The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 21, 1873, Image 8

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    s • - ' ■ > w . THE RA3DICAL: YFi^IPA : 21'i
ii HBBHnnn|r™*tt* - ”**"
CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE. ferred to. and that the results of the operations o supplied rrbia proV!6di eitiT>ltti % To eo»* " ■ J[(UI
——— £ — : the Transportation Company have been highly ad- ble it to do so in the future additional capital is
PESSSILVANU RAILROAD. vantdgeous to yonr Company. : *- required to purchase Increased rolling' stock ««* ffA .f^Fn^TfMk t , s RUGO * RICHAJM»ON,
“ . J , To draw a line that should regulate the inter, proyidegieater facilities foran economlcaldls- j" Manufacturers of Saws, X,’ ’* Vim™.™™. ■ ■ ■
The basis for such a mortgage was increased last ference of a coloration with private, enterprises, ttlbution of tolght* at. Baltimore, tte «Mt of ffe . SUPERIOR TO All OTHERS. x • ;v,.
year by the issue, at par. of fit,933,000 capital even where directly authorized by its chnrtertodo which nowmateriallylnterferes wttbTthbTMfeittf «f BVgiHr SAWoo4*WOitiflE ME6MII6FT (|6B6TEIIYi
stock, which it is now proposed tolwther Increase go ; 1g a matter of extreme delicacy, and the power the Company. The means required for tbfsptir* gj FI LESj BELT!HG &. MAGHINERY.' mpecUltleK-Wood worth Planing, Tongueing and
by an issue of additional capita., amounting to K hould be cxercisedwith gaeatcaution, qnda dis pose, it.hasbeen BUggested, canbc.most ecoooy 34 nL a r njj,. • Grooving Machines, Rlchardson’S ra tent
about $13,000,000; making the baaia.for the issue position to bear the ilia that they bring; upon the icanyraisedbyaleoreof toepnvktyotmgm^ S !?• npTOffrpno Improved Tuqon &c.; :
ol additional Bonds under the proposed mortgage corporation andpubltc-which are not without >pnmf to thft HI i wmiit'mS Centl *Scor,Unlon : St.. , WORCESTER, MASS.
$71,000.000: the aggregate amount of the jweced- their compensating advantages—rather than deal is not desired by your Board, add will pal/1» e p~ nr. . **;’!■ .' ■ —. ■. ■ .— l,B o. j. boso. a. M. RicHAßbabs. *
ing mortgages and ptior lines being but $34,911.- hargh i y wi , t h established Interests. ■ , toted *otd *p promotoy^ur { - totereufctlT U» 'Co& ' flpffSlklS<StSkllll^llinPllt 111 lllPVflFM' rvr'ATmgi ."" Z, —rr^,
SOO. The Board still believe that where the*care have pany ae The floatlng debt-of the lll lllu Tl Ui 111 PORTABLE * BLAST
In addition to the value of the Railroad and t o traferse extended lines of other and different Northern Central Railway Company is already SUf- •:■ ; 7 EXTENSIVE FACTORIES. K -' __ n
Branches, real estate and equipment and franchises RaJl / oad , that u fofthe lntereBtof>the flciently Urge, and the means to provide for \t will FCTPr A 'it/isr p i w v EN fVT "NT TT.R
as a basis ol security, it will be .recollected that Railwaj , Company< where BUch UnesAceificessarj', otherwise have to be met by a-suspension otdlvi* \y UJuIrA. Al x f 11 W * •
among the personal property which will add still tbat tbey Bbould y oWBed by private corporations dendeuhtll-Uhas beennteteriMlyjredawdt; Brettleboro; Vt., C. S. A. ® aw .* ■ F, ® artD fc chineVv ® ,a9t Farnace Ma *
more to the security of such a general mortgagp, or individuals, and running niter proper special It has been stated in provionsreports, that your Tinp PTTT TTTtT?.ATI<’n H. &F. SLANBg v,.^ a pi- nbirt
are the assets of the Company, composed of/thc con t rac t 9wil b those controlling the railways to be Company had transfened to qn organization kuown < ; . 1- s’-Ui -“ —————V.— !—-_i—
stock and bonds of other companies, and amount- uged as 4e “Pennsylvania Company” all the ieisea tt JiH i AH CV -Fo^SH^PUttnA
ing at present cash value to / llie extent of the Western connections and the bad taken of railways west of Pittsburgh, iaclud- , tr */ U• H 11 II I I or Ul-
A communication was submitted at your las^oftholocal and through tonnage of ingtbc Indianapolis and Vincennes, and Jefferaon* Thelatest and best improvements. Everything V/| ||| | | | rat ? d Pileathat Db
annual meeting in opposition to thethe Pennsylvania Railroad, has not only pressed ville, Madison and Indiana P the .I\ II II 1 I I SlS?tl cSffi
fast freight lines upon the Pennsjhama Ka Boad, UDOn yonr company" the necessity, of increasing control tnrongb a majority of its shares iof >■ ,y; UI I Ij II II pared exprosslv to £j r c
and was referred by you to the incoming Board lacilm)?s of it 9 own LSne>by tho , 9ylns ofaddt . Pitlsbnfgh, Cincinnati and SU ILoftl?:Bfttway ESTABLISHED 1846. .T « 2f.«n i ‘ he ' , pH^ , «i«[-- oOthtos
for examination, with instructions to report their tiona j tri «.i. B .without which the traffic of the oast ' Company and Us Leased Lines—thePonnsylvania gD~Send for Illustrated Catalogue. ’ a r °^j B . tj '..
views thereon. year could not have been accommodated, bat it Company tomeflt the CondUloM Of th#t»l*Tei*l : USE the Reisingcr Sash Lock and Support to
The expediency of establishing such lines, owned ha9also po!nt( . d outthe neccs3it y of an additional leases, and topay the losses sustained • ; FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS !
by individuals or transportation companies, was at the moUntainßthat wparate tho waters the(.e : Lines, or either of them..; The ClevelMid, fl No B pring to break no enttin- of sa*h • cheap
the time of their introduction admitted by the „ fth9 Mississippi Valley from those at the Atlau, Mount Vernon and Delaware Railroad and tho easily applied; h°olds sash’at a^r
Directors 1,0 be involved m grave doubts, and tic . tQ bQ bujU egpeciany foc frelcht, and do- bridge 6ver the Ohio River ai Cincinnati being at CW Bl WiAVs place desired, and u self-festoner when the sash is
t heir introduction iipo’i vouf roiid was not cuter- . , , ■ < r lflJl 6n nnUnijUori l AAnAtfiAn wava fn . If f Gown* Scod stamp for circulur. Circnlsr sid six
. I / ■ V ' A nt \ signed for cheap trausportatiou at slow rates or the time in an unfinished condition* yrcre^ Mi MaJf, copper-bronzed locks sent to any address In the
tamed by your Directors until every ar o ument had speed - eluded in this transfer, in both'Of which works thlfe !!« U. S., postpaid, on receipt of 50 cts. Llbaial in
bcon exhausted to induce the Railroad Companies Th(! TOate , adopted for has beenT. Company. AoWa -«,imttortty.
ol New York, contending for the same traffic be- po iDted ouUn pr3VloU3 reporta( and is Cleveland. Mount Vernon.and Delaware Railroad Whu JSI&JSRiit iIIIIM Ket SL HaSbarg Pa. *
tween the east and the west. to discontinue their noft . fceJaff eoDstractcd< wn^tho aasikamo of this will be finished this yew. while the bridge over ffQil|| :
employment. ' Company, bv the AUegheny Talley Railroad Com- the Ohio has been In use for some months. A DMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE.
It was found impossible, whiie these Transpor- pany anecting ttmt Road, at the The capital of the Company” was T| V
tation Companies existed under contracts with moath o{ Banlt CreeKv with thQ - p hiladelp hi a placed at $13,000,000 sB,QQo,oooofwbich was to be f ESTATE OP JOHN BATON. DEC’D.
the Now York Railroad Companies, which made atld Ra,i roa d point 120 miles west of its issued to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in ‘ " • l«tteo Of administration on the estate, of John
il their direct interest to disregard them, to pre- oreforred -shares which amonnt covers the cost rrv,~ , . . „ " . Baton, late of Moon township, Beaver county. Pa ,
»rm it was hot until after ea3tern terminus at Sunburi. prciorrea snares, waicn amonm povore ine cOTi The 6vn>B is..published Qcarteblt. 2o cents deed., having been granted lo the undersigned,
serre umtorm rates, and u was noi unni aner This Line has no gradients against the traffic ex- of the property transferred, with intcreeV to April pays for the year, which is not half the cost Thote residing in saft township, all persons Indebted to
years of remonstrance and the non enforcement ceed w „ rise of thrcc-tenths in a hundred, or .ess f. 18W. After that date, dividends were 10 be ?j? I o T^ e l? r 2^l^, lld u m °, ney t 0 a “OO n * ?f ONB, said estate we requested to make immediate pay
o 1 agreements frcauiutly entered into with the , . r .. ~ . . , „ DOMAU or more for Seed? may also order i 5 cents ment, and those havhur claims or demands against
■v Jv rt Pi.-irnaH fomnanieH fo abolish these th;Ul sixteen feet in a mile on straight lines—re. paid semi-annually out of the net earningß. The worth extra—tjie price paid for the Gcide. the same to present them witbontdelay to the an
New York L.i.lroaa companies to»ao a ~ dneed proportionately upon carves. Its routes first dividend of six per cent, per annum was paid The Mrat Humber is beautiful, giving plans for dersigned for settlement.
...b,...0r0^b,,i..v.» e . co.. la . W b te .sssssnss^ss* Svsrsit
3 .... , * . f .„ r consisting of varieties of Bituminous Coal in an- surplus to ,fio Credit of Income acconnt.Thepre* l fbnnation invaluable to the lover of flowers. 130 : ;
the ot attack ana auence auer asila)lv thick bed erabrdcing rhe ba9t coking ferred stock held by this Company wIU participate pages, on finestinted paper, some 300 Engravings. STATEMENT OP ROCHESTER IN
much delay and earnest consideration, the subject • ’ ° ® eonallv with u«. siv<a«i<a>nr ancta superb COLORED Plat* and Cano MO Covkb. am? a vr'l? PfiMPiW
was finally bron-ht before vonr Board for its dc- coals for iron melting, blacksmith, gas coals, and equally with the common stock in-any dividends of The First Edition of 200,008 just printed in Eng- BURANCE COMPANY.
® K canncl coal—the latter being the most accessible, income above, six percent. Tho rental and cost lishand Gorman. Febki;aby 15,187 h.
termination, and relerred by it to the Board Com- ofthat Vrtriety< lhc marketB . of operating all of these Lines, leading horn Fitts-. ?' - n JAMES VICK ASSETS.
mu cc. ter a u mves iga ion o e ea ’ ■ This “Low Gride Line” is in rapid progress of burgh to the southwest, including the ColaabM, e ,_ T '. ? r : Mortgages and other securities, $09.f15 00
a report was drawn up by it, authorizing the cs- congtractlont and will be opened for u?e thu venr Chicago and Indiana Central have ex- A NL Y TE N CENTS!!! Stock Demand Notes .. ... 30.535 00
tahlishment of a fast freight line over the Penn- or early next spring> When completed, and its heeded their income, while those leading to the U Sifti,;;; ' l3 ‘s?i w
.ylvama Railroad and its comectious as the best connectiotl9 madc witU the U will possi- lakes at Chicago (via Fort Wayne.) at Cleveland J EVERY MAN HIS OWN PAINTER; cJmJfi tq^gent 8.V.;.V;. B .V.;.V;. ;.V;;.V. fiSS 34
means for meeting this competition. ble for freights to be carried at-much cheaper rates and at Erie have yielded a profit more than suf- Or, Paints—Howto Select and Use Them. Expenses, Salaries. &c 1,140 18
This report was unanimously adopted by the tMn the can be conveycd bv any of the prop oB- fleient, qfter dcdnctlng the loeses upon the South- A plain treatise, containing sample card with 42 Tu hand- A}- AWnfi 4S" 00
Directors, and a contract entered into with intel- eJ Cuaal9 tbe MlBgi9sippi and the west Lines, to Justify th^pu, ment Of the dividend MintedJLades and tints with M fIT
hgent and active parties who had spent
ncarly I East, - mentioned. - ’ ? i"* j. /’ j exterior and interior House Deco- $107.933 13
their whol*.. li\es in the business ot transportation The Brinchcs of your Railway have not--in the When the cars of the : Union Railroad and 25 copies, bonnd in cloth, for $5. Sample copies, LIABILITIES.
between the cast and west, upon the State Works , yielded much if anv direct orofli to Company have bev paper coyer, mailed, post paid, to any address, on C>'tal Stock ?!ofi,ooo 00
of Pennsylvania; gentlemen who thoroughly an- Yieiaea muen it any direct prom o SJnv"•'iT« receipt 0110 cents, by the Publiaher. . Premiums 7,«3« 63
Oerstood the views and objects of the Board, and Company, but they have «ldcd materially to _ v - Box 1 Accrued Interest 3uo 00
, . , .. . ... . . the prosperity of the State, and to tbe revenues ol ‘ ta , -12,000,000) will b Box 1634, Post-Office, Philadelphia. Commission 150
j- «•>" . w t b r Z l * " m ° n m ,i,roe " /rera pm * - *^sr 3
no“;. 1 - . fc -*
tcrroiiiiilmn to tbe object assigned I o «o B U-„the™iM b, re q. lr =, p001U.., Migtaow j. -.cb c ? »M b. yUo, ~
them. In different and tea. cipenenced for ro n in{ . and orhot equipment. which,hi,l I
.[he tuterpnsc. unacr tb, e.nMof their contract The Railroad op«ned between Lewirtown and are ready for. -A want tong felt at last snpplied."-ttcienttflc
with your Company, would most probably have r ” tho, American. / X*
proved a failure Sunbury, on the Susquehanna River, the past -y ’ “Not only a necessity to the painter, bat'vaiua-’
When the Union LLie w,s established, this f aa M»as been thus operated. This Line, though We every occupant of a dwelling.”-N. Y. j //&(?
Company controlled no railway west of Pitteb urgh « tra ™ a region and said .fJ lk ®’“Buy 23 copies of this book and distribute them f S 1
or east sf Philadelphia, and held but little over '° contal “ much nnd e\eloped iron ore. has not se- . = ’ . ’ among your friends. If they will heed the advice , Jgj 'XL
•fit m iu ,f.O.J h„,ro,n Ih. 0..,0™ ,n.t cured sofflcieut traffic to meet its^running expen- aumiraoiy aoaptea to t therein, yon coaid make no more valuable pros-i
e ' v w r »hi t scs, leaving the interest upon its bonds, which possess accommodations ent.”—Chicago Tribune. i WfIRK
commercial while the cars of this Trans- ° .... . . . . r ia« anil emirrrant onnsi ”In pnbliahing this book Mr. Baird has done a: 'iwiuuj^
oortation Comnanv were expected to traverse have been issued to the extent of $1,200,000, who!- class and emigrant, equal. service to Ae community."-Toledo Blade. | if?
... . , ~ ly unprovided for. The traffic of the line Is, how- to any of the steamers that *Wc hope the publisher will sell 100,000 copies WII ftl ADCUAI I
many thousand mues oi rail a. n t c , ever in cr easi n *E. an d may at a fatnre period yield a,,d America. The execntlc ofjhls book during’73.”—Boston Advertiser. | Vf .ll.mAllvtlALL,
uathcrnp all the traffic that they could secure, ('mtnn Sb <4nna ii.«> fWe have just painted onr house as advised by i
ami trii," it to the eastern markets over voar a P™ A ' equal to us expen-cs and the interest upon Messrs. Cramp* Sous. a« lar as . th i aalhor . and congratnlatc onracives that no MAMUPiICTURFR AFi
‘ p * its indebtedness. has been faithfully done, and opj y dwelling in onr neighborhood excels ours in ap- 1 ? WAIIWr/iw I wISEn Ur
w or'f. i u-ai nn. c anne e All the Branch Lines recently promoted bv this equal In character and aubstiuitialK, ty i»»ance.”—liarper,e Weekly. j iiAiin»ipiiK»
vith the merchaudise and manufactures of the »r»ho Rnmnonn hniu ,t„,moF a n i.l selling a sample copy for 10 cents, Mr. Baird ! MQNIIMc.NI S
Company m Pennsylvania have had in view the efthe European built steamers. 1 LI mU4 t fee |certain ai order for 25 bound in cloth i IHWHUIfIfc W.l O
, development ot the growing iron ore or coal in- ha'c all the modern economic improve nd will fellow."—Frank Leslie. o. rffl »xrn
lhc western railways were found by the Imon tcfest of thcState Thc Branch nei , durj win not cost on completion much, H ore- a We knowthe town and country paints therein (X VrliAVjCi
Transportauoii iJompany to be _„ 1 . . than tho. /./-nia ho h.,nt fo, , . recommended, and can vouch for their value and | - jil 3.
“ b “ ut for b ““* »• w ““i #STONES\
cited W toreTeve their cver-increasiug wants, ami Line in progress of construction between | ONLY TEN CENTS ! >
o! their railroads bv us cars, and under these con- s J i L .__. ij
tract l it was enabled to successfully fulfil! the ob- ah °’ indin = iD rich Iron ore deposits, which haVtt ®* As viewed by the official organ of the LIQUOR 111 1 1 (tl '/ '
iecifi we had in view f*r many years supplied the charcoal furnaces of I ceased. Under hie o INTERESTS. Subscription f 3 per year. Clubs of . ii i| Ifl
that region wth ores that have produced some of | ‘luffbt but that the I* . 10;595. Addrcs s AmZnean liquor Men's Advocate
the most valuable irons of the Juniata valley. The it to this port an'*
I ores of this region are by this Branch made equal- since f<«tt ’ T»Y SENDING only 25 CENTS to JAMES W. Hill ii I! ifil! ]i iii' li i® T |li t !l| ji fPSIIIIi ill
ily accessible to both anthracite and biiamlnous rectors Us- REMINGTON, at Monndsvflle. Marshall Co.. i'iiilWj! !W f IlfMSdli ii! i<
■ coals of the best quality for smelting; and, in collet WVa yon will receive by return mail 500 useful |{ || j3|| g 11J j illi«S I
vl.» of the« 1, op« M „p”. moat at- '' rfeM ' PM - lij i|i|||j B|iitfli ! |
tractive locality for thc manufacture of iron, the yy||i; y][^
The Un ; on Transportation Company was* organ
ized under great doubts as (o its financial eaccess,
without solicitation from its proprietors, and
ag-oustthe principles which the Board then re
cognized as those which should govern Railway
Companies; 1 in the management of their aflairs.
But its establishment, under the circumstances
that then existed, was considered necessary to the
success of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
mid its results have fully justified its organization.
Since your Company has acquired control ol its
extended western connections, east of the Mis
sissippi. and removed the obstructions that in
terrupted a.lrce flow ot traffic over your railway
Irora the trades centres ot the West to those of
the East, the mission of the Transportation Com
pany has been fulfilled, and its continuance in the
sphere it occupied is no longer important to your
It was contemplated on the organisation ol the
"Feunsylvania Company" "to manage your west
ern connections in the manner pointed out in pre
vious reports, that it should fill the place occu
pied by lito t-'nion Transportat ion Company. It
has, however, required time to get these exten
sive works into, harmonious and efficient action,
and to fully understand their traffic. The Penn
e>)lvr;nid Company is now ready to assume this
duty, and ui rangemeuls have been made tor the
transfer of the property and franchises of the
Transportation Company to It, which will be car
tied into effect jis early as the transfer can be
properly made. The actual \afiuc of the property,
consisting ot cars, wharves, offices,
shops and sidings, tube thu.^'transferred is esti
mated—without its good wiil--at over f.’5,tW0.000
and it has b . mi purchased by the “Fennsy ivunta
Company" for three millions of its Common
Stock at par. thus interesting individuals of cr.
perience in the management of this great enter
prise—a consideration of material impoitance and
value. 1
The Utfion Line having fulfilled the objects Unit
this Company had in view at its establishment, in
a mann--i satisfactory to its employers, it i« grati
fying to be able to state that it has been so effi
cientlymaLaged that it has also proven a pecuniary
success to its shareholders. Their proflts have,
however, been mainly derived from transporta
tion oyer ihe extended system of railways west ot
Pittsburgh and east of Philadelphia, under con
tracts of their own proenrement. with the Compa
nies whose roads tneircirs traversed. The high
rates of transportation thr.‘ prevailed during ihe
rebellion yielded very profitable results to the
line, as w-rll as t » your Company—the through
rates over the Pennsylvania .Railroad in many
cases having been twice those charged upon its
local iroi"h!.s
It will al.-o IfO
remembered :a thi« connection
that neither law nor p-ihiic opinion would at the
lime have ;hs assumption oi powers
i>y your Company ttfst would h.uc enabled it to
establish a tr insnort at ion Una <t> meet
ly tli-.* object that ymr Company had .n view.
When tii-; Pennsylvania n.U'rotd Company com-
menccd basi.iesi'wvsi of ILirtisburg. its then east- j *®*y uext.and will connect by one continuous line
,t*rn terminus, under the. 'nßuence o! the 'mow I tilu whole of the southern system olrailways with
policy which then swenwd the management 0 f i tb< oI the north ; and the National Capital with
the Sta c work-. it wc? ei, ohiert frr.m running its , ,he coal a,,d luult,er a ‘g :ol,si ot Pennsjivania.
cars ovvr th; Columbia if.tilro ui, \ Th ’* important work, under an enlightened mm
a work built h_. the 4 ommouweaiih cspc< i*llr to - hgement of its connectinr lines, cannot tail to cx
atford equal hu ilitvs toad t ist would use it. A j crciHs • most important Influence upon the trade
more enlightened vl*» o' the subject prevailed, ; and prosperity of tire Southern Atlantic States,
however, iu th; m Court, ami the injanc- j an<l h * fo mpi'*i«>» may be hailed as an object of
tiontyes Ins dvv.J. national importance.
1q revi iwing the lie s which in iur cd the COU- The Northern Central l ? ; itn*ad Company. a c on.
firmation of the ent.-a. t entered into with the j trotting interest in the stock ;ii which 1? held by
Union Lin-, : s fullv s.tisSe-i that the j this Cn:nj»an>. mi eunseQtieu at <>t rtie tow rates of
best interest of the Company wa? promoted by the j f.e'g’u charged, inaiiny i;> n its cnl traffic in is7a.
adoption O! the r o-: c-t Sh ■it,. n\ cVn.mittee re- i il.u u.■ ,r;i '?’t
demand for which must annually increase with
the increasing cost of Us production in Great
Britain, irom whence the larger portion of the iron
consumed in this and other countries is at present
procured. The analysis ol these ores also shows
that many of*them are well adapted to the manu.
fact arc of Bessemer steel.
The facilities for the distribution of freights in
Philadelphia were not enlarged, in 187 J, to the ex-
tent desired. The City Councils promptly acted
npon the suggestion contained in the last Annual
Report of this Company in relation to the con
struction ol a Railway along the Delaware front
bet wee’ll Christian and Dock streets, but the •law’s
deity’’has prevented, daring the past J’ear, the
fompletion of the improvements desired. The
property owners upon the Delaware front, though
anxious for the construction of the work, have not
given to it their active co-operation, and. in couse
qaensc, the improvements so much needed by the
commercial interests of the city cannot be finished
before the ensuing summer or autumn. In the
meanwhile the existing facilities for the accommo
dation of freights on market street are being
seriously encroached upon.
The erection of additional elevators for grain
traffic nas also become important, though it is be
lieved that these may be supplied by private en-
The connectitsn referred to in our last annual re“
port between the Pennsylvania Railroad and the
Pittsburgh. Virginia and Charleston Railway,.
cro-sing the Monongahela River above the month
of Turtle Creek, has been commenced, and if
practicable it will be completed this year. Its
construction Inis become a necessity from the im.
possibility of passing freight trains from the Pitts
burgh. Cincipnatti and St. Louis Railway through
Gram's iiill Tunnel without great delay. The
cost of this connection is estimated at $350 00!).
The Pittsburgh. Virginia and Charlestown Rail
way, which Is to extend along the valley of the
Monongahela to the State line of Virginia, is under
contract as far ns Monongahela City, and will be
opened to that- point ithirty miles) during the en
suing summer.
Arrangements liu't been entered into yvi'h the
city of Pittsburgh by which nearly ail of Hie streets
of that city will be passciTover or under the Penn
sylvauia Railroad, which wiR involve an outlay by
this Company very little short of one million of
dollars, an expenditure which it is to be bopejl
will he for by the additional safety
secured tothe movement oi trains, and the avoid
ance of delays that occur at the present street
' Tbe lialtiniore and Potomac Railroad Tumid,
| under the city of Bjlt itnOie. delayed by the unu
j saal severity of the post winter, will be;dniahcd in
;end. 'lie uk’ i.eaa
Transportation Company havebeentranefcred to
the “Pennsylvania Company.”tho authorized cap*
ital of the latter(f12,000,000) willbe filled up, and
the profits of tbeCompany more than proportion
ally increased.
None of the steamships building forthe Liver,
pool Line of the Amieiican Steamship Company, in
which this Company holds a controlling Interest,
are ready for sea, bat it is believed that the ** Penn
sylvania,” the drat launched, will be in readiness
to sail in May next The models of thee.e -vessels
are alike, and reflect mach credit upon their
designer, B. 11. Bartol, Esq. They appear to be i
admirably adapted to the traffic of this Port, and
possess accommodations for passengers, both first'
class and emigrant, equal in comfort and
to any of the steamers that ply between Europe
and America. The execution of the work by
Messrs. Cramp & Sons, as far as it has progressed,
has been faithfully done, and appears to be fnlly
equal in character and substantiality to that of any
efthe European built steamers. The ships wLI
have all the modern economic improvements, and
wifi not cost on completion much, if any, more,
than they could now be built for In Great
Britain. 1
K. C. Knight, Esq., one of the most cnetsotle
and enterprising merchants of this city, has been
made President of the Steamship Company ,in
place of the late Washington Batcher, Esq .. de
ceased. Under his administration we bard no
doubt but that the line will be managed with cred
it to this port and profit to the stockholders.
Since your last annual meeting the Board of Di
rectors have lost the services of three esteemed
George Black, resident Director in Pittsburgh,
whose decease occurred in Augnat last. Uis prac
tical business talents and devotion to the interests
of the Company were always of great service, and
highly appreciated. To fill the vacancy caused by
Mr. Black’s death, Mr. John Scott, of Pittsburgh,
a gentleman long Identified with the manufactur
ing and leading interests of that city, was duly
elected by the Board.
Washington Butcher, whpsc decease occurred?
early in the present year. Mr Bntchc r became a
member of the Board in December, 1849, and al
ways served the interests of this Company with
great fidelity and efficiency. As his successor,
Samual M. Felton has been chosen. Hie long ex
perience and sound judgment in all departments
of railway management cannot but prove fienefl
cial to your interests. Owing to failing health,
Joseph B. Myers, a member of the Board for the
past ten years, has been compelled to tender bis
resignation as a Dirctor of yonr Company. This
vacancy haq been filled by the election of A. J.
Dcrbeshire, at a former time ah efficient member
of the'Board, and who In a always evinced a desp
interest in everything concerning the Company’s
we Hare.
ThomaaT. Firth, the Treasurer of this Cojnpany
for many years past, was compelled, on account of
his impaired health, to tender hia resignation to
the Board, and thereby be relieved from the active
duties of that position. The Board accepted the
resignation, assigned Mr. Firth the duties of Secre
tary and Treasurer of the Sinking Funds of the
Company. The Board also adopted unanimous
resolutions, setting forth their high appreciation of
his services and of the fidelity and ability be has
shown in the discharge oftbe ard none and reepons- I
ible da ties connected with tne office which be has
tilled honorably and creditably for so long a peHod.
Edmund Smith, late Vice President, who has
been connected with the service ,of the Company
since 1847, has been elected by the Board toflflthe
responsible position of Troasnret—the Board hav
ing entire confidence in his integrity audibility to
perform the duties of that office.
The increase of the business of the Company,
and the continued disability of some of its officers,
has rendered a reorganization of the department
for conducting the operations of your railways im.
portam and desirable to increase .their efficiency.
With this view, A. J. Cassatt, at' present: Manager
of the lines between Pittsburgh and Jersey City,
lies been made General Manager of ajQßailways of
the Company east of Pittsburgh and E'ic. C. U-
Gardiner, General Superintendent of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, assisted by Frank Thomson as
Superintendent of Motive Power and Machinery-
W. A. Baldwin has been continued as General So*
perintentlertf of the Philadelphia and Erie Rail"
road; F. Walcott Jackson, General Superintendent
of the Philadelphia and Trenton and the New Jer
sey Railioads.
All of these gentlemen have been connected for
many years with the administration of the saverai
lilies commuted to their charge, and have materi
ally contributed by their zeal and attention to
their duties to the success of the Company.
By order of the Board,
TH per wanted ’. AH
IVJ Oivt class-s of working people, of
e-itber sex. young or old. make more monev at
woi k for us. hi llio ir spare moments, or all the
time, th.ii! at anythin-eUe. Particular* free. Ad
dress U. SMiisoa A Uq., Port land, Me. aovS-ly
$6O a week guaranteed. Respectable employ
ment at home, day or evening; no capital required;
full instructions ami valuable package of goods
sent free by mail. Address, with six cent return
stamp. M. YOUNG A CO.. Hi Cortlandt St.. N. Y.
dbc &OA P«rday! Agents wanted ! All
iV/ classes of working people, of
either sex young or old. make money at work for
ns in their spare moments, or all tbe time, than at
anything else. Particulars free. Address G.
Stinson & Co., Portland. Maine.
I suffered with CATARRH thirty years, and was
cured by a simple remedy. Will send receipt,
postage free, to all afflicted. Rev. T. J. MEAD.
Drawer 176. Syracuse, N. Y.
8100,000 FOR ONLY S 10!
Under authority of special legislative act of the
16th of March, 1871. tbe Trustees now announce
to come off In Library Hail, at Louisville, Ky., on
Bt this Concert tbe best mnsical talent that can
be procured from all parts of tbe country will add
pleasure to the entertainment, and TEN THOUS
AND CASH GIFTS, aggregating a vast total of
be distributed by lot to tbe ticket-holders, as fol
One Grand Cash Gift $lOO,OOO
One Grand Cash Gift 50. ‘“jo
One Grand Cash Gift
One Grand Cash Gift
One Graud Cash Gift
One Grand Cush Gift 5.000
. 24 Cash Gifts of $l,OOO each 24,000
50 Cash Gifts of 500 “ 35.000
80 Cash Gifts of 400 “ 32.000
100 Cash Gifts of 300 “ 30.U00
150 Cash Gifts of 200 “ 30,000
590 Cash Gifts of 100 “ 39,000-
9,000 Cash Gifts of 10 “ 90.000
Total. 10,000 Gifts, all cash $500,000
To provide means for this magnificent Concert.
KTS ONLY will be issued.
Whole tickets, $10; Halve a, $3; and Quarters ,
$2.50. Eleven whole Tickets for $lOO. No discount
on less than $lOO orders .
The object of this THIRD GIFT CONCERT,
like the two heretofore given with such universal
approval." is the enlargement and endowment of
by the special act authorizing the concert lor its
benetlt. is to be forever free to all c ittzena of eve
ry State. The drawing will be under the super
vision, of theTrustecirof the Library, assisted by
the most eminent citizens of the United States.
The sale of tickets has already progressed so far
that complete success is assured, and buyers are
therefore notified that they must order at once if
they desire to participate m the drawing.
The management of this undertaking has been
committed by the trustees to HON. THOS. E.
BRAMLETTE, late Governor of Kentucky, to
whom .communications pertaining to the Gift Con
cert may bh‘ addressed.
R. T. DUBRKTT, Pres’t.
W. N. HALDEMAN, Vice Pres’t.
JOHN S. CilN. Sec'y Public Library of Ky.
Preside ut.
As the time tor the Concert is close at band
(April Bth), parties wanting tickets should in their
orders immediately if ithey would avoid the rush
and delay absolutely unavoidable in the few days
preceding the drawing. All orders and applica
tions for agencies, circulars and information will
meet with prompt attention,
llios. !■:. T.KAMI.ETTE.
Agent PabHc Library. Louisville, sy.
Wo have on hand a LARGE STOCK of
Which we are selling ns cheap as any other firm
in the States Also
Granite Monuments anti Headstones
Furnished to order as reasonable as- they can be
bad elsewhere. Persons wishing
should call and see us before purchasing else
where. as we will guarantee to sell a better job for
Jess money than any other firm in Beaver county.
W H. MARSHALL, Rochester
My new priced descriptive Catalogue of Choice
Flower and Garden Seeds, 45 sorts of either for
$1; new and choice varieties of Fruit and Orna
mental Trees, Shrubs; Evergreens, Roses, Grapes.
Lilies. Small Fruits. House and Border Plauta.and
Bulbs; one year grafted Fruit Trees tor mailing;
Fruit Stalks ot all kinds; Hedge- Plants. &c~; the
most complete assortment m the country, will be
sent gratis to auy plain address, with P. O. box
True Cape Cod Cranberry for upland or lowland,
$6 per 1000; $1 per 100; prepaid by mail. Tmde
List to dealers. Seeds on commission. Agents
Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse. Ply
mouth, Mass. Established 1844. raarl-Gt
Wc will give men and women
from $4 to $8 per day; can be pursued in your own
neighborhood ; it is a rare chance for those out of
employment or havlug leisure time : girls and
hoys frequently do as well as men. Particulars
Address J. LATHAM & CO..
292 Washington St.. Boston, Mass.
All kinds Mining. Blasting and Sporting Powder
in Metallic kegs, for sale in lots tosuit purchasers,
from our Magazines at Mill prices. This well
known Powder has been for over
70 years, and is sold at same prices as other Brands.
Also, every;variety Dry and Wafer Safety Eiisf.
D. W. C. BID WELL A Co., den. Agts..
mar7-lm ■ Pittsburgh, Pa,
Letters testamentary on the estate of James
M. Smith, late of Beaver borough, Beaver county.
Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all
parties knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against tbe same will pre
sent them properly authenticated for settlement.
J. M. SMITH, Beaver C. H..
JAS. CHRISTY, Shlppingport.
mtrr7- ! it Executors.
All accounts one the estate of L*?.. J. LINNEN
BRiNK. deceased, not settled by April Ist. P>73,
will he left in the bauds of a law yer lor collection,
with interest.
Socfwster. M.vch 12,’73-St Administrators,
The Cltedjkst.and Best House in the Cu v
The Largest and Best Selected stock of
Pianos <£ Organs,
Taylor & Farley Celestes Organs,
Quick iSales avd Sma' ! PrQff-ts,
We gjirjT’ec ;ow !
As !.-< in t'.e narGet. a: Price? tlwrt
And on terms to suit thepnrc'aase
Instruments rented and rent allowed logo iiwrf
the purchase.
For Catalogue and full particulars cal: ono' ad
dress the Manufacturer's Genera! Agent.-.
S. Hamilton & Co.,
Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva
nia, Febrnary. ISfg. Office one door east of Koci
ester Savings Bank, Rochester, Seaver ci'-a'y,
People of Beaver county can now □a'c t..-.* .
property insured against lessor damage by Q-e. u
fair rates, in a safe'and
thereby avoiding the expense, troab e and a
incident to the adjustment of losses bj compau'e?
located at a,distance.
J, V. M’Donald,
Samuel B- Wilson,
William Kennedy.
Marshall M'Donald
M. Camp. jr..
David Lowry,
J. V
H. J, Spetf.f.zr, Trcas.
Johk GBJtBtSo, Jr.., Sec’y
J> & W . JENKINS oH.
Manufacturers and, Dealers
New Wbeeler & Wilson Sewing fiste
We are now prepared to offer Boar l -- 1 ",
terms and greater isdccemksrH to Kr - ! n A Tf
moa, than ever belorc rtnriug our espeti‘ a ‘■ .
FIFTEEN YEARS in the business > u
required We eland all losses and colled au
at on- oicn expense. Horse. Wagon and On.a- -
nlsned if necessary., - .
Special Inducements to men who can T J3IJ
their own teams. Now*itj the time toapp.*
get ready tor the Spring trade.
feb2Mtn 140 Wood street. Pittsbargb. Jj
1L *° s 6 -
Opens its bpring
i. (i. <•
Teacbersiof the county will do we.. ■*>
pond with the President
George c
John Gr ebing
R. B. Edgar.
C. B. Hurst, ,
Henry Go: hr lag
C. SPETEREP. i’--'' ■
M’DONALD. V dre.-:
aii fi-'l
k N L*