I 8’ GENERAL KEWP. —Oakes Ames has no answer to make to Gen- Spinner’s little note. Why! —Anm Dickinron is to be sued in St. Lon’s for violating a lecture engagement. —George Francis Train says that the last thing he shall he out of will be his head. —Dr. S. Tyler, son of resident Tyler, la lectur ing on Temperance in San Francisco. George 11. Pea Uctoa, of Ohio, has ended his tonr through Spain, and is now in Italy. —Robert U. Winthrop has been re-elected Presi ident of the Massachusetts ilistoral Society. —Minister Bancroft horrifies circumspect Broth er Jonathans in Berlin by holding his receptions on Sunday evening. —Prof. Bracket*, of Bowdoin College, Me., has been offered the Chair of Physics in the scientific course at Prince tor. —Lord Robert Montague proposes that all luture differences between nations be submitted to the Pope for arbitration. —Mr. George Dawson, of the Birmingham. Bag lane, 2iews, is coming to this country to deliver a scries of lectures on Shakespeare- —Gustavs Doreand Blanchard Jerrold will soon begin au illustrated “Tour about Paris,” in the samJ style as their description of Loudon. —Henrietta Hershfeldt, an American lady, prac. Using Dentistry in Berlin, is making a fortune, hbe recently operated on Bismarck’s grinders with, marked success. —A will mad* 1 by a citizen of Amenta. 3». who died thirteen years ago, has just been discov. ered, much to the disgust of those among whom the property was divided. —Erasius Corning- son of the late Erastus Corn in" of Albany, the railroad magnate, is to be married in Miy to Miss'Mary, daughter of Amasa J. Packer, of Pennsylvania. —Mr. James Smith, an Australian journalist, has received a spiritual communication that the world is to be ■■burin I as black as a lorgottcn toast by a wave of fire," within a year. —A. B. llagar, formerly S ate Geologist of er mont and of Missouri, has been appointed Super, f.itendcntof the Washingtonian Inebriate Asylum of Chicago, with the view of keeping the inmates in strata condition; —Thom is Murphy says his son is not engaged to Miss Giant. Is Mr. Murphy autnorized to speak on thu subject? or has not the younger Murphy reached years of discretion? At all events, u is cruel to destroy a Jeaktns castle in U*ls manner. jj c v Mr. Spurgeon has positively declined a liberal offer from the American Lecture Bureau to come across the water to lecture to us, but en gagements have been concluded with Wilkie Col lins, Gerald Massey, asd Charles Bradhmgh for next season. ? The Toledo Board of Elucition having found it difficult to obtain qualified German teacher# at practicable salaries, commissioned Hon. Gujdo Marx, who is about to visit Germany, to secure five women teachers for one year at each, with assurance that should they prove successful they will be retained at higher salaries. 3Xe\v JJUNTBU BOY, Tne Hunter Boy owned by I) L. Reno, of Ro chester to. will stand for mares the ensuing sea son as follows 7 ; , , , At the stably of th<» owner no r Judge Irwins, from April gsth. t > May sth. from the 19th to the Imh. from the dd'h to June 2d. from Jane tHh to tU“. loth, then from the 93d to the 30tU. TUtl IiL'STEIi BOY Is better known as the draught horse CtydeVdate.'imported ‘ffiS& hvbsP land. weighs 1 Jhd pounds, is Id hands nign. dark hay. handsome, graceful steppir. anl trots a mile in d 5'J with ease Tne owner’s terms do not dif lur much from the usual rates, for which see pos ters. apri.V; J ,t CHEAP FARMS FOR SALE NEAR CHICAGO Why go to Kmsu-* or Njbrmtta. when yon can buy as floe farmi i.g lands as the sun evershonc on improved and unimproved, at from $25 to $4O an acre, nmgiug'f/oiu 41) to I,3'V) acres, within from 30 to 5 1 miles from Chicago, in one of the finest dai rying countries in America? Five railroads now running through the county and 4 or 5 more be in? constructed. Ilave several good improved farms for sale cheap. For particulars address AMOS ALLMAN, apr2s Im. Crown Point. Lake County, Indiana. *\\T AG ES FOR ALL WHO ARE WILLFNOTO WORK Any person, old or young. of either sex, can make from $lO to $5O per week, at home day or eve it in?. Wanted by all. suitable to either city or country, and any season of the year. This is a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, and out of money, to make an independent living. No capital being required. Our pamphlet, "HOW TO MAKE A LIVING," giving *full instructions, scut on receipt oi 10 cents. Address. A. BLUTON X CO., Morrlsania. Westchester Co.. N Y. * ft TUT Rifl everywhere to sell our new and novel iiuljPl lU Embroidering Machine, send lorlllus- Tir » Vffnpntrated Ciicular. t<> the McKee Manu If iill 1 Jiijfaciuring Company, 303 Broadway, New York 'J’UE PAKLOIi COMPANION Kverv lady wants omf! Every Man ought to h ive one ! ! Sent on receipt ol 'len Cents. Address, L. t HVOE & CL., IUS Seventh Avenue. New York. 1> ON-TON FLIRTATION SIGNALS, sen! on re 3ceipt ol 25 cts. Caique Printing aud Publish ing House, 3 In the Court pf'C.mvn mi VI .• # n of Heaver county In tlf nutter oi line vii'.nn'arv nt of Jus }£. r.fi'. ;i;ai J. an nl5 .‘.ii- >'ile. ana Crvah \V Vat left-on and Mantelet J.. his "'tic. to 11, ( llitlmau. And non’. to v;t t Ai■ ire?t i ,t!i. ivi-i no excep tiuia- ii.aii " been till'd. Mie Court contiiiu the ac count oUth" in ih.i* ct!*e a- stated. and appoint 1". 11 "kM-ij . .in Auditor to nuke distribution ol the'iuiain e ’n the hand? Ci emd A-siirnee. as shown by hi? account. A tree extrael liotu t!ie recoi'b Attest: JOHN CAI'GIIKY. i’roth’y Notice i- htreby a'i .on to all parlies interested that Die nnd r.-iy;ie;i will attend to the duties o{ the above aopotntnu id at the COL'itT IlOi'SE. JJEAVEIt. I’i.. on WuiNfsniY. .May-Tin, A. D.. l?T-i. at tell o'clock a m ;eul? V. V. H- AH NEW, Auditor. r £'BL I.MI’OU I'K!) KNULieil 15 L()O 1) IM) U 0 RSES ANGIa > e AX ; )N '.vi!l .-land for nvires liie ensa lag season, e'.mine.neing Aj»ri 1 and ending July ran. :i X)it'»V' ; v>ii Mtnuis. Tuesdays and We'dnes.! -i.' -at t !u* stable of the owner. in Ohio tp., Beaver c.i'iuiy; on Tlinrdays. Fridays and Sat !l;.)t.s at 1 r.crn. Calcutta. Ohio, TriRM-' -! on Dollar- lor insuring a marc to be v. iih loal, to lv; piM wli-a that fact is ascertained; s ii-io service eight dollirs, to oa paid when scr \ i* • I.- rendered. t>lK aK I'tlUit wilt nUo stand for mares the en- r kji nr- uiison for the same termscs above, as foK lo’. -l At the stible of John Grove, Brighton tp.. on Vr.ndav and Tuesday forenoons: at the stable Mnjaoi Walton. Chippewa tp.; oa Tuesday nf ns and Wednesdays: ..t the stable of the in Ohio tp., oa Thursdays. Fridays and Sat- O V . U i! n D. JOUNaTOS, Owner and Keeper. >-U AT ROCHESTER FOR llonflajv ifetyt «MJi, . 1873. Afternoon and Evening, on A WORLD S EXPOSITION! V> I I L b Public sq.ua^’e, 011 > .XTsc a special Fleet of Steamers (or Transportation, emplpjf 5,600 Men and Horses, have 100 Male Performers, Sixty Smallest Ponies in the World, Twenty Beautiful Ladyl Celebrities, 42 Cages of Wild Beasts, 15 Sun- Bright Tents, 40 Musicians, £ Great j of Procession. 55 *... * . s*—»•' * Seating: Capacity 15,000 81,000.000 Challenge to Substantiate the Same. 1 South American Giraffe, 0 feet 2 in dies high, cost $12,000. 1 Hippopotamus, from the Baher-el azrek or Blue River Nile, $BO,OOO. 1 Double-Horned 3 ton* Black Surma-! Iran Rhinoceros, cost $13,000. 9 Ala-ska Sea Lions, eat 500 lbs. fresh tish daily and cost $30,000. 1 five ton performing .Elephant, cost $20,000. 1 Royal Nondescript Taurus, with 3 horns and eyes, cost $O,OOO, and the only one in Ameiioa. 1 Giant Ostrich, 15 feel high, not an Emu, as is usually palmed off by conti deuce operalot s. 1 ton spiral horned African Eland. 1 African llarte Bee.sl, often advertis ed, but only seen in Old John’s collec tion. 1 Pdar or NVliito Bear, and only one in America. Alter |>n*sing through numberless pavilions the patron’s special attention is called to the mckbaij ei Embracing the- fine-t Arenlc Talent the sun ever shone upon, with its army of Celebrities, Dare Back Male and Fein ale'Equestrians, Finished Gymnasts, Voltiguers, Four Great Clowns, Trained Horses, Ponies and almost an entire change in the most ditticultreats of Skillful Horseback Riding and New Gymnastic Acts, created expressly to add additional eclat to the , MAGNIFICENT HIPPODROME EXERCISES. Doors open at 1 & 7P. M. j Tournament Commences at 2 & 8 P. M . .. List of Specialties * | THE RADICAL: 1873, ROBINSON’S GREAT & \ .-’ in one Grand in 'x I m - BCHBf "7 JJEPORT OF THE CONDITION National 1M of Beawr Gouty, NEW BRIGHTON, PA., At the close of business on the 2Sth of February, 1873: ‘ RESOURCES. Loads and Discounts. 23 Overdrafts ••••••••• —■ U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation. : • J2O.WW 00 j U. 8. Bonds and Securities’onhand 15.000 W Dae from National'Banks........... 5,001 03 Due from State Banks and Bankers.... 1411 57 Banking House...; w£* 54 Furniture and fixtures 0° Cnrirent exp&nses 344*0 Premiums • • .Checks and other cash items ; . gg Bills of other N ationai Bunas. jSJ Fractional Currency , rvrin UU Legal Tender Notes. 2t,191 39 Capital Stock. Surplus Fund, Discount Exchange - Interest Profit and Loss National Bank circulation Dividends unnaid, i., Individual Deposits, Duo toNational Banki Dae to State Banks jind Bankers r $393,733 Si State of Pennsylvania, ) l,Edward Hoops, Cashier Beaver County, f s of the National Bankol Beaver County, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. EDWARD HOOPS, 1 Cashier. subscribed before me this 10th day of March, 1873. Hilton Townsend, N. R Correct—Attest; G. S. BARKER, 1 ; R. E. UOOPES, > Directors, .maitil J. S'. MINER, j NOTICE ESTATE OF JAMES McCREADY. DECO, fetters of administration on the.estate of James McCready. dec’d.. late of Greene township, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and th »se having claims against the same to present ihetn properly authenticated for settlement. ■ „ , . ' w* JOHN B. McURBADY. Adm’r., apr!B-6t Greene .Township. NOTICE ESTATE OF JAMES B. ANDREWS, PEC'U.. Letters of adminNtrai ion on the estate of James B. Andrew*, dec’d-, late of fVMon. Beaver coan .ty. Pa., having boon granted to the undersigned, r all p *rs >•’> indebted to the saidest-ite are request ed to in .kc imraedia'e and those having dialms against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement to * N ANt'V J ANB ANDREWS. Adgn’r., t aprlS-fir. Faiiston. i*q. • ' ’ '" , .•. Sealed, proposal*’.vili-be received Biif.l the 10th of May. for tit t building of n Methodist Kpisdopal Church.in the borough of Glasgow. Beaver county, Pa. Plans and specifications can be teen at Jas, LitlbViiu said borough. , JAS. LITTLE. 1 ■ WM. HOOP. Building Com. - aprlS-.’t THOS. WATSON.) 000,000 ACKES, The cheapest land in the market for sale by THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY 3.090,0i)0 ACRES IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, Now for sale in tracts of forty’ acres and upwards,* on five and >en years'credit at sis.per cent. No. advance interest required. Mild and beautiinl climate, fertile soil, and abundance of good water. The best market in the west! The great roll ing reglons'of Wyoming. Colorado, L tab and Ne vada being supplied by the Farmers in the Platte Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO A HOMESTEAD OF THE DEST LOCATIONS FOR CCLONIES, Free homes far all. Millions of choice govern ment land open for entry under the Homestead Law. near this Great Railroad, with good markets and all the conveniences of an old settled country. F.ee Hasses to purchasers of Railroad land. Sectional maps, showing the land, also new edi tion of Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, mailed free everywhere. Address 'YY anted 10,000 Farmers To improve 1.705,000 acres of R. If. Lands, free from mortgage aud located in the middle region of Western lowa—the best corn, wheat and cattle producing belt in the West. 15 hours distant irom Chicago. Climate and soil unsurpassed. Meadow aud plow land with pure running water evenly distributed. No fever and ague. Average credit price $0 per acr.*. Send tor a guide. It costs nothing and gives descriptions, price?, terms, maps and how to reach the lauds. Address JOHN B. CALHOUN. Land Commissioner lowa Railroad Landed.. Ceuar Rapid?. lowa. Chicago office. t>s S. Canal St. $5O0 1S W,IZE6 - EXTRA EARLY VERMONT, Ten da'g IjJ mm. earlier than Early Rose. Enormously MV Ell Productive and of excellent fravor. SI ■■ 7m P« r lh -l -1 pounds by mail, postpaid for £3 M $3.30. N A COMPTON’S SURPRISE, bin bu,-hei ■S Vf to the acre. A little later than Early Rose. Equal in quality. S 3 per ground, by mail, postpaid. O K $5OO will be awarded as promiums'to those who produce the largest quantity w Mdl from one pound. Descriptive ciicularo’f Ea 6* the above, with list of 300 varieties ol Po- Ah tatoes sent free to nil. Illustrated Seed Catalogue. *2OO pages, with Colored C'hrohio, 35 cents. or lon- A new tomato, the “Arlington,’' early, solid and productive. Price 33 cents per packer. 5 packets forsl. I*. K. BLIsS & SONS, 23 Park Place, New Voik. Lionesses Boa Q NLY TEN CENTS!!! Or, Paints —Uotc to Select and Use Them A plain treatise, containing sample card with 4i different actually pointed i-lmdei- and lints. with lustntc’ions for exterior and interior House Deco ration. •2 r > copies, bound in cloth, iot sr>. Sample copies, paper cover, maiied. post paid, toanv address, on of 10 cents, hv the Publisher. HENRY CAREY BAIRD, Box to-21 Post-Office. Philadelphia. Hie (ktfolioic'uiy vatuciUe extracts/rom pnes no tices : “A very vaiiu&le book, and no one intending to paint should taii to read it.” —N. V. Tribune. " ••We did not know so much could be said on the subject of painting a house until we_ read this ex cellent book ofMr. Baird's.”—N. Y. Herald. “A want long fell at nut supplied.”—Scientific American. “Not only a necessity to the painter, but valua ble to every occupant of a dwelling.”—N. Y‘. World. “Bay 25cop es ofihi-book and distribute them among your triend#. 11 tiny will heed the advice therein, you could make-no more valuable pies e u t.' ‘ —C h ic.i go Tribune. “In publishing this book Mr. Baird has done a real service to the conininnitx •”—Toledo Blade “We hope the publl-ner Mi!! sell lOo.d-ti) copies ol this book_flurinsr ‘Tl.'-80-ton Adverti.-er. “We have just painted i-t:r bouse a? advised liy the author, and co;,>irri.*t:ln!e ourselves that no dwelling in onr neighborhood excels ours in ap pearance.”—Ha: pel's Weekly . “In sailing a sample t ony for cents. Mr. Ib.iid must feel certain an order for go bound in tU th wll 1 "'follow. ” —Ft an k he s! ie. “Vije Know the Bovnand country paints therein recommended, and car. vouch for their val: e : s.d the excellencerue “Harrison” brand ot lead. Philadeipbb. her;gor. OP THE UABltrms. mv) 33.843 56 1.571 01 . 1,075 25 . 1.443 31 , 140 61 .*■105.805 00 " 1,788 34 42.555.11 S 881 19 7,478 64 CHEAP FARMS ! In the Great Platte Valley lt>o ACRES. O. P. DAVIS. Land Commissioner U. P. It R.. Omaha. Neb EVERY MAS HIS OWN 'VAINTKU: -ONLY TEN CEKTS ! r Wi WEIiCH & Manufacturer? <\fs a . v , l ‘‘S. a SLPhKIOK TO Ml OTHVnc r* EVE lIV SAW W i ! swti»s» HSf^l rice Lists and Ciccul-.r- "-S3 MWELeH&GIUFFr TR , Bp«tou« Pptr«i. ». n > • V student*. render this out* of the h of I lie country. >or;!iz .-e'.-inu •25rh. t-tiuh-i.t- tec?sved at Wv "{{£***** s2> *•' ■> Boiowni'e : atd Li.tjyjr.v I.: a* e?, son.] : r ; ' . -ui '><:L U-~-tu- ;,,,cv ;ii., - ■ fasti*' vorn No spri.'ir to !».cri , f,.i v.r , durable, very ;. ,i 4 c place desired', and a seii-iiisteiicr ui, ’"' ' p! down. Send stamp for circular i ; vt “ > copper-bronzed locks sent to ar.v’ a .^l. S ”• U. S., postpaid, on receipt of V H n 11 dneetnems to the trade. Aavr.;'. dress R£ISINGEU SASH LUCK Co" At Market St.. Harrisburg. Pa. ' ‘ ■ 11 FARMERS. Wsafyw* toes, fruit trees &c. A ,ialif;th’ • ‘V 1, sent free. Extra offers. L. D Hu"T * /" Huron. Ohio. 41 *<■■■. Ivl'GG it Kn.iJAULs.js f ooi-forldßi fflachinery 6*tt Woortw&rth Pbntas. To: ......, Grooving Machines, Hichard-.n.'- »vV‘* " improved Tenon Mach:::.--, &■ Central, cor- Union M.. Wultt'K' f£K, Hiv ~1 •£■ 'VVITUBKBT, U. J. BiiriG. S.Jt.tlt* il.vtO'i'il A TENTS OBTAINED No Tee unless successful. No fee In :i ■;. , r charge for preliminary search, tend r-Ve-'n CONNOLLY BROTUEUS. Mi-. Four a s V adelphia, Pa.. and &J$ Ninth St.. Washing*^.l)\ GENTS.! A RAHE CHANCE ' We will pay agents $4O a week in cash *ho engage with q*. at •once. Kverytaiur :.i and expenses paid. Address ' i jgVERV CORNET BAND In the country wiii.teccive a sp'er.d.i u r; BAND ML’sjlC free bv sending a two cm;« to EDWAft-D A. SAMURLB, Publisher. Ik: Mass. d&r Tty I p'erday! Agents waa'?d qj?«y 1U 3p-5U class e4Qf working peop.«, either sei young or old. make mar,?;, y work ue in their spare moments, or alt ! he : .aw, tss: anything else'. Particulars tree. .Stinson & Coi . Port land. Maine. i) V L'V Made rapidly ivjrh Stent-;: aud i I’J.V/i* IVI Check outfit!*. Cnta ojr.e* ;s-i [jarticn'ars free. S. M. sPENt'EK. 11' Hr.: Street. Holton. CRYSTAL SoaF For denning nrd 'potfolita? metals. fi • and preserving paint, for removing !; marble, for trashing hand?, a:.d for all Cleaning, i? eupeilor to any other artr.-iia No Other reap or wash equal? it. either :r ;ii or cheapness. Kasy to n?e aivi perfei bira.-? and pleasant. All groc »r< seii'tt. M i:*i only by EASTMAN" & DUOOKE, «! N Tj.-.-J >- Philadelphia. Q.ETTY S B I H i Katalysine Wat Is the nearest approach foa.-p'c;;;: - ed for Dyspepsia. Nenrjigia. r.rn-.’ : -ai. t. Gravel. 'Diabetes. Kidney and l'n ; ary I 1 >" generally. It restores muscular po''f re tat 3 aiytic. It cures Liver Complaint 1 Diarrhoea, Plies, Constipation. Asthuu. 11-’I 1 -’ and Bronchitis, Diseases of the -it:' . • bility and Nervous Prostration free-. Msri. Physical Excesses. it is the Greatst Att" ever discovered for Excessive Eatinc »r I'rv It corrects the stomach, promotes I>■ ~r Believes the Dead almost injm-'dtiiri' household should be without it. Kit druggists. {&t~Fot a history of the Spring. fu: reports of the power of the water ow- : - for marvellous cures, and fur u ;-i r distinguished men. send for pamph et "■’ ,i NEY BKOS.. General Agents m>u:; r: v . * Philadelphia. Fa. Gettysburg Spring Co. -JJ . el?e. Sold by a'! IJruijs'ists. Price $l. ANTED We will give men and women . BUSINESS THAT WILL LA* trom ?1 to $3 per day: can be p :eT neighborhood ; ;i i- a rare chance • employment or having !ei-r,re rm hoys frequeni;y do as well as m free. Address marl-fit jQUPONT'S GUXPOWriEI’ A!i kinds Minin’. B a*t in 4 a-id - in Metallic k«:rs, for tale in l,: - . : from our Magazines at Mii : p ! 't ' known Powder his ueen maim'W ?•)years, and is sold at same pree* ■ Also, everv vaiifv Orv and Wit ’ D. W. t. KID WELL A to . '.ci 1 marT-lin !’ ff EMAEE 08LI STRICTLY PDREfii White Lead, Bed Lead, Litharge, Potters’Lea Patty, Colors. Every keg of oar White Lead bear>i , t i‘® v* warrant, and we guarantee a degree id nc whiteness unsurpassed: j * a a4 4 • \ ♦ i 1 * • ; r.\