THE PiSH BILL. The following is the bill as it passed Bbcttokl. Beit enacted by the Senate +nd House vf Representatives of the Com montcealth of Pennsylvania in General As am Uy met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That hereafter no person ehal have in his or her possession, or expose to sale, any shad caught In the fixer, Delaware, or Its tributaries, within the Jurisdiction-of the State, below the head of Trenton , /alls, between the; eleventh dey <>f JuDeand tenthday of August in any year, or above the head of Tr&nton feUs, or anywhere on the river l&sqaehanna; or on any of Its tributaries, witbin eaid r-J for tedlcfipn, ’ between the ligteenih day of June and the tenth day bf August; In ahy year, u Oder a penalty •t five dollars {breach and every shad so bad in posessibo, or exposed for sale,' to bo recovered In any action or actions of debt, with costs of euit, by any person or , persons, -in bis or tboir name or names* before any justice of lha peace in the eounty where the offense was committed er where the defendant resides or le foon 3: Provided, That nothing in this act shall make it unlawlni for the fishery commis sioners of this State or of corlp&rian States, or of the United Slates ;commis eioner of fisheries, with the consent of the fishery commissioners of this State, or of the c 'riparian States, to take fish in the said waters for the purpose of natural or artificial spawnieg or propagation of the same. Bec. Vi- shall not be lawful to catch ffah to any way whatever in any of the watelrs in which fish will live, over which this ißtate 1 has either original or treaty, statutory or constructive jurisdiction, te ciprocally, Intercfiifuieably or otherwise, at any time bet'Ttv.a suasst on Saturday evening and eunri&j on the next ensuing Monday morning; said offense to be deemed a misdemeanor, and on conviction be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding one huadrc-J dollars, at the discretion of 4be court, and conatables, or barber polled officers and their deputies are hereby authorized- and required to tup pices all such fishing, using such means and force as may be necessary to arrest such persons found in sight of such officer or his deputy, in the commission of the offense, and seise such boats and •their apparel, tacked, implements, nets, et Cetera, as may be used or employed in the aeme, the said persons to be tried and punished as afortgaki, and the property -taken to be sold at public eale, by the aaid sheriff* and onnetabies, on due public notice given, the proceeds to bo turned over to the treasuries of the proper enun lies or cities bordering upon or embracing the stream of streams whereon tb« offunse shall have been commuted: Provided, That fishermen, anciho&e piny ncccsFan fy Ufing euch eeicca in their regular estab lished business, as on account of the large fize of said seines, &od for that cause aktne. cannot be set or laid out except at the alack, or tarn of the tide, may set their nets or seines at only one such tarn of the occurring by regular tidal changes, batween any midnight during the fishing -season oa Saturday night and on eunriae on tbs following mornine, with out Incurring the penalties provided in Ibis section. Sec. 3. Trespaeslog upop fish preserves or ponds shall be pt-iehaWe as other an Awful trespass foe breach of a close, but tv> action shall be sustained therefor an* loss public notice of Ibe character of said preserves, by hahdipoeta, be set near the said waters, by the owners or occupants thereof; and if a re ad way, pathway, railway or other form of crossing, shall pass over waters held, owned or used as fish preserves, by any person or persons engaged in the culture, propagation or preservation of fish, it not be lawful for any'person to fish ia the said waters, from the said crossing, or from any of its parts or proj'Cturos : and any person or persons so offending shall be liable, in an action of trespass, before the tribunal having jurisdiction thereof; Provided, That notice shall be fixed at such crossirfg by the owner or occupant of the close or preserve, warning the public that the «aid waters are used as preserves for tbs culture, propagation nr preservation of fish; and the owners or occupants of such enclosures having given written notice to their neighbors, or adjoining occupants, Of the character of said preserves or en closures, and warned them not to permit domestic water fowls to trespass upon the same, which warning being unheeded for a period of ten days, the said owners or occupants may lake of, or otherwise destroy said water fowl or fowls, without any liability for taking or destroying the same. . Sbo. 4. That it ebu.'l not be lawful to fish with nets or any other method of en* trapping tlsb, -except with hook and line, within half a inllc of any part of any d«:n or Us schutc, in which there is or may hereafter be any schute or fish lad der. tor navigation or for the purpose of Abe passage of fish up or down any «troam in this Commonwealth, and any person persons so offending shall be deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con yiclion thereof, shall be sentenced to pay u fine cot exceeding one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court: Provided, That the provisions of this section shall hot take effect until thefirst day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand •'•ght hundred and seventy-four. Skc. 5. The Governor of the Common-' wealth is hereby authorised and required to appoint tree competent wild slini! be known as the State Fishery Comi ; ii.•‘-’loners, pfio e-pVi !><> coqjtnissioncd and hold their positions for the period of three years from the date of their ap pointment, unless the said commission is sooner dissolved by legislative enactment; and any vacancies occurring in said com mission by death, resignation or other . wise, shall be for the unexpired term in like.manner filled by the appointment and commission of the. Governor.. The general duties of the said .commissioners, in add it ion. to their other duties specified in this act, shall be to forward tbo resto ration ojf the inland fisheries of the rivers and waters of this Commonwealth, and to slock the same withfish in succession aUbeir judgment, as they, shall be sup plied with means thereof, and they; shall use every lawful means to have all the laws in tbecases made and provided to be faithfully executed, who shall be paid their'reasonable and necessary expenses; for the performance of the duties pre-, scribed by this act, and shall report their proceedings and doings annually to the Legislature, through the Governor of the Commonwealth, accompanied by a full and itemized statement, under oath, of all expenditures made by them in pursuance of the provisions of this act; Provided , That before the Governor shall Issue a commission to _any of the said commis sioners he may require each of them to file a bend in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with one or more sufficient sure ties, in the Auditor General’s office, to be approved ol by the said Auditor Gen eral, conditioned for the performance of the duly of said commissioners with fidel ity, and the faithful application of any moneys which may come to his hands as such commissioners. Sac. 6. During the present year, one thousand eight hundred and seventy three, the commissioners aforesaid are re quired to have constructed by contract with the lowest and best bidders after due public notice, approved fishways or ladders for the passage of migratory or anadromous fishes as follows, to wit; One in Columbia dam, in addition to the one now existing therein ; one in the Clark’s Perry dam ; one in the Shamokin j dam, and one in the first dam of the Ju > niata river shove its confluence with the I Suaqnehanna river, for which purpose twenty-five thousand dollars ($35,000,) or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the State Treasury not olherw ise ap propriated. During the year 030 thous and eight hundred and seventy-four (1874) the said commissioners arc hereby requir ed to have constructed by contract in like manner, with the lowest and best bidders after due public notice, approved fish ways or ladders for the passage of migra tory or anadromous fishes as follows, to wit; One in the Muncy dam ; one in the rtanticokedam; one in the Lcwistown dam (in the narrows,) and one in each of the two dams first occurring on the Lehigh river above its confluence with the Delaware river, and one in the Horse Race dam in the North Branch of the Susquehanna river, or open said dam, for which purpose thirty thousand dollars ($30,000), or so much thereof as may be hereby appropriated out any moneys in the State Treasury not other wise appropriated, and daring the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy five (1875) the said commissioners are re quired to have constructed by contract with the lowest and best bidders, after due public notice, approved fishways or ladders for the passage of migratory or anadromous fishes, as follows, to wit : One in llte Newton Hamilton dam, one in the Reystowo Branch dam, and one in the and fourth dams each on the Lehigh river, above its confluence with the Delaware river, for which pur pose twenty thousand dollars (30,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the State Treasury opt otherwise ap propriated: Provided, That in each of •the said years, the fishways aforesaid shall be completed in succession, in the order in which they are aboved named, and no moneys shall be paid out of the State Treasury under the provisions of this section except upon the qualified certifi cate or certificates of the said commission ers, or a majority thereof, from time to time, that the services have been render ed or the work done in accordance with this act, which certificates being present ed to the Auditor General he shall issue his warrant or warrants upon the State Treasury in payment of the same, in fa vor of the person or persons to whom the same may be due : And provided, That none of the fishways named in this sec .lion, to be constructed in the years eigh teen hundred and seventy-four (1874) and eighteen hundred aad seventy-five (1875,) shall be put under contract or contract ed. unless the said commissioners or a tna j >rity of them shall, on or before the first day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundredf and seventy-four (1874), file a certificate with the Auditor General, that in their opinion the said fishways have been successful, and can be success fully used for the passage of migratory or anadromous fishes; And provided further. That any fishways constructed under this act must be built and constructed in a substantial manner, after the most im proved and approved method to admit of the passage of fish at reasonable cost, and so as not to injure the dams for the pur- ’ poses for which they are now used. j Sec. 7. The board of fishery comm is-1 si oners may, if they consider it necessary, j • appoint, cot exceeding two fish wardens or water bailiffs, to bo placed in charge of ] each of the reaches or stretches of the ri7f-r immediately below or above lbs I ,* ! THE RADICAL; FRIDAY.APRIL 4, 1873. f dams mentioned, and at least three fish wardens or water balliffe on' the river Delaware, at such points as. they may deem proper, whose duty It shall be to -M. vigilant, and who, if it be necessary, are hereby empowered to call ip hia or their aid any aherifEs, constables, harbor police officeM. or lhclr deputies; and: upon in formation made by him or them j or upon view'of any offense against or infraction of any of the fishery laws, to arrest and * bringto punishmentalland buy offenders against the same ; the pay of each of which officers shall -not exceed one hun dred dollars in any ono year. ' . Sec. 8. Should the Slate of-New Jer sey appropriate funds 'for the artificial propagation of shad in the river Delaware during the fishing season: of-th», ; current year, one' thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, the board of fishery com* missloners are authorized to apply and employ a similar amount for .the same purpose; The said amount shall not exceed the sum of three thpua and dollars: And provided further. That the said sura not exceeding three thipue* and dollars is hereby appropriated for that purpose, to be paid by the State Treasurer upon the warrants of the said board of fishery commissioners, from time to time, as the same may be necessary, whenever a certificate of the appropriation and action of the State of New Jersey shall be filed in the office ol the State Treasurer authenticated as required by the laws of said State. Sec. 9. That the provisions against fish baskets, kiddles, eel wiers or racks, and similar contrivances, contained in section eleven of the actof twenty-fourth of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, are hereby made applicable to all streams or parts of streams under the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth; and it shall bo the duty of the board of fishery commissioners to notify the pub lic as to the spawning time, specifying the same, as far as they, can ascertain it. of the various tribes of useful food fishes inhabiting Ibo mland waters of this Com monwealth, during which time it shall be unlawful for any person or persona to catch or have In possession any fish or fishes, of the tribes or kinds of which no tice has been given by the commissioners as aforesaid, under the same penalties for the samg prescribed as to shad in the first section of this Act. Sec. 10. It shall further be the duty of the said fishery commissioners to select proper and suitable locations, and con struct and erect suitable bouses and de vices for the purpose of batching and propagating useful tribes of food fishes, and to stock and supply all the streams, lakes and fresh waters of the Common wealth with the same, by distributing the impregnated spawn or fry of lh£ said tribes of fishes to all parts of the State, under proper regulations, having in view the encouragement of fish culture, and to employ the necessary labor and buy the necessary material, machinery and im plements therefor; and for that purpose, and to pay the necessary expenses of the said fishery commissioners and of the bailiffs they may employ in pursuance of of section seven of this act, the further sum of ton thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be 1 is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be paid by the State Treasurer, on the warrant or warrants of the said commis sioners, or a majority of them, from time to time, as the work lactone or the ser vice rendered; Provided, That the said commissioners shall file annually with the Auditor General an account of all moneys expended and services rendered,and when ever it may be practicable produce and file with said account the proper vouchers for the same. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of any person or persons or corporations here after erecting or constructing any dam or dams in any of the rivers of this Com monwealth, or their tributaries, accessi ble to shad, or other migratory fishes, to put in' or upon the same suitable fish ways or ladders under the direction or approval of the said fishery commissioners, without which every such dam shall be deemed a public nuisance, and liable to be abated upon the information of any one com plaining. Sec. 12. That if any person shall cast, draw, set or fasten, or otherwise make use of aoy seine, set net, fyke net or net of any other description of less mesh than ten inches, or any other ap pliance except the hook and line for the purpose of catching fish in the river Del aware, - within the jurisdiction of this State, below the head of Trenton Falls, between the tenth day of June and the tenth day of August, in any year, or above the head bf Trenton Falls or anywhere on the Susquehanna river, or any of its tributaries within said Jurisdiction, be tween the fifteenth day of June and the tenth day bT August. In any .. year, the person or persons so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and .on convic tion be sentenced to pay a fine not ex ceeding ope hundred dollars, and undergo an imprisonment not exceeding fix months, or both, or either, at the discre tion of the court. Sec. 13. That all laws or parts of laws inconsistent herewith be and the same arc hereby repealed. Flotations on (be stairs arc so popa- Jar in Wasbioeton society, and the stair ways are so blocked thereby, that there is talk of having temporary staircases dis tributed through the rooms for the accom modation of tilths fond people. J'AMBS CALDWELL & 00 epeeUl attention W their - NEW STOCK WINTER OQOJDS, I JUST OPENED. IRISH AND FRENCH JPOPLINB, ■ ' r f REPPS AND VELOURS, CAB9IMEREB. DBA 2>JB FRANO MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS AND SATEENS All tb# new ebadee. i BLACK ALPACAS AND MOHAIR LUSTRES, BLACK SILK WARP CASHMERES, EMPRESS CLOTHS AND MERINOS. BLACK SILKS, A very large etoek of all tho beet makes. A LABttS STOCK OP FANCY DRESS SILKS At SI per yard. PONBOH CELEBRATED BLACK MANTILLA VELVETS, Black and Colored Velvets for THmmtag, Ac., BLACK SILK VELVET BACQOES. CLOAKS AND POLONAISE, CLOTH CLOAKS ANB SACQUEB la great variety, ; A large stock of Fashionable Furs, 1 u median and’ fine quality. BLACK QUIPUE LACES, BLACK THREAD LACES, BBUTIIAS AND CAPES. Blankets and Flannels , CLOTH AND CASSIMERES The above stock comprises tbe FINEST IN TBS CITY Which we oiler at the lowest market prices 118 & 120 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny City. Psnna. doc!3 4m u. L. Ebsbbaht, W. L. Bkdisom, Attorney at law. Notary Public. JgBERH ART & BSD! BON, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, NKW BRIGHTON. BEAVER CO. p ; Represent In Beaver Oopniy T&e Tracers Life & AceiHent Ibs. Co, OF HARTFORD, CONN. A SOUND STOCK COMPANY. Assets January 1, $3,359,945.48! Issues both Life and Accident Policies. This company Insure* Against all kinds of Actidtnts, By paying from $lO to $6O a year, an indemnity of from $5 to $6O a week darts* disability cad be secured in case of any accident by which a nan la rendered unable to alter d to bia n*nal occupation; and in the event of death by accident the same payments seem e from $lOOO to $6OOO M his family. To Mechanics, Pamen and other laboring men wo especially commend the subject of Acci dent insurance. A small sum paid yearly will, in the event of a crushed foot or hand, nr finger, a broken leg or arm, or any disabling injury, secure a weekly income of cash sufficient to support your anally nntil yon are able to resume your work A little money invested in Life and Accident policies wonld save many a widow and orphans from misery and starvation. MEN OP FAMILY, THINK OP IT I feb!4-3m x rpHE BEST AND MOST IMPROVED PIRB AND BURGLAR-PROOF 4 Safes and Vaults ARB MADE BY TEB PITTSBURGH SAFE COMPANY 167 PB&& STRSST, mar2B 3m PITTSBURGH PA., piFTH AVB CLOTHING HALL. CORNER FIFTH A MARKET STREETS, 1 PITTSBURGH, PA. 4 1873. SPRING STOPK. 1873. I*offered lower than aov other bon« in the. city. Buyer*. Study Tour Own Interest, and the stock of J. HANNACH before purchasing else where. ' The stock comprise* Men'*. Hove’, YonlhV. and Children's Clothing, at Wholesale ant l BtCail Pricer. Particular attention given to Custom Work. ’ J. HANNACH. this Invitation with you marts 8m ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE. BBTATB OF JOHN BATON . DBCMX Letter* of admini-trailon on the estate of John Baton, late of Moon township. Braver county, Pb, dec'd„ having been granted to the undersigned, residing in said townrbip. all persona indebted ip mid estate are required to make Immediate pay ment, and thorn hnvtntr claim* or demand* against the rathe to present them without delay to toe ns derrloned for settlement. NANCY BATON. I febSl Ct JAMES BATON, f ACra rs or I SIWCtOtJJ. „ BEAVhtt. DUNLAP, J. P., Attorney at Law. Office to ttic Cuun-bußfie, Deavei.Pa. All legal Oust* ucm pumipiiy avujuuexl to. tuj&i*-*) 'ijliMta d.' a., dealer m Paoey Dry MOwCe, XT Choice Gtocerie»,iu»d Aououa. i&yvcjaity— : xea auu augar,| Pidur, Peed, and %oooeufWait, Comer o» imm ana llddeuo etreuto, Leaver, Pa .auylutl - '■.. 1 - - J '. ' '\ : McNUn, Db. j. 8., Panama* AHUbyKQtos. special attention paid tt> treatment vl*'c juaie- maeaeea. iwauleoce and, office on. -in*™ aired, ate wdooreweat of the Ctjurt-Mocse. A U4BOK TUOB., dealer to Dry Uooda and A Groceries. Cor Third and Kik eta. WYNN A., dealorln Dry Goods and Groceries. AleoClvUEngtoeer and Land Third street. _ W™- tILAHK. J. 8., dealer to Groceries and rriMs f tons. Third street. :....• ti**™ ojoroaK 8. A CD., dealer to Groceries and Pro- C 5 Virions, Third street. ISKAOOH M». B. H.„dealer to IMUtoetj Goode X> At&THamlng4,oor «d at. and Dltnond. - JyaQ, ANDRUSBBSN HOGG, dealer to DrogßaodMed Icines, adat. ? Bee advertisement. iy*?*™ MOORE J„dealer to Drugs and Medicines. Third street.' > ' jySyro rTVUiIiON ROBERT, mannlactnrer and dealer in X Boot* and Shoes, Third street. jyOTO MBRTZ H., manufacturer and dealer toBoot» and Shoes. Third street, JpgyiQ WALTER P„ Baker and north esst corner of the Diamond. jyB9lo ANBHUTZ O. R-, dealer to Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Third etreet. JyiQ'TO MCKINNEY D.. M. !>.. Physician and Surgeon: Office on ThlM street, opposite The Radical bunding. faayy KUHN 8. P.. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office on Third street. JyS9’9o H.RIOB. WIAKK WIMOIf. H. B. KOOBE. HICB. WILSON Sb MOORB. Attorneys at Law Office: Hear of the Court-house. BBIOOEWATER. MOLTBR. J. C.. Market street. Bridgewater, dealer in COAL frets Bank et McKinley’* Han, febSl’TS-ly BOYD J. M. & 00.. Millinery, Dressmaking; and Children’* Clothing. opposite Borefe, Bridge water. Pa. aprl»-TO L* BY IB JOHN C., M. D., Surgeon and Pbyalciau Office, during Uie day, comer Bridge and Wa ter street*; at mght at hi* residence- on Wate> street. ■-augfi’To HURST A.C., dealer In Dry Goods. Hats and Cape. : Carpets, OU Clothe and Trimmings Bridge street. ■ ■' Jytiirro STILES 4; CO., dealers la Qrocerioe, Provialom and Quonaware. Bridge etreet. jy2y?o MULHBIM 8.. dealer In Carpets, Oil Cloths and Variety Goods. Bridge street. jy29’7o IJORTER JAMES, dealer in Tin, Copper and I Sheet Iron Ware, and Iron Cistern Pumps. Bridge street. jySD’TO BLATTNER C.. manufacturer and dealer in Boots. Shoos, Ao . Bridge street. ano2ft-i y BOCBBBTKIL DONCASTSR HOUsE, opposite Railroad Sta tion, 1). Wo it. Proprietor, Pro Bono Pub lico. [novls-ly JOHN F.. (New Store.) dealer in Gro ij cones. Piour, Feed, Nails, Varieties and No iimip, best qualities' and lowed prices. New Brighton and Wasbn gton streets, itocbusier. ■ugt.TMy . tuaßi-v MRS, Mllilnori, Fashionable Breas t) making, »ud Ladies’ Furnishing Ooode, llrtl door above Cross's store. New York street. Ko coedur.Pa. JoaHTl-ly A SONS, wholesale and retail deaj O eir in Dry Goods, Groceries,. Flour, Grain Boat lAoros, Iron, Nails. Water st. octT^Tu :>USE W. A., M. D., li PHY6ICIAN ANDSCRQKON. septSS’TO O A THAN A CO., (successors to Oattnan, Par sons A Kmzer) dealers in all kinds of rough and dressed lumber. nel6’7d manufacturer of and dealer in m Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. SooOng. spouting, Ac., aUendyd to. N. York at. ae 16*70 JOHNSON W, W., dealer In Carpets. Oil Cloths, Wail Paper, Window Shades, Tnnka and Vari ety Goods, nearßß depot. 6616*78 STTiFPLSR& CLARK. proprietors of Johnwn Boom. Good adeotnmodations and good tta bles. Mear-HR depot. i. : eeltno STRUT GBOROK, oiannfacturer and dealer id Boootft, Shoes, Slippers, 80., Water et. {aelO TVAVJD manufacturer of Tin. I 'Ooixwir pnd Sheet Iron ware; dealer in Stowe Thi Roofing made tc order. Water et. eeB"TO OMTTH'WILL A CO., dealer In Millinery Good* i^aod'Trtmminga.MadlMiieireet, F' RKDRRICK GBORQE, Bdker and Confec tiooer. Diamond.* NBW HBISHTON, BOM TOM RESTAURANT and RATING 8A- Uh)N,-MB»hi at ell hoars table with alt the de UcacJca.oi tboseaeon. price# low. WtHUmatnckiahd. comer of Pails and Broadway; ' ' ' •' • * • ' CiAItKY O, P., general dealer in Groceries, Pood, / Ooecnawarc, Glase, &c. Rags, Iron and Brest i,aken at highest prince. Railroad et. octal SIKMKN GKO. K, t nuofoduer of Cakes and Confectionaries. Particular attention paid to parties and wedding orders. 6ct7’7o GILLILAND A. D. & Co., dealers in Fancy and Domestic Dry Ooode and Groceries, Broadway* eeptaS'TO BBATBB FALLS. rVVkHMET BROS., Honee and Sign Painting, J. Graining and Glaring in all their branches. Also Fresco Painting in Oil, Distemper and Water Colors. Ordere executed on short notice, in the best manner and on reasonable terms. Main St., Bearer Fal Is. Pa. [novStf-ly. o TKVBNBON & WITTISH, Real Estate Agents. Oj All kinds of Beal property for sale and exchange. Northeast oorcerSixth and Penn streets. Pitts burgh, Pa., and Main street, Beaver Falls. . eept2S’7o KINO Mrs. K., MUlaer and dealer in Dry Goods. Notions, Qoeeseware, Ac. Corner Main and Baker «t. septS3’7o. DDNKBL W. W., manufacturer of and dealer In Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c. Corner ..Pace and Main afs. ■ «ept3B’7o CLARK Mrs. R. B„ dealer in Millinerv, Fancy Goods and Motions. Main st, se3o'7o FREEDOM. Dr. J. R. COOPBR T. L., dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, &c. seGO’TO KIBBCEBt PA. oCAKDLSSS & MILLER, Attorneys at Law I*l Mercer, Pa. ja6’7l-ly Q.IRARD HOUSE, CORNER NINTH « CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA. H. W. KANAOA, deriifAlr Proprietor. A DIAMONDS SET IN SOLID U KARATJIGOLD, (WAS RANTED.) WATCHES AKD JEWELRY Of Every] Description. NO. 38 FIFTH AVENUE. HOUSE ESTABLISHED 1824. JACOB B. BVSLET. ALSX. P. BAT. JACOB B. HU BLEY & CO.. CONFECTIONERS, LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN'B ICE CREAM AND DINING ROOMS. Library Building, 195 Penn Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. (JaSMa - COUNTV OFPlf E £r President Jvdgl~A. WV Arbc™** A£SOr> Lawrence _ Jofeoph c. Wilson. Prothonotary— John Cftmjbcv (Zerkqf (%urt-sobn t\ Um' i Gwebififf. * RafieUr A Reorder- -Iterine sin P t „ r Treasurer— CKarles P. Wnllcce e tOE Commleslonert—Joseph Brittain , SSiSSSite'i OwwM)v-TJaii!el CoE? AtidUeriS—J&s. U, Christy. gmith Coni*. ‘ Wo.;C. Hunter. u. mci^ County Sicneyor—D. M.Dao"hemi Jury bommietumtrs- JHmtort of the Aw-Sife 1 ' Hiram Heed Trmteee of Academy 8. J. Crow, JohnMnrrav : SSgffi*. / ■yWS'Ssat Jaaieaa.s^ 0w , ■■ >-■ msivKß. „ „ , churches. 0. S. FresOyterlan- -Ktv. I). p r Services every Sunday at 11 a. a iV-ki day school at 3 a, h *■ rt. £ United Presbylerian~Rzy. j c tn. Services every Sunday at 11 a si vr? 2 - r s*!oi Sunday School at t» a. m. ‘ «s t ! Methodist EpitcopaL~Re\ „ Pastor. Services every Sunday at n , “• Locfcr a Sunday School at 9a. m. I A -and7p’ CWAwflc—Eav. M. GnnMe, iv., * s - 3d Sunday of each month,at V ASSOCIATION* *• St. James Lodge A. IVif., A&ms* * „ W. M., J. Morton Hall. day of each month. 7 •^® tB »*tTh i £ Occidental Lodge. 1.0. O.F.Jfc T-ruVr. N.,6- J- N. McCiccry, Friday evening. • Banking llous e-TLomas McCrccr.- \ BRIDfiKWATEG, t’UVKCBBs. MclhcdUt Episcopal Rev. D. I v, Pastor. Services every Sunday at hi - 7P. M. Sunday School at 9a. m ’ I l - a < tot Jaa. M.ghie!.]*. ees every Sunday at 11 a. a.. ata f « day School at 9>4 a. h. ' h- Km MoUu/diet EpUcop-il (Colored) _ r . . Pastor. Services every Sunday at m p. a. Sunday School at 9a. a. ‘ ■ ,ac,i «1 A. M, A. ZiOTt [LotCrdd) —Roy. J Vf-T‘« n a * Services every other Sunday a* n . “V ‘ a ; w 7 p. M. A - a; ASSOCIATIONS Enola Lodge. J. O. G. T„ So. r ter, W. C. T., TlUie Moorhead. W. s bc “ * u ' s s’feftS Beaver Lodge, I. O. O. F„ Fo 3rr._ 8,,, r McCabe, N. G.; buvij every uesday evening. " J 1 c * tB ‘ Harrison Graham Fncanmntert 1 ft n y »■ ,116 —D. Shumaker. C. P., Wru. Mon on If p i,' Woodruff, Scribe. meets Ist and run Ad-v «v,- - ingt of each moctn in Odd Fellow- f’v; “ Episcopal -Services every euudav &■ r . ~ MeikodUl -Uw. T. h. l|od r -oo pU.-> Services every Sunday at a. a., and 7* P « _ Sunday School at 2 p.«. Methodist EpUiopol. (Ocrntan) ) Rev vir f . Pastor. Services every Sunday ai in-.t, A a sr ;, e. m. Sunday School at 9a. si. '* ” st< ‘ l Lutheran —Rev. H. Keck. Paster. Serve*. ery Sunday at ICft a. a., and 7r. *. bund.-, School at 2 P. m. 1 first German Eoang. tvfturcv, St. Pin!'! Church—Rev. P. Borm, Services erer other Sunday at Sr. a. Sonne-v Sch~R. L. Vacfaov an, W. M., R. Covert, Secretary. Meet; 1;!-^ ;A Tuesdays of each month. Motional Bank Beaver CWlnfy—John Minor, Pri-- dent, Edward Hoops, Cashier. Broadway. Banking House— R. E. &H. Hoopes, Broadway- Young Men's Library Association—Joseph ley. President; Biram Platt, Secretary. M«-- ! every Friday evening. sc3o’7o BEAVER FALLS. CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal—Rev. J. R. Roller, Ca?.a. Services every Sunday at 10 ft a. m. and "4 f, c - Methodist—Rev. J. F. Dyer, Pastor. Servian ovary Sunday at-11 A. M., and 77p. m. m i ’‘ meeting every Wednesday evening, htmes. school at 2V4. P. M. . „ . i «... Prea>'jtenanr- Rev. Albert Dilworth, Pastor. Sc. vices every Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7 H Sunday School every Sunday at o’clock at t® place. T. Noble, Sup*. ' . . v United irtStryterUm—Rev . J.I. Frasier. ps-t • Services on Sabbath at 10)4 o’clock, A m iDd iti va. Sabbath-School at 2U va. ASSOCIATIONS. Dearer , ToNei/ ZodgCA.T* AOTS-Mecjf <*«•> second and fourth Monday 6f okcti ". 1 Bateman, WM‘ J,L B Dawson. S W;.S M ilawkiw. J W; Henry Hill. Treas; Ch. Moltcr. Scr. h Earmony thapter, 206. Meets first ndav es month. E.A.NobIe,HP.; W.H.Grim. K.; A. 1 lineon,S.:P. MartsolfTreas.; H. O. P«teret»D. ..c ■ Valley kcho Lodge, /. O. O. F., Fo. Hoon. N. Q.. James M. Nugent. See}. Jl - Thursday evening nt 7 w o’cloeh. , Eco mmy Savings InsiUtde— Henry Hie*-' * TV ‘ John Reeves. Cashier. . vnr- W. C. Fo. 126. JP, O. & 0/ J.-MeeU day evening in Waehtppton Hall. Block, Main street. GAlteman, RS, A An. . President. PHII-liIPSBIBO* - CHURCHES. , r>>l .,„ r . AUthodi&t Episcopal- Hoy. Iluddicsroi* Services, 10)4 o’clock,' and evening, t»)» ° Kuvdny’School every Sabbat hat 2r. *• p a . 04 Luthtranr-Germanr- Rev. _ Mr. If?- Services every other Sabbath at « Sabbath School at 4 o’clock. J{ h 3 t Jacobs, Fastoc. Sendees every ® t “ 9 , r .‘*i. 10‘t o’clock and Sabbith School at 3 o c ;S c ~. ara it iVsetyferfon-Uev. W. G. Taylor c . «h’ ara SBl . Pennsylvania Institute for Soldiers i'n' l ';'-; t t, f Vicos In Chapo! at 8 o'clock, a « d evening at 7 o’clock- Sabbath bchooi «■ o’clock. sfcwtorg. ROfOBKTIvIi. CD UICOHiOS. SBW RBIGBTON. UUURCHEb. ASSOCIATIONS I '•* %