The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 02, 1873, Image 5

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local items.
_ Tg _c W. Taylor, Beaver Falls; Evan
Brighton; J.Linnenbrlnk, Rochester.
pngli- -•<—
T V,„ a . is Ibe mod extensively elreo-
Weekly Newaper la Watem
L.D»yi™ nla> .
cevetand & P«ubur«h Railroad.
™*g jyefr—Mail, 7,46 a. mrAccommodatlor
5 40p T £&si—Accommodation, &,19 a ha; Mall,
IrCt“9 *•/»*•» «■» * -
37 p . m; Express, 7,07 p. n. -
Arrival andßeparture of Malls.
, OTh nuifl leaves at 6.45 a.m.; ajmcsat 8 p.m.
mail leaves at 2p. m.; arrives at 6a.m.
The atention of the publid is directed to the
foiling Eew advertisements, which appear in
THI RADICAL to-day : r '
JewAdv-Oeo.P. Rowell C
A dT-Hostetter’sStoxnach Bitters X
J* Adv— Grand Gilt Concert; t ... C.
ll S.lleW- W. wnilmt.....- .61*
S SotlM-O. C. MM. * C 0,,.
JecmlNotice-Mrs. Renee
Notice ia Partition—C. White seBt
S Notice— l£t. .'Knight Milt
<£!cia! Notice-John Bishop 13111
sneciai Notice—Louisville Lottery C
snedai Notice—J- D.”Tpffin-..., 612 t
Orphans 1 Court Saie-Cham. White 6sBt
NewAdv— Weaver4 C0...'. — 3
special Notice-K. Stelnfeld. ,r...... .C
special §P§USl^ >lxr S’’'
Notice —Bertzeg & Beaffl... ■. •.-• C
ffe are indebted to Hon. Wm. McClel
land for valuable public documents.
i tioore, druggist,-sells Indian Bitters and
in Coer aprlSrlm.
There will be an Ice Cream Festival In
the basement of tbe M. E. Church. Bea
m, Thursday May Bth. .As this’ is the
tirsi ooe of tbe oeason- we hope to see
ii2 ;ie a number present, j
B steinfeld the clotber. corner-Broadway
asi Lock Streets. ■■ -
Xwo entire new two Howe for tale
tx Speyerer & Son's. : . fehSl-tt
There will be a meeting-of the Mana
gers of tbe Beaver Courrij::Agricultural
Society at tbe Sheriff’s office, Beaver, on
Saturday, May 3d. 1873. .• . •. : *
Persian Oleine cures cholera, cramps
and all pain. . ' - ' ■ ' <
- Corner of Broadway, and Lock Street*, is the
place to gel your clothing. Don’t forget.
Stop 6t the New brietTroct, Corner of Broad
Mjacd Lock street*, Slew fright on, for yonr
ro-.tuEg. aprll-41
We call attention to John' Robinson’s
Great Mammoth Show which is to be at
Rochester on Monday the stb. John
' Robinson is a veteran Showman, and his
collection of animals is said to be most
complete, while the other attractions are
rad and of unusual excellence. Don’t
tail to the show.
Dr. J , Maginnis? Persian Oleine is
tie best known remedy for pain, sold by
D'sggists, Dealers and Agents.
The cheapest'store In the county is H. Btein-
We, corner of Broadway and Lock Streets New
Justices f Oommissions.—Commis
sions for the following named Justices of
.be Peace have been received at the Re
corder’s office: David Warnock, J. W.
McClelland, H. J. Kinsey, John M.
Sbroades, J. Y. Marks, T. G. Kerr, and
JS. B lazier, The}’ will, be . Sworn in as
soon as they file their bonds.
Mm. Bence, third street, Beaver, has' just
received another, and the largest lot or millinery
rood; this season, she has now all the,spring and
snmmer stylee fbr 187 A with a fine selection - of
Sowers, ribbons, hats, bdnnets, kid gloves, em
broidery. fancy goods and notions generally.
Hats and bonnets altered, cleaned and done over,
iiso stamping done to order. Beadcr, she re
spectfully solicits yotir patronage. mayiMi
Kotto late yet to obtain one of those cheap
s c.',!at R Steinfeld’s, for he has a large supply
ol hand?.
J. in core, druggist, cells Quick Cough Cure
iod French Balm. aprlB-Im.
Decoration Day,— Friday, the 30th
!, f May, is consecrated to the decoration
of stildiers’ graves, and General A. E.
Burnside, Commander in-chief of the
Grand Army of the Republic, in a circu-
Gr. In order to give greater interest
:r ; bt ct'emonies of tbai-day, request that
itt ciertry be induced to co operate by
t renching a sermon appropriate to the oc*
n -45’ >c on the preceding Sunday, thus pre
paring the people to Inter upon the du-
f the day with hearts foil of grati
lQ<k t 0 the fallen soldiers and devotion to
the cause for which they died. The
fu gge?*inn is a good one, which no doubt
W:il be cheerfully put into practice.
If vcu watt the neatest cat and fitting suit
' oc «'er saw, go to F. P. Gray -with R. Stelnfeld,
o! B-oadway and Loch Streets, New Biigb.
Presentation, —On Friday evening
K Eaola Lodge No. 103. I. 0. of G. %
10 Bridgewater was made the recipient o|
*feauiif a ] solid Ivory Gave) from Mrs;
J ol,ie Jefferapf Golden Role Lodge of 1
P irginia. Lodge Deputy G. W. C.
' Bro - J - H. Decker, presented the gavel
' D tehalf of Sister Jeffers, Brb. Rev. J, Hi
lJ be y replying on the part bf lie
wge. The gavel is a beautiful one.and
e we confident that it will be highly ap*
by l6e mem^)€X 9 the Lodge
f r l “ e sake of the fair donor who was
or ®eriy a member of Eobla Lodge, ,
p Co,d Sparkling Soda Water, flavored with
f nit Syrapg, always fresh from Hugo Ah*
n « Marble Fountains.. •.' •
»dmiresa-neat boot hr shoe, end
>°fi wuhT por 60118 rocceei /in setting them, if
C. atv*. r? EecDre a neat titcallat the, store of Q.
ever k^.v 0- ’ and famine the largest stock
,on ir «yb^,^ hiß pU ‘ c * r - Qeor S e 060 PteW
B. M. Etong, Sec'y.
In accordance with the rales of the par
ty, the Republicans of Beaver county
elections, on Saturday, the 31 si day of
May, and Vote for Candidates ior nomi
nation for the o||ces belojf named: '
One person for Assembly;
One person for Prolhbpotary'; t
Oue person for Treasurer;
One person for Commissioner;
Onep^rsdufoY Pool- Hobse Direc.or;
Ode pbfeotf fprsjury Coimnißsiober; f /
One person for Auditor; ....
Two persons for Trustees _of ?
WjH' also elect members of the*
County Committee as fuilows :
Big Beaver tp.; 9:lndependence tp....-i;
Beaver;boro....:... ~9;lndiutry tpi ... 1 “
Borough in......:iClarion tp.;v...,. .....i
Bridge WAftf b0r0.:... :2|McGßiredfet.........
Brighton tp. liMoontp ;
Baden b0r0.............. ljNew Brighton, K.W..
Beaver Falls..i*V *M. W*
Chippewa ip............iL,** ' “ .8. W..X
Dirlington tp....'.sFNewSevrlfckly tp.'..*..#®!
Economy tp..v..‘...JlNorthSewickly tp;^..!r
Fallstoil boro 11 New Galilee boiO;
Franklin tp..— 3 ijuhtotpy.....'..2
Freedom diet.... i l ] Patterson tp...., 1
Freedom .boro—PhJilipsbnrg boro r
Frankfort diet;.■.‘.S' Pulaski tp.-. ,'.. sih
Glasgow boro llßaccbbh
Greene tp S'Bochester b0r0.........8
Georgetown boro .1 Rochester tp. .l
Harmony tp. 1 South Beaver tp, 2
Hopewell tp.:.. :. .ji./Sjßt; Clairboro r.. 1,
The County Convention will -convene
a? th§ Covert House oq Monday,- June &i;'
at 10 o’clock, A. ii. ..
W. S. Shallbnbergeb, ,
Chi’h. Co. Com. * x
The name* of the following candidates for nom
ination for the several offices to he filled at tbe en
suing October election, are placed before the Be*
publican voters of Beaver county lor their suffer
age* and decision at tbe primary election*. =
S. J. CROSS, Rochester*boro, t *; ■
, t Protbonotary.
O. A. SHALL. Bridgewater boro.
JOHN SLENTZ, Ohio iwp.
JOHN CAUGHBY, Beaver boro.
BENJ. WILDE, New Brighton boro.
- Treasurer.
WILLIAM EWING, Raccoon twp.
JAMBS H. MANN, New Brighton boro.
H. W. SBELY, Rochester boro:
JAMBS TODD, Raccoon twp.
Lt. 8. A. JOHNSTON, Borobgh twp.
JAMBS PETERS, Hanover twp.
GEO. W. SERODES, Moon twp.
8. N . WARRICK, Sontlrßeaver-twp.
J. N. CALHOON, Georgetown boro.
WM. B. THORNBURG, Raccoon twp.
Por neat and nobby Boots and Shoe* call on
G. C. Atkins & Co., Tblrd street. Beaver. ■• : 1
One car load Canton City Flour Jnst received
and for sale, wholesale and retail, at Speyerer *
Son*. Rochester.
We are indebted to Hon. George V.
Lawrence for a copy of the ‘‘Hopkins
Memorial,” consisting ot the addresses de?
livered in the Constitutional Convention
on tbe occasion of tbe death of Hon.
Wm. Hopkins.
Dr. Jf, D. Cofiia’a Boot and Shoe Store.
Corner of Bridge and Rhode Island streets. Roches-
Pa., is the place to buy hoots and shoes. The
Doctor sells at Pittsburgh prices, and has on band
a largo and well selected stock suitable for the
touts of all classes. Call and examine them.
One car load Canton City Floor Just received
and for tale, wholesale and retail, cl Speyerer&
Bone, Rochester,
Tonne nan those boots don't fit yon! Call
on O. C. Atkins £ Co. and get a pair that will.
Briceland Capfured.-^Brice land,
who was recently convicted and sen ten c
ed lor the murder of John Allinghara.
and who, with other prisoners, made im
escape from the j-sil at Washington^coun
ty, on Saturday evening of week before
last, was captured on Friday evening by
Robert and Alfred Caldwell, near "Col
lier’s Station, on the Panhandle Railroad,
and near bis former home. He was acci
dentally discovered in a bay-house by
these men and taken there without diffi
culty Saturday morning and lodged in bis
old quarters. He bad remained in that
neighborhood since his escape. Ttie. re
ward of five hundred dollars was prompt
ly paid by the Sheriff. The other prison
ers have not yet been arrested. Brice
land promises to make a full disclosure of
the particulars touching his escape.
One car load Canton City Flour jost received
and for sale, wholesale ; and retail,-at Bpeyerer &
Sons, Rochester.
Having just returned from the East, we will of
fer to the public a full Hue of Dry Goods, Notions,
Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hats and Capa,
Boots and Shoes, Progs, and a fine assortment of
Carpets, from 25 cents a yard upward : and in fact
everything usually kept in a general store. We
feelmnder especial obllgationrto our old custom
ers for their past patronage. and are still enable d
to offer them and the trade in general, a complete
stock, selected with care to regard to style, dura
bility and price. An examination of our stock is
respectfully solicited.
a a pr2s-3t . Mokbisoh & Bos. - T
A« the parebnae of a Sewing, Machine is of
may be an act for a life-time, careiehon Id be token
in selecting one thattime and nse have proven to
be the best. Time trie* all thing*. "Use only
furnishes the final tist.” Opinions of the skill,
ful may be of value, but time is needed to con
firm ;them* While! IW Singcf Sawtog Michlne
Company haagiven this public -the finest fruits of
inventive: they Imve guarded It from a
multitude of traps. Attachments have been ad
ded tor varions purooses, bnl it has kept free
from all usel'esa Complications. Simplicity of
parts, and adapts tiontotbe widest range of work
has been tbe conatant aim.
Instead of boasting of a variety of useless
stitches and movements, it claims to maktKMtc
One Kind of Stitch, and that with the Fewest
Movements Possible. Hence *the- Machine may
run constantly fortwenty 8 jeir#,’«• Uptime,
work well as ivhen new. 1 ' ’ l-rh a: .
B, SrsaW A Co, No. 10 Sixth Street, Pitta*
gariy Bow Potnto Seed, —tt C. A 8. K
Patterson have for sale -ftore. on
of choioe *
Pbakfobt Spbings, (
April 22, 1873. \
Resolutions of Respect—Tbt fol
lowing resolutions of respept were passed
"u Tuesday &£ pgimi
Tji/)dV2i f A r\f A 1? *
ißiffVV>|jwj?iiipll • i JmlHjmßi ß i %n/ A. rrlr,!" ■ r i •
lifffrit mrr^nv*'~ > -*** , -’^*^-* >i * '
"■Since Klias 'pleased the Patfier, Gov-,
eroor and Ruler of lo take
from us oar beloved Bejr. D. P
Lowary, therefore be it ; s
Besotted , Teat in tbe death of our, beloved
brother, community in whfeb'he lived, the
church over which be so ab'y presided In holy
fpreo nany'JflirtConr oi'Sßirjff «ERhr,bb
vuaia cbnlislant acd fldthiul member, *ehd the
many warm and personal Mends with whom he
daily associated, as we 1 at the widow and hither
enbmission, is deeply fel*.
Besoiced , That we tender oar heartfelt sympa
thy to tbe bereaved widow and only surviving
child of brother, and ( ,Qth« friends
to whom he was dear, and'with thein' rejoice that
his sufferings ore over, and that he has gone to
forever dwell with hif'nugftbf whbft|h® ; loved so
well, end to enjoy that peaceful rest, the hope of
which so often inspired his words acd cheered him
in bis arduous labtfM. l^ fftl-Str'-?,’.’
Betolved, That out lodge be draped in mourn
ing, and; that pnr numbers k wesr tbe usual* badge
of mourning for the usual number of days
Besoiced . That a copy of these resolutions be
sent to the family of the doceased, andalso be pub
lished in the county papers.
Snith Cubtis. )
B.' J. JOHNSTON, > Com.
A. 6. White, j
Grtind Opening of Spring 6«od«r
Having j ast returned from the East where 1 have
purchased a large and con
sisting in part of Dry Goods. Notions, Hats, Caps,
Boots, Shoes, Quesnsware, &c., gll of which, is of
fered to in; many friends and the public in gener
al, and to which I call your kind attention. Mr.
Samtfel BlaSkrtbrS,
dry g<x>deandnotibn trade, sfnd. whdsoTabi my as
salesman is so well known throughout this county
has given extra attention in selecting.these goods,
and having visited Some of the largest bosses in
the East to select from, feels confident that no
ench goods, either in quantity, quality or prices,
has ever before been brought into this county, and
hope# to be. able to meet the demands of feach and
every one. Dress Goode of every style and varie
ty, Poplins, Ifoboire, Grenadines, Alpacas, Woo)
Delaines, Ac. Percales, Chintzes, Prints and
Ginghams of the latest patterns. Also a complete
stock of White Goods/Linens, Muslins, Napkins,
Towels and table Linens. I also call yonr atten_
lion to my largo'and fine, assortment of Boots and
Shoes. In selecting these goods we studied care
fully the wants of our customers, and all we ask is
a careful examination oi onr immense stock, and
be fully convinced that pur stock and prices defy
competition. Alsd a lull line of select Groceries,
which we offer at the lowest market prices. Re
turning my sincere thanks for yonr past favors, I
hope by close attention to business to merit a con
tinuance of tbe same. James Allen. Industry,
Beaver county. Pa.
|or profession
's! certificates will hc* held at the office of
the County So intense at in Beaver,
commencing on Prtdhjv-Msyh, at 9
o’clock, a. M-. aod continue two days.
Applicant? for certificates will fie requir
ed to bring recommendations from a ma
jority of the boarder pf directors
in whose employment they shall have
taught for two preceding annual school
Teach era in possession of valid profes
sional certificates granted in this county
will please forward them to roe to be en
dorsed. M. L. Knight,
Great Bargain*— S. &J. Snellebarg, New
Brighton has just received a splendid stock of
new goods consisting of coats, pants and vests, of
both men's and boys* wear, and a general assort*
merit of gentlemen's famishing goods. 8. & 5-
Sncllenbnig are wide awake men r who 'believe In
keeping their business before the people. They
make nse of the means of advertising to communi
cate with their easterners, and accom
modate all while they receive .a large, increase ot
business therefrom. 8& j Bnellonbnrg will sell
cfoihing-elthetready made or to order as cheap as
the same can be obtained anywhere and will give
entire satisfaction not only in price but in fit, Qual
ity and styleof garments sold. Call and examine
their stock, price thelr/goods, and compare them
with goods and prices pf other similar stores and
see if what they assert is dot frde.
Enigma , —l am composed of 16 let
ters. My 6, 12, 15 is a girl's name; my
5, 11. 9 is an innate sense of melody ; my
4. 3,6, 10 is an animal ; my 1,2, 9,8, 3
is a number ; my 7,6, 16, 8 is a valley ;
ray 13,12 i ’6, 15, 16 is visionary ; my 14,
6,12,13 is a Turkish Judge ; my 14,11,9,
3,1 is a mark noting omission in any
writing; my whole is a far famed period
jeat. L. M. S.
New Goods! New Goids!!—Hert
zog and Beam have just received a large
invoice of New Spring Qodds." consisting
.of the latest and most fashionable wear,
? *
Hor Radies and Gentlemen in Boots, Shoes,
Gaiters and Slippers. In ladies’ wear at
tention is called to the following styles,
viz : Very heat imported French Marqc
co boots, face and button .also to Creo kid,
lace and button Newport ties, Columbia
.ties, and the very best assortment of fash
ionable slippers: In gentlemen's/'fear,
we hare the ceTebratedf Oxford iie. Pfince
Albert low shoe, Swiss walking shoe,
lasting boot tipped, very L cool for sum
mer, and opera slippers. Pine work a
specialty. All orders promptly attended
to, and the patronage of the public re
spectfully Solicited. Store opposite Brad
ford’s Real Estate office, Broadway, New
Brighton. aprSS 2t..
1 Mr, Coo&,tbeticbet age at-at Roger’s!
Perry pat a long time, has vacated the of
fice, and a son of James, Brittain, of Ship
piogspmt, has been given the position.
Tbis jonng man met~wlfh a serious acci _
dent last winier at; Reaver Falls, as
be recollected.and we are glad to hear of
bis appoidlment. ; ' " ,
i- . y , PlTrflilClißßf JkßmB*^
Welwvo used Beynmr, Bauman ft Co.’ii brand,
of Strictly Pore White Lead, iu large quantities,
'for tbo l*Bt<lToyeafe,aid htte found it ttelfonnly
ground* eery white* of oarcolteat coTeringqualltieej
and on that accountire prefer it to any other lead
made cl
most all the brands, daring the fifteen years k
bare been m ilia potating business Intheclty.
-•£ 1
County Superintendent.
| Kew Castle Chinese Indignation
Sleeting, —The citizens of New Castle
aif#’ 6
eveDiDg nf week before
hsi. to
the introJdctldd r ot o>»lies into ttits
country. Hon.J.W. Walhcewas made
Chairtnan. and J. H. Hartsuff, John D*
vis, James McQoatf and W. Hi Reynolds,
Vice President#.' Theire porters of the
press actingas'Becretarlee.
Tbe Gbairmkn made a short, pointed,
opening' speechVsbowing that tbe meet*
iog Was willed distinction of po
litical protest agiinst
tion by contract of Chinese coolie labor?
ersas wrong in principal, ahd at thebesi
was butamlserable system ofpeonageV '•
On motion', tlie Chair appointed W.
Black.WoLPoilreri C*pt.«Hhti Yoon*, l&:
W. Taylo’r, Stillman Br!gga;J.@.
and T. B. Bryson,* to draft
Daring the absence ot ihecnmiplitee,
the meeting, was addressed by Df.
N. 3lorgan,l?ho gayefionje interesting
think aboat, JieiBai4jUial\Coolle ]abtir wear
a new crusade againstfree labor;•.
The. committee being ready
Offered the following preamble and refib
lotions which were adopted unanimously:
WHWi*iß,- A Bqmber> of the citizens of this
county, regardless of the wishes, and,-wants of
American citizens, are Actually engaged- in the
importation and introduction of a semi-civilized
race of Chinese, Who can never become assimi
lited to Amelteans, whobave-no-lntontiOn to be
come citizens, who will nev. - r defend' our country
against ifef wrongs of othei|, nations, who pay
nothlagintp our treasury, who neither directly or
indirectly patronize f.rmers, mechanics grocers,
or mccbatoiCSvindwho are content 3 to Work for a
paltry pittance scarcely sufficient to famish an
American; tbe: scanty means of bare subsistence;
and,. • i >- r>. >■ - { j
Whxbkab, tbe .introduction of Chinese labor,
according to tbe present mode of importation, in
large squads* already under contract, at a mere pit*' 1
tance, compared withibe'real -value oflabor la
this country la calculated,.lf not designed*- to de
stroy the dignity pflpbor robbing industry p|
Its Just reward, and tbus rendering the intelligent
working man; be be tradesman* mechanic or labor
er. uuable to supporthlmself or those dependent'
upon bim.and In addition to-all this, we behove
ft to be A, system of peon slavery which was insti
tuted. and is now being carried into effect by men
who are void of principle, religion^'Tov'e bf coun
try or regard Tor their feiiow-manj aqd if not pre 4 -
veptedWiHiOltimatdiyJead tojihe overthrow of all
thdse a social, religionsliberties and free, inst.i-:
tutlons, which are heldsoSoff .by every American
citizen.' 1 Bolding similar views we
proceed to the adoption or 4he following; resell u
■ tionsl" iTtS * ■
o€d.ja»AtJve,a9citizena of Lawrencajcoun.-.
ty, do hereby prote/t against the Introduction and
employment of Chineaef bbor hfth l s cointry. that
we W!ll,wjtbhpld oqr influence and support fro pa .
everymad,Whatever biaprofessiofrror ‘oocnpaitioß'j
may be, who favors tbe introduction, employ flaefit4
or retention bf Chinese labor In our midst, and j
that w«, wiileuppdrt'np; newspaper or aspirant tor
pnblic pSßce that refuses to- coma bat boldly ,
against the introduction ofChlnese labor in this
country. V ■ ! ,
. emphatically condemn ;
tbe settop of theßcooDntfte Society in being fore*
most In ictroduclng Chinese labor lb,tbe ’ State,
•and that we wiil not pnrchaieany. cutlery or any
other article which we know to have been manu
factured inßeaver Palls by Chine ec labor.
Resolved, That we hallwlth pleasure the grow
ing disposition throughout tbe country to organize
tn opposition to tbe introduction and employment
of Chinese labpr, and that wo are ready to unite
with all law abiding citizens, without regard tor
party, for tbe peaceable prevention of tbe samp v
Resolved , That We as citizen's ef I&wrence conn-:
ty, do mon solemnly pledge ourselves to carry
into effect the principles set forth In these resolu
tions, • f ' ■ . . . ■
Resolved , That these resolutions be published in
the several papers of this city, also 10 the Pitts
burgh doily Gazette and Pittsburgh daily Past, end
that a committee of seven he'‘appointed by the
Chair to attend'to the teire, afidalso to cpmmnsi
cate with other parts \it the country; with a view to
a permanent hrganlzitlon throughout the United
States. '.
Resolved, Hut when we adjourn It shall be to
meet again at the call of the aforesaid committee -
Col. R. B. McC unbsbeing loudly called
for, responded in one of his happiest ex’
lemporanedus speeches, which jarehlwaya
full of rich thought?, and inberipefsed
with mirth; He of hisoarly days
as a cabinet maker and his precept posl
tioh as a. member of the bar.- He held
that working-men were the bone and sin
ew of the land. That the mechanic was
the power pf the land and coolie labor its
ruin. Every man should do something
in the product ion of the country.
Mr. Fliob and A. L. Hazen. Epq., were
called and each responded in eloquent
remarks on the importance of staying the
importation of Chinese labor.
The Chair then Appointed T. B. Bry*
son, E. S. N. Morgan, 8. K. McGinnis,-!.;
McMicbael, A. L- Hazen, Hngh Flinn and
James McGoan, as a committee to com
municate with other parts of the country,
&c, as directed in the resolutions, after
which the meeting adjourned to meet at
the cal] of the committee.
Hair Brewing.— Those who wish to have
hair catting, shampoonlng, etc., done af their res
ideates can be accommodated, and have the work
neatly executed by calling, on J. W. Williams,
now located in the basement ot Quay’s block, -
Beaver, Pa. ■»■ ... .. ; mayS-St
The County Superintendents oftbo
counties ol Lawrence, Beaver, Butler T
too, Payette, Somerset, West
moreland iRTIteA Ae’
meet at the UnlooDepot Hotel Pitts ”
burgh, on June 11, at 2 p. m.,
tb hold' a jiiWatfe' 'conferencewith thi
State Saperiotendent a&dotbep officers of
city taa: published inttie WMblngtoii
Eeotot ani Scxamirier, euo. I&jCiBlve jreßli
to lttter to Mr. Scotton
the salary criticising somewhat
clearly the |0o»
and proving him to be carelea mod
reet fn the ttnHra'ctitm IoF-«eiiBi«JiiP' r A
•> ,v r t-
>dav evening oi, . rir .
Prof, Fowler’s Oreatmt I Fork.—
The National PabiisUing Company, of
Philadelphia, hare just issued a very im
.-a'iSSS„r- ■ I ,
Fowler* on Madbohd, Womanhood, ana
their Mitral Interrelations; Love, its
Laws. Power, etc It is** masterly expo
sition of the laws whichconUol the rela
tions of the sexes, and their duties 'to
wards each other* and It is not asserting
loci much’io pronodnceit the most Valna
ble and timely publication of the age.;
’ “Know thyself!” was theT profound In?
junction of the ancient tage, Shd it is the
neglect to comply with* this prewpt that
causes neatly ail the misery and slckneis
of the * world* It tf 'astonishing to fincT
bow niterly Ignorant men and women',*
oilier ansa acC»bp!iWie3ab'i intelligent,
are c»invtn ru: themselves. Husbands antT
c>mslantly leulitbe tiers! nfmore
light on ibs Bubj -ct of .their relations' to;
e&chuther, especially conctrn iii£ Cut? great
duty for which: marriage was
the begettingaiwl rearing bfafamlly
Ikia foT lbe purpose oldlffdsing.this
knowledge^bat Prof. Fowler, has given'
tortile world bis work on ■ “Sexual Bc!<'
ence,” whichns/simply an explanation of'
the laws which' govern ifre sexes in their
relations to eachother. He painlsout
the duties of husbands and wives and dis
closes fftbls of which ho true* man or-wo
man Ought to be'igno’radt.' He lets ns in*
to the secret of preserving female health
and beauty' into* old age', and shows how
mothers nan aYoid- much oftbe suffering
of bringing children" into the* world—a
subject i'n whicli every' woman is inlerest;'
ed.aod hoW “fetnalefcorri plain IS” may be
avoided with ease and certainty. ;
His’ book is pure and 'elevated In
Hs style and ideas, and furnishes a
practical'solution of mmy of the most'
perplexing questions of life. It should be
read by- the young and- old/by the mar*
ried- -and siaglefand especially by those
contemplating marriage; Il tooehes upon
questions>and discusses them thoroughly ,
in which every married person Isinterest
ed. The advice which it gived to unhap
py' or indifferent husbands and wives is
sound and practical, And its warnings to
those who seek to promote pleasttre at the
expense of health ought to be read by-ev-
Tbe terrible practices of “regn
' latiog the size of families,” which pfe
vails- in many.part? of bur country* is
shown in Katrne light, and we commend
the chapters concerning it to every has*;
4 if;
.•» s t
All friends of morality and purity ini
social life will baiMheadycPt of Profes
sor’s' book' with; delight, audtbose who
seek information upon- the curious and
tragic featiires-of domesticJite, ihosfi who
would study .human "nature Stripped of
its marks and disguises, ■wUl findthis vol
ume the best band bo6k in - existence. :
" Young-mew 'who value theie -domestic
happiness, should not fail to read his re
marks on the subject of selecting a wife,
as tbe information it contains is beyond
The book is a real bleesingto the pub
lic, and will be regarded as such by those
whd read it. The low price at which it is
issued brings it within the reach of-all,
and every/person Who wants to arrive at
a proper nnderstading of Jhe Hrne rela
tions of the texses; should procure a copy.
It ts sold by subscript lon only -, and agents
are wanted in every county.: .
> [Louisville Courier-Journal editorial, Aprfl 7th.]
Poitponeoienl of the Public Library
Gin Ppneerti
it will ha seen by the announcements our ad
vertising columns that the third gift concert of
the Public Library of Kentucky, which was to
have taken place to-day, has been postponed Un
til July 8. This postponement, has not been oc
casioned, ns we are advised by Gov. by
the small sales of tickets^on the contrary, the
eaiei have been unusually Jatge—much larger
than at eltharof the preceding concerts—ao large,
indeed, that the time given by this ninety-day
postponement will enable Qov. Bramlette to dis.
pose of every ticket and Insure a full drawing
without any reduction or scaling of the gifts, as
has heretofore tyeen the case. Gov. B, sees.his
way so clearly that he announces in the mo st pos
itive and unequivocal language that the drawing
will lake place July 8, and th»t it will be a fall
one. The owner of the .ticket drawing the capi
tal gift will get f 100,00!) in greenbacks without
any discount, and so of all the other gifts.'■The
money sufficient to pay all the gifts—ssoo,o3o it
greenbacks—is already oh deposit in the Farmers’
and Drovers' Bankt-set apart for the payment of
the gifts and can be need for no other purpose, as
will he seen by the cashier’s certificate. sVlth a
knowledge of these facts—and we do hot hesitate
to guarantee their scrupulous fulfillment—there
will be each a demand for the tickets now on hand
that in ail probability not a single one will bp - left
ior sale weeks before the time of drawing. There
never was a fairer or more honorably-conducted
enterprise before the public, and it has, as it de
serves, the entire confidence of ottr people. It Is
one pf those schemes in which'the .purchasers of
feel,the most positive assurance that the
drawing will bo fair, for it will he controlled by
the most prominent and distinguished citizens of
the city ahd State and those who draw- gifts will
he certain to get the,. money the foment their
tickets are presented. f
Washington Revieai und Examiner
say 8; “Toe Washington Saving*' Bank”
is the hame of a new fioeodial tostitntino
organized in this place during the pint
- week; Tbe directors are as tallows: Jas.
.W. Kuotz,*Tbeodore 8 later,. John H. Lit
tle, Moses Bebaat, B. LrCraweb, €k Wr
■ Mooiogt-r, D.: L. > Bu; Bry
boo; and ' Wm-vilaotgotoißry. -Jame« W-
Knntz hne bcea aeleciedas President end
Samoehßaih ai Caßbier;. Tbe low office
of tbe lat» Heodersdn baa* been
leased-for ihe'trabßactidb 1 of the
oeifc 'Thee»plt»Hamck isplaecd it f
000/whtebtelield of tbbsrery
besiand iKeewdeit dtlam of tow ami
▼fclbUy. ai 2 i.:>& «fii; ? '
is-.v; B. va-svi 1 -J'-flTi \£\. it? In:- ?<- •.
le.— Wo wqold call the
attraUcaorlMiggteiaand other* wishing to bny *
fnlK4r luitf Intcreat In • Pint ammo* aMftoS
•crlpoonßtorifc fau:
acfK) adieitiafcg . '
•w, ♦
fisher Ames, a distinguished Ameren
was ardently |he 9jisJq. T
tamehted lie ii» 'schdots,
and thought that children should be well
acquainted with hoth otu-account of
the all-important .truths contains and
because they would thus learn the Eng*
lishlanguage in its purity. He wasßhc
customed to say, “I will hazard the as
seitlon, that no man ever did, or ever
wfllbecotee truly eloquent, without be*'
incr a constaot reader of the Bible, and’
an admirer of the purity add-sublimity of
US language.
/This distinguished man was & native of
Virginia, of which Stale he became Gov
ernor, He was eminent through life as a
statesman and an orator. • A ijttje . before
fa isdeath, he remarked to- a, friend who
found hiip bia Bible, “Here is a.
book worth more thanal|theolher books •
which ever, were printed; yet it Is rnyniis
foripne never tohaye,_nntU lately, found J
fime to r;pd'it with proper attention and
filing,” ii
Dr. Samuel Johnson is distinguished as
a Writer-on morals; bis ■compositions have
seldom been excelled in energy of thought
and. beauty of expression; To a young ;
gentlemen who visitedhim nn< bis death
bed, be said You ng mao, attend tp.Mie
rotegof ocerwho-has possessed a certain"
degree of famein the world, and who will
shortly appear before hia maker. Read
the Bible every day of your life.” :
< .7 : •
New Book*) only by subscription, at the Bea
ver Book Store ; “The Voice of God.” a com -
plete sacred history, Ac., &c. “The' Religions
Dehotninatlone of the World," elegantly gotten
up. . “Banyan’s Complete Works-." aaplcndld il
lustrated edition. “The ifloly Bible,*’complete
with dictionary, accordance, tables, Ac., Ac. Call
and see samples, and subscriber
We are indebted to the Passenger De
partment of the Chicago Burlington &
Quincy R. R., for a copy of “How to go
West,” a guide to Southern lowa, Ne
braska, Kansas, CaUforbis and the whole
great West. This pamphlet is full of
valuable information to those who intend
to go west, and can be obtained free of
costJby addressing. General Western Pas
senger-Agent, C. B. &Q. R. R. Chicago,
Illinois. -
At a meeting of the session of the Pres
byterian Church of • Beaver—Allegheny
Presbytery,—a committee was appointed
to draft resolutions relating to the death
of our pastor, the late Rev. D. P. Lowary:
Wbbbbab, It has pleased God Is His Infinite
wisdom to call home another of His faithful ser
Reeolumd, Turn wnile as a congregation we
deeply feel the loss of oar * beloved pastor,, oar
spiritual adviser and counselor, yet we woaldac
knowledge the wisdom and goodness of onr Heav
enly Father, and bow In meekness to His holy
Resolved, That we express our heartfelt sympa.
thy with the widow aad the orphan so severely
stricken by ttie removal of a loving husband and
That a copy of these resolutions be
poblished in each of onr county papers and the
Preibytenan Banner, and that a copy be sent to
the widow of our late pastor.
Attention Compsuy.— Notice is hereby
given that the restaurant known by the name of
the •*Bon-Ton,”*and lormerly kept by Wm. Strick
land, cornet of Fa Us and Broadway, New Brigh
ton, is now occupied byi Mr. John Bishop, as an
Bating House, after having been thoroughly refit
ted and furnished. Mr. Bishop, is well known as
a caterer, andthe public will no doubt be ! well
pleased to know that he now tenders bfk services
tothe people of this vicinity. Meals can be had at
all hours. Come; one. come ail.;} Basement of
M’Claln’s new brick, corner of Palls and Broadway,
New Brighton. ' ’ " 'i
medical Blunders.
From the period when surgeois applied their
salves to weapons instead of wounds to the pres
ent wide-awake age, the madictl profession has
often unwittingly taken side with Disease - in its
conflicts with the human system. Eveuyet, ia
spite of the teachings of centuries of experience,
some physicians believe in depleting their pa
tients, already seriously exhausted by sickness,
with powerful evacnants, emetics, salfvants,
cautbaridiU plasters, or the lancet But, provi
dentially, public Intelligence is ahead of these
medical fossils, who belong, of light, to the era of
the Crusades! That powerful ally of nature in Us
warfare with the causes of sickness, Hostetler’s
Stomach Bitters, ha- opened the eyes of the
misses to the paramount importance of increasing
the vital strength of the body when menaced by
disease. Tbey understand that when the atmos
pheric conditions are adverse to health, it is wise
s toreinforce the system with a wholesome' tonic
and stimulant, and thusenable it to combat and
repel the depressing influence of an inclement
temperature. If the constitution'll and animal
powers wore always thus recruited in the pres
ence of danger, tne mortality from consumption,
bronchitis, eftronic rheumatism; Ac., would ho
mneb lees than it is now. The causes which pro
duce croups, colds, quinsay, dipt|ieria and catarrh
seldom aflect a strong and afctiVo vital system ;
and ol alf 1 vitalizing preparatftifts? THostetler’s
Bitters has proven the 'mots. 1 efficients It* is mot
claimed that this standard tonic is a, specific for
lung and throat maladies, as it is for dyspepsia,
liver complaint and Intermitents, but It Is - un
hesitatingly asserted that it is the best known
•afegaardagainst all the atmospheric elements of’
disease. . <■ mayS-lm,
NEVIiJ/— BOQGS—In Afcirti 14th,
by J6hfi : T. MSrl», Mr. Vthotae Ker
in, Wltoduetty, end Wee Safe Bbggi,o£aocheB
- ?•>
LARKINS—COL*—At the residence of the bride’s
I»nst«, freed6m,Pa:, April ijftK by Her.’
Joseph' Mr. ikietiy ljii4lM, df
2ktt Liverpool, Ohio. «ttiWi«S.C. Cole.
‘.i DIED*
MJLLLEB.-At Hooketpvo, on Mocdsy April SBlh .
Mr*. Diana Miller, ngedabont 48 year*.
PSNDLBTON—In Rochester, Pa., April 23,18T8,
after a long and pilnfbl flioess. which she bore,
with Christ las patience and fortitude, Phebe A*
ttift lofiOttpiL- ÜBIiiC Pendleton,. in .the S6th
year ofher age.
J. K. 11. -
Thor. McCbeebt. 1
C. O. Moore, > Com.
R. H. Cooper, )
•f, *