A 9SBTOBV OP THE BEAVER V*l<: Correspondence if the Pittsburgh^S&zette* BEAVER YAliiBY, April, 1873. >•’ .IPaperNo. 73 3k' ! ' - BRIDGEWATER. * Tile-fTst settlement made in what is now known as Bridgewater, was proba bly about the beginning of the present century, or perhaps as early as 1798 or 1799., The first settler took np the lands lying on the point, or more properly, triangular fiat formed by the confluence of Brady’s Run-'and Beaver 'River,,'and runningback to tke hills north of Beayeir. A village-was built on this flat, and the name of Shawm given to it, which for a great many years was quite a noted place among travelers who had occasion to ■visit the valley. What is now the most, thriving and populous part of Bridge water, was then unknown except as a wilderness, and as being a part of the lands included In the “academy outlets,” aid out in 1791. It was many years afterward, before, Bridgewater was even thought of as a town. The first building put up in Sharon, was in all probability occupied by Mr. Robert Darrah, and used by him as a public house, for the enter tainment of travelers who should visit the valley. It was used also probably as the boarding place of the managers of the work being done s expedi tion, by Dr. McCaslin and wife and the ■Constable brothers. But the most con spicuous building and one that seeips to have the most interesting history,: was that one with the red front and known as “the old red front,” which was erected by Messrs. Hoopes, Townsend & Co., in 1803, for the use of Isaac Wilson, who was then a native of Baltimore. The house was built and used for merchandizing, a point where the settlers in the neigh borhood went for supplies for their fami lies. The old weather-worn building yet stands as a landmark of primitive times and as a reminder of earlier days. It bears its age well and bravely holds up its head amid the more pretentious im provements of the valley. Its faded red front and old style, the quaint stories told.of its early history, and the good* olden time memories intertwined in its checkered career, make it yet an object of much interest to those who are curious about the reminiscences of early times. What tales are connected with that old “red front!” Of what hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, troubles and disappoint ments and hardships of frontier life has it been the active scene. It stands, not far from where the intrepid Brady and hie three comrades put to death the thirteen Indians, who had burnt the home of a settler; but a short distance from where Brady, single banded, rescued Jennie Stupes and child, from the clutches of a band of Indians; and nearly on the bank of that wild little run, that has passed into histoy as Brady’s Run. To one stand ingjby that old relic, and listening to the soughing of the wind in the trees, as it issues from the month of the glen, and the gentle rippling of the waters, cours ing their way from the hill sides, or in a storm, roaring and dashing like a moun tain torrent, ihere is given a short of retrospective vision, in which there rises before the mind, sights and scenes that now fascinate, now cardie the blood, and always must create oh the mind, that shall give us a deeper rever ence for those daring men and women who have turned the forest into a garden and made it bloom for ns. AARON burr’s EXPEDITION. A few years after the building of the old “red front,” Sharon was for all time given a prominent place in history, as being a place where Aaron Burr had fitted out a part ol his expedition for the found ing of the empire of which he was to be the headland ruler. The spot is yet dis tinctly pointed but where the operations for this celebrated expedition was carried on, and the different parts of the work assigned toeachis related. The time of j this occurrence was in the year 1806, and the place, near where the old "red front” is yet standing. The boat yard was lo cated on the flat which has been already mentioned, and was for a time a place of great industry and activity. The point chosen was an excellent one for the work, i While it is contiguous to the Ohio river, it was at that time a retired spot, and ! well calculated for the plottings of trea son. Tfntther was in abundance, in the whole valley, good saw mills were in op- j ©ration and experienced workmen were available. It is related, that some of the ! most favorably known and patriotic citi zens of Beaver Valley to-day, are the de-, ■ scendants of men who supplied Burr’s agents with goods and wares and the necessary articles for his outfit. In doing what they did, those good fathers had not the remotest thought of “aiding and abet ting” a rebellion against their country, but trafficked with the wonld-be insur gents, as they trafficked daily with their neighbors. Barr sent two men to Sharon as his representatives and business man agers of the work done at that place. Their names were respectively, Tyler and Smith. They had the entire super intendence of everything that was done, from the procuring of the necessary ma terial, for the construction of the boats, the supplies necessary for use in the out fit of the boats; the produce, &c., for use in the trip down the rivers, and, indeed, all needed articles of materials to make the venture a success, was done under their persona] supervision and care. They employed, as the superintendent of the boat building department, a man . -* r LE¥. • , . ■- .v -r- ■*, - 'f. *- v ./*■ • (( by the nathe df Aniasi* ijrown, who had the. Sole charge of this work* and under whose direction the entire fleet of boats was built and put in proper order for the descent of the Ohio river. The necessary workmen were employed by Brown, oc cupying a house adjoining the "old red front." .The style of the boat was similar to that of the olden time coal boats, ex cept that Burr’s boats were closely cov ered—which used to cover the bosom of the Honongahela river during a rise, and were so extensively and universally used before the advent of barges- Burr’s boats were from sixty to seventy teet in length, and were capable of holding a large quantity of such gooda as he wished to take along with the expedition. They were generally called the "Orleans boats.” -r~K£?' ' They were of first class material and in every way very well calculated for the subsequent use to which they w.ere put. The lumber used in construction of the boats, together with all necessary articles required for the outfit of the boats, were furnished to Messrs. Tyler & Smith, by Mr. Isaac Wilson from bis store, he then occupying the red front as a store room for general traffic. He procured the lumber from the mills then in operation in Fallston and Brigh ton. The mill in Fallston subsequently became the tub factory, and the mill in Brighton, was once standing on the site of the present noble flouring mill. All the lumber used, first passed through Mr. Wilson’s bands, before getting into the possession of Tyler & Smith. * The flour was procured by Mr. Wilson* from the mills in the valley, and the mfeat and the general produce were also the products of the valley. The payments for these articles, were promptly made by the superintendents to Mr. Wilson, by drafts on New Tork, all of which were in turn bonered except the last draft, which was protested, but not until after the expedi tion had left the waters of the Beaver and had passed some distance down the Ohio. During the progress of the work at Shar on, and the prompt payment of all ex penses incurred, the neighborhood was quite prosperous, and no doubt the minds of the people were-* raised with high ex. pectations, of the great benefits that it would inure to the country by this boat building. A few years later, and boat building was one of the things of the past on the banks of Beaver. During the progress oi the work at Sbaron> Burr once visited the scene of operat ions, to inspect the work done and to give di rections for future movements. Connect ed with the fleet, was a gentleman by the name of McCaslin, who was the Physician or Medical Director. AN ADVENTUROUS WOMAN. During the stay at Sharon, an incident is related of the wife of this gentleman, which is a peculiarly forcible illustration of the adventurous spirit of the times, and of the great changes already witness ed in our valley, from hardships and .in conveniences to comparative ease and all needed appliances for comfort and con venience. This lady was then stopping in Buffalo. The Dr. was very desirous that she should join him at Sharon, but was enable to leave his post and go after her. He knew the trip would be of one peculiar difficulty, and attended with great inconvenience and some considera ble suffering and hardships. It was finally decided that she should undertake the trip through the wild and almost to tally uninhabited country intervening between them, which to say the least of Jt, was enough to appall the heart of the stoutest of women. As the Dr. could not leave to go after her, it was necessary to procure some one else as an escort. He was not long in choosing a strong, reso lute, good fellow from among the party, who agreed to make the trip. After suit able preparations, the escort started on his trip, taking with him one horse and a man’s saddle, upon which be safely made bis way to Buffalo. Immediately upon his arrival he bunted the lady up, who is described as having been a very highly cultivated and beautiful woman, and as well sensitive and delicate, the last person in the world to choose for such a trip. But the return trip was commenced, the only conveyance in their reach being that which the escort rode from Sharon to Buffalo. The question may have occur red tp their minds, as to just how they were! to mane the trip vn such a manner; but if so, history has failed to record it, though it is recorded that they got safely through in some manner with the meanr in their power. They passed through some very miserable swamps, known as the Cataraugus swamps, on the way and penetrated the Indians reservations. In making such a journey it. is fairly pre sumable that they did not find it a source of enjoyment. Several night they were I required to camp out, with nothing but the blue canopy of heaven above'them for their shelter, and a lap of mother earth for their resting place. Hot even a friend ly hut openedWs rude door for a shelter or retreat. 'They suffered together the necessary hardships arid vicissitudes of camp life. I wonder how many oftbe blooming, bright eyed maidens of Bridgewater, would un dertake such a trip for any compensa tion, even to the finding at the end oi the cheerless journey, a devoted hus band ? In its early history, Sharon had the usual “ups and downs”, of other Tillages, and probably saw its most prosperous days in its early existence. After a lapse ol time, it Was merged into the borough of Bridgewater, with whose history its ft* T. . THE RADI subsequent career has b ! While Bridgewater may n( rank, and with a certain d< ‘•look down upon Sharon 0) house,” let it remember tha' character antiquity has givei it has come down by reguli through the history of Sharoi there is of the stirring seen® life, they have been mainly Sharon. • A Touching inatuee oft ramude. We were what is “called -a Comfortable couple—me and thy goodladjii I have money in the funds, ©me house property, and a coal agency, jfc portion of the day I occupy in ealliig for: the rents and in looking out for lip postman, who may or may notfprobablr not, as a rule) bring orders for coal My good lady sees after the house, whe| she is not having a nap, or looking out 4f the win dow, and blows up the servant glrl^ We have several meals during tire- day. We like a little and often, and ? obser vant girls get rather overfed and saucy af ter a time, if they don’t go away Up My good lady, in the latter case, is generally very kind to them. Our last girl yas ta ken ill, and we gave her a week’s some soup, wine and oranges, ber. wages as usual. This conduct on cur part affected our servant girl, deeply, and she insisted on sending her sister as asubsti tute while she was away. Her sister came very early. Mjr good lady got up and let liter in. Sbe was curtseying on the doorstep, ‘jl f. you please, ma’am. I’m Jemima’s sister,” she said. “Take care,” said my good lady; “you’ve upset the milk-can with your crinoline!” 1 Sbe came in and heron to clear iaway he supper things, andr dropped a plate. My good lady told her where to flod the breakfast things, and sbe brought up a cup without a handle; it had slipped, through her fingers somehow. My good lady said, “the girl’s willing, hpt she’s nervous.” •’ j We have some nice china ornaments on the parlor mantlepiece. we were at breakfast, sbe dusted nnff a couple of shepherdesses. Between that a|d din nertime, though, she only got through a tumbler and an egg cup, and 1 be ginning to think- that she was getting steadier. I ",My good lady went down stairs to see how dinner was getting on. Sh e ££: • office that formerly occupied oy U. S Kev enne Assessor, Third street, Beaver, Pa. npm y 'II' ILLER, J. W. Physician and Sl^rf’ n vand 31 mat formerly Gccuplcd by Ow. 'nny Lawrence. Residence. i)r. McNutt s DUNLAP, j. p., Law. Office in the Court-house, Beaver, Pa. ness promptly attended to. raSiUefitt wfcSsS: novlU'll " ' _ « ,«nT»l’ Us J. PHYBICUS ANDSHBOBOH. ]V| V Hpecia? attention paid 10 on °TMnI Stale Sisoasee. Residence. on TbmJ eweet, alew doore weatoi the CoQ^ p %ff|4i-ly i LLISON THOSii, dealer in Dry wow, A Groceries, cox TUtd and sts. Jy« YNN a Wot in Dry Goods and Groceries. *Si a* Third street.- w c?SMSi nir^ sHir 3^ s * CO- deale* in Groceries and Pro i visions. Third street.' By a now Mm. B. h... dealer in MUllnew and Trimmings, cor Sd Bt. and Diamond. JyS* NDRiESSEN HUGO, dealer In Drugs and Med . Iclnegy 8d et. Bee advertisement. 1y39 70 10088 J., dealer In Drugs and Medicines, Third street. jyaaw rrvLLLON ROBERT, manufacturer and dealer In 1 Boots and Shoes, Third street. Jy29 TO BBTZ H., manufacturer and dealer In Boot! and Shoes, Third street. jp29 70 W‘ ALTER P., Baker and Confectioner, north east corner of the Diamond. ]y29 »0 ANSHTJTZ O. R., dealer in Tin, Sheet Iron Ware, Third street. MCKINNEY D., H. D., Physician and Surgeon; Office on Third street, opposite The Radical handing. lyayw KUHN B. P.. Attorney and CohnseUor at Law Office on Third street. jy29’9o H.HICE. PRANK WILSON. H. R. KOORK. HICE. WILSON & MOORE, Attorneys at Law Office: Rear of the Conrt-honse. ' BRIDGEWATER. JUBALTO’S shady Side Photograph Gallery. • Second Floor, Dunlap's corner, opposite the toll bridge. ap^l-ly MOLTER, J. C., Market street. Bridgewater, dealer in COAL from Bank at McKinley’s Ran. feb2l’73-ly OYD J. M. & CO., Millinery, Dressmaking, and Children’s Clothing, opposite Hurst’s, Bridge water, Pa. . aprlD-72 LEVIS JOHN C., M. D., Surgeon and Physician Office, during the day, comer Bridge and Wa ter streets; at night at his residence on Watei street. HURST A. C., dealer In Dry Goods. Hats and Cape, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Trimmings. Bridge street. jy39’7o STILES & CO., dealers In Groceries, Provisions and Qucnsware, Bridge street. Jy29'7o 1/f ULHEIM 8., dealer In Carpets, Oil Cloths and IVI Variety Goods, Bridge street. Jy29’7o PORTER JAMES, desler in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, and Iron Cistern Pumps. Bridge street. jyS9’7o BLATTNER C., manufacturer and dealer in Boots, Shoes.Ac..Bridge street. auo29-ly ROCHESTER. DONCASTER HOUSE, opposite Railroad Sta tion, D. Wolf, Proprietor. Fro Bono Pub [novls-ly tico. SMITH, JOHN F., (New Store,) dealer in Gro ceries, Flour, Feed, Nails, Varieties and No tions, best qualities and lowest prices. New Brighton and Washington streets, Rochester. atlg^TSMy BKISBIN MRS., Millinery, Fashionable Dress making, and Ladles’ Famishing Goods, lirst door above Cross’s store. New York street, Ro chester, Pa. [0c37’71-iy SPKYRRRR & SONS, wholesale .and retail deal ers in Dry Goods, Groceries,, Flour, Grain. Boat Stores, Iron, Nails. Water st. ociTTO ROSS W. A., M. D-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. sept23’7o O ATMAN A CO., (successors to Qatman, Par sons A Klnzer) dealers in all kinds of rough and dressed lumber. sel6’7o SCHROPP CHAS., manufacturer of and dealer in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing, spouting, Ac., attended to. N. York st. selC^O JOHNSON W. W„ dealer In Carpets, Oilcloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Trunks and Vari ety Goods, near RR depot. seltTTO STEEPLER A CLARK, proprietors of Johnson House. Good accommodations and goodsta bles. Near RR depot. eeRTTO STREIT GEORGE, manufacturer and dealer in Booots, Shoes, Slippers, Ac.. Water st. [se!6 DAVID ADGHINBAUGH, mannlactnrer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware; dealer in Stoves. Tin Roofing made to order. Waterst; seS'7o SMITH WILL A CO., dealer in Millinery Goods and Trimmings, Madison street. FREDERICK GEORGE, Baker and Cohfec tloner. Diamond. NEW BRIGHTON. BON TON RESTAURANT and EATING SA LOON.—MeaIs at all hours, table supplied with all the delicacies ot the season. Prices low. William Stricklahd, cornCr of Falls and Broadway. septao-ly. CAREY G, P., general dealer in Groceries, Feed, Oueensware, Glass, Ac. Rags, Iron and Brass taken at highest prices. Railroad st. octal ST it MEN GEO. F., manufacturer of Cakes and Confectionaries. Particular attention paid to parties and wedding orders. oct7'7o GILLILAND A. D. A Co., dealers in Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods and Groceries, Broadway* eeptas^O BEAVER FALLS. TANNEY BROS., HoW and Sign Painting, Graining and Glazing in all their branches. Also Fresco Painting In Oil, Distemper and Water Colors. Orders executed on short notice, in the best manner and on reasonable terms. Main St., Beaver Falls, Pa. [nov29-ly. STEVENSON & WITTISH, Real Estate Agents. All kinds of Real property for sale and exchange. Northeast corner Sixth and Penn streets. Pitts burgh, Pa., and Main street, Beaver Falls. sepm'7o KING Mrs. £., Miliner and dealer in Dry Goods. Notions, Qneensware, &c. Corner Main and Baker st. sept23’7o. DUNKEL W. W., manufacturer of and dealer in Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c. Corner Race and Main si's. eept23'7o CLARK Mbs. R. B„ dealer in Millinery, Fancy Goods and Notions. Main et. ee3o'7o Da. J. R. COOPER T. L., dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Perfnmery, Ac. eeSQ’TO T WAGGONER, dealer in general Merchandise, • Dry Goods, Groceries, Qneensware, Ac. Highest prices paid tor country produce. Rail road street, Vanport. < aprll. DIAMONDS SET IN SOLID 14 KARAT GOLD, (WARRANTED.) WATCHES AND JEWELRY Of Every Description. NO. 38 FIFTH AVENUE. NOTICE ESTATE OF JAMES M- SMITH, DECEASED. Letters testamentary on the estate of James M. Smith, late of Beaver borough, Beaver county. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, ail parties knowing themselves indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tbe same will pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. J. M. SMITH. BeaverJC. H.. JAS. CHRISTY, Shipplngport. Executors. mar7-6t ir , ~r~v Copper and , jy29’7o FREEDOM. VANPOBT. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge—A. W. Acheson. Associates— Milton Lawrence. Joseph C. Wilson. Prothonotary—John Caughey. Clerk of Court—John C. Han, Sheriff—John Graebing. Register A Recorder— Darios Singleton P. Wallace. Commissioners—J oseph Brittain. Samuel Torrence. Hngb J. Marshall Clerk of Commissioners—John Mcg'owt, Counsel to Commissiomers— Henry Hi™ Ctorowr—Daniel Corbns. 9 lce - Auditors—Jsa. H. Christy. Smith Curtis. Wm. C. Hunter. District Attorney—J. H. McCreerv County Surveyor—D. M. Daugherty Jury Commissioners—James Wara^ck Robert Potter Directors Of the Cooper Hiram Reed. ’ Trustees of Academy— D-fl^wSt 00- ! S. J. Cross, ’ John Murray fßg*r* ; ' -SSffSSBi. James M. Smith. BEAVER. CHDRCHEB. 0. B. D. p. Lo Warv Services every Sunday at 11 a. K.,and 6w i ~l ° b day School at? a. m. Saa, United Presbyterian —Rev. J. c. WifcL Services every Sanday at 11 a. m anri o| - Sunday School at 9a. h. ” and 6 H p. «. Methodist Episcopal—Ucy William H r . Pastor. Services every Sunday at Ham L ? cke . m. Sunday School at 9a. h. M -,aad7p. . Catholic— Rev. M. Gunkle, P.ieet. s^rvi™. 2d Sunday of each month at 10 a v cef evg fJ ASSOCIATIONS. ' St. James Lodge A. P. M., Ro. 457—omy Savings Institute— Henry Hice, r John Reeves. Cashier. « oD . IF. C. Ho. 126.* P, 0. S. of A.- Meets every *, 4 day evening in Washington Hall, Block, Main street. G Altsman, Rb, A And President. scSO’7o PHILLIPSBUBG. i, CHURCHES. p tor . MethodUt Episcopal— Key. Huddleston Services, 10V4 o’clock, and evening, 0 Sunday School every Sabbath at 2 p. pagtoJ Lutheran—German— R®v. Mr. "? r “?; loC fe,»nl Services every other Sabbath at Wtfo Sabbath School at 4 o’clock. d Jacobs, Pastor. Services everv other -at> 10V4 o’clock and Sabbath School at 2 o s t Presbyterians Rev. W. G. Pennsyfvania Institute for Soldiers Orphan M vices to Chapel at 2 o’clock and lecture D evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbath School o’clock. tertory. BRIDGEWATER. CHURCHES. ASSOCIATIONS ROCHESTER. CHURCHES. NEW BRIGHTON. CHURCHES.