The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 25, 1873, Image 5

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r w Taylor, Beaver Falla; Evan
A*** 13 - ~l.„-n I0U - J. Linnenbrint. Rochester.
inVJJBTISEBS.-The Beaver
,'fue most extensively circa-
Newspaper In Western
i*nd & Pittsburgh Railroad,
(: ‘ eve iv“-Mail, 1,46 a. m; Acfeommodatlor
5.40 P . »•Accommodation, o,l* ». ** Mail,
:■■■ ■■ .
, val and Departure of Mall*.
K ™\ _, n leaves at 6.45 *.m.; arrives at 8 p.m.
at 2p,m.;arrivesatBa.m.
v . eCl is directed to the
advertisements, which appear in
t °' day:
Jojoba Robinson
e3 p Farms- Weaver* Co
' j. s. Conover
t j-Thomas Donchoo..,*
U ,. a .Noucc-R Straw
i NoMC—Morrlson & Son
" ,-, a l Notice— Oleine -,••_•
bp vo-i'-e-Hertrofr* Beam..
gpec;9: > n ‘ , - c
t dv-D- L. K^o
, w cood« at J- Kennedy & Co.’s apr4-4w
ff e v , rT much regret that we are com
r»d this week to omit for want of time
r 'f aC e r very interesting Philadel-
H: u / c .r-espondence. It will appear in
P !/ p X - The few letters we have
‘ a . »" fr un ‘Eizzil’ have been much ad
rt 1 f * * v _ *
d <=rd eagerly rend and we know
rji ,Jis unavoidable delay will cause^
many disappuiotments.
U dleV Fancy Slippers at J. Kennedy & Co.’s
fy e have received a very handsome
of R.bert M. Agnew formerly of
ace, by which we learn that he has
e “.' fr *d upon the practice of law in Lac
ca-ter Pa., having his office at No. 45
North Duke St. We wish our young
frl end success in his profession and have
D o doubt that he will achieve it. ; .
Try ’he Improved Economical Plow. Yon can
_.„rorDo:hirs at M. L. Armstrong’s, Harsha
fC; ’ _ feb2l-tf
vi,;e. Pa
A new daily paper, the Evening Tele
crapl has been started in Pittsburgh,
n rdt r the elitbrship, it is said, of H*>n.H.
Bacber Swoopet It is large, newsy, spi-
C v ?ri : d and ought to win its way speedi
ly to public favor as we trust it will.
Gentlemen’s Oxford Ties at J. Kennedy *
The Indiana Lecture Association lost
nc :he;r lecturers the past season $l2O 50.
Tbe '.tctarers were ; Rev. Van Demark,
jnsb Billings, Belcher, McDonald, Wil
led Pr-s. Hay?, Anna E. Dickinson and
Dun’*! Daugherty, E e q.
J. .Uoorri druggist, sells Indian Bitters and
Via Coeq Eeror. aprlB:lm.
A lody was found on Thursday even
itc of last week at Rochester, bearing
firong cnrks of resemblance to that of
Tinmas Haz’.elt, wan was drowned here
some time ago. His nephew, Samuel
Hszlett, was telegraphed for. and left for
Rochester immediately Mad,.
Two entire new two Horse Wagons, for sale
i; Speyerer & Son’s, feh3l-tf.
We are indebted to our old friend A.
Wvno of this place fora copy of the an
nua’ report of the authorities of Alleghe
ny city. Mr. Wynn is engaged as city
Surveyor and from the report we discover
ikat he has been kept quite busy and has
made a large number of surveys. We are
glad to know of his prosperity and wish
him still greater success.
Wanted !—Everybody to call vt J. Kennedy
Co 'e, street. Beaver Falls. apr4-4w
Dr. Donehoo , formerly of this place
and we’i known to the older residents,
has returned here to resume his practice
and will be happy to receive the patron
age of his friends and all others who may
bt disposed to cal! for his services.
The tate-t style of Hoots and Shoes at J. Kcn
r.edy A: Cu,'- ap*4-4w
There will be a meeting of the Mana
gers.d the Beaver County Agricultural
Soc.ety at the Sheriff’s office, Beaver, on
Saturday, May 3d, 1573.
James Scroggs f M, D, t late of
Purview, Braver county, hasi we under
naud, settled at New Waterford, Colum
bia county, Ohio. The Doctor is well
f ead in h s profession, and has had an ex
'ecsive and successful practice in Beaver
county, where he is highly respected as a
citizen and appreciated as a physician and
Rorger o While we are sorry to bear that
he has gone from our midst, we wish him
IB his rew home, pleasant' surroundings,
numerous friends, and a large lucrative
Practice. ;
J oho Kennedy A Co. are now receiving
° a; of the largest and most complete stock of
fpnng goods ever bronght to this market. A fall
me of Men's, Boys'. Tenths’, Women’s Misses'
* n <l Children's Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Oxford
le *' and Slippers. Goods sold at lowest
cftsh prices- tn examination of stock solicited.
Alliance- Monitor says : Rev. W.
L'oke, the newly appointed pastor,
J* b - eD Patching in the M. E. Church
(i ‘ this c:iy three consecutive SibbalLs to
* r gs an i attentive congregation. His
H tlhod delivering sermons is reading.
*s matter is very well prepared, and his
ttmn Dcr pleasidp.
&iler Brown has got moved
Mint Union and regularly installed
It! U.fc M -p ... * .
kail h ’ pu plt l here. We have not
1 e of hearing h;im yet.
....2sq St
B. M. Ewikg, Sec’y.
| In accordancewith the rules of the par*
| ty, the Republicans of Beaver county
| will meet at the usual places of holding
j elections, on Saturday, the 31st day of
May, ahd vote for candidates for nomi*
nation for the offices below named: *
Ope person for Assembly;
One person for Prothonotary;
One person for Treasurer; .
One person for Commissioner ;
One person for Poor House Director;
One person for Jury Commissioner;
- One person fur Auditor; ;
Two persons for Trustees of Academy.
They will also elect members of the
County Committee as follows;
Big Beaver tp... tp*.... ..1
Beaver b0r0... Slndnstry tp 1
Borough tp.............1|Mari0n tp........ .....1
Bridgewater boro .2'UeGnire diet,........ . ,1
Brighton tp llMoon tp 1
Baaeo boro. .1 sfew Brighton, IL W. .-.’2
Beaver Falls T..v«t “ M.W.-.2
Chippewa ip Ij •* “ 8. -W. ..2
Darlington tp 2Now Sewickly tp......2
Economy tp l.North Bewicklytp.....l
Fallston boro iNew Galileehoio......l
Franklin tp 1 Ohio tp.1... 1...........2
Freedom met .a
Freedom boro l\ Pbillipsburg boro t r
Frankfort diet .2 Pulaski tp .1
Glasgow boro llßaccoon tp ...2
Greene tp.......: 3 Rochester boro ;.. .8
Georgetown boro .I'Rochester tp.......—1
Harmony tp 1 South Beaver tp........2
Hopewell tp .2 St. Clair boro .1
The. County Convention will convene
at the Court House on Monday, June 2d,
at 10 o’clock, a. m.
W. 8. Shallenbebgeb,
Chr’o. Co. Com.
151 St
Tbe names of the following candidates for nom
ination for the several offices to be ailed at tbe en
suing October election, are placed before tbe Re
publican voters of Beaver county for their suffer
ages and decision at the primary elections.
S. J. CROSS.’Rochester boro.
O. A. SMALL, Bridgewater borp.
JOHN BLENTZ, Ohio twp.
JOHN 'CAUGHEY, Beaver boro.
BENJ. WILDE, New Brighton boro,
WILLIAM EWING, Raccoon twp.
JAMES H. MANN, New Brighton boro.
H. W. SEELY, Rochester boro;
JAMES TODD, Raccoon twp.
Lt. 8. A. JOHNSTON, Borough twp.
JAMES PETERS, Hanover twp.
GEO. W. SURODES, Moon twp.
S. N. WARRICK, South Beaver twp.
J. N. CALHOON, Georgetown boro.
J. Moore, druggist, sells Quick Cough Care
and French Balm. aprlS-lm.-
We (Mil attention to tbe advertisement
oi John Robinson’s Great Show in-anoth
er column, J »hn R »binsoa has a good
reputation as a Showman and has a large
collection of various race animals to ex
bibit in connection with an Entertain ing
and inoffensive circus performance.
We understand that Mr. R >binson
strictly excludes from his show every
thing of an unchaste or immoral tendency
in order that all classes, men wom-n and
children may be free to attend without
fear of having thcir sensibilities shocked
by gross vulgarities of expression or inde
cencies of manner. At Rochester, May
the 50i.
# Xry tb.e Improved Economical Plow. Ton can
get it for nothing at M. L. Armstrong’s, Hartha
ville. Pa. - feb2l-tf
New Goods ! New Go.ids I!—Hert
zog and Beam have just received a large
invoice of New Spring Goods, .consisting
of the latest and most fashionable wear,
for Ladles and Gentlemen in Boots, Shoes,
Gaiters and Slippers. In ladies’ wear at
tention is called to the following styles,
viz : Very best imported French Maroc
co boots, lace and button,also to Creo kid,
lace and button Newport ties, Columbia
ties, and the very best assortment of fash
iomble slippers. In gentlemen's wear,
we hive the celebrated Oxford tie, Prince
Albert low sh >e, Swiss walking shoe,
lasting Inot tipped, vary cool for sum
mer, and opera slippers. Fine work a
specially. All orders promptly attended
to, and the patronage of the public re
spectfully solicited. Store opposite Brad
ford’s Real Estate office, Broadway, New
Brighton. apr2s 2t
The Additional Bounty Act was extend
ed by the last Congress, sothat those who failed
to file their claims before the 30th of January last,
can do so now. All cialms for Pensions and Boun
ties promptly proseentedby Gilbert 9. Eberbart,
Attorney at Law, N«w Brighton, Beaver county,
Penna. marll-8t
Zeigler’s Herald of last week says : I
A corps of engineers started from this ’
place to Coon Summit in Concord town- i
ship, to run the mute of a Railroad to
New Castle in this State,and Youngstown
in Ohio. Whether the engineers will fol- '
low the waters of the Muddycreek, Slip
peryrdek and Connoquenessing.creeks, to
the Beaver river, or cut through the bills
in a more direct way, must depend upon
circumstances. The real object doubtless ,
is to make a through route to the east in 1
connection with what is called Bennett’s
Branch, now being constructed through
portions of Clarion, Jefferson and Arm
strong counties to the mouth of the.Ma
ho nip gon the Allegheny river. In the
transportation of freight to the seaboard,
over this route when constructeiVinstead
of by Pittsburgh, a great saving would be
effected. Some think it would injure
Butler because the location would be some
ten miles north of us; but we do not
think so. We are of that class who think
railroads constructed in any part of the
county adds to its general aggregate
wealth and necessarily gives position and
importance to the county seat. We l*e
lieve in all our people having the advan
tage of public improvements if their loca
tion or other advantages are sufficient to
justify the construction of them. We
live in a fast age and whatever of Tiencff!
is going on let it he fairly distributed.
Prom Woodholl &C'lafflin4
fA-d,-. .*s©CSSSsKSS^j^gp^^g!
Thoa ehalt conquer, O Victoria, , ,
In the nameoftru'th and right— ■
In the name of Freedom’s angels,
In the name of tores evangels— _
Than shiltconquer. Child of L'ght I
•Thou »h the church - Conspire agalfißt
■ Uallingto ib-ald the State, *
Bached by cannon, shell and sword—
Thoa ehait conquer in the Lord,
Be it -it late. • < - - -,-v
-' • ~ V> ■»- * .i. . f
In thee mo:t sacred rights are stabbed.
On which depend the nation's life—
Freedom of thought, of speech and press,
Of all that can most truly bless,
And end this reign of .strife.
Though to prison they may drag thee.
And perils gatherrOnndthyWay,
From the radiant summer-land
Shall come a mighty angel Jiand, .
To be thy strength and stay.
Though jeers andjscoffs aassllthee now,,
And every mein asd lying word; -- v J *
t Yet, sister! In the skies above
Are brlgbt emphyreal Isles of lover-..; > >
There wait thy crown 7 and thy reward •
r Beaveb Falls, Pa., 8d month 2d, M? 73. '
i. ■ - ’ • + —-
jr, R. Reed de Co., As Fifth avenue, Pitts
burgh, have on baud an Immense stock of foreign
and American Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver
and Silver Plated Ware, Clocks, Bronzes and
Fancy Goods,'forming an elegant assortment in
every department of their trade that is unexcelled
in the market, all of which they offer at the very
fewest prices. We advise those who desire to
purchase any article of the above description to
first call and elamine the splendid stock"of J. R.
Roed & Co., and compare their price/with those
of other dealers. They are polite, accommodating
and npnght, and are determined to do the right
thing by everybody.
A Rattlesnake Hunt,— Mr. Y. V.
Ijams, one of the employes of the Newt
office, owns a claim of* 100 acres near this
city. Last Sunday, while resting from his
weekly toil, Ijaras took it into his head to
have a rattlesnake hunt. In company
;with a friend or two, with hoes in their
hands, they visited a prairie dog “town”
near by, and commenced business. In
th« fall, at the beginning of cold weather,
these venomous reptiles congregate in the
prairie dog holes in large numbers.
Owls, hawks, snakes, and dogs all “go
in” together, and so far as we know there
are no family jars. In -n warm October
day, these rattlesnakes crawl out of the
holes and bask in old S>l’s invigorating
and warming rays. Hundreds can be
seen “in the season,” around one of these
:dog towns. When the cold, raw nights
of October are upon u», no snakes can be
found upon the open prairie. They have
sought winter quarters. Ijams* and; his
aids found game immediately, though not
.as plentiful as. expected, owing to thq
Ifact, perhaps, that the weather ha's been
so hue of late that the snakes have not,
been impressed with the necessity of
.‘‘hunting their holes.” Bat with indus.
try the boys managed to “get away with”
about twenty of the monsters. Some of
them were at least five feet long with
eight to fifteen rattles. Ijams says it was.
pot much of a day for snakes/either.—
Hutchison (Kan.) News.
Stop at the New brick front. Corner of Broad
way and Lock streets. New Brighton, for your
clothing. april-4t
‘ lee Cold Sparkling Soda Water, flavored with
Pnre-Frult-Syrnpe, always fresh from Hugo An
driessen’s Marble Fountains. aprlltf
N*w Cactus, Pa. , Feb. 12,1872.
Messrs. Beymer, Bauman St Co.:
We have used your Pure White Lead for the
last three years, and consider it the best, for bril
liancy. durability, and body, and Would recom
mend It in preference to all other brands.
The World** Fnlr. -Thousands of persons
crossed the Atlantic and made a Journey of more
than six thousand miles to see the World’s Fair in
Purls. My Agents have searched every portion of
the Globe, and obtained every rare qn£ interesting
curiosity throughout the world. I bring the Great
World’s Fair to all the principal towns, and what
wonder is it that schools and factories are closed
and excursion trains run from all points which my
Great Show cannot visit. Never will any other
man in this generation venture to expend one’*:
fourth so much money, or exhibit to the public
one-sixth of the wonderful and beautiful novelties
and marvels which I put into this my last grea t ;
effort. John Robinson.
The Beaver Seminary, Prof.
>l. E Scheibner, Principal, was opened
on tbe 15th inst, and we are glad to slate
that quite a number ot young ladies and
gentlemen enrolled themselves as students.
The Seminary, though strictly non-secta
rian, is under the auspices of the Presby
terians, and as far as we can -learn there is
every prospect of making it a permanent
institution. The building, owned by
William freed E->q , wick ley, is leased
for six years, and will be entirely refitted
for the next academical year.
Prof. Scheibner Js a graduate <>f one of
the European Universities, quite a linguist
and has several years experience as a ped
ugogue in this country. Friends, we learn
that tbe institution will be chartered in
course of time with collegiate powers to
graduate young ladies and to prepare
young men for college.
Early Ruse Potato Seed. —H. C. St 8. R.
Patterson have for sale cheap at their ejore, on
Tank Street, Beaver Falls, one hundred bushels
of choice Early Bose Potatoes for seed. tf
Important lo the Public I -T. Waggoner,
Esq.. late of Sewlckly, having secured the store
house and fixtures, situate in Vanport, recently
occupied by J. M. Cornelius & Co,, is now pre
pared to receive all kinds of country produce, ai
market prices, in exchange lor dry goods, groce
ries. &c. Having refitted and furnished said store,
and being constantly in receipt of new goods, con
sisting of a full Une of Dry floods. Groceries,
Qnoensware, Hardware, Notions, Hoots and
Shoes. he respectfully invites the public to call
ann examine his stock and secure a bargain. Lo
cation Railroad stecet and Wire Ferry landing.
Come one, come all. apr4-4w
Notice.— From, and alter this date, until the
first of September nest, the County Commission
ers will be in sccsion on Saturday of each week/
* : • 4loca
I ■ ‘
It appears that
drove cotte
roofed Morses has
In certain quarieij
'yn *
evidently are par
else they, could n
or thirty dollar
about,, this; trlfliJg affair. I don’t know
is Lwonld objecJ^to a bribe or a half
miiiibDi bat twnty or thirty dollars Is
“too tbln.” No gentlemen, understand
me distinctly, yoa have never made'
money enbugk ijyourwicked*, abomina
ble and villalnol* business tolnduceme to
keep silent forJbe moment,* keep silent
and jallbw yoi to congregate, in, some
bell-holeto coscoct your damnable plans,
to rob nary fellow minkeep silent while
you golhrough the country to honest
industrious ': lirmers aud by - feigned
friendship llmcj false;; representation, rob
them cflbeirjhard earned : savings, for,
which they failed late and, early, lor
which they large and bitter drops
oTsweatjfpr wfuchsome of them doubt
less stiidfdthemsel vcsof the necessaries
of life!, se as tosaVe a few, : hundred- dol
lars for k'Vrainy, day/l keep silent and
allow a'i»rty of infernal thieves: lb rob
tbemi without receiving one solitary
cent in fortbe order or note they
sign through their ignorance and the
representations of false friends; keep
r ■ 7 ~
fcilenl? Iftl never! I will have my say,
in the fa® of your master, his “Satanic
Majesty.’) -I will say to farmers in this
or any ojher -county, should any man
come rio matter who he is; and
represenUhat you can make immense
sums of money ’without expending any,
I say. kick! him frdm the' place, as you
would a,thief or an imposter; or, shop id
parties |»me to you to trade notes for
horses dr battle, be very careful that you
know pirftisely, and without the shadow
of a dmibi that the- note or notes are
genuine Und every particular.
Now, a few words to those French
became riled at what I
said In inyiast letter. I have started out
wHh; the/ibtentloon to chronicle events
as they whspire, to expose wrong, fraud
and crimtj/ ’when and wherever I find
ibem. belfev{ng tbftt the only true way
to prevecllhemiß by exposure, for the
most hardened ' and - degraded wretch
i will hot fommit crime if be is positive
[ thathe Will be exposed, and it is my in
tention t(i continue in this path, to tell
the tru& in everything without fear,
favoir oh affection for any one, and to
gay noth ngbut what I can substantiate
before a s.»hrt of justice. As for threats,
T will merely'say that I was born on
American soil; breathed the pure, free
and halloaed air of my "native land, and
am say, I court not the taf<or
nor feak the frown of mortal man. Slick
apin tifte aU those pugalistfcally »n
- one be extremely
anxbtrstoknow who ! am, I will say,
go ask the editor of The BeavkS Radi
cal! he has my full :and free permission
to give iny name and poslofflce address.
Should any parties leel tbemselVea
sorely wronged and insulted, and deem
an apology essential, I will give it in this
way, if I have said anything that I am
sorry for, I am 'glad «f it. . Hercules
cleaned the Augean stables, which had
not been renovated for thirty years, in a
single day. I am not a Hercules, but
will freely give my feeble support to
cleaning this stable of infernal rascality
in as short a time as circumstances will
permit. No matter if. we must resolve
back to. their ■; isolation its component
parts, aniTtranspojt them individually or
collectively, to some States prisons the
only temple for the Indwelling ol the
entire gang.
The ferry boat plying between this
place and that calm and dignified look
ing town, Pbillipsburg, has changed
hands, J. R. Campbell. E«q., holds the
controlling Interest in the company, and
has concluded to run the boat himself,
and I can cmcientiously say that a more
polite and accommodating gentleman
could not have been placed on that boat
as captain, the traveling public will bear
me out in this assertion, as he is a bard
working and energetic man. We hope
that be may be successful in his new un
Our honest, upright and able represen
tative, Samuel J. Cross, is at home, over
head and ears in business, receiving one
of the largest stock of dry goods ever
sent to this place. He Informed me that
this was the finest stock of goods he bad
ever offered to the public. As a repre
sentative and a business man he is a
success. I have heard remarked frequent
ly by friends and opponents that no man
in his first tarn ever represented Beater
county better than 8. J. dross has done.
As regards his re-election, that is a settled
fact; the public mind is sufficiently
schooled in changing tried for untried
representatives; honest and upright legis
lation "is the pride of each and every true
American heart, dishonest legislation" is
absinthium to the soul.
At last we have a new hardware store
in our town. J, 8. Winans & C-r, from
New Brighton has opened with a com
plete stuck of lurdjrare ani cutlery. This
is an institution which has long been
looked for in this place. lam
a firm believer in a man making it special
ty ol a business.where It can be done; this
thing of combining one
store and not paying proper attention to
either, does not look to me as sound poll
cy or a successful way of doing business.
Any one dealing with the ab *ve named
firm, will find a corleous and obliging
RIL 25,1873.
ny reference to that
'barred patent cement
raised quite a breeze
Not far from here,
|es deeply «r
t'afford to offer twenty
for me to keep silent
gentlemen behind the counter in the
L Mlitoir, jsst think, some pan
pointed, iron-rusled iouble edged sardine
stole my pen knife, which I soj highly
prizcdas the friend, andhny man
bo deep in ibe muck and mire of dera
tion, his manhood so entirely unhinged,
his character so alterably debased, as to
steal a knife from n poor quill driver,
would cut up hie mother’s night ca,p for
bullet patches. May his stockings al*
ways be full of holes, bis- shirts have no
buttons on. May musqnitnes and- tied’
bugs bite hitn at night, fleesin day time.
I need say no more.’ •' i Clionian.
Aa the purchase of a Sewing Machine is of
may he an act forallfe-tlme, icareshonld be taken *
In Be!ec!lnjjone ihftt time and n-e have proven to
be Tims tries, uHthin;Js,. • “Use ‘'Ply
famUhOKiho dull w.-t,” .Opinions of thcskiU
fal m iy be. of v due,. hir- time S u'‘« 1,3il to con
firm thein. Wiil'.e tab Stnir r s*ewin-» Machine
Company lta» giVea the io <!i-j bf -
Inventive genius, they have guarded it from a;
multitude of traps.. Attachments haye^been‘ad
ded for various purposes, but it has kepi free
prom nil useieU complications. Simplicity of
parts, and adaptation to the widest range of work
, has been the constant aim.
Instead, of boasting of a variety of useless
stitches and movements, it claims to make but
One Kind of Stitch, and* that with the Fewest
Movements ‘Possible. Hence the Machine may
run constantly for twenty years, dr a life-time, and
work just as well as when new.
' R. Straw & Co , No. 10 Sixth Street, Pitts
burgh, Pa. april‘2s-8m
AcknowlodfiroenU—ln behalf of the Col
lege I desire to acknowledge the receipt of the
first volume of the Ninth Census ©f the United
States, by the courtesy of Bon. Wm. McClelland,
our late member ef Congress. Also valuable fossil
and mineralogies! specimens Tor our cabinet, from
tbe Yellowstone, by Lieut. Samuel Hamilton, ol
the U. 8. Army. These gentlemen have the thanks
of the Institution for their generous remembrance.
. President Bsaycr College.
Having just ratunnd from the East, we will of
fer to the publics full line of Dry Goods, Notions,
Groceries, Hardware, Queensware. Hats and Caps.
Boots and Shoes, Drags, and a fine’assortment Ol
Cirpets, from 25 cents a yard upward ; and-in fact,
everything usually kept in a general store. We
feel under especial obligations to our old custom
ers for their past patronage, and are still enabled
to offer them and the trade in general, a complete
stock, selected with care la rcgird’to style, dura
bility and price. An examination of oar stock is
respectfully solicited.
apr2s-3t Mobbison & Sou,
Persian Oleine cures cholera, cramp?
and all pain.
Great Bargains— B. &J. Snelleburg, W
Brighton has Just received a splendid stock of j
new'goods consisting of coats, pants and vests, of
both men’s and boys’ wear,! and a general assort
ment of gentlemen’s famishing goods. 8. & J.
Snellenburg are wide awake men who believe in
keeping their business before the people. They
make nse of the means of advertising to commnni
ca*e with their customers, and in so doing accom
modate all while they receive a large increase of
business therefrom. BSt J ’Snellenbnrg will sell
clothing either ready made or to order as cheap as
the same can be obtained anywhere and will give
entire satisfaction not only in price but in fit, qual
ity and style of garments sold. Call and examine
their stock, price thelf goode, and compare them
with goods andprices of other similar stores and
eeelf what they assert is not true.
Dr, J, Maginnis* Persian Oleine is
the best known remedy for pain, sold by
Druggists, Dealers and Agents.
It is a sad thing to pass through life only ball
alive. Tet there are thousands whose habitual
condition is one of languor and debility. They
complain of no specific desease, they enfler no
positive pain; but they have no relish for any
thing which affords mental or sensuous pleasure
to their mi&re robust and energetic fellow-beings.
In Uino cases ont of ten this state of laesitnde
and torpor arises from a morbid stomach. Indi
gestion destroys the energy of both mind and
body. When the waste of nature is not supplied
by a due and regular assimilation of the
every organ is starved, e>ery function interrupted.
Now, what does common sense saggest under
these circumstances of depression f The system
needs rousing ana strengthening; not merely for
au hour or two, to sink afterwards into a more
pitiable condition thsin ever (as it assuredly would
do if an ordinary alcoholic stimulant was resorted
to,) but radically and permanently.
How is this desirable object to bo accomplished 1
The answer to this question, founded on the un
varying experience ol a quarter of a century, is
easily given. Infuse new vigor into the digestive
organs by a course of Hostetler’s Stomach Bit
ters. Bo not waste time; in administering tem
porary remedies, but wake the system up by re’
! caperaiing the fountain head of physical
j strength and energy, the great organ upon which
j all the other organs depend for their nurture and
| support.
By the time a dozen doses of the great vegeta
ble tonic and invigorant have been taken, the
feeble frame of the dyspeptic will begin to feel its
benign influence. Appetite will be created, and
with appetite ihe capacity to digest what it craves.
Persevere until the cure is complete—until health
ful blood, fit to be the material of flesh aud mus
cle. bone and nerve and brain, flows through the
channels of circulation, instead of the watery pab
ulum with which they have heretofore been im
perfectly nourished. . ; april4-lm
3 April the 17th, inst., by Rev. James M. Shields.
Mr. Thomas L. Kennedy and Mies Sallle Ann
Alexander, both of Brighton tp., Beaver county.
SELLERS—CHAPMAN—At Scott, Luzerne coun
ty, Pa„ by the Rev. Edward Correy. pastor of
the Presbyterian Church, at Waverloy. on April
9, 1873. James M. Seilers of Philadelphia, to
Mrs. Olive A. Chapman, of Scott, Pa.
W. B. Skinner, at the residence of Mr. Isaac Ha
zen. Esq., in North Sewicfcley township, Mr.
James M. Hazeu to Mies M. 8.-Rozenberger,
both of Beaver Falls, Pa.
DAWSON—On the 17th inst.. in Beaver. Benjamin
infant eon of Capt. William F. and Barbara A.
Dswsou, aged 17 days. --
RICHARDSON—In Beaver, Pa., on the 17th of
April. 1873, Alice Jeannette, youngest child of
Mr. Jason and ■ Hattie! Richardson, aged seven
months. ! ■
White Wheat per bushel $1 70
Red dp ” “ 1 (55
Rye * *• “! 75
A.,*a H Hi Oft
«•«•••••» •.» ««•««» . ’JO
Cora (shelled) “ f‘ . ; 60
Krakpobt Springs, )
April 22, 187-i. f
Half Alive. ’
• -1
Of Vender* of !»l«reiiandl«o In tJh^Couu,-
ty of Beaver for tftc Venr I81p»
JohnlPorvls 14 PH Becker; , M
Simon Snltger &Co 14 .fames Park 1-j
A Wynn Mlßobert Sn**ad - U
Oir Jt Cooper 12 north sewicklttwp.
J B Clark 14 AM, Meckiem - 14
-James Allison 14 new brlghton bobo.
Robert Tallon 14 G Everard 14
I N Atkina 14 John Gibson 14
James Monro 14 Q P Slemon 14
Tfaos Allison & Son; 13 Robert Houston 14
Henry Mens " 14 RStelnfpld 14
Small * Atkina ~ 14 M Schiff 13
John Border 14 W H McDonald 14
J M McCreary IS Evan Pugh 13
Mrs JII Bence 14 S* J Snellenbnrg 10
James Phillis 14 HH Mills : 14
GC Atkins* Co 14 BRoberts 14.
borough twp. * .J F Mitchell t 1
William Harrah ■ 14 Michael McGianghlin 14
Baker Beed 14 Thomas Morgan 14
TfaomaS Waggoner 14 TM Smith . 14
Bridgewater bobo. . Philip Martsoif 13
James Barbour 14 CF Hunter 14
James H Doherty 14 Frank Longnecker 14
A Brehm , 14 QU Myers 14
Harvey Brown •> 13 A D Gilliland &Co It
AS Harvey 18 J 8 Merger M
BS Ranger " 'l2 J B Anderson 13
BMolbeim , 14 A Hananer ,14
Stiles * Javena 13 8 Merrick & Son 14
Bio beaver twp. Charles Coale 14
H Witherspoon 14)J S W leans 18
pcott&Co' ' 12 William Kennedy 9
Hudson * Patterson 14 Aguew Had'' " 11
i'i beaver falls bobo. L S Ripper .** 14
P R Kobrkaste 13 Boots * Swick : 14
J G Tinnier 13|J H Maun 12
G W Smith 141 A BenwTck 14
John Rebeck MiWmM'Cowt 14
Mrs E King JFSNPark. 14
LBCbldsoy 141 D Updegraph 14
Ward & Oleland' 14jJ W Nlppert 14
RS Newton . 14-Hiram R ed 14
David McClnrg 14!J P Edgar* Co .14
Mrs KB Clark 14i James Roney 14
Samuel Mosser 14 J F Carey • 14
Charles Levi 1418 U Andrews 14
Robert Duncan 13 ; W E Walsh 14
William Reed 14’Hertzog * Beam 14
R A Craighead 14; A Bert 14
A Fleming 14 W A Dinsmdre 14
H Ramsey 14: Ethan Themas : 14
B F Knowiing 14; new galtlee bobo.
WWDuncle 14JA P Reid 13
D Stewart * Son 14; J B Johnson 14
Bruce * Briefly 12 R J Stinson 12
vi A Townsend & Son 14 RPorter 11
C C Whisler 14 ohio township.
Joseph Deemer 14 J A Cogley 13
John Sterling 14 DM Irwin 13
i * T Ransom 14! M Grim 14
IFC&SR Patterson 14 JMKennedy 14
John F Cowling 14;J U Warrick 13
J Kennedy * Co 14Jhomas Russell 14
Patrick Began 14-Aber & Reed . IS
HB Ewing 14 TG Boyd 14
II C Pdrvlance 14 Thomas'Watson 14
Ah Fay (China firm) 14j st. clair bobo.
Jas Me Anils 14 S A Craig 14
Mrs S J Watson 14; eaden bobo.
John Ebner 14|C B Biddle 14
VV F Davis 14 1 David Smith 13
W U Hunt 14; south beaver twp.
W R Nair 14 Samuel S Taylor 14
Joseph Carney \ 14 1 industry twp.
Ira B Duncan li Mrs. John Jackman 14
Azarian Inman It J N * O E Aber 14
Darlington 8080 & twp James Russell 14
Freeman Butts 14 James Allen ' 14
J C Duff 12 1 PHILLIPBBUBO 8080.
RG Cook 14|L Le Gouion 14
Mrs J B Kerr 14 L Cnappcr 14
Curry & Brother 14 C F Kercher 14
Moody * Co 14 W J Porter 14
s A Briefer 14; Rochester bobo.
Usoout * Ink 14 William Smith 14
freedom bobo. Sharp * Hoffman 10
9 Morgan 12; W nisler * Linnenbrlnkl4
M u Fisher 14 J G McCutcheon 14
J B Cheney 12 U S Hibbard 14
D E Lowary 13 Hiilfluger * Co 14
A Wilson 14 J S Winans * Co 14
R H McCaskey 14 John 5 Veder 14
economy twp. William Carey 14
, Henry Gross 14'S J Cross &'Co 9
I McConnel * McKee 14 Henry Lapp 14
fbanklis twp. J N Hankins 18
E Antenreitb 14 Coe * Darrogh 11
GbbEne twp. W W Johnson 14
Charles Calhoun 14 ; Charles Hath 14
JUDcibl&Cu 13‘Abraham Silverman 14
Trimble & Co 13 1 Andrew Bale 'l2
JR Todd 12) W D Johnson 14
Joseph McFerran 14|Bemjamiu Pfeiffer 14
David Rtmsey 13;John Llnnenbiink 14
Wm Elliott IS Bpeyerer & Sons 9
Brunton * Hall 14: James Alexander 14
j John R Cowling' 14' George Sireit 14
Babbokt twp. 1 Robert Hears 13
flennfl*Lenz *Rulh 14
banovbb twp. * bobo. Thomas Reed 14
W 11 Frazier 13; John F Mnith 14
J Morrisson * Son 13j John O Coffin 14
M L Armstrong U\ raccoon twp.
bofeweul twp. James Scott
Calvert* Patton 14;M Springer
W Leech 14 J J H Christy
Todd* Drue?- 14;
Compounder* of medicines.
beaver bobo Morgan Craig
John Moore 3 W Gilliland,
lingo Andrleseen 8 R Steinfeid
Q McCook Smith 8j Thomas Swearingen
B B Todd 3 H 8 Hibbard
U S McGonn 8,9 C Hauncn
Dr E Kendrick *Co 8 T Kennedy &Co
OHIO twp |AT Shallenberger
J A Cogley 4 John D Coffin
O M 41 new Galilee bobo
J H Warrick 4 Charleses Dunlap
W Grim * 4 ST CLAIR bobo
DARLINGTON 8080 8 A Craig
Bebouf & Ink 4 fbankfobt bobo
new Brighton bobo J Morrison & Son 4
K L Kenab - 3
Billiard Tables.
John Boswell 2;Hnrt Barnigh' 3
U H Mills SiJanjes Osborn 2
Brewers and Distillers.
Volk & Fait o,Coarad VVeisgaber 10 .
James Anderton 8 freedom boro
Rochester twp John F Muller 8
Gotleib Cline 101
The Court of Appeals wfll'be held at the Com
raissioners’ Office. Beaver, on. Saturday. Tire-.
10th day of May. 1873. and Licenses are to be
paid to the County Treasnier. on or before July
Ist, 1878. K. F. McLLVAINE,
apr2s-tf MsrccvitUe Appraiser.
The County Treasurer will attend in the several
Townships and Boroughs between 9 a. m- and 5 p.
m.. for tin purpose of receiving State and County
Taxes tor the year 1973, at the places and times
designated below, viz;
Brdgewater boro,'May
Freedom boro,
Rochester boro,
Rochester tp,
Baden boro.
H.vmonytp. “
PhilJipsbnrg boro,
Falhton boro.
N. Brlgb’n a Pulasfci “
A. fc* *«
Patterson tp & B Pails “
12 a. m. Toll House.
12 p m Kerr * McC. office
13 Johnston donee.
13 Johnston House.
14 a m Bridle's store.
14 p m Post-office.
15 Capi. Shrodes’.
16 Toll House.
ID Huron House.
20 Macaw’s Hotel.
21 Kendrick's druc store
23 ” ’• "*’
Georgetown boro “ 33 ain Calhoun’s store.
Glasgow boro. ’* 23 pm Jesse Smith’s.
Marion tp,. ” 26 George Uartzell’s.
Franklin tp. ' “ 27 Antenreith’s store.
North Sewickly tp, •• 23 Nathan Uazen’s.
Economy Ip, “ 29 Mrs. Neeley’s.
New Sewickly tp ’• 80 Snead’s store
Industry tp, June 3 Allen’s store.
South Beaver ft Ohio *■ 4 Mrs. Kayl’s.
Ohio tp, . ” 5 Reed <fc Aber’s store.
Big Beaver & Home d " 15 Johnston House.
*• ” New Galilee ’’ 1* Union Hotel.
Chippewa tp. •*, 18 W. Cunningham’s.
Darlington tp a boro “ 19 Jacob Marks’.
South Beaver tp : ” 20 Joseph Lawrence's.
Uoobstr’n a Greene tp “ 23 Jos. M'Ferren’s store
'ft* ’ ft* ft ft ‘ ftftt 4*
Hanover * Greene tp ••
Frankfort boro, “
Raccoon tp.
Indep. * Hopewell,
Hopewell tp
Moon tp.
laU'TPaymeßts can be made in adjoining town
Taxes paid before Ango/J Ist will be five per
cent, ofi; on and after September l*t five per cent,
will be added. All licensee are due by law July
let. Those not paid at that date will be collected
with costa. C. P. WALLACE.
apt2S*tL Trenaurer Beaver County.
many, advantages over all. 'Satisfaction tniaren
teed, or 20 refunded. Sent comp’e»e, with fnll
directions Beckwith Sewing Machine Co.. 802
Broadway, N. Y.
Thomas donehoo. m. p. office lovet dW
in John Border’e building, Beaver, Pa. :ip23tf
85 James Seed's store.
26 Mrs. Stevenson's.
“ 27 ML Armstrong's store
Jnlj 7 J HChrisly'e store.
“ 8 John Holmes’.
•• 9 Todd & Brewn'sstoro
“ 10 RW Scott’s.
“ 11 James Prentice’s.