8 GENERAL NEWS. —The printers’ strike in Breslau,German?, has terminated. —A despatch from Rome to London says that Pope Pius is slightly 111 —Old Cluscret. the Communist, is worrying the Portugese police. —Dumas has just paid 50,000 francos for a newly discovered picture by Rubens. —The steamers Alexandria, Australia and Mo g'-lle have nrrtved oat. —Dio Lewis believes in the co-education of sexes. —The New York Graphic is printing a series o cartoons aimed at the railroad corporations. —Salvini, the great Italian tragedian, will visil the United States in August. —The Kev. Dr. Thompson Is featuring before large audiences in Berlin on the Church in Amer ica, —CharlesNixon, murderer of Pfeiffer, at New York, has been convicted of murder in the first degree. —The condition of Congressman Brooks is im proving, and if no relapse occurs he hopes to leave Washington within a week. —Senator Stewart, of Nevada, is building a pal atial mansion in Washington, D. C., the cost of S'hich will be one hundred thbusand dollars. —Major General Hancock is to go to Wilming ton on the 22d of April, to transfer the Delaware battle flags to the State Historical Society. —James L. Ridglcy, Secretary of the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. of the United States, is said to be dangerously ill at bis residence in Baltimore. —Secretary Robeson is taking arrangements to have a cottage erected at Long Branch, which he will occupy this summer. —Graff & Co.'s tube works, Pittsburgh, were burned on Saturday night. Lifss, $50,000 ; insu rance, $BO,OOO. —Theatrical manger John A. Stevens, of Oma ha, sues the Omaha Republican for $lO,OOO damag es for defamation of character. —The Illinois Farmers’ Convention met at Spring- Acid the 2d, effected a permanent organization and appointed committees to prepare business. —The Jewelry manufactory of Tingley, Sim mock & Co,, in Newark, N. J. was robbed of goods to the value of $3,000 on Friday night. —Burk’s extensive planing and sash factory and also a number of adjoining buildings, were burnt in Toronto on Saturday. Loss about $25,000 —Vice President Wilson will remain in Natnck, Mass., most of the summer, and will employ his time in completing his history of the rebellion. —Henry Ward Beecher recently returned from bis Western lecturing tour, having realized the handsome profit of $21,000. —A block of buildings, comprising the principal portion of the business part of Wardsville. Ontario, was burnt on Saturday morning. The loss is about sso,ueo. —The latest fruit reports front Missouri, Illinois and Michigan are encouraging, and the news comes trom Dejaware that the peach crop will be a very fair one. —A dispatch from Washington states that no au" thority is known tor the report th.it the Secretary of the Treasury will deposit ten million dollars with the New York banks. —Prominent New York b tuk'-rs and bank offi cials called upon Ptesident Grant one evening of last week, and presented iheir views on the fi nancial situation. —lt is said that the stockholders of the New York Tribune, when they put up their new build ing, will leave Horace Greeley’s sanctum exactly as it was when he died so that it may in future be a sort of journalistic shrine. —At Cincinnati on Wednesday of last week quite a number of stone cutters demanded that their wages should bo. raised from ?4 50 to J 5 00, and quit work because the emplyers refused to yletd to these terms, flow general the strike is has not been developed. —Committees of the Anglo-American Telegraph Company, the Society da Cable Trans-Athmtique and New York, New Foundland and London Tele graph Companies have agreed upon an immediate amalgamation of these lines, subject to ratifica tion by the Board of Directors of each company. —General L.-B. Van Bttren, Chief Commission er of the United States to the Vienna Exhibition, and Dr. A. Kuppauer, Wm. F. Round and John S. Cunningham, Assistant Commissioners, have ar rived in Loudon. After remains there a few days they will proceed to Vienna by way of Paris. —Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, has laid down a rnle o-pecially almrd at trades-unions, that no Roman Catholic can unite with any asso ciation rcqniringan oath as a condition of mem bership; and the sacrament ol communion is refus ed throughout his diocese to Crispins and all such. —A requisition has been made upon Governor Dix by the Governor of Kentucky for George Mac- Donald, of Bank of England forgery notoriety, and the police of Louisville have requested the police of New York to hold MacDonald subject to the requisition, should he not bn extradited. Mac- Donald is known in Lo’.VUvilie by the name of Sweet. —The rapidcst writer connected with the New York press i-said to he Wm. Henry Hurlbnt. of the New York World. He frequently writes a column of editorial in halt an hour, and doing a coJumn in three-quarters of an hour he regards as very slow work. rThe way he accomplishes this is to use a sort-of short-hand, which only he and the compositors can decipher. —The Governor of New Jersey Wednesday the 2-1 inst signed the nnti-m mnpo’y railroad bill, and 'dags were dying in Trenton in honor of the release of New Jersey from railroad monopoly. A bill has also passed both Houses of the Legislature to exempt from municipal taxation the main and stem and principal passenger and freight depots, excepting at terminal points, to include ten acres, and all other prop .Tty. Including rolling stock, to be subject, to municipal as well as tnate taxation. —Mrs. James Gordon Betmett, who died at Konigsburr, Saxony, last week, com men red life in a humble way. hut the advhn'Hsjga ol an excellent education, coupled with a tnirfd of more than or dinary vigot. made her a woman of note, and one who leave# a large circle of friends and admirer#. At the time of her marriage, which occurred on the Gth of-Inns, 131), Mr. Bennett made the occa sion conspicuous in ;hc column# ol bis newspaper, and afterwaid# faithfully recorded the birth of liis children in the same manner. Four children t'erc born to them, twool whom, a son and a daughter, survive. Mrs. Bennett at one unto wrote a mini tier ofleltcr# from Europ; for the Ji.ruhl. and they were distinguished by much vivacity and da#h. A tfro occurred at Paik-r'-s Landing ov. T’Uurstl.iv c\tiuiui£ ol l* out nt j x\ o • x> t 4"VT c i r p i? pt> q • r ,..K. o'cto.l,. «, rt. M -bwirt. .*« control !Q h S! TREES! until nro o'clock. A. M.rdestroying the Parker 1 PREPAID KY MAIL. House, Central Hotel. Exchange Baak. Saving I My now pricedi descriptive Cal«><)sno of Choice _ ’ • ■ .= * . ■®s.: Hooet ami Oarden becd*. 2o sorts of either for Ran.-i, po-t I'fn.'j, VVi'-t’ern I uiou and Pacific and [vsl: newaud choice varieties of Frnit and Orna* Atlantic Telegraph offices, and a number of other i mental Tree#, Shrub?. Evergreen?. Roses. Urapos, comitrMan ».»«. por.loo „r i g£ the town. Loss ihe insurance will j Fruit Stalk# of nil kind#; Hedge Plants. <&c.; the . liver a cousld-rable po:t;on ot the loss. The tire I m »#i complete assortment in the country, will be , , , , , r . . | sent gratis to ativ plain address. with P. O. box., t- snppossed to have been the work o. an incenui j TriW V lip> , codXWcrrv for upland or lowland. ary, a# it is third tirt that has occurred there within griper 1(00: fl per lOfi; prejiaid by mail. Trade thirtv-six hoots. The ftatnes spread un’i! both : List to dealers, steeds on commission. Agent# .viated. f-i J .es of the litu-i'i <•> ere in rfidies, from uhere p W\TS>OX i. st tiro "-»? .-i •*!>;) u .it Ur; upper end o; the I'-'vvjv o.in.jv Nurseries and Seed Warehouse. Piv i o.vu to :ho oiU i’uth.r Mauitcu. I mJ u:L, Mass. Established 1i43. auiT-di'" Ue«j gtlvetHismmjsl M& J. LAWRENCE, Physicians & Hnnreoaa, • office that formerly occupied by U 5- Rev enne Assessor, Third street, Beaver, Pa. nprll-ly j^otice. My wife, Isabella Garvin, having left my bed and board without Just cause, the public are hereby notified not to,trnst her oh my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. WILLIAM GARVIN. South Beaver tp., Beaver county. Pa. aprll-3t. ' ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHN ROWE, DECEASED. Letters of administration onthetsstate of John Bowe, deceased, late of Sooth Beaver township, having been granted to the undersigned, ail per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same to present them proper ly anthenticated for settlement. JOHN bLENTZ, Adm’r., Ohio township. Bprll-6t I3TSTAJTT RELIEF FOR THF i ASTHMA. ; Any person troubled with that terrible disease, will receive immediate and complete relief by us ing my ASTHMA REMEDY. I was afflicted with it fojr twelve years, entirely unfitting me for business for weeks at a time; and discovered this remedy by experimenting on my self after all other medicines foiled to have any effect. I WILL WARRANT IT TO GIVE INSTANT n all eases of Asthma not complicated with other “ diseases. ANY PERSON AFTER; ONCE USING WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT IT. Pamphlets containing certificates by mail FREE, Send for one. Ask your druggist lor it. It he has none on hand get him to send or write for it your self. Price by mail, postage paid, SI.CO per box. Liber al terms to druggists. Address CHAS. B. HURST, aprlMy. Rochester, Beaver Co., Pa. TyOTICE. ■* The co-partnership exist oeiween Seely & Osborn, Rochester, js this day dissolved by mutu al consent. Either party will settle the business of the firm. H. W. SEELY, apr4-2t ' JAS.OSBURN, BEAUTIFUL |8 CHROMO FREE t TO ALL LOVERS--OF ART AND LITERATURE. We will send the Beautiful Chromo entitled “The Uuwelcome.yisitor.” ..postage prepaid, as a premium to our monthly the "• . * ■> jQ V,M B L ErjD E E contains 32 large pages besides the cover,'filled with the best aud most interesting reading. Price only ONE DOLLAR A YEAR! ..end on yonr dollar, aud get a dollar magazine and an dollar chromo in return. We uunt and will liberally jjay AGENTS. Send for particulars. Address BUMBLE BEE, Albion, 111. Subscriptions received at The Radical office, where the Chromo can be seen. jygSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between G. C. Speyerer, H. J. Speycrer, W. J. Speyerer and J. V. McDonald, un der the name and style of SPEYERER &, MC DONALD, Bankers, doing business in the Bor ough of Rochester, Beaver county, Pa., was dis solved on the 14th day of March, wa by mutual consent, John V. McDonald retiring from the Qrra. The business will he continued by G. C. Speyerer, H. J. Speyerer, W. J. Speyerer, John Gnehing. L. H. Oat man and Louis Schneider, un der the name and style of SPEYERER CO., who are authorized to close up the business of the late tirm of Speyerer »fc McDonald., G. C. SPEYERER, * 11. J. SPEYERER, W. J. SPEYtvRER, J. v. McDonald. March 13, mar2l-4t JJEPOKT OF THE CONDITION OF THE National 1M of Beater County, NEW BRIGHTON, PA., At the close ol business on the 2Hth of Pebrnarv, 1H73: RESOURCES Loan* and Discounts $100,704 22 Overdrafts 343 41» U. S. Ronds to secure circulation 120,000 00 U. S. Bonds and Securities on hand 15.000 00 Due from National Banks 5.001 03 Dne from State Banks and Bankers.... 1.411 57 Banking House 14,374 54 Furniture and fixtures 2.071) Oh Current expenses 244 70 Premiums...' ISO 52 Checks and other cash items Bills of other National Banks Fractional Currency Coin Legal Tender Notes LIABILITIES Capital Stock Surplus fund Discount Exchange I uteres! Profit and Loss- r.. National Bank circulation Dividends unpaid— Individual Deposits Due toNational Banks Duo to State Banks and Bankers §303.783 84 s(a*e Oj I'tnnsylvanla, ( I. Edward Hoops, f'(► i.57i «; 1,075 35 1 443 31 140 tit 105.805 (HI I.TsS 31 40.(188 1)3 834 10 7.478 (>1 THE RADICAL: FRIDAY, APRIL 11. 1873. |lear rttemeate. Notice tcl bridge contrac tors. Coxsissionecs 1 Orncs, Bxatsb, I ■ ' f March *7.1873. f Sealed proposals will be received at this office by the Board of Comity Commissioners of Beater county until SATURDAY, APRIL, 88th, A. D. 1873. at 10 o'clock A- M-, for the .'masonry jpf two stone arch bridges of abontSOleht atcji etch, and 20 feet over Wallace's run, In Big Beaver township, where.tbe public road crosses said run; and one over Dutchman's run. in Pulaski township, wfcero the Brighton and Pittsburgh grade road crosses said run. Also for repairing the pier of the bridge over Connoquenessing creek, known as the '-Cunningham bridge." Proposals will be made by the porch, actual measurement. Specifications can.be seen at this office from and after this date. Tbe Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. .. By order of Commissioners. apr£3t JOHN McGOWN, Clerk. 000,000 ACRES, CHEAP FARMS'! The cheapest la&d in the by THE UNION PACIFIC KAIIJ^AILCOMPANY In the Great Pilots Valley. 3,000,000 ACRES IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, Now for sale in tracts of forty acres and upwards on five and ten years' credit at eU per .cent. No advance interest required. Mild and beautiful climate, fertile soil, and abundance of good water. ... The best market in the west I The great min ing regions of Wyoming. Colorado, Utah and Ne vada being supplied by the Farmers in tbe Platte Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO A HOMESTEAD OP 160 ACRES. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. Free homes for all. Millions of choice govern” merit Und open for entry under the Homestead Law. near this Great Railroad, with good markets and all the conveniences of an old settled country. Free Passes to pnrehas-ers of Railroad land. Sectional maps, sbowjng*tho land, also hew edi tion of Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, mailed free everywhere. Address O. F. DAVIS. Land Commissioner U. P. R R., Omaha, Neh. -—— , , 10,000 Farmers To improve ACrel^ fß, ts. Lands, free from mortgage and fakafed ftp toft middle region of Western lotra—the'best com,’ wheat and cattle producing beltltathe West, 15;hooradistant troro Chicago. Cllipate Meadow and plow land with pt>i» running water evenly distributed. Nofevef and ague. Average credit price $« per acre. Bend-tor a guldo. It costs nothing and gives /descriptions, priced, terms, maps and bow to teach the lands. Address JOHN B. CALHOUN, Land Commlssionerlowaltailroad Land Co.. Cedar Rapids, lowa. Chicago office* 65 a. Canal St. gLAIR Mi&W&Bßt&li £ a%EMY NEW JERSEY, Equal advantages for males and females. Earnest Christian influence, thorough instruction and careful attention to the comforts and habits of students, render this one of the best institutions of the country. Spring session commenced March 26th. Students received at any time. Terms, $3OO a year. Reference; Officers of Princeton and Lafayette Colleges. Send for Catalogue. S. S. STEVENS, AM. Principe). $5O0 IN PBIZES - « EXTRA EARLY VERMONT, Ten dtu IE am earlier than Early Rose. Enomoaxly SI Dj Productive and of excellent fravor. $1 ■■ S 2 per lb.; 4 pounds by mail, postpaid for tU m 13-59. Q COMPTON’S SDRPBISE; 8W bnsbels fS w_ to the acre. A little later tbaa Early 1 P. Rose. Kqual in quality. $3- per pound, pi by mail, postpaid. OCC 9500 will be awarded oa premiums to those who produce the largest quantity >. bf from one pound. Descriptive circular of Q| fti * the above, with list of 300 varieties of Po tatoes sent free to ail. w Illustrated Seed Catalogue, 200 pages, Cj ft. with Colored Chromo, 23 cents. A new tomato, the w Arlington.?' early, solid and productive. Price 25 cents per packet; 5 packets for $l. B. E. BUSS & SONS, 23 Park Place, Now York. 0 NL Y TEN CENTSrrr EVEIfcY MAN HIS OWN PAINTER; Or, Paints—How to Select and Use Them. A plain treatise, containing sample card with 42 different actually painted shades and tints, with instrue* ions for exterior and interior House Deco ration. 2'> copies, bound in cloth, lor $5. Sample copies, paper cover, mailed, post paid, to any address, on receipt oflO cents, by the Publisher, HENRY CAREY BAIRD, Box 1624, Post-Office, Philadelphia, See the folio icing valuable extracts from pres* no tices : "A very valuable boob, and no one Intending to paint should fail to read It."—N. Y. Tribune. "We did not know so much could bo said on the subject of painting a house until we read ibis ex cellent book of Mr. Baird’s.’’—N. Y. Herald "Adrant lon&.fell at last supplied.’’—Scientific American. -Not only a necessity to the painter, hut valua ble to every occupant of a dwelling."—N. Y. World. "Bay 25 copies of this book and distribute them among your friends. If they, will heed the advice therein, you could make no more valuable pres ent.’’—Chicago Tribune. "In publishing this book Mr. Baird has done a real service to the community."—Toledo Blade. "We hope the publisher will sell 100,000 copies of this book during ’73.’’—Boston Advertiser. ‘•We have just painted our bouse as advised by the author, and congratulate ourselves that no dwelling in our neighborhood excels ours in ap pearance."—Harpers Weekly. "In selling a sample copy for 10 cents, Mr. Baird must feel certain an order for 23 bound in cloth tvilLfollotv.”—Prank Leslie. 1 “Wo know the town and country paints therein recommended, and can vouch for their value and the excellence of the "Harrison’* brand ol white lead.’’ Philadelphia Ledger. ONLY TEN CENTS ! » [ESTABLISHED 1830.] WELCH & GRIFFITHS. > Manufacturers of Sawn. SUPERIOR-TO ALL OTHERS. EVKBV saw warranted. FILES, BELTING & MACHINERY. DISCOUNTS. sA H Price Lists and Circulars free. W WELCH & GRIFFITHS, BoMon, IUfIM.. & Detroit, Tflch. Sewing Machine IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD'. Agents Wanted. Send for Circular. Address DOMESTIC SHAVING MACHINE CO., N. Y. USE the lleisingcr Sash Lock and Support to FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! No spring to break, no cutting of sash:cheap, durable, very easily applied; holds eash at anv place desired, and a «clf-laseoner when the sash is down. Send stamp for circular. Circular a» d sis copper-bronzed locks sent to any address bribe U. S., postpaid, on receipt of m cts. tlbeial Id ducements to the trade. Agent's wanted. Ad dress REISINGER BASH LOCK CO.. No. 418 Market St.. Harrisburg. Pa. ! V \ 1} \t FU Q Dealers and Agents send lo j I .‘I II lit »i II O, our Catalogue of New Poia i’toes, fruit trees. Ac. A .valuable treaties. All sent free. Extra oilers. L. i). SCOTT & CO., | Huron, Ohio. s*«> IMvertisfmfttls. * 1 BUGG 4 RICHARDSON, MAKUPACTUEEBS 0» Wool-f offlni Machinery Generally, Specialties;—Woodworth Planing, Tongneing and Grooving Machines, Richardson's Patent Improved Tenon Machines, 4c.! ,A Central, cor. Union St., WORCESTER, MASS. 1.8. WITHEBBT. O.J. EtfOO. 8. *. RICHARDSON. p ATENTS OBTAINED. No fee unless successful. No fee in advance. No Charge for preliminary search. Send lor circulars. CONNOLLY lOB 8. Fourth St., Phil adolpbla>Pa-, and 608.Nlmh St.,Washington, D. C„ GENTS! A RARE CHANCE. We will pay agents sii)a week In cash who will engage with us at once. Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address A. COLTER & CO/, Charltete, Mioh. pVERY CORNET BAND s?*^' tViVPyX .will receive a splendid piece of sending a two cent stamp to EDWARD A. SAMUELS, Publisher, Boston, Mass. ’ TO P«rdayf Agents wanted! All UPy lv/ classes of working people, oi either sex young or old. make money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else, Particulars free. Address G. Stinson 4 Co., Portland. Maine. MO\ T tfY ra P ,d „ty with Stencil and Key ItlviiLiJ. Check ontflts. Catalogues and fall particulars free. S. M. SPENCER, 117 Hanover Street, Boston, ITCHEN CKYSTAL SOAP For cleaning and polishing metals, for cleaning re ?°" ta KP a,n *’ for removing stains from JSf**’!®- f °t r " ra , g to* l * 1 *- and for all household cleaning, is superior to any other article made. No other soap or wash equals it, either in quality or cheapness. Easy to use and perfectly harmless and pleasant. All grocers sell it. Manufactured ' PhUado I phi a™ A ** & BROOKE ’ 481 N - Third St!, qettysbukg Katalysine Water Is the nearest approach to a specific ever discover- N ®“relgla, Rhenmatfim, Gout, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and Urinary Diseases generally. It restores muscular power to the Par alvtic. It cures Liver Complaint and Chronic e ,ee n. C ° D9Mpatlon - Aslhm «, Catarrh Diseases of the skin. General De bllity and Nervons Prostration from Menial and B !u*!J? xceB f^ 8 ' dft 18 Greatest Antidote ever dlscoveredTor Excessive Eating or Drinkln" It corrects the stomach, promotes Digestion, ami Relieves the Head almost immediately. No household should be without it. For sale by all druggists. f • J a history of the Springs, for med leal reports of the power of the water over diseases, for marvellous cures, and for testimonials from »& f A h a Bd^ en ’ , 8 9 nd WHIT- S eneral Agents, 227 South Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Gettysburg Spring Co. ■ „ REWARD. For any case of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ul cerated Piles that De ~~Bis6's Pile Kevedv fails to cure. It is pre pared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. .Sold by all Druggists. Price, fi.po. ANTED. We will give men and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY Iroro {4 to £3 per day; can be pursued in your own neighborhood ; it Isa rare chance lor those out of employment or having leisure lime ; girls and boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars free. Address J. LATHAM & CO., 232 Washington St., Boston, Muss marTJtt 0U FONT’S GUNPOWDER. All kinds Mining, Blasting and Sporting Powder In Metallic kegs, for sale In Tots to suit purchasers, from our Magazines at Mill prices. This well known Powder has been manufactured for over 70 years, and is sold at same prices as other Brands. Also, every variety Dry and Water Safety Fuse. D. \V. C. BIDWELL& Co.. Oen. Agts.. mart-lm Pittsburgh, Pa. fBiAEOBLI Whits Lead, Bod Load, Litharge, Potters'Lead, Putty, Colors. Efety keg ofear White lead beats the following warrant, and we guarantee a degree of fineness and whiteness unsurpassed: THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS £ Pore White Lead. 91 parts 9 •* Linseed Oil 9 “ ® 3 100 j $25 GV GOLD wiS be paid to any one find* ing the contents of this keg different from the j iboyo toalTsbi ! { DATIS, CHAMBERS & CO. j SOLD BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE, Jj'QR SALE. The undersigned oners lor »aie a two Viorse wa;- on, a stood double. set of harness, one iron cultiva tor. one culling box, all in good order. J. C. MOLTEU. Market street, Bridgewater. febl t-3ro HOUSE ESTABLISHED 1824 JACOB B. HTBLEY. AT.EX. F. HAY. JACOB B. HUB LEY & CO., CONFECTIONERS. LADIES’ AND GENTLEMENS ICE CIiEAM AI>D DINING ROOMS. Library Building, 105 Penn Arenas, PITTSBURGH, PA AN “ AGENCY FOli THE Kef Wlieeier & Wilson Sewing Machine, We are now prepared to offer moke liberal TERMS aad GREATER INDt'CEMKNTS to RELIABLE men. than evi r heloic durimr oor experience of FIFTEEN YEARS in the buiiness No capital required He island all lo*»e« and collect nH pnp-fi at our own expense. Horse. Wagon and Oul tit fur nisned if necessary. Special Isducemtnts to men who can furnish Til mil own teams. Now is the lime to apply and get ready for the Spring trade. . \VM. SUMNER & CO., feVM-lny 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. JJ NOS S, PUO TOG It A P JIB li g E A V.E R COLLEGE 3IUSLCAL INSTITUTE Opens its Spring Session ON THE FIRST OF APRIL. Teachers of tho county w:.i do we!! to convs pond with the President fabii-o: fj AND K. T. TAYLOR jpoß sale. . One BLACK MAKS (Ohio Toga), five years old, sound, in good condition, fifteen hands high, un trained, and will pace a mile In about three min utes. Enquire of L. RICHARDSON, Smith’s Ferry, Beaver county. Pa. mar2B-4t 150,000 REWAK - D! Will be distributed to subscribers to the AMERI CAN WORKING PEOPLE in 1873. It Is the only Workingman's Tariff Montblyjhas 16 large quarto pages, with illustrations. EVERY SUBSCRIBER GETS A PREMIUM, Vanring from 25 cents in value to $3OO in greets backs. Among the premiums are two of $5OO in greenbacks; two of $200; ten of f 100; one hundred of $10; five hundred of $2; five Parlor Organs. $350 each; Un Sewing Machines. $6O each; fifty American Watches, each—besides many thous ands of smaller premiums. Only $1.50 per-year;, sent on trial three months for 25 cents. Send for specimen to msr23“3ia jg'XECUTOR’S NOTICE. Estate or MARY B. ELLIOTT, Deceased. Letters* testamentary on the estate of Mary B. Elliott, late of the borough of Beaver Falla, Bea ver county. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all person* knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested .to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settlement, to JOHN GODDARD. mar2B fit New Brighton. Pa ESTABLISHED IN IS3B. RE-ESTABLISHED IN 1869. Q G. HAM M E R & SONS, Manufacturers of FINE AND MEDIUM FURNITURE, or Every Description and Price, Handsome and Superior in style and quality than found in most or any other Furniture Up use this »'ile of the mountains. Photographs and Price Lists sent on application, or when in the city don’t forget the place—sign ol the Large Goiden Chair, , 4 46, 48 and 50, Seventh Avenue, mar23-ly £*C TO P3 f day. Agents wanted ! All OJ iU 0-£U classes of working people, of either sex, younger old, make more money at work for ns, in tneir. spare moments, or all the time, than at.anythin* else. Particulars free. Ad dress G. Stinson Sc Co., Portland, Me. novs-ly Atl«Wß|y.s, Q A. S M ALL, ATTORNEY & T LAW, BEAVER. PENN A OFFICE IX THE COURT ISOUS'B; [WeSfMy JT O R N E A:K I N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3SAIN ST., BEAVBK-FALLS. {jalO’TS JAMES CAMEROX*'. JOHN Y. »-4®ES. QAS. E RON & MAKES, A TTO RITE YS AT LAW AND BEAL ESTATE AGBXTs, ROCHESTER, PA.. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care, and have superior facilities for baying and selling real estate. declS ly P. 11. AGNKW. J. si. BUCHANAN. & BUCHANAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. (NEAR THE POST OFFICE,) oct4 BEAVER C. H., PA. JOHN B. YOUNG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEAVER PA; Office andresidemte on Third st. east of the Court House. All law business entrusted to my care shall re ceive prompt attention. Also, persons having Real Estate for sale; aad those wishing to bny town property, coal or tsna lands, may save time and money by calling atTay ofiice. [apiffil’VC ly. UA.RSHAU. SWABTZWEU>BB JKO. C. BABB. gWARTZWBLDER & BARR, ATTORNEYS* AT LAW, No. 66 GRANT STREET, PITTSBURGH. [seSTH-ly^ JACOB DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 75 GRANT STREET, (first noon.)> PITTSBURGH. scoU7l-S:?Q V '£ST—KIViSR DIVISION -ACCOM | JtAII.. 2XPR'S. ACCOI STATTOJf*. Pittsburgh Rochester.. Wellsville Steubenville Bridgeport Bfellair TUSCARAWAS BRANCH Leaves Arrives M.Phila.fl!®am I.oopm I Bayard. 9.45 .am * 4 (•'po 1 BAyard, 13.10 * p. m. { N. Phila. 3.00 a 7.30 p a ; F. R. MYERS. General Passenger and Ticket Agent. 1 PEJfNSSLTANU R. R —After December 33d, 1873, Trains wiW arr.ve and depart as follows; BXSTWAICS'. I WESTWiP.D.i Through Trains Leave Through Trains A; r.ve Union Depofr Union Depot. Pactfit Exp’s, 215 f) am i Mail Train, l;0o a m Mat? Train, 7145 a m Fast Line. I:3oam Chicago'Ex 12*30 p m Pittsburgh Ex, f.i* l a m Cnroihnati Ex. t:U) p m Cincinnati Ex. 9-r a m Phitodelp’a Es. o;3»pm Southern Ex. T2;iipnj Fast Line, StSOp m Pacific Expr’s. /r pm kooac. Way Passenger, 9:st‘ p a Watt 9-No T, os4o*a m local. Wilkihsb’g A-C Walls No 1 (i-Soam No T 705 a m Brinton Ac. Not. 7- 11 a m Walls-No-2, Kathr-a ml Wilkinsburg Ac Wail’s No 3, TIT® am' Not ~ Svli'itn Wilfeinsburg-Ac ‘ Walls No 2. 9-ram Nop 2:40 p m Johnstown Ac. JO-ram Walls No 4, 3:2»>p m, Walls No 3, ];-i> i m Johnstown Ac. 4;Ob p m Walls No 4 ?,:3t. •- m Brinton Accom- ( Wilkinsbnrg Ac nasdiit’hNo 1. 458 pm No 3 4. it pm Brinton Ac. No 3 5t40 p m Walls Ac. No. 5 5.55 pa- Walis-No 5, fitlf) p m Brinton No 3. k:5- p m Brinton A*c No 3 ShStJ’p m Brinton Ac. No 3 7.3' r to Walls-Ac.No.O lints p m,Brinton Ac Not iMOpm Chicago Express. Cincinnati Express, Fast I/nc and Brinton Ac. No, 3 leave daily. Pacific Express daily, except Monday. All other trains ohlly. except Sunday. Pacific Express leaves Pittsburgh ar’3:.Vi a m sr riving-.it Hainsbnrarait 11:40 am; Phiiadelph a ;1 p ta; Baltimore 394)'ui in; Washington .'■4 ! ian New York fi;34-p an, Chicago Express leaves Fittsbnrgl;, at 13. arrives ikirrlshurg-ID.SO p m; Philadelphia 2 New York fi.lo a m. Cincinnati Express leaves Pittsburgh at lap Harrisburg in-.45p in; Phila.K*’.■>...- i*" a to:-Balt more-3:13 am; Washington s:‘i | i. ) an N--' 7 York <>: Ufa ro. Bhiladelplya Express leaves PitPbui-.:!: a - ' [ ; xntjarrives ai f Hpmsbnni 2:35 am; Phr.adc,!h a’ " , a m; New York 19:14 a in. ; Fast Line leaves Pittsburgh at Sr.Vpni: a”:, ■ | .Harrisburg 5:43 a m: Philadelphia a ta: more 0:00 a m; ASashington 11:30 a m: pm. : The Church Train? leave Wall's - ..: Sunday at o:y>iiai,reiichsng Pittsburgh at I'c l> ■ x Rctnrnip" leave Pittsburgh at !2:?toj> r.i. “ j at WaiPsTstotios at .1:59 p in. Lea - , e P:C* 1);20 p m arrive Brinton's 10;:;o i> m. : CITY TICKET OFFICE— Far the cot.-.- rf of; the citizens of Pittsburgh the Pena-; '■■‘j- ' Railroad Cosipany have opened a city *tc ■ “ at No Tb Fttthj averue corner ol Smithth i where Through Tickets. Couimntat j apt! Local Tit-Sets to principal stat inns can _!■ I chased at any hour of the day or I'vw; ' r same rates as are charged at the <1 ep<>-. Baggage will be chocked through to i-*' - from hotel# and residences by ExceSto; NG- Expres? Co . .on orders left at the of?h For farther information app'v to a../ cassatt; d. m r.c’ n General Ai;u);)ger. Gen. I --* VALLEY RA ILK-' A D I On and n f:e r Monday. July '.-.i■ *. ’ e 1 Through Train 1 * daiiy.‘except Sunday. w; yy';*’ uad arrive* at I’ittstninjh. city time. , i Oil CU\. Buffalo nnfi all point * 4 a tit ' ou-t-‘- ■ and Western and Central New V<>>k. I ■ ' r •' Lea . Day Express . Niuht Express Mail Train.. . Ist Hull on Ac Ist Soda Works Ac Parnassns Ac , Brady t- Bund Ac..; j 2d 11 niton Ac , , 2d Soda Works Ac tvl' l ' Pta Sd Ac.. ..• S .*‘i t< ic. A special Sunda j train leaves Sunday at 7.10 a nil anlvina at Parke: a •’ Kstmnio!? leaves 4*srker a; 4 4ft p in. ami a'' Virtsbiimh at S S' pm ... ij-; t’hnrch train fo and from Soda Wo - us js • L _ arrives at PitleburL'h at i a r.-.. ;<: ■! j Vi.tAi p n i j.;j. LAr>-;:KNC j. n. c::.vv, Ticket a^-a. llailtouiVc.. mail, .e*.-* ; ElJ^ 1.45JJ1 ; V ),. AS . f •2.0-2 7.22 :u->- -i * 3.15 um 1.-s.p* 5$ (>.31 | 12.10 pm 7 8.55 3.15 A. 09 oii 9.20 4.00 t. 40 si. 9.40 I 5.55 am 6,00 3 11,05 j 7.40 ; 7.55 ins Ifi.OSpa 9,00 ) 9.15 ,12„ 2.40 11.50 12.03 am if 4.45 | 2.35 pm 2.55 ! 515 .50 1 6.30 1 6.50 , INS GOING £ASTT - MAIL EXPB’9. EXPB b. El?a'f, ! ».20am 5.30 pm 12.02 pm 8.55 12.15 as 2.20 11.20 ,qqo 4.07 ■ 1.1 Bam S.OJpjj 5.08 ! 2.27 9.27 6.?0 j 4.('5 11,10 | 4.1 a 11.30a* ; 4.43 11.05

:r. :i l:; (’,.40 u m a m 13 -;r a n; y:u >'' 14) [i :k 1 7.l'Aa . 8 OC 8.45 ■ 10. CO ,0 -I. ■* ,* )** (. '.*;t 3 x> • I , S 2 u n ; rr ;• a