The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 28, 1873, Image 5

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    The Argus Lie Exposed /—The
editor of the Argus has Interviewed on*;
of the Commissioners,, and gives as a re
of that interview, that I charged one
hundred and fifty dollars for printing the
November proclamation, and that Jthe
Commissioners paid me only eighty, there
by saving the county the amount of seven
ty dollars. I don’t believe any one of the
Commissioners ever authorized that state
ment to substantiate thecharge that I in
tended to fleece the county out of forty or
fifty dollars, not due me, for work per
formed. Of course the editor of the Ar
guv had some facts from which to con
struct his gross libel, and to show him up
as well as to. vindicate myself, I will state
them, not wrested and twisted out of their
natural connection, but as they occurred,
without any desire of concealing any
thing, so that the people can judge who
has lied in this matter. Sheriff Grtebing
ordered the printing of the November
nreclamation in The Radical, 'and band
id it in so- as to have four publications
previous to the election. The Sheriff in
! rmed me and the Commissioners that be
had given said proclamation only to Tip:
Radical and Argus , and ordered the
Commissioners to pay.only the two above
Djtntioned papers for the printing of the
same. Accordingly I made out my bill
! ir sixty squares, at $2.50 per fqaare, for
(our weeks’ insertion, and presented it
the Commissioners. One dollar-for the
first insertion, and fifty cents for each
subsequent one, is the regular price lor
such work, and in making out the bill
thus, I only asked for wbat was justly due
according,lo regular rates. One of the
Commissioners, however, who had been
to d by the editor of the Argun that his
bill for the same was only two dollars per
square, for sixty squares,making one hun
dred and twenty dodars/and that it was so
charged it on his book, asked why I
charged more than the Argus f The bu
siness being new to me, I replied that I
did not know, but would go and see the
editor of the Argus and ascertain the rea
son of the difference. did so, and was in
formed that his charge was subject to re
vision, that it was made under the im
pression that the Sheriff was limited by
law to three insertions, but requested me
C) kfqk into the matter, and ascertain
wothe provisions of the law, in regard
' j r, were, and if.l found it to provide for
ioar insertions insipid of three, he would
(Carge |2.50 per square also. I went im
mediately to Mr.' Ledlie, who was famil
iar with the Sheriff’s business, and asked
i; no to give me the law on the subject.
'_)i examination he said that the law pro
v fed for three publications. I did not
r-p'.rt to the editor -of the Argus , but
wen: immediately to the Commissioners
i:i c ’old them what Mr. Ledlie had said,
hrA asked permission to withdrew the bill,
io order to make U out for three weeks
io.Ctiid of four, saying that I did not
want them to pay me more than was law
taand customary. The bill was so cor
seted, and I received and receipted for
$l2O, both the Commissioners and mysulf
being entirely satisfied with the settle
rnent. Subsequently, however, the editor
of the Beaver County Press , who had also
printed the proclamation, presented his
b 11 to the Commissioners, and the ques
tion was raised whether the Sheriff bad
ordered him to print the same. Mr.
Daugherty and John Graebing, Jr., were
m the opinion that the Sheriff did so or
der it, and finally the disputed question
wag settled against the Sheriff’s judg
ment, and the editor of the Press was al
lowed to share equally with The Radi
al and Argus. This decision no donbt
wag just, and perfectly agreeable to my
he I*
The amount which the Commis
in'nere were entitled In pay, as I discov
ered, was ||24o, which, according to the
-rst understanding, was to be divided be
tween Tiie Radical and Argus, but ac
c rding to the final adjustnment was di
v ded between the three papers mention
ed, giving to each sBo—s4o less than the
,f -cular rates.
These are the facts uni] all of them, out
• f which the editor of the Argus has in
v r’ed his falsehood. They were known
' i ia). but like Jiis cou.sin. the.snake, he
t-sti to slime them over with his peculiar
Henceforth he has made some
vt rv na.rrow escapes from punishment in
tcommunity, and if a little more light
"tre shed ou some of his known dark
ttds, the place might be too hot for his
Smith Cuktis.
The Heir Apparent Showman. —
Tne Cincinnati Enquirer says; John
R Jr., Manager of Old John Rob
inson’s Combination, arrived in this city
'asi week, direct from New Orleans, and
is basi'.y engaged preparing for the arri
of his Great World’s Exposition,
which has been making its usual South*
£: & tour during the past winter, exhibit
!rE to an average of ten thousand persons
Mr. Robinson is purchasing and
‘••’Tanging a fleet of suitable steamers for
purpose of visiting all the large cities
fiDd towns on the Ohio river, which
would, for so large an establishment as
;s , be inaccessible by any other mode of
conveyance in that section of country.
anticipate shortly a solid line of high
'y colored posters from Pittsburgh to
1 aim, and the river tourists a
great degree imagine themselves gazing
1 die pictured rocks of Lake Superior..
This intelligence will please all residents
a.ocg the river, as a grand carnival day
? promised -wherever Robinson’s Great
World’s Exposition halls.
He are indebted to J. M. McCreery &
0 :or the illustrated Journal of Fashon
“ Eu literature for March.
Rochester Savings and Loan As
sociation,—The annual meeting of this
Association, fur the purpose of electing
officers and for submitting the yearly re
ports, will be held In the Town Hall,
Rochester. Thursday evening, March 13tb»
1873, at 7% o’clock. - - •
The following amendments to the By
Laws will he proposed for final considera-
tion at that meeting: . ' ' >
That section 14th of the' By-Laws be
amended to read: “In case the funds of
the Association should not be called for
by any stockholder, and should remain
unproductive for the space of four weeks,
it shall become the doty of the .Board of
Managers to make such an” investment, of
the same as shall be< in fUeir opinion,
safest most to the interest of the As
sociation: Provided, however, that no such
investment shall be made without the
consent of two thirds of the whole .Board
9 ,•
of Managers; and. Provided, further, - that
the security demanded shall be the. same
as that required of stockholders.” r /
Moved, That section 18th be changed
to read : “The funds of the corporation
may be loaned to any stockholder, to an
amojnt not exceeding the sum of install
ments paid in upon each and every share
of slock held by him, her or them, which
loan shall be secured by a transfer of the
stock to the-corporation as collateral se
Moved, To add section 33rd as follows:
“The Board bf-Managefs are hereby au
thorized to empower any person or per
sons to purchase at any Judicial sale, any
Real Estate upon which the Association
may have a mortgage or judgmentj if in
their opinion the interests of the Associa
tion should require it. They shall also
have full power and authority to sell, dis
pose of and convey any property thus
John Conway, Secretary
Rochester, Pa., February 24,1873.
Editor Radical— Dear Sir; I was re
viewing the town and business of Van
port, Beaver county, and truly I find it
no insignificant place. At the lower end
of the town, and near the narrows, is the
large and conspicuous lime kiln, erected
by H-Sebring, and is now ready to be put
in blast. Close by Mfs-rs. Mitchel <fc
Co. are preparing for burning fire brick,
and have now thrown nui a fine lot" of
beautiful clay. The vein, I learn, is from
six to eight feet thick. This enterprise
alone will add much to the interest of the
place. The men are busy at work laying
a switch, from which Mr. Searing has a *
ready shipped several car loads of lime
stone. A little farther up, at the lower
end of Rev. Davis’s property, I see an
other set of men at work stripping pp a
most delightful and valuable bed of lime
stone, wl|ere, f I Understand, the Reverend
has giveg a lease of 5000 tons to Mr. Bf
ker Reed, who is worthy of honor for the
, manner in which be is opening the quar-
I ry. Still a little farther up the Reverend
j has two beautiful lime kilns ready for
rßight opposite his new and magnificent
j dwelling house, put up in good taste and
style, Mr. Davis has eight or ten acres of
land laying along the C. <fc P. Railroad,
principally underlaid with lime-stome. I
understand he has given another lease of
j 5000 tons to C. Power, Miller & Co., which
j will be pul into operation soon. Then
next above is Mr. ,W. J. Dunn’s switch,
where be ships from one In three cars per
day, making from three to nine hundred
j bushels of time ? next. Col. T. J. Power
| has a switch, from which is shipped from
thirty to fifty tons of stone per day ;
then up the Two-Miie run, and next the
, bill, is where the lime is made by Dunn
I and Power. I thick it wou'd be a great
advantage to the railroad company to put
a public switch \vherc such a vast amount
of shipping is to be done, and thereby en
courage those who wish to patronise the
road Vanporl has four potteries, where
they manufacture stone ware, nine lime
j kilns, five lime stone quarries, one fire
I brick works, ali, we believe, will be in
[ operation by the opening of Spring.
1 0. B.
Ret'. James M. Smith, of this place,
after a lingering Hlness died on Sunday.
His funeral services took place on Tuesday
evening. Mr. Smith, who has spent a
lifetime in his Master’s service, leaves
behind a record of good deeds for the en-
couragement of others. He graduated at
Washington College in 1830, and at West
ern Theological Seminary in 1839, was
ordained in 183$, has been in active ser
vice in the ministry some thirty-three
years, during which time he received an
average of twenty yearly additions to
church membership as the result of bis
faithful labors. He has earned his re
pose, and hie entered upon bis ’rest. The
family, in their affliction, have the sympa
thy of the coramuflily.
On Wednesday night of last week,
about 1 o’clcckj jilr. M. J. White, of this
place, was attacked by some unknown
person with a club, while be was entering
the bridge, between Rochester and Bridge
water, from the Rochester s ! de. Mr.
i White had-entered the bridge a short dis
| tance. vrben he was suddenly struck, hav
ing just time by a quick movement of bis
arm, to .ward off the blow, which un
-1 doubtedly was aimed at his head with
j murderous intent. He immediately drew
i his revolver and fired several shots at the
■ midnight assassin, who, on perceiving his
danger, ran and escaped by means of the
I darkness. Mr. ’iVhite’s arnviwas severely
i injured, and it is fortunate that, by being
armed, he was able-to defend himself,
j That bridge on a darkdight is a dangei
■ ous place, and ought to be lighted.
Feuruauy 14ih, 1873,
Cftptdin ‘JoJitfK. Buckley, of Ro
chester, committed suicide on Tuesday
afternoon about one o’clock at the Red
Lion Hotel, Pittsburgh. A report:of a
pistol being heard, a servant girl ran V>
see from whence it came- and the cause of
U. and wastc discover a- man In
bed, covered with blood, and' holding' in
bis lifeless hahd a discharged Smith '&
Wesson pistol. On his persoir fqs found
a letter in an envelope directed to
Sharer, which read as follows ;
Rochester, February 20,1873.
Louisa LacockjNcw Brighton—l will be
buried at two o’clock to-day 1 : 1
Other- letters showing that deceased
was embarrassed financially were also
found. ■■
The Coroner held an Inquest on the re
, mains, and a verdict of death-by suicide
was rendered. On Wednesday the re
mains were, removed to- New r Brighton
for interment. Deceased leaves a wife
and several children.
Mr. Buckley was favorably known In
this community, and it will be recollected
was Colonel of the Wide-a-wakes during,
last Fall’s campaign. Re was a grtod sol
dier in the late war, a staunch Republi
can, and, so far as W£ know, has always
enjoyed the respect of the community.
His sudden -self-destruction has,shocked
bis friends and anqijaintanceb -who are
unable to give any reason for such an un
locked for event. From the ndte which
is dated February 20th, it appears that he
had been contemplating the act for some
days. We saw him and spoke with him
in Rochester on Saturday, and did not
discover, either in bis manner or spleecb*
anything unusual to indicate such a des
perate resolution as was even then being
revolved in bis’mind. We were surprised
and grieved to bear of his sad end.
A New Spring S’tock at R. Steinfiele’e.
Rev, J, L. Fulton , of Mill Creek
church, Greene township, has received a the Broadway Street, Baltimore,
Presbyterian church. He came from
lowa to Mill Creek in 1869, where he has
faithfully-and very tfficienlly labored un
til the present, although his health has
been poor most of the lime. He infused
new vigor into the congregation, gave all
his lime to the church, and received for
his services a liberal support. Under his
lead the congregation lore down the old
church building, and erected a fine struc
ture, in modern style, in its place. We
have not learned whether or not Mr.
Fultou has decided to accept the call to-
Baltimore, but if so, his Joss will be se-
verely felt at MilluCreek, and all wish, in
his new field of labor, that he may have
as active co-workers and kind friends as
he has left behind him. - -
A New SpHffte Stock at R. Steiufield’s.
Fire.— A dispatch from Mercer dated
Thursday, says : ; ‘Tbe bakery and wash
house attached to the Soldiers Orphans*
Home at this place, took fire this morning
at five o’clock. The flames spreading rap
idly endangered all the buildings occupt*
ed by the school. Bells were rung and
our citizens, ‘‘our bucket brigade” work,
ed heroically and saved all the buildings,
except the one in which the fire was start
ed. The main building was on fire sev
eral times in various places. The school
is under the superintendency of J. G.
White, Esq., and haa under Its care about
two hundred children. It is not exactly
known how the fire originated. Mr,
White’s loss,, over and above insurance,
will reach three thousand dollars.
A New Spring Stock at K. Stcinfield’s.
Great Oil Strike,— The Butler Engle
says: We are informed by a gentleman
residing in Concord township, that an oil
strike of a hundred barrel well was made,
on the Samuel McClelland farm, in that
township, about one mile Northeast of
Greece City, last Monday morning. It
thus far gives evidence of being one of
the best wells in the county. The owners
are all Butler county people, and we con
gratulate them on their success. Among
them are several Butler ladies, among
whom we may mention Mrs. J. H. Sutton,
Mrs. John M. Greer, Mrs. G. W. Pleeger
and Mrs. Kennedy Marshall.! Wish our
wife had been one of them.
The lecture of James Alexander Mow-
all, Jof Dublin, Ireland, on Tuesday
evening at the Court House, on the “Poets
and Poetry of Ireland,” was very slimly
attended, partly owing to the fact that it
was not well advertised, but we had the
pleasure of listening to what might have
been, under more favorable and inspiring
circumstances, a very agreeable entertain*
ment. The subject was fail of interest,
and the lecturer was a genuine Irishman.)
College,— The types should have Said
last week, that Judge Agndw had paicj
five not four hundred dollars toward the,
present contract, to the Beayer College.
We are glad to learn that the subscription
is progressing favorably. Ageneral de
termination on the part of the citizens lb
complete ihe building, will secure it with
out. the possibility of failure.
I Local Option.*-! Want you tp know
, that the Local Option law has nothing to
i do with clothing' store, for
| he is still selling off to make room, for a
i new Spring stock. Economy is wealth;
■ so save your money and buy of R. Stein-,
field,corner of Broadway and Lock slreets»
; New Brighton.
! „ . . . ; _ . ' Capita! Stork —..
Regular services at the BtpMst premiums
church, in Yanporf, Rev. John D iris j
( pastor, on the first and third Sabbaths of i
I each month, at 11 o’clock, a. m.
Johh K Buckebt.
of Raccoon towii*-
*l*^*'^SfetbiErl&rtsl© u^ifo w Htiai calved
thftje lialyes onedaylast which are
'we!f. si; Tbl9 !s Itie &c&&
freak kind thai.bas happened Yn that'
* Muhina short time, and
ihd icOeS t hat the good peop le of Raccoon
knowEow t$ ihansge these things belter
than '^pibets/' : Let Mr. Gamble’s cow
gb lhihc front. ■ :
Daocinrs farm*' near
Florence, was sold* few days s Incte fur
eighty dnilkra per JjcootaittSng 205
•, J% l — *
j - r'; i ! - *-H i
creasing jurorspaytotwoilallarß per day,
begood -pawB- ; to ■, ilwa.jftf our
peoplcwho haye,this service lo perfornu
aaaali||at a Jo6a ,o| both tim&and .money.
of Mercer areT' collating
lh¥ CotiiHlplion/*
aridfteVi. Bayne,,
Peacock vemiiatcd vWfte sub-
Monday. ;' * /Ji ’
la now. coming for public sales, and
the place to get bills printed in at The Radical
office , f ,
fa AwyMf EST CiTSi Pa., February, 1872.
Messrs Rerana. Bauman <fc (Jo:
It gives raj pleasure to testify to the superior
meritslSnf jfonr Pure White Lecd. I have been a
practical pointer lor the last fifteen years, and da
ring tint time have used many brands of white
lead, kbde hare and in, other cities, but never
have i used a .lead which was as finely ground,
covered os mUch snfffice, and gave as fine and
white & finish as your iedd. WM. C. COOK.
Tbejirjje is now coming for pnblic sales, and
the placet to get hllfs printed is at The Radical
office, ‘
Beware of spurious needles, poor silk twist,
linen koA cotton thtead, and had oil, which may
render'file besf -maebine useless* We sell the
Singer Mannfiictnring Co.’s renowned Silk Twist
Linen Thread, Needles, sbc., all of superior quality’
which can bo relied on only when obtained, from
the SingefSewing Machine Agency.
R. STSiiw &, Co., Ntf! 10 Sixth Street, Pitts
burgh, ftb s
Why Endure What la Curable?
“Wlijftcan’t be cored niust be endured,"” says
the proverb; but .'indigestion can he cored, and
therefore It U the merest stupidity to endure ir.
Dyspeptics have certainly a right to continue dys
pepllctO the end. of thetr days if they choose, bat
as it Is cot supposed that any rational being pre
fers physical torment to ease and health, the prob
ability,, ts that tf all suffers from indieestion were
convinced that an absolute, infallible remedy for
theirconlplalnt existed, they would with one ac
cord resort to It. ; We most emphatically declare
thatettch a thing does exist, and that its name is
Hostctter’s The record of its
success extends mgjua. period of twenty years,
and it is foarfesily alleged -that during the whole
whole of that time it has never failed to afford per
manent relief in any disorder or deta; gement of
the stomach that was not organic, malignant, and
incurable. The teslimohlaTs that go to establish
this important fact can be ,counted by the thorn -
and.* Hfcomach that had been nggra
yiited by a total" dfswgarrf of .all dietary rule?, and
intensified and rendered chronic hytnedlcal treaf-"
jnew or drastic purgntion,havo in hundreds of ra-
withln three nmpthsbythe sys
tematic- use "of this celebrated stomachic altera
tive. should .be remembered that weakness of
the digestive organs involves many other ail
ments. Biliousness, headache, nervous debility,
spasms, palpitation of the heart, rush of blood to
tbo head, nausea, vertigo, and sleep'essness are
among It* concomitants and results; and for all
these the great vegetable tonic is a specific. It
acts first upon the stomach, and through the
stomach upon the secretory and nervous systems
and the bowels, its general effect being always
genial and beueficieat. feb7-lm
H AGEY—GASTON— By Rev. Jolm H. Aughey,
February 20th, 1878, at ,Wampum, Mr. Charles
M. Hagey, of New Castle, and Miss Florindi
Gaston, of Wampum.
WALLACE—At Smith’s Ferry, Beaver county,
February 6th, of typhoid fever, Lizzie Marion,
daughter of Rev. J.'B. and Mary Wallace, aged
6 years, 10 months and 81 days.
SMITH—In Beaver, Pa.i on Sabbath day, Februa
ry 23d, 1573. Rev. James M. Smith, aged 67
LACOCK—Cn Tuesday, February, 1873, at the
residence of her mother in Rochester, Miss
Louisa La cock.
DICKEY—In Beaver, Pa., on Saturday, February
22d, 1873. Mrs. Elvira W. Dickey, consort of the
• late Hon. John Dickey, aged 69 years.
BROWN—In Beaver Fulls, Pa., on Friday, Febru
ary 21st, 1873, Mr. Samuel Brown, of typhoid
fever, aged 30 years.
MOORE—February 14, at his residence in Han
over township. Samuel W. Moore, at the advan-
ced age of about 76 years.
His remains were fo llowcd to the U. P. bury
ing ground of Hanover. on Sbabatb the 16th, by a
large concourse of friends.
White Wheat per bushel
Rye «
Corn “
Buckwheat “
David Johnston, Big Beaver township.
David Wolf, Rochester horongh.
William Bncbler. Rochester, borough.
P. Steffler & C. H. Clark. Rochester horongh.
H.W.peely AJaa.Osbnrn, Rochester borough.
;: LamertiaeLe Goulioh. PbiUipshurgborongh.
feb2B-St JOHNC.HART, Clerk.
• Febbuabt 15,1873.
' ASSETS. "• ’■ '
Mortgage* and otbersecurities,.. $39,449 00
Stock Demand Notes 3M.555 00
Cash in Bank ! 15,791 59
Office Furniture ..... 11557
Commission to Agent 5........ 650 St
Expenses. Salaries, &c 1,140 13
Cancelled Policies. ."? ■ —/... 2 50
Premiums in bands of Agents 432 00
. ' : $107,938 13
feba3 JOHN GR-EBINO, Jb., Sec'y.
fl 70
$109,000 00
7,636 63
300 00
1 50
1g H E R I F F/ S S ALES.
- of isundty writs of-Venditioni Expo
nas, Fieri’ Facias and Levari Facias,, issued out of
• the<Jourfc ofComtrionPleasof the county of Bea
ver, and to me directed, there will- be exposed
to public sale, at the Court House, in the Borough
.Of waver,’Beaver connty. Pa., on
, v SATURDAY, MAEfcH 13TB, 1873,
at teno’clock, a. M.,thefoUowing properly to-wit:
All the right, title. Interest and claim of defend
ant of,dnah& to the following property, to-wh :
- All thatcor tain lot or piece qfparcef of land situ
ate in North" Se wlckley township, county of Bea
ver,; and State of- Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed aa follows, to-wit: .Beginning at the north
West comer it s stake, which is also a corner ot
thelot BOld lp Willlam Porter, .thence by line of.
said'Porter’s lot north 8814 degrees, east 101 88-KX)
"rarcbee, to b etake ,on tho distrlct liue. (land of
John R, Shanuop,! said land and
district ’line" south 1H degrees, east Its 5-10
toftstake;on the.Jlne dalmed ter /aimea Caldwell,
thence by lands claimed by James and Samuel
lOl SMW perches* to
a Stake al.lUe ,line cl.dmnd-by'Alexander Carvln,
tholicc b.V land-elaiih-fl by said C;rvin notth I*4
deitr lOd .5-10 -perches: to the plucc «f be
ginning, potttiiiuing seventy-one acres and ninc
leen’pe rchn s.‘ n»t>n* or Jess, being the R;.iaV!'p;ircel
oistract.of land which Cerngd Plecsol and
na. hie wife, hy their deed dated March 21.-1. 1853,
nndjrecorded in Beaver county, in Deed Book. Vol.
31, page, 291, and granted and convened to Peter
Powell, mortgager within named'.
Also all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land
situate in the township, county and State aforesaid,
bounded and described as follows, towit: com
mencing at the northeast corner of adjoining lands
of the said Peter Powell and James Porter and
and wife, thence south.ll4 degrees, east 44 perch
es, thence, northB3*4 degrees, east 2per. south T*S
deg. east 49 per. thence north 89*4 deg. west 52*4
per. thence east 2 3* 100 per. thence
north liy. west 40 perches, thence north 88*4 deg.
cast 42 perches to toe place of beginning, contain
ing 27 acres and 2 perches, strict measure; being
the some which William M. Burns and wife, by
their deed dated April 6,1858. recorded in Beaver
county in Deed Book, No. 38. page 472, granted
and conveyed to Peter Powell.
Alsoall that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate in the county' township and State aforesaid,
and boundedhnddcscrihcd as follows, town: be
ginning at a post and running from thence by land
of John Thomas south 01 32-100 perches to a post,
thence by land of Alexander Carvin south 89 deg.
east 31 44-100'perches to a cherry, thence north7s
1-2, east 23 2-10 perches to a post. thenco north
87*4 dug. east 18 92-100 perches to a post, thence
north I'/ideg, west 43 8-100 perches to a post,
thence north 28deg.. east 2 1-10 perches to a post,
thence, north :l dog.;eftst 4f perches to a bust,
thence by land of sa*d Peter Powell, north 891-2
deg. east 65 2-10 perches to the place of beginning;
containing 35 acres and 94 perches, strict measure:
being the same piece or parcelof land which James
Porter end Jennie, his wife, by their deed dated
March 29th, 1864,and recorded in tho Recorder's of
fice aforesaid, in Deed Book, Vol. 46, page 147,
and granted to said Peter Powell.
Said three severally described tracts of land lie
together- and compose: one larm. containing 133
acres and 115 perenes. with public road? on the
south and west; upon which is erected a good one
and one-half story frame house, with four rooms,
hall, basement, kitchen and cellar; also a large
bank barn with sheds, and a ginnery apartment,
one blacksmith shop, one old log house, and oth
er outbuildings; 2 fine bearing orchards of excel
lent fruit, about 25 acres of timber land, balance
cleared and nil under reasonable good fence; well
watered, and underlaid with a vein of good coal ;
: , bank open and in running order.
Farm house, bank barn, blacksmith shop, coal
bank and orchard on first described tract of land
Old log house and orchard on last described tract.
Seized and taken in execution osihe property of
Peter Powell at the suit of Duquesne Savings Bank,
ASLOi No. 2.
At the same lime'ana place, all right, title, in
terest and claim'of defendant, of. in and to nil the
following property. In the borough of New Brigh
ton, Beaver.cuuntj, Pa., bounded and described a*
follows: 'Onthe north by land of Charles Katz, on
the east by- land of E. Townsend, on the south by
laud of J. Townsend, and oh the west by Beaver
crept; containing five acres, mote or less, on
which is erected a one and a half story frame dwel
ling with fonr room*, cellar underneath, and other
necessary outbuildings,
'Seized apd taken in execution as the property
of George Graham, at the-snil of Graham <fc Allen.
ALSO, So. 3.
At the same time and place, all right, title, inter
est and Claim of defendant, of, in end to the fol
lowing piece or parcel of ground situate Inßridge
water. Beaver counly. being Jots Sos. 77,78
and 79, bounded a» fo’lows On the north hy Pop
lar street, east by Sycamore alley, south by Plum
alley; and west by Clarion street. Also lots Sos.
52. : 53 and M, bounded on the north by Poplar
street, on the east by Mulberry street, south by
Plum alley, and west by Sycamore alley; on which
is ejected a two story frame building with six
rooms, cellar underneath, and other necessary oni
. Seized and taken in execution as the property of
George Shivelny, at the suit of B. S. Ranger; also
at the suit of Adam Henderson. '
ALSO, No. 4.
At same time and place, all right, title, inter
est and claim of defendant of. in and to the fol
lowing property, situate in New Sewlckly {town
ship, Beaver county. Pa., bounded and described
a follows; on the north by lands of Widow Noonen,
the east by lands of Wallace’s heirs, west by lands
of Beery Yeager, and south by lands of ,
containing 40 acres, more or less, on which is erect
ed a one and one-half story frame house, and log
barn, corn crib, Ac., Ac.
Seized and taken In execution os the property of
Jane Patton at tbo suit of Bartley Logan.
ALSO, No. 5.
At the same lime and place, all right, title. In
terest and ciuim of defendant of. in and to all that
certain, piece, parcel or lot of ground situate in
tho borough of Rochester, Beaver county. Fa . and
bounded and described as follows, to-wit begin
ning at the south west corner of said lot, where if
joins the land of Wm.D, Johnston, and running
in an easterly direction along the line of Brighton
street forty-eight feet to - another lot of land be
longing to the said Wm. D. Johnston, and run
ning tHence along said land of Wm. D. Johnston
in a sout h eastern direction to a street running be
tween said lot and lands of Mrs. Thomas Camp
bell, thence along said‘street in a westerly direc
tion forty-eight feet to the sonth Westerly corner
of said lot, where it joins the lands of Wm. D.
Johnston, and thence mong the said lands in a
northwesterly direction to Brighton street, .the
place of beginning, and being Jot No. 2 in a plan
or plot of lots laid out .by Wm. D. Johnston, and
being the same premises sold and conveyed to
•he said Jesse Kookcn by Wm. D. Johnston by
deed dated the 4th day of April, A. D. 1860, and re
corded In the office for recording deeds. Ac., in
and for Beaver county In Deed Book, Vol. 50. page
335; upon which is erected a two story frame build
ing, containing six rooms and a store room, with
good cellar underneath, coal house, and other out
buildings : also on the back of the lot a good sized
frame building u«ed os a carpenter shop.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Jesse Kooken at the suit of William Henry.
ALSO, No. 6.
At the same time and place, oil right, title, in
terest and claim of defendant, of, in and to a cer
tain lot or piece of ground, situate in the borough
of Beaver Falls. Beaver county. Pa., bounded and
described as follows: On the north by a lot. on the
east by Sherman street, on the south by Economy
street, and west by an alley—size of lot 43 oy 45
on which is a one and a half story frame dwelling,
with four rooms, cellar underneath; all enclosed.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of James Irvin, at the suit of George W. Smith. "
ALSO, No. 7.
At the same time and place, all right, title, in
terest and claim of defendant, of. In and to nil that
certain piece or parcel of land, situate,in North Se
wlckly township. Beaver county, Pu.. bounded'
and described as follows; On the north by land of
J. M. McDaniel, cast by lands of B. Bradford and
A. Smith, south bv land of D. Martsolf, and w est
by land of H. Thompson; containing 57, acres,
more or le?S—l7 acres timber, 4p acres cleared; on
which are erected a one and a half story Tog honse
and log barn; also spring bouse built of stone; all
under fence. Also'orchard of different kinds of
fruit. <tc. j ,
Seized and taken in execution a? the properry
of. John H. Beigbtey, at the suit of Henry Krepp.
ALSO, No. 8. : ; ,
At tne same time and place, all right, title. In
terest and claim of defendant, of, |n apd to all that
certain pieceor parcel of land, situate in the boro
of Beaver. Reaver county. Pa , hounded and de
scribed as fjllowfc beginning on Third street at the
corner of;lot of Jacob Treiber.; thence by said
afreet weetwardly about 40 feet to the centre of a
10 feet allejr separating the western hr othei por
tion of said lot, thence along tho centre of said
alley northwestwardly on a line parallel with said
lot i-V» feet, thence easiwardly In a line parallel
with Third street forty feet, more or leas, to line of
lot of saidTrclber, thence by line of said Treiber’s
lot. 150 feet to Thbd street, the place of beginning,
being part' of lot No. 10S in the genera) plan of lots
in the boron glr or Beaver, on which are erected a
two story frame house containing seven rooms, a
frame stable, and other outbuildings—reseiving,
however, the uninterrupted use. liberty and privi
lege of and passage in and along the above men
tioned alley separating the premises above describ
ed from the western or other portion of the lot.
Seized nntl taken In execution as the property of
11. M. Donehoo. at the suit of David McKinney,
use of M. L. Wortmao; also at suit of John Kaiser.
ALSO. No. 9.
$107,938 13
At the same time and place, all right, title, in-
stjv :
2j»w gi<ivtrti?f wtnts.
ierest aud claim ol defendant, of, in and to all that
certain piece, or lot of ground, situate In the boro
of Pallston. Beaver county. Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: Beginning on the corner of
Main street adjoining hue of laud of the. heirs of
Thomas Williams, dec’d.l tlenco by said liae
north 54 deg. east to the wafers ol the Beaver river
IGI feet or thereabouts, thence up. the bank of said
Beaver river 35 feet to tl|e corner of,Harmony
street, thence along' said Harmony street 150 feet
or thereabouts to Main street, thence along Main
street Tti feet or thc'eabonts to the place of.begin
ning—being fractional lot Ko. JO, as per present
borough ptot; on which is erected a one story
frame house containing three rooms; good cistern,
fruit trees, &cg lot enclosed.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Bradbury Whittaker, at the suit of Edward Evans,
use of Harriet Whittaker.
ALSO, N*.».
. At the same time and place, all rigid, title, in
terest and claim pfideTeadauts and to all that
certain piece or tot of ground situate In the bor
ough oi Beaver, Beaver county, Pa., being the
eastern half ot lot .No. 28, and part of western half
of Tot No. 37. in the general plan of lots of said
borough of Beaver, bounded and described as fol
lows: on the north by Second street, west by lot
of S. B. French, south by Bank alloy, east by lot
of J. 8. Rntaii. being 72 feet, more or less, on Sec
ond street, and running back 800 feet to Bank al
ley ; upon which is erected a two-story frame
house containing seven rooms, cellar underneath,
coal-house and other outbuildings, fruit trees,
shrubbery, &c.; all enclosed.
Seized and taken in execution «« the property of
William Kramer and Elizabeth Kramer. In*. wile,
at the suit of I. If. Atkina and J. S. Hntan. for use
of 1. N. Atkins. . ’
ALSO. * No. U.
At the same 'time and place, all right, title, in
terest and claim of defendant of, in and to all that
certain piece or lot of ground. situate in th 6 boro
ol New Brighton, Beaver county. Pa., bein''lot No
33 in the general plan of lots of said boro of New
Br.ghtou. bonndeo and described as loitowg: On
the east by Bridge street, south by Strawberry al
ley. west by Division alley, north by lot No St* be
ing about. «0 on Bridge street, and" running back
same width about IW) feel: on which is erected a
two story frame dwelling containing four rooms;
lot enclosed and planted with fruit trees, grape
vinos.raspl»ciries,[&c. Also om lot No 2‘i, Benjamin
Townsend’s plan, bounded on the ea&libv Come
tery road, south by lot No 2, west by Mercer road,
north by land of J. P. Taylor; containing 1 acre
and 80 perches; enclosed and planted with fruit
trees, grape vines; &c.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of John Hindman, one of the defendants, at the
suit of Alexander Fombcll, nse of William Burns
also at the suit of James B. Angel).
ALSO, N 12.
-o. w.
At the Rime time and place, all right, title. In
terest and claim ot defendants, of. in and to all that
certain piece or lot of ground, situate in the boro
of Beaver Falls. Beaver county. Pa . bounded and
described as follows, to wit: On the west by Wa
ter street, on the north by the southern boundary
line of Beeves street, if extended, on the east by
low water mark on the Big Beaver river, ahd on
the south by the northern boundary line of Henry
street, if ex tended, being 310 leer, more or less,
upon Water street, and extending back there horn
to the low water mark in Big Beaver rivet; on
which is erected a large brick building, with
substantial stone foundation, on which is a huge
7 pot furnace for manufacturing green and black
glass, 10 ovens for enameling ware, with batch
room, lime room, &c., attached; also one frame
building with 4 pot Inrnncu therein and sufficient
oven room for <Sc.; also a large
frame building for engine room, grinding rooms,
<tc.. in which is placed one 12-horse power steam
engine, w'th large pan and rolls for grinding rock.
1 Samuels’ celebrated patent fruit jar grinder with
necessary shafting and attachments; atso 1 large
two stdry frame packing house about 75 by 30‘feet.
All the above buildings erected within’(he last
four years, and together constituting a complete
establishment for the manufacture ol green and
black glass ware. _ ■ ' •
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Wm. P. Modes, Thomas B. A. David. Win. Little,
and C. G. Modes, at the suit of Henrici. & Xenz
ALS'-», Wi». >■
At the same time and place, nil right, title, in
termit and claim of defendant of. in and to all (hose
two certain lots of ground, situate in the borou<>-h
of Beaver Falls. Beaver corinty, Fa., numbered
797 and72B in the Economy plan of lots in saidlbor
ough, bounded on the north by lot No T9fi, ea*t by
Grant alley, south by Henry street, and‘west bv
Sherman street; each lot having a from of 43 f e Vt
on Sherman street, and extending back therefrom
145 feet to Grant alley; on which ie erected a o-ood
2 story frame dwelling house 28 by 32 feet. with
two porticos, one fronting on Sherman street and
the other on Henry street; house having e rooms
and ball, pantries, &c; cellar underneath; water in'
the house. The house is well finished.' Lot en
closed with a good paling fence
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Robert 8.-Shepherd at thesnit of Henricidt Lenz
ALSO, No. 14.
At the same lime nud place, all right, title, inter
est and claim of defendant, of, in and to all that
certain lot ol ground situa.e in the boro of Beaver
Falls. Beaver county, Pa„ bounded on the north
by Mulberry street, on the east by Cedar stieet
on the south by land of John Boss, and w est by
land late of Wm Barnes, having a front of 4s-feet
on Mulberry street, and extending back therefrom
about 110 leet to line ol Boss aforesaid; bn which
is erected a two story frame dwelling house about
32 by 18 feet, having four rooms and basement
kitchen. Usual outbuildings on lot; a good sprin
of water on the lot; airencloied.
Seized end taken in execution as the property of
.William A Pribble, at the suit of Hennci «t Lenz,
- J* -•
At the game lime and place, all right, title, inter
est and claim of defendants, of, Id and to all that
certain piece or tot of ground situate in the boro
of Rochester, Beaver county. Pa., bounded and
described as follows: Being lota Nos 335 and S3i!
in Finney's plan oi lota in said bor. adjoining each
other, and bonnded on the north by Idon allev or
the public square, east by lot No 337, south bv
Washington street, west by Erie alley, having a
width of 100 feet in said public square, and extend
ing back therefrom about IEO feet to Washington
street; upon which Is erected a two story frame
dwelling house fronting on public square, and
about *25 feet in width by 30 feet in depth, havin
a wing extending west wardly from the west side
thereof of about 18 feet in length on said public
square, and 15 feet in depth, and having a porch
running along the whole length thereof in front
rh<*re being also a small porch in front of main
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Isaac Scotland Hebecca Scott, lug wife, at the
suit of Henry Kelly.
ALSO, No. 16.
At-tho same time and place, ajl right, title, in
terest and claim of defendant, ot: in, and to all that
certain parcel or lot of ground Floated in Industry
township, Beaver county. Pa . bounded and de
scribed as follows to wit: Beginning at a post-on
the southwest corner of said tract, thence north
t>?-4 dog. wost 694-10 perches to a post and corner of
lauds of A lex. Ewing, thence by lands of said Ewing
and Simpson Hail, sonth by the 87% deg. east iof.
perches to a post, thence north 2)4 deg. west 2 2-10
perches to a post, thence north 88% deg. east 84 3-in
perches to % post, and comer ol la nos ol Hicbard
Walton, thence south 1% deg. east 982-10 perches
thence south deg. west 82 4-10 perches to a
post, thence north 2)4 deg. west 44 85-luO perches
tea post, thence north 88% deg. west 68 5-10
perches to a post near red oak, thence south 2*4 deg.
west U 9-10 perches to a post near maple, thence
south 89deg. west 81 5-10 perches to a place "of
beginning (excepting and reserving there from SS
cresjheretofore conveyed to Samuel A. Porter, hv
K. P. Kuhn and M; L. Kuhn, his wife.) said above
described premises, exclusive ot the reservation
aforesaid; containing 76 acres more or less; upon
which is erected a two story.log dwelling with a
one story frame addition, with porrh running
whole length in front; frame barn; well of water
.at the door, and good orchard.
' Beieed and taken In execution as thd property
of Daivid Campbell at the suit of Junes Allen, use
of Moses Scott.
At me same time and place, all right, title in
terest and claim of defendant, of, in and to all that
ceflainpelca or lot of ground situated in Economy
t owns Kip, Beaver county. Pa., bounded and, de
scribed as follows; On the east by land of Thomas
smith, south by land of John Knhlman, west In
land of Wm. Brown, and on the north bv land of
S; W.Neeljv containing about forty acres, qn
which Is erected a one and a half story log house -
all cleared and fenced.
Seized and taken iu execution as the property
of Matthew Brown, at the suit of Jacob Briten
stein administrators,also at the suit of Mary Bitten
stein. ,
At tne same time and place, nil right, title, ip
terest aud claim of defendant of. in and to at] that
certain piece or lot of ground situate in Economy
township, Beaver county, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: On the east by land of In
gram heirs, south by land of Whtteinan, west by
land of Zachanah McPherson, and on the nonh by
land of Charles Echard, containing 70 acres more
or less, 50 acres denied, balance in good timber:
upon which is erected a two story log house,
weather hoarded, containing four rooms and cellar
underneath, doable barn, part log and part|fratne.
spring bouse, smoke house and other outbuild
ings. la-ge orchard o( different kinds ot fruit, iavo
good springe near bouse and barn..
Seized anti taken in execution a? the proj&rt r
of Henry Motz, at the suit of-Michael Shreaiifto-w.
Sheriff's Office, Beaver, i
February 27, 1873. f
<? 5
No. 13,
No. 15
No. 17.
No. 18.