local items. & gbstB.-C. W. Taylor, Beaver Falle; Evan I>n?h, New Brighton; J. Linnenhrink, Rochester. XO ADVBBTISBBS.— The Beaver Hadical is the most extensively circu lated Weekly Newspaper In Western pennsriva***** Cleveland df Pittsburgh Railroad. GOV.Q lT«t—Wall, 7,46 a. m; AccommodaUor 4O p* in. gw/} Bast— Accommodation, 9,19 a. m; MalL 37 p. m; Express, 7,0? p. m. Arrival and Departure of Halls. Western mail leaveaat 6.45 a.m.; arrives at 8 p.m.. Bastern mail leaves at 2p. m.; arrives at 8 a.m. Notice extraordinary. —All orders for i’Dotographs must hereafter be paid,for, (at least part*) when the order Is given. Orders not so complied withwillrecelveno attention. H Now, teb7-2m .! ■ _ Try the Improved Economical Plow. Yon can it for nothing at M. L. Armstrong’s, Haraba vsile, P»- feb2l * tf !U. K. Church,— Services in the morning by Prof. Taylor; m the evening by J. Pr Drayo; Rev. W. Lynch, the new pastor, will be la Kte place the tr,; Sunday in April. , ■ >. . ff 'e are indebted :,to Hon. John Scott lor valuable public documents. Wanted—A good girl for general house work, i. curse girl. Good wages and permanent place, s ppiy to J. WiLKni'soN, Beaver. maiS&-2t ff 'e are indebted to Dr. J. A. Reed for '.cc Annual Report of the Managers of me Western Pennsylvania Hospital for 1872. • W. E. J. f s” commonlcalion on the rainese funeral at Beaver Falls, came too iaie for publication this week and will ap- y P*jar next. Will our correspondents please write only on one side of Ibclr manu script ? Fire. —A fire broke nut in the store r,j Mr. A. Garner, of Homewood, on Wed nesday night of last week, which was ex tinguished by the helper .some neighbors before much damage was caused, but pon i need to burn long T enougb to create con siderable excitement. How the fire origi nated we did not learn. The SpringterrnTif the Beaver Union began on last Monday, with the l< l owing corps' Principal — M ss Mary Buortflloom N«vl—MissM- E.Toulk; No. 3—Miss Minta Anderson; N.-t, 3— 'Mrs. S. D. Marquis. Monthly Union Service,— The Monthly Union Sermon will be delivered n the First Presbyterian Church of Bridgewater, by Rev. John A. Wilson, c'xt Sabbath evening,at 7 o’clock.: We would call the especial attention of our oentry Merchants, Shoe Dealers; and readers to -.be advertisement of J. H. Borland. 53 and 53 Wood street, Pittsburgh; which appears in our He is receiving the largest stock of Boots, Stoes. Gaiters, Balmorals, Brogans, Slippers, ever to tbe city. He manufactures women’s, xriwf’, aad children’s goods. Baying his stock ■cr cast, he offers to duplicate any Eastern bills, be bos also opened up a Family Retail Store. SS Market. Give him a call when in the city, and examine hie stock and prices. rv We are in receipt of Howe’s Monthly Magazine of valuable music., This is one oi the very best publication* of the kind, ; aod affords for 35cts a sufficient amount of first class music tp bring at retail, in the form of sheet music, some six dollars. We advise all lovers 6T good music to purchase it. . r * ■ Local Option hair. carried Beaver county in favor of antHlcense' by 1230 majority, but this will not interfere with S. & J. Soellenhnrg’s "trade in men’s and boy’s clothing and gentlemen’s furnish ing goods of ail kinds. k The most complete stock of Furniture will be tcccd at the Mammoth Furniture Establishment or c o Hammer & Sons, 46, 48, and SO Seventh cveuue. Pittsburgh, Pa. This house is the oldest ate largest house in this line of business, whose toors. if spread out on a level, would require f "-r one and a half acres of space, This hoose s~,e> more stock than any other, house west of it mountains. Among their enormous? stock ov, y found the follownig: 73 new styles of o- sets, at from $6O to $2,000; 46 newpat ' i ? of Chamber Sets, at from $3O to $1,750. cruryand Dining Boom Sets, Hut-Racks, What- N o>, office Furniture, &c., &c oi all deecrip jc- and prices. They guarantee snperife work * .o J) per cent, less than Eastern prictV. Pho °r-pt Price Lists sent on application, or when ite city don't forget to cal 1 . See advertisement : '■ cotter colnmn. An amusing and highly successful ‘ J ‘- ''Wguc" came otfin New Castle on •tdrsday evening of last week, at which •t>:t were about two hundred guests, and s P? '.&tnrs present. The New Castle Goa gjveg as specimens of some one bun -*ecl impersonated characters represented:! Night, Goddess of Broth- | “-mathan, Hurapty Dumpiy, Yankee j s tLoo, Boy, Macbeth, Undine, Ogretta, j H 'men, Fairy Queens, German Emigrants, 1 Boys, Popped Corn Girl, j %asat!lp i Shoo Fly, Local Option. I leaver CoUege*r~Tbe Closing Exer <'iSe* of Thursday evening; of last week “ !! ? sustained the repo tat ion "it has a i«yed for many years. The aim is do borough work In every depart oitci. The musical advantages ore un* jr pa6sed. The Normal Department bids Mo bare a vigorous opening with next Our young friends who'have the profession in view sbbald not “• -o enter this department. Those who ‘ ,:t ma y make arrangements to be ( t j ‘ 6 * eDl un| y at the lectures and special 4 which will occur in the afternoon. kte Sticllenburg, New Brighton, up with the newest styles, and are groined to lead in the amount of-their \a Quantity of their goods as well • * iuw prices at which they arc sold. Court Froceediitg d.~Tbe following cases were before the court last week and disposed of as follows : Com. vs Thomas Jndict ment, voting on fraudulent naturalization papers. True bill; ordered by Act of As sembley to be tried in Allegheny county; Same, ya William Simjs. Indictment; voting on fraudulent naturalization pa pers. jTrue bill; ordered' by Actjof As sembly'to be tried in Allegheny county. Same vs Joseph &. Reed. Indictment, famishing liquor to True bill; tried by a"jury. Defendant found guilty and sentenced- to pay thecosts of ? prose- CQllon, a fine of |20.00, and im : prisbnmeh t in the COuhiyjall for a of ten days. The court on the same, re j t , yoked the license ofthedefendant. Saiie Cta JWm, : Alee pretense. True bib. Tr ied: by a Jar;. Verdict, not guilty i bat defendant to pay the costs; an dto stand iwratiiilted, an til the order is complied wither . Same vs John Ferguson.; lodlptment, larceny. True bill. Pleadgnilty. I Same day defendant sentenced to pay a fine of one dollar, pay the costs i»f prosecution, restore the property stolen, and undergo confinement in the penitentiary for on? year and six months. ' Same ys John Border. Indictment, surety of the peace on oath of. Frederick Dauber. Defendant discharged on pay* ■snen t of the costs. Same vs Hugh Barnes. Indictment, embezzlement. Troebill. Process award ed, directed to the sheriff of county, for defendant. Same va John Householder and Phillip Brandenberger. Indictment, aggravated assault and battery* Tried , by, jury. Verdict, not guilty as to Householder, and, that the P. A. Bimber, and Phillip Brandenberger, the .other defendants, pay the costs equally between them. " v . Same vs Clark Ussellton. Indictptent, assault with Intent to ravish. Tried "by a jury. Verdict, not guilty of ah j at tempt to ravish, hut guilty of assault. Sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred dollars, and undergo imiprisonmentin the county jail.for three -.months. Same vs Charles Ink. Indictment, ing liquor without- a license. True bill. Defendant sentenced to, pay a fine of £50.00. Same vs - Dan iel, Brown. Indictment, aggravated assault and battefy. The court allowed a nolle prosequi to be Cen tered idtthe case. Samivs Henry Hardy. Charge surety ol the peace ; case amicably settled parties, the defeddahtpledglng himself to abstain from the use of all intoxicating drinks for one vear. The Canonsburg Herald of the 21st has the following items ; Pire.- —The' residence of Wm. Evans, just west of Cabofisburg,, was en t ire ly consumed by fire on last Sunday evening about 5 o’clock.; How the fire originated is not certainly known but it Is supposed that a spark lit upon the roof and Ignited the shingles. The contents were all -sav ed except a couple of chests of clothing,; some carpets and bedsteads winch were in the second atary. The loss is’ estituat ed to be about f 3,000. abSpji £l’soo,; of which is covered by insurance. LiTKHAHV: EwanTAERMBHT. The Irving Literary Society .of the Canons burg Academy, wifl.givea Liter&ryehter tainment on nexfiffiday eveniog in Qol lege Hall. The examination of the Acad emy classes willtmke plane qn Thursday and Friday. T; Death of NiraAKtEL Richardson , EiKj.—Mr. N. Richardson of Wheeling and one of the attorney's Who participat ed in the late Briceland trial is dead. He was at Wellsborg attending Court, and on Thursday evening (if list week went toja restaurant with a friend and ateadlsh of oysters and drank a. couple of glasses of cider and directly complained of feel ing sick. Me went intoan adjoining room, laid down upon a lounge as# ..fell asleep. During tbe night a fife broke out in an adjoining room, and be was probably suffocated by tbe smoke. After the alarm of fire the j woman who kept the restaurant rushed into the room and, carried Mr, Richardson out, hot aVhre of bis true condition. When found shortly afterwards he was dead, with bis bands and face bo roasted with-the heat that the skin came off with the touch. . ' Death of Dr. Wilson.— John Russell M. D., of Washington. Pa., a well known and highly esteemed citizen died on last Saturday morning after an illness oi several weeks brought on by constant professional duties. He Was* in the fifty-fifsT'yeaf of bis age. The Court having ordered the election in New Sewickly at the January term to ;be hereafter held at XJoionviile, and notice of the same having been given by the constable of that township, a pa|t oi the citizens of . said township met there and held an election, the others met at the old place ind ; heldaTi election also, result Ing in the election of two full tickets. The case, was brought before the court on Monday, and the court decided in favor l of the Un ion ville election;" i ■- , - , r - The wife of Milo Thompson, of Greene township, gave‘ birth "to twiU sisters on the day of the Local Option election. A friend of ours. whose wife was blessed with twin boys, remarked that he believed that children should come by twos to keep each other company-both on their journey hitherward* and afterwards, and we pre-! some that Milo thin&S so too. Come again, Milo. “ { . • itm sympathetic letter is clippedjdrom .llFof wbpm you so often remind me as the brave ainfd’ ‘ glorious Joan. Whether men hear, ior whether they forbear; whether foes In’ crease, or friends fyrsake, I rejoice that you are enabled to go on bravely, serene ly, even , cheerfully, your path lead through perils, indigni ties, or even death Itself—To do 1 your duty, and to proclaim the mo^t. vital truths that can possibly inlerest the mind of man. “The world Is perishing for the 3 want of knowledge,” and .that, very knowledge, 100, which you and your noble, i.. - T j sister are striving to teach —the true relar | tion of the sexes, which is to ultimate ;in j a new and improved race, when none hut I forms of symmetry and beaut} shall walk j the earth. I Bunding, as you do, the representative |of Free Thought, Fj*e Speech ?r a Fiiep | a Higher' ; cannot see how any Spiritualist, Liberal | or Progressive mind can tun* cold shoulder,” and take sides with your persecutors and with the enemies of tju;.: inanity. Suppose they miy not like you. or your sentiments in every respect— j nevertheless, when each great issues are j at stake, when liberty and justice are I invaded in your person, then, it seems to j me, that every true soul and every well’ j wisher of humanity; would rally arpuß(£i you and defend you and the great princi 1 pies and issues yop if through stnrna aud U: i not dstotf tljst |otry, j money tggked? o 0 J phmijdstand so man ? ’ No, afteral] Jt is hot astonishing ;• fbr the-.mighty troths she otters ani des tined to sweep away “the refuge of lies” and! to turn and overturn the sandy faun-, dationson which injustice,/tyranny and' hypocrisy ever biae their dominion. Let the troth Tup and'be glorified; and let , tyrants, money-mongers, monopoHetsAnd mobiliers prepare to meeUbeir doom, for • the day oFjudgment” is at band, and the redemption oi. humanity draweth , ? r, ■■• \ -* ; I Cr I/lJij . ' ' ' n igh-T r "Loll see-long blissful ages,- - t When these mammon days are'done; Stretching like a golden evening, Forward to the Setting son.”- ■ • . Yours; through end less cycles,; ’ Milo A. Towvsbkd. Beater Falls. March 24th, 1873. Editor of Beater Radical: The Argue of fast week contained a communication signed “X. Y. Zcom meriting: on the proceedings of the last meeting of the workingmen, in Concert Hall in this place, in which the following paragraph appears: “A committee of five to prepare resolution* were* appointed, including Cf. A. Russell, Chairman, C. Molter, and others I have forgotten. *tVby I remember the two mentioned is, because ! think the citizens of Beaver Rolls-who. Tail to see where, and by whom this excitement is kept np, are cer tairJy slow of comprehension. 1 think I know the ‘hind writing on the wall.’ *’ j Now, Mr. Editor, permit me to say, i through the columns 61 Thr Radical, that if the writer will come out from be | hind his cowardjy non de plume, quit | shooting from behind stumps' in guerrilla ! style, and explain what be means with reference to myself, jo. the: above, para graph, and clear up its am.biguity, I may have something to say to him. Now, Mr. ~X . Y. Z 1 ’ , hdiie of Chinee 1 ricks;' hut come oaf over your own name and speak yon Uttkpitie. “For ways that are dark and...for tricks that are vain, (he heathen Chinee Js.peculiar,” and it wpuld appear tbbtall tiidge wlhobaveanything (d da withtbem, sopp leetrp the peculiari ty. “The hand-writing .on tbPwail” is decidedly rich. loßiblehisioryit was the doom of a ! heathen ’ltlng. are the doomed parties now or dnes heap-. ply some othermeshing ip it ? Has he been receiving *spiritual manifestaliops ?" Jambs A. Russell, i The Waite Lead we have been using ton some lime, branded Beymer, Bauman & Co.'s Strictly Pare Wnile Leal, we pronoapcctharbest we ever used. It is very white, finely ground, and has afbody nnaurpasaed. Wo believe it to be strictly pure tind prefer It accordingly. WM, S. LHaTFIULD, QBO. W PEAR, B. F. DDKBIN, DKN.N IS COLLEY. BKOWitBTUXB, PA V May, 1872, P,V. March 24, 1878. ftiSle Is Right wayes ;bs® ulumphanpy over the sin and c*»OTe^ta been,dethroned by , the popular \he people.) But, in justice to the fallen Monarch, I must say that hfe braves foaghtvaUanlly in . our borough 5 his mas :andsomeojlUiiem doubtless uoder.the, maxim .that all, was’ fair : since the . victory Is. wop* let all' l«iw-abiUlng sen, that the, statute on our book i»ying,uojdruggijv ,pojr W* erage,-nprgiveit as a medicinepn fj a pcr ■.setittim na<^ej^^nce r; | bn .the |l»ty ( vpf; §fgi% JndlyWaal, whcijpror pN|,jfege««^tbsj%w lr .tj| w#clt fa# ‘m* .port god eyery jpfripgement of this stat,si|f^:J:sj ; .tbeae means.vinqe, sobriety and iporallty, willagajn.take Its, where H In, right .and justice hel'»nga~v VExoelsior.’’ .Apjtlnow in- behalf pf t Intemperance- of pqr boroueb allow p>fi to yelurp : tg- jpu e our ? ■sincere .thanks, for tbe iD valuable good .which JQU SCCOiuplisbedthrcnighyour paper in aiding; to bring:about ibis glorious result* The'temperance’loving) men all over; the county will-please:accept our thanks for thesUppbrt'glven our cause. s ; 7j’« J& Wehadqaitfe aspirited contest at mir election- Whisky and hog wasall the cry, onepurtybeihgin favor of having the. hngs cloaed,' the otherfn favor of al lowing them to iron «*large v :sobetween hognndwhlsky ourboroughticket iAcoo* siderably mixed ;in council the antihrfg men htvethemajority.: i;s>; J: For Burgess we have. H. :B. Boise 1 Justice of the Peace. J. Y. Marks. Botlr are upright, hWestcitlzens, and I am con fident and efficient officers. Judge of election, John Wallace:; Inspector v Elecfion ‘ john McGoun ; ‘ ScirvJ*^^irepl !^rsi,' . Rev, M. L. Woffbv'n and, X&f;:' Assessor, Robert H., jSmllh'; AfiMstant Assessor, Lemuel Wood. ' ruff;\CaiiBtable‘ James 11. Hays; Auditor,. tie v betweeij M. Brisbine and H. J., Speyerer. ' , We had^ tbis.day onepfthose.quiet. en [ j ,pb)Ue ohlfgibg ‘friend,‘'’Charles Line, i the n beirig‘their fifth nnni versasy (if tlieir‘ r wedded jlife, or their,i Wqocfen W^ding._ o ll'is pee&css’ to, liiat. every * "present' enjoyed them selves, The table w.as heavily freighted; with, all the choicest viands to allure the i (a&tcv Stigh'happylimescome hujt£eljom |‘|n man's’ brief ( The j .presents were botll'cnMly and numerous,., | vt ex© your humble servant cla.d in matri-: fmonialrobes, he should like a .Wnoden i ngabou i seyen times a A | plcasanl journey through life, .Mr. Line j [ t a#4ady, is wisK 1 . [f Wtll itappearsTh iii^ '‘pitting f >rth her velvet-clad hand,giving fas a getille remJLnsJgr to awake from an old fashi()Oedr-winter> dream. At least [we thought so on Sabbath afternoon, when we saw Hannah Ann and Susan Jane, with John Henryj»i>d Au gustus, complacently along the e levAted embppkment, admiring the muddy yralera qf jhe Ohio,; flowing alient ly by on theiripiKion ,of the, /‘Father or Water 6 , the grand_,»)nd i majestic Mississippi. May; youjc,co,oine "be sweet, and mayyour days of troubles and sorrow oefftr gome; may. you, alwa) a be led ip tbefl'green pasin»e%w»d. o hy ; lbei ptill w atera,;’] /fey, jhe ce, and mercy .until .the endqfXinie, ,Our Reverend.friend, •T, .-S f . Hodgson, is abseptr from ;his flock, Mending Con fere nee.,, .The and . members qf Ibe JL £. Cburch. sboqld pul their best efforts toxelaia hirttv leeb,confident they could not roake *,beitec selection, as he is a zealous, energetic and qonscien tlous worker in the Lord’s Vineyard,ever faithful to his charge and trust. May he adhere steadfastly t*r : the ’ good work in wblchhe is engaged, and bright and-- bril liant will be the crown of the faithful. ( Clionian. | Beaver Falls, March 24, 1873. Editor Bearer Radical: ■ On the 29th of June last amarriage, terrible in its cons* quences, look place In BeaVer Falls between Chinese Cheap Labor and the Beaver Palls CuileryCom party, Messieurs Henry and John Reeves officiating. The ceremonies were attend ed by a large concourse of about to-be dis { charged workmen, who were dissatisfied, sod forbade the ham; but the contract look place, nevertheless. The Wood of evils and disasters that will spring out of ' this unnatural union, bo one can foresee; but the apprehensions of the citizens are such tHat they have petitioned the Legis lature to divorce the parlies and prevent a like igklu. ’ | ! \ The following persons were elected on last Friday ,in to fill the. offices for which they ere named : v- ifuiyesa-rßabeil Tallon. . :i i C(m«£a6te—Charles A. Grifflir. j Sigh Constai)le~~Ch&rlts A. Griffin v Assessor—Charles A. Griffin.:. c .i I'i Council —Robert. 8. Imbrre, James I. | Stokes, Geoxgo W. Hamilton,:Marmadoke j. Wilson, D. M. Dnnehoo, 85 fi. French.' i School Robert S. ’ Imbrie, Wm. A. Laird, ■ | KstAtE op mart B. hlltott, Deceased. I Ass'i. A r-TLomaß O. AnsbulZ, ! Letters testamentary on the estate of Hnry B. Wm A LainT BUtotu tete of ,«f Beat,ver ; paJle, Bea j -wm. A-UW. .ve*codhty,l»a.: having been granted to In»putoifs cf Mcctu>n—Ra\iiin H. Cooper, ! the undersigned; all persons knowing, thcowetves Ia fi r , . . i indebted to fald catate are reqjipsted to make lm -1 »• «• -'i i ,:.*w < -mediate payment, iaa these havihtf ciAims agnlhn S I < iSm^^ n ' m, iSSStoSSS ut ! i Auditor —Simeon Jrßoyl br/ -..u,’ . . I mar2sJit . : •; Fa. Youno America. •,or: afc*«V3s^- r t Ceitwrtgbt, • : •; , Darlington andfJoDCord—B-Jprdon» ( Bridge bempsaV. * i KRoehei*trfr-TVB.P4ae»on. • ;-Naw ?rjgbtfin--a. jAl)«BD«. : Beavprfalls—W. JJ.Gr*«. Boon G. Cogiejr. . CoJI; J. 81R6e«. .ifini««iir l T*3N£hi>ytfii a h .: : B'tye’society and ,£onfet ence. ‘ ' ; , * ", 1 llliky-T. TkyiPry President officer College and tuemb&r-Ofßaaver Quarterly Conference/'-' '■ f c Rev. W.- Jk Locke is sentto Alliance,* Ohlrt,: and iwcj * w teh him rnocb jby "and abundant prosperity - tni bla new ’field; : Rev. W. B’rowOv law of Judge)Kg : new, is locaie&'CtMoubt Union, Ohio- - t . Wukbeas, It has pleased the Almighty Ruler of the Unlver»e,,ln Hiß Wisdom -and Providence, to remove from 2d<- That jn the death of.our beloved -Brothg^, our bodge and order have lost a worthy bis family n kind and affectionate son, and commu nity an honorable and esteemed citizen. 3d. That Brother Thomas P. Reed, whose sud den death we einccteTjnament, will ever be rank ed with the loved And honored of bur order. 4th. That this Lodge doth sincerely sympathize with, the bereaved family of onr -Brother, in this, their sad,affliction, we commend them to Him, whose goodness bindeth, up the broken heart with the assurance thht" the re is a World the good and virtuous will meet again. sth. That our Lodge room be draped' In mourn ing for thirty daja, aind .that we wear , the usual badge the same .time. , , - nth. That these . rosdlatjons ,be entered in our minutes, J n copy sent to the’falnily of our deceas ed Brother, andthat the secretary be instrncicd to. get them publiahed ia oar county papers. Mr* S. A* English, of Rochester, Pa., is Hgeotuf D. Appleton & Co., publisher ot V,William H. Ssward’s Trav- els Around the World,” and is now engag ih canvassing Beaver;county, for subscrib ers to the above work, which is sold only to subscribers, and qanuot be obtained in any other way. The- work will be most elegantly printed, aad contains nearly three hundred eugraylogs. .Mr. Reward was something of a philoso- and of untiring industry. His bonk will be foil of information, and.abound with .valuable reflections. . Nu one. should fail to purchase*the. interesting book when ihe oppottnpity is afforded of. doing so. Washington Davis, a b\gh ly re spected citizen of Economy township, died at floiflie 'dn ' Wurday evening,^lot) was buried on Thursday 1 » i •, i IMietue «rUb tflioiuand sridp(ami>. Dyspepsia is 'the most perplexing of allhnman ailments, its symptoms ate almost Infinite in ; the If variety, and the forlOrn and despondent vie* tiros ol ;he dceepse .often ,fancy themselves the prey, in tarn, of every known malady. This is ’dire, in part, to the close sympathy" which exists batween tile stomaeh and the brain, -and in part •Isojw thejact that any diaturbar.ee of the diges tive function necegsatUy disorders the liver, the bowels and the nervous system, and effects, to ‘softie extent, ihe of the blrtod. A medi cine that, ftkd Hostetler’s Billers, not only tones the stomach, bnt at the ' same time controls the liver, produces a regular habit of body, braces the I nerves, purifies the fluids and, “ministers to a : I mind' deceased," is therefore the true and only] specific for chronic indigestion. Such is the oper- j dtionof this famous vegetable restorative. It not I only cures dyspepsia, bnt also all concomitants! and consequences. Moreover,, it is iuvaluaole as a preventive of indigestion. No one who chooses to take halfa wineglassful of this agreeable appe-. lizer and Stomachic habitually three times a day will eVcr be troubled with oppression after eating, nausea, sour eructations, or any other indications of a want of vigor 10-tfae-digestive and ussimulating organs. The debility and langnopsoperfnduced by hot weather are immediately and permanently re lieved by the Bitters, end persons who ars, consti tutionally inclined to look upon life “as through a glass, darkly," will be apt to take a brighter and more hopeful view ofthe situation under the gen ial influence of this wholesome medicinal'stimu lant. • . marr-im mJmjhJbd. WILSON—COLB—Atjtbe .-.Clarh Roches ter, Pa., on March -22 d, by. Rev. James M. Shield*, Mr, D. Wll»op v of Canton, Ohio, and Miss Victoria M. Cole, oT MTchfgan. : ' ' ~ ! ■ NEW BRienTON CRAIIV MIKKET. CORIiEeTED WEEKLY BT WADE WOLsoy - ' : . - *" ■ ; - White Wheat per bushel...,-.TO Red do “ -■*•■ !.?i & Rye •• 75 Oata “ “ 38 Corn (shelled) “ “ ... 50 |fw jySSOLUTION OF PARTNERS HIP. The partnership existing between Dus. Mi & J. LAWRENCE & D. McKINNKY, Jb.. will term inateon.lba. -pr Aran. next, by mutual consent. Ail persons having unsettled accounts are requested to settle them Immediate !y. ; maiSd-lt McBINN,EY, LAWRENCE A CO. j gXECUTOR’OOTICE. Beater Lodge,, No. 360, i March 11,1578. f James M, Mqobbebger, i David Woonacrr. /-Com. J. P. Todd,’ f - ij? i JpOR SALE.. One BLACKMABE (Ohio Toga). five years old. sound. In good condition, fifteen hands high., un traincd, and will pace a mile in about three min utes. Enquire of I* RICHARDSON. Smith's Ferry, Beaver count;. Pa. , mar2B-4t $50,000 RE,VARD! Will be distributed to snbscribera to the AMERI CANWOKKINQ PEOPLE In 1873. It is the only Workingman's Tariff id large qnarto pages, yrith illustrations. • ..I*:-* ’* iA'-'' } t. •; • • • . -• * BVERX SUBSCRIBER. GETS .A PRBMiyM. Varying from 25 cants la nine to #5OO ha green- Amopg.fhe..premiums are.two of |joo in greenbacks; two of fSOOt* ten Of f WO; bhe hundred of f 10; gye hundred; of *8; five Parlor Organs. ,s2oo each; ten Sewing Machines. $OO each; fifty American Watches, ffoeacb—besldes many thons- Send for specimen top•• > >• •. .caprone c,0.. s mtiSB-3m ?.*- . ! ; . 5 Bbr%.> Pimborgn.lPa. > ■- i *': i Vi >! ■ •" « m v -> q > ' RE-ESTABUSIIIiiJ IK lMft> • 1 ' g: : irio s, :'6 c. FKfE MEPIUM FUftNITURE, r i , s ,. O^yo.iy f l)t>scdptlon had Price. ? .Handsome Superior in stvle and quality than found id most or hoy other thlr>B»dq,ot the mountains. . ” Photographs and Pric»i Lists sent on application, or when id jhe city don't forget the place—siirn of the Large Golden Cpfilr, , inai9B-ly rj'HEI BEST AND MOST IMPROVED Safes and Vaults PITTSBURGH SAFE COMPANY mar2B 3m piFTH AYE CLOTHING HALL. 1813, SPRING STOCK. 1813. Is offered lower than any other house in the city. Bayers, Study . Your Own Interest* and eyamine the atock of J. HANNACH before purchasing else where: ' - “ The stock comprises Men's. Boys', Youths', and Children's Clothing, at Wholesale and Retail Prices* - Particular attention alien to Custom Work. 3. HANNACH. t3F”Bring this invitation with you - ■ tnar3B-3m tIWTO) 5 FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Pages, 250 Engravings, A etuttling expose of Medical Humbugs of. the pastand present. It ventilates Quacks. Impostors, Traveling Doctors. Patent Medicine Venders, No t«d Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, andgiyes interesting accounts of noted Physicians and narratives of their lives. It reveal# startling secrets and instructs all how to, avoid the ills which flesh Is heir to. We give exclusive territo ry and liberal commissions. For circulars and terms address the publishers. J. B. BURR ABIDE. . Hartford. Ct., or Chicago, 111. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE UNCIVILIZED RAGES Belova comprehensive account .of theic manners sen, ani of their mental.mo ' ■ ral, and religions characteristic^. -r Li BY REV; J. Q. WOOD; M: A., SQ3 EntpaTlDga, IiJO Sapor Rojal Ip two volume*, or two volnmea in one,, Agent are making over JUKI par week in selling this work. An early appli6ttldo ~wilV soCure a choice of:ierniory. r. For circulars iintf terms address the ptth’lsfiers. J. B. burnt i HVDKi' Hartford, Ct., or Chicago, IJI. ja'n3-ly gTATEMRNT Of the and Expenditure? of the the Reaver County Agricultural Society for the If ear 1872. ' db. ■ ! ' Balance in band?of Treasurer from IfcfTl.. J 113 01 Received of H Cook from oats on lot 1G 00 Family tickets sold (KilB> 1,618 00 Single, tickets sold 993 45 'Tickets to sents at stand Jl5 uO Ticket? at stock gate 113 cu Eating houses, stands and shows 343 00 Entrance paid for speed ;j(t2 50 State appropriation 100 00 By-cash paid for music at Pair £ 00 iki printing posters, tickets and ad\... 213 50 • 4 hoarding police. Judges & manager* 94 50 “ for nails and hardware.for repairs. •21 75 “ tor hay and straw for stock ;... 54 40 “ for postage and stationery 850 •* for labor and lumber.... .* 316 43 * * *dr gate keepers and police 117 50'' Treaanrer’s salary 75 00 ‘‘ Recording Secretary V salary 50(H) “ Corresponding Secretary's sjilarv,, 10 00 “ for premiums at Fair of 1872.1,43-1 50 “ on Torrence lot 1.100 00 " on Economy lot 200 00 Cash balance, in hands of Treasurer.. 13 82 loartl; '/ ii M AK6O SiTSf El C'flT PURE GO6D! Lea Bed Lead, Xlthargd, Potters'Ls, Putty; - 3olors. ■ i U ,we CTUTuitctj a decree otiflneneWanJ tt-hlteu**9fs nusur) Kissed; I Tf, * S **AOK ACECONTAINS f* fnre WbJi^'Leid..... ~’.,■.,.. qi j|: “ I4u«e«4 oil ».\*9 g ’ ■ ' i- ’- ' . Ior» paid to any out- f nd- Ij. £ fng the contents of thK fvun. jh ftti $!}.79« w;