The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 04, 1873, Image 1

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"'■ 'v
\ £hC Reaver Radical. Richard Staples, who lately resumed
' .l? ■ ■ his residence in Washington, was about eqtfcNipid
- ~ four months ago attacked on the street In shaiilvan
~•* published every Friday morning _ t ° “
SADICA ;; a ; ea . posts &U. Chicago by a small dog; but, as no exetHWOf t
it .* toiiowiaff m t 2 00 Rio Grande. It is .... was inflicted, he paid no attention to .the - .»Hp” *
os , t , ; 1,00 the great object of the Secrete* j . matter until Wednesday last, r when he hlT#ffp l ß>
ki , u “ 50 to ascertain the cause of the troubles be* showed unmistakable symptoms of hydro*
-ya’,* copies . • 05 tween the Indians and the Government, phobia. He suffered ihtensly until yester-
p a ier? discontinued to subscribers at the While the President is greatly encourag- day, when death came to bis relief. The
vz ot their terms of * lon ° e< * tlie results of,his Indian peace whole disease was a great derangement
~, a “g^.° cardo,°not exceedingio policy, it has not had the success he de- of the cerebrospinal nervous system, and,
p : ofef?K>naior per annum . sires. The Indian Peace Commission, the after death, the body was covered with" i
r loimea or less, Ji.oo forone Society of Friends, and all others who black spots, produced by the coagulation the njjllßhv
t on. and 5 cents per line for each additional tried their bands upon the Indians, of the blood. tion i^pllCKlght
* a ™. — ****** ' the Unable
i: V:;“rt“emtnt b B y^the' mont£q™tcr or year ©U ptSpt,
E ..,-S and payable in advance- - he cd|ft, »S i
mws and matters of general Interest com 'HttPhjfct '
8 ,-rated by any correspondent, with real name .jtfSfca*.
„-ed to the publisher, will be thankfully re- JR 1
c , v .,1. Local news solicited from every part ol '
'Victim Offlcc: In This Radical Building ;’
r 0 Diamond, Beaver,. Fa. , '■
J. S. RUTAN, Proprietor.
» corfu'mirations and business letters should nurtfliw****)!
t r. j t—s .‘<l to SMITH CURTIS, Beaver, Pa. ..
r man
'rpomK'UCC ol lUs Radical.]
W\'inxoTO>', D. C., April 1, 1813.
ago all the trunk railroad
leading into New York, some six in
Timber, sent a formal notice to the Post
m?lerokneral, signed by the presidents
cDaesaU roids, notifying him that no
.ho: \vri! Ist, the postal cars would
a" be iv! f ijJnwn. unless the coropensa
t. running said cars was increased
;; soMriknce with the rates they had
, J . =.>■! ami agreed on should be allowed
t :he Department. The Postmaster
G rll has positively refused to concede
viu they demand, and it now remain?
1 seen whether the roads will carry
f • ‘heir threat. The Postmaster-General
l niains that under the law be has no
s !; rily in grant the amount of increas
ed Vmaml.
T os movement of the railroads caused
.vsnator Windom in the Senate to sub
z.: the following resolution which was
; That the Select Committee on
r.-p nation Routes to the Seaboard be
■en. L-d to inquire and report to the
NO* a f , the nest session, as to the na
ftnd extent of the obligations sub
•:;ng between railroad companies and
;■ -tal service of the country, and
. ■ ;cr any and what additional legisla
- n-C'-ssary to guard the postal ser
.riin«t interruption or injury by
“ irtion orTtlie part of any or all of
> ridmad companies. Mr. Wlhdom
■ wish'-d to say that although Con
-'ri'r.'iiH'i] the compensation of rail
inpan'u-s s 'mo five hundred (hous
'Gar-, it was now under-tood that
''i i-ij to perform a service, namely,
■ postal car;. Mr. Morrill, of Ver
'a: 1 that the railroad companies
‘.“c.terei into a combination, it
■ c <;aty to make inquiries in order
a- S.mate might take prompt and
• action when they meet again.
1 n -natr.r Cattcll, of New Jersey, who
P on e l general financial agent for
r v rmr.ent in Europe, at the earnest
d the President and the Secretary
i r• ■ a>nr_\ has accepted the position.
4 ’h-!l will have the management of
■ v tandirrg loan which is to be ne
ei *;:i ■ other side of the Alla-ntic.
a i ' i fa > same position that Judge
-e, hi-’.d when the first part of
! •' i' in irketc-d, and will have c»n
-■ ‘he officers and clerks, of the
' ■ :v P ‘partm nt sent to England to
a '.lie lieg'tidtion of the new
/ ' x 1 ’ ode 1-rate Generals and lead
-1 :n g .-'-stored to the confidence of
"hern people, and some of them
, 'heir way to the highest posi
' f . "wer. It is only eight years
’’ ntril John B. Gordon led a
- c lumn of the Confederate army
I; ‘ m \ irginia in the memorable
“ n Perl Steadman, a salient point
f ', ‘ 1 lice which then half encir
t. °f Petersburg. To-day Gen
v, sits in the United States
V --V>' ieu Alexander A. Stevens was
si^ ent Confederate Stales;
T{ 15 a met nber of the United States
j. ■ Pepresenlatives, in which he
‘-v.Generals of the Condfeder-
Keep him in countenance.
*■ secretary of War left Thurslay for
Chicago, and from thence he will proceed
with General - Sheridan on a thorough
tour of inspection of all the military
posts and far South asthe
Rio Grande. It is understood here that
the great object of the Secretary’s visit is
to ascertain the cause of the troubles be*
tween the Indians and the Government.
While the President is greatly encourag
ed with the results of,his Indian peace
policy, it has not had the success he de
sires. The Indian Peace Commission, the
Society of Friends, and all others who
have tried their bands upon the Indians,
have, to a greater or less degree, failed.
The Secretary of War will ascertain if
possible what new measures, if any, are
necessary to preserve friendly relations
with the savages. The substance of the
Secretary's report will be made the basis
of some recommendation in the Presi
dent’s next annual message.
The deaths of Colonel Pry and Major
Walker, paymasters in the army, which
recently, create no vacancy in
that corps, but this fact does not seem to
be known, as applications have been sent
in for several days past. The act of July
28,1866, provides the pay department of
the afmy shall hereafter consist of one
paymaster general, with the rank, pay,
and emoluments ot a brigadier general;
two assistant paymaster-generals, with the
rank, pay, and emoluments of colonels of
cavalry ; two deputy paymaster generals,
with the rank, pay, and emoluments of
lieutenant-colonels of cavalry, and sixty
paymasters, with the rank, pay, and
emoluments of majors of cavalry; and the
act of March 3, 1869, provides that, until
otherwise directed by law, there shall be
no new appointments or promotions in
either the adjutant-general's, inspector
general's, pay, quartermaster, commissary,
ordinance, engineer, or medical corps of
the army, and hence the vacancies cannot
be filled. The list of paymasters does not
now embrace more than forty-eight names,
not enough to perform the duties requir.
ed ; but, on account of the laws above
referred to, the vacancies caused by death,
retirement, and resignations cannot be
Senator Carpenter of \Ylsconain is said
to have worked hard to get his friends
places in the Territories and succeeded
very well. The Surveyors generals of
Dakota and New Mexico are bis friends.
William G. Ritch, of Oshkosh, lately ap
pointed Secretary of the latter Territory,
calls him Senator “Matt,” and is a devoted
friend. Some jealous people, who credit
the President pro tew. of the Senate with
ability to see pretty far ahead, imagine
that the Wisconsin boys, as Territorial
delegates to a Presdential nominating
convention, may yet bold the balance of
The new coinage act will go into opera
tion on the Ist of April. The mint ot the
United Slates is established as a bureau
treasury department embracing in its or
ganization and under its control all mints
for the manufacture of coin, and assay
offices for the stamping of bars. The
chief officer of the bureau is denominated
the director of the mint, and is under the
general direction of the Secretary of the
Treasury. He is to hold his office for a
term of five years, unless sooner removed
by the President, upon reasons to be
communicated by him to the Senate. Dr.
Lindherrnan will be appointed to this of
fice, having been connected with the
mint in responsible positions for the last
twenty years, to the entire satisfaction of
the government. The term, branch mint,
is abolished, and the mints at Philadel
phia, San Francisco, Carson and Denver
are to be known as separate establish
ments. Those who are now directors of
the mint will hereafter bear the name of
Superintendents. The offices of the
Treasurer of the Mints in Philadelphia,
San Francisco and New Orleans, are to be
vacated, and the Assistant Treasurer at
New York cease to perform the duties of
Treasurer of the Assay office. The duties
of the Treasurers will devolve upon the
Superintendents, and the Treasurers are
to act only as Assistant Treasurers of the
United States.
The salary of the Assistant Treasurer at
New York, is not to be diminished,by the
vacation of his office as Treasurer of the
Assay office. The other Assay offices are
at Charlotte, North Carolina and Boise
city, Idaho. Their is no change in the
gold coins, but in the silver coins there is
to be a new trade dollar.
The two cent piece is abolished. The
minor coins being five, three and one
It is said that the appointment of Lieu
tenant Grant upon the staff of General
Sheridan, as well as the order which al
lowed him to witness the President’s
inauguration, was without the President.s
High winds prevailed onSatUrday with
occasional heavy showCrs. There was
some damage to housetops, and large
trees were uprooted In several parts of the
city. The storm continued all night.
Friday, in the District Court, Judge
Humphreys, the case) of the Farragut
claims for prize mony, for destruction of
rebel vessels in forcing the passage to
New Orleans, in: which the arbitrators a
day or two ago filed their report awarding
$268,000, was up, and Mr. Corwine, for
the Navy Department, moved that the
arbitrators file the evidence taken. Judge
Humphreys overruled the motion, and
General Butler, for the claimants, moved
a decree on the aw%d. On Saturday the
hearing was resumed. Mr. Corwine filed
exceptions to the arbitrators report.
These exceptions were not argued, but
were overruled by Judge Humphreys.
Mr. Corwine then renewed tjie motion to
direct the arbitrators to send up the evi
dence on which their award was based.
This motion was overruled by the Judge,
and thereupon the councel for the captors,
&c., moved the court to enter decree con
firming the award of the arbitrators and
ordering the payment ot the money,
which was done.
Messrs. Wm. M. Irish and J. M. Me-
Grew, the Commissioners appointed by
the Postmaster Genera) to revise the reg
ulations of the Department, have com
pleted lluir labors. Tbetr
iations has been ' approved and sent to
the printer. The regulations comprise a
digest of all the postal laws passed op to
the close of the last session.
A large number of iron Postofflce boxes
have been ordered by the Postmaster
General to be put in use m those towns
coming under the late law of Congress
extending the free delivery system to
towns having 20,000 inhabitants. In
Pennsylvania, Scranton is the only city
not having the free delivery system that
can avail itself of this law, and in New
Jersey, Camden, Elizabeth and Patterson
come under the provisions ot the act.
About sixteen other towns located in dif
ferent sections of the country are entitled
to the free delivery system. Sam.
The following was reported in the Con
stitutional Convention by Mr. McCon
nell :
We, the people of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, recognizing the sover
eignty of God, and humbly invoking His
guidance in our future destiny, ordain
and establish this Constitution for its
That the great and essential principles
of liberty and free government may be
recognized and unalterably established,
we, declare that —
Section 1. All men are born equally
free and independent and have certain
inherent and indefeasable rights, among
which are those of enjoying and defending
life and liberty, of acquiring, poscssing
and protecting properly and reputation,
and of pursuing their own happiness.
Sec. 2. That all power is inherent In
the people, and all free governments are
founded on their authority and instituted
for their peace, safety and happiness-
For the advancemrnl of these ends they
have at all times an inalienable and in
defeasible right to alter, reform or abol
ish their government in such a manner
as they may think proper
Sec. 3 That all men have a natural and
indefeasible right to worship Almighty
God according to the dictates of their own
consciences; that no man can of right be
compelled to attend, erect or support any
worship, 'or to maintain any ministry,
against his consent; no human authority
can in any case whatever control or Inter
fere with the rights of conscience, and no
preference shall ever be given by law to
any religious establishments or modes of
Sec. 4 That no person who acknowl
edges the being of God and a future state
of rewards and punishments shall, on
account of his religious sentiments, be dis-
qualified. to bold any office or place of
profit or trust under this Common-
wealth. 1
, APRIL 4.1873.
.'bat elections shall be free' and
no power—civil, pr, military—
.y time Interfere with the free
■he right of suffrage.
That trial by joiry shall be as
aad the right thereof remain
That the printing-press shall be
person' who undertakes to
proceedings of the Legiala
branch of the government,
hhalfever be made to restrain
tereof. The free communica
' and opinions is one of
, rights of than, and every
freely apeak, write and print
being responsible for the
liberty. In prosecutions
ions of papers iovestigat
conduct of officers or men
'.lea, or where the matter
pub rbper for public informa
tion may be given in
evtt Wallindictments for libels
the ji have a right to 1 determine
the/ he facts under the direction
.of ti In other casesL
. Sec. the people' shall be secure
in the! , houses, papers and pro •
fessio: nreasonable searches and
selzu! ' ho to search
any seize any person or things
shall A-'describing them as
nearly without 1 probable cause
anpr or affirmation subscrib
ed to by tt ,
Sec. 9. in alt criminal prosecu
tions tb hath a right to be heard
by hir Is counsel to demand the
nature ' of the accusations
against h , the witnesses face to
face, to ipntsnry process for ob
taining in hfs favor, and in
proseculi fadictment or information
a speedy -trial by an impartial jury
of the cannot be compelled
to gijre evidißice ftgalnßi himself, nor can
he be his. life, liberty or
peer orraer^rOYtn^t^^^.••. r>
Sec. 10. That no person shall for any
indictable offence be proceeded against
criminally by information except in cases
arising in the land or naval forces, or in
the militia when in actual service in time
of war or public danger, or by leave of
the court for oppression of misdemeanor
in office. No person shall for the same
offence be twice put in jeopardy of life or
limb, nor shall any man’s property be ta
ken or applied to public use without the
consent of his representatives, and with
out the necessity for such taking being
first asoertaind by a jury, and without
just compensation being first made. The
fee simple of land so taken and applied
shall remain in the owner, subject to the
use for which it was taken.
Sec- 11. That all courts shall be open,
and every man for an injury done him In
his lands, goods, person or reputation
shall have remedy by the due course of
law and right and justice administered
without sale, deuial or delay. Suits may
be brought against the Commonwealth in
such manner, in such courts and in such
cases as the Legislature may by law di
rect, and that no law shall limit the
amount of damages recoverable, and
where an injury caused by negligence or
misconduct results in death the action
shall survive.
Sec. 12. That no power of suspending
laws shall be exercised, unless by the
Legislature or its authority.
Sec. 13. That excessive bpil shall not
be required, nor excessive fines imposed,
nor cruel punishment inflicted.
Sec. 14. That all prisoners shall be
bailable by sufficient sureties, unless for
capital offence, when the proof is evident
| or presumption great, and the privilege
i of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
suspended, unless when in cases of re
bellion or invasion the public safety may
require it.
Sec. 15. That no commission of Oyer
and Terminc-r, or jail delivery, shall be is
Sec. 10- That the person of a debtos,
where there is not strong presumption of
fraud, shall not be continued in prison
after delivering up his estate for the ben
efit of his creditors in such manner as
shall be prescribed by law.
Sec. 17. That no ex post facto, nor any
law impairing contracts or making irrev
ocable any grant of special privileges or
immunities, shall be passed.
Sec. 18. That no person shall be at
lanied of treason or felony by the Legis
Sec. 19. That no attainder shall work
corruption of bjood, nor, except during
the life of the offender, forfeiture of the
estate of the Commonwealth; that the
estates of such persons as shall destroy
their own lives shall descend or vest as in
case of natural death, and if any person
shalt be killed bycasualty there shall be
no forfeiture by reason thereof.
Sec. 20. That thecltizenshave a right,
in a peaceable manner, t 6 assemble to*
gether for their common good, and to ap*
ply to those invested with the powers of
government for redress of grievances* or
other proper purposes, by petition, ad*;
dress, or remonstrance.
Sec. 21. That the right of the citizens
to bear arms in defence of themselves and
the State shall not be questioned.
Sec. 23. That no stauding army shall,
io time of peace, be kept up without the
c mseut of the Legislature,and the military,
shall, io ail cases, and at all times, be in
strict subordination to the civil power.
Sec. 23. That no soldier shall, in time
of peace, be quartered in any house* with
out the cosent of the owner, nor ia time
of war but in a manner to be prescribed
by law.
34. That the Legislature shall not
grant any title of nobility or hereditary
distinction, nor create any office, the ap
pointment to which shall be for a longer
term than during good behavior.
Sec. 25. That emigration from the
State shall not be ; prohibited.
Beater Falls, March 27, 1873.
Editor Beater Radical:
It may be to some a matter of cariosity,
if not of interest, to become acquainted
with some of the peculiar customs of the
Chinese, in disposing of their dead.
Another (this being the second) of the
Beaver Falls Chinese, died on Friday
evening, the 14th inst.,* whose funeral we
had the privilege of attending on the af
ternoon of the following day, and after
watching carefully the entire procedure,.
we are enabled to relate the following ;
The defunct had been conveyed to one
of tbe out houses, either before or after
death had taken place, and there laid
upon a bunk in the most rude and unciv*
"*' l —■ — l Ktm.m Kcb vlntr ’f'X.
Some bed clothes were thrown over
him, belonging to the hed upon which he
We noticed near the bed, where the de
funct lay, six burning candles and a
bunch of burning incense, which is called
hating. We learned from them that tbe
smoke arising from this burning material
continues to assend higher and higher un
til it reaches Heaven.
They believe that at the appearing of
tbe smoke, tbe Almighty at once descends
to earth to learn tbe true cause for which
the messenger of smoke has thus* ascend
They also believe the descenslon on tbe
part of tbe good being, to be really neces
sary, from the fact that the incense is used
on other occasions and for other purposes.
But that God, when finding that tbe
soul has been separated from the body of
a person, he at once proceeds to dispose
of it according to tbe deeds done in the
body. If the soul be accounted worthy
it is taken up, and if condemned, it is ta
ken down into darkness, and for this pur
pose the candles are kept burning at the
bedside of the defunct.
They would consider it absurd to say
that God could conduct a soul ddwn into
a state of darknes, unless he be aided by
a material light. However, when the
time bad arrived for the procession to
start to the burial place, the body was
placed ia a neat coffin and quietly carried
and placed in the hearse. A few carriages,
together with the company on foot, were
quickly mustered in procession and began
to move slowly away. No sooner was
the procession fairly started, than the
company who remained at their quarters,
began discharging tifeir fire works, the
sudden explosion, and the smell of pow
der, are supposed to be efficacious In
frightening away the demons, and hinder
ing them from seizing on the soul of the
defunct, and as these malevolent spirits
have also tbe reputation of being ex
tremely covetous, and fond of money,
people endeavor lo get on their weak
They let fall for this purpose, all along
the road, supposed bank notes, that tbe
wind carries away *ln all directions, and
as tbe demons are by no means as cun
ning as tbe men, they are taken in by this
device, and fall into tbe trap with charm
ing simplicity, though the supposed bank
notes are in fact only bits of white paper,
while they are engaged in pursuing these
deceitful appearances of riches, the soul
of the defunct proceeds quietly and com
fortably along without any danger of
being stopped by the way.
In this way the procession was conduct
ed to the cemetery, and while the proces
sion thus moved forward, there was also
a processsion, namely, a procession of
boys, numbering, we should think not loss
than one hundred; we will obt stop,
however, to give even a brief description
oMhe deportment of this/ company of
young Americans during the entire pro
gresa of the funeral, but witt vty that it
was bad* very bad indeed i. After having
reached the cemetery, Ihe-eoffin was taken
from the hearse,and placed! in the grave in
about the usual way orv manner. When
this had been folly accomplished, they
then gathered into a great heap every
particle of clothing, and in fact, every
possible article belonging to the defunct,
this heap was then setoa fire and entire
ly consumed. While- the fire was yet
burning, ail badges* of memory (which
are white) that were ased for the occasion %
y?ere brought and cast Into the fire ; Chi
nese customs betngadwaya in opposition
to those of Europe aad America, as we
wear black, they, of course, will wear -
The Chinese are in the habit of (t&sz
mg viands and sometimes splendid ban*
quets to their dead, these are served S33*
fore the coffin &&long as the body is
in the family, apd on the tomb after tbs.
funeral. Although Ibis practice was.not
fully carried oat ih~the particular aasp
which we have mentioned, yet theta- waa
an the same nature made* and
placed at the bead of the grave, it con
sisted of qpile a variety pf Chinese pro
visions, vi* meat, rice, eggs, &e.,. & c ., 1 h
which the entire company clapped their
hands, and bowed as if to say W*well.
What idea is really in the minds of the
Chinese on the subject of this practice ?
shoy people have thousand written
that the souls of the dented are sup
.posed to take pleasure ia. regaling them
, selves with the subtile ami delicate parts,
the essences as they might be' called, of
the dishes offered to &em; but it seema.
to us that the Chinese are far too intelu
gent to carry absurdity to such a point ap
this. The masses no doubt observe thasp
practices quite mechanically, without
ever thinking of the meaning of them,
so grossly, flow,, for instance, could the
Confucians who believe the complete an
nihilation of both soul and body, suppose
that the dead come back to eat ? We be
lieve that this habit is practiced by many
of the Chinese as an ac f of honor to the
memory of their relations and friends, to
show that they still their remem
brance, and that they like to serve them
as if they were yet with them.
The Chinese think as we do, that death
is tha definitive separation of the soul
from the body, but they also think that
the degree of illness is in direct propor
tion to the number of-attempts which the
soul makes to escape, and when the suf
ferer experiences the terrible crises that
endangers his life, it is proof that the
soul has been momentarily absent, that
it keeps going away to a certain distance,
but returns again. The distance being so
small that it is still able, to exercise con
siderable influence on the body, and keeps
it alive, although it suffers dreadfully
from this transitory separation ; if the
dying person falls into the last agony, it
is evident that the soul has gone with
the firm resolution not to come back
again; nevertheless, all hope is not yet
lust, and there is a method of making it
take up its abode again in the unfortu
nate body that is strugling with deatb.
They persuade it, they run after it, they
conjure it to come back, they describe iu
the most moving terms the lamentable
state to which they will be reduced if this
obstinate soul will not hear reason ; they
weep, they groan, they lament, and let
off squibs and crackers of all kinds, they
make a frightful noise around the poor
soul and hustle it about in all sorts of
ways, so that it it does not give it up at
last, it must really be a most stubborn
and ill-disposed spirit. However pro
found may be the darkness and ignorance
of the Chinese, with regard to the truths
of chriseianity, it is probable that these
ideas and practices, are, or have been
based upon some kind of belief in a !u
-ture life.hence we see that the faith in the
immortality of the soul may be ciassed
among the earliest traditions of uf e hu
man race. W. E J.
—Recent advices report that the Imperi
al Governments of Germany, Austria anil
Russia refuse to recognize the Spanish
Republic. Prince Bismark leads off in
the line of denial on the ground that the
Madrid Executive does not represent the
tone of the Assembly, the legislative body
having yielded to the pressure ot» the
ngipes ia proclaiming it. Russia and
Ailsft'Ha accept the theory of the Prussian
Premier, and have adopted a similar
course of action.
—Slate Treasurer Seeger of Minnesota,
under impeachment by the Legislature,'
has resigned.