' ~: ! No. 1» SEpTH BT. ,YJ«te «. CUir,) ‘ » . i* •.> /*. ' I . :^ ITT8 ® QR ®NEAi: HcCALUON •-**« A ® t? # A LOO N , I ,3JIUc. IFIITtItICB. ? C. H. BENTEL, Cashier. J. W. COOK, Fiesidtnt. OP PITTSBURGH, JAB. T. BRADY & CO. W. J. BPETERER, a. j. spETEnBB, Cashier \c 1 [dels’ 8