The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 28, 1873, Image 1

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FUBLISHTBID PBIDAY BY J> S> RXTTAy, l^^^^^^^p^^ / PPQlli^ t /iXTIfTCTM. Hff !
VOLUME Y. > . ; ’ ! BEAVER, : ' ■* ' r
»itd?ra! 'SUUwaite. FROM NMBjRASKvi;'.*- ■ ■■■■ ,v , e ac-
She Mw-t S-UiCHI. t Vwt S b™os~S' w'a m . . ii.. < “JJ tbe «*>“ * ««W- -I There „., .„ i mp „, l0 * CenUmoial I ..eaoa.V
■v^ Btt u # .«»«i. w
ijelollowlng rates: 33d, 1872, trains will leave stations aa follows: fn l p e( , ( IUMr of e «I»e sStl - Boflalo are murderous.. About t&o 1 tional CouvehUon. in Philadelphia, on nation, tb r
os. w. (payable in advance,)., «2,00 trains GOING WEST. biii»b Exploit. week * !^M^ >f■?«». neighbors were Wednesday of ltet week over which Hon tionoftb'
•••; i®J stations. EXfB t B. mail, kxpb’b. [Correspondence 6f the Radical.] killed. while, trapping Jop George Vl Lawrence presided.and on tak* workr' “ “. “ “ 05 Pittsburgh:'..... 1.45 am 7.10 am 9.10 AM I.BBPH Farmer’s Valley, Neb abdeight more are log ittelChalrL addressed the immense va*’
BSS?“;;:; 'IS' &S 'f;ipK ; fcS ~ February 18,1878. ) while tnot- mmSHji In the followlm; forcible end ’
h> terms of subscript!©* at the option of Omri»e 6.51 i.4sim B.OT 7.06 I have made bold to address another IDff huffkßßlThe Pawnees stole some of eloquent speech:
;^l li Lr. U niesB otherwise agreed ..S3 &S Ifo IS letter to ydur bet»UBe|llinuglit' IV Buffalo||Hfe Fello* Citizens: Permit me to say
. professional or Business carte, not ext*ed*g.*o.v-f.De. '9M • 6.10 am 6.00 wo would not be amlw to channel him killed, for which that in thus addressing you I use the
lineS oftto type, js,eoperaimaro. _ 100for0^ »oen 9M 9M iaWam through the column* ct your. paper, by Bill if nfflßßtorimst,'. l. phrase in; its broadest and most compre*
ia’aMK*— ISSSS!?.;;;: iS S&.IS'ASg which to reach citizen, of yeur. or other Bat a .boot the winter, ind heneiTO eeuae fae loheeryemanyladiMiD
insertion, ana oce v* Chicago so 6.30 1 6.50 B.Bopm States, who would wiahto emigrate here; I Will. cHWBOEkIa has been the finest the audience),andthat while my home is
whether of displayed or blank _™*™» goinqsast. and *> know bow a new, and Imigh* say Coldest day 1 beyond the mountains, on the bank of a
by lines of this type. 9TATIOxa - mail expb’s.expb s. ixpbs. a wild portion of this favored State, has, we degrees below beautiful river whose waters empty into
Advertisement* by the month, quarter or ye Chicago 5.15 am ».»am 5.30 pm «.«m or is being, settled up; anyhow thegreat .zero, fcut Yery little snow, tile Gilf of Mexico. I'feel that Tam a fpl
received, and of time oi S l;§“ terror of our childbood, a portion of the [etiAtii ’ Ibw-diilzen with every Pennsylvanian
;;S o,n IS |»:8 i*** §:il American Desert, is being made
special Notices inserted among loca. items at io iat 5.55 1 4.05 |.g to “bloom and blossom as the cose; all : Olyi||MH( wishes to all my Beaver hot only be wanting in that personal, emu- 1
Mats per line for l6 ach insertion, unless otherwise ‘ De aiss speaking volumes for the perseverance, conntyr JMBland neighbors, I remain lation and natural pride common to every <
ar edu P oubythe^n^c^^ye« Bfortoe 0 g e.... J.g *.*
Advenisemen s - ona Rochester 6.f? U2am i 0.49 8.89 people. When the American citizen IN TEXAS.. y*>ur partiality, if I did not most heartily d
~ t PUtBbargh 8 - I °-- i - BQ F leaves the delights of cultivated society. ;; : . acknowledge my obligations for the dls fi
M.rirriage or Death announcements published fre General Passenger and Tlcael Agent. the advantages of an old Settled COUtttfy, bi*m - tipguished honor you have (lone me in my ti
Of charge. Obituary noiicW Charged as adverns . „_= the comforts of the sanctuary, the refin- Bevolvenu selection to preside over this vast assem- <>
meats and payable in advance^^^ eregtcom CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. R. ing influence of Sabbath and day schools B&MM Kakdera County, Texas, Wage; composed in a great measure,aait )
Local news and m ° «itb real name On and after Dec. 23d, 1872, trains will leave for his children, the orchards, the groves, \ few instances of is. of the solid substantial pntfirnriflinir
nuaicated by any correspondent, wim stations daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows; .. .» j r 1 T*f ■ w luotauges 01 «, ui tue sono, suosiamiaJ, enterprising 1
disclosed to ihe publisher, win be
c ,.ived. Local news solicited from every pa 0 _ ____ EXPR , g lL kxpb’b.j accom fact, all those things which go so far to of tliis . place recently, resentative men from every portion of the
{ Office- in THK RAmcAi. BctLDiNo ?P happiness as a people. .On ultimo,an old lady. Sfote. You aU understand fully the pb
,,- lor Diamond, Beaver, Pa. ’ Hudson 9.43 ,8.02 5.18 and with hta family, goes forth to seek a a widowJßp nameofMoore, wasmur ject of this meeting. Seldom has any por
j. Sf RUTAN, Proprietor. AmanTO.. '. .'!.. .' 11.10 | V.IB glss home in an unsettled country, and with dared bapd,of,Kickspoo3 near tion of the people been called together for
a ; communications and business letters should ;;';;; lwpm! siw firm trust in God, and indomitable perse* her Medina river, about eight a more worthy or patriotic purpose;>nd,
idr .*4-d to smith ourtis, Beaver, Pa. Pittsburgh 3.40 I 8.20 verance, plunges the plow and the spade , as President of the meeting, I will have
J GOING north-main line. into the yielding., soil, fighting against Qn.|^»ithultimo, two Mexicans accomplished all that is expected of me
3TATION9 - m '*\ MAIL - l^ 9 ' AC — difflculties, discouragements, longing for Wof Belcoop Creek, when I have very briefly spoken in ap-
ttr tt n bn -if h ! 6.msf| I|spm home and friends. and stands firm to his and one Mexican on Pipe proval of the patriotic work contemplated
-~-~rrT7T7 Sid ;S isiso duty, lending hU aid-to every good word cr 6 . by the act of Congress in providing for
() A *: bM ALL ’* &a:::::.:: !S£>| IS S AM an J f br J ; - lh ® Ssih the Centenary Celebration, and have glv
x* v\' at IA W Hudson. ... v ... 1 13.45 6.14 8.45 end he should-succeed. Such a place we a man named Terry en a word of encouragement to our good
ATT ° R fc \ r A .!, L ■ A ' ’ -4* yslndlgit , w ied friend, wlio are engaged to
BEAVER, PEN>A. “liinoSi: — bxPb’s. a6com have .P*® 6 ® s,n ® e Xheae bijad, beautifo] who was in the house the preliminaries essential to its success.
U- 1\ THE COURTHOUSE. [de2o-iy —r
the cotEvr ,3 . j tg“iBg“| "f the bo&lo, the antelope oj; the w.lder w nAt seen by U» Centenm.l Celebration,. kind of gold™
I 1) 11 N E AIK IN , Steubenville... |57 12.12 pm, 4.« Indians. Now it is dotted ah over with in her hurry wedding, with this distinction, that instead
w / . m r a \if-> Rochester.”.!. 9.30 3.85 ,7.15 the of those who, not. Jemficd and over a precipice some of recalling to our recollection the nuptials
ATTORNEY AT.LAtt; Pittsburgh 1040 3.40 ; by '.«? °f d f sert - ten dropped hgr child, or union of two provinces or nations, it POLITICAL .
main ?t.. bsaver/Falls; [jaio'TS "going west mY£B DIVISION. and encouragingly, the provisions of the Jiadly. These, people presents for our contemplation the di- * ■ ■
stations. (| accom | mail. jExpß’a.faccom- soMiei»JioiDesteaU4aw J f frrj jrprcement.ofan oonressed neonle in a o' r ;
r I ■ : a home. w S ,| B '
hotfief Tiie man was taken one hundred overshadowing power amTcruerexacr'
w„ „ _. T r l nr c Pittsburgh n 1 6.BOAM' 1.15 pm 4.25 pm
/CAMERON A MAtt K b , Rochestcr <r.4o ' 2.20 5.30
1 Wellaville i 3.50 . 3.20 7.00
Steubenville | 9.50 I 4.20 8.00
f TTn P VT? YS AT LA W Bridgeport ill.oO ! 5.25 I 0.05
.1 11U A /V 1 O J- BelMr ! 11.10 5.40 | 9.20
v. ■ , ittend promptly to all business entrusted to
(, r .-are and have Superior facilities for buying
; -eltin>: real estate. dedo 1J
* G N E W
BEAVER C. 11., PA.
Kt 4
•;v.* prompt attention to Collections. Pro
-1,; Iviumies and Pensions, Buying and Selling
V, i 1
K. K. Hoopes’ ’Banking House,
« ' • }-.*
j -Mil'll LEDLIE,
Office, in Ihe Radical Building.)
entrusted to his care will receive
c .mention. "-dtc4’6B;ly
r .r?t d 'or below the Court House,)
“• Portions, Back Pay, Claims,
1 ■ Jtc.. promptly collected. No charge
-formation, uor when money is not collected.
: uvn
attorney at law,
‘ end residence on Third st. east ofthe Court
, ••business entrusted to my care shall re*
V* attention. Also, persons having
- i jr sale. and those wishing to buy town
• - ’ : ,'l‘ co "l or farm lands, may save timo and
“ ■ t ’ v t, y calling at my ofuce. {apr3o''t'o ly.
M -'■'Hall swip.rzwELDEß
ATt OHNEY at law,
'''"’■stploob.) s
J>Ead by everybody, \
Leaves Arrives
N.Phlla.6 40ain* I.oopm I Bayard, 9.45 am a 4 00pm
Bayard, 14.10 4 5.00 p. m. | N. Phila. 3.00 47.30 p m
General Passenger and Ticket Agent.
—After December 22d, 1372, Trains will arrive
and depart as follows:
Through Trains Leave Through lYains Arrive
. . Urlon Depot: I Union Depot.
Pacific Exp's, 2:50 a m Mail Train, I:osam
Mail Train, 7:43 a m Past Line. 1:35 a m
Chicago Ex 12 20 pml Pittsburgh Ex. 8.00 am
Cincinnati Ex. 1:10 p m;Cincinnati Ex. 8:40 am
Philadelp’a Ex. 5:20 pm 1 Southern Ex. 12:40 p m
Fast Line, 8:50 p m Pacific Expr’s, 1:10 p m
local. Way Passenger, 9:50 p m
Walls No 1, ' 6:40 am local.
Wilkinsb’g Ac Walls No 1 6:30 am
No 1 7 03 a m Brinton Ac. Nol, 7:30 a m
Walls No 2, 10:20 am| Wilkinsburg Ac
Wall's No 3. 11:43 am; Nol 8:20 am
Wilkinsburg Ac ; Walls No 2. 9:10 am
No 2 2:40 p m Johnstown Ac. 1010 am
Walls No 4, 3:20 p m. Walls No 3, 1:45 p m
Johnstown Ac. 4:00 p m WalleNo4 3:20 pm
Brinton Accom- ; Wilkinsburg Ac
modat’nNol, 4 50pm No 2 4.45 pm
Brinton Ac. No 2 6:40 p m Walls Ac. No. 5 5:55 p m
Walls No 5, 6:15 pm Brinton No 2, 6:50 pm
Brinton Ac No 3 9:20 p m Brinton Ac. No 3 7:25 p in
Walls Ac.No.6 ll:05p mißrinton AcNo4Tl:lopm
Chicago Express. Cincinnati Express, Fast Line,
and Brinton Ac. No. 3 leave daily.
Pacific Express dally, except Monday.
All other trains daily, exccoi Sunday.
Pacific Express leaves Pittsburgh at 2:50 a m ar
riving at Harrisburg at 11:40 am: Philadelphia 3:80
pm; Baltimore 3KK) p m; Washington 5:40 pm.
New York 6:34 q m.
Chicago Express leaves Pittsburgh at 12.20 p m;
arrives Harrisburg 10.20 p m; Pblladelpbia2.3oa m;
New York 6.10 a m.
Cincinnati Express leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 p
m;arrivesat Harrisburg 10;45pin: Philadelphia2:so
a m: Baltimore 2:15 a m; Washingtons:ooa m, New
York 6:10 am.
Philadelphia Express-leaves Pittsburgh at 5:20 p
m: arrives at Harrisburg 2:55 a m; Philadelphia 6:55
a m; New York 10:14 a m.
Fast Line leaves Pittsburgh at 8:50 pm; arrives at
Harrisbnrg 5:45 am: Philadelphia 9:50 a m; Balti
more 9:00 am; Washington 11:30 a m; New York
12:24 pm. f ✓
The Church Trains leave Wall’s Station every
Sunday at 9:10 a m.reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 am,
Returning leave Pittsburgh at 12:30p m, and arrive
at Wall’s Station at 1:50 p m. Leave Pittsburgh
9:20p marrive Brinton's 10:30p m.
CITY TICKET OFFICE—For the convenience
of the citizens of Pittsburgh the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company have opened a city ticket office
at No 78 Fifth avenue corner ofSmithfieid street,
where Through Tickets. Commutation Tickets
and Local Tickets to principal stations can be pur
chased at any hoar of the day or evening at the
same as are charged at the depot.
Baggage will be checked through to destination
from hotels and residences by Excelsior Baggage
Express Co , on orders left at the office.
For farther Information apply to
General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent.
On and after Monday, July 15th, 1873. Three
Through Trains daily, except Sunday, will leave
and arrive at Pittsburgh, city time, for Franklin,
Oil City, Buffalo and all points in the Oil Regions,
and Western and Central New York. ‘
Leave. Arrive.
Day Express 7.10 am 8.33 pm
Night Express 10.40 pm 6.15 a m
Mail Train 10.50 am 4.45 am
Ist Holton Ac 6.40 a m 6.30 a m
Ist Soda Works Ac 0.30 a m 8.05 a m
Parnassns Ac 11.40 a m 310 a xn
Bradv. s Bend Ac 8.25 p m 10.30 a m
2d llnlton Ac .500 p m 8.55 a m
2d Soda Works Ac 6.00 pm 5.45 pm
3d Hnlton Ac 8.50 p a 7.20 p m
A special Sunday train leaves Pittsburgh every
Sunday at 7.10 a ro. arriving at Parker at 11.23 am.
Returnin'? leaves Parker at 4.40 p m, and arrives at
Pittsburgh at 8 35pm. ‘ . %
Church train toand from Soda Works (Sunday)
arrives at Pittsburgh at 9.60 a m, and leaves at
12.50 pm. j.j. LAWRENCE,GenT. Supt.
J.H. BRAY, Ticket Agent.
Some erect edifices of wood, but the
majority choose those made of nature’s
brick, as being better suited, both as to
the means and comfort of the new settlers.
Great interest is felt here in the meas
ure now before Congress, for the removal
of the Ute Indians by purchase of their
reserve, the Indians being willing to sell
the whole tract. This will open a mag
nificent area to settlement and develop
ment. And Nebraska shows that she
is worthy of such addition to her domain
and can fill it. There are over 1200
miles of railroad completed and in run
ning order in the State of Nebraska, and
before the end of the year, double that
amount will be completed. Is there any
other Slate in the union that can show
more enterprise in this direction.
Coj. J. H. Nateware, the State Super
intendent of Immigration, in a recent re
port stales that the increase to our popjf?
lation during a period of fourteen months,
was 40,000. Prom indications recog
nized by his office, he predicts that the
next annual increase will be at least i5,-
000 In the agriculturt 1 reports for Not ear
her and December, the following occurs
under the head of crops. We find that our
State stands seventh as a corn producing
State, and the highest only excels our
average bushels per acre, being
In wheat she ranks as sixth, the highest
being Minnesota 18.7 bushels; Nebraska
21 5 bushels, on rye we rank Cali
fornia first 29.1; 27.5. Oats,
Nebraska beads the list, 40 bnshels per
acre, the next highest is California at
35.5. Barley is also produced here litf
greatest quantity, our yield being
while the next is Wisconsin 28 6.
Buckwheat also attests our fertile soil
and fruitful climate, Nebraska beads, the
list 27 busbels per acre, Maine fol
lowing with 25 5. The yield of potatoes
puts us fourth on the list, with 120 bushels
per acre, the highest is lowa with 133,
our rich native grasses puts us third ion
the list for hay, of which we cut 1.40 tons
per acre, California leading 1.44. SwCet
things in our sweet rich soil, are ahead of
any other State. Sorghum molasses flows
here at the rate of 141 gallons -per acre/
while the next is 113. By
taking the average yield .per acre of corn,
wheat, rye, oats, barley, buckwheat and
potatoes, we find that Nebraska excels
any State in the union, heading the list
with an average yield per acre of 42%
bushels, the second is lowa, with 42
busbels, California being third with
busbels. These figures show that during
the past year our State has beaded the
list as a producer, of course not on all
beads, but on seven of the most impor
tant, those of corn, wheat, rye, oats, bar
ley, backwheat, and potatoes. Now; we
are not satisfied "with this yet, and can do 1
better; Let us have honest rivalry In this
and fifty yards from his house, or camp 7 ,
and was shot five times. The girl who
was taken captive is about tea years old*
The fate that awaits her may be easily im
agined by any who understand the Indian
Theae Indians were supposed at first to
be only on a horse stealing expedition,
and would only kill as they were interfer
ed with, or as it would be necessary in or
der to obtain the horses they were alter,
but it now appears they murder when
ever they come upon.their victims Una
wares or have the advantage. They have
horses and mules and car.
ried them cff. Some few are recovered,
but generally .they are such as they run
down and have to abandon. These horses,
are taken over ; the,Rio Grande into Mexi
co, and sold; or traded to the Mexicans,
who are ever ready to receive all they can
bring, knowing full well from whence
they are obtained. Three weeks ago two
men were murdered near Quihi, about
thirty miles south from, and not far from
Castrouille. and Eagle* Pass stage road-
The fact is the citizens are left to defend
themselves, and small bands are nut on
the scout most of the time, but in thus
seeking to capture or kill the thieves and
murderers they often have to leave their'
wives and little ones without protection,
unless, indeed,:thny may 'go to a neigh
bor’s house, leaving their houses and
stock to fall into the hands of the savages
should they make a raid.
The Indians, as far as can be ascertain
ed, are raiding around in bands of from
ton to fifteen, yet how many there are al
together engaged in this work is, of course,
enough to attack
and destroy towns no larger than this,
and stuttered as this and others here over
considerable territory. They have passed
within a mile and a half of here. They
are bn the war path, painted and pre
pared for slaughter and robbery. They
are armed, many of them, with the
'♦Winchester” repeating rifle, and with
carbines and revolvers. They use their
arrows whenever they can effectively, so
as not to alarm the neighbors. It is sup
posed by many that they are Kickapoos
from off their reservation, who have ob
tained from the Commissioners the privi
lege of “hunting for a few weeks” and
thus they do it, in raiding Into the settle
ments and murdering men, women and
children, and in taking the girls captive;
This frontier country doubtless would
have Cumbered a dozen inhabitants to
every one that it now has if the govern
ment would give adequate protection; or
allow the citizens the privilege of organ
izing companies and regiments of rangers
under their own officers; but this rs not
allowed, as officers .of the regular army
musv lead them, and fight according-to .the.
rules of warfare among civilized nations.^
of one of the great powers of the earth,
enabling us to take a kind of inventory or
retrospect of the work of the past cen
tury. And here let me ask, what place in
all the vast empire of States could be more
appropriate for such a purpose than the
city of Philadelphia? Certainly none
other could be named, and it is quite nat
ural that Congress and our sister States
should cordially and promptly acquiesce,
as they have done, in the choice of the
birth-place of American Independence.
Here it was, in the then embryo city,
but now so grand and imposing, that were
uttered the first ominous words of warn
ing to the King. Here it was that to the
colonies and to the world were first pro
claimed in detail, and with astonishing
unanimity and power, the cruel and con
tinued wrongs imposed upon our ances
tors. Here it was, in the most solemn
and important convention ever assempled,
that the rights of man, of nations and of
peoples were proclaimed, and the deter
mination avowed to be free or perish in
the attempt. From this place the colo
nies were summoned to the, long and
bloody struggle with a superior power,
which was maintained with such unex
ampled heroism and such unparalleled suf
fering during the long years of strife.
Here it was that the national compact was
fdrmed and that Constitution adopted
under which we have grown with such
unexampled progress into a vast entire of
free and independent States.
As a State, wje are honored; and a just
and commendable feeling has convinced
every philanthropic and patriotic citizen
that in aiding in every possible way to
make this Celebration the great event of
the age, he is not only honoring himself
but exhibiting a grateful appreciation of
the wisdom of our patriot fathers, and a
proper regard for his privileges as &
Who will not stand almost in awe and
amazement when, as a Pennsylvanian, he
comes to reflect in sneb presence on the
work, the achievements in almost every
point of view in this grand old State,
once called the Blyjd Giant, because slow
to see or incredulous as to her natural
wealth, and her power over her sister
States from her geographical position?
Here will be presented and recounted the
improvement of her lands, the increased
value of her agricultural products in de
cades, in itself wonderful. . Here will be
exhibited the immense and incal
culable wealth or value of her minerals,
as they are unlocked from the rock ribbed
bills and mountains within lier borders.
In this, and also in respect to the oil
pumped troin beneatfi the hills and valleys
of our northwestern counties, she will; be
withouta'rival. . “ ' *
Here too we will,see as by a panoramic
" i- %
view what we have accomplished in this
century in science, in art; hOW we are
scarcely equaled in all the appliances for
education, the developments and cultiva- 5
fcion of the minds of our youths; what tfceV
work of our machinery has been, and bow •
vast our manufacture of raw material; V
s We can also take a deliberate retrospect of
our lines of railroad, so extensive, so per
manent and so well managed. Here we
stand and look with great wonder. amaze>
ment and deep gratitude over the past of
the State, and with renewed energy and
hope go forward, feeling that under the
direction of Pro videncewe shall increase
in wealth, population and. power.
In a national view the interest ini this
Centennial meeting enlargeeand increas
es. All of the Slates andTerrltories will
be represented by the presence of many -
of their peopleand the products of the -
same in every department. Here hun
dreds of thousands of people will come
from time to time, and the very associa
tion and intermingling of the citizens of
otie with those of another State will be
beneficial in itseffects. Men and women
will come from all the vast empire of i
States and be glad of tbe opportunity, and
join in loudest acclaim to that Supreme
tyisdom and power that has made us sa
prosperous and so happy. All the civile
fj?ed nations of the earth will be fuliy
represented here, bringing the results of
their industry and varied occupations,
and the evidence of their prosperity and
the genius of their people.
Let us then, my friends, labor as we can
in harmony with those having especial
chargejof this commendable work, to make
it worthy of the State and nation.
Daring bis remarks Mr. Lavrence was
repeatedly applauded by the dapping of
hands and other demonstrations of ap
proval, The condusion of bis effort waa
received with rounds of applause.
Stale Senate of iliseouri has
bill aqtfaorizing Jurors tosubsfcU..
tul9 *mi> r,s ‘""" 1 jiruntiyv
—Some fifty representatives of the
Liberal Rebublican party met in Concord,
New Hampshire, to respond to the call
from the committee, and nominated
Samuel H. Mason for Governor, and Wil
liam A. Head for Railroad Commissoner.
Mason W. Tappan presided.
—A movement has been started in
Toledo, Ohio, and taken up in Baltimore
and other places, to organize a political
party in opposition to the concession of
any privilege or advantage to Christiani
ty, “or any other special religion.”
—At a meeting of prominent Liberal
Republicans and Democrats was held
on the' 10th, which Governor Palmer,
Hon. E. M. Haines and others addressed.
The meeting was held for consultation,
and it was decided to completely reor
ganize the party. A committee of lead
ing Senators and Representatives and
others, of which Governor Palmer is
chairman, 19 to prepare an address re
affirming the Cincinnati platform, but
absolutely in favor of an adjustment of
the tariff to a revenue basis. The address
will take strong ground against monopoly,
particularly against railroad, aud de
nounce corruption in every form. It is
claimed that two hundred thousand
farmers will support such an organiza
tion. The meeting created a great deal
of excitement, and a mass convention of
all opposed to railroad extortion and
monopoly is expected to be called at au
early day.
—The Harrisburg State Journal says ;
Local Option is growing in force and po
tency, in all parts of the State, and men
are advocating it with a boldness which
they do not evince in Urging ordinary
measures of reform. The following from
the Pottsville Journal is an evidence of
this spirit:
The friends of local option wage no war
on liquor-sellers personally. Their con
test is with the traffic and its concomitant
evils. They can and do sympathize with
the possible position, pecuniarially, in
which liquor dealers will be placed if no
license carries. Bat above that rises the
conviction that private interest must give
way to the general welfare. It is to empty
tte jails and almshouses ; the man
now enslaved by intemperance; to dry the
tears of the long-suffering woman
weeps over a drunken husband or father,
that the Local Option army is now mov
ing forward. If it wins the day on the
2lst in Schuylkill county, of which we
have great hope, the oaen who are now
engaged in the liquor business can engage
in other occupations more pleasant it not
so profitable, for they can feel that they
are not adding to the sum of human mis*
eiy' by increasing, as their traffic now
*ddds, crime, pdyerty and death. ‘
■; ■ I < £
.i i •* ■ * . r