The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 21, 1873, Image 5
SAINTS AND SINNERS. EV BICHABD BEALFB. Then: goes a woman who, loving too much— s some bow or other, perhaps, became r.ct aid with patches of soot and smutch— Wah blotches of sin and shame. Bu t i think, by the piteous look in her eyes, (Hav! 1 you seen the eyes of a stricken doe !) •1 tat down in her heaebshe moans and cries Witt unutterable wpe. There goes a coIUBWa of circumspect#—«ee, gow clean andcomely, and sleek and fair, A dq. unto the ultimate degree. Pnm and proper they we.. A worldling! Yon need .not pry nor peck Into their natures for fault or flaw; They are not of your kidney, frail and weak 'Ttcy are strong,and walk. by the Law. Eta mark; theyhay* caught aglimpse of her skirts! (Bow keen they ate on theacent for sin.) And the hoandln the heart of, each asserts itself —and4be pack begin. Brtivcly.myfhSsttrs 1 Mangle her now I What to yon Is ber awful stress ? ■ And not in tbe daylight dare yon avow !>ity for wretchedness. There, there, enough now—handsomely done 1 (Eow whilely your teeth show when yon snarl;) And bow, like a poor, scared deer, did run, , Whither !) the frighted girl. Wtuther? -But that can be naught to yon— Why was benshadow flung on your path ? /1.,5 Heaven, of course, must be pleased to view * strong man’s terrible wrath. w. lam a sinner—or wtiat you please; f iLd you miy be saints, for aUgh* 1 know; F:,: 1 “wear. O excellent Pharisees, TLa: whiter than driven enow, Compared with yon, is the soul yon drove Bard on the horrible edge of hell A nd Bometbing, 1 think, was said of Love, Bv borne One— can yon tell ■ POLITICAL. —The Massachusetts House of Repre aectatives has rrtyected the Woman Suf frage resolution by a vote of 142 to 83 —The President, on Monday of last week, nominated David Tidball, Esq., as postmaster bf New Ca&e, for a period of four years. Tbe nomination was prompt ly confirmed by.'the Senate. The -bquire bos held that position for a number of years, and has made a faithful and accom modeling official.: —(general Luperon is about to inaugu rate a revolution to overthrow President Bae7, of San Domingo. —Gladstone'will probably resume the premiership 6f Great Britain oi Thursday. -A demonstration -in favor of Irish home rule look place in London on Sun day. Several large bauds •of Cariists have been defeated at-Pampaluna, Spain, re- ctc’?.y —Governor Straw, of He# Hampshire, has nominated the Hon., John E. 'Sargent for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of that State. — l Tennessee's is really try ing ;o do something for the financial hoc or, col to say unnesiy, or ine /! is pruposed to fund-the past due in terest and redeem the same next year. Thi® action is commendable. " . —Ex-Senator Sawyer, of South Caroli na, will probably be appointed Assistant Secretary oi the Treasury. —Henry Howard has been nominated for Governor by the Prohibitionists of Rhode Island. —Virginia politics are already becom ing very';lively, in anticipation of the coming Slate election, and, as il wyiTl be hotly contested by both parties; both sides will, no doobt,'~laim to bring out the strongest men. ■ Colonel R. W. Hughs is the most prominent candidate for Gover nor spoken of] on the Republican side. Including many popular gentlemen who are mentioned!for Conservative nomina tion is Robert E Lee, Jr. Among those spohen of for Conservative nomination for Lieutenant Qovernor is William Kilgour, Commonwealth attorney at Alexandria. —The National Labor Council, at a meeting in Washington, oh Saturday ev eniug, appointed a National Executive Committee and received letters promising earnest co-operation from different States. —The largest number of dismissals ever made by any President at one time will he on tbe 20th of May when six- Wo hundred Assessors and Assistant ■Assessor* of Internal Revenue will be dis charged. —Senator Pelrikin’s fish bill meets *>th pretty general approbation, both at the hands of the public and the press. —Says the Pittsburgh Commercial of tbe 18th mst; The President, on yesterday , sect to tbe Senate tbename.ofJndge P. C. Shannon, of this city, for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Dakota. This is hut a proper recognition of Judge Shan- DOD b services in the*cause of Republican lSffi > and will meet the approval of friends of both parties in all parts of Ihh State. «if in every way qualified for the -posi '-‘on, and will no doubt serve with honor to himself and the Chief Magistrate by *home be was appointed, AiL the changes that will be made in e in the office .of the Secretary of e Commonwealth have been perfected.. be Allowing -w-a list of the appointees tn der the administration of Hon. M, 8. Quay. Deputy Secretary of the Common- B. Linn, of centre. CMef Clerk—Thomas M’Camant, Blair ( "'unty. T C-trkB-Benj. F. Chancier,,Dauphin <; -Diy ; s Man p r j ( j a y ) Lancaster coun h Robert T. Beatty,. Perry county; Job ‘ Jordan, Bedford county Wm, M. Cumberland county; Lane S. Montgomery county; Howard Hi Lycoming county. Messenger- Benjamin P. Thompson. “totUg itcery county. r & LOCAL ITEMS . j . JkjgaaTa.-—Qr i Pugh, New Brighton; J. Llimenbrink, Rochester. { TO ADVERTISERS.—The Beaver Radical Is tbe most extensively clrcu ; fated Weekly Newspaper in Western Pennsylvania. Cleveland 6c Pittsburgh Railroad. C&mg Wut— Mail, .7,46 a. m ; Accommodation 5,40 p. m. • \ Going Host— Accommodation, 8;19 «. m; Mail, ,87 p. m; Express, 7,07 p. m. Arrival audDepartoreof MaUs. Western mall leaves art! a.m.; arrives at 4 f r Eastern ibaiT leaves at 3p. tm; arrivosatDa. m. New Lisbon mail leaves every. Friday, (instead of Monday),atBa.m.; arrivesonsatotday,at.s p.m. Black Hawk, &t.Clair, Clarkson and Ne wjUsbon.)^ Physicians will always flnda.completestock Of reliable; raediqiaes, at; the, Beaver 'Brag Store. Alloffictifilpreparations-'made ac : cording to ttie tew ; HiannadOp«lfa large 1 assortment of Elixirs and new remedies alwhys on band, llcao Befverßrag Store. Notice Extraordinary.— Ail orders fur Photographs mast hereafter bo paid for. (ht least in part) when the order IS given. Order* not sif complied with will receive ik) attention. H Noss, feb~-2m , Try the Improved Economical Plow. Yon can gel it for nothing at Mi L. Armstrong's, Harsha ville.Pa. fs&Mf. Fahnestock’s Pure White Lead, Lin seed Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes, Paints, W-ludow Glass and Putty at the' very lowest cash, prices, at Hugo Andriessen’g Beaver Drug Store.' Try the Improved Economical Plow. You can get it for nothing at M. L. Armstrong’s, Han-har ville. Pa. fefcl-tt Two ent ire new two Horse Wagons, for sale at SpeyererNS; Son’s. • feh2l-tr. 31en>ft and Boys' Spring styles of Hats and Caps, just received from the east, aiJ.M. Me Creery'e. tnari4-2w New opening ot Men 1 ' and BoysMiats and Caps at J. M. McCreery’e. mar!4-2w FFeare compelled to defer again some communications and oilier iDa.Uer r wbicl) We would have been glad to have pub lished this week. Our friends will excuse (is lor not doing wbal it was impossible for us to do. The Court opened on Monday and will continue during next week. Mr. Cunningham somewhat known in this community, now editor of the Holmes county, Ohio, Republican , called on os one day last week, and permitted us to make an agreeable acquaintance. He prints a good paper and we wish’* him abundant success. The annua! Conference of .the M. E • Cburbh, met at Ohio, on tVednc.s day and will continue th session ah->ut a week. Mr, Milo Groscost, of Brighton township, had sixteen sheep killed and four badly lorn, ny Tinge, one (I»y last week. Loss about $lOO. College Notes,— Examination r.f classes open to the public this Thursday morning and afternoon. Closing exercises in tbe M. E. Church, this Thursday eve ning at l% o’clock, will be entertaining. Normal Department for the special in> etruction of teachers will be opened,April Ist. Rooms for self boarding and board ing dobs can be secured. i 5^ The new building makes, an imposing appearance,'and is attracting the atten tion of all visitors our town. Spring session opens April Ist.* . 1’ The following' arothb officers of the Rocheslor Savings tfmfLoan Association elected at tbe last annual meeting President—Win. S. Shallenberger, - v Vice President—J. J, Anderson, C.Horst, ' •' ) Secretary—John Conway. Directors—A. T. Shallenberger, H. W. Seely, C. Martin, M. L. Wortman. W. D. Johnson'] T. L. Darragh, J. J. Hoffm-h, John Linninbrink, 8. J. Cross. S. t£ J. Sneltenburg keep the lead ing clothing store? itr New Brighton, and have on band the best assortment of stock in their, line, that can be found out side of Pittsburgh. They believe In selU ing at low prices and are enabled to do so by practicing giving close attention to every department of their business. Those wishing to purchase clothing, either to order or ready made, will consult their own interest by giving them a call. Don’t forget S. & J. Snel lehburg’s. New Brighton. examination of applicants for the permanent certificate tfill be held at Ro chester school house on Saturday' March 29th, commencing at 0 o’clock a. m. J. G. Hillman, ] ISec’y. Gom. We are in receipt of the March nam- i ber of The Republic, *new monthly zine devoted to the dissemination of po litical andpublished at Washington, TL. C., by "The Republic Publishing Company.” Price $2.(K| peri year id advance. The magazine is full of! useful information, and will meet the wants of a large class. It should be ex tensively circulated. , A Accidents,— Mr. Crofz, gun smitbof Rochester, t while -repairing a pistol left for repairs at his shop, which' went off, was wounded severely in the hand, breaking two of fhb meta carpus bones of the baud, Dr. Cnarles Foersiige was called in snd dressed his wounds. K A son-in-law of Mr: Epbraham: Hariet, at the skme plact. tfsslojured by an ex plosion of a boiler at an oil well at Bra dy’s Bend, .Pa., on March i, 187& II is fore arm is broken in -twr^ He is at his home in Rochester. His arm has been set by Dr, FOerstige. - rcb2l-»t XUE RADICAL: FRIDAY. MARCH 21,1873. [The £<>!lowing comtnupicutlon waa ip-, tended for last weeVs issue? bWrea«iid» Treioffdatotorpubltmtiniu} "-2- r , t Rochester,, 13,1873. Editor of the Radical: '* Allow rue to say, through the columns of yoar paper, that in making op the Temperance ticket of Rochester borough, which you published in your last Issue, the nomination for Assessor was,* by- mis*, take, omitted. it is my duty to rectify the mistake, I will do so by saying that; Robert Clears, Esq, was nominated for ,that\iiripWtanit position. /Abdl ’as the temperance men look upon yom paper as the friend and champion of our cause, permit me to say in their behalf that Ire the’an to adhere firmly add unflinchingly' to the cause and course we have adopted.; Wemean to wotk in a 1 ifaH-j upright and honest manner to uproot, stem and stern, this bottled Vnd barreled damnation, which is searing and polluting UicglivSß rt bur bld and -yoUng merf ;tbis social,’ moral and national curse which is like- a worih goaWng at-the Vitals of-our glo j rious Republic; ibis curse which is louhfl | in our‘‘Legislative halls and Senatorial : chambers,found in our factories and work -1 shops, found in foresiand mines?found'in i Church and State, and Ustbut not least, 1 and with shatrie Tor our huhiabity,-belt | said, found protruding itsjcloven foot at , our fireside. This curse which is filling I the length and breadth of our land with j the cries and inostjDJki-'of ftidAtvfi.and or ■j phans, more-pnigaatttUnd heartland i ng j than Rtchael bereft of her children ; this ; blighting, degrading, damnable curse we j mean to, by the aid o( God and all good citizehs, to 1 exterminate from our midst ! forever, and we respectfully, ask, sincere -Ily hope, and fervently "pray that a " tem ‘ 1 perance loying men and women will give ; us their undivided energies, efforts and support in crushing to atoms at one blow i this foul monster who has fastened his‘ sin-stained grasp os country, State , and nation. We bad a very interesting.and . pleasant temperance meeting in the M E Church. 1 Addresses were delivered byHeV; Hkmpy : and Thornton A. Shinn, both able and el oquent speakers, and lam confident in 1 saying that the audience were well please . ed with what they beard. | We also had a wedding in our quiet ’' “burg’! op Tuesday evening at tbp Lu theran Church. Miss Nellie Hendrick i son, of this place, and Mr. Bouyer, o£ | Pittsburgh, Concluded to go down life’s stream in the same boat. Your bumble j servant not having, the r necessary piece o'f paste board was not one of the I number, consequently can give no details, I hut at a distance lean imagine what a | calm and serene feeling pervades his : whole son! when thinking fu the future, no more button lees shirts nor heelless - v -’ o *» ; —rs“ ""H Uis person. “Surely distance lends enchantment to the-view.’’ A longlife and a happy oaeismy*4sish. - I I alr» notice considerable improvement | in oar town recently in the shape of new buildings. Mrs. Lacy Johnson is erect* icg or haying erected a ryw qf one story ~ frame shop*, along the railroad west of the J<*hosoa-Hoiiae, eyidentlytolet. Our bale, hcir^,^dr;; ? dhdertakJhg frjeud, Henry' Laqb, has erected a. new 7 iwke oveajwilh. all the mddern.jrapirove ments and convenience. Is an age of progress. , There was an exciting contest oyer the annual election of officers iff- tie' Agricul tural Society on Monday, the issue: being "Horse nr nn Horse.” Thebdrse‘ticket carried and the following gentleman were elected; President—James DarraghV Vice-Presidents—L. H. OatmaD.WjUj»mShix)deß, Sebastian Grove. Treasurer —RoberrH'Coojyer. Recording Secretory—B. gtovg.: , . corret ponding Secremrj-jJamreCajbtMd. Managers— Bast Side—Jt. P, W. H. Marshall, S.-Magaw, B. R^dt.Ja&b&dbft. North Side—D. O. CVPaterson. Clark Hunter, A. Carothen, John Andrews', WrifiJ 'Laird; South Side—James Ocr. Siiiaaa] Patterson, S., Laugbiin, Robert Potter. Martin Reed. : A meeting of the officers and managers elect, will be held at the Court-Hoase, in Beaver, on Saturday. March: 59,' J 873, »t 10 o’clock, a m. A prompt Attend a nee is requested. • i To the Editor of the Radical. \ i The latest issue of your paper ctf&taii is | sad news indeed. ’Tia hard, very hard, to read of the death of young companions, jjso true, so beloved and so, (ui^nf,promise, Dwigbl,Coe, Thomas Hall ami.Thomas | Reed. But bow infinitely sad to contfop. I plate!, Sterling worth and character ;did! I not excuse them from the grave, or ldving , hearts would not no* bti mourn log their | loss, or t should offering Hup | simple tribute of justice. It seems as though it cannot be, tffld] yet, erh this reaches you, home and friends will have, laid them in'the cold and silent tomb.’ • We mud believe in life beyond ! Though they are gone, yet allis not lost, they, still linger although theirpresence ignore Interior, within the bearCapttHbm their indwelling, bves, and from their precious lives, “A hundred Virtues rise in shapedl mercy, charity and love,to walk tile world Jand bless it with tbeirlight. Of every tear, that throwing, mortals on such gfeen gnodisbnrn--. de stroyer* steps Uttere- spring upbrfjjhl dre-, aliens that his power, and h»dark, path bed>m^ft^Wi*y ; ,'o|. light to Heaven.*'’ ‘ Jons V. McDonaxo, J n New, York Oily, March 13, iffTS >. -r- 1 ■ „ i <, ■)«.; ' 'i Wkebuso, W. Va.. Mo»i JB7B, . 1 ha to used, Beymer, Bonman vfcCo.’s stricjy Pare White Lead since the Spring 4 pf as b practical painter ray,that it is the best-White Lead 1 ever nsed. and I give i: thd prefereptc; pfer ail other brands. S M. ■ HANDBOMB OFFICES. and modeled—A •■ Laboratory AdddeA- r Coaalbrtable Quarters and Increased Fsellltles. Physicians; as a rule, exercise, discriminating care <lxl- fitting!up, their offices with ell the pani phemaUa essential fo intelligent practice, and some evcncqmhlne elegance with convenience. In the latter Category the Drs. vOldshne must .he placed,, They have formany years enjoyed an eitcnsivens well ts ltrctative practice,' which, constantly in creasing, gendered facilules necessary. Then office has been several times enlarged add remodeled, hat still their llstj Of Vlsitihg' patients so inereased that they Obliged to erect en addfiltional building. *ThHr has Jn*t. been coni- theirdouhleenite of rooms remodelep so asto secure the greatest convenience, comfort andelegance. , ' r ‘ v " “* % ■ The firfl4nd main 'office is the reception room, whlchls-entered from Orant itreet, by the old doorWgy. :®d the right is . the ladies', consulting .romp, aeoees to fi» gained from Grant |treet,but by apriyate the geDe'reiymtnuicu. On the left Of the Tccpptioh room, U aPolhof pflVate consulting room, and in the rear is thh ' Labbtatory, sothat there ;l&no nl cesallyforehteringthe main too to fo.procure med-: icines or.reiirtf—"an advsntagowhlch lady patient* -always The reception andcohsnUing rooms are:handsomely furnished, and in their new adornments ofpiaihtings and upholstering present - a most lusdriotts appearance. ThaXaboratory ts a special feature ip itself, con structed for t|ie particular purpose of obtaining ac curacy , jd r pojupoandiug prescriptions. Here the medicines "from the very hare to th 4 composite state are continually nuder the Immediate super, visioil of'the physicians, so that the greatest need recy ik secured. In charge of . the Lahore tor j is n chemist ot fifteen jeara. practical experience- Thus patients can have the utmost confide-nee In the purify 1 of Nhe medicines, and the accurate compbttndiiig of the prescriptions: while the wide* spreadreputaiioo dfthe'Drs. Oldshue themselves A Diie*wwllb a ThoiuaiMi Symptom*. Dyspepsia' is the roost perplexing oCall human ; ailments., Its-symptomft arp almost infinite in j their variety, and the forlorn and deeppndcui vic tims of the diesea-fe often fancy themselves the prey.lntnrri.fif every ; known malady. Thie-fs dee, in part. to the does sympathy pxiata hetween and.ihe brain, and. ip pmt also to the tact that any disturbance of the diges tive function necessarily disorders the liver, the r>vMnjU,«Tid tb” «—r*"»-; i a" <> ~» ■-»*** '»*» eitont- the ogallty of .the. A raedi th##'omafcb, hot at tlie same time controls the e reguiarhaWt of body, brdees the ' nerves", purifies the fluids and ‘‘ministers to a ; mit& deseased.” is therefore the true and only j specific Jorchronic Indigestion. Such is the oper j atbDS of this famous vegetable restorative, it not I only cures dyspepsia, but aho ail concomitants | and consequences. Moreover, it" Is invaluaole as I a preventive of indigestion. No one who chooses j to take half a rotneglassful of this agreeable appe | tizeiend stomachiciwbltually three times a day ■j win everbe oppression after eating^ | nausea* sour eructations' or any other Indications' of a want ofvhrbrin the digestive mid mit&ulatlng organs. TbedebQUy andlanghorauperihdacfcd by hot weather are jmmedlately and permanently re lieved by the Blttere,and perspps whoars consti tutionally inclined to Took japon life u as a glass, darhiy,” wit) be apt tO takes brighter and more ftopefttl View ofthesltnation undgr ths gen ial influence of this Iffcdlespmo msrfWjwi; Stimu lant. , Verily, this : Cliokiam. . 1 Whereas ihy wife.'Florence Andrea, has left my bqdand board, without provocation or cauae I 1 therefore give warning that I will hot, from this time, bo responsible for any debts the: may cot-' ; tract, and those harboring her can have no claim against me forberrnafntennnce. ■ ’ - CHARLES ANDREA. Rochester, Pa.. March IP, 18TC2t STATEMENT • •■i ■ • i-iili r .f ■ . '• ■■ .. " Of the Receipts an« Bxpendltare* of f the the Connty Africa I tnrpl Society (br^lTeeriSfS. V; J " • ' Balaooein ivndaof Tit* g jut r. from 1871. . f ils Oi Received of B Cook ftom oats on lot '.... 18 00 Family tickets told (1618) 1;618 00 Stogieticket*sold.............. .....i- 983 « llelctatb seats at aland no uQ. . .; ; >l9 00 Bating bonaes, * (and sand ebowa, 348 00 Retrace paWroTspMd .. ~.. U\\. WA. •>. ' <399 50 .amvmw&rs- > v ~ • 100 o °i .\-rrrr l-c? jWsWW*** 1 ' r CB* f ; By cash paid furmtißlest ..f n -90 00 printing posters. tkkeu,aod.*dv.. . 318 60 “ ‘ ntoirtingpolfce-indgesantonagert M5O rr.v> farmailsand barairan for repairs. J9l 75 **. tor hay god affair, tor 5t0ck..,;..... , 54 40 ! “ > forpbstageindstationery .-.■ - ' 8-56 P v toy .labor andlumber *«•»...#. <. r..,, 316.43 [ i% , for gale keepers‘and p01ice.'. ...'117 «T ’ : f* r .Troaanwr’atalary :....a/)ic7stf> ; .. Recording Secretary's salary , ,50 00 ■ at - Carrerpoadhrg Secretary’s salory..> -“10 w •“ ; for premiums at Fair, of- 1872. .«;. L 439 JB% *• on Torrence Jot— . 1,70 ft OO '• ;: tott’Bconomy t0t.... ........ ■ 900;00 Caabbalance ip bands j ?lS 89 r • , ... .- f . *^796^,, . .. .. . WM. S. BARCLA?.I ;,.. ’ * 1). tt DONKiTOO, f Atiallor*. T ; •WUdl.v. - WM ilot*)Y, r - } v , • ’ I furnishes a guarantee of their truatworhinere and ekilUgnd. which been deserved only by constant add IntellTght application to tbe arduous duties of the diediCal profession in iW varied phases. It gives us pleasure In tbits noting tbe evidence of rhejir enterprise andancceas. —Pittsburgh Post, IVe ealT 7 altentl6n ; Dr : the new adveir lipefittent of J JrGilhspje & Co, Pitts burg)). This 18 an Did, well established firm, whose business Is extensive, nod jvhoße high TP p'it at inf) has fairly been earned by grind management, strict Integ rity add a determination in sell at tbe very lowest profitable rates. A principal and leading feature of their business fs that of Importing and selling French Plate Glass, Mantel and Pier Gla<>6, French Window Glass. They keep f-if sale. also.a fine collection of Steel Engrav ings, Gbr<>m»s and Oil Paintings, a collec tion of which, we understand 1 , oh the lA‘ of April, they will offer-at public sale. | JgAltltlEJD. BUCHER—P<)&—At Georgetown, on Snnday eve ning, lb tbe;Xl. B. Church, by Rev. Joseph Oledhni, Hiseßlla Hi 800, of Georgetown, to Hr. sanmelbiiclm, r of Wert Virginia,: t ’ DIED. KRNBLBY—Mired stli, n of long. fever, Walter Clerk, lufimt>o» oJ-J. Q. and N. J. Kensley, agedS days.. IVBW BRIGHTON GRAIN RUHKBT. , COfUiBCTSD WBBKIiT 81 WADE WRJSpy White Wheat per b(i*hel ..f3 "0. Red do. “ , “ .....I 63 Rye • —-i 89 Oats ,*• “ ...» MO cart •• ra Star Htw Eggs for hatching- FROM PURE WHITE LEGHORN FOWLS, ] Price SI.SO per. Dozen. S. BEANER, Bridgewater, Beaver Co., Pa. OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice la hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Q. C. Speyerer, H. J. Speyerer, W. J. Speyerer and J. V. McDonald, un der the name and Stjrle of HPEYERSR & MC DONALD, Bankers, doing bnalnetsin the Bor ough of Rochester, Beaver'county. Pa., was dis solved on the 14th day or March. 1873. by mutual consent, Johnny. McDonald retiring from the Arm. The business will be continued by G. C. Bpoyerer, Jl. J, Bpeyerer, W. J-. Speyerer, John Grsebing, L. H. Oatman and Louis Schneider, un der the name and Style of SPEYERER A CO., who are. authorized to close np the business of the late film df Speyerer & McDonald. - G, C. SPEYERER, H.J. SPEYERER, W. J. SPEYERER, j. v. McDonald. M.-.ioli is, 1!-TC —-hiirr?!-4t SECOND £3sul&" J srATi-:MENT Racfieslep Sayings & Loan Association, F6r the Ycmr Ending March 6,1873. A. ; C. Burst, Treasurer, To cashii mu secretary i s3o,ew 7i -Bycash palAoqMfarrauts-,. 34,783 37 J oils Co swat. Secretary To cash receieed To cash paid Treasurer —' Installments '..538,254 59 Pines Iff 30 Interest • 22 Premiums 3,804 00 Register fee i 300 00 Transfer fee 198 Bond a mortg'e of G Hcidoger paid off.. 410 00 IXPERDtTCREa Ip Bond and Mortgages $37,084 00 Stock withdrawn 402 35 Office Purniutffc...... I O'* Premiums returned 38 no Expenses as per Report ol 1878. ._ 520 14 Krrcr in Treasurer's Report of '1872 90 Expenses, 1873 Cash in Treasury. 851 52 Loans on first Bond and Mortgage 530,003 00 Office Furniture 03 05 Cash in Treasury 85144 u A BILI Tits. Installments paid in.., Unearned Premiums secretary’s Salary (bal) Rent of Office i bal) ' Undivided Profits— ■ • • The undersigned have examined the accounts ■hove stated, and find them true and correct, to the host of their knowledge and heliel. WILLIAM LKAP, 1 1). W. MARATTA, darvey brown mar'll-It REPORT OF THE CONDITION National Baa! of Beajor Coaaty. NEW BRIGHTON, PA., At tWclooe OJ businfees on the 2Sth of February, 1873: RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts.,.:.... k -*100,704 2a Ovisrdr«ift9 * * w - Vi Si Bonds lo iiecure circulation^.. - . 120.090 00 O. S.. Bonds and Securities on hand 15,000 Ou Due from NalldnUl Birakr....; 5,601 gt DuefromStatc Banks and. Bankers.... 1.4 H 5* Banking House. ; 14.874 *1 PnwttMM MlHlltMittl ... ■ .. /wfi?® Current expenses. 244 70 PreiDinjns..;v..; 18» 5k .GheCbtaridxrthercasfeiteinav .......... ’550 08 Bills of other NafiOßaVßunks.. ; . Fractional Currency, 253 Coin... i ,5,510 00 Legal Tender Notes. 27,104 89 *393.723 84 ‘ LIABILITIES. Ctoital Stock,;. i. *200,000 00 Surplus Fund,.. 23,848 56 Discount. .1,671 0i Exchange. .., ... - 1,076 25 interest, t....... 1,448 31 Profit and Lose. ......... 140 61 National Jiank circulation. . 105,805 00 OtvfiteifdkdtiiaUSi 1,78* §4 individual Deposits, 49.688 93 Due to National Banka . 884 49 One toStatefttnkd atyd 8anbcra........ C4 ' - -1 l :) -« *8931733 Of. statnff &rtJisylvania*J:. n IJMx^HoamMiahUr. ' Beaver County, -(fit the National Bank of Beaver County, do solemnly affiftn that the above statement is true to the beat of our,knowledge and belief. EDWARD HOOPS. Cashier. " Subscribed before me; this 10th day. ft- March, 1873. , Hilton Townsend, N. P Correct—Attefctt * - : - Q. S. BARKER, 1 ■ R.R. UOOPE9, \ Directors. ■ Biartir J.F. MINER, i.- j jl gtlte s p i 4 & Q o:; < r I f ' ! . , j-; 86 WOOD STREET, PIT TS BU HGc Ht, PA., .’tnpor.ers and Dealers in FRENCH PLATE GLASS, FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, MANTEL A-ND KER OtASSES, ‘ ' r 'i • ■ ■ .ii STEEL ENGRAVINGS & CHROMOS i * • Estiftaies tarnished far Plate Glass to Contractor and,Builders. pItTSBUROft ; MARBLEIZED : MANTLE WORKS'! l 3 A ' ■■ - ' mi LiBKRTV STREET, ‘ i AJsflt RANGES, .URATES,, andpaHicnlar auentmn paid to Pt|RNACES, Public andPtivate Bandings. -■ r - r - ■ .bovi^m. WE WAI^IO,OOOAGEKTB, t MALE6Ii'KB>fALg. ; To make the iabove amount. 1 #ellfhe ; Bßfl»if , B SWM W 1 1! AND POaTJf MONNAIE. This is an article ofabsolnle Tiecesei. a with evefy lady, aar bays a: large profit. For rctrtarand terms address PITTSBURGH SUPPLY COMPANY. dec6-2m. >. Plttetaigh.Pß. mb RECEIPTS ASSETS OPT H E i : :: ,i ♦ f i t i>. J i ’ ’/, ' msrSl^m CANYASSERS AS?J)WVAY’ OP RCNNINO A SUBSCRIPTION BOOK. CAN SELL THOUSANDS 1 ! PLAIN HOME TALK. la plain ta'k about the body and Its physical and social needs Dr 'E. B. Foote, anther of ‘‘Medical Common Sense,” of No. 130 Lexington Ave., N.Y., who entertains everybody with his pen, and cures everybody by his skill, is its author. In its thon and pages it answers a thousand questions you don't want to go to your physician about. It is, as ii is stamped upon its cover, “a book for pri vate arid considerate reading.” Price $3.25, and sent, postage prepaid, everywhere. Contents ta ble mailed free. Agents wanted. A beautifal original chtomo, mounted, "Throw Physic to tub Door’' worth $lO.OO. goes with the hook.} No cbromo without the book'. No book without the cbromo. Address MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 139 East 38th street. New York. mart-Sw PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILWAY.—On and after Dec. 33d. 1873. trains Vv ill loave etatlons as follows: STATIONS." Pittsburgh...... Rochester Alliance Orrvllle Mansfield Crestline .. £g* Forest Lima...'. font Wayne .-... Plymouth Chicago 851 44 $35,659 71 35539'7l STATIONS Chicago Plymouth Port Wayne film Forest..., Crestline .. [ , Mansfield Omrtlle Alliance Rochester Pittsburgh *38,873 79 *38,873 79 / iLEVELa. On and afti stations daily, (S’ r GOING *37,522 49 *32.234 69 . 2,112 00 39 00 15 00 , 3,121 80 STATIONS Cleveland Hudson Ravenna -Alliance BSyard Weilsville Pittsburgh GOING *37,522 ’49 STATIONS, Pittsburgh.. .WellsvlUe... Bayard. Alliance Ravenna Hudson Cleveland. .GOING STATIONS, Bellair Bridgeport ... Steubenville.: WellsyUlc..,.. Rochester. ... Pittsburgh.:.-. SVAVJOK9 Pittsburgh...... Rochester. .... Steubenville .. Bridgeport...... Be Hair TUSCj Leaves N.Pnifa.6.4oam & 1 Bayard.l2.lo *SJK PENNSYLVANIA R. R. «*After December 2Qd, 1872, Trains will arrive nod depart ap follows; eaww/hd. ■ | ' : ' -WBsrwAhni Through Traina Leave jThrough Trains ,Arrive Uiton Depot: * | Union DepofT Pacific Esp's, 2:50 ais Mat) Train, 1506 a m Mall Train. 7:45 a m Fust Line. 1:35 am ChkagoEx 12480'p m Ex. BAO a m Cincinnati .Ex. 1:10 p m Cincinnati Ex. &40am Philadelp'a Ex. 5:20 p mjHontherji Ex. 12:4(1 p m Fast Lind, ■ ■ 8*.50 pmi Pacific fixpr'sl IrlOpm -- LOCAL. i Way Passenger, 0:50 p m Walls No 1, 6:40a in*. = local. Wilkint-b’g Ac .-Walls No I Ct3o a m . No 1 7 05 a m BrintoL Ac. Nol, Tab a m Wills No 3, Ufc2oa m Wilkinsburg Ac Wall's No 3, 11:45 am Nol 830 am WlTklnsbnrg Ac ■ Walls No 2, ftio a m Noi 2:40 p m Johnstown Ac. 10.10 a m WallsNo4, 330 p im Walls No 3, 1:45 pm Johnstown Ac. 4:00 p ini Walk No 4 ■ 3:01 pm Brinton Accom- j Wilkinsburg Ac mtidat'nNol, 4 50p ml No 2 ' 4.45 p m Brinton Ac. No 3 5:40 p m .Walla Ac. No. 5 5:&5 p m Walls No 5, 0:15 pm. Brinton No 2. 6:50 pm Brinton Ac No 3 0:20 p m Brinton Ac. No3' 7:25 p m Walls Ac.No.6 11:05p mJßrinton Ac No 4 11:10pm ' Chicago Express. Cincinnati Express, Fast Line, and Brinion Ac. No. 3 leave daily. f Pacific Express dally, excoptMonda.y. All .other trains daily, exccnt Sunday. Pacific Express leaves Putsburch ut 2:50 n Tn ar rivinoat Hairlsburg *it 11:40 am: Philadelphia 8:30 pm: Baltimore 3:00 p m; Washington 5:40 pm. New York «:34p m. Chicago Express leaves Piitchnrgh at 12.20 p m; arrives Harrisburg 10.20 p m; PhlbdelphlaS.Bo a m; New York 6.30 a m. Cincinnati Express leaves Pittsburgh af p mtarrivesat Harrisburg lft;4sp m; Philadelphia 2:50 a m; Baltimore 2:15 a m; Washington 5;00fl m. New York6:loam. - I Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburgh at, 5:20 t> m; arrives at Harrisburg 2:55 a hi; Philadelphia 6:55 aro;New York 10:14 am. ■ Past Lino leaves Pittsburgh at 6:50 pm: arrives at Harrisburg 5:45 am; Philadelphia 9:50 a m; Balti more 9:00 am; Washington 11:30 a m; New,-York 1231 p m. - The Chnrch Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:10 a nureaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 a m. Keturnlngjeave Pittsburgh at 12:3(*j> m, and arrive -S t .? r ® ,r 9 St . atio J . at L5O p m. Leave Pittsburgh 9:2opm arrive Brin:on's 10:30p m. “■ ■ CITY TICKET OFFICE—~ For the convenience of the citizens of Pittsburgh the Pennsylvania Railroad Company have opened a citv tldrtt'offlce at No 78Filth averne.corner of Smlthfield,street ; where Through Tickets. Commutation Tickets Mid Local Tickets to principal stations can be pur chased at any hour of the day or evening ut the ranter rates as are charged at the depot. * -Baggage wilt be checked through to destination rrom hotels and residences by Excelsior Baggage Express Co .on orders left at the oPice. - For further information apply to. A. J CASSATT. D. M. BOYD, Jr;. General Manager. . Gen. Pass. Agent Y VALLEY RAILROAD ISth. 1872. Three Through TiatDf daily, except Sunday, will leave IV D^ lttBh J nr ?, h - c,, y tin «V for Frdnklln, #ll P°inW In the Ojj Regions, and western and Central Newj York. -.-...../a:;.. ; MSr WMS? 8 *'’"'•■**’>• • Vi^v van Trtlo/. •....•;sv.v... v;... tfcfiOaja . uffe tm I** t»sj ; **3oa IQ -ISSSS “ nffio* Ac*. ?:s:;*■:*■ fig*? ~ !s»■ A special Sunday train leaves Pnt*hun?heverv SundM at 7.10 a,rn arrlvlnc at Parker at 11.25 a in. pf..-wl^ ?C ?^o BEPnrkerBt 8 E Pnrker8t 44 °P ,n - and drives « t Pnlßbaitrh st 8 85pm - Church t rain to and from Soda Works (Sutidavt arrivaß nt PittabnrpK' at %V) & m. and feavtes k 12.50 pm, y . Jf. Oefc’rSniit J:.R. BRAS\ Ticket Agent.. Pew ; agaltaiadjs. sng west. EXYB.S.I MAIL. IKSPB’S.!*XPK , B I. I 7.10 am ‘ 9.10 am 1.20 pm 2.52 | 8.40 10.25 . 2.40 5.15 ,1.1.45 : 1.30 pm 5.28 0.51 1 1.451* „3.07 1-17.00 8.55 . 4.22 , 5.09 9.11 9.20 5.00 3.40 9.40 9.40 I o.loam 0.00 ! 9.50 11. 7,55 7.55 11.15 12.08 pm 9.05 9.15 > -12.17aM 2.40 11.50 12.05 am, 2.45 4.45 2.35pm' 2.55 ‘ 5.(5 .30 6.30 6.80' 1,8.20 pm AIMS GOING JSJUsf' || MAIL .expb‘B. eximi's., aspire. TR 5.15 am 51.20 am; S.SdPMI 9.90 pm 9.15 ,12.02 pm 8.55 ,12.50 am 12.20 pm 2,20 '11.20 ’3.25 2.45 j 4.07 1i.18a5!8.15 400 1 5,08 ' 2.27 0.28 5.85 j O.PO 4.(5 ! 8.05 11.30 AM, 0,50 4.15 , 8.25 12;0.‘1V'7.19 4.48 '8.55 2.13 9.20 j 0,37 j II.CG 4.20 11.00 ' 8.25 I.lopm 0.67 1.12 am 10.42 f 3.59 8.10 2.20 11.45pkM.45 P R. MYERS. 1 Passenger and Ticket Agent. Genen ND «fc PITTSBURGH R. R. sr Dec. 23d. 1872, trains will leave undays excepted) as follows; > SOUTH—MAIN LINE? BXPB’B, MAIL. EXPK’S. ACCOM B.Boam 1.55 pm !'4.oopm 9.43 3.02 ;5. IS 10.15 3.83 '6.48 11.10 1 4.13 I 0.35 ,11.44 ; ; 4.44 . l.lOpjf 6.00 . 3.40 ! 8.20 | NORTH-MAIN LISE. SXPB’B. MAIL. EXPP.’g. ACCOM. 6.80 am 1.15 pm 8.55 3.15 , 10.30 4.50 ; 11.25 5.10 t 7.10aM 12.12 pm 5.46 8.00 12.45 0.14 1 8.45 1,53 7.15 10X0 ST—RIVER DIVISION ACCOM. 5.45ax10.30aM: 3.35pvi r 5.53 .11.00 i 34E ‘ I .0.57 12.12 PM i 4.« j ,8.15 1.35 0,20 9.30 2.35 i 7.18 - 1040 3.40 8.2 C EST-HIVER DIVISION: COIN ACCOM J MAIL. EXPB'B.? ACCOM- ] 6.80a* l.lfcSf 4.2? pm I 7.40 , 2.20 1 S.BO .8.50 8.20 i 7.00 '• 4.80 ! &on ll.uO 5.25 1 s*.os h.lO : 5.40 0.20 I AHA WAS BRANCH Arrives 1.00 pm ( Bayard, 0.45 am 4-4 of»pm ) p. m. j N. Rhila. 3.00*7,30 p m. P. R. MYERS, il Passenger and Ticket Agent. Genen w 0 MAIL. KXPR’ft. ACCOM